Class hour on the topic: “Conversation with the Motherland. Extracurricular event “The Moscow land is generous with talents Beyond the village at dawn where the rye sways

Goals: expanding students' historical knowledge; popularization state symbols and anthem Russian Federation; education of patriotism and citizenship, love for one’s Motherland

Design: flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation; slides with landscapes of Russia

Progress of the event

So maybe w don't you be ,

But a citizen be obliged.
N.A. Nekrasov

Z plays the phonogram “Where the Motherland Begins” The words of the presenter are heard in the background of the music. Presenter: “Where does the Motherland begin? From the picture in your primer..." - this is what the song says. This is how it is in life. After all, at school we learn not only to write and count, at school we talk about good and evil, learn to love and hate, and get a charge of patriotism. At the school desk we experience the most difficult years of our formation as an individual, as a citizen. Where does Russia begin? From the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka or Komandor? What are her steppe eyes sad about Over the reeds of all her lakes?

Russia begins with a passion for work, patience, truth, and kindness.

That's where her star lies. She is beautiful! She burns and shines in the dark.

Hence all her great deeds, Her unique destiny.

And if you are involved in it, Russia does not begin from the mountains, but from you!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is playing (I ask everyone to stand)

1st presenter.
I am a citizen.

I am a citizen of the Universe, I am a citizen of the world.

I am a citizen of my country, I am a citizen of Russia!

2nd presenter .
Good afternoon, dear guests!
We are pleased to welcome you to our event dedicated to the country in which we live - Russia.
Russia, Rus', Motherland, native land,
Mom, father's house - the most precious words For Russian person. Rus- “blue” and “golden”, “wooden” and “field”, “dormant” and “violent”, this is the land of the rains and bad weather."
- th presenter; Unknown, mysterious, the country of birch chintz,” with its own customs and traditions, we live in the middle Greater Russia. Among cities, forests, lakes, fields, And we have, when asked, A sword for the enemy, an embrace for friends!
2- ich t e c.
We are destined to love our Motherland
And with Heart from everywhere reach out to her
interrupt connecting thread.
And sometimes we need it that way
look back... (Photos of Russian nature are projected on the screen)
2nd reader. My Rus', beloved Rus'!
I look at you, boundless, Sometimes deciduous, sometimes snowy;
I'm watching and I can’t see enough of it.
1- ych t e c. I magnify
you again, dear epic land, - I praise every height and span, I admire fields, valleys.
2nd reader.I praise your every path.
I praise
early every dawn,
With tireless spiritual thirst
A light verse from I view daisies.
1st presenter. Our Motherland has
rich history, and every page of it evokes in us a genuine dignity. We are all children great Russia, protected by the Russian tricolor flag.
2nd in e d y and th. Where does it come from, what is the meaning of the white-blue-red combination?
(View slides about R.F. symbols)
1st reader.

Behind the village, at dawn,

Where is the light from the birches, I asked Russia:
“Where do you get your strength?” 2nd reader. Where do you get your courage?
And your beauty
Nightingale dawns,
Blue rivers cleanliness?

Z - ychtets. Behind the village, at dawn, Where the rye is swaying, I asked Russia:
“Where do you get happiness?”


Where do you get a smile, Where do you get a calm smile? Tell me, tell me, Sun-faced Rus'!”


So much color! So much blue!

You, my Russia!

Many-faced land.

This is my homeland!

You preserve the friendship of peoples!

Children and adults need this!

Everyone needs this now!

Only here we understand

Russia is a bright home!

He always meets friends

Every region remembers!

Sketch "Regions of Russia"

(showed by 8th grade students)

1 buffoon: Do you recognize us, friends?

2nd: Buffoons - him and me!

1 We open our shift and glorify Russia!

2- After all, Russia is a bright house,

Every region remembers!

2nd Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen

Have fun all day long!

1st: Altai Territory, Barnaul, Omsk, Cherkessk, Orel, Tambov,

2nd: Tatarstan, Anapa, Biysk,

1st: Oh, look, don’t be mistaken!

2nd: Adler, Astrakhan, Moscow,

Just what the city needs!

1st: Leningrad region.

And also Rostovskaya.

1st: Chuvashia, Essentuki!

Eh! The spaces are wide!!!

Reader: We are children of the same country!

The vast side!

We love you, Russia!

Your daughters, sons!

2nd: Look, friends,

How wide Russia is!

1st: Domes, fields, birches,

In every sound there is a ringing song!

And dewdrops are like tears,

Like fairy tales - a wonderful dream.

1st: Let’s invite all the cities here,

And the edges and regions of the vast Motherland!

So that they tell us

What makes their region, the city famous!

2nd: What is there that they want to tell us about?

"Cities Coming Out"

(students play the role of cities, each glorifies their city)

1. N - Novgorod:

We have GAZ

We have a groove

We'll take you on a ride!

2. Stavropol region:

We are proud of Stavropol!

Here is grain, and oil, and gas!

And there are many resorts,

We invite you to visit!


Novosibirsk is the capital of Siberia.

The third largest city in Russia!

We also have our own metro!

