Quiet horror under water, or the most terrible enemy of the US fleet. Quiet horror underwater Still from the film "The Abyss"

Unfortunately, we have so far explored no more than 5% of the world's oceans. Meanwhile, even this insignificant part of knowledge is enough to be horrified by seeing those creatures that live in the depths.

1. Meshkort
Sackmouth is the only known genus of deep-sea fish of the family Sackmouth. They reach 2 meters in length and live at a depth of 2 to 5 kilometers. Their feature is a large, strong and flexible mouth with teeth curved inside the mouth. The skull of these fish lacks some bones, so the bagmouths easily open their mouths almost 180 degrees. On great depth There is not always enough food, so the fish has adapted to eat for the future, swallowing food more than its own weight and size. A bag full of sacks can be long time go without food.

2. Giant grenadier
The giant grenadier is most often found in the seas surrounding Russia: in Okhotsk - off the coast of Kamchatka and in Berigov - near the Kuril and Commander Islands. Here it is known as the "little-eyed longtail" or "little-eyed grenadier", although in other countries it is commonly called the giant grenadier. The size of the fish - compared to other deep-sea creatures - is truly enormous. Adults can reach 2 meters, and their weight is 20–30 kg. The maximum recorded age of an adult fish was 56 years, but it is believed that the giant grenadier can live even longer. Young fish usually stay close to the surface, at depths of 200 to 500 meters. As it matures, the giant grenadier goes deeper and deeper, descending to 3,500 meters and deeper.

3. Skilled fisherman
Lasiognathus is a genus of deep-sea ray-finned fish of the family Thaumatichthidae - lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Among ichthyologists it is known under the unofficial name “skillful fisherman”. Lasiognathus received its nickname for a reason. This deep-sea fish has an almost real fishing rod, with which it hunts other fish and invertebrates. This device consists of a short fishing rod (basal bone), fishing line (modified dorsal fin ray), hook (large skin teeth) and bait (luminous photophores). This gear is truly remarkable. In different subspecies of Lasoignatus, the structure of the fishing rod can vary from short (up to the middle of the body) to long (much longer than the body). These fish live at great depths - about 4 kilometers.

4. Sabertooth
Sabertooth is a deep-sea fish that lives in tropical and temperate zones at depths from 200 to 5,000 m. It grows up to 15 centimeters in length and weighs only 120 grams. The most remarkable thing about her is two long fangs, which are located on the lower jaw. In proportion to their body, they are the longest among fish known to science. And so that Sabertooth could close its mouth, nature endowed it with special grooves in the upper jaw and divided the fish’s brain into two parts.

5. Hatchet fish
Hatchetfish are deep-sea fish found in temperate and tropical waters of the world's oceans. They got their name for their characteristic appearance - a narrow tail and a wide “axe-like body”. They can most often be found at depths from 200 to 600 meters. However, it is known that they can live at a depth of 2 kilometers. Their body is covered with silvery scales, which easily bounce off and are strongly compressed from the sides. The size of the “hatchets” is small, and in some individuals the body length is only 5 centimeters.

Idiacanth are small, quite rare deep-sea fish of the Idiacanthidae family. They are most common in tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Males are no longer than 7 cm and look more like a larva than a fish: there are no teeth, as well as the characteristic antennae at the bottom of the head of females. But the photophore is very well developed and occupies 1/3 of the head. Interestingly, the digestive system of males degrades by the time they reach puberty, they stop feeding, and from that moment on their life expectancy is a couple of weeks. During this period, males float passively in the water column at a depth of 1–2 km, and with their huge photophore they attract females to mate. The latter are larger and reach a length of as much as half a meter. The huge mouth, lined with sharp, crooked teeth, never closes. An antennae extends from the chin, which sometimes exceeds the length of the head by 3 times and ends at the end with a thickening. The skin is dark, jet black and has no scales. Violet and golden photophores are scattered throughout the body.

