The beardless man in Raphael's painting. The detective story is connected with Raphael's The Holy Family. "Holy Family" by Raphael

Picture " Holy family» presented to Primorye residents Marina Ageeva, director of the Nizhny Tagil Museum fine arts. More precisely, not the painting itself, but a kind of video report on how the work was restored Rafael Santi.

“The painting was found in Nizhny Tagil in the attic of a manor house that belonged to Demidov, she said. - In 1924, this building was transferred to the Tagilstroy trust, and while cleaning up, the new owners discovered the painting and did not immediately understand what they were holding in their hands. She was in bad shape. The board was broken in half, the paint layer was lost and there were numerous chips on it. Igor Grabar, the restoration artist described that even traces of forged boots were found on it. Perhaps it fell and people simply walked on it, not even suspecting that it was not a simple board.”

Another version of “The Holy Family (Madonna with Beardless Joseph)”, attributed to Raphael Santi. Photo:

Gone long years, before being returned to the gallery after restoration. I can’t even believe that this painting is over 500 years old. She has a detective story. Art critics and historians have established that at first it was in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, so it also has a second name - “Madonna del Popolo”. It was popular, so in the 40s of the 16th century it was stolen, but the canvas was soon returned. In the 17th century it was confiscated by a cardinalSfondrati. And after his death, the painting was not discovered. She disappeared and then appeared in the church of Santa Casa (translated as holy hut) in the small town of Loreto (Italy). According to legend, she was born thereMaria- mother Jesus Christ. Masters of that century said that instead of a painting there was a copy. Perhaps she was taken out or hidden.

He himself applied for this painting. Napoleon. In 1797, he demanded an indemnity - a hundred paintings and other works of art. “The Holy Family” was acquired by him as a private transaction. The convoy went to France. He walked for three months, and spent a whole month staying in the castle of the dukes Orleans.

Those accompanying them were fed, watered and shown all sorts of attention. That's how a small sign appeared in the picture - the duke's coat of arms Orléans- with three lilies. When the convoy arrived in France and the boxes were opened, instead of the original there was a pitiful copy on which even the paint had not dried.

The most famous is “The Holy Family of Falconieri”, Raphael Santi, 1507. Fragment. Photo: Public Domain

It is known that the "Holy Family" was in the collectionNikolai Demidov. He purchased the canvas incognito. A few years ago, a note from himself was found in the archives.Nikolai Demidov, in which he told whatRaphaelthey asked for 6 thousand guineas. Perhaps he or his children brought the painting to Russia, to Nizhny Tagil. Eyewitnesses said that some Italian icons were in the family cryptDemidovs.

The unique work in the city was nicknamed “Tagil Madonna”. A year and a half ago, an agreement was concluded with Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to demonstrate the film on Sakhalin Island. Primorye also expressed a desire to show the canvas to residents of the region.

Public Domain

“She is taken out once a year by special invitation, but since we had come so far to the East, we agreed that she should visit Vladivostok, but not for a month, but for two,” she continuedMarina Vladimirovna. - I used to work at a museum as the chief curator. For me, all things were family. We worried about them, like children: how safe they are here, whether the climate suits them, how they will live here. Indeed, in the museum itself the Madonna is in separate room, where there are chairs so you can sit and think about art.

IN There were no attempts on her life in the museum itself. God forbid! I read a detective story by the author Markova. Two small sketches were stolen from our exhibition in 1993 Levitan, the result was a detective. I read it, and suddenly I find lines that say “what is there Levitan, they have there Raphael hanging." I came to the city administration with this detective. She demanded to organize the protection of the country's heritage. So thanks Markov“We had all the technical equipment of the gallery replaced.”

"The Holy Family of the Falconieri", Raphael Santi, 1507. Fragment. Photo: Public Domain

In Primorskaya art gallery A hall has already been prepared in which an exhibition of one painting will be shown. CanvasRafael Santiwill be a gift in the Year of Culture for Primorye residents.

Wood, oil. 131 x 107 cm. Alte Pinakothek, Munich

“The Holy Family of Canigiani” belongs to the same period of Raphael’s work as “ Entombment" The title of the painting comes from the Florentine Canigiani family, which owned this work by Raphael before it passed into the Medici collection and then to Germany after the marriage of Anna Maria Lodovica de' Medici to the Elector of the Palatinate.

Raphael. Madonna of Canigiani (Holy Family of Canigiani). Old, distorted version before von Sonnenburg's restoration

Madonna and Righteous Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) are sitting on the grass with their children. Joseph the Betrothed stands above them - this shows the importance of Jesus' adoptive father and reflects the growth of veneration of Joseph after 1500.

