Moon in children's horoscope. Center for Astropsychology and Tarot. Moon in zodiac signs. The Moon in Virgo in the natal chart of a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo in astrology

25.06.2016 10:21

Why is it so important to know the position of the Moon in a child’s horoscope?

Moon in natal chart- a symbol of the leading need of our personality, an indicator of emotionality and intuitiveness. This is one of the properties of our psyche that we possess from birth.

We are all born with a set of certain qualities, we have innate properties - temperament. As we grow and develop, in the process of interaction with the outside world, a model is created of how our qualities manifest themselves in outside world. This is how our character is formed.

How fully a person’s leading need is satisfied in childhood will determine his emotional health in adulthood.

In addition, the Moon in the horoscope describes the image of the mother. This is precisely the “image”, that is, how a child sees his mother. In the horoscopes of children from the same family, the Moon may be in different signs Zodiac. This does not mean that children have different mothers, but indicates how the same person is perceived by different children.

In order for the child’s experience to be positive, it is important to pay attention to special attention on the position of the Moon in the child’s chart. Satisfying the needs described by the Moon is very important for the development of the child. As the child grows, this need, like a core, is strung with the rest of human needs, which are indicated by other horoscope indicators - Mercury (how the child will learn and remember information), Mars (how the child will act in a given situation, etc.). d.).

Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries - the need for personal significance. It can manifest itself openly or hide behind fantasies and secret disappointments. A child with the Moon in Aries needs to feel that his opinion is taken into account, his initiatives are accepted and respected as an individual. This is a pioneer child who always wants to be the first and the best in everything.

Try not to oppress the child’s freedom, give him the opportunity to express his “I myself!”, which will sound to him earlier and more often than to other children. If your child is busy with something, then he will perceive any distractions, even your most tender hugs, negatively and will become very angry. Encourage him to be physically active, do not force him to do anything. If his actions are unacceptable to you or do not lead to anything good, then distract your child, switch his attention to something new and interesting. Always strive to offer him an alternative to his activities, to redirect his violent energy in another direction.

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus is a deep need for reliability and security, even to the point of resistance to change as a threat to security.

A child needs to feel stability and security in everything - in people, surroundings, objects and things. He resists any change. Such children are usually in no hurry and do not make decisions quickly. Any rush or pressure is perceived by the child as severe discomfort. But if such a child wants something, he will do it slowly and confidently, like an asphalt roller.

Child with Moon in Taurus early age loves to accumulate - toys, things, loves to collect entire collections of toys. He will not part with them under any pretext, even if the toys have long been out of order. Do not force your child to share toys and things with other children if he does not want to. Try, if possible, not to disturb his usual way of life, do not rush him to do something very quickly or make an instant decision. Slow sequence - keyword in the life of such a child. Prepare him for any changes slowly and gradually. And make any changes in the regime, be sure to take into account the needs and desires of the child.

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini - the need for variety, for communication, the need to be heard.

Such a child definitely needs to say out loud everything he feels. In the same way, he needs to hear and know how you feel. Therefore, you need to talk a lot with a child with the Moon in Gemini. The child needs certainty in emotions and feelings. If there is any uncertainty, he will begin to rush around and fall into a nervous state.

For such a child, it is very important to get variety in contacts and always receive new information. This is like a breath of fresh air for him. He needs interaction with his peers, so invite his friends home so they can chat to their heart's content. Talk to your child as much as possible, read books together, walk a lot, and while walking, don’t forget to share your impressions of what you see. Avoid any ambiguous and unclear situations. Your child should feel that his parents are confident in what they are doing. Then this will provide him with inner peace and comfort.

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer - a huge need for personal security, very great value for a person - a house where he and his family live.

A child with the Moon in Cancer is very sensitive, emotional and touchy. It is important for him to feel that home is a place where he is safe, where he is loved and needed. It is very important to show tenderness towards such a child, to which he will respond to you with his tenderness and affection. But avoid any falsehood in your emotions and feelings. He will immediately notice this, step aside and withdraw into himself for a long time. The child becomes very attached to any negative experience, he remembers it for a long time and experiences these feelings for a long time. Attachment to the past distinguishes such a child. Sincerity – main principle communication with such a child.

Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo - the need to shine and reign generously.

A child with the Moon in Leo loves to be the center of attention. He constantly wants to demonstrate his skills so that others will admire him. Praise is a powerful incentive for such a child. Such children are artistic and love the stage. This is the kind of child who will be happy to recite a poem or sing a song.

