Project “Yasnaya Polyana Light of Good. Presentation "Yasnaya Polyana" Download presentation on the topic Yasnaya Polyana Tolstoy

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Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. L.N. Tolstoy

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"Estate Yasnaya Polyana, located in the Tula province of Krapivensky district, with a house and its furnishings, a park, an orchard, a forest, plantings, arable, meadow, garden and inconvenient land and outbuildings, is the national property of the RSFSR.” From the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. June 10, 1921.

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This corner of Russian land is known throughout the world. In winter, like many years ago, the old estate is covered in white snow. In the summer - immersed in the calm noise of trees, the rustling foliage of which is illuminated by the sun and washed by rains... Wherever we are here - at the entrance towers or at the Volkonsky House, at the coachman's hut or on Red Alley, on Kalinov Meadow or among the oak trees in Chepyzh – and everywhere again and again we will discover native land. Everything here breathes with the memory of L.N. Tolstoy - about his great life, about his immortal creations.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana. He is buried here. He lived in Yasnaya Polyana for more than half a century. Here Tolstoy created everything that glorified him as a great artist and humanist. Yasnaya Polyana was reflected in his famous epic “War and Peace”, where it is easily discernible in the estate of Prince Bolkonsky Bald Mountains. And the old Prince Bolkonsky himself is surprisingly similar to the owner of the Yasnaya Polyana estate, the writer’s maternal grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky. Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, the only daughter of Prince N.S. Volkonsky, married Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy in 1822. Leo Tolstoy did not remember his mother who died early, but those who knew her told the writer that she had wonderful “ radiant eyes", like Marya Bolkonskaya from War and Peace.

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Part of the Yasnaya Polyana “Aglitsky Park” with the Lower Pond and the gazebo-tower was the favorite resting place of his early deceased mother, whose memory the writer preserved for the rest of his life.

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Writer's office in the house-museum. Here Tolstoy retired in the morning hours. He liked to work in the mornings, when, as he himself believed, the inner “critic” in him was the most severe. At this table were created immortal works: “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Hadji Murat” and other masterpieces.

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A corner of the hall and living room in Tolstoy’s house, where music was often played, which the writer called “the highest art in the world.”

At this table in the living room in the evenings, the wife of the writer S.A. Tolstaya rewrote the manuscripts of the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

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Corner of the hall in the house of L.N. Tolstoy. I.N. Kramskoy was the first painter to capture the image of brilliant writer. Tolstoy was then 45 years old. He worked on the novel Anna Karenina. “Talent, intelligence, original character, unyielding willpower, simplicity - were clearly expressed in the face and pose of this magnificent portrait.” V.V. Stasov

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In the living room and hall, Tolstoy spent the long autumn and winter evenings. “And these evenings remained a wonderful memory for me. I owe my best thoughts to these evenings, best moves souls..." L.N. Tolstoy

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Office L.N. Tolstoy. In the corner is his favorite “horned” chair. On the table are objects dear to him, which the writer carefully kept. Among them is a paperweight (a block of green glass), presented to Tolstoy by employees and workers of the Dyatkovo Maltsevsky Crystal Factory. There is an inscription on it: “... Russian people will always be proud, considering you one of their own, great, dear, beloved.” Bust of L.N. Tolstoy. Sculptor P.P. Trubetskoy, 1899

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The road between Stary Zakaz and the apple orchard. In the Yasnaya Polyana estate, the forests located around the place where the writer’s grave is now located were called Zakaz.

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For round table Tolstoy spent his last hours in his office before leaving Yasnaya Polyana on the night of October 28, 1910. On the table lies the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” by F.M. Dostoevsky. This last book, which Tolstoy read before leaving Yasnaya Polyana, remained open on page 359 of the first volume.

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Bedroom L.N. Tolstoy.

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On the left bank of the Voronka River, on the edge of an aspen forest, in 1863 Tolstoy set up an apiary. It did not last long, but this place retained the name Old Apiary. IN recent years In his life he dreamed of settling in the forest on the site of the Old Apiary.

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“Christmas trees” are the latest forest plantings in Yasnaya Polyana, made by L.N. Tolstoy and S.A. Tolstoy in 1890-1895. “Yolochki” was the writer’s favorite walking place. Here in 1907, Tolstoy’s wife installed a bench made of birch poles, which was called Tolstoy’s “favorite bench.” Not far from the “favorite bench” in “Yolochki” there is a well, from where water was brought to the estate every day. Sometimes Tolstoy himself went to fetch water.