7. Coelacanth
The coelacanth or coelacanth is a large deep-sea fish whose discovery in 1938 became one of the most important zoological finds of the 20th century. Despite its unattractive appearance, it is remarkable in that for 400 million years it has not changed its appearance and body structure. In fact, this unique relict fish is one of the oldest living creatures on planet Earth. She's even older than dinosaurs! Coelacanth lives at a depth of up to 700 meters in the waters of the Indian Ocean. The length of the fish can reach 1.8 meters with a weight of more than 100 kilograms, and the body has a beautiful blue tint. Since coelacanth is very slow, it prefers to hunt at great depths, where there is no competition with faster predators. These fish can swim backwards or belly up. Despite the fact that the meat of the coelcanth is inedible, it often becomes a desired prey among local poachers. Currently, the coelacanth or coelacanth is endangered.

8. Bathisaurus
The name Bathysaurus ferox sounds like a dinosaur, which, in principle, is not far from the truth. Bathysaurus ferox is a deep-sea lizardfish that lives in tropical and subtropical seas of the world, at depths from 600 to 3500 meters. Its length reaches 50–65 centimeters. It is considered the world's deepest living superpredator. And all because he devours any creature that comes his way. Once the jaws of this devilish fish slam shut, it's game over. Even her tongue is lined with razor-sharp fangs.

9. Giant isopod
Giant isopods - the name of 9 species of large isopods that live in cold waters at the bottom Atlantic Ocean. These are large animals that can be more than 50 centimeters in length. The largest recorded specimen weighed 1.7 kg. at 76 cm. Externally, isopods resemble woodlice, although they are 50 times larger. They live at depths from 170 to 2,500 meters. Although the majority of the entire population (about 80%) prefers a clay bottom at a depth of 360–750 m from the surface of the water and solitude. They are carnivorous and can hunt slow-moving prey such as sea cucumbers, sponges and small fish. They do not disdain carrion that falls from the surface. Hundreds of Isopods can be found near the carcasses of dead whales and large sharks, devouring the decomposing body. Since there is not always enough food at such great depths, and finding it in pitch darkness is not an easy task, these crayfish have adapted to do without food for quite a long time. It is known for sure that Isopod is capable of fasting for 8 weeks in a row.

Did you know that scary creatures live at the bottom of the ocean? The truth is that we know more about our universe than we do about the oceans on our own planet. In fact, even to this day we are discovering new creatures lurking in depths where no one can even penetrate. sunlight. Honestly, some of these deep sea creatures are pretty creepy. Here are the 25 Scariest Sea Monsters You Didn't Know About!

25. Tongue-eating crustacean

We'll start small. This terrible creature penetrates the fish through the gills, eats its tongue, and then attaches itself to the place where it used to be.

24. Chimera

Photo: wikimedia commons

The Ratfish or Ghost Fish, the Chimera is known as one of the oldest fish in existence today. They live very deep in the dark, so the appearance of this monster will definitely be reflected in your nightmares. Just look at that face!

23. Corrugated Shark

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

With a triple row of sharp teeth, this deep sea shark can wreak havoc on anything it catches. Plus, she just looks creepy.

22. Lobster "Terrible Claw"

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Discovered in 2007 off the coast of the Philippines, this lobster was aptly named. Look at those claws! This guy could cut you into pieces like a wheel of cheese.

21. Water bear

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

While most of the creatures on our list are quite large, these ones are quite tiny. Even... microscopic! What's strange about them is their durability. They can survive in almost any temperature and can live without water for over ten years!

20. Mola-Mola

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Also known as Pisces Sun or Pisces Moon, sounds good, right? But, think again, because she weighs over 900 kg! While the fish won't attack you (they eat jellyfish), it can be quite scary when you see the fish with the heaviest bones coming at you!

19. Giant squid

Photo: pixabay

These monsters can grow up to 18 meters in length. And their eyes are as big as beach balls! And yes, their eating habits are just as bad as you might imagine. They grab their prey with their tentacles and then stuff it into their beaks. The squid then crushes it with its tooth-covered tongue before the food enters the esophagus. It's very similar to a meat grinder.

18. Pelagic largemouth shark

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Discovered in 1976, this huge shark attracts plankton with the light that comes from its mouth. Don't swim into the light!

17. Galper eel

Photo: fishbase.org

Considering that these Marine life live at a depth of thousands of meters, little is known about them. But we know for sure that the huge jaws of a fish allow it to swallow prey as large as itself.

16. Goblin Shark

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Just one look at this shark will make most of us shiver. Moreover, the truly terrifying creatures' mouths seem to detach during the hunt in order to quickly capture their prey.

