How to become popular on the street

Some people dream of wealth, some are interested in science, and some people want to become popular. After all, a popular person has a lot of advantages. People recognize him in the company, he always knows how to find common language with other people, and in a new society makes acquaintances quite quickly. The life of such a person seems like a rainbow whirlwind, because a person from this category has many different hobbies and always succeeds everywhere. Many of those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to become popular are most likely simply satisfying their curiosity or following a dream. Only a few have a real goal of becoming just such a person. And they are ready to make efforts to achieve it.

A girl may be thinking about how to become popular in order to attract the attention of one single person (who at the same time may love ladies of a completely different type). Popularity does not appear out of nowhere. In order to become just like that, sociable and indispensable in the company, you need to learn how to establish contacts. Moreover, it is the popular person who will have to take the first step. After all, other people may be shy or just stick to their friends.

How to become popular if you are very low? We need to develop them. For example, this is successfully done in special courses. And students in professions such as journalism and sociology continue to improve these skills throughout their lives. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the unknown. Many people are hesitant to take the first step and get acquainted. And sociable individuals easily establish contacts.

The fact is that those individuals who are afraid to speak first are constantly worried about what others will think of them. This fear is completely unnecessary and even harmful. Before that, a person will have to cope with many phobias. Only by changing can you achieve your goal. Popularity is not a synonym for the word; they arise when necessary, and often they become just famous people in the company. But in order to become a leader, the group must have a goal to which he will guide them.

A popular person does not intend to lead people somewhere. He may be pleasant to talk to or even a role model, however, his function is different. Before that, you need to learn to be natural. Otherwise, instead of the reputation of “your” person, you can earn a reputation as a poser and a reckless individual. The best way to be pleasant in society without unnecessary pathos is humor. You can just be positive and joke around and it will attract others. However, you cannot become popular by using ridicule and vulgar humor. Self-irony is also a good method that can defuse the situation.

A popular person does not hide his talents and hobbies, although he carries with him a bit of mystery. It can be unusual and even shocking. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the serpentarium. You can do yoga or some kind of art. There is not a person on earth who does not have some kind of talent. Such qualities are distinctive feature individual, and they need to be developed. How to become popular if you simply don’t have time for all this? Maybe you shouldn't become too famous?

Today, one of the most common methods of gaining popularity is Internet fame. For example, on social networks. This method just takes a lot of time. After all, it will require sociability and maintaining your own group, and ideally, a blog. Therefore, before striving for fame, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of your new status. Maybe the soul wants something else, and not vain glory and momentary pleasures?

What do popular people have in common? Do they wear the same clothes? Do they wear the same hairstyles? Are they saying the same thing? Of course not. Popular people around the world use their social status at school, at work and everywhere else they go. There is no magical quality that can make you popular. But if you work on your visibility and social skills, and strive to get involved, you'll improve your chances of being admired and seeing smiles everywhere you go. If you want to know how to gain popularity, just follow these steps.


Become more visible

    Lend a helping hand. Popular people are not just know everyone - they are with everyone good relations . They establish these relationships by helping people, and they do so in a very visible way. They establish a connection through small actions (in addition to larger ones, such as volunteering). They offer a pencil to someone who needs it. They are closing the neighbor's fence, which is wide open strong wind. They open the doors and wait for the person behind them to pass. But most often they listen to people when they speak and offer to help in some way.

    • A person who truly empathizes with people wants to see them succeed. If you can't help, at least make it clear that you hope for successful outcome situations.
  1. Be yourself - for real. It may sound cliché, but popular people don't worry about what they should do to "fit in" because they feel good about themselves. You might think that to be popular you have to be attractive and talented, but - while these qualities can indeed help you gain recognition - there are very popular people who are pretty mediocre, and there are very beautiful and talented people who you can call it whatever you want But not popular.

    • Remember: the only thing you need to be popular is good people skills. The rest you can sculpt as you wish, regardless of what others think.
    • Part of understanding yourself is being able to laugh at yourself. Show people that you embrace your quirks and don't take yourself too seriously, and you'll impress them.
  2. Don't try too hard. Surprisingly, many "popular" people don't put much conscious effort into this. They are just who they are. If you are desperate for popularity, it will show in your actions. People will think you're a poser, or worse, a weirdo. One way to make friends is to find a group of people who share your interests and who you feel comfortable being around. As you become more accustomed to being around others, start talking to different people.