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At the edge of the forest, near a “wide” clearing, there are an oak and a birch tree. Near the ground, their trunks closed, and their crowns intertwined with branches. People call them “forest miracles”. On the right is a view of a “wide” clearing. “Nature is touchingly touching: meadows, forests - grain, arable land, meadows.” From the diary of L.N. Tolstoy

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“It was a gloomy autumn day, it was drizzling, and he, putting on a heavy drape coat and high leather boots - real wet boots, - took me for a walk in birch grove. Young jumps over ditches and puddles, shakes drops of rain from the branches onto his head... and with a gentle hand lovingly strokes the damp, satiny trunks of birch trees...” From the memoirs of A.M. Gorky about Tolstoy

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Three miles from Yasnaya Polyana is the village of Grumant. She was named N.S. Volkonsky in memory of the island, which was part of Arkhangelsk region, where he served as military governor. The village of Grumant was dear to Tolstoy in his childhood memories. “... The place was lovely, and it was not so much drinking milk and cream there with black bread, cold and thick as sour cream, and being present while fishing, but just being there, running uphill and downhill, to and from the pond, it was great pleasure". L.N. Tolstoy. Memories



The familiar appearance of Tolstoy

estate, largely preserved

to this day, has developed

at the beginning of the 19th century with the writer's grandfather

N. S. Volkonsky.


At first glance

the most common one, though

very large estate.

IN four hours drive from Moscow

south along the road leading to Ukraine

and the Caucasus.

With a small manor house, all the time

overgrown with outbuildings, where with difficulty

was located big family Tolstoy.

By the time of birth

Tolstoy in 1828

Yasnaya Polyana is already

More than half a century

stayed in one

family: parents



third generation


from Volkonskikh–

(great-grandfather, grandfather, mother,

the writer's father).


In Yasnaya Polyana

Tolstoy was born

and spent a lot of time

part of your life.


Yasnaya Polyana


the same,

who knew her




Yasnaya Polyana

manor life

and nature gave

richest material

for creative thought

writer and received


reflection in his




Yasnaya Polyana

life forced him

change your mind a lot

and feel

local images and

landscapes reflected

in his works.


This is the oldest

stone building

in Yasnaya Polyana;

under L.N. Tolstoy

it had




Tolstoy lived

more than 50 years

and wrote




Associated with Yasnaya Polyana

earliest memories

Leo Tolstoy. Here he is

plays with brothers

in a green stick:

who will find this green one

a wand, maybe right away

do anyone

happy person


Yasnaya Polyana -

this place

where he was born

lived about

sixty years old

wrote more

Two hundred works,

including novels

"War and Peace"

"Anna Karenina"


finally this place

his burial.

Events of Yasnaya Polyana

life forced him

change your mind a lot

and feel

local images and

landscapes reflected

in his works.


After returning

in 1856

from St. Petersburg

to Yasnaya Polyana

L. N. Tolstoy

settled in

one of two



Great Desk


As with the first

and with repeated

visiting Yasnaya Polyana

Tolstoy's house from all over


produces deep

impressions of your

simplicity and significance


One more thing you need

working condition -

active use



among which you can

name and



and archival


Everything that arose

in Yasnaya Polyana and


creative vision


will be carefully preserved

in our time.



and journalistic


Tolstoy gave


Russian paintings

Impressions of Yasnaya Polyana

manor life and nature

provided a wealth of material for


the writer's thoughts and received

diverse reflection in his works.




estates (gardens,

ponds planted

Tolstoy forests),

like buildings

late XVIII –

beginning of the 19th century,

supported in

its unchanged

historical form.


The writer spent

long hours

in the lonely


across the fields,


Yasnaya Polyana.


Greatness and beauty

nature, “friend,

will not leave and

will not betray”,

surrounded Tolstoy


Impressions of Yasnaya Polyana

manor life and

gave the richest

material for


writer's thoughts

and received


reflection in his




with joy

to the graph in

Yasnaya Polyana




with locals and



was for Tolstoy



people's life.



Been to this house

at different times

I.S. Turgenev,

A.A. Fet, A.P. Chekhov,

M. Gorky,

N.S. Leskov;


I.N. Kramskoy,

I.E. Repin, N.N. Ge,


The deepest, the most

tragic, most

philosophical writer

in history,

strictly and piercingly

looking at us

from portraits,

was convinced that

man comes

into this world for happiness.



