Where is the Church of the Holy Family located? Sagrada Familia (Temple of the Sagrada Familia) – prices, construction history, photos of facades

WITH Agrada Familia is not the main cathedral of Barcelona, ​​but it is one of the most famous in the world..
All because of long-term construction that lasted for centuries. And the main Cathedral of the city is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, located in the Gothic Quarter of the city (I have already written about it). But the Sagrada is beautiful, especially inside. This is something...

Construction of the Sagrada Familia began in 1882. Gaudi came to this construction site in 1883, after the dismissal of the previous architect (probably for missing construction deadlines))))

There is a legend that one of the teachers said about Gaudi: “He is either a genius or crazy”... I think that most likely it is both)))


After the death of Gaudi, who was hit by a tram (his body rests in the crypt of the Basilica), the construction of the temple was continued by his close friend and ally Domenech Sugranes, then by other architects. The church should be completed only by 2026, and that is doubtful, since the date is nearby and the tower is too small. If everything goes well, the construction of this temple will take about 144 years!


The reason for the long-term construction is that initially the authorities decided to build it only with money from donations from parishioners and no one wants to change it. We would have built it quickly, this is not the Zenit stadium. The temple and the field do not have a retractable dome and the dome does not open... darkness... 19th century...


In general, for a temple of this size it is stuffy in this place. When they began to build the Sagrada Familia, the area around was a suburban wasteland. Now the city has grown, entire residential areas and houses have sprung up around the church, and the authorities did not hesitate to ban construction... now it is as if it is in the shackles of neighboring houses.


But the Temple is beautiful, really... The spindle-shaped shape of the bell towers, reminiscent of sand castles, is determined by the structure of the spiral staircases inside. Each tower is dedicated to its own apostle, whose statues are placed at points where the shape of the towers changes from square to round.

On the temple there is " magic square"in which all the numbers add up to 33... the age of Christ... there is also a small square on the gate to the temple, but there are still many other secrets there.


Next to the magic square is a sculpture called "The Kiss of Judas."

At the top of the towers, Gaudi intended to place tubular bells, the ringing of which would be combined with the sound of five organs and the voices of 1,500 singers, located, according to the architect’s idea, on both sides of the longitudinal naves and on the inside of the Glory façade.

Each bell tower bears the motto “Glory to the Most High” (“Hosanna Excelsis”) from top to bottom, above which rise polychrome spiers decorated with a stylized image of the symbols of the episcopal rank - the Ring, Miter, Rod and Cross.


Externally, the Sagrada Familia is very unusual and should be associated with a termite mound... with nature. He will be a little shorter than herself high mountain Spain, so as not to encroach on the heights of God's creation. The temple combines elements of both Gothic and modernism, cubism and other crazy things, even fantasy...




The ticket costs about 15 euros.


Everything in the interior is subject to strict geometric laws. Round and elliptical windows and stained glass windows, hyperbolic vaults, helical staircases, numerous stars appearing at the intersections of various ruled surfaces and ellipsoids decorating the columns - this is an incomplete list of the geometric details of the decoration of the Temple. (C) Vicky


Inside is a separate song... LEPOTA... I like him better inside...


The columns resemble giant trees... all slightly different in thickness and height.


It looks like he's parachuting... too creative...





In the basement there is another hall where services are held.


Almost all sculptures have square heads...


The temple has a museum with views of the cathedral in the past and future. Original drawings from early plans for the building, furniture design, and reconstruction models can be used that provide support for the more complex details of the temple.



Ceiling decoration elements...


Now some street sculptures and bas-reliefs.


I liked the reverse side less. It was made by Antonio Gaudi’s students after his death... I think it’s tossing and turning...



And there are a lot of square heads...




There are people and reptiles and some square-headed saints... When the church ministers began to criticize Gaudi for the sculptures of all sorts of “reptiles” located on the facades, he said that for God crocodiles and toads are not bad at all, he created them, so Why are they bad for you? The questions are gone...



The walls are very richly decorated...




This is what the temple will look like after the facility is completed)))

According to the newspaper El Periódico de Catalunya, in 2006 the construction was visited by 2.26 million people, which puts the site on a par in popularity with the Prado Museum and the Alhambra Palace.

The construction, which began and continues exclusively with private donations, is being carried out on a site that does not belong to the Church and is not supervised by the episcopate. As a result, the naming of the Sagrada Familia church as a cathedral, sometimes observed in Russian-language texts and oral practice, is erroneous. It should be remembered that the main diocesan church of Barcelona remains cathedral St. Eulalia ("La Seu") in the Old Town, not the Sagrada Familia church.

In 2008, a group of more than 400 cultural figures in Spain called for work on the temple to be stopped. In their opinion, the creation of the great architect became a victim of careless, inept restoration for the sake of the tourism industry.

Professional film about the temple outside and inside.


We say goodbye to the Sagrada and on the metro...


How do you like the geometry of the streets of Barcelona? It’s like cutting a pie with a knife))) they say St. Petersburg is a flat city. Barcelona is no less flat)))


Photo (C) https://pikabu.ru/story/krasivyiy_taymlaps_sagrada_familiya_semki_s_drona_3985179

There was a homeless man standing on the stairs and yelling very loudly at everyone for probably 5 minutes. But the police came and calmed him down)))


The temple is a must-visit place in Barcelona))) Address: Carrer de Mallorca street 401. Near the metro station - Sagrada Familia (these are lines L2 and L5). Up to one of central streets city, Avenue de Gracia, from here it's about a 30-minute walk.


Do you like Sagrada Famidia?

Part of the pictures (C) Internet, basic information Wiki, sites: turizm.ngs55.ru/barcelona/; barcelonacheckin.com/ru/;

Barcelona is famous for its historical sites and stunning mix of buildings and quirky architecture. In our article we want to talk about a brilliant architectural creation - the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. The amazing structure attracts tourists from all over the world with its bizarre shapes and reliefs, transporting them to Biblical times.