The most important thing in raising such a child is not to demand more from the child than he can for his age. Any failure and lack of success can greatly traumatize the child, and later life this will affect you as a ban on the manifestation of your creative abilities.

For such a child, play is very important. He loves to play when he plays and play when he doesn't play. Such children can make excellent actors if you don’t let them doubt their talents.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo - the need to observe correctness and rules of decency, accuracy of perceptions and assessments.

A child with the Moon in Virgo needs a clear routine in everything - in affairs, events. This way he will feel that everything is calm in his world. Such children really like everything to be in its place, so encourage the child’s desire for order in every possible way, do not mock his desire to put everything in boxes and drawers. From early childhood, such children analyze everything that happens around them. They learn easily, they are especially good at everything related to logic - mathematics, chess.

Children with the Moon in Virgo can be strongly drawn to crafts - embroidery, knitting, carpentry. They can become real masters of their craft. Organize a workshop for your child, where there will be everything necessary for the development of his talents, and craft together with him.

The child may have increased anxiety regarding cleanliness and their health. Teach him to relax in time so that there is no mental overstrain. Accuracy, clarity, understandability, order - these are the main principles of such a child.

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra - the need to achieve personal significance through position in society, the need for popularity and recognition.

A child with the Moon in Libra needs to feel recognized and popular among family and peers. In addition, such a child needs beauty and harmony in everything that surrounds him. It could be a beautiful, tastefully furnished room, flowering plants. Involve your child when discussing how to furnish his room so that he can make his own choices. Let him make his own choice when it comes to outfits or purchases. A child with the Moon in Libra tends to hesitate when it comes to making a choice. “Either-or” - this can drive parents into a frenzy. In this case, help your child make a choice taking into account his desires and interests, discussing the pros and cons of each option.

Such a child cannot always distinguish his own feelings from the models that society shows him. Therefore, talk and communicate more with your child, especially about his feelings. Feelings and relationships are the main driving needs of such a child. It is unlikely that such a child will like being alone; he will be more attracted to activities in pairs. Invite him to visit best friend or a friend, or play with your child yourself. And when he gets older, talk to him about his romantic interests and how he feels.

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio - the need for others to understand who they are dealing with; the need to be perceived as a deeply significant person who has control over others and who should even be feared.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio has a very rich and intense, emotional inner world. Such a child needs the atmosphere around him to be filled with love and unconditional acceptance of him for who he is. From time to time, a child can cultivate his own inadequacy and imperfection, biting himself and those around him. He may be tormented by doubts about love and whether those around him truly love and accept him. Therefore, he can hide his true feelings and emotions under the guise of self-sufficiency and confidence. The accumulation of emotionally stable, positive and repeated experiences will help such a child overcome psychological crises. Unconditional acceptance and love is what your child, who is always suspicious, doubting himself and others, needs.

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius is the need to be seen as open-minded, educated, philosophical, optimistic, and a generous opener of opportunity for other people.

A child with the Moon in Sagittarius needs to feel that his opinion is taken into account and his ideas and suggestions are respected. The behavior of such a child can be authoritarian, as if superior, and not only with peers, but also with adults. With all his appearance he will show that he knows everything better than you. Do not laugh or make fun of your child, as this will only cause his resistance and rejection of you. Teach him not only to dictate his opinion to others, but also to listen to himself, to other people and compare them with each other. Your child may be constantly overwhelmed by new ideas, while still wearing rose-colored glasses, looking at the world through the prism of his idea. Teach your child to relate his ideas to the reality of the world, but do not encourage him to describe everything down to the smallest detail and details, leave him room for breadth of scope.

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is the need for strategic efficiency, planning of actions and life, discipline and removing everything unnecessary from one's life.

A. Podvodny: “A person with the Moon in Capricorn is characterized by the unswerving pursuit of a certain subconscious goal, which during life must necessarily be brought into consciousness (this is the karmic task of this position) and the means by which it is achieved must be coordinated with it. Characteristic internal rigidity is given for something and this something can well be expressed in words.”

A child with the Moon has a very strongly developed sense of duty and responsibility for every emotion and reaction manifested externally, which can lead to a feeling of emotional constriction and constraint. He feels the desire to control those around him and events, so he must be sure to verify this in practice. For such a child, preliminary planning of events and a clear daily routine are very important. Tell him in advance about your plans for the next day, and it is especially important to warn him if anything changes in these plans. If a child feels unable to control the events in which he needs to take part, then low self-esteem and a desire to assert himself at the expense of others are possible.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius - the need for others to appreciate and enjoy the personal uniqueness of a person with the Moon in Aquarius, and his care for others.