4. Tambov: You have all, of course, heard the expression “Tambov wolf”.

Don't believe in these fairy tales

when you give your heart to people,

The Tambov wolf is not a beast for you,

The Tambov wolf is your comrade!

5. Rostov: Lives and works all day

Don Cossack to this day,

He sows, plows and forges,

Waiting for you with bread and salt!

Moscow region: We came from the city of Korolev, Moscow region, and are proud that the All-Russian Flight Control Center is located in our city.

6. Krasnodar:

You, Kuban! You, our Motherland!

Our age-old hero!

High-water, free-flowing,

You have spread wide and far!

7. Altai region:

We live in the Altai region,

Where is the capital - Barnaul,

In our depths, who does not know,

There is silver, copper and salt.


Russia! Motherland! Fatherland!

The native sky is blue!

Oh, how sublime and pure

Your words ring within me!

And warmed with eternal tenderness.

Your birches and streams,

Your frosty dawns

And your nights are starry.

After all, everyone is a part of Russia.

And infinitely dear to her.

We are gaining strength in life

Under the flag of your homeland!



We are part of big Russia!

There is no more beautiful country!

And all the boys and girls

Our Russia unites!

A.S. Pushkin wrote: ... “I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland or have a different history other than the history of our ancestors, the way God gave it to us.”

My Russia, my Motherland,
I was born here, I remember you from childhood.
But no matter how much I never looked at you
Admiring, I can’t get enough of it;

The full flow of the Volga is beautiful,
Under the breeze of your fields there is excitement,
Ural, Caucasus, dawn time,
Unique evenings in Russia...

I hear power and glory in the singing.
Live, dare, bloom, my country,
Glory in your unity, your wisdom,
Labor worthy sons and daughters.

I would like to end our event with these words:

Oh Russia, s difficult fate country,

I have you, Russia, as one heart,

And I’ll tell a friend, I’ll tell an enemy too -

I can’t live without you, like without my heart.

Leading: Every citizen of his homeland has something to be proud of! We are citizens of Russia and you and I also have something to be proud of!


Beskorovainova L.S. Board book class teacher. Rostov n/d: publishing house "Phoenix", 2004.

Sgibneva E.P. Cool watch. Rostov on Don: “Phoenix”, 2005

Municipal educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care "Children's Home-School"

Extracurricular activity

“The Moscow land is generous with talents”


Teacher primary classes

Terentyeva E.A.

November, 2012

Objectives of the event:

  1. Creating an idea of characteristic features folk crafts of Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Zhostovo, Gzhel, as well as such products as Russian nesting dolls.

  2. Development of perception, imagination, sense of beauty, harmony, national identity, creative abilities.

  3. Forming an interest in the history and culture of one’s people.

  4. Fostering respect for Russian masters and the native people.

  5. Cultivating pride in national culture and creativity.

  6. Developing interest in studying your native land.

  1. Develop creativity, thinking, speech.

  2. Strengthen patriotic and moral qualities personality.

  3. Develop emotional sphere.

  4. Learn to cherish the traditions of the Russian people.

  5. Develop cognitive activity students.

  1. Exhibition of Russian folk crafts.

  2. Posters about folk crafts.

  3. Book of poems by Vladislav Bakhrevsky “Golden Keys to the Heart”.

  4. Children's drawings and crafts.

  5. Musical arrangement.

  6. Students' reports about the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.

Progress of the event

  1. The hall is decorated with posters; drawings that children made in class fine arts; drawings by teachers; student reports about the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia.

  2. There was an exhibition of samples of decorative and applied art of the Moscow region and children's works: Gzhel dishes, Zhostovo trays, Bogorodsk toy, nesting dolls from Sergiev Posad, Pavlovsk scarf, folk costume resident of the Moscow province, Kudrinskaya wood carving, lacquer miniature Fedoskino.
Student 1: Outside the village, at dawn, where there is light from the birches,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get your strength?”
Where do you get your courage and your beauty?
Nightingale dawns, blue rivers purity?
Behind the village, at dawn, where the rye sways,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get happiness?”
“Where do you get a smile and calm sadness,
Tell me, tell me, sun-faced Rus'!”

Student 2: Moscow region, Moscow region,

Beloved and dear land!

Moscow region, Moscow region!

We admire you.

Student 3: The sun is rising brightly, people are rushing to the fair.
And at the fair there are goods: samovars are sold,
People buy dryers and great toys!

Host: - Do you know who came to us? That's right, Peddler. He goes to fairs and sells goods. Let's take a look in his box (takes out objects and shows).

Here are Khokhloma, Gzhel, and Dymkovo ladies. And the tray is good - Zhostovo!

Student 3: - See how much product I have in the box! I would like to invite you to the fair to help me sell my goods. But I doubt it: can you help me, do you know what my products are called?

Children: We know, we know! And not only what they are called, but also how and where they are made.

Student 3: - But we’ll check it now.

Amazing miracle we will bow more than once.
Now a story will be told about folk crafts.

Host: It’s no secret that the Russian nesting doll has become the best souvenir From Russia.

(Girls dressed as nesting dolls come out. They demonstrate several nesting dolls, taking them out one after another.)