Get involved

    Join the team. You don't have to be a soccer star to join a school football team. Not only is it a great way to exercise and feel good about yourself, but it's also a great opportunity to expand your horizons and make friends. If you're at least somewhat athletic, it's worth trying out a sport or joining a sports league in your area.

    • Being part of a team will expose you to more people and help you get along with different personalities that you wouldn't otherwise meet at home. everyday life or in class.
    • Team life will also have a positive impact on your social standing. It's more likely that you'll have post-game plans and be invited to pre-game dinners or other team activities.
    • This is also a great way to showcase yourself: more people find out who you are.
  1. Become a member of a club or organization. This is another option on how you can expand your horizons and meet new people. You will meet different people on the school newspaper and the football team, so great idea It would be nice to participate in both if you are interested and have time in your busy schedule. Find something that interests you or at least excites you a little. Once you gain enough experience - that is, you become more comfortable being in charge and know more people - try to take a leadership position in this organization.

    • Don’t worry that this hobby club is “too nerdy” for you. By doing what you enjoy and meeting new people, you will become more popular.
  2. Be active in class. To stand out from the crowd, you don't have to suck up to the teacher or constantly raise your hand. Just be friendly to people if they sit near you, answer the teacher's questions without being arrogant, and generally show that you care. At the same time, don’t get so carried away that you don’t notice the social dynamics happening around you.

    • If you are active in class, more people will recognize you by name and will recognize you if you engage in conversation.
  3. Maintain a variety of interests. Don't just be a jock or a yearbook obsessive. Instead, devote time to different interests, that is, take on several things at the same time. Of course, you shouldn’t spread yourself thin, you need to leave time for yourself, but if you participate in several classes, more people will recognize you, your name will be known and you will meet people with different paths in life.

  4. talk the same way with both acquaintances and strangers, even if it's a minute conversation.
  5. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything. This may sound like something your grandmother said, but it's not bad advice in and of itself. Even if people around you are discussing someone, do not let yourself be drawn into unpleasant gossip. If someone insists on asking for your opinion, simply say something neutral, such as, “Well, she's always been good to me, so I don't know,” or, “Maybe he has some personal problems, anything can happen.” .
  6. Work on appearing open and friendly. Communicating with pleasant people is a pleasure. But with those who always have a tragic expression on their faces - not at all. Warm others with your warmth.
  7. Never try to repeat the behavior of another person, be yourself!
  8. Play sports! As a rule, all popular girls are athletic and play sports! Cheerleading, gymnastics and dance are obvious choices. If you don't like that, try swimming athletics, basketball, volleyball or football. Almost all sports teams have popular people. Again, athletic girls tend to be the most popular.
  9. Realize that popularity does not define who you are, but simply sheds light on your personality. So don't feel like you have to become a completely different person because you're popular now.
  10. Although in some societies you have to treat the “unpopular” poorly. Like, for example, in middle and high school. If your environment is like this, Fine think before you try to gain popularity, otherwise you may lose one of your friends forever, maybe even your best friend.
  11. Keep your phone on. If people want to call you or invite you somewhere, but your phone is turned off, then they can do without you, and you will miss out on all the fun with your friends.
  12. If you have an account in Odnoklassniki, you can add your school friends if they also have an account in this social network. Always talk to them. But don’t start by saying, “Hey, I’m bored.” Then they will answer you: “Me too.” So everything will be banal and uninteresting. So if you're going to start a conversation, figure out what you're going to say.
  13. Warnings

  • Protect your privacy. When everyone knows you, people are more likely to poke their nose into your business and gossip. Think about how celebrities' privacy is always invaded (inquiring minds want to know everything about them). Additionally, you should be prepared to talk to people when you're running errands or reading a book in the park. And it comes included. Handle gracefully.
  • Keep in mind that popularity has its ups and downs. It can disappear very quickly when you change schools or jobs. Each situation is unique in its own way, and you will have to start all over again.
  • Don't be upset if you are not the most popular person in school. Sometimes it's better when you have good friends who worry about you than being cool and popular. Because, be that as it may, a person needs true friends.
  • Don't push yourself too hard. Popularity is the same state of mind, like others. If people notice that you are going out of your way to be popular, they will simply reject your efforts. Popularity, after all, is only part of how others see you. Your reputation can fade and change over time, and the only thing you can control is how you treat others.
  • Don't try to be something you are not.
  • Don't be disappointed if things don't work out. For some, becoming popular is not difficult, but for others it is quite difficult. There are many factors that prevent a person from being sociable and loved by everyone, but this does not mean at all that this makes him less worthy.
  • Don't be arrogant!
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will likely have a significant reduction in the amount of free time you have as you gain popularity.