Lev Nikolaevich

Tolstoy is getting married

at eighteen -

year old daughter

Moscow doctor

Sofya Andreevna

Bers. After the wedding

Fat people settle in

Yasnaya Polyana.


L.N. Tolstoy. 1876

Moscow. Photo

G.I. Dyagovchenko

L.N. Tolstoy the lieutenant.


S.L. Levitsky.

L.N. Tolstoy. 1849 Petersburg. Deguerreotype V. Shenfeldt


L.N. Tolstoy next to his sculptures

portrait by I.E. Repina.

1891 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by E.S. Tomashevich.

L.N. Tolstoy 1885

Moscow, photography

company "Scherer"


L.N. Tolstoy gets on his horse.

1897 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by N.A. Kasatkina.

L.N. Tolstoy on horseback in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana. 1908 Photo by K.K. Bulls.


Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by S.A. Tolstoy.

Last photo of L.N. Tolstoy.

S.A. Fat. 1901 Yasnaya Polyana


L.N. Tolstoy at work in his office

Yasnaya Polyana house 1909

Photo by S.A. Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy.

1907 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by V.G. Chertkova


L.N. Tolstoy with his granddaughter

Tanya Sukhotina. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana. Photo by V.G. Chertkova.

L.N. Tolstoy with A.L. Tolstoy. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana. Photo by V.G. Chertkova.



L.N. Tolstoy.

L.N. Tolstoy walks along

plowed field near the village. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by V.G. Chertkova.

Irina Bosikova
Project “Yasnaya Polyana Light of Good”

"Yasnaya Polyana Light of Good."

1. Statement of the problem, relevance.

2. The purpose and objectives of the project.

3. Project implementation scheme.

4. Material and technical equipment.

5. Educational areas implemented during the project.

6. Joint planning of project work.

7. Types of activities.

8. Interaction with parents.


Evstigneeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, Deputy Head of SMR

Project passport

Project type:

Cognitive-game, group.


short-term - 1 month.

Direction of activity development:

complex, cognitive-speech, gaming, musical.



Carried out within one group,

in contact with the families of pupils, the museum, and the library.

Project participants:

Bosikova Irina Vladimirovna,


Pupils of the preparatory group;

Parents of pupils;

Administration of the Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum

Relevance of the project

Knowledge of our native land is our strength and the greatness of the Motherland.


“Love for the native land, knowledge of it stories are the basis, on which only the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can be realized.”

D. S. Likhachev.

Great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of children preschool age has an appeal to the paternal heritage, instilling respect and pride for the land on which we live

Introduction to the problem

“You can see and get to know your region either with your own eyes or with the help of books”

M. Lomonosov

When reading the works of L.N. Tolstoy, children developed a desire to learn as much as possible about their native land, its historical past, the work of the great fellow countryman, writer L. N. Tolstoy and the sights of the Tula region.

Target: Cultivating love for one's native land

through the work of L.N. Tolstoy.


Introduce children to the life and work of L. N. Tolstoy

Develop in children cognitive interest, desire to observe, explore, gain new knowledge, skills.

Improve monologue and dynamic speech skills:

Project implementation scheme:

Stage I


Formulation of the problem

Immersion in a game situation

Activity planning

Stage II

Practical activities

Cognitive and speech development

Social and moral development

Artistic and ethical development

Stage III

Project presentation

Material and technical equipment of the project:

Selection of works by L. N. Tolstoy for preschool age, works of Russian folk art(proverbs, sayings, riddles).

Selection of visual material.

(illustrations famous artists, photos).

Use of ICT

Preparation of material for role-playing and didactic games.

Joint project planning

1. Library selection

2. Examination of books, illustrations based on the works of L. N. Tolstoy, design of a book corner. ,

3. Create and view presentations

4. Reading the works of L. N. Tolstoy: “Kitten”, “Grandmother and Granddaughter”.

5. Role-playing game “Library”.

6. Excursion to the village library.

7. Manual labor- “Hold the book.”

8. Creating a corner “L.” with children. N. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana"

9. Master class for parents, making homemade toys.

10. Compiling a story based on a proverb from L. Tolstoy’s “ABC”

“Your family is your truest friend”

11. Reading fairy tales by L. Tolstoy “Lipunyushka”, “Svyatogor-Bogatyr”

12. Vernissage of children's drawings

13. Visit to the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum. Sightseeing tour.

14. Practical lesson in the coachman’s hut: “Name day at the rowan tree.”

15. Quizzes based on the works of L. N. Tolstoy for children

senior preschool age "Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - the first teacher of children"

Interaction with parents

Creating a corner with children “L. N. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana"

Master class for parents Making homemade toys.