Raphael. Madonna Canigiani. Detail. 1507

In The Canigiani Madonna, Raphael synthesizes elements he took from Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and combines them with a distinctly northern landscape and delicate color passages dominated by rainbow tones.

Raphael. Madonna Canigiani. Scenery

The pyramid into which the figures fit perfectly is borrowed from Leonardo, but the mutual feelings between the participants in the scene, expressed by the glances they exchange and their general serene mood, give the composition a calm descriptive character. The overall tone of the Canigiani Madonna is thus quite different from the intense and agitated art of Leonardo. Raphael creates here a plot full of human participation and transparent calm.

Raphael. Madonna Canigiani. Version after restoration by Hubert von Sonnenburg

In 1982, the German restorer Hubert von Sonnenburg undertook a careful restoration of the Canigiani Madonna and removed the distorting blue layer of paint applied in XVIII century in the sky area. Raphael's original concept can now be seen again, with putti (angels) on the left and right at the top.

"Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Francis" (Madonna col Bambino tra i santi Girolamo e Francesco), 1499-1504. The painting is now in the Berlin Art Gallery.

"Madonna Solly" is so named because it belonged to the British collector Edward Solly. The painting dates from 1500-1504. The painting is now in the Berlin Art Gallery.

"Madonna of Pasadena" (Madonna di Pasadena) is named after its current location - the city of Pasadena in the USA. The painting is dated 1503.

"Madonna and Child Enthroned and Saints" (Madonna col Bambino in trono e cinque santi) dates from 1503-1505. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the infant Christ, young John the Baptist, as well as the Apostle Peter, the Apostle Paul, Saint Catherine and Saint Cecilia. The painting is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (USA).

"Madonna Diotallevi" (Madonna Diotallevi) is named after the original owner - Diotallevi di Rimini. The painting is now in the Berlin Art Gallery. The Diotallevi Madonna is dated 1504. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms, who blesses John the Baptist. John folded his hands on his chest as a sign of humility. In this picture, as in all previous ones, one can feel the influence of Perugino, Raphael’s teacher.

"Madonna Connestabile" was painted in 1504 and was later named after the owner of the painting, Count Conestabile. The painting was purchased Russian Emperor Alexander II. Now "Madonna Conestabile" is in the Hermitage (St. Petersburg). "
Madonna Conestabile" is considered last job, created by Raphael in Umbria, before moving to Florence.

"Madonna del Granduca" was written in 1504-1505. This painting shows the influence of Leonardo da Vinci. The painting was painted by Raphael in Florence and remains in that city to this day.

"Little Madonna of Cowper" (Piccola Madonna Cowper) was written in 1504-1505. The painting was named after its owner, Lord Cowper. The painting is now in Washington (National Gallery of Art).

"Madonna Terranuova" was written in 1504-1505. The painting received its name from one of the owners - the Italian Duke of Terranuva. The painting is now in the Berlin Art Gallery.

"Madonna Ansidei" is dated 1505-1507 and depicts the Virgin Mary with the child Christ, the adult John the Baptist and Nicholas the Wonderworker. The painting is in the London National Gallery.

Madonna Ansidei. Detail

"Madonna d'Orleans" was painted in 1506. The painting is called Orleans Madonna because its owner was Philip II of Orleans. Now the painting is in the French city of Chantilly.

Raphael's painting "The Holy Family with the Beardless Saint Joseph" (Sacra Famiglia con san Giuseppe imberbe) was painted around 1506 and is now in the Hermitage (St. Petersburg).

Raphael's painting "The Holy Family under a Palm Tree" (Sacra Famiglia con palma) dates back to 1506. As on last picture, depicting the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and St. Joseph (this time with a traditional beard). The painting is in the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh.

"Madonna in Greenery" (Madonna del Belvedere) dates back to 1506. The painting is now in Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum). In the painting, the Virgin Mary holds the infant Christ, who grabs the cross from John the Baptist.

"Madonna with the Goldfinch" (Madonna del Cardellino) dates back to 1506. Now the painting is in Florence (Uffizi Gallery). The painting shows the Virgin Mary sitting on a rock while John the Baptist (on the left of the painting) and Jesus (on the right) are playing with a goldfinch.

"Madonna with Carnations" (Madonna dei Garofani) is dated 1506-1507. "Madonna with Carnations", like other paintings from the Florentine period of Raphael's work, was written under the influence of the work of Leonardo da Vinci. "Madonna with Carnations" by Raphael is a version of "Madonna with a Flower" by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting is in the London National Gallery.