Russian Matryoshenkas, white maidens.
All with scarlet cheeks, covered with scarves.
An amazing miracle - they talk about it everywhere.
Look how good the nesting doll is - the Russian soul!

Moscow matryoshka ditties are performed.

We are funny nesting dolls

We love to sing and dance,

We have rosy cheeks

Scarlet lips are burning.

On my sundress -

Clubfooted roosters.

I myself am not a clubfoot,

Clubfooted grooms.

There are two flowers on the window -

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting girl

Even though she is small in stature.

I am a brave doll,

The most skillful.

Round face and blush,

Dressed in a sundress.

Little white girls,

Where did you get whitewashed?

We milked the cows yesterday

They washed their face with milk.

The matryoshka first appeared in the 90s. XIX century in Moscow.

The most cheerful bazaar in Rus' at that time was in Sergievsky Posad. No matter how clever the lively traders were, how they did not praise their goods! Whoever is more unusual will be more suitable for buyers. It seemed that nothing could surprise buyers anymore. But one day the sellers became wary and the buyers listened.

Student 4: Here are Masha, Dashka and Natasha
Three things in one pile.
And my son Vanyusha stayed at home,
Frost was scared.

This is how a peasant from the village of Abramtsevo described his goods and slowly laid out wooden dolls in multi-colored sundresses in front of customers. Suddenly he broke one in half, and in it was another, smaller one. He opened it, and another one was looking out of it. What a miracle?

That's it, master!

But he didn’t come up with this curiosity. The landowner Mamontova brought a Japanese toy from abroad - a large-headed wooden Japanese. You open it, and there is a Japanese woman in it, and there is also a Japanese baby hidden in it. The Mamontovs really liked the toy. They asked the turner Zvezdochkin to carve a Japanese doll out of wood. The artist Malyutin was commissioned to paint it.

Malyutin loved to paint wood and often used motifs from Russian folk tales.

His doll did not look like a Japanese one. It was a girl in a Russian sundress and apron. The real Matryona. So they called the doll a matryoshka.

Many admired the nesting doll, but only the rich could buy it.

Inventive craftsmen have already come up with new uniform nesting dolls. Dolls from the Cossacks, knights, and fly agarics appeared, but the cheerful peasant girl remained her favorite toy.

The matryoshka began to be exported abroad. And there everyone fell in love with her and surprised everyone.

You can make a matryoshka doll only on a lathe, where the first, smallest figurine is turned from seasoned birch or linden wood, followed by the lower part of a larger figurine, then its upper half, and so on for the entire row of a multi-person toy.

The shapes of the nesting doll are soft, rounded, the outlines of the head smoothly transition into the body. The base of the figure is stable.

After the master makes a wooden doll blank, the artist begins work.

In each locality, the matryoshka is painted differently. I'll tell you about the painting of a matryoshka doll from Sergiev Posad. We draw a painted scarf, eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth for the nesting doll, and blush the cheeks. From under the scarf you can see light brown hair, parted in the middle. We draw handles. Then we dress the nesting doll in an embroidered shirt and sundress.

The colors are bright, rich, we use gilding and varnish.

This is our Russian nesting doll!

Student 5: Scarlet silk scarf, Russian floral sundress.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside: maybe three, maybe six.
Our Russian nesting doll is getting a little flushed!

(The matryoshka dance is performed)

Student 6: A snowball is falling softly, blue smoke is curling.
Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column, as if everything is in a haze.
Blue distances. And the village was big - they called it Dymkovo.

Student 7: The evenings are long in winter, the master sculpts here from clay.
All toys are not simple, but magically painted:
Circles, squares, stripes - a seemingly simple pattern,
And I can’t look away.

Student 8: We came from Dymkovo and brought you toys.
Masters and craftswomen live in Dymkovo-Selo
Someone made a turkey - fluffy sides.
Someone's clay suddenly became a peacock.
Someone sculpted a tit – it immediately became more fun!

(Toys are demonstrated: a horse, a turkey, a duck, a lady in a hat, etc.)

Student 9: Lamb-whistle, left horn - curl,
The right horn is a curl, on the chest is a flower.
Marfutka Duck walks along the shore,
Leads the Little Marfut Duck for a swim.
Turkey-turkey-turkey, you look like a chest.
The chest is not simple, red, white, gold.

And these wonderful toys appeared in the settlement of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Khlynov. Dymkovo craftsmen were engaged in various crafts, but toy making was their favorite.

IN distant times, 100 or more years ago, holiday fairs were held, the best decoration of which were Dymkovo whistle toys, made in the form of fairy-tale animals. These toys were loved not only by children, but also by adults; they decorated their homes with them.

(Whistling into toy whistles)

The legend of the Dymkovo horse has survived to this day. (showing a skate)

“Every spring, wonderful horses with silver manes and golden tails lead the chariot of the Sun into the sky. The sun brings warmth and harvests to people, which is why bright circles and stripes appeared on Dymkovo toys.”