Parents' help in preparing the quiz

“Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy – the first teacher of children”

Educational areas implemented during the project




Reading fiction

Artistic creativity

Physical culture


Play activity

Round dance games:



"There is a birch tree in the field"


Role-playing games:

"Excursion to the native land"

"Museum" ,


Didactic games:

“Love and know your native land.”

“Give me the address.”

“What work is the hero from?”

“What grows in our forest.”

“Select the animals of our region”

Outdoor games:

“Salki”, “Burners”, “Lapta”,

“Geese-geese”, “Towns”.

Cognitive and research activities

Examination of illustrations by famous artists.

Reading the works of L. N. Tolstoy.

Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles.

A selection of illustrations, riddles, proverbs for the works of L. N. Tolstoy.

A conversation about the traditions of L. N. Tolstoy’s family.

Reading poems about Yasnaya Polyana

Visit to the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum. Sightseeing tour.

Practical lesson in the coachman’s hut: “Name day at the rowan tree”

Productive activity

Creation of the photo album “Flora of Yasnaya Polyana”.

Making a doll-amulet “Rowanka”.

Photo report on the children's excursion to Yasnaya Polyana.

Role-playing game library.

Vernissage of children's drawings.

Creating a corner with children “L. N. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana.”

Design of the album “Proverbs and sayings about the native land.”


The understanding of the life and work of the great countryman L.N. Tolstoy has expanded.

In the process of working on the project, the children formed an idea of ​​their native land, the ability to see beauty and enjoy it.

Formed emotionally positive attitude to Russian traditions.

The children developed a desire to observe and explore.

Learned to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication during role-playing games.

Albums created:

“Flora of the Yasnaya Polyana estate”;

“Poems about Clear Polyana”;

"Children's Drawing Vernissage";

“Proverbs and sayings about the Tula region”;

Presentations created:

“The Great Elder Leo Tolstoy”;

"Yasnaya Polyana";

“Project “Yasnaya Polyana Light of Good”;

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“Every citizen is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical and cultural monuments.”
Constitution Russian Federation, article 44.3

Classroom goals:

  • Carry out virtual trip at the museum of the Yasnaya Polyana estate.
  • Introduce students to the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum, created by Anna Lvovna Tolstoy in memory of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
  • Introduce students to the history of the creation of the estate, its role in educating the younger generation.

Equipment: multimedia presentation (using personal photographs of teacher N.G. Rogaleva, Internet resources)

Teacher's introduction:

“Streets, squares, canals, individual houses, parks remind us of the past.

...Unobtrusively and unpersistently, impressions of the past enter into spiritual world person, and a person with an open soul enters into the past. He learns respect for his ancestors and remembers what his descendants will need in turn.

He begins to learn responsibility—moral responsibility to the people of the past and at the same time to the people of the future.”

D.S. Likhachev.

Russia is rich in monuments that reflect the milestones of its centuries-old history. Our cultural and historical heritage is spiritual, economic and social capital of irreplaceable value, which, along with natural resources, is the main basis for national self-respect and recognition of Russia by world communities. Heritage largely shapes the mentality, affirms the continuity of humanitarian values ​​and preserves traditions. The preservation of cultural heritage is the basis for the further development of society; it is the constitutional duty of every citizen of the country.

Today we will go on an excursion to the estate-museum “Yasnaya Polyana”. Yasnaya Polyana is located 14 km from the city of Tula, in the Shchelkinsky district. The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy lived and wrote his works here. The furnishings in the museum-estate remain exactly the same as the writer himself left it when he left Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. Yasnaya Polyana is the center of world tourism.

The museum was created by the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on June 10, 1921, largely thanks to the efforts of Anna Lvovna Tolstoy, daughter of Lev Nikolaevich.

The museum's exhibition includes the original furnishings of the estate, personal belongings of L.N. Tolstoy, his library (22,000 books).

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In 1627 For faithful service to the tsar, boyar Grigory Kartsev and his son Stepan were granted land in Solovsky (later Krapivensky) district. The Kartsevs guarded this area of ​​slash forests. Yasnaya Polyana received due attention, because... the route to Tula and Moscow went through it.