"The Beautiful Gardener" (La Belle Jardiniere) dates from 1507. The painting is in the Louvre (Paris). The Virgin Mary in the painting sits in the garden holding the infant Christ. John the Baptist sat down on one knee.

Raphael's painting "The Holy Family with the Lamb" (Sacra Famiglia con l"agnello) dates back to 1507. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and the baby Jesus sitting astride a lamb. The painting is currently in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

The painting "The Holy Family Canigiani" (Sacra Famiglia Canigiani) was painted by Raphael in 1507 for the Florentine Domenico Canigiani. The painting depicts Saint Joseph, Saint Elizabeth with her son John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary with her son Jesus. The painting is located in Munich (Alte Pinakothek).

Raphael's painting "Madonna Bridgewater" dates back to 1507 and is so named because it was located at the Bridgewater estate in Great Britain. The painting is now in Edinburgh (National Gallery of Scotland).

"Madonna Colonna" dates back to 1507 and is named after the owners from the Italian Colonna family. The painting is now in the Berlin Art Gallery.

"Madonna Esterhazy" dates back to 1508 and is named after the owners from the Italian Esterhazy family. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus in her arms and a seated John the Baptist. Now the painting is in Budapest (Museum of Fine Arts).

"Grande Madonna Cowper" was painted in 1508. Like Cowper's Little Madonna, the painting is in Washington (National Gallery of Art).

"Madonna Tempi" was painted in 1508, named after the owners, the Florentine Tempi family. Now the painting is in Munich (Alte Pinakothek). "Madonna Tempi" is one of the few paintings by Raphael of the Florentine period in which the influence of Leonardo da Vinci is not felt.

Madonna della Torre was painted in 1509. The painting is now in the London National Gallery.

"Madonna Aldobrandini" dates back to 1510. The painting is named after the owners - the Aldobrandini family. The painting is now in the London National Gallery.

"Madonna del Diadema blu" is dated 1510-1511. In the painting, the Virgin Mary lifts the curtain over the sleeping Jesus with one hand, while embracing John the Baptist with her other hand. The painting is in Paris (Louvre).

"Madonna d'Alba" dates back to 1511. The painting was named after its owner, the Duchess of Alba. "Madonna Alba" belonged to the Hermitage for a long time, but in 1931 it was sold abroad and is now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington .

"Madonna with a Veil" (Madonna del Velo) dates from 1511-1512. The painting is in the Condé Museum in the French city of Chantilly.

"Madonna of Foligno" (Madonna di Foligno) dates from 1511-1512. The painting is named after the title Italian city Foligno, where she was. The painting is now in the Vatican Pinacoteca. This painting was painted by Raphael commissioned by Sigismondo de Conti, secretary of Pope Julius II. The customer himself is depicted in the picture on the right, kneeling before the Virgin Mary and Christ, surrounded by angels. Standing next to Sigismondo de Conti are Saint Jerome and his tame lion. On the left is John the Baptist and the kneeling Francis of Assisi.

"Madonna with Candelabra" (Madonna dei Candelabri) dates from 1513-1514. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child surrounded by two angels. The painting is in Art Museum Walters in Baltimore (USA).

The Sistine Madonna is dated 1513-1514. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the infant Christ in her arms. To the left of the Mother of God is Pope Sixtus II, to the right is Saint Barbara. The Sistine Madonna is in the Old Masters Gallery in Dresden (Germany).

"Madonna del Impannata" (Madonna dell "Impannata) is dated 1513-1514. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the child Christ in her arms. Next to them are St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine. On the right is John the Baptist. The painting is in the Palatine Gallery in Florence .

"Madonna in an Armchair" (Madonna della Seggiola) is dated 1513-1514. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby Christ in her arms and John the Baptist. The painting is in the Palatina Gallery in Florence.

"Madonna in the Tent" (Madonna della Tenda) was written in 1513-1514. The name of the painting is given because of the tent where the Virgin Mary with the Child Christ and John the Baptist are located. The painting is in the Alte Pinakothek in Munich (Germany).

Madonna del Pesce was painted in 1514. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the Child Christ, Saint Jerome with a book, as well as Archangel Raphael and Tobias (the character from the Book of Tobit, to whom Archangel Raphael gave the miraculous fish). The painting is located in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

"Walk of the Madonna" (Madonna del Passeggio) dates from 1516-1518. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary, Christ, John the Baptist and, not far from them, Saint Joseph. The painting is in the National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh).