Old Dymkovo toy– complex handmade. In the spring, red clay was collected and mixed with river sand. Balls were rolled out of the resulting clay, which were turned into “pancakes”, and then the “pancake” was folded so that the desired shape of the toy was obtained. Small parts were sculpted separately and then attached to the main figure. They did this skillfully; for this purpose, the craftswomen always had a wet rag and a sharp splinter on hand. After modeling, the toys were dried for several days, then fired in a Russian oven and cooled.

The next stage of work is “whitening”: the figurine is immersed in a solution of chalk and milk. And the red clay figurine becomes dazzling white.

Now you can start coloring. To do this, you will need special paints, made with eggs and kvass. The patterns seem to be simple: cells, stripes, dots, circles, ovals. But the craftswomen know how to combine them with each other in such a way that the toy becomes bright, interesting, and original. In addition, the toy was decorated with shining diamond leaves of gold leaf, which made it even more elegant and richer.

(They demonstrate wooden dishes with Khokhloma painting).

Student 10: Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries,
Echoes of summer in the green grass,
Coppice groves, silk splashes
Sunny honey golden foliage.

Student 11: Khokhloma painting, like witchcraft,
She asks herself to sing into a fairy-tale song,
And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences.
Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles.

This painting of wooden utensils and furniture is named after the village located in Nizhny Novgorod region. In the village of Khokhloma, at fairs this wonderful tableware was sold, which was brought here from the villages of Semino, Kuligino, Novopokrovskoye.

And we’ll tell you when and how this miracle of folk craftsmen was born.

In ancient times, a master painter lived in Moscow. The king highly valued his skill and generously rewarded him for his work. The master loved his craft, but most of all he loved free life, and therefore one day he secretly left the royal court and moved to the Volga, into the deep forests. He built himself a hut. And she looked very ordinary, but when you step over the threshold, you can’t take your eyes off the furniture and the dishes that the master made. It was as if the sun had settled in his hut. The master knew how to make festive dishes out of simple wooden dishes so that they would burn like gold. To do this, he rubbed the dishes with tin powder, covered them with boiled linseed oil and put them in the oven. The heat turned the oil yellow, and the tin through it began to look like gold.

The fame of the master spread throughout the land, and it reached the formidable king. He ordered the archers to find the fugitive. But popular rumor flew faster than the archers’ feet.

The master learned about his misfortune, gathered people and revealed to them the secrets of his craft. And in the morning, when the royal guards arrived, everyone saw the master artist’s hut burning with a bright flame. The hut burned down, and no matter how hard they looked for the master himself, he was nowhere to be found. His fellow villagers picked up his craft. And they made so many beautiful painted dishes that they decided to sell them to anyone who wanted them.

Wooden utensils have been in widespread use since ancient times:

A wooden spoon with a bowl could be seen on the boyar’s table both in the peasant’s hut and in royal everyday life. Such utensils were required in large quantities, because the tree wore out quickly. Therefore, already in the 16th century, dishes were made for sale and brought to markets in hundreds and thousands of pieces.

The most honorable dish on the table was the salt lick. (product display).

IN folk proverbs bread and salt are combined into one inseparable whole.

“Eat bread and salt, but tell the truth,” says one.

“Without salt, without bread – bad conversation,” echoes another.

A wooden spoon also occupied a special place. Taking a piece of wood of a certain size - a spoon, the master spoon maker cut it into several parts. Then came the final finishing. Cleaned up with a knife hook inner part, and the surface was planed, smoothed, and the product was ready.

The whole family worked on making spoons. The most important operations were the responsibility of men, and the surface of the spoons was finished by women and children. Then they were given to the master for painting.

Now the artist gets down to business. First, the entire product must be coated with silver aluminum powder, and only then painted with oil paints.

The painted item is again covered with linseed oil and dried in an oven, after which the silver gives a golden hue, and the red patterns glow even brighter on the gold and black background.

Khokhloma painting is a floral ornament.

Here are the elements Khokhloma painting (showing samples from the stand):

“grass”, “apple”, “berry”, “grapes” and others.

The most important types of painting: “grass” and “Kudrina”.

Student 12: Spoons, spoons, painted spoons!
The spoons are gilded, the patterns are twisted!
Even slurp up cabbage soup with them, but if you want, play music!

(The boys beat out a rhythm with spoons and dance).

Student 13: How good it is - this Zhostovo tray!
All the flowers burn on it, as if painted with fire.
On a Zhostovo tray in the mirror surface of varnish
Rye copper of ears, steppe blush of poppy.
The crimson of the late leaves, the first snowdrop of the forest...
And Zhostovo brushes are more tender than light willow.

IN early XIX V. Not far from Moscow, in the ancient villages of Zhostovo, Ostashkovo, Novosiltsevo, a craft of painted lacquer trays arose.

In the 20s XX century small workshops merged into one artel, which later became the Zhostovo Decorative Painting Factory.

The birth of trays begins with cutting out a blank of the required size from an iron sheet. Then, using powerful presses, the workpiece is given the desired shape.

There are 26 in the factory various forms trays: round, oval, rectangular, “guitar”, octagonal, etc. The sharp edges of the mold are bent, the workpiece is primed, dried, sanded and coated with black paint and then varnish.

