Creepy Soviet cartoons from your worst nightmares. Strange Soviet cartoons (23 videos) There will be gentle rain

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelia. Although it would seem that there are no signs: the birds simply find a certain amount of tasty food and make an informed decision to get to it.


Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what frustration is. Because there is no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.


A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract, accompanied by absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stubborn robot, punishing spheres, Mr. Brutality and Incorruptibility, a flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that modern hipsters are better off not looking at it to avoid aesthetic shock.

Spoiler: in the end it turns out that everything happened in a giant flower.

Last year's snow fell

Yes, it’s banal, but you can’t live without it. Let's start with the fact that the story is told on behalf of a person with an advanced stage of the syndrome distracted attention- the narrator is constantly jumping from one storyline to another and forgets where he stopped. What doesn't spoil big picture– rather, it even helps to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of surrealism that reigns in the minds of the creators.
It won't be enough!


With frustration it was easier - they immediately made it clear that there was no point in striving to understand what was happening. Here you try to understand the plot until the last moment, and sometimes it even seems to you that you are beginning to understand. But it won't last long.

You can reassure yourself that these are just dreams that a bear sees in his warm, cozy crib.

Wow, talking fish

Each creation of the Armenfilm film studio is a cultural monument to the absurd, made so well that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth.


"Solaris" for children in summary: alien intelligence is trying to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects that they understand. Painting in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

Blue puppy

We don’t know if there is the subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now it touches on deep issues of discrimination and oppression.

Blue, blue, we don't want to play with you!

Fierce Bambre

A film about anger management and the difficulties of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world ordinary people.

Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely crazy short films, as beautiful in content as they are in drawing. A hare with a belly button looking for himself, and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were very young then.

Icarus and the Wise Men

A magical and cute cartoon about a dream. About the fact that no matter what anyone says, everything is achievable, you just have to not give up. And cool sayings in Latin that you can learn along with its characters.


The one-eyed monster lives in a communal apartment with all sorts of different neighbors and litters all the time with its scales. A terribly touching and sad cartoon about tolerance and tolerance, but in childhood it was just sad, which we understood then, fish are stupid.


Chukotka fairy tale with Chukotka music about how mythical creature kidnapped two girls. Scary and weird.

Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh

What would happen if “The Bunny Went Out for a Walk” was staged in an opera? This cartoon.


A parable about the war, which was shown on the fingers (crossed out) with matches. Naturally, with all the horror of war, whichever side turns out to be cooler.

Direct hit

About slot machines, virtual reality (what it was) and the fact that real reality is better. Bright, dynamic, musical, psychedelic to the brim.


After watching this cartoon, not everyone decided to read the original story by Kir Bulychev. And she is magnificent, one of best works author.

There will be gentle rain

A dark and impressive adaptation by Ray Bradbury. Showing the decay of life “in the West”, the director did a very good job.

Caliph Stork

A terrible, terrible fairy tale. We are still afraid of her!


“Now in a hole, now in a crack, now in a strange hole for little bugs!” A crazy funny cartoon with a song. Our sincere recommendations.

December 32

This cartoon was once shown on some central channel on December 31st. And now this extravaganza that the products sang is in our heads forever. Thank you, fellow animators.

Box with a secret

A bright and colorful cartoon, which was drawn in the style of the famous “Yellow Submarine”, but about mechanical music box scared me and still does. Unfazed by extreme elegance. Particularly frightening are the lyrics that are sung even where God forbid they should be sung.

Hedgehog in the fog

This list is unthinkable without the stunning “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Yuri Norshtein. The short film with an almost monochrome picture captivates with its unique, mysterious atmosphere. Each viewer interprets the images of the characters and the plot in their own way, but everyone adores it. “Hedgehog in the Fog” collected more than 35 international and all-Union awards, and in 2003 it was named the best cartoon of all time according to a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

In Soviet cartoons you can find a lot of strange and incomprehensible things, which will raise many questions from the viewer. Sometimes even adults cannot understand the meaning that the authors of these cartoons tried to convey to us. “Hedgehog in the Fog” is far from the only such cartoon, and this post will introduce us to similar works by Soviet animators.

Wings, legs and tails

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelia. Although it would seem that there are no signs: the birds simply find a certain amount of tasty food and make an informed decision to get to it.

Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what frustration is. Because there is no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.


A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract, accompanied by absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stubborn robot, punishing spheres, Mr. Brutality and Incorruptibility, a flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that modern hipsters are better off not looking at it to avoid aesthetic shock.

Last year's snow fell

Yes, it’s banal, but you can’t live without it. Let's start with the fact that the story is told from the perspective of a person with an advanced stage of absent-mindedness syndrome - the narrator constantly jumps from one storyline to another and forgets where he stopped. Which does not spoil the overall picture - rather, it even helps to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of surrealism that reigns in the minds of the creators.


With frustration it was easier - they immediately made it clear that there was no point in striving to understand what was happening. Here you try to understand the plot until the last moment, and sometimes it even seems to you that you are beginning to understand. But it won't last long.
You can reassure yourself that these are just dreams that a bear sees in his warm, cozy crib.

Wow, talking fish

Each creation of the Armenfilm film studio is a cultural monument to the absurd, made so well that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth.

"Solaris" for children in a nutshell: an alien intelligence is trying to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects that they understand. Painting in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

Blue puppy

We don’t know if there is the subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now it touches on deep issues of discrimination and oppression.

Fierce Bambre

A film about anger management and the difficulties of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world of ordinary people.

Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely crazy short films, as beautiful in content as they are in drawing. A hare with a belly button looking for himself, and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were very young then.

Icarus and the Wise Men

A magical and cute cartoon about a dream. About the fact that no matter what anyone says, everything is achievable, you just have to not give up. And cool sayings in Latin that you can learn along with its characters.


The one-eyed monster lives in a communal apartment with all sorts of different neighbors and litters all the time with its scales. A terribly touching and sad cartoon about tolerance and tolerance, but in childhood it was just sad, which we understood then, fish are stupid.

A Chukchi fairy tale with Chukchi music about how a mythical creature kidnapped two girls. Scary and weird.

Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh

What would happen if “The Bunny Went Out for a Walk” was staged in an opera? This cartoon.


A parable about the war, which was shown on the fingers (crossed out) with matches. Naturally, with all the horror of war, whichever side turns out to be cooler.

Direct hit

About slot machines, virtual reality (what it was) and the fact that real reality is better. Bright, dynamic, musical, psychedelic to the brim.

After watching this cartoon, not everyone decided to read the original story by Kir Bulychev. And it is magnificent, one of the author’s best works.

Will gentle rain

A dark and impressive adaptation by Ray Bradbury. Showing the decay of life “in the West”, the director did a very good job.

Caliph Stork

A terrible, terrible fairy tale. We are still afraid of her!

“Now in a hole, now in a crack, now in a strange hole for little bugs!” A crazy funny cartoon with a song. Our sincere recommendations.

This cartoon was once shown on some central channel on December 31st. And now this extravaganza that the products sang is in our heads forever. Thank you, fellow animators.

Box with a secret

A bright and colorful cartoon, which was drawn in the style of the famous “Yellow Submarine”, but about a mechanical music box scared and still scares. Unfazed by extreme elegance. Particularly frightening are the lyrics that are sung even where God forbid they should be sung.

Hedgehog in the fog

This list is unthinkable without the stunning “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Yuri Norshtein. The short film with an almost monochrome picture captivates with its unique, mysterious atmosphere. Each viewer interprets the images of the characters and the plot in their own way, but everyone adores it. “Hedgehog in the Fog” collected more than 35 international and all-Union awards, and in 2003 it was named the best cartoon of all time according to a survey of 140 film critics and animators from different countries.

In the blue sea, in the white foam

One of best cartoons Robert Sahakyants. The boy and grandfather caught a jug in fish nets, and when they opened it, it turned out that they had freed the Lord of the Sea.

Look, Maslenitsa!

A hand-drawn cartoon based on the fairy tale “Barekendan” by Hovhannes Tumanyan - about a poor man who punishes a rich man for greed.

Plasticine crow

The creation of the cartoon took about 800 kg of Soviet plasticine, which had to be painted with paints due to its faded colors. It's impossible to watch and not jump up and down to the rhythm of the catchy song about a crow.

