How to become popular as a college girl

Many media companies take advantage of the phenomenon of popularity, creating attractive images and earning millions of dollars from them. Knowledge will help us on the path to popularity general principles human psychology and the main Internet resources that open free access to our “creations” for millions of viewers.

The content of the article:

There are many forms of holding public events, the main purpose of which is to meet new interesting people and establish useful contacts. These include conferences, parties, presentations, and club get-togethers. However, even having met a useful and interesting person, we can easily not interest him and miss good chances for a career and decent earnings.

How to become the center of everyone's attention and the “persona grata” at any party? Here practical advice and recommendations:

1. Create an interesting image. It shouldn't be bright and flashy. Such an image is more likely to cause negativity among others (which, by the way, is used by some public people who want to make money on their notoriety). It should attract precisely with its inner depth, grace and simplicity. It is not at all necessary to dress up in an expensive suit from a famous fashion designer and insanely expensive jewelry. This won’t surprise anyone now. Maximum simplicity combined with taste and utmost accuracy is what people react to. Light, unobtrusive perfume and almost imperceptible. Simple but elegant clothes, neat and discreet hairstyle.

Glasses with the right frames will give you a wonderful charm. If you can see perfectly without glasses, glasses can be ordered without diopters.

An original accessory will add special charm to you in the eyes of the public. Not an insanely expensive iPhone or a glamorous dog under your arm. You will be interested in theatrical binoculars or an elegant brooch inherited from your great-grandmother, an original fan, a cigarette in a long holder - everything that your imagination is capable of. The main thing is that the accessory fits harmoniously into your image.

2. Develop own style in behavior and communication. There is no need to play someone else’s role that doesn’t fit well with your personality. Don't try to appear more successful, better, more beautiful, and smarter than you are ordinary life. Those around you will immediately notice any note of falsehood, pretense and mannerism. This will push them away faster than you can establish more or less close contact.

Interlocutors are attracted by simplicity and naturalness in communication. Speak only on topics that are interesting to you personally, in which you have some knowledge, and can enrich your interlocutor with new knowledge.

Find your own unique character trait, personality, zest that will attract others to you, and will not force you to strain yourself in attempts to portray someone who, in principle, you are not.

Once you do this, you will be pleasantly surprised at how willingly people will reach out to you.

3. Smile. Do not put on a rubber smile in the “Hollywood” style. Moreover, you shouldn’t smile all the time. This will cause confusion among others, and perhaps some may think that you are mocking them.

Smile only when making eye contact with someone around you. Try to make your smile look natural, relaxed and friendly.

React with a smile to the jokes of your interlocutors. When communicating with a person, depict a slight half-smile, indicating your friendly disposition.

Be careful with your laughter. Loud and harsh laughter is perceived by people as a manifestation of rudeness and disrespect. As a result, you begin to irritate others, which will add to your popularity, but with a minus sign. Laughing should be polite, quiet and to the point. For example, in response to a joke from your interlocutor or accompanying your own funny story.

4. Speak quietly. Some people try to laugh loudly and talk emotionally in order to attract the attention of others, like, look what a cheerful, sociable and sociable person I am. Often the reaction of others is exactly the opposite. Your “loud” behavior will be perceived as a sign of extreme bad manners, and the list of potential interlocutors and would-be (or could be) admirers will rapidly decrease.

If you need to talk to a person located at a considerable distance, you should never shout to him from afar. It’s better to come up and chat calmly at a comfortable distance.

5. React to compliments with restraint. Often, both women and men begin to react violently to compliments, trying with all their appearance to make it clear that they always look like this, and this is their natural state. Do not belittle your merits, but also do not attribute false shortcomings to yourself. Smile naturally and thank the person for the compliment. This will be a worthy and impressive response to courtesy, since it is an element of politeness in communication.

6. Try to be an interesting conversationalist. Here the breadth of your natural horizons and the degree of your reading will help you. The ability to maintain an easy and relaxed conversation on any topic will show you as an intelligent and valuable interlocutor. Do not try to prove at any cost that you are right, even if your interlocutor is wrong a hundred times. A person has the right to be mistaken, and flaunting his wrongness can cause him deep irritation and subsequent refusal to continue communicating with you.