Zhostovo painting is a floral arrangement of roses, tulips, asters, dahlias, poppies, bells, daisies, and forget-me-nots. These flowers are collected in bouquets, garlands, and wreaths. They are supplemented with leaves and small twigs. The drawing is applied in a certain sequence.

Student 14: Blue birds across a blue sky, a sea of ​​blue flowers.
Jugs and mugs - fact or fiction?
Golden handicrafts!
The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes, like drops in the spring.
Affection, care, warmth and patience - Russian ringing Gzhel!

There is a village near Moscow called Gzhel. Rich deposits of high-quality clay have long been discovered in this area, which led to the development of pottery here. This small village was first mentioned 650 years ago in a message from the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Kalita.

Gzhel dishes are made from white clay. This dish is white, and blue flowers are painted on it.

Gzhel masters used only blue, different shades of blue: from light blue to dark blue and even purple. The painting technique, which is still used by Gzhel masters, is called majolica.

Gzhel porcelain is diverse, it reflects all the styles and changes in tastes of past centuries.

But one thing remains constant in him - folk character, because it was created in the sphere of folk craftsmen and traditions.

Student 3: Yes, Russian craftsmen knew how to work. They put all their skill into their work. That’s why the products turned out so beautiful and made people so happy.

Student 15: Look! These things have come to visit us today,
To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty.
To introduce us to the world of Russia, the world of legends and goodness.
To say that there are miracle people in Russia - masters!
Presenter: And our guys also made crafts with their own hands!

(Children come out, each showing their handicrafts).

Well, thanks, guys! I see you know a lot about folk crafts. Yes, and you know how to do something yourself! Come with me to the fair! We will sell such products quickly!

So let’s take the balalaika for goodbye and sing along to it together!

^ Ditties performed:

Who said that ditties are no longer in fashion these days?
And it’s really just a matter of fashion if people love them!

Hey girls who are laughing

Sing some ditties!

Come out quickly

Make your guests happy!

We are Orekhov girls,

We won't get lost anywhere

We play the music ourselves

We dance and sing ourselves.

We respect our city

We protect our city

About my dear Nut

We sing sonorous songs.

We are friends with a cheerful song,

We all speak Russian.

We live well, don’t worry,

We eat bread with sour cream.

Oh, birch-birch


The city is not that big.

But still wonderful!

We are very glad to have guests,

We are waiting for you to visit us again.

We'll treat you to bread and tea,

We'll invite you to dance with us.

Children perform the Russian folk round dance “A princess walked around the city.”

A student reads poems by Vladislav Bakhrevsky “Memories of Orekhovo-Zuyevo.”

For shortcomings, pains, distances,

Behind the delight of green fields

We are not childhood, we left our souls,

Swans, cranes, bullfinches.

There's an unexpected miracle close there,

There the hedgehogs are all circling and telling fortunes,

And in the grass, like a sly saying,

Golden crown of snake.

All participants of the celebration and guests perform the song “Moscow Nights”.


  1. Klepinina Z.A. “My land: nature, history, culture.”

  2. Dine G.L. "Toymaker"

  3. Clients Alexey "Folk Crafts".

  4. Bakhrevsky Vl. "Golden keys to the heart."
7th grade Homeroom teacher Ostanina G.A.

Class hour "The land of the fathers is my land" (Toabout Statehood Day and the 380th anniversary of Yakutia joining Russia)

Target : to form an idea of ​​historically significant events in the life of the Yakuts

form mental operations;

develop attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, competence;

develop communication skills and cognitive interest.

We are all residents of a wonderful, rich country. Our Motherland is Russia. Russia, Rus', Motherland, native land, native side, father's house are the most precious words for a Russian person. Rus' is “blue” and “golden”, “wooden” and “field”, “dormant” and “violent”. This is “the land of rain and bad weather” and the land of “spills of formidable quiet external forces.”

Behind the village, at dawn, where there is light from the birches,

I asked Russia: “Where do you get your strength?”

Where do you get your courage and your beauty?

Nightingale dawns, blue rivers purity?

I asked Russia: “Where do you get happiness?”

“Where do you get a smile and calm sadness,

Tell me, tell me, sun-faced Rus'!”

“We are bequeathed to love our Motherland

And my heart reaches out to her from everywhere,

Do not break the connecting thread,

And sometimes we need to look back.”

Guys, every state has an anthem, coat of arms, flag (display).

Our Motherland is Russia! Our small homeland- Yakutia!

White color –

blue -

green -

What other state symbols of Yakutia do you know?

What rules must be followed when listening to the anthem?

How do you feel when you hear the anthem? (Feeling proud...)

Now let's play a game.

Game “What will you give to your native land”

Children are divided into pairs, join hands and stand in a chain one after another. One person is the driver. The first couple turns to him with the words: “If you want to be with me, what will you give to your native Earth?”

The driver must say what he will do for the Motherland when he grows up, for example: I will plant a garden, I will build beautiful houses, etc. After his answer, everyone raises their hands, and the child passes under the raised hands. Along the way, he chooses someone from any pair and leads him along. At the end of the chain they form a new pair. The one who is left without a pair comes to the beginning of the chain, and the game continues. If in class even number two children driving.