Historical facts

The expiatory Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia has been under construction for more than 150 years and is considered the most famous long-term construction. It's hard to believe, but that's how it really is. In 2005, UNESCO even included this unique object in its lists of the heritage of humanity, which in itself already speaks of the significance of the structure.

At one time, the idea of ​​​​building a temple came from an ordinary bookseller from Barcelona, ​​Josep Bocabella. In those distant times, he led the community of Joseph worshipers. In 1872, Bocabelli arrived in the town of Loreto, where there was a house that, according to legend, served as the abode of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The bookseller was so fascinated by the beauty of the temple that he decided to create a copy of it in his hometown.

The idea of ​​such construction eventually grew into the decision to build an unusual structure in However, due to a lack of funds, Bokabel managed to acquire land only on the outskirts of the city.

The Sagrada Familia, as our tourists often call it, was founded on March 19, 1882. In general, it is worth noting that the correct name of the building sounds a little different - the Sagrada Familia temple. The start of construction turned into important event, in which representatives of the clergy and city authorities took part. The architect of the Sagrada Familia was Francisco del Villar. It was he who proposed to build a temple in neo gothic style, which was incredibly popular in that era. However, during construction, the architect had disagreements with the performers, so he subsequently withdrew from participation in the project.

The brilliant Gaudi

In 1883, further construction of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona was headed by the famous Gaudi, who in turn made significant changes to the project and decided to erect a gigantic structure. According to his idea, stone columns like trees, covered arches and benches for parishioners will be built around the church.

According to the architect's plan, the Sagrada Familia Cathedral was supposed to simultaneously receive up to 14 thousand parishioners. Since childhood, Antonio Gaudi had an extraordinary imagination, which made him very different from his comrades and peers. It seemed that the boy had some special connection with the world around him; he incredibly appreciated everything that was created by nature. Antonio could spend hours admiring the clouds and imagining that they were trees, fairy-tale characters or animals. Even drops of dew in the grass and flowers aroused the young man’s interest and admiration. In his fantasies, he transformed all the objects he saw into something extraordinary.

Despite the fact that Gaudi was known as a supporter of experiments, his subtle sense of construction never failed him. His creations were always beautiful and natural, and any unusual ideas complied with strict engineering rules. The architect used in his practice the latest thoughts of that time, for which he can safely be called an innovator.

Such a complex science as sopromat was already known to Gaudi, and he actively used his knowledge.

Gaudi's plans

In order for the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to look more majestic, Gaudi noted in his sketches that the height of the central tower of Christ should be a meter lower than the Religious architect believed that the creation of man could not be higher than God's creation. According to the plans, the facades were supposed to be decorated with scenes on the theme of the birth and resurrection of Christ.

Gaudí was repeatedly reproached for the fact that construction was proceeding too slowly. To which the architect replied that his brainchild was in no hurry. Initially it was assumed that the temple would be built using donations. However, Antonio was so obsessed with his project that he invested all his available funds in the construction. But even this money was not enough; we had to collect it from house to house.

But, unfortunately, in 1926 the life of the brilliant architect was cut short. At that time, Gaudi was 74 years old. He managed to implement only part of his project - to create one tower of the Sagrada Familia, the facade of the Nativity, the crypt and the apse. From 1954 to this day, construction continues.

Followers of Gaudi

In the nineties of the last century, a new architect, Subirax, took on the temple. He set about creating a façade called the Passion of Christ. An interesting fact is that the new architect was a real atheist, in contrast to the deeply religious Gaudi. When Subirax received such a tempting offer to start making sculptures for decorating facades, he spent a whole year studying the work of Gaudi. And only in 1987 he began to work. Subirax is currently working with several other architects on the naves, courtyard and choir of the Sagrada Familia. Absolutely the entire decor of the building contains Christian symbols. Viewing the elements of the building feels like turning through the pages of the Bible.

A total of eighteen towers are planned for construction. They will all be at different heights. The Tower of Christ is the tallest, with a cross on its spire. The Tower of the Virgin Mary will be slightly smaller in size. The next four will symbolize the evangelists. Also, twelve bell towers are planned in the temple, which represent the number of apostles.

Despite the fact that the Sagrada Familia Cathedral is unfinished inside, as well as outside, in 2000 it was already consecrated by Pope Benedict the Sixteenth. The temple is officially recognized as suitable for conducting church services.

Nativity facade

The Nativity façade was built by Gaudi himself, through which visitors enter the temple. Initially, a building was erected, which was divided into three entrances to the internal halls. It is equipped with four bell towers with high spiers in honor of the holy apostles Jude, Barnabas, Simon and Matthew. The open, lightweight structure of the towers was built taking into account the sound of bells, which is why they look like blinds.

Facade of Glory

The façade of the Glory faces Calle Mallorca. Its themes are related to the Fall and virtue. The building faces the coast, so it is exposed to sunlight all day long. Even this has a deep meaning hidden, since Glory is the light that brings joy and spiritual happiness. Construction of this part temple complex started quite recently. But there are already clear plans and storylines, which will demonstrate biblical stories.

Facade of the Passion

But the facade of the Passion was conceived by the brilliant Gaudi, who wanted to depict on it paintings demonstrating last days life of Christ. All the sculptures are made so skillfully that they involuntarily attract people's attention.

The gates of the Passion façade are also unusual. A fragment of text from the Gospel is carved on bronze, which tells the story of the earthly life of the Son of God.


The monastery, according to the plan, will have to be located outside the border of the temple, framing it with a ring that will be interrupted only in the area of ​​the gate and apse. The building should serve as a kind of protection from street noise and bustle.