You should also not talk about things about which you have only vague ideas. In conversation with knowledgeable person your incompetence will quickly become obvious to him, and you will lose value in his eyes as an adequate interlocutor. Nobody wants to communicate with idle talkers.

7. Keep the conversation going with questions. The interlocutor will be pleased if you express interest in the conversation and in him personally. Call him by name, the person likes the way it sounds, and he subconsciously becomes more inclined towards you.

Find out about his occupation, hobbies, praise him for some merits or achievements.

If the interlocutor sees that he is indifferent to you as a person, he will quickly lose interest in the conversation and switch to others present.

8. Keep it a little suspenseful. Don’t put all the information about yourself out there. A person is always attracted to understatement and mystery. However, if the interlocutor asks a question concerning you, answer as sincerely and honestly as possible.

Do not overload your interlocutor with unnecessary information that does not interest him. You should also not start complaining about life and dump your everyday and family problems on a stranger. No one is interested in other people's difficulties.

Popularity on social networks

1. Earn credibility in any field of knowledge. Select a topic that interests you and find like-minded people online. In the process of communicating with them, you will learn a lot of unique and useful information, which will give you the opportunity to become a recognized expert in your chosen information field. By sharing your experience and helping people solve their issues, you will earn a lot of popularity points. You will also make a lot of useful contacts that will be useful to you in the future.

2. Visualize your posts. An original photograph or video will not only add representativeness to your information, but will also positive emotions among network users, provoking numerous “likes” and reposts.

3. Stay in the information trend. People are mainly concerned with information that relates to socially significant events that excite the Internet. However, it should be taken into account that there are not many truly long-lasting trends, and it is necessary to change the topic of posts in time to new trend. Keep your nose to the wind and your ears open.

4. Work with exclusive. By being the primary source of original content, you will earn your credibility and the desire of the “residents” of the network to visit your page again and again in search of fresh and “hot” content.

5. Promote your content. Even the most exclusive content can be so specific that it will not resonate well with most visitors. To update the topic, you can entice users with provocative questions.

You can also use it in distribution keywords, placing them in a specially designated place. This will allow search engines to quickly find your material.

And, of course, you can use your friends’ likes and recommendations to promote your content.

6. Be as brief as possible. The huge volume of content on the Internet necessitates short, catchy headlines and small, compact texts. This will ensure that your content is fully read and assessed for its usefulness.

1. “Catching” photographs. Each of your photographs should have a “zest”, a special charm that will not leave the viewer indifferent. Really dose interesting photos. Don't post them all at once. Otherwise they may remain unappreciated.

2. Use hashtags actively. It's real effective method attract a specific target audience to your photos. And if your photos meet the expectations of your guests, they will become yours forever.

3. Indicate the geographic coordinates of the location in the photo. Users are curious to see places they've already been to and compare their impressions of those places with the impressions evoked by your photos.

4. Establish friendly contacts with users with similar interests. Help in promoting their pages will not go unnoticed. As a thank you, they will help you promote your content.

5. Keep your profile open. This is the main condition for access to your content and future recognition of you as a photography guru.

6. Link your account to accounts of other social networks. This will greatly increase the likelihood of people visiting your page from third-party sources.

7. Learn from Instagram gurus. They give you the opportunity to take a piece of their success and promote your content in original ways.

8. Do original photograph for profile. This will become an “anchor” for random passers-by.

9. Use for processing photos most popular filters.

In order to gain fame on this portal, it is enough to upload original and unique videos. In this case, chance plays a big role. A well-directed and elegantly staged long video can only be watched by your subscribers. And a ridiculous three-second farce can break viewing records.

The main condition here is the choice of video topic and regular posting of original content. Your fans will definitely find you.

The main conditions for gaining popularity in this microblog are:

1. Provoke people, ask pressing questions, force them to comment and enter into discussion.

2. More interactivity and interaction with other users. The blog must be lively and active. Then he will attract followers.

3. Add more relevant and valuable information. People are interested in receiving new information on issues that interest them, learning new facts, and sharing their impressions about them. You should give more than you receive.