Children take their seats

"The most necessary thing"

Once upon a time there lived a just and wise king in one of the countries of the East. And he had three sons. But the king grew old and decided to transfer his kingdom to the one of his sons who would be the most capable for the difficult task. He called his sons and said:

My dear sons! You see that your father can no longer rule the country. I would have renounced the throne long ago if only my wish had come true cherished dream, which doesn’t give me any peace. So I came up with an idea: the one of you who can fulfill my dream will rule the kingdom.

Long live our dear father, his will is sacred to us! What kind of dream is this that our wise parent could not fulfill?

Do you see that huge, spacious storage facility I built a long time ago? I dreamed of filling it with the most necessary things in the world, which would bring happiness to all my people. The storage facility is currently empty. And the one of you who fills it with the most necessary thing in the world, let him inherit my throne. Take from my treasures as much as you wish, and go each on your own from city to city, from country to country, find the most necessary thing and fill my storehouse. I give you three times forty days.

The sons kissed their father's hand and set off. Three times, forty days each, they walked and traveled from city to city, from country to country, they saw strange people, they saw enough of unknown customs, and on the appointed day they appeared and appeared before their father.

Welcome, my dear sons! So, how did you find that very thing you need in the world?

Yes, we found it, our dear father! - the sons answered the king. And the father immediately led them to the door of the storehouse. And all the courtiers gathered there, apparently and invisibly to the people. The king opened the door and called his eldest son.

It's easier to believe and love there,

Dream, be yourself,

They will forgive you there and understand,

And they won’t blame you for anything.

Scenario for the event “What is Russia?” (Poetry page)

Before the start, songs about Russia are played. Signals are heard: “I love you, Russia.”

Everyone is sitting at the tables: guests, participants, poets, etc.

Presenter 1.

Long time ago barefoot boys

We went to see the sunrises

And they understood that Russia

There is nothing dearer to the heart in the world.

Presenter 2.

What words should I say to you?

To express your love, Fatherland,

With you to be sad, dream and rejoice

Until my last breath of life.

Music background. A young man reads Viktor Kryuchkov’s poem “What is Russia?”

What is Russia?

Icy twinkling of stars?

The rumble of the taiga? Snowy peaks?

Or the glow of white birches?

Yes, that's right.

But not only... not only...

It has north, and south, and east,

And her nightingale throat exudes sadness and delight.

Her speech is leisurely, melodious

And captivates with its directness,

Every village is proud here

Unpretentious in its beauty.

Nobody can take away this pride

Although someone wouldn’t mind taking it away,

Russia will take out its heart,

If you need to help someone.

Yes, Russia is easy to offend,

And deceive for a while,

But Russia - to break?

It won't work!

Russians will find their way!

They will gather a daring gang

And they will disperse the crooks and thieves.

Yes, Russia suits courage,

But cowardice is not for her.

What is Russia?

And who even knows?

It's overseas, let them guess

About the mysterious Russian soul.

The song “Love Russia” is playing (lyrics by Milyavsky, music by S. Tulikov).

Presenter 1.

“Love Russia” - that’s what the song says, But how to love her, the Motherland, you have to! Or maybe the way the poets and writers of Russia loved, wrote and spoke about her.

The portrait of Igor Severyanin is highlighted.

Sing about Russia and strive to go to church

Over forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia, to welcome spring,

What to expect for the bride, what to console the mother...

Sing about Russia to forget the melancholy,

What is love to love,

What to be immortal.

A portrait of Vladimir Zhukov is displayed.

For thousands of miles - fields, forests, and steep slopes,

The blue edges are drowning in the expanse.

Where there is a harsher and better land,

What are you, Russia, my Motherland?!

Performed “Russian Waltz (lyrics by N. Dobronravov, music by A. Pakhmutova).

Reader. My Russia is a country of peace, a country blue sky And bright sun. How can I not love her? I see her in every epic, in every leaf. I feel it in the rustle of autumn, in the roar of combine harvesters, in the smell of freshly plowed earth.

Reader. There was a lot to love about the Russian land for our grandfathers, although their life on this land was not sweet, and how could we, the new generations who came to this land, not love it. This is our home, this is our Russia.

What could it be better than Russia -

My boundless love,

What could be better than Russia?

When in the September wind

Aspen tree in crimson paint

Drops leaves in the morning.

Ask the clouds in heaven,

By the yellow ripened fields,

What could be better than Russia -

My native fatherland.

What could be better than Russia?

When in January at night

Over the white winter plain

The frozen stars are silent.

Ask about it at home,

Where the mother always waits for her sons,

What could be better than Russia -

My destiny and hope!

Presenter 2. Rus', Russia - these words are close and dear to the heart of each of us.

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia!

Reader. Russia can do without each of us, but none of us can do without it. (I. Turgenev)

Thank you, my Motherland,

For skies of unique blue,

I'll say one thing: I wouldn't live a day

In this world without Russia.

The song by L. Afanasyev is playing.

Your beauty has not been aged,

Neither sorrow nor misfortune -

Ivanami and Maryami

You were always proud...

Presenter 1.