Between the façades of the Nativity and the Passion is the Apse. It was one of the first to be built, so it is made in the Gothic style. The apse is dedicated to honoring the memory of the Mother of God. Its front part is still under construction. Many figures and elements have already been completed, but much remains to be completed. For example, it is planned to erect statues inside that represent the founders of the religious order. And at the very top there should be a dome of St. Mary, which will be crowned with a star.


Gaudi saw non-standard and inner part temple. To distribute the load on numerous arches and columns, he decided to use tree columns. Such a brilliant idea added beauty to the interior of the temple.

Construction on the inside of the cathedral continues to this day, but visitors still have the opportunity to purchase tickets to the Sagrada Familia and visit this amazing place, as there is so much to see. Inside the building you generally feel a special atmosphere, which is partly achieved by the play of light. The fact is that Gaudi himself believed that bright lighting of the interior could disrupt the harmony of the decor and would not create an atmosphere of peace of mind. Therefore, light enters the building through stained glass windows, which creates a special mood.

Already now everyone can take the elevator to the bell towers, which are connected by bridges. And in the basement of the building there is a museum where you can learn about all stages of construction.


After work on the crypt was completed, the museum was opened in 1961. It is still open to visitors. In it you can see unusual exhibits, such as the original drawings and drawings of Antoni Gaudi, which are stored in special rooms with low lighting to maximize the protection of the paper from the influence of external factors.

In addition, in the museum you can look at photographs that depict all stages of construction, there are even photos of Gaudi themselves.

Various models are collected on the shelves of the museum architectural elements temple and other unusual exhibits dedicated to all stages of the design and construction of the Expiatory Temple dedicated to the Holy Family. Also here you can see many reproductions of the works of Gaudi, who loved Catalonia very much and rarely traveled beyond its borders.

How to get to the Sagrada Familia?

Tourists who decide to see the temple will be interested to know what kind of transport can be used to get to their destination. The most convenient way is to use the metro. You need to get off at the Sagrada Familia station (5th and 2nd lines). In addition, route buses 19, 43, 34, 50 go to the temple. Don’t forget about the City Tower and Bus Turistic tourist buses, which run on special routes covering the most interesting places in Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia address: Barcelona, ​​Mallorca.

Experts make very different forecasts regarding the completion of construction. According to the plan, the temple should be completely completed in ten years. The extraordinary acoustics, which were thought out by Gaudi himself, will allow 2.5 thousand singers to gather in the temple to perform the solemn liturgy to the accompaniment of several organs. The temple should become one of the most grandiose creations in world architecture.


Despite the fact that the temple is not yet completely completed, it can already be visited. Tickets for the Sagrada Familia can be purchased at the ticket office near the cathedral. Their cost varies between 15-29 euros, and for children tickets will cost a little cheaper (15 euro ticket without a guide; if you plan to climb the tower, you will have to pay 22 euros without a guide and 29 euros with a guide).

The temple is already incredibly popular. During the tourist season, people gather near the ticket office. large number people. Experienced tourists recommend purchasing tickets with a Russian audio guide so that you can learn the history of the construction of the greatest temple. The cathedral has its own website, where you can also book a tour. But unfortunately, the resource is not equipped with Russian navigation.

Everyone who has already been to Barcelona or is just dreaming of going there immediately draws certain images in their head; for some, a picture of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia pops up in their minds, and it’s not surprising, because this is almost the main attraction of the whole country.

But do tourists know everything about this building? But there are various legends and stories around the cathedral that are worth finding out before traveling to Spain.

Where is the Sagrada Familia Cathedral located?

In the very heart of Barcelona there is a majestic temple that is impossible not to notice - this is the same temple of Antoni Gaudi. It is often called the Sagrada Familia or the Sagrada Familia.

The cathedral is located in the Eixample district - one of the most densely populated areas of the city, where more than 250 thousand people live. Although, when they began to build the cathedral, it was more than seven kilometers from Barcelona, ​​but the city has since grown and changed beyond recognition.

You can even get to the main attraction from the airport. To do this, take the metro, first take line L9, then change to L5, where you can find the station of the same name - Sagrada Familia. It will take you 30-40 minutes to get there, it’s not long, so even during a transfer you can have time to see such beauty. You can look at the external cladding, or you can book a tour and enjoy the temple from the inside, this will help you delve into the life story of the architect and the history of the creation of such a luxurious project.

Church of the Holy Family - history of construction

The Sagrada Familia by Antonio Gaudi is one of the few temples that continues to be built to this day. Gaudi intended that the cathedral would be the most majestic building in the whole world, combining many architectural styles.

Antonio Gaudi - born June 25, 1852, in Reus, (Spain); died June 10, 1926 in Barcelona, ​​(Spain)

Antonio's work was influenced by people such as Viollet le Duc and John Ruskin, and he adopted their ideas about architectural styles. But learning from others, the young architect from Reus always dreamed of creating something unusual that the world had never seen before. Decorating the city with his buildings, Gaudi devoted more than 40 years of his life to only one of his projects - the Expiatory Church of the Sagrada Familia.

History of construction: before the death of Gaudi

Construction of the cathedral began in 1883. The first architect was Francisco de Villar, who decided to build the Catholic Church in the neo-Gothic style, fashionable for that time. But the author constantly quarreled with the church council on various occasions; they could not choose materials, recruit a group, and so on. Therefore, eight years later, the master of his craft, the famous Gaudi, began work. The maestro immediately decided that he would gradually move away from the Gothic and neo-Gothic style, although the foundation had already been laid in this style. Antonio decided to finish the project own style, incomparable to anything.

The architect constantly supervised the construction of the Sagrada, believing that this was the main goal of his life. For some time the author even lived in a temple, in a small room. Until the end, he did not have a clear diagram of the cathedral; as construction progressed, he added or removed some details. Because of this, construction was often stopped because the architect stopped liking the completed part.