A sea of ​​fans casting admiring glances at your back - isn’t that great?? But to be popular with guys, you need to work on yourself.

Find out how to be popular with guys and bring your dreams to life to feel like a princess, whom princes, lords and barons try to please every day and night.

Be cheerful in soul and body

Do you need become energetic special if you are not. Radiate cheerfulness and complete satisfaction with life, so that your mood will be captured by the men nearby, asking questions “Does she have a boyfriend?”, “How can I meet her?” and the like. They will be drawn to just such a woman, and not to one who constantly complains about her life.

Communicate for health

The more sociable you are, the more men you can attract to your person.. They love it when women open to communication, not silent. But also They also don’t like overly talkative ladies.. To become the most popular among guys, stick to the golden mean.

To be popular with guys, be different

When you are constantly try on new images, almost completely transform yourself, men it will be interesting with you. And monotony, even glamorous and bright, quickly gets boring. There must be a mystery in you, otherwise you cannot become popular girl.

Whatever a man tells you, listen to him with rapture

Even if your interlocutor is talking to you about something that is completely uninteresting to you, pretend that you are listening to him with great attention. And don’t be silent - nod your head from time to time, say phrases like “I’m listening, continue”, “And what did you do next?”, “Well, don’t delay, I’m listening.” This will let the man know that you are listening to him and are not in the clouds. Not only ladies adore good listeners, keep this in mind.

Don't be bored in his presence

A man should see that you are interested in him. And if you are still frankly bored, dilute awkward silence or a boring conversation with an interesting joke, and then smoothly move the conversation to a more interesting topic.

Don't overdo it by playing hard to get

Certainly, the forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, a man will be interested in a woman who does not give up without a fight.. But if he still hasn’t managed to win you over, having tried all his masculine tricks, you can quickly get bored with him. So keep that in mind.

Remember you are a woman

Trying to become part of the company of men, you can turn into a kind of peasant - without realizing it, you will copy the behavior of this or that man, start dressing in a unisex style, and off you go. You are a woman - remember this to be successful among men who will count on a serious relationship with you. After all, it’s great when there is something, or rather someone, to choose from.

Are you interested in the question - how to become popular? Introducing 5 useful tips and 3 main components of success for girls.

How often do we look at actresses, singers and others famous personalities and dream of worldwide fame.

Well, okay, maybe not about the world, but at least within the confines of your school, university or place of work.

The life of popular girls is bright, filled with envious whispers of rivals and admiring glances of guys.

They never get bored, are always in the spotlight and are overwhelmed by fans.

But how to join their club? How to become popular? How to light your star?

It’s quite simple if you know about the main components of fame and are not afraid to attract attention.

No one is interested in gray mice; they are always in the shadow of bright personalities.

Learn from American films how to become popular

If you are looking for video tutorials that can help you become popular, then I would advise you to pay attention to American teen comedies.

Yes, of course, our mentality, lifestyle, conditions, environment, etc. are significantly different from the American one, but people from different countries are not that much different from each other.

I won't lie to you that I've watched so many American teen films, but the ones I've seen are almost step by step instructions how to become popular at school or university.

Everything happens according to the same scenario: a notorious ugly girl puts her appearance in order, begins to attract attention with various actions, school/university, and instantly gains popularity among those who did not know her name just yesterday.

Do you think it’s impossible to pull this off?

Come on!

I agree that difficulties can only arise with a guy, because human feelings are an unpredictable thing and it is almost impossible to force someone to fall in love with you.

But there are problems with changing your appearance in better side, become more confident and bright, start leading active life and leaving her comfort zone should not occur to a girl who dreams of popularity.