4. High level literacy and language culture will attract more users than the use of jargon, obscenities and highly specialized slang. Respect your readers, they will respond to you with increased traffic.

Everything here is extremely simple and clear. Ask original questions, be active, interact with other users and your rating will steadily grow, to the delight of you and your online friends.

How to become famous in school (or class)?

To do this, try to adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Dress neatly and discreetly.

  2. Try to find your niche in school affairs, where you can become a leader and confidently maintain primacy.

  3. Be independent, do not succumb to the herd instinct and do not hesitate to directly express your opinion on any issue. You will definitely be respected for your directness and honesty.

  4. Try not to discuss others behind their backs.

  5. Never refuse help if you see that a person really needs it.

  6. Strive to succeed in your studies maximum number items. Smart people respected everywhere.

  7. Don't curry favor with teachers and school administration.

By following the suggested tips, you will undoubtedly achieve success and recognition!

Don't wear a mask. People can tell right away that you're faking it. You have to be authentic, so be who you are and be proud of it. Think about your strengths. By the time most people start college, they have outgrown the person they were in high school. If you haven't already, you need to do a good job of growing up. Your time in college is ideal for getting to know yourself better. And by the time you decide on the choice of your specialty, you should be proud of it because it can become a determining factor in the development of your personality and career.

Please. Open doors for people, don't hesitate to help carry books, offer to help with homework, help a person find their way around college. Only your kindness can help you do this.

Be friendly. Try to make small talk with everyone. Make an effort to talk to someone or help someone you wouldn't normally do. Don't be a bone person. Try chatting about things like: weather, sports, studies, student life, travel, hobbies, weekend or vacation plans, movies, music and favorite TV shows. Stay up to date latest gossip about celebrities, news and sports events, so you always have something to talk about. Talking about the weather gets boring really quickly.

Have a good sense of humor. Don't tell stupid, ingrained jokes. Be witty. Search for funny material online or watch funny TV shows or movies to get ideas.

Dress in fashionable clothes. You don't have to imitate Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian to look stylish, but you don't have to dress like you just rolled out of bed (which is what some students look like). After all, some could be seen in pajamas even at school. For guys good option could be a button-down shirt, T-shirt, pullover or sweatshirt with jeans or shorts. A hoodie with a hood will also work. For girls - interesting top, pretty haircut, modest makeup. Try to dress appropriately for the climate and terrain. Many students, having decided on their specialty, begin to dress as they would at work, for example: business clothes - for business specialties, more elaborate clothes - for artistic specialties. This rule is observed especially carefully during internship, practice, etc. Many students wear their work clothes to college, especially if they work after school. Some specialties will require you to wear a special uniform, for example, a robe and cotton trousers for nursing and dental specialties, a police uniform for law enforcement, etc. There are girls who went to Lately to school in attractive dresses and skirts - if you have such a good and attractive dress, then don't be afraid to wear it to college.

You are not required to attend parties. Only amateurs attend parties all the time. Drinking alcohol is a sign that you are insecure and therefore turn to alcohol to feel confident. A truly stylish and “cool” person does not need this doping. Attend a nice party once in a while (like a relative's wedding), but don't make it a lifestyle choice. Typically, students who celebrate parties the way Toby Keith does in his "Red Solo Cup" video get a lot of laughs.

Don't get too involved a large number of clubs. Joining too many clubs is a sign that you are desperate and just want to be accepted everywhere. Only participate in clubs and activities that you are genuinely interested in or that are related to your major. Do not join a nursing club unless you plan to continue doing so in the future.

Don't try to hide your shortcomings. College is exactly the place where they cannot be hidden. Don't be afraid to do something that you will later regret because it was "not cool." No one has yet defined a standard by which to judge what is “cool” and what is not. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what is "cool" and there are many other aspects that determine this, such as where you live. So, don't try too hard, relax. Who cares if you like Justin Bieber, or like watching Tom and Jerry, or even listening to Lawrence Welk in your dorm. If you like Justin Bieber, don't be afraid to blow up your speakers with his compositions. College students today like to be "ironic" anyway.

Earn good grades. Grades are not an attribute exclusively for “nerds”. Grades will make you “cooler”: after all, this is a future job that will allow you to earn money to buy cool cars, houses, etc.