Children with the Moon in Aquarius need to ensure that they are in a group of peers. Usually they very easily join a team, where they provide various joint games and communication. Such children have a very strong need for novelty, which causes a constant flight of new ideas in almost everything and always. Try not to limit your child’s creative expression. Remember his inner love of freedom and need for independence. Without a team and constant innovations, lunar Aquarians wither away and become bored. And then their wild imagination may invite them to throw out some number in order to feel the spirit of freedom. These are children who know how to lead a team by offering them new ideas. Satisfaction of the leading need will have a positive impact on emotional development in the future. If the baby is fussy, be prepared to offer the child something new, and he will come out of this state if you do not put pressure on him.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces - the need to express one's sensitivity, deep emotionality, as well as the desire to find understanding of one's sensitivity in other people.

Moon Pisces are very sensitive to their surroundings. They have a very rich inner world. Such children experience very deeply everything that happens to them. However, they cannot always express everything that is happening inside them. That is why there are so many artists, musicians and poets among lunar Pisces - this is a way to express their inner experiences.

It is often impossible to determine by external signs what such a child is feeling. For the most part, this tendency to hide one’s true feelings continues in lunar Pisces into adulthood.

These children love various secrets, fairy tales and mysticism. They will not be them if they do not stick their curious nose into the world of secrets. A child with the Moon in Pisces is very sensitive to the demands of strict discipline and refusals of all kinds, when his dream is suddenly destroyed by “rude external forces" - for example, by parents. Therefore, parents need to be extremely attentive to the emotional depth of the child and protect the fragile world of their fairy-tale little princes and princesses. At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child not to constantly have his head in the clouds, in the world of fairy tales and secrets, but to compare his dreams with the realities of life.


On how much the child finds understanding of his inner world in childhood will depend on his emotional health in adulthood.

Having understood the child’s leading needs, one can foresee forms of behavior that serve to satisfy these needs in adult life, using for analysis the sign where the Sun is located.

First, I will explain why the position of the Moon is important to take into account in a child’s horoscope, and then I will give an interpretation of the Moon in signs, separately highlighting what to pay attention to in raising a child with the Moon in a particular zodiac sign.

So, the Moon is the leading need of our personality, an indicator of the potential for emotionality and intuitiveness. This is one of the properties of our psyche that we possess from birth. We are all born with a set of certain qualities; we have innate properties - temperament. And then, in the process of interaction with the outside world, a model is created of how our qualities manifest themselves outside - we form a character, which is defined as a set of acquired mental properties.

E. Fromm: “Temperament has to do with the way of reaction, it is constitutional and unchangeable, but character is actually formed under the influence of personal experiences, especially experiences early period life, character is changeable, changes in character occur due to new types of experiences."

Applying this statement to the topic we are considering, we can say that the extent to which a person’s leading need is satisfied in childhood will determine his emotional health in later life.

Among other things, the Moon, when considering the existing family model in the chart, symbolizes the child. The family model shows how a child sees himself, his family, and the relationships of his parents (with each other and with him) at the age of seven. And this model subsequently forms the basis for the individual’s perception of himself and the world, promotes or hinders his spontaneous self-expression, and also forces him to form his own family in adulthood according to the experience gained.

That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the position of the Moon in the child’s chart and try to ensure that the acquired experience of satisfying the leading need is positive. Now I will move on to the interpretation of the position of the Moon in signs.

Child's horoscope: Moon in Aries zodiac sign

The leading need of a person with the Moon in Aries will be the opportunity to take initiative and take real action. At the same time, he simply needs his individuality to be recognized, otherwise any activity loses its meaning for him. N. Thiel: “The Moon in Aries is accompanied by a need for personal significance, to be the most important ego; it can manifest itself openly or hide behind fantasies and secret disappointments.”

A person with the Moon in Aries is decisive in showing emotions, stubborn in insisting on his own. At the same time, he is sincere and spontaneous, like a child. This is a sign of independence and determination, and the entire emotional world of such a person is colored by these very qualities. The “impulse - action” model describes precisely a person with a pronounced sign of Aries.

For a child with the Moon in Aries, it is simply necessary to feel that he is recognized as an individual, that his opinion is taken into account. Don’t force him to do something by force, it’s better to try to captivate your baby with the necessary activities so that he wants to do it. The famous children's "I myself!" begins to sound in these children much earlier than in their peers with the Moon in another sign.

Try not to limit your child's physical activity. If he is busy with something, he will perceive even hugs and tenderness as a hindrance and will become very angry. If his actions are unacceptable to you or they are life-threatening, distract him with something else, instead of abruptly stopping his activity. Always strive to offer an alternative, to redirect energy in another, more acceptable direction.