Gaudi devoted all his time to the construction of the cathedral, funding was decreasing, he even asked for money from local residents walking down the street. The cathedral took all the energy and time from the architect, but still, until the end of his life he was faithful to his work. Antonio Gaudi's life was cut short in 1926 when he was hit by a tram. He was buried on the grounds of the Church of the Holy Family, which he loved so much.

History of construction: after the death of Gaudi

For a long time, the authorities could not decide whether to continue the construction of the Sagrada Familia, because the idea was very complex, and not every architect could cope with it. In the original plan, the maestro wanted to build three facades with 4 high spiers. In total there would be 12 towers, symbolizing the 12 apostles. The largest spire should be located in the center - the sign of Jesus Christ. This spire is surrounded by four more hills with the symbols of an eagle, a calf, an angel and a lion, that is, these would be the symbols of the Evangelists.

Gaudi was a very religious man, he wanted the cathedral to tell stories from the Bible. Three facades would tell about “Nativity”, “Passion of Christ” and “Ascension”. But during his lifetime he only managed to build “Christmas” and four towers.

After 1926, management of the construction passed to Gaudi’s student, Domenech Sugranes, who had previously worked with the teacher for more than 20 years. After his death, Antonio left almost no drawings and diagrams that would help complete the construction of the planned facades. But his colleague knew a little about the architect’s goals and tried to fulfill them. He completed the construction of the three bell towers of the Nativity façade. He worked on the Sugranes project until 1938. And only after that construction was stopped due to wars and disorder in the country. Construction continued only in 1952.

Two years later, construction began on the second façade of the “Passion of the Christ,” based on Gaudi’s few drawings. By 1961, a crypt was built, where they immediately opened a museum telling the history of the building. By 1977, four towers were built on the second facade, and the architects began to decorate the building externally and internally.

Please note: work on the cathedral continues to this day. Now the third façade, new towers are being erected, and the interior decoration is being completed. It is expected that the Sagrada Familia will be completed by 2026.

Antonio Gaudi Sagrada Familia - temple architecture

Gaudi’s main brainchild has not been compared with anything. It has been called the organ, the heart of Spain, the anthill and even the house of God.

The creator thought through every detail to the smallest detail, every symbol on the facade means something, so everyone says that you can look at the Sagrada Familia for hours, and notice new details every time. Interior decoration It also makes you amazed, even though the cathedral is open to the public, you can’t get into all of its parts.

Exterior decoration

In his youth, Gaudi was inspired by nature, which greatly influenced him. All his life he believed that man could not build anything more beautiful than nature. But he tried to make all his buildings, drawing inspiration from the world around him. Because of this, the height of the cathedral was expected to reach 170 meters, which is several meters lower than the highest hill in Barcelona.

The architect carefully selected colors for the facade, trying to make the temple a natural “mountain” in the middle of the city. And the holes on the towers were supposed to disperse the wind, which whistled and played musically for all visitors.

The Sagrada is built in the shape of a Latin cross, has three facades and 12 towers. The various statues and reliefs on the facade were selected by Gaudí himself, although many details were added after his death. On the facade you can see fruits, people's faces, sculptures of saints and much more. If you read all the symbols on the temple correctly, you can study some scenes from the Bible and learn detailed information about the apostles.

Interior decoration

The details inside the cathedral are no less significant than the symbols on the facade. Each part tells a different story from the life of Christ. The author avoided straight lines. Inspired by geometry, he used figures such as ellipse, helicoid, conoid and more. The architect tried to play with light as much as possible.

The stained glass windows, which appeared after his death, add to the magic of the cathedral. And light enters the room through numerous openings. Since 2010, services have been held in the cathedral, although tourists are also allowed to look at this masterpiece. Inside, Antonio planned to place many columns that were supposed to support the entire structure, but at the same time should not weigh down the interior.

And so it happened, all the columns are unusual, as if they were artificial trees, between the crowns of which light leaks. In the Sagrada Familia in Catalonia you can find symbols of stars, grapes, crosses and human faces - all the details make up one magical picture.

Worth noting: many believe that modern architects they deviate from Gaudi’s canon, add their own ideas and details, but overall the composition looks harmonious and unusual, as intended great Antonio Gaudi.

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona - interesting facts

There are often rumors and legends around the Sagrada Familia, so everyone would like to know interesting facts about this creation of the genius of Gaudi:

  1. Every year more than three million people visit this Temple, and they try to invest all the money from ticket sales into the construction of the Sagrada, because colossal amounts of money are spent on it.
  2. There is a legend that the Expiatory Church of the Holy Family is not being completed on purpose, because if this happens, Spain will collapse, but this is just a myth.
  3. Construction was stopped several times, the last time this happened in 2008, when a group of art historians admitted that restoration and continued work would only harm the temple.
  4. Some tourists try to penetrate the still unfinished facades, although this is dangerous, because, after all, this is an active construction site.
  5. Despite the continuation of construction, in 2010 the Pope consecrated the temple and allowed services to be held.
  6. The very idea of ​​​​building a majestic temple belonged to the bookseller - Bocabella, who, after seeing St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican, decided to build an even more magnificent Cathedral in his homeland.
  7. The cathedral is planned to be completed only in 2026, which means that it has been under construction for 144 years. This is several years longer than construction.
  8. Gaudi himself initially knew that he would not have time to complete his creation, although he never cared how many years and efforts it would take.
  9. In addition to the architect himself, the person who came up with this idea, Josep Maria Bocabella, is also buried in the Sagrada.
  10. Gaudi was concerned about the workers; he even built a school for their children right on the territory of the cathedral. It was built in 1909, there were several classrooms where children studied. But the school had to be removed in 2002, when the territory was needed for construction.