Raphael's painting "The Holy Family of Francis I" (Sacra Famiglia di Francesco I) is dated 1518 and named after the owner, King Francis I of France, and is now in the Louvre. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child, Saint Joseph, Saint Elizabeth with her son John the Baptist. Behind are the figures of two angels.

Raphael's painting Sacra Famiglia sotto la quercia (Sacra Famiglia sotto la quercia) depicts the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child, Saint Joseph and John the Baptist. The painting is in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

"Madonna with a Rose" (Madonna della Rosa) is dated 1518. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary with the Christ Child, who receives from John the Baptist a parchment with the inscription "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God). Behind everyone is Saint Joseph. There is a rose on the table, which gave the name to the painting. The painting is in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

The painting "Little Holy Family" (Piccola Sacra Famiglia) dates from 1518-1519. The painting depicting the Virgin Mary with Christ and Saint Elizabeth with John the Baptist is called "Little Holy Family" to distinguish it from the painting "Great Holy Family" ("Holy Family of Francis I"), also in the Louvre.

Raphael's first Florentine period (1504-1508)

Painting by Raphael "The Holy Family, or Madonna with Beardless Joseph"(1506), stored in the Hermitage, dates back to the early, Florentine, period of the artist’s work. Joseph, Mary and the Child form a remarkably simple, natural group.

Religious shade of mood, not yet alien "Madonna Conestabile"(1504), gives way to purely human feeling.

Depicting Mary, the Child Christ and St. Joseph, Raphael cleanses his images of everything everyday, discards random features and everyday details, elevating them to a pedestal of perfection. Fluid and smooth lines of contours, a roll call of color spots, and a thoughtful arrangement of figures give rise to the feeling of harmony, grandeur and simplicity inherent in the works of Raphael in the picture. The artist departs from the traditional iconography of Joseph, depicting him without a beard - hence the second title of the painting.

Before us is an idyllic scene family life. A minute of quiet silence, inexpressibly poetic inner experiences. These feelings are so ideally pure, so poetically express the holy warmth of motherhood, that if Raphael’s Madonna is now impossible to pray, yet in these bright images you inhale the mood of divine purity and bright peace.

In “Madonna with Beardless Joseph” the figures fill almost the entire surface of the picture and seem to be deployed in the plane of the relief. The baby's head is in the center of the composition. The triangle pattern in the images of the Madonna and Child appears clearly. The plasticity of forms, the contrasts of lines and their inclinations are vividly felt next to the verticals of the pilasters and Joseph’s staff.

His figure perfectly completes the group, bringing it into agreement with the rectangular shape of the picture and highlighting its main images. The rounded lines of heads, shoulders and halos find their final harmonic response in the rhythmic bend of the arch above the light landscape. Thus, the combination of all forms and lines and the light airiness of the landscape corresponds to the inner expression of peace, clear peace. How subtly thought out and balanced in creative work every feature of this enlightened appearance!

Already in the most early works Raphael's unique individual traits are obvious. The young artist strives for concreteness in life. IN to the greatest extent this refers to the image of old Joseph, who was traditionally depicted with a large beard, emphasizing his age. Raphael depicted the old man as beardless. This detail turned out to be so characteristic that Raphael’s painting was called “Madonna with Beardless Joseph.” Less vividly, but quite definitely, Mary and the Baby Jesus are individualized.

The artist gives the figure of the Child in a complex spread, which undoubtedly shows the influence of Leonardo. But at the same time, Raphael strives for the greatest simplicity and harmony of the image. The artist combines the three figures into a relaxed but inextricably linked group. The composition of the painting is based on repeating and overlapping motifs of a circle and a semicircular arch.

This technique gives the composition amazing musicality, integrity and stability. An undisturbed calm, although shrouded in slight sadness, dominates the picture. A barely perceptible print dissolves in light, delicate color harmonies. Raphael achieves here such coloristic subtlety that he did not always succeed in his later works.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote the elegy "Renaissance", inspired by the "Madonna with Beardless Joseph", exhibited in the Hermitage after restoration, which returned the original letter of Raphael.


A.S. Pushkin

Barbarian artist with a sleepy brush
The picture of a genius is blackened
And your drawing is lawless
Draws senselessly over her.

But the colors are alien, with age,
They fall off like old scales;
The creation of a genius is before us
It comes out with the same beauty.

This is how misconceptions disappear
WITH tormented soul mine,
And visions arise in her
Initial, pure days.