Naturally, all this is true for other children, but for a child with the Moon in Aries this is especially important. The same can be said regarding the rest of my recommendations, which I will give applicable to children with the Moon in one sign or another. And one more thing.

I write all recommendations/examples for young children. However, everything written should also be applied to older children and even adults, since each of us is often guided by the motives that his inner child tells him.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Taurus

For the Moon in Taurus, it is necessary, first of all, to feel the reliability of everything that includes its reality: people, home, things. He will not get involved in adventures or make decisions in a hurry. Everything that surrounds him should provide safety and comfort.

These people are never in a hurry and do not like change. Any rush or any external pressure is a source of severe discomfort for them. But if they really want something, then their emotional onslaught can be compared to the movement of an asphalt roller: slowly but surely.

Do not require a child with Moon in Taurus to share toys with other children if he does not want to. The need for possession and accumulation in these children manifests itself very early, and this must be taken into account. Also take into account the child’s desire to maintain their usual routine, making the necessary changes gradually.

Even the transition from winter to spring clothes will be perceived by the baby as something unusual, and therefore unsafe. Try to ensure that any change in routine comes from the needs and desires of the child himself. And the most important thing: never rush your baby, any rush is stressful for him.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Gemini

The Moon in Gemini suggests a strong need to be heard. Such a person needs to express all emotions. In addition, it is very important for him to hear how you feel. Without certainty in emotions and feelings, the lunar Gemini will rush and waste away.

Additionally, the Moon in Gemini suggests a need for variety and communication. Without an influx of fresh information and the opportunity to communicate with someone, Geminis become sad and depressed. And without variety in everything, they simply cannot sit still, creating a storm in their soul or in their environment in order to somehow avoid monotony.

Be sure to listen to your child. Surround him with sources of information (books, pictures, etc.) - and you won’t need to put a lot of effort into his development; he will intuitively select all the necessary information and absorb it faster than any other baby.

Be sure to spend as much time as possible on fresh air, and tell your baby everything you see. And try to avoid any ambiguous situations. The child should feel that the parent is clearly confident in what he is doing. This will provide him with inner comfort.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer

The Moon in Cancer is very strong. Here she is “at home”, because... is the ruler of this sign. A person with the Moon in Cancer has tremendous intuitive depth and emotional sensitivity. It is important for him to be able to give vent to his emotionality in any activity, to emotionally communicate with others.

As a rule, he knows how to accept himself and others as they are, empathize and sympathize. The leading need here will be a feeling of personal security. The Moon in Cancer strives, first of all, to ensure its safety, both physical and psychological.

The attachment to past experience, to the existing picture of the world, to the usual state of affairs is very strong, and a person perceives any changes as a threat to his safety. All this leads to internal passivity and resistance to any changes. In addition, home, family and roots are very valuable. And very

A child with the Moon in Cancer is sensitive, fearful and touchy. It is important for him to feel that his home is a place where he is safe and where he is loved. He is always ready to respond with warmth to tender feelings shown towards him.

However, any pretense will instantly make him withdraw, since he feels all emotions very subtly. The Moon in Cancer is touchy and will remove the child from you for a long time, tying him to the negative experience he has experienced. Sincerity of feelings is the basic principle of communication with lunar Cancers.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Leo

Moon in Leo simply needs personal recognition. This need is so deep and so hidden in the subconscious that sometimes even the person himself is not aware of its role in motivating his perceptions, actions and behavior in general. Criticism hurts him deeply, although he will never show it. Any pressure will cause severe internal discomfort and will force you to avoid the situation that caused it in the future.

N. Til: “With the Moon in Leo, there is a complex of a king or queen: the need to shine or reign generously.” Such people feel very comfortable in any situation that requires creative efforts. Many of them find themselves in acting or theatrical activities. Moon in Leo always needs a stage. This can become a profession, or it can simply find expression in everyday situations: the lunar Leo everywhere strives to win the attention of others.

Children with the Moon in Leo love to be the center of attention. They are happy to demonstrate their skills when their parents want to show them to others. They love praise; for them it is the strongest incentive to take action. It is these children who will be happy to climb onto a chair and read a poem or repeat a funny phrase said the day before.

However, here parents need to be very careful not to demand more from the child than his real capabilities and not put him in an awkward position. Any failure hurts them painfully and can further create an internal ban on the manifestation of creative abilities.