15. Grenadier

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

While the Grenadier is a bit odd looking, the creepiness factor doesn't always match the looks. This deep sea fish gives off a terrible smell due to high level trimethylamine oxide contained in it.

14. Pike blenny

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Although this fish is practically harmless to humans, when the blenny is in danger, it opens its huge mouth to scare away predators. Human or not, one look at this would make you want to get away as quickly as possible.

13. Giant isopod

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Found at depths of almost 2,000 meters, these scavengers can grow up to 3 meters or more in length. Moreover, they existed even before dinosaurs. How? They know how to survive. These creatures can survive without food for four years. Even if they don't eat you, just imagine coming across such a creature in the deep sea. Basically, it's just a sea cockroach that more than a person by size. But we are afraid of cockroaches when they are only a few centimeters long...

12. Fanged fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

These bad guys live at a depth of 5,000 meters. Here the water pressure can crush a person. If you don't get crushed, get ready to be mashed by terrible teeth. In fact, this aptly named underwater monster boasts the largest teeth relative to its body size of any fish.

11. Snaggletooth fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

This creepy fish has hooked teeth that help it catch its prey. In addition, it lives at incredible depths where sunlight does not penetrate. So if you ever happen to see this terrifying creature, its glowing skin and terrifying teeth will likely leave you with terrible memories!

10. Black Dragon Fish

Photo: wikimedia commons

With razor-sharp teeth, this alien-like fish lives deep in the ocean and generates its own light.

9. Giant Spider Crab

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Sometimes we are simply intimidated by size. Descending to a depth of 300 meters, you will find the largest crab on Earth. It can reach 4 meters!

8. Pacific Snakefish

Photo: wikimedia commons

Living miles below the ocean's surface, these creatures boast teeth so large they can't even close their mouths.

7. Squid is a vampire

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Its name, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, literally translates to “vampire squid from hell.” Why? This underwater squid lives underwater where sunlight does not penetrate, and if you attack it, the squid will turn inside out, exposing dozens of spiny spines. What could be more terrible? Imagine if a person did this...

6. Drop fish

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Although this creature will not harm you, it may discourage you from going deep sea diving. The blobfish has even been called "the ugliest creature" and looking at this photo, it becomes clear why. She's so disgusting it's scary!

5. Melanocete Johnson (Humpback Monkfish)

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

This deep-sea monster lures its prey with a glowing stick that protrudes from its head.

4. Grimpoteuthys (Dumbo the Octopus)

Photo: wikimedia commons

While they may look quite cute, these guys are known for wrapping their prey in frilly-like "arms" before eating it.

3. Barrel Eye Fish (Ghost Fish)

Photo: wikimedia commons

This absolutely crazy-looking deep-sea creature has a transparent head, which allows the fish to look up with its barrel-shaped eyes. Imagine that while you are swimming in the depths of the ocean, a transparent head with two disgusting eyes inside approaches you. Although this fish will not eat you, its disgusting appearance is enough to make you regret this encounter.

2. Stargazer fish

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

They burrow into ocean floor, putting out his bulging ball eyes. When an unfortunate fish swims up, they... eat it.

1. Black Crookshanks

Photo: wikimedia commons

Possibly the scariest creature on our list, this fish can swallow prey more than twice its size in size and 10 times its weight.

The secrets of the ocean will never be completely solved by us. Over the entire history of existence, humanity has managed to explore only 5% of the depths of the sea: at the bottom of the darkest depressions, in the chasms of unknown caves, not only strange, never-before-seen creatures are hidden, but also entire sunken cities of civilizations of the distant past. Now we'll tell you about some of the most frightening ocean finds of recent times - from an underwater sanctuary unknown culture before the anomaly Baltic Sea.

A few years ago, residents of the British island of Gruncy got a taste of real horror. For three days in a row, the ocean carried drowned people to the coast, and “fresh” ones at that. In total, more than 40 bodies were found and the police now simply do not know where they all came from: no storms or shipwrecks occurred near Gruncy at that time.

Maria Celeste

This is one of the most famous ghost ships in all of human history. In 1872, the brig Mary Celeste was found in the middle of the ocean without a single person on board. Moreover, all the personal belongings of the sailors remained in place, and a still warm dinner was served in the wardroom.