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In 1763, Yasnaya Polyana was bought in the name of his wife by Tolstoy’s great-grandfather, Prince S.F. Volkonsky.

The land in Yasnaya Polyana was owned by five landowners, their parts were bought out later. After the death of S.F. Volkonsky's estate was transferred to his son N.S. Volkonsky, this happened in 1784.

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Having retired, in the fall of 1799 N.S. Volkonsky arrived at the estate, and soon after this significant landscaping work began, changing the original appearance of the estate: parks were laid out, in addition to the existing two ponds, Big and Middle, two new ones were dug.

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Two white stone turrets at the very entrance to the estate were erected by Lev Nikolaevich’s grandfather, Prince N.S. Volkonsky. The white, classically laconic, and therefore truly beautiful turrets have become the emblem of Yasnaya Polyana.

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“Preshpekt” is a birch alley that appeared in Yasnaya Polyana around 1800, starting from the entrance towers and going to the writer’s house. “Preshpekt” was repeatedly mentioned in the works of Lev Nikolaevich.

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The lower part of the “prespekt” runs along the dam of the Big Pond. This pond was called Peasant Pond at that time. In the summer, peasant children and the writer’s children swam there, and in the winter, skating rinks were usually set up, where Tolstoy’s family and the children of the Yasnaya Polyana peasants skated.

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On the other side of the “Preshpekt”, there is the “Anglitsky” park, it is called so because it was created during the time of the writer’s grandfather, modeled on English parks. There are no symmetrically located alleys here, everything here is like in an ordinary forest, as close to nature as possible. A park with a half-overgrown pond, with bridges and random running paths.

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At the end of the 18th century, construction was underway in Yasnaya Polyana. N.S. Volkonsky is building a stone house on the highest place, which offers a wonderful view of the fields and the village.

Today it is a long one-story white stone building with a mezzanine. Volkonsky's house is rightfully considered a monument of Russian estate architecture of the classical era.

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On August 28, 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born. He spent most of his life here. The family estate with its landscapes, the best traditions of manor life and family legends served Tolstoy as an inexhaustible source of creative strength and inspiration and was invariably present in his works. Tolstoy gives a description of his native places in his works: “The Romance of a Russian Landowner”, “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”.

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In 1847, Yasnaya Polyana became the property of L.N. Tolstoy. In the second half of the 19th century, individual parts of the estate were slowly changed. Orchards planted by Tolstoy appeared, certain corners of the park changed, new paths were blocked or new paths appeared. A greenhouse appeared on the site of the burnt greenhouse, built under Volkonsky, and the architectural environment of the estate changed.

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When you climb up the “prespekt” to the estate, then with right side There are apple orchards, which were started by the writer’s grandfather. The gardens are the most spectacular when they are in bloom.

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In the last years of his life, Tolstoy repeatedly expressed a request to bury him in the Stary Zakaz forest. Tolstoy heard the legend of the “green stick” in childhood from his beloved brother Nikolai. When Nicholas was 12 years old, he announced a great secret. Once it is revealed, no one will die anymore, there will be no more wars and diseases, and people will be “ant brothers.” All that remains is to find this “green stick”, buried on the edge of the ravine.

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Tolstoy recalls the story of the green stick in the first version of his will: “So that no rituals are performed when burying my body; a wooden coffin, and whoever wants to, will take or carry Old Order into the forest opposite the ravine, in the place of the “green stick”.

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The house where L.N. was born. Tolstoy, has not survived. In 1854, Lev Nikolaevich, while in the Caucasus at that time, asked his distant relative V.P. Tolstoy to sell a large Yasnaya Polyana house. In February 1854, an announcement was published three times in the “Tula Provincial Gazette”: “The house is for sale for import, wooden, on a stone foundation, covered with iron, in the Tula province of Krapivensky district in the village of Yasnaya Polyana. Find out about the price at the estate office.”

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The house was purchased for 5,000 rubles in banknotes by the neighboring landowner P. M. Gorokhov. The irreparable has happened: the house in which the author of “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina” and “Resurrection”, the greatest Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, was born, is being dismantled log and brick by brick, transported disassembled to the village of Dolgoe and reassembled there.

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The ponds of the park are connected by cascades and dams; on the Middle Pond there is a bathhouse built by Lev Nikolaevich in 1890. IN different years it was knocked together, sometimes from boards, sometimes woven from brushwood.