The Sagrada Familia in Spain is, of course, the main attraction of Barcelona, ​​around which there are many legends. Some claim that the spirit of Gaudi still roams here, supervising construction.

During the entire construction period, they tried to build the cathedral according to the author’s original idea, but each time it was more difficult to bring this to life, even in modern world It is problematic to obtain so many resources.

Gaudi Cathedral in Barcelona - beautiful photos

Of course, all postcards, magnets, T-shirts and other souvenirs in Spain often depict this particular attraction. Taking a beautiful photo will not be difficult, because this place is beautiful in any weather, at any time of the year. There are especially many tourists here in the summer, so be prepared for photographs in which there will be about 100 people besides you.

If you want to get a rare photo without people, then come at sunrise or travel in low season, although Barcelona is popular destination all year round.

Winter shots are rarely classic for us, because there is rarely snow here, but you can photograph the cathedral with flowers even in winter.

The Sagrada Familia or Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Spain is a unique landmark of Barcelona, ​​because there is no building even partially similar to this in the world. Sagrada Familia is forever associated with the name of the genius Antonio Gaudi - Catalan architect and designer in the Art Nouveau style. Construction continues to this day - other architects, engineers and sculptors are also working, but their names remain in the shadow of Gaudi's genius.

Officially, construction of the temple began in 1882, and in theory it should be built exclusively on donations from parishioners. Initially, the church was not supposed to be so large and all work was supposed to be completed in a few years. But after Antonio Gaudi took over as chief architect, the project was greatly changed. At first, Gaudi built it according to his own inspiration, which he didn’t like, he broke it or altered it; it was not in his rules to build according to someone else’s drawings.

He created his projects in an unusual way: using ropes and knots. To do this, he tied together many pieces of rope, creating such thread-like hanging chandeliers from rope arches, and then simply built their mirror image - this is how the Sagrada Familia was born. Inside the temple you can see these cascading networks and once again be amazed at the genius of the architect.

Antonio Gaudi was not only involved in the architecture of buildings - he created interior design and came up with ergonomic furniture. Few people can repeat his creations. For example, it was only possible to create a model of the chandelier from his drawings that he drew for the Sagrada Familia using computer technology, and it is not yet possible to create this work of art live.

According to the author's idea, the height of the Sagrada Familia should be one hundred and seventy meters, which is only one meter lower than Mount Montjuic - the most high point in the area. Gaudi said: “Human creation should not be higher than the creation of the Almighty.”

Antonio Gaudi devoted more than a dozen years to the temple; one might say that he isolated himself on this project, locked himself in his workshop. He was in no hurry to finish the work, since the main thing for him was to realize all his ideas. Perhaps anticipating his sudden death under the wheels of a tram, he left detailed instructions and even made several drawings so that his followers could bring his plans to life. But during the Second World War everything was destroyed. It was a miracle that the Sagrada Familia was not blown up, as its towers were considered a convenient point for artillery.

Work was resumed only sixteen years later and continues to this day. During this time, many opponents of construction have appeared who claim that modern architects are only spoiling what Antoni Gaudi created with such love and inspiration. Whether they are right or not is not for us to judge, but it seems to me that there is no need to rush and finish such a creation as quickly as possible, just to please the tourists, millions of whom come to admire the temple every year. As Antonio Gaudi said about the temple, pointing his finger to the heavens: “My customer is in no hurry.”

The closer you get to the majestic building, the more you get the impression of man’s insignificance before God. But that's exactly how it was intended. The temple was built in the neo-Gothic style, the main feature of which is these buildings striving upward.

Let me digress a little - everyone remembers the harsh Inquisition, which stood guard over the faith in Spain for two hundred years, but few people know that it was in Barcelona that the Chief Inquisitor sat. This city literally absorbed the veneration of God. Perhaps that is why it was decided to build the Expiatory Church of the Holy Family. And even earlier, before the Inquisition, Barca was the center of the teachings of the Cathars, who considered themselves descendants of Christ. It was the Cathars who founded the mysterious Templar Order, which keeps many secrets. Some historians believe that the arched structure of the Sagrada Familia symbolizes the caves in which the Cathars hid from the Inquisition. But we are unlikely to know whether this is true or not, since Antonio Gaudi knew how to keep his secrets, just like the Cathars.

Sagrada Familia - heritage of Humanity

According to the plan, the temple should have three facades, each of which is surrounded by four towers, like the twelve apostles. Today there are only four and only one of them, the Tower of St. Barnabas, inlaid with broken glass mosaics, was built during Gaudí's lifetime. All four towers are located around the Northern façade of the Sagrada, which is dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

Conventionally, the facade is divided into three parts: Faith, Hope and Charity.

Here you can see sculptural scenes of the betrothal of Mary and Joseph, the beating of the infants, the Nativity of Jesus, the Annunciation and others. Each scene is bordered by fancy stone laces, in which one can guess luxurious flowers and palm trees spreading their leaves.

By the way, the sculptures of people were created by Gaudi in human size, and for the scene of the beating of infants by Herod, the architect went to the morgue and took casts from the faces of infants.

The eastern façade is dedicated to the Passion of Christ. It tells about the events that preceded and followed the crucifixion of Christ. It is not finished yet and many scenes are not completed. The unusual design of the sculptures, which are somewhat reminiscent of characters from Star Wars, attracts attention. From this side is the entrance to the Sagrada.

Interior of the Sagrada Familia: is it worth going inside?

It is worth noting that if you want to get inside, take care of your tickets in advance. There is always a huge queue of tourists near the walls of the temple, in which you will have to stand for an hour and a half. Or come to the opening itself so that the queue doesn’t scare you. But this time spent will pay off handsomely with the extraordinary spectacle that will open up to you inside - it’s unlikely that you’ve seen something like that, even if you’ve been to the most famous temples peace. Online tickets can be purchased on the official website of the Cathedral.