Miraculous Rescue

Eleven-year-old Terri Dupperreault, sailing in a fragile boat on the open sea, was accidentally spotted from a patrol boat. The girl was rescued in last moment- The poor thing had been at sea for four days already. Terry survived, but from the stress she experienced, she forgot how she ended up on the boat in the first place.

Captain Mummy

The yacht "Sayo" attracted the attention of Philippine border guards because it did not respond to requests from its board. As it turned out later, there was simply no one to answer: the crew abandoned the ship, and in one of the cabins a perfectly preserved mummy was discovered, whose hands were reaching for the telephone. Most likely, the man died of a sudden heart attack.

Baltic UFO

A strange, if not frightening, structure was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea by Swedish divers. The Ocean X Team managed to photograph the object and take some measurements, but experts still did not understand what it really was. The structure resembles either a sunken UFO, or some kind of ancient altar - here we wrote about the Baltic anomaly in more detail.

Lost City

Off the Indian coast, archaeologists recently discovered the remains of ancient city. What's surprising about this? Well, experts estimate the age of the buildings at 9,500 years... And this means that our civilization is much older than is commonly believed.

Voice of the Depths

The sound, nicknamed the Bloop, was recorded by hydrophones of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997. Scientists have never heard such a loud “voice of the depths” either before or since: a creature of such size simply does not exist in nature. At least known to man.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming"
"In his home in R'lyeh, the dead Cthulhu sleeps, waiting in the wings"

One of the most famous legendary creatures in the history of literature.
A creature that gave inspiration to hundreds of artists for many centuries to come.
A creature that inspires fear and horror, awe and anxiety.
A creature slumbering at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in the city of R'lyeh.
A creature that everyone has heard of, but at the same time, about which many know nothing.

Dear readers, especially for Horror Kitchen, for the first time in the history of mankind, we were able to interview the great and terrible. I ask you to love, favor and tremble, today our guest is Cthulhu!

The first question that worries all of humanity from the very moment we learned about your existence is: “When will you awaken?”

You - mortals, must understand the first thing - for the ancients (like me) there is no concept of "time". It is as if we exist outside of it. We are no strangers to loneliness, boredom or fatigue.

We existed here long before you and will exist for a very long time, even after the sunset of your mortal lives. But, since you are interested in this, soon, very soon the time will come when the stars will line up in the right sequence and my city R'lyeh will rise from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

My followers, whom you call the “Cult of Cthulhu,” will read ancient spells and awaken me from sleep. You can easily understand that your end is near, because everyone and everyone on that day who lives on this earth will become wild and free, will find themselves on the other side of good and evil, will throw laws and morals aside, will scream, kill and have fun!

It’s wonderful, you say, the city of R’lyeh is located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. One, let’s say, expert on your history told us that it is located...


What other expert?

This won't help you, he's been dead for a long time. His name was H. Lovecraft. So, he and another researcher of your history, Lovecraft’s friend August Derleth, said that your “home” is located approximately at these coordinates. How right were they?

I don’t understand how such primitive creatures, who were not members of my cult, were able to determine, albeit not the exact, but quite correct location of my city...

It doesn’t matter, our readers would also like to know more about a small incident that took place just within the coordinates indicated above. In the summer of 1997, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded a strange sound called "Bloop." Scientists say that if this sound was made by a living creature, then its dimensions should exceed the size of a blue whale. Do you have anything to do with this?

I have no idea what that sound is...

However, this recording caused a lot of speculation on the topic that this sound could have been caused by you and that this was a sign before the coming end of the world, which was then prophesied in 2000.


I understand your bewilderment, in fact, in 2012 they also promised the end of the world, since the calendar...

To be honest, I don't understand why you people are so eager for the end of your days. You are so happy that you are living, but nevertheless you are constantly planning the next date for your end. I assure you, the day of my awakening is not indicated anywhere, because I alone know what position of the stars is necessary to raise my house from the bottom of the ocean.

What about your name? Still, how is it pronounced correctly?

The first syllable is pronounced gutturally and hoarsely.
The letter [u] is pronounced approximately as in English full.
The letter [h] denotes guttural wheeze.

It sounds creepy, but it’s very difficult to repeat...

Of course, with one language. Although for your primitive speeches you don’t need more.

What is the name of your language?

R'laysky .

Okay, now tell us who you are and how you came to Earth?