Don't be addicted to Facebook and other social networks such as MySpace. Time spent on Facebook is usually wasted time. When you are on the Internet, listen to music, enjoy funny jokes and photographs, watch YouTube, and if you get tired of all this, start studying.

You don't need a girlfriend/boyfriend or sex to look "cool". Sometimes having a girlfriend/boyfriend in college can distract you from other interesting activities, or from achieving your main goal - getting an education for a future career. But if you find someone you like, don't be afraid to make the first move. But remember that you may well expect dramatic consequences.

Don't be afraid to express yourself. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and do what you think is right, even though it may not be popular. Every person has their own opinion, so be sure to respect other people's differences and treat everyone equally. If you don't think that sex or partying is "cool", or that voting for a certain political candidate is not "cool", then act in accordance with your beliefs.

A sea of ​​fans casting admiring glances at your back - isn’t that great?? But to be popular with guys, you need to work on yourself.

Find out how to be popular with guys and bring your dreams to life to feel like a princess, whom princes, lords and barons try to please every day and night.

Be cheerful in soul and body

You need become energetic special if you are not. Radiate cheerfulness and complete satisfaction with life, so that your mood will be captured by the men nearby, asking questions “Does she have a boyfriend?”, “How can I meet her?” and the like. They will be drawn to just such a woman, and not to one who constantly complains about her life.

Communicate for health

The more sociable you are, the more men you can attract to your person.. They love it when women open to communication, not silent. But also They also don’t like overly talkative ladies.. To become the most popular among guys, stick to the golden mean.

To be popular with guys, be different

When you are constantly try on new images, almost completely transform yourself, men it will be interesting with you. And monotony, even glamorous and bright, quickly gets boring. You must have a mystery, otherwise you will not be able to become a popular girl.

Whatever a man tells you, listen to him with rapture

Even if your interlocutor is talking to you about something that is completely uninteresting to you, pretend that you are listening to him with great attention. And don’t be silent - nod your head from time to time, say phrases like “I’m listening, continue”, “And what did you do next?”, “Well, don’t delay, I’m listening.” This will let the man know that you are listening to him and are not hanging somewhere in the clouds. Not only ladies adore good listeners, keep this in mind.

Don't be bored in his presence

A man should see that you are interested in him. And if you are still frankly bored, dilute an awkward silence or a boring conversation with an interesting joke, and then smoothly move the conversation to a more interesting topic.

Don't overdo it by playing hard to get

Certainly, the Forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, a man will be interested in a woman who does not give up without a fight.. But if he still hasn’t managed to win you over, having tried all his masculine tricks, you can quickly get bored with him. So keep that in mind.

Remember you are a woman

Trying to become part of the company of men, you can turn into a kind of peasant - without realizing it, you will copy the behavior of this or that man, start dressing in a unisex style, and off you go. You are a woman - remember this to be successful among men who will count on a serious relationship with you. After all, it’s great when there is something, or rather someone, to choose from.

Instagram can distinguish real users from automated bots. If you are caught using a bot, your account may be shadowbanned. This means that your posts will only be visible to your followers, but will not be found through hashtags and recommendations.

The user does not immediately notice the changes. Owners especially suffer from this. You can find out if your Instagram is in a shadow ban through special programs.

2. Post no more than one post per day

Posts on Instagram are no longer shown in chronological order, but depending on the interests of the user. That is, first we see the most interesting entries, according to special algorithms. They may appear in the feed for a longer period of time.

Some users check their feed once a day or even less often. And at the top of the feed, those posts that they have not yet seen are displayed. If you post several photos a day, they will compete with each other. This means that there is a chance that not many people will see both posts.

If you want to share with the world more often what is happening in your life, use.

3. Choose the right time to post

This will determine how much response your post will receive. Choose a time when most of your followers are likely to be online.

Often this is 8:00-9:00 - the time after waking up, around 13:00 - a lunch break, and 18:00-20:00 - rest after a working day.

4. Identify popular hashtags that suit your account

Hashtags allow your posts to appear in the recommendations of other users - they may turn out to be your potential followers. Therefore, approach this choice more thoroughly.