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“Rejoice! Rejoice! The work of life, its purpose is joy. Rejoice in the sky, in the sun, in the stars, in the grass, in the trees, in the animals, in the people. And so that this joy is not disturbed by anything. This joy is disrupted, it means you made a mistake, look for this mistake and correct it,” the owner of Yasnaya Polyana whispered these words to himself, like a prayer.23 slide

The writer loved and felt the beauty of forests, fields, meadows, and sky. He said: “How God has a lot of goodness! Nature is infinitely diverse; every day is different from the previous one, every year there is unexpected weather.”

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The sale of the house entailed changes to the north-eastern wing, which became the new “main house” of the estate. Over time, several additions were made to this house.

The Tolstoys believed that Yasnaya Polyana got its name from the wide sunny valley that opens when turning to the estate, and perhaps along the Yasenka River, which flows nearby.

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On October 29, 1941, the Nazis entered Yasnaya Polyana land. The occupation of Yasnaya Polyana lasted 45 days. The house of the great writer was turned into a barracks, and the Nazis buried 70 of their soldiers next to his grave. Enormous damage was caused to the garden and park. On the last day of his stay in Yasnaya Polyana, the Nazis lit fires in the writer’s house, and only through the selfless actions of the museum staff was the fire extinguished.

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Yasnaya Polyana was liberated on December 15, 1941. After liberation, restoration work began immediately, which was completed at the end of May 1942. On May 24, the museum again opened its doors to visitors, and in May 1945, when evacuated museum valuables returned from Tomsk, the museum’s exposition was restored

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In 1986, the Yasnaya Polyana Museum received the status of a State Memorial and Natural Reserve, and in 1993 - the status of a cultural object. In 1994, a descendant of L.N. was appointed to the post of director of the museum. Tolstoy - Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy.

Conversation after viewing the presentation:

  • What role do you think the estate museum plays in the education of a person?
  • Why is Yasnaya Polyana a museum of world significance?
  • What impression did you get from this trip? Do you need such travel?
  • Where can you apply the information received?

Yasnaya Polyana Yasnaya Polyana, the estate of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, is inextricably linked with his life and work. Here he was born in 1828 and lived for a total of about 60 years. Here he spent happy days of my life, I felt the golden maturity of creative thought, the sharpness of the spiritual perception of the world... Without my Yasnaya Polyana,” said Lev Nikolaevich, “I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it.” People from surrounding villages came and came to Yasnaya Polyana and from all over the world for advice, for truth, for help. Tula land V late XIX the beginning of the 20th century became cultural center Russia. The cream of the creative intelligentsia flocked here - writers, composers, scientists, artists.