Insolent, mortal... But I will answer. I don’t think that if I tell you everything only about myself, you will understand any of what I say. Therefore, I'll start from the very beginning. There are creatures. Creatures that are as ancient as the universe itself. In your language, the closest name for them is the Ancients. They have not been with us for a long time. They lived on Earth for a long time and disappeared long ago.

That is, they are most likely dead now, right?

Do not blaspheme, mortal! The Ancients were, the Ancients are, and the Ancients will be. Not in those spaces that we know about, but between them. They go unperturbed and original, dimensionless and invisible to us. I am Cthulhu - their blood brother and driver of their slaves. Now they are limited in strength. Why, I cannot answer. But I feel that some of them are still on Earth...

It turns out that since they lived so many millennia ago, it means they created everything on our planet?

Of course not. The ancients don't care about creating a species as primitive as you. You were created by another race. No less ancient. They came to Earth long before the Ancients and they are called the Elders. They themselves are highly evolved fungi. They left their home planet due to a man-made crisis and settled with you. Here they created absolutely all living organisms, including the prototype of man.

The natural question is, why?

They were building a new civilization - their own new home. First they populated all the reservoirs, and then moved to land.

No, I'm talking about us. Why was it necessary to create man? We have evolved quite quickly and are still developing today. What was the goal of the Elders?

Food, mortal. They took you out to get delicious meat, no more. The fact that you have evolved means nothing. This is an unforeseen circumstance, that's all.

To summarize, people and all living things were created by ancient aliens called “Elders”. A little later, the Ancients arrived on the planet, who today have practically lost their power. You, as the blood brother of the Ancients, also arrived on earth. For what?

I and my descendants like me came to earth with the goal of seizing power on this planet and acquiring its territories. It was a fierce war, during which we drove the elders back under the water. As a result, a peace was signed, according to which all the land remained for me and my descendants, and the underwater cities remained for the Elders. The most majestic of them were erected in Antarctica.

What happened to R'lyeh?

The bowels of the earth shifted and many cities went under water. The ancient continent of Mu, on which the Elders created the first people, also went there. My city also went to the bottom. Many of my descendants left other cities and went down with me. Once again, the bulk of power remained in the hands of the Elders. But they felt that I was still alive and that the Ancients were alive with me. They felt it and were afraid.

And yet, why does your awakening threaten us with the end of the world?

For you, yes, it will be the end of the world. But also the day of the rebirth of my civilization. You will die for the reason that you are to us, like mosquitoes are to you. You simply will not survive when colossal cities are raised again and my descendants populate the earth.

Well, that explains a lot. Let's thank the great Cthulhu for this interview.

If such an interview really existed, it would go something like this. All answers to the questions were selected based on the content of H. Lovecraft’s books and stories: “The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Ridges of Madness”, “The Shadow over Innsmouth”, “Dagon”, “Out of Time”, etc.

However, there is much more that is worth mentioning outside the scope of this interview.

Howard Lovecraft is called the father of 20th century horror for a reason. He deservedly received this name and bears it along with the great E.A. By. A writer can be considered talented if he managed to bring something new to the genre after his predecessor. Lovecraft succeeded. After all, to some extent, he is also the father of science fiction. Almost all of his works have an open end and the author seems to offer us space for reflection and independent unification of the Lovecraftian universe into a single whole. It is for this reason that we still find echoes of his work in the most various works starting with books, ending with movies and computer games.

In fact, knowing the general elements of the mythology created by Lovecraft, one can very easily find references to him. Let's take probably the closest example for visitors to this site - Warcraft. We are talking about the Ancient Gods (K"tun, Yog"Saron, etc.). Even the name of one of the ancients is similar - Yog "Sothoth. Theoretically, if we take Lovecraft as a basis, we can guess what the further plot of the addons will be.

Returning precisely to the topic of our article, a film was made about Cthulhu in 2005 based on the book of the same name by Lovecraft - “The Call of Cthulhu”. And it was styled like a silent black and white film.

In 2007, they shot a color film based on the book “The Shadow over Innsmouth” - “Cthulhu”, which tells about the cult of this god.

There are no more films about Cthulhu directly. All the rest only intersect with this topic for the reason that they talk about other creatures from the pantheon of “gods” created by Lovecraft.