The words of this song are hardly sincere

You heard it for the first time...

And I, like you, they sank into my heart -

Words about the Fatherland, words about Russia,

Words about the land that gave and gives

We give you your tenderness, warmth, and care:

Ivans and Marys walked on this land

Fight for happiness, fight, work!

Presenter 2. It was our Motherland that gave the world Lomonosov and Pushkin, Glinka and Pirogov, Repin and Mendeleev, Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky, the great commanders Suvorov and Kutuzov. We have always been inspired by these great names.

And we are grateful to Ivan and Maryam,

Russia who raised to the stars.

And since we are in debt to our Motherland,

We are obliged to always work this way,

So that she becomes stronger and more beautiful,

So that she is proud of us, like our fathers.

The song “I asked Russia”, poems by N. Yakunin, is performed.

Behind the village, at dawn,

Where there is light from the birches,

I asked Russia:

“Where do you get your strength?

Where do you get your courage?

And your beauty

Nightingale dawns,

The purity of blue rivers?

Behind the village, at dawn,

Where the rye sways,

I asked Russia:

“Where do you get happiness?

Where do you get your smile?

Where is the calm sadness?

Tell me, tell me

Sun-faced Rus'."

On the edge of the edge

In blue silence

Behind the village, at dawn,

Suddenly I heard

In the quiet rustle of the fields,

Light ringing of branches:

"Yes from our loved ones,

Dear mothers."

I returned home

And he asked his mother:

“Where did you get it, dear,

So many vitality

Mom thought

Straightening the scarf

And she answered quietly:

“In Russia, son.”

How rivers merge into the sea,

Falling into the blue expanse,

Our destinies merged forever

With your immortal destiny.

Against the background of music, the poem “Live, Russia!” is read.

You have lived in all centuries,

You loved and suffered

Gaunt hand

I've flipped through so many years.

You were loved

And she bowed down as an outcast,

To the golden domes

You prayed furiously.

I lived with you for centuries,

Beloved Russia,

Never your hand

She didn't ask for alms.

You lived - and I lived

You are full - and I suffered,

You were tormented

But she did not betray her sons.

Where to find which ones

Do my words please you?

You are Russia, you are my mother.

Your love is my reward.

The moment I'm exhausted,

The thread of life will be exhausted,

I will pray: “Live, Russia!

I will live only by you!”

Crafts from paper napkins elementary school

Master class. “Do-it-yourself postcard for Russia Day”

Audience: master class is intended for classes with second grade students.

Purpose of the master class: making a postcard for Russia Day.

The purpose of the master class: development of children’s creative abilities.

Objectives of the master class:

Develop the ability to work with napkins;

Develop creative thinking;

Cultivate hard work, patience and accuracy in doing work;

To foster patriotism in children.

Required materials:

Napkins (red, white, blue)

Sheet of white cardboard

Scissors (small and large)


Black marker


Glue stick

Yellow colored paper

Work progress

Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

There are forests, fields and rivers all around.

Expanse, Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia,

For clear light your eyes

I love you, I understand with all my heart

The steppes are filled with mysterious sadness.

I love everything that is called

One in a broad word- Rus.

What is Russia? Can't answer. If you look at a world map, you can see it from any point. And all because it occupies one sixth of the land.

Also, Russia is a country that cannot be broken by any wars, because an amazing people lives in Russia. At first he can endure ruin and hunger for a long time, but then powerful forces appear that can defeat everything.

In Russia there is a trinity of symbols - the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem.

The coat of arms is one of the main official state symbols of the Russian Federation, along with the anthem and flag. This is an image of a majestic and proud double-headed eagle, crowned with two crowns intertwined with a third. This powerful bird holds a red shield with an image of a silver rider slaying a dragon.

The anthem is one of the main official state symbols of the Russian Federation, along with the coat of arms and flag.

The flag is one of the main official state symbols of the Russian Federation, along with the coat of arms and anthem.

The flag will help us for today's postcard.

Step by step process doing the work

1. We mark a sheet of white cardboard on the wrong side into rectangles (6x6cm). 3 lines, each line has 4 rectangles. Mark the center of each rectangle for future holes.

2. Use small scissors to make holes inside each rectangle. Then flowers will be inserted into these rectangles.

The colors of the Russian flag are attributed to many symbolic meanings, however, there is no official interpretation of the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation. The most popular decryption is as follows:

white – nobility and frankness,

blue – fidelity, honesty and chastity,

red – courage, boldness, generosity and love.

3. Take 4 napkins of each flag color and cut the folds on both sides.

4. Fold each cut napkin in half.

5. Then cut in half again.

6. Cut the napkins to the folded corner.

7. Carefully unfold the napkins, separating each layer.

8. Place on top of each other and twist, making a flower.

9. You should get 12 flowers, 4 flowers of each color.

10. We push each flower into a hole in the cardboard.

11. We secure each flower from the bottom, gluing it with a leaf at the bottom.

13. Cut out each phrase in an oval shape.

14. Using a glue stick, glue these “phrases” to the flowers.

15. The postcard is ready.

Participant in the competition for teachers “Best master class”

* * *
Behind the village at dawn, where there is light from the birches,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get your strength?
Where do you get your courage and your beauty?
Nightingale dawns, blue rivers purity?