Antonio Gaudi intended to place shops for 105 thousand people in the Sagrada - so that the temple could gather all the believers of Catalonia (that’s how many people lived in Catalonia at the beginning of the 20th century).

It seemed to me when I went inside and raised my head up that I was in fairy forest with large flowers on carved legs.

The temple is incredibly light, without the gloom and severity of the famous catalytic cathedrals.

The vaults of the cathedral are supported by a large number of graceful hyperbolic arches and columns, crowned with rosettes of flowers similar to stars. They are illuminated by the sun through the many windows and multi-colored stained glass windows in the towers, which creates an unreal glow on the ceiling.

In the basement there is a museum of the construction of the cathedral, where models and miraculously preserved drawings are collected.

Also here you can see how sculptors work today, creating new sculptures to decorate the facade of the temple.

Observation deck of the Sagrada Familia

Don't neglect the opportunity to go up to the observation deck. By the way, the elevator only goes up to 65 meters, and if you want to get to the very top, you will have to climb another 426 steps along a narrow spiral staircase. It is interesting that the stairs of different towers are twisted in different directions, so if you look up at them, the illusion of upward movement is created, as if the temple is growing, towering and not stopping for a minute.

At the top, you can walk from one tower to another, along intricate corridors.
The windows offer a sight that will silence you for several minutes. Beautiful Barcelona lies beneath your feet, and around your window, here and there you can see spiers, porticos and chimeras frozen in time. Here is a tree on whose branches stone pigeons froze, and a little in the distance there are multi-colored spiers resembling candy canes.

And saints with stern faces seem to be peeking out from the walls of the towers, watching us. Here it is - Antonio Gaudi's beloved Barcelona from the heights of the main creation of his life...

By the way, there are no bells here that we are used to. According to Gaudi's plan, tubular bells will be installed here, which will ring when the wind blows. This will probably be real heavenly music.

In 2005, the World Organization UNESCO classified the Sagrada Familia as a Heritage of Humanity, thereby emphasizing the uniqueness of this building.

Almost all of my friends were in Barcelona. Everyone saw the Sagrada Familia from the outside, but only a few went inside. Don't miss the chance to see such beauty, tickets can be bought online at official website.

How to get to Sagrada Familia

Exact address: La Sagrada Familia, Carrer de Mallorca, 401, 08013 Barcelona, ​​Spanje

Metro: Sagrada Familia (lines L2 and L5)

In addition, SAgrada Iamilia can be reached by tourist buses such as Bus Turistic or City tour.

Barcelona hotels: reviews and booking

Of course, you already know everything and anything about this cathedral. We read about its history and looked at it from different angles. But in order to somehow surround this magnificent virtual flight over Barcelona and the building (with a fly inside) with information, which you could watch and participate in by clicking on the picture at the beginning of the post, I will also remind you of some information and photographs about this.

Barcelona is an incomprehensible and daring city of Spain, a symbol of Catalan culture and modern art, strangely combining Authentic and Neo-Gothic, zealously defending its traditions and boldly challenging established views... The capital of Catalonia is perhaps the largest tourist center in Europe, offering visitors not just a rich choice attractions.

From the magnificent hill of Montjuic with the National Palace, Art Museum, Spanish Village and Magic Fountain to the legendary Gaudí's Barcelona, ​​this city knows how to enchant and amaze the imagination. It was the works of the outstanding Catalan architect, shining like a bright spot over the entire history of art, that turned Barcelona into a mecca for artists and designers from all over the world. The whimsical lanterns on the Royal Square and the fantastic images of the estate of Count Güell (now on the territory of the estate there is a library of the local university) are no less surprising today than on the day of their creation, and the palace near the Rambla, the Vicens house, Casa Batllo and Casa Mila, along with Park Güell, are part of the UNESCO world heritage. But main symbol A largely contradictory and still unsolved genius is, of course, the Sagrada Familia, the legendary Cathedral of the Holy Family.

First, see what Barcelona looks like from above:

Clickable 2800 px

“Either man is playing God, creating such masterpieces, or God is playing man, giving birth to such ideas in his head,” said one of the researchers of the work of Antonio Gaudi, frozen in amazement near the Sagrada Familia temple.

For the construction of this temple, a free plot of land was allocated, which was located a few kilometers from the city. The temple project was designed by the architect Francesco del Villara. The architect's plan was to build a church in the neo-Gothic style, however, he only managed to rebuild the crypt above the apse. After him, in 1891, the head of the project was Antoni Gaudi, who, oddly enough, was never particularly religious, so it still remains a mystery why the construction was entrusted to him.

However, Antoni Gaudi took on the project with all his zeal and made significant changes to its original plan. For 43 years, the Sagrada Familia cathedral became the meaning of his life, the architect devoted all his time to its creation, he even lived in it.

The Sagrada Familia is a daring attempt in the almost godless 20th century to repeat, at a new level of consciousness, the classic buildings of the Catholic Middle Ages, such as the Milan and Cologne Cathedrals. Gaudi himself understood that he would not be able to live to see his dream come true. Cathedrals have been built for centuries - only Sophia in Constantinople and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow were built in five years, since a whole system worked for them. In Western civil society, where every penny counts, this does not happen. In addition, the Sagrada Familia was initially built only with private donations. And Gaudí was ironic about this, saying: “My client is in no hurry,” meaning God.