First of all, this is a film that once made a great impression on me - “Dagon”. Again, based on the book "The Shadow Over Innsmouth". This film most closely intersects with the theme of Cthulhu (by the way, the film “Cthulhu” of 2007 also intersects with its plot).

There is an announcement for a film based on the book "The Ridges of Madness", which will tell us about the Elders, but on this moment the project is not developing and there is no data, including teasers and trailers. It's worth waiting for, because a properly structured plot of the film will be very impressive.

Regarding the industry computer games, here I will focus on the game "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth". The game is notable for its many advantages, ranging from a detailed reflection of Lovecraft's mythology in the game and ending with a mixture of genres, about the latter below.

Initially, we find ourselves in a kind of quest - find an inconspicuous thing in the corner and use it to open the door. Next, the game will delight us with stealth missions, the sophistication of which, compared to other games, leaves much to be desired. Special attention deserves the transition of the game into a survival simulation, framed within the framework of chases. Sound effects, dialogue, door locks, door cabinets - all elements are made to the highest standards.

Next, the game transitions into a shooter with elements of quests and stealth missions, and it will remain in this genre until the end of the game. Of course, there were also giant creatures. Despite the name of the game, Cthulhu will not be shown to us, but there will be two other creatures - Dagon and Hydra.

There is still a lot left unsaid, which I think is quite interesting, so I bring you Interesting Facts about the Lovecraft universe:

  • Dagon and Hydra are most likely the "Descendants of Cthulhu", despite the fact that they are called the father and mother of the race of the deep ones ("Deep Ones"), their enmity with the Elders and the worship of the deep ones specifically to the trinity Dagon, Hydra, Cthulhu, forces us to conclude that they belonging to the "Descendants of Cthulhu";
  • "Father Dagon and mother Hydra" these two are most likely spouses;
  • Most of the enemies in the game "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth" are the deep sea race;
  • The Deep Ones are a race that combines the traits of humans, fish and toads;
  • The deep seamers often cooperate with people, the former bring fish for them, and the latter give their wives for the propagation of the deep seamer race;
  • We can meet one of the Elders in the film "Hellboy 2: The Golden Army";
  • We can meet the Ancient Yog-Sothoth in one of the episodes of the Doctor Who series, where he is called the “Great Intelligence” and his transformation abilities very accurately reflect the essence of the Ancients;
  • The fictional book "Necronomicon" (containing descriptions of terrible rituals, spells, etc.), running like a thin thread through all the plots of Lovecraft's books, supposedly actually exists: in British Museum, V National Library France, in the library of Harvard University, at the University of Buenos Aires (as well as in two more non-existent libraries);
  • Reading the Necronomicon is prohibited, as it is dangerous for mental health and because of this, it is kept secret from everyone in libraries;
  • The Necronomicon marks the intersection of Lovecraft's work and the Evil Dead film series;
  • Cthulhu is known for his mental abilities, but due to the fact that he is deep underwater, only sensitive people (writers, artists, musicians, etc.) can hear his thoughts;
  • A lot of songs were composed on the themes of Lovecraft's books, and one of them is “The Thing That Should Not Be” by Metallica.

That's all, dear readers. Thank you for your attention and for your interest in my works.
See you soon in the Horror Kitchen.

The science fiction films that were filmed in the USSR in the middle of the last century became the starting point for the entire world cinema - “Planet of Storms” gave birth to Hollywood masterpieces of space cinema, and “The Secret of Two Oceans” became an example of adventure films about submariners. Detective picture tells about the crew of the submarine "Pioneer" investigating the death of several ships under mysterious circumstances. James Bond himself could envy the equipment of the Soviet boat; the battle with a traitorous submariner threatening to blow up the submarine became the decoration of the picture, not inferior to Hollywood action films. At one time, the filming, naive in modern times, amazed the imagination; the underwater landscapes impressed several generations of viewers, and some were even inspired to choose the sea as their profession.

Still from the film "Leaders of Atlantis"

Modern teenagers are unlikely to remember the film by Kevin Connor, but for those who were born in the Soviet Union, “Leaders of Atlantis” was almost an example of adventure cinema and science fiction. The main characters of the film explore sea ​​bottom, descending to depth in a diving bell. The research is interrupted by the attack of an unknown monster, which takes the proto-bathyscaphe to Atlantis, which sank many millennia ago, filled with mysterious creatures and people. British painting left almost no traces in the memory of English-speaking viewers, but Soviet schoolchildren They lined up to once again, with wide open eyes, see the attack on the submariners by a huge dinosaur and an octopus.