Child's horoscope: Moon in Virgo zodiac sign

Lunar Virgos are very demanding of themselves and those around them. The subconscious craving for perfection often leaves them dissatisfied with their existing environment or situation. However, their diligence, hard work and complaisance provide them with the authority of a good worker. The leading need of Lunar Virgos is to achieve respect for the accuracy of perceptions and assessments, analyticalness and accuracy.

The Moon in Virgo provides a person with emotional stability and intuitive adaptability to the environment. However, such people definitely need to understand the origins of their increased demands on the environment and learn to come to terms with what does not depend on them.

A child with the Moon in Virgo needs a strict daily routine, then the child will feel that everything in his world is calm. The subconscious desire for order is often expressed in the fact that children strive to put everything in its place, accurately remembering what is where and even correcting adults if they suddenly notice a mistake. Their actions must be encouraged, because It is very important for them to feel that they are helping adults.

Such children should have everything explained and sorted out. This will provide them with peace of mind. They love to learn and are already early childhood trying to analyze and understand the cause-and-effect relationships between ongoing events.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Libra

The leading need of a person with the Moon in Libra is to achieve personal significance through a position in society. Lunar Libras simply need to be visible, to feel recognized and popular. In addition, to achieve inner comfort, they need beauty and harmony in everything that surrounds them.

Such people, although impulsive in their emotions, are quite diplomatic in their expression. They have a very subtle instinctive perception of the situation, which often allows them to accurately predict its development.

Children with the Moon in Libra prefer to choose for themselves what to wear or buy. This must be taken into account and allowed to make their own choices. Also provide your child with ample opportunity to interact with peers.

Playing in pairs will attract him much more than playing alone. And be sure to talk to him about how he feels, so that the child learns to distinguish his own feelings from the models imposed on him by the environment or situation.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio

People with the Moon in Scorpio have a very deep, rich and emotionally rich inner world. They also have the greatest ability to heal themselves. However, they themselves do not realize this and often cultivate a sense of their own imperfection, which results in increased demands on themselves and others.

Strong subconscious doubts about love and acceptance by other people force lunar Scorpios to hide their true feelings and emotions under the guise of strength or self-sufficiency. This drives the overriding need to be perceived as a significant person and to feel that they have control over others and the situation.

Lunar Scorpios simply need deep introspection to identify their true resources of emotionality and intuitiveness, as well as to realize their real needs. This will allow you to stop “stinging” yourself and others, restore energy and give access to the subtlest vision of people’s inner world.

If your child has the Moon in Scorpio, provide him with an atmosphere of love and unconditional acceptance. Stable, constantly confirmed positive experience of emotional communication will create the basis for quick exit from periods of psychological contradictions and restructuring to a more constructive position of response.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius

The leading need of a person with the Moon in Sagittarius is recognition of his authority by those around him, respect for his opinion, as well as the manifestation of optimism and broad-mindedness. Therefore, many of them, at a certain stage of life, at least for some period of time, turn to teaching activities. Lunar Sagittarius is characterized by inner nobility.

Their fairness and generosity of spirit make them very attractive to others. Their whole life and all their actions are colored by some high idea coming from the subconscious, which they may not be aware of for a long time, but through the prism of which they look at themselves and the world, and evaluate everything that happens in it.

This position (until it is brought into consciousness) can be called rose-colored glasses, which sooner or later they will have to remove, otherwise they will never understand their soul, avoiding directly facing their internal conflicts.

For children with the Moon in Sagittarius, it is very important to feel that their opinion is taken into account. Their behavior is often authoritative, and even patronizing, both towards other children and towards adults. You should not make fun of this or suppress it, as this will cause significant internal resistance.

Teach your child to listen to himself and compare his feelings with the realities of life. But do not encourage him to think specifically and set out everything in detail; leave him room for a wide range of judgments and actions.

Child's horoscope: Moon in Capricorn zodiac sign

The leading need in such a situation will be the need for strategic efficiency, planning of actions and life in general, discipline, cutting off everything unnecessary. There is a very strong sense of duty and internal responsibility. The feeling of being responsible for any external reaction often leads to emotional stiffness and tightness.

There is a strong desire to control others. A. Podvodny: “A person with the Moon in Capricorn is characterized by unswerving pursuit of a certain subconscious goal, which during life must necessarily be brought into consciousness (this is the karmic task of this position) and the means by which it is achieved must be coordinated with it.

Characteristic internal rigidity is given for something and this something can well be expressed in words." That is, Lunar Capricorn needs a thorough analysis aimed at identifying subconscious tendencies.