What price are you willing to pay to become popular?

Even if the dream of becoming popular outshines all others, think carefully about what price you are willing to pay for it.

You can gain fame and recognition in different ways.

You can - by performing a heroic deed, you can - by taking part in television show, you can - by walking naked around the school.

You will become popular in all three cases, but are you sure that you are ready to go down in history as a “naked crazy girl” who will be considered an accessible slut?

Another problem that girls may face on the path to popularity is that they will have to constantly live up to the created image.

These gray mice can afford to look bad, hide in a corner and not communicate with anyone.

Popular girls do not have such luxury.

They should always shine.

Becoming popular is much easier than maintaining your fame.

Star status will have to be maintained constantly.

This means that without a break you will have to work on your appearance, remind yourself of yourself through various actions, lead an active life, and maintain interest in yourself.

Remember that behind you there is a crowd of girls, each of whom also dreams of becoming popular and is ready to do a lot to achieve their goal.

They are all just waiting for an opportunity to push you off your pedestal.

Appearance and character are what a girl who wants to become popular should change

A popular girl simply has to be beautiful.

You will have already done half the job if you start catching admiring glances from others.

Here are the components of a beautiful appearance:

  • slim, pumped up figure;
  • clean hair and stylish styling;
  • healthy skin;
  • always fresh manicure and pedicure;
  • pleasant stimulating perfume;
  • ability to use decorative cosmetics;
  • fashionable clothes that highlight your figure.

Yes, all this is not easy and expensive, but unkempt elephants can’t even dream of becoming popular.

Their destiny is sympathetic glances, not admiring ones.

As for character, it is more difficult to change. A popular girl should:

  1. Leave her comfort zone and learn to do things that are not in her nature.
  2. Remember pride and dignity.
  3. Master the art of conversation and become the soul of any company.
  4. Be sweet and charming.
  5. Be able to stand up for yourself.

You can, of course, take the simple route: become a school bully, bully everyone, break the rules, behave defiantly, but this path is very dangerous.

If you play too much, you can simply ruin your life.

Such fleeting and empty popularity is definitely of no use to you!

How to become popular: 3 main components of success

Every girl has her own secrets of popularity.

She didn’t even have to do anything alone - thanks to her attractive appearance and natural special effort wins men's hearts.

But the second one needs to work tirelessly to become a popular girl.

And yet, psychologists believe that there are 3 main components of a popular girl:

    Yes, it is a noble cause to gain popularity, but you also need to take risks wisely.

    When I talk about risk, I mean:

    • attending parties, even if there are few people you know among those invited;
    • actions that will set you apart from the crowd, it is desirable that they be noble, these actions;
    • the courage to speak to the most cool guy schools, etc.
  1. Attention of others.

    This is what you need to fight for.

    The easiest way to do this at school or university is to start being active social life: participate in amateur activities, join a school sports team, represent your educational institution at some competitions, olympiads and competitions, etc.

    Confidence in what you are doing.

    First of all, you need to get rid of complexes about your appearance.

    And also - to gain confidence that everything you do is right.

    Well, of course, you can’t do without faith that you will definitely succeed in becoming popular.

Becoming popular can be difficult.

You may encounter a number of difficulties: rejection of your environment, intrigues on the part of the current queen, an unfortunate combination of circumstances beyond your control, misunderstanding of your parents: “Why do you need to become a popular girl, it would be better if you studied well,” etc.

But, if popularity is truly your goal, then you will achieve it.

Here are 5 useful tips for someone who wants to become popular:

  1. Get yourself one nice guy, who is respected by his peers and who is liked by the girls at your school and university.
  2. Don't chase headlong after popularity.

    Don't forget about other important things, such as having good friends, a certificate with decent grades, etc.

    Smile more often, don’t walk around with a gloomy, unhappy look.

    Also, stop whining and complaining.

    Look at everything, even troubles, with a touch of positivity.

  3. Communicate as much as possible with different people, make useful contacts, acquire the skill of conducting a conversation so that it is pleasant to listen to you.
  4. Become popular, don't just pretend to be.

    If you don’t like to be in the public eye, if you’re afraid of attracting attention to yourself, then the status of a popular girl will simply be uncomfortable for you.

are shown in the video.