Still from the film "Abyss Blue"

A person’s struggle with the depths of the sea does not necessarily have to take place in a diver’s space suit or behind the thick walls of a bathyscaphe - there are also daredevils who challenge the elements, dressed only in a modest suit and mask. Luc Besson made his first English-language film about such desperate guys - two friends competing to see who can dive deeper and survive longer underwater without air. A dangerous fight takes away life and health, but divers are not able to resist the charm of the depths; the water column beckons them, regardless of earthly problems. The plot was based on true stories two athletes who set diving depth records without special equipment.

Still from the film "Deep Sea Star Six"

The depths of the sea are an ideal place for mysterious monsters, and filmmakers actively use this horror story. The creators of “Deep Star” made a horror film in which almost all the action takes place at great depths, and thereby captivated the viewer. The personnel of the underwater station “Deep Star” discover a cave at the bottom of the ocean in which life unknown to science is boiling. Frivolous researchers inadvertently awaken and turn against themselves a terrible monster living in an underwater shelter, after which the entire station is in danger of destruction. It’s not possible to kill the monster, perhaps you can escape from it in a small submersible?

Still from the movie "The Abyss"

“Deep Star Number 6” at one time became the subject of a very heated conflict. That horror film was filmed simultaneously with the thriller "The Abyss" by James Cameron, and famous director asked the producers of “Zvezda” to postpone the release of his film, so as not to create an unhealthy conflict between the two films in the minds of viewers. Cameron didn’t find any support, so he had to “beat” his rivals in theaters. The fantastic “The Abyss” did not break box office records, but for the director it became a landmark film: it developed several visual techniques that were then used in “Terminator 2”, it served as a kind of starting point for “Titanic”, and finally contact with extraterrestrial beings can be considered the first step on the path to Avatar (okay, the second - Aliens came out a little earlier).

Still from the film "Leviathan"

A quarter of a century before Zvyagintsev’s “Leviathan,” the world became acquainted with another “Leviathan,” not as realistic and hopeless as a child of the 21st century. The horror film by George Pan Cosmatos tells the story of a team of submarine miners extracting silver at a specialized deep-sea station. During one of the reconnaissance expeditions, researchers find a sunken Soviet ship, whose crew was destroyed by a virus that causes mutation. Inadvertently, the virus was transferred to the mining station. Now there is no turning back from the depths. Cosmatos’s film borrowed plot devices from “The Thing” and “Alien,” which prevented it from becoming a masterpiece of inventiveness, but “Leviathan” had its fans.

Still from the film "Water World"

Today, although the oceans occupy most of the earth's surface, they at least leave room for human habitation. The heroes of the fantastic “Water World” are deprived of this happiness; the action of the picture takes place in the future, where melted ice has covered every piece of soil with water. We might not have mentioned the post-apocalyptic action movie by Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner on this list if it weren’t for the endlessly beautiful scene of the main characters plunging into the water in the place where New York was once located. The characters of Costner and Jeanne Tripplehorn floated to the surface, but their film sank to the bottom, bringing catastrophic losses to Universal Studios. The water world does not tolerate mischievous moods, even if it is just a movie.

Another meeting of humanity with an inexplicable phenomenon from another world, resting on the seabed, happened in 1998 in Barry Levinson’s film “The Sphere”. Spaceship, discovered in this film in the depths of the Pacific Ocean and initially believed to be alien, turned out to be abandoned from the future. It contains a sphere, huge and mysterious, capable of controlling a person’s thoughts and materializing his most terrible nightmares. Deep-sea diving suits and high-tech bathyscaphes, coupled with superstar actors Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone and Samuel L. Jackson, did not help the film; the eighty-million-dollar Titanic, based on the novel by Michael Crichton, sank to the bottom of the box office without even having time to transmit SOS signals.