The Sagrada Familia was built on the basis of Gothic canons, but Gaudi added his own unique content to this form. Gaudi is a mixture of mathematician and mystic. He sated his creation to the limit Christian symbols, sometimes to the point of paranoia. The cathedral should have three facades (Nativity, Passion and Resurrection) and four towers on each side - it turns out 12, according to the number of apostles, and their height should be 100 meters. Currently, only four of them have risen up (one during Gaudí's lifetime, the other three - in 1926-1936, under the leadership of one of his assistants). There are also 4 planned towers dedicated to the evangelists (they are taller than the previous 12), the tower of the Virgin Mary (even higher), and finally the central tower of Jesus with a giant cross should be 170 meters high, which is a meter lower than the Montjuic hill - according to Gaudí , one cannot claim a greater height than God himself intended. The four bell towers of the evangelists should be crowned with symbolic figures - a bull (St. Luke), winged man(St. Matthew), eagle (St. John) and lion (St. Mark). As for the small details of the structure, they are unique - Gaudi did not recognize any classical canons and boldly set his own standards.

The Nativity façade, completed during Gaudí's lifetime, is filled with rather surreal sculptures of the Holy Family, angels, birds, mushrooms, plants and animals. Under the columns of the facade are figures of turtles, which are symbols of Joseph and Mary. The main portal is made in the form of a palm tree trunk, entwined with ribbons of the ancestors of Jesus, and the doors of the inner portico display Christian commandments. The second facade of the Passion, opposite to the first, should, on the contrary, tell about the death of Jesus on the Cross. The sculptor Josep Maria Subirax has been working there since the 50s. His creations are controversial and unpleasant for many, considered a perversion, but to form your own opinion, you need to look at it all with your own eyes... The idea of ​​​​building a new temple came to the minds of the conservative wing of the Catholic community (Josephites) in 1882, who believed that Barcelona mired in sin and decadence and that the townspeople need a new place where they can repent. To do this, they chose the most unprestigious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthen Barcelona - a wasteland used for grazing goats. Construction was interrupted several times due to lack of funds. Actually, in the mid-20s, funds for the construction of the cathedral ran out, and Gaudi himself lived as a hermit right in the unfinished temple. On June 7, 1926, Gaudi was hit by a tram while returning from a construction site and staring at the silhouette of the cathedral. He died after three days of severe agony in a hospital for the poor - none of the doctors or passers-by recognized him as the architect of the Sagrada Familia.

After Gaudi's death, the cathedral continued to be built for another ten years, until in 1936, Catalan anarchists, in their godless rage, staged a pogrom in the cathedral, destroying all the architect's models. It was only after Franco's victory in 1940 that the work was continued by a group of Barcelona's most respected architects. However, due to the caudillo’s not too much sympathy for the Catalans and Barcelona and due to the obvious lack of funds, construction proceeded sluggishly.

The scale and originality of Gaudi's plan is simply amazing. According to his project, the cathedral was to be built in the shape of a cross and consist of three facades: the Nativity, the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection. During the architect's lifetime, only the first of them was built.

Each of the facades was supposed to symbolize the most important stages in the life of Jesus Christ: birth and life, betrayal and crucifixion, and most importantly, the resurrection from the dead. Therefore, according to the author’s plan, the portal of the Resurrection is the most majestic and grandiose.

There are a lot of other symbols in the architecture of the Sagrada Familia cathedral. So each facade should be crowned with four towers, and a total of twelve - like the twelve apostles.

In the central part, four chapels will be built, symbolizing the four evangelists: Mark, Luke, Matthew and John. In the very center there is space for the construction of the two tallest spiers: the Tower of Jesus Christ and the Bell Tower of the Virgin Mary.

Due to the huge number of windows and niches, the surface of the building looks like thin openwork lace. It seems that it is simply impossible to embody such grace in stone. At the same time, the overall appearance of the cathedral is massive and majestic, and its mysterious aura completes the indelible impression that the Sagrada Familia makes on everyone who saw it.

The interior decoration of the cathedral is not inferior in originality and fantasticness to the external facade. Here natural motifs in Gaudi’s work are especially evident.

Giant columns branching at the top and a vault decorated with unusual sculpting resemble the crowns of ancient trees supporting the starry firmament. Carved stained glass windows resemble unearthly flowers, and spiral staircases resemble huge snails.

The unique acoustics, which the creator has been working on for several years, suggests the presence big choir. In addition, Gaudi provided space for thirty thousand worshipers in the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. So far, all these ideas have not yet been put into practice, but perhaps in a couple of decades the temple will still be completed, and its beauty will finally take on a complete and perfect form.

After visiting the Sagrada Familia, you are left with a feeling of an unsolved mystery. It’s as if the curtain has lifted and a corner of this mystery is already visible, a little more and everything will become clear and obvious... but no.

All the most important things remain beyond understanding; we will never be able to fully understand Gaudi’s brilliant plan, just as we will never know what the Sagrada Familia Cathedral would have turned out like if the architect had lived to see its completion.

A clear revival on the construction site occurred in the 80s. The work is now headed by Jordi Bonet. According to plans, by 2026, i.e. By the centenary of the architect's death, construction will be completed. But there is another opinion. More than 400 cultural figures in Spain called in 2008 to stop the work. In their opinion, the builders “betrayed the spirit of Gaudi” and that the cathedral under construction was just a caricature of a brilliant plan. The problem is that Gaudi always improvised along the way, flexibly changing his original plans. Therefore, he himself was present on the site. Nowadays, the Sagrada Familia cannot be called the creation of Gaudi - too much individuality and newness was introduced by his followers, take the same sculptor Subirax. However, if we remember the history of the construction of great temples of the Middle Ages, then there is nothing surprising in this - the Romanesque style was improved by the Gothic, and then facades with bell towers in the Baroque style were added. The number of cathedrals that adhere to one original style can be counted on one hand.