Let's turn it on!

How to become popular?

Yes, it's not very difficult.

The main question is whether this is really what you want.

Fame and status as the queen of the school does not guarantee either success in life or happiness.

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Fame, glory, recognition are the trump cards of society
Being popular everywhere and in everything is the dream of every girl, but to become so, you need to work on it.

Popularity can be obtained: automatically, earned, conquered.
For example, if a girl has a beautiful appearance, dresses stylishly, has exclusive fashion accessories and impeccable taste, then in such a situation popularity is acquired automatically, since she becomes an “icon” of style, an example for envy and imitation among girls, and an object of admiration among guys. In a word, automatic popularity comes on its own without any effort.
You can earn popularity by some action or deed, for example, if you started dating the famous and most handsome guy, then you will immediately earn a certain reputation.
You can gain popularity through targeted actions, of which there can be many.

Universal methods
Girls are interested in the question of how to become popular in class and school, girls are interested in how to become a “star” in a group and university, and women are interested in fame among their colleagues at work. Anytime age category The same methods work, with very minor nuances.
The image of a popular person is that he has large number things to do, but he manages to do everything, so it is necessary to arrive on time, without being late, but not too early.
It’s a very good psychological move when you arrive and the whole team is almost there, say hello to everyone and impressively enter the room, thereby attracting attention to yourself.

Clothing and components
Very important for popularity appearance, as they say, you are greeted by your clothes... If your finances allow you to purchase stylish clothes, then go update your wardrobe. Of course, clothes bought in boutiques will be the most the best option, but what to do if you can’t afford big expenses? Don’t despair, there are two ways out of this situation: buying clothes in “profitable” places, or sewing outfits yourself.
But, in addition to clothes, the ability to combine them also plays a big role, for this read glossy magazines, in which you will learn about the latest fashion trends.
In addition to beautiful jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets, watches, pay attention to other status accessories. Stylish will help you gain popularity mobile phone or tablet.

Well-groomed appearance
A slender figure is very important aspect, because without this it will be very difficult to achieve popularity.
In order to attract attention, you must be impeccable in everything: hair, makeup, manicure. You should have a pleasant aroma of expensive perfume (which you can buy by the glass). Tanning is very important, but at the same time, if you visit a solarium during the cold season, the tan should look natural, do not overdo it, so as not to stumble upon the ridicule of others.

Fame is gained largely by what will distinguish you from other girls. For example, the ability to do the splits, dance beautifully, or draw.
To become popular, get yourself interesting hobby, start visiting an original section or circle, impressing your team with something, this is a must in a positive way will affect your fame. Creativity is king these days.

A good word that perfectly characterizes a popular person. This individual feature in a person’s character, which is positioned as a good and positive quality.
Charisma can be called a specific behavior or character trait that evokes charm in others. An example would be an excellent sense of humor and the ability to tell an interesting story, thereby captivating listeners.

Of course, you can’t please everyone, but, nevertheless, try to maintain, if not friendly, then friendly relations with others. To do this you need to spend more time with the team. Go with them to interesting places, visit cafes, shops, excursions.
If they ask for your help in something, then try to provide it, this will definitely increase your rating.

Soul of the company
Agree, a popular person is a bright personality. When you're in a group, you need to foster a fun atmosphere interesting stories, stories and, of course, humor. At the same time, you should not interrupt other members of the company and not bore them with your constant conversations.
A popular person must be armed with the latest information and news about the life of the team, know all the rumors and gossip - how could we do without it, but not spread them.

Be sure to call all people from your team by name; in general, calling by last name is indecent and disrespectful to the person.
If you have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with someone, be sure to ask the person what’s new and chat about various topics. When communicating with people, it is unnecessary to tell absolutely everything about yourself; excessive openness will negatively affect your popularity.

Become a leader
Under no circumstances should you blend in with the gray mass and don’t follow everyone’s “tail.” Take the initiative yourself by proposing this or that solution. For example, if you are going somewhere with a team, then make your suggestions about where it is best for you to go, but you do not need to command and be intrusive, take into account the opinions of others and be tactful.
To rise to the top of fame, you must embody all the qualities ideal image girls in the minds of both men and women.
Go for it! And boldly announce yourself to society!

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