Still from the film "Deep Blue Sea"

American director of Finnish origin Renny Harlin more than once or twice got involved in the most unusual projects, which forced people to talk about him as one of the most “crazy” directors. “Deep Blue Sea” characterizes this director in the best possible way - there is crazy action, and specific humor, and the unexpected death of heroes, and exciting innovative filming. The film tells about a deep-sea station where biologists conduct research that should become a panacea for humanity. Experiments get out of control when sharks, whose genomes have been tampered with by scientists, begin hunting people. At some point, an accident occurs at the station, and the structure quickly fills with water - now the sea predators become masters of the situation, and people turn into victims.

Still from the film "Military Diver"

Our story may give you the impression that cinema was unable to make at least one real drama out of the confrontation between man and depth, but this is not so. You don’t have to look far for an example—let’s take, for example, George Tillman’s brilliant biographical film “War Diver,” starring Cuba Gooding and Robert De Niro. The film follows the story of Carl Brashear, the first black American to become a military diver, a specialist who, wearing a heavy diving suit, dives into hard-to-reach places to defuse bombs and salvage sunken ships. Even while disabled, Brashear proves to be a dedicated specialist, capable of outperforming his less trained colleagues.

Still from the film "The Life Aquatic"

From all the variety of films about submarines, which every now and then get into trouble, we have chosen only two films, and the first of them is Vladimir Khotinenko’s drama “72 Meters”. Based somewhat on the tragedy that occurred in the Barents Sea with nuclear submarine“Kursk,” Khotinenko’s film tells about the wreck of a submarine that collided with a mine from World War II. Damage to the boat makes it unable to float, and only one compartment remains unflooded inside the ship. The sailors can only send one person to the surface, and the choice falls on Doctor Chernenko, who must get to the shore and report the crash. Although the film is replete with technical errors, viewers and critics highly praised the acting work of Sergei Makovetsky, Andrei Krasko and Sergei Garmash.

Still from the film "The Life Aquatic"

From tragedy to comedy, you can’t talk about submariners and their problems without recalling Wes Anderson’s film “The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou.” Taking as a basis the character and appearance of the famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Anderson created a completely unique movie character, Steve Zissou - a man in whom tragedy is combined with the comic, extraordinary experience faces a crisis of new ideas, and age is about to force the explorer to abandon the sea forever. Let’s not forget to add “Team Zissou” to this, and the tragicomedy is ready! Like many of Anderson's other films, The Life Aquatic is filled with grotesquery and is close to phantasmagoria, which, however, makes viewing it even more enjoyable. You will not see such sea depths anywhere else.

Still from the film "Poseidon"

If in other films of our top the main characters were not professional sailors or submariners, but at least trained specialists, then in Wolfgang Peterson’s “Poseidon” the plot is centered on simple people, passengers on an ocean liner overturned by a wave. Peterson can afford such experiments, because earlier in his career there were also military “ Submarine”, and the professional “Perfect Storm”. “Poseidon” is certainly impressive, but only in its visual side; there is a lot in the film computer graphics, and the ocean expanses in it really look endless and frightening. But with the dramatic component of the film, everything is not so great. But who needs believable motivations or lively characters, after all, when audiences are more concerned with the visuals?

Still from the film "Fool's Gold"

Before Matthew McConaughey became the main movie star in Hollywood, this actor could be seen in comedies and rom-coms of the most unpretentious kind. “Fool’s Gold” by Andy Tennant is not exactly a “bottom”, but this adventure film cannot be considered a masterpiece either; it has, perhaps, more action than in McConaughey’s other early films, but it is far from “Indiana Jones” and not even National Treasure. But in “Gold,” Matthew dives well, because his hero is searching for a Spanish galleon that sank many decades ago. The depths here may not be the most mind-blowing, but there is something to see. Moreover, the “sweet couple” Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey meet again in the film - this is always funny.

Still from the film "Black Sea"

Finally, for those who, for whatever reason, missed Kevin MacDonald’s recent project “Black Sea,” we recommend filling this gap. An adventure thriller about a team of “black underwater diggers” searching for Nazi treasures from the Second World War at the bottom of the Black Sea, although it received unflattering reviews from critics, it is worth watching. If only because of the participation of Jude Law, Grigory Dobrygin and Konstantin Khabensky, as well as for several very dynamic scenes and good underwater filming. In this picture there are no underwater monsters, no aliens or traitors, but there is human greed, envy and anger, which at depth acquire epic proportions and literally drown people under the thickness of water and insoluble problems.