For a child with the Moon in Capricorn, routine and preliminary planning of actions are very important. Tell him in advance what you plan for the current or next day, if possible coordinating with him everything that concerns his actions. He will take this very seriously and responsibly.

It is important for a child to feel that he has the power to control the course of his life, which he must be convinced of in practice. If he does not receive the appropriate emotional experience in childhood, then in the future he is likely to develop low self-esteem and attempts to assert himself by humiliating others.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Aquarius

Lunar Aquarius is characterized by a subconscious focus on the future, the need for constant change and intellectual and ideological rationalization of all emotions. The subconscious desire to lead people and express his ideas among the masses makes it necessary for him to find an environment of like-minded people with similar goals and belief systems.

The leading need will be satisfied if he is valued for his personal originality, originality of ideas and concern for others. Without a team and constant innovation, Lunar Aquarians wither away. However, they need to remember that their inner harmony depends mostly on them.

They themselves need to take care of bringing something new into that area of ​​​​life that suddenly ceases to satisfy them, and not wait until someone makes sure that they don’t get bored or until the current state of affairs begins to weigh them down. leading to mental turmoil and forcing you to break existing ties.

It is very difficult for Lunar Aquarians to be “here and now”, since their entire soul is directed towards the future. But in order to live their lives fully, they need to learn to live in the present, finding a compromise between everyday life and such an attractive future.

Children with the Moon in Aquarius need to be ensured that they are often in a group of peers. Usually they easily join children's groups and skillfully organize joint games. The need for novelty forces them to generate new ideas almost constantly and in everything. Try not to limit his creative flight.

Remember the child’s inner love of freedom and try to satisfy his desire for independence as much as possible. Satisfaction of the leading need will have a positive impact on emotional development in the future. If the baby is fussy, be prepared to offer the child something new, and he will come out of this state if you do not put pressure on him.

Child's horoscope: Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces

The leading need of lunar Pisces is to express their deepest emotionality, sensitivity and to find understanding of their subtle worldview in others. This makes them very sensitive to their surroundings. If they do not find understanding, they become moody, starting to complain about life and the world in general.

The search for ways of self-expression often leads lunar Pisces to engage in some kind of art, and often several at once, which allows their subtle nature to manifest themselves. Among them there are many artists, musicians, and poets. And each of them does something poetic, super-emotional. They are attracted to everything mysterious and unknown.

And internal intuitive sensitivity makes it possible to know what is hidden from external gaze. All this, with the development of available resources, can make a person with the Moon in Pisces a subtle mystic. However, in this situation, you should always be careful: while learning the laws of the subtle world, you should still remember about the “gross” world, so as not to fly beyond the edge of reality and not lose the ability to sensibly assess everything that happens.

A child with the Moon in Pisces has a very rich inner world. They experience everything that happens to them very deeply. However, it is precisely this depth of all internal processes does not always allow you to express what is happening inside. Therefore, it is often simply impossible to understand from external signs what the child is feeling.

And for the most part, lunar Pisces retain this tendency into adulthood. These kids will definitely stick their nose into everything that is hidden from them or forbidden to them. They react very emotionally to any refusals and demands for order and discipline. Parents should strive to understand and accept the child's emotional depth. The extent to which a child finds understanding of his inner world in childhood will determine his emotional health in adulthood.

Elena Kirionenko

Moon in Virgo in the natal chart makes a person dry and restrained in expressing feelings. The Moon in Virgo seeks to express itself through Mercury, and Mercury in astrology is the planet of the mind, and therefore a person with the Moon in Virgo controls all his emotions with his mind.

A person with the Moon in Virgo feels a constant need to do something; he cannot sit without work. He needs to feel useful and needed. A person with the Moon in Virgo feels happy if he can help and serve the people around him. The Moon in Virgo can make a person a workaholic.

Man with Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism if, in his opinion, the work was not done so perfectly or was not done at all. A person with the Moon in Virgo does not know how to relax and have fun at all, especially if the fire element is poorly expressed in the natal chart or there are no planets in the fire element at all.

A person with the Moon in Virgo reacts thoughtfully to external influences; he is not prone to risk. Moon in Virgo introduces such traits as timidity and caution into one’s character. In a new environment, a person behaves modestly or cautiously, he “does not get into trouble.”

With a weak Sun, a person with the Moon in Virgo will be pliable, driven, indecisive and fearful. And with a strong position of the Sun in the natal chart, the Moon in Virgo will make a person calculating, demanding and picky.

Subconsciously, a person may feel a desire to help the weak and defenseless. Moon in Virgo often gives love to animals, especially dogs.