1 Entrance Towers 1 Entry Towers Entry Towers Entry Towers 2 Prespekt 2 PrespektPrespekt 3Big Pond 3Big PondBig PondBig Pond 4 Bathhouse 4 Bathhouse 5 Lower Pond 5 Lower PondLower PondLower Pond 6 Lower (English) Park 6 Lower (English) ParkLower (English) ParkLower (English) Park 7 Middle Pond 7 Middle PondSredny PondSredny Pond 8 Greenhouse 8 GreenhouseGreenhouse 9 Forge and carpentry 9 Forge and carpenterForge and carpenterForge and carpenter 10 Stable and carriage house 10 Stable and carriage houseStable and carriage houseStable and carriage house 11 Volkonsky's house 11 Volkonsky HouseVolkonsky HouseVolkonsky House 12 Park "Kliny" 12 Park "Kliny"Park "Kliny"Park "Kliny" 13 Old Garden 13 Old GardenOld GardenOld Garden 14 Coachman's and garden house 14 Coachman's and garden houseKucherskaya and garden houseKucherskaya and garden house 15 Zhitnya and Riga 15 Zhitnya and RigaZhitnya and RigaZhitnya and Riga 16 Kuzminsky's wing 16 Kuzminsky's wingKuzminsky's wingKuzminsky's wing 17 House-museum of L.N. Tolstoy 17 House-museum of L.N. TolstoyHouse-museum of L.N. TolstoyHouse-museum of L.N. Tolstoy 18 Grave of L.N. Tolstoy 18 The grave of L. N. TolstoyThe grave of L. N. Tolstoy Pavilion 24 24 PavilionPavilion 25 Itochek 25 Itochek 26 Arkovsky topArkovsky topArkovsky top 27 Christmas trees under Grumant 27 Christmas trees under GrumantFir trees under GrumantFir trees under Grumant 28 Bis mowing 28 Bis mowing 29 Afonina grove 29 Afonina grove 30 Oblique glade 30 Oblique clearing Oblique glade Oblique glade 31 Pallet top 31 Pallet top 32 Plotsky top 32 Plotsky topPlotsky topPlotsky top 33 Favorite bench of L. N. Tolstoy 33 Favorite bench of L. N. Tolstoy Favorite bench of L. N. Tolstoy Favorite bench of L. N. Tolstoy 34 Christmas trees by the well and Christmas trees - rhombuses 34 Christmas trees by the well and Christmas trees - diamondsFir trees at the well and Christmas trees - diamondsFir trees at the well and Christmas trees - diamonds 35 Abramovskaya landing 35 Abramovskaya landingAbramovskaya landingAbramovskaya landing 36 Well 36 Well 37 Kalinov meadow 37 Kalinov meadow 38 Yushkin top 38 Yushkin top 39 Mitrofanovskaya po landing 39 Mitrofanovskaya landingMitrofanovskaya landingMitrofanovskaya landing 40 Round aspen forest 40 Round aspen forest 41 Native forest 41 Native forest 42 Aspen forests 42 Aspen forests 43 Guseva Polyana 43 Guseva PolyanaGuseva PolyanaGuseva Polyana 44 Aspen forest 44 Aspen forest 45 Old apiary 45 Old apiary 46 Yasnaya Polyana Village 46 Yasnaya Polyana Village Yasnaya PolyanaVillage Yasnaya Polyana 47 Cafe "Preshpekt" "and a souvenir kiosk at the entrance towers 47 Cafe "Preshpekt" and a souvenir kiosk at the entrance towersCafe "Preshpekt" and a souvenir kiosk at the entrance towersCafe "Preshpekt" and a souvenir kiosk at the entrance towers 48 Parking lot 49 Toilet 48 Parking lot 49 Toilet

The history of the Yasnaya Polyana estate dates back to the end XVII century, from the moment its first owners, the Kartsevs, appeared here. The estate went through several stages before thoroughly changing its appearance during a radical reconstruction undertaken by L.N. Tolstoy’s grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky. He can be considered the builder of that Yasnaya Polyana estate, in which Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s life later took place. The writer’s grandfather combined the old features of the layout (the regular Kliny park, the Preshpekt alley) with new elements of the composition ( architectural ensemble, "Aglitsky" park). “Everything that my grandfather built,” said L.N. Tolstoy, “was elegant and not vulgar, and was solid, durable, thorough. He had a very subtle aesthetic feeling" From N. S. Volkonsky Yasnaya Polyana passed to him only daughter, mother of L.N. Tolstoy Maria Nikolaevna. The writer's father, Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, completed a 32-room Empire-style house here and enlarged the garden and household services. The forests of Yasnaya Polyana: Abramovskaya Posadka, Chepyzh, Stary Zakaz - places for walks and children's games of the Tolstoy brothers. On the edge of the Old Order ravine, where, as children, they looked for the “green stick of happiness,” L. N. Tolstoy bequeathed to bury himself. Yasnaya Polyana is a unique memorial and natural reserve. Old buildings have been preserved here, surrounded by picturesque parks, gardens, and forests. The traditions of the Tolstoy family still live here. A walk through Yasnaya Polyana will take you into the world of Russian noble estates of the 19th century. Yasnaya Polyana dates back to the end of the 17th century, from the moment its first owners, the Kartsevs, appeared here. The estate went through several stages before thoroughly changing its appearance during a radical reconstruction undertaken by L.N. Tolstoy’s grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky. He can be considered the builder of that Yasnaya Polyana estate, in which Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s life later took place. The writer's grandfather combined the old planning features (the regular Kliny park, the Preshpekt alley) with new elements of the composition (the architectural ensemble, the Aglitsky park). “Everything that my grandfather built,” said L.N. Tolstoy, “was elegant and not vulgar and solid, durable, thorough. He had a very subtle aesthetic sense." From N. S. Volkonsky, Yasnaya Polyana passed to his only daughter, L. N. Tolstoy’s mother Maria Nikolaevna. The writer's father, Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, completed a 32-room Empire-style house here, enlarged the garden and household services. The forests of Yasnaya Polyana: Abramovskaya Posadka, Chepyzh, Stary Zakaz - places for walks and children's games of the Tolstoy brothers. On the edge of the Old Order ravine, where, as children, they looked for the “green stick of happiness,” L. N. Tolstoy bequeathed to bury himself. Yasnaya Polyana is a unique memorial and natural reserve. Old buildings have been preserved here, surrounded by picturesque parks, gardens, and forests. The traditions of the Tolstoy family still live here. A walk along Yasnaya Polyana will take you into the world of Russian noble estates of the 19th century. “green stick of happiness” “green stick of happiness”