Identify the 15–30 most popular ones. Instagram has a limit on using more than 30 hashtags. In addition, spam like #likeforlike can easily result in a shadow ban. Don't write thoughtlessly. Based on the interests of your and potential audience.

5. Join groups with other users

Such groups (English: Instagram Pods) bring together people who want to get more likes. In Instagram chat they share their posts. Each group member likes the photo and leaves a meaningful comment.

Typically, a like from an account with a large number of followers is highly valued by other users. A person becomes interested in what good such a popular user found in this account.

6. Use a call to action

Very few users like to leave comments on posts. Therefore, in the posts under the photo, call your subscribers to action. Ask them questions, ask for their opinion, discuss something.

7. Hold a competition

Contests are a great way not only to “wake up” old subscribers, but also to acquire new ones. To attract attention, you can use a photo of some expensive product or a beautiful resort. Immediately indicate what it is free competition. Make the rules clear. This usually means liking, following other accounts, and commenting to tag a few friends. The winner is selected at a certain time among those who have fulfilled all the conditions.

Tired of being a gray mouse and want to finally prove yourself and come out of the shadows? Then your time has come! Try to follow our recommendations and you will succeed!

How to become popular at school

Most remember their school years as the most carefree and wonderful. But for many students this is not the case at all. A significant role in school life plays popularity among other students. How to become popular in class and at school? Let's try to give you some tips!

Stay neutral! You should not give your preference to a certain group of people. If you want to become popular, expand your social circle! Try to become a part of every school group, communicate with everyone and do not ignore a person just because others don’t like him.

Try to be friendly! It is unlikely that evil and aggression can achieve positive popularity. Remember that people are drawn to those with whom they can make friends and have pleasant conversations.

Always be in good mood! Nothing attracts a person more than his sincere smile and good mood.

Find something interesting and exciting for yourself! Draw the attention of the surrounding guys to your person with some unusual hobby. Sign up for the section modern dance, photo studio or learn to play rare musical instrument. Become successful in one activity or another.

Take care of yours appearance! They greet you based on their clothes, so you have to try hard. First, take the time and effort to care for your skin, hair, and nails. Make sure your clothes are clean, tidy and, of course, stylish and attractive. It is very important to show your individuality; do not try to look like others.

Make friends with high school students! A student who has the trust of his elders will always be popular among his peers.

How to become popular on the Internet

How to become more popular in contact

Many people want fame, but not everyone is able to achieve it. If you want to become popular among users social network VKontakte, try to follow our advice.

Millionaire group! Administrators popular groups arouse great interest among users. If you want people to add you as friends and write a large number of messages, create a group that can arouse keen interest among the social network audience.

Creation! If you are talented in any creative activity, don't be afraid to show it off. By posting your own song, video, poetry or story, you can gain a lot of fans. However, be objective with yourself, think about whether your creativity is worth other people’s attention.

How to become popular on Twitter

To ensure that your Twitter is read as much as possible more people, blog posts should be relevant and interesting. Then many people will want to discuss your posts and learn more about you.

How to become a popular girl

What girl doesn't dream of popularity? Let's talk about how you can make people around you interested in your personality.

How to become popular among guys

Communicate! Don't be shy to talk to guys. In order to become popular, you will have to forget about modesty and shyness. Guys really like sociable girls with a good sense of humor. Be relaxed in your communication, but do not go too far, because some young men are afraid of girls who are too relaxed.

Watch how you look! Take care to always look neat and well-groomed. Clothes should look stylish and highlight your individuality. Makeup should not be too provocative.

Be kind! Try to avoid scandals and intrigues. Don't use people to achieve your goals. Don't offend guys. Show that you can be trusted.

Don't sit at home! To learn how to communicate, you need to spend more time in the company of friends. Go to concerts, movies and cafes. Meet new people. Remember that experience comes with practice!

How to become the most popular

If popularity among friends and students of your school is not enough for you and you want to be known throughout the city, and maybe even throughout the country, you will have to try hard! It's no secret that only the most talented and beautiful people. Try to prove yourself at castings or well-known Internet resources. It is unlikely that an interesting and talented person will go unnoticed!