Gaudi devoted most of his life to the creation of this most visited and famous symbol of Barcelona, ​​but this was not enough: the completion of the construction of the grandiose “temple of the new century” is expected only by 2030, when one of the facades and the central bell tower will finally be completed. Grandeur and amazing allegory are the main characteristics of this unique masterpiece. The architect dreamed of creating a building that would fully convey the allegory of the Nativity of Christ, and there is hardly a critic who will say that he failed. The building amazingly combines three facades: the western facade, one of the most famous, reveals to us an allegorical embodiment Christmas, eastern - Passions, southern - Deaths And Ascension. The most valuable in terms of art is the central facade of the Temple of the Atonement of Sins (or the Atonement of the Holy Family), also known as the Nativity Facade, which connects the amazing four towers, thanks to its unusual spindle-shaped shape, reminiscent of sand castles and absolutely original ornaments and silhouettes.

Thanks to the stylistic decision, called the neo-Gothic movement, it seems as if the towers rise from a common, solid rock base, “breaking out” from the base to the heights. Sculptural groups and unusual bas-reliefs are the main means of expressing a semantic idea, but the incredibly large-scale project of this cathedral was embodied not only in bizarre images. The Tower of Christ, topped by a bell tower, reaches about 170 meters in height, and the lower church, largely hidden behind magnificent facades, hides luxurious arches, the outlines of which are not repeated anywhere in the world and magnificent grotesque stained glass windows. A grotesque embodiment of religious fanaticism and by far the most original religious structure in the world, the Sagrada Familia remains one of the most controversial masterpieces of architecture today. After completion of construction, the Cathedral will be crowned with eighteen towers, made in the same bizarre spindle-shaped style.

More than two million people visit the cathedral every year, and the Sagrada Familia rivals Madrid's Prado Museum in popularity. The eternal Spanish-Catalan “El Clasico” continues here too.

Well, let's talk a little about Barcelona.

Capital of Catalonia - Barcelona since ancient times was considered the most beautiful city Mediterranean. This city is famous for its impressive history, expressive culture, incredible monuments, fantastic modernist architecture, amazing museums and art galleries and, above all, interesting and educated people.

There are two Spanish legends about the founding of this city. One of them says that the city was founded by Hercules 410 years before Rome was built. According to another legend, Barcelona was created in the 3rd century BC. the Carthaginian Galmicarre Barca and the name of this city comes from the surname of the great Carthaginian family.

- Barcelona is a city located in the Barcelona region; it has always been the center of Catalan separatism and the struggle for independence. Today Barcelona is one of the most cosmopolitan and economically active cities in the world.

I would like to recommend best views Catalonia from its various high points in Barcelona. Worth a visit TV tower- from the observation deck you can see Barcelona from a bird's eye view. There is also a stunning view from the height of one of the towers. Sagrada Familia Cathedral. And if you climb the “Magic Mountain” Tibidabu, then you will not only be able to once again admire the wonderful view of Catalonia from a bird's eye view, but also visit the famous Tibidabo Funfair amusement park there.

- Barcelona is a center of modernist architecture. With a name Antonio Gaudi The whole history of Barcelona is connected. This famous architect built buildings in the Art Nouveau style with a whimsical imagination. On the luxurious Passeig de Gracia boulevard is one of Gaudí's unusual buildings in the form of a winged dragon. The airy structure of the Sagrada Familia consists of many interesting details: snails, seahorses, vines, birds, flowers, fantastic animals.

- St. George's Day is a national holiday in Catalonia. In Catalan this holiday is called "Diada de Sant Jordi". On St. George's Day, celebrated on April 23, Barcelona residents traditionally give roses and books to their loved ones. The international organization UNESCO declared this day International Book Day.

The epicenter of Barcelona life is La Rambla. This emblematic busy street is located in the central part of the city. There are many restaurants serving excellent Spanish cuisine, as well as gourmet shops. For a day on this extremely popular street about 150,000 people pass!

It is interesting to visit the Gothic Quarter, where more than ten temples and palaces are concentrated. The darkest and most mysterious of them is the Cathedral and Church of St. Eulalia, built more than 500 years ago. There are many buildings built here during the Middle Ages, and some of them dating back to the era of Roman settlement. This place is a popular tourist attraction, attracting more than one and a half million visitors every week.

- “FC Barcelona” – famous sports club Barcelona, ​​which is best known for its football team. The club has its own stadium with 120,000 seats - the largest private stadium in the world. This is one of the most visited attractions in Barcelona.

It is no coincidence that it was installed in Barcelona Columbus monument: the famous navigator returned to this city after his first voyage. The height of the monument is 60 meters. There is an elevator inside that takes visitors to the observation deck. And from there you can see the panorama of the city and the embankment. By the way, the length index finger Columba is almost one meter.

The city's coastline served for a long time only for industrial purposes. And by the time Olympic Games in 1992, beaches with a total length of 4.5 km were created here. Now they are famous for their very good infrastructure. It should be noted that every year before the opening of the beach season, sand is sifted on the local beaches (up to 50 cm in depth)

The unofficial symbols of the Catalans are a donkey or a cat. Moreover, the first animal earned people's love for its hard work, and the second because in the English version the word (cat) coincides with the first three letters of the name of this province (Catalonia).

Information for those who are inspired by the work of Antoni Gaudi and those wishing to explore the Sagrada Familia:

You can admire the structure at any time of the year. You can get to the temple by metro station Sagrada Familia, lines L2 (lilac line), L5 (blue) or by buses 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50 and 51 - Sagrada Familia stop. The temple is located at Mallorca, 401. Opening hours from October to September from 9.00 to 18.00, in summer until 20.00.

Price entrance ticket 12.50 euros (with guide or audio guide - 16.50 euros); students, pensioners, children 10-18 years old - 10.50 euros (with a guide or audio guide - 13.50 euros).

For excursions to at the moment open: one tower of the Nativity Facade, to the top of which you can climb a narrow spiral staircase. However, if you are not an extreme person, then there is an old vintage elevator for this case. The entrance to one of the towers of the Façade of the Passion and the museum are also open. Be mentally prepared for huge queues and believe me, it's worth it!