A person with the position of the Moon in the Virgo zodiac sign is responsible and patient, he has an innate sense of duty. Also, the Moon in Virgo gives good observation; subconsciously a person notes for himself the slightest nuances in the behavior of the people around him, in the environment. His intuition and reason work together.

In stressful situations, a person with the Moon in Virgo can withdraw into himself and do not want to fight difficulties; he is prone to melancholy and depression, especially if the Moon is afflicted in Virgo in the natal chart. This happens because the Moon in Virgo does not allow emotions to come out, both positive and negative feelings are suppressed. A person needs to analyze his experiences, their cause, in order to bring all his emotions to the surface and realize them, and Mercury, the ruler of the Moon in Virgo, will help them with this.

With a weak Sun in the natal chart, a person can be unassuming and even ascetic. He adapts to any living conditions over time.

Moon in Virgo for a man.

A man with the Moon in Virgo is faithful, although he is cold in his feelings and is not inclined to show his emotions violently, especially if Venus in his natal chart is in his earthly zodiac sign. A man with the Moon in Virgo is unromantic and is not ready to do anything crazy for the sake of love. The Moon in Virgo makes a man devoted to his chosen one. He can remain faithful out of a sense of duty, even if the love has passed. A man with the Moon in Virgo is looking for a wife who is economical, hardworking, patient and restrained. His woman should not sit without work. The Moon in Virgo for a man forces him to look for a woman for whom the most important thing will be to take care of the home, the children, and him. Although he won’t mind if his wife sometimes nags him and grumbles. With additional instructions in the natal chart, a man with the Moon in Virgo can be boring and boring, you won’t get a holiday from him in life, work and life will always come first for him.

Moon in Virgo for a woman.

A woman with the Moon in Virgo is responsible, patient and always ready to help. For her, caring for loved ones is an internal need. The Moon in Virgo for a woman makes her a faithful wife, a good mother and a hardworking housewife. Although with a strong Sun in the natal chart, for a woman with the Moon in Virgo, her career will also have great value. With a weak Sun, a woman with the Moon in Virgo will be timid, modest, obedient and compliant; such a woman will agree to be in the shadow of her husband.

Moon in Virgo for a child.

A child with the Moon in Virgo is diligent and patient. He differs from other children in his shyness and timidity. A child with the Moon in Virgo would rather modestly hide in a corner and make something, draw, sculpt, than run around with other children in a noisy crowd. The Moon in Virgo for a Child makes him focused and obedient, so parents with such a child will have a minimum of problems, especially if the child’s Sun in the natal chart is in a passive zodiac sign. You can say about a child with the Moon in Virgo that he is “quiet.”

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The relationship between parents and children has always worried and will continue to worry people. In astrology, the Sun is responsible for the relationship between a child and his father.Compatibility of mother and childshows the position of the Moon. The father’s task is to light the Sun of his offspring, teach him to set goals and show him methods of achieving them. And the mother must satisfy the physical and emotional needs of the child, create comfortable conditions for the formation of his inner world. A stable emotional background is the key to a child’s future success.

From birth to seven years of age, a child lives according to his night star. During this period, all psychological habits are formed. This is why proper and close interaction between the child and the mother is important during this period. All our emotional conflicts and personal complexes that hinder us in adulthood come from childhood.

But why do parents often not understand their children? Why do quarrels happen? Where is she perfect compatibility mother and child, about which we often hear from the lips of other people?
The most important role inThe following astrological indicators play:

Consider all horoscope instructionscompatibility of mother and childin one article is not possible. But we can describe the main needs of a child based on the Moon, how he sees his mother and what kind of care and attention he expects.

The problem is that a mother's care levels may not match her children's needs. How does maternal care manifest itself? on the Moon can be read in the author’s previous article.

Depending on the energy of the Moon received in childhood, the image of a future wife will be formed in boys, and in girls - their female role in adulthood.

The main needs of children in different signs of the Moon to understand the compatibility of mother and child:

  • Moon in Aries– the need to show emotions, initiative, and activity. He wants to be taken into account, his opinion is important. You can’t limit the activity of such a kid; let him fill his bumps himself. To get him to do something, you need to switch his attention. We need an active mother who will pick up any initiative of the child.
  • Moon in Taurus– we need stability and reliability in everything. He is unhurried and does not like change. Any changes are stressful for him. Since childhood, such a child loves gifts, loves to have something, and shows an interest in hoarding. We need a mother who is understanding, caring, creates comfort and loves to cook deliciously.
  • Moon in Gemini– the need for communication, diversity, information. Without this, such a baby will be sad. He needs a mother-interlocutor, a mother-friend who will walk with him a lot and help him in difficult situation make a choice.
  • Moon in Cancer– the need for security and care first and foremost. Changes and moving are difficult to bear. The kid is very emotional, sensitive, touchy and wants to have a person who is not afraid to tell about his feelings. For his mother, he wants to be the closest and most loved.
  • Moon in Leo– the need to be the center of attention, to be recognized. Make a little stage at home, let it open up creative talents and the fiery emotions of your little “prince”. They want their mothers to praise them and admire them.
  • Moon in Virgo– the need for order, routine, tranquility. Since childhood, they have been interested in cleaning and their health. They want stability, accuracy, and caring from mothers. But such children are often criticized, which is why they become more withdrawn.
  • Moon in Libra– the need for social position, to be popular, to have many acquaintances. This baby does not like to play on his own. They are attracted by harmony in everything. Mom is seen as the most beautiful, sociable, and attention-grabbing.
  • Moon in Scorpio– the need to understand one’s desires. Yes, yes, exactly desires. Such children have very strong character who knows how to self-heal in any situation. They are very emotional and in moments of outburst of emotions they can sting everyone. They need a mother who unconditionally loves and accepts them for who they are.
  • Moon in Sagittarius- need for authority and respect. They have broad views, they are versatile, they even like to teach their parents. Try to take them seriously, even if you find it funny, don't show it to them. Teach your child to trust himself.
  • Moon in Capricorn– the need for discipline and management of all processes. Such children are very responsible, so from childhood they can be very serious beyond their years. They rarely show emotions and believe that they need to be kept under control. Mom must make it clear that he can open up to her.
  • Moon in Aquarius– the need for originality and freedom. Desire to organize and participate in group games. These kids like any new products in the industry. It is difficult to follow the flight of their thoughts. They want a mother-friend who will not put them in a box. This is where you will find your compatibility.
  • Moon in Pisces– the need for expression of emotions and understanding. They love to express their feelings through creativity. They are very intuitive and receptive. Failures are hard to deal with. Such a child should not be given strict limits, but at the same time he must understand that they exist. A mother must understand the internal state of her child and apply gentle but effective methods education.

The Moon in Pisces is perhaps one of the most “emotional” locations of this luminary. For such children, their lives are controlled by feelings, which can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. Since they are extremely receptive and everything around them influences them, they tend to take everything to heart. They cry often. Don't blame them for this (and boys too!). Perhaps the main thing that needs to be taught to such children (which is especially important for them) is to be realistic and objective about the world around them.
Children whose Moon was in the sign of Pisces at the time of birth tend to feel misunderstood, feel sorry for themselves and look overly dramatic. own life and on the lives of others. Try to teach them to be less vulnerable and not take absolutely everything personally. This will benefit them, especially when they become adults.
Children with the Moon in Pisces often live in the world of their fantasies. It’s easier and more natural for them than living real life. They tend to follow the path of least resistance. This should not be condoned. Teach your child to fight. Explain that you cannot be led by your mood, which especially changes so quickly. Otherwise, he will have a hard time in the future.
Emotions play an important role in the lives of these children. They have enormous creative potential and an unusually vivid imagination. This is one of the reasons why they love music, poetry, theater, and everything where their creative nature can reveal itself.

Love relationships and compatibility if you are a horoscope.

One more distinguishing feature children with the Moon in Pisces - the need to take care of others, especially the sick. The only thing is that they need to be careful and not succumb to the influence of someone else’s biofield, especially in the case of mental or severe somatic illnesses. Such children will always find common language with animals, they are able to sense any living thing. Of course, this is a gift from God, but such sensitivity can also become an enemy.
Explain to your child that his ideals, emotions and attitudes can be more stable. These children tend to go with the flow, to follow the line of least resistance. From childhood they need to be more confident in themselves and their abilities. Otherwise, painful doubts and constant depression will become their companions for life. Or even worse - they will lose their unique individuality and simply disappear into those around them. Teach your child not to indulge his weaknesses and not to drown in his feelings.
Children with the Moon in Pisces will feel happy if peace, tranquility, and friendly relationships reign around them. Any negative emotions, such as anger, quarrels and squabbles, are perceived very painfully by these children. Quiet, pleasant music and peace will help them restore lost strength and peace of mind.
Try asking your child to tell you his dreams. It is quite possible that he has the ability of a medium, and something prophetic can be found in his dreams. And lastly, although perhaps the most important, teach your child to repeat every morning: “I won’t have any bad experiences today! I won’t let them come to me, let them go away!”