Where the sky is clear, where the rye is swaying,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get happiness?
Where do you get a smile, where do you find calm sadness?
Tell me, tell me, sun-faced Rus'?”

On the edge of the edge, in the blue silence
Behind the village at dawn I suddenly heard
In the quiet rustle of the field, in the light ringing of branches:
- Yes, from our beloved, dear mothers!

I returned home and asked my mother:
- Where do you get, dear, so much vitality,
So much tenderness, affection, kindness and warmth,
That from your clear eyes all Russia is bright?

Mom thought thoughtfully, straightening her scarf.
And she answered quietly: “Russia, son...”

* * *
We teach others, not ourselves, mercy,
In our hearts we accuse someone of evil,
And there, behind the fog, behind the dense forest,
There is a holy place on sinful earth.

They knock on our souls, sometimes with happiness, sometimes with grief.
Winter's fists and spring's palms.
And there, behind the fog, behind the fairytale forest,
There is a sacred place where we are all equal.

In that sacred silence there is neither a song nor a cry,
The deceiver will suddenly shudder and the talker will freeze.
Strawberries flow down into the grass at sunset,
And tree branches reach out to the mushrooms.

Both the widow and the bride have equal rights there,
The nests there are filled with the eternity of stars.
On this sinful earth there is sacred place -
The sacred place is a peasant churchyard.

* * *
Oh, how I wish it were spring
A thawed path on a ringing day
Go somewhere with you
From noisy villages and villages.

I would like all your sorrows
Leave somewhere behind
And without noticing anything,
Happy to walk side by side.

Do not hear rustles and sounds,
Don't see birds and nests in the bushes,
Your trusting hands
Suddenly feel it in your hands.

And in an unfamiliar white grove
Look into the eyes of my dear ones,
To forget that they are waiting for us somewhere at home,
And don't regret anything.

Shedding past worries
Dew into the forest grace,
Find a way to your lips,
And all others - to lose!…

* * *
The trail got lost in the burdock
The one that I once left here.
Only light flows over the memory:
Yellow leaf on green leaves.

The old elm is like a wounded animal,
Rummages through branches in search of childhood.
The door to the past is tightly locked,
And no one will let you warm up.

Somewhere an angry elk is trumpeting,
A mouse rustles in a boarded-up house.
The red wind, soaked through,
He is looking for something in the cold straw.

Thickened mascara in the spring
Neither people nor horses will taste it.
Only my pain draws from the puddles,
As before, palm plantain...

* * *
You are like the dawn and like a mystery to me,
I've been looking for years, but I found it by chance,
Are you not lost in the huge world -
A bright lily in a dark pool!
Not lost, not lost,
And the petals splashed on the water.
The days are so long! And dates are short,
I have no time for you - neither by swimming nor by boat.
And the water lilies laugh at me,
I can't reach you, I can't touch you.
Do you want me to shed tears in the heat,
Just to be together, next to you?
If you want, I will become your stem and root,
White lily in a black pool?
The willow is silent, the heather smiles,
They know you won’t come ashore to me.
You'll lure me into the dark depths in the middle of the day,
But you can’t give me your petals.
How long do I wander in vain in love,
A light lily in a black pool?
Your light is cool, my failures
Autumn will extinguish and hide in the river.

* * *
Oh, what creatures the Russian people are!
An old woman lives in a dilapidated hut.

She was held in high esteem. And she was famous.
Now it’s even forgotten by the neighbors.

Lives and lives in old age
No anger towards the world, no offense towards people.

Lives and lives, as in the gray twilight, -
Not to my ex-daughter-in-law or to a nursing home.

Everything was - passed. Not a widow. And neither the mother.
“Why would I embarrass someone?”

Alone, as in the desert, poor and wretched,
He doesn’t ask God for wealth or health.

At night he stands by his lamp:
“Oh, God, send me death quickly!

Oh, Good Almighty, I tearfully pray,
Accept my sinful soul..."

* * *
Behind the sleepy village, behind the quiet sadness
The meadow smells like fog and buckwheat.

In the willow forest behind the pasture, above the nearby river
Sad voices flow with dew.

I stand and listen, I want it, I don’t want it,
On the right is deep sadness, on the left is loneliness.

They wander along the paths in the dark - they don’t glow,
Only I have a presentiment that they will meet here.

And so it turned out to be a joy. And the prophecy came true:
Somewhere in the floodplain we met sadness and loneliness.

Swallows over the pool. The star sleeps in the shallows.
Two voices embraced and the dawn rose.


Past the dim rowan trees
Along the goose path
I'll go out into the field alone
On a date with Russia.

The air that is on honey -
Small Ladle - without snacks.
And I will fall to the ground
Peasant style, Russian style.

Pain and poverty are not a sin,
The mother is not looking for the culprits.
I will bow for everyone
The poor and the poor.

And the sky is bright
I'll ask for forgiveness,
So that evil diminishes,
Patience has not run out.

To sit down at the table
With faith and love we
And so that every moan of yours
It resonated with us with pain.