In the morning again the play of light and shadows from the large, densely dressed birches of the prespekt on the tall dark green grass, and forget-me-nots, and dull nettles and everything - most importantly, the waving of the birches of the preshpect is the same as it was when I 60 years ago, for the first time noticed and fell in love with this beauty.” L.N. Tolstoy - letter to S.A. Tolstoy, May 3, 1897

“Spring, evening; I’m in the garden, in my late mother’s favorite place, near a pond, in a birch alley... The moon floats quietly across the sky covered with transparent clouds, and is brightly reflected along with the clouds illuminated by it in the mirror surface still water pond." L. N. Tolstoy. "Yuletide Night"

In his youth, Lev Nikolaevich spent his mornings on the farm: he would go around everything or sit in the beehouse. He also planted cabbage and raised Japanese pigs. He planted an apple orchard, coffee and chicory. He was also occupied with landing spruce forests, which immortalized his name in the economy. In his youth, Lev Nikolaevich spent his mornings on the farm: he would go around everything or sit in the beehouse. He also planted cabbage and raised Japanese pigs. He planted an apple orchard, coffee and chicory. He was also interested in planting spruce forests, which immortalized his name on the farm.

Path to the greenhouse In the garden there was a greenhouse for winter flowers and a greenhouse with peaches. Here is one day in the life of a great writer. The house was sleeping when Tolstoy woke up. Only the servants were on their feet. At 8 o'clock in the morning he put it in his pocket notebook, walked down the stairs. The morning walk along the linden alley or around the house was short. It ended at an old elm tree, which he called the elm of the poor; here men were already waiting for him: some asked for wood, some for alms. Tolstoy listened to everyone equally and gave them money. The garden included a greenhouse for winter flowers and a greenhouse for peaches. Here is one day in the life of a great writer. The house was sleeping when Tolstoy woke up. Only the servants were on their feet. At 8 o'clock in the morning, he put a notebook in his pocket and went down the stairs. The morning walk along the linden alley or around the house was short. It ended at an old elm tree, which he called the elm of the poor; here men were already waiting for him: some asked for wood, some for alms. Tolstoy listened to everyone equally and gave them money.

Outbuilding of the Kuzminskys For some time the outbuilding housed a school opened by L.N. Tolstoy for Yasnaya Polyana children. For some time, the outbuilding housed a school opened by L.N. Tolstoy for Yasnaya Polyana children. For this school he created the famous ABC. For this school he created the famous ABC.

Big house had an outbuilding. Upstairs there were 5 rooms with a dark closet, and downstairs one room with stone vaults, former storeroom and next to it was a small room from which a twisted wooden staircase led upstairs. Upstairs there were bedrooms, a children's room, a dining room with a large window and a living room with a small balcony where they drank coffee after dinner. Below, a room with vaults served as lately Leo Tolstoy's office. Repin depicted it as an office. The large house had an outbuilding. Upstairs there were 5 rooms with a dark closet, and downstairs one room with stone vaults, a former storage room and next to it a small room from where a twisted wooden staircase led up. Upstairs there were bedrooms, a children's room, a dining room with a large window and a living room with a small balcony where they drank coffee after dinner. Downstairs, a room with vaults recently served as Leo Tolstoy's office. Repin depicted it as an office.

The desk where most of the works of the great writer were created, “War and Peace”, and “Anna Karenina”, and “Hadji Murat”, and “After the Ball”, and “I Can’t Be Silent”. On the table is a paperweight (a block of green glass), given to Tolstoy by employees and workers of the Dyatkovo Maltsevsky Crystal Factory. The inscription reads: “You shared the fate of many great people who are ahead of their century, deeply respected Lev Nikolaevich! And before they were burned at the stake, rotted in prisons and exile. Let them excommunicate you as they want and from whatever the Pharisees “high priests” want. Russian people will always be proud, considering you one of their own, great, dear, beloved.” Tolstoy carefully kept this thing among other items dear to him.