“Tell us, father, what is a sweater?” - this is how the absurdist poem “Potets” by Alexander Vvedensky begins. According to the plot of the poem, three sons ask their father what a “potets” is, and he, falling into allegories, tries for a long time and confusingly to convey to them quite simple thing: “Sweat is the cold sweat that appears on the forehead of the deceased.” The poem, the creation of which Vvedensky was prompted by the death of his father, has absorbed many political, historical, and psychological subtexts that make its direct reading impossible.

Movie, movie, movie

And for dessert. It's not scary and funny, but it's about our favorite movie. The whole process, from script to premiere. How was your uncle dumped there? Poor uncle!

Yes, all Russian cartoons aged 30 years are riddled with deep philosophical meaning . But the cruel reality and deep inner world Animators of the 70-80-90s were forced to convey this meaning in such a perverted way that the consciousness of many of us simply cannot be restored. And this is wonderful!

We once already wrote that foreigners will never understand the twisted Russian soul. So: it’s better not to show these cartoons to them at all. Never. This will be our secret psychological weapon.

1. Wings, legs and tails

3 minutes 54 seconds of total psychedelia. Although it would seem that nothing foreshadows: the birds just find some tasty stuff and make an informed decision to get to it.

We're working, ostrich, we're working!

2. Fru-89

Every Soviet child is simply obliged to know what it is frustration. Because there is simply no other word to explain what is happening on the screen.

3. Contract

A space saga about the confrontation between a man and his contract with absolutely irresistible jazz compositions. There is an advertising stubborn robot, punishing spheres, Mr. Brutality and Incorruptibility, a flying Rubik's Cube. It all looks so stylish that modern hipsters are better off not looking at it to avoid aesthetic shock.

Spoiler: in the end it turns out that everything happened in a giant flower.

4. Last year's snow fell

Yes, it’s banal, but the truth is nowhere without it. Let's start with the fact that the story is told from the perspective of a person with an advanced stage of absent-mindedness syndrome - the narrator constantly jumps from one storyline to another and forgets where he stopped. Which does not spoil the overall picture - rather, it even helps to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere surrealism reigning in the minds of the creators.

It won't be enough!

5. Bear

With frustration it was easier - they immediately made it clear that there was no point in striving to understand what was happening. Here you try to understand the plot until the last moment, and sometimes it even seems to you that you are beginning to understand. But it won't last long.

You can reassure yourself that this is just dreams that a bear sees in your warm cozy bed.

6. Wow, talking fish

Each creation of the Armenfilm film studio is a cultural monument to the absurd, made with such high quality that you completely do not notice your own spiritual growth. Colorful psychedelic mutations, by the way, are fully capable of competing.

7. Contact

"Solaris" for children in a nutshell: an alien intelligence is trying to interact with terrestrial organisms, taking the form of objects that they understand. Painting in the style of The Beatles fully complements the picture.

8. Blue Puppy

We don’t know if there is the subtext here that the cartoon acquired 40 years after its creation. But now he touches on deep issues of discrimination, oppression and all this.

Blue, blue, we don't want to play with you!

9. Fierce Bambre

A film about anger management and the difficulties of social adaptation of an aggressive introvert in the world of ordinary people.

10. Rubik's Cube

A collection of absolutely crazy short films, as beautiful in content as they are in drawing. Hare with ponytail and belly button, who is searching for himself, and two virtuoso friends giving unforgettable performances. We bet you remember them, even if you saw them only once, and you were very young then.

This is a sequel to the cartoon "Rio", which was released in 2011. Viewers will once again be treated to exciting, funny and dangerous adventures of the parrot Golubchik and his family. This time the action will take place on the Amazon, and main character learn to live like a wild bird, solve family problems, and also face his old enemy.

Still from the cartoon "Rio 2" Photo: 20 Century Fox CIS

Sally - "Monsters, Inc." (2001)

In the city of Monstropolis, existing somewhere in parallel universe, there live monsters who extract electricity from the screams of human children. This happens at a power plant called. Sally is a big blue furry monster who is the main scarecrow of the fear factory. Despite this, he is kind-hearted by nature. It is Sally who first understands that children are completely safe for monsters, and children's laughter- an excellent source of electricity for Monstropolis. In 2013, a prequel to the cartoon called “Monsters University” was released, from which viewers will learn how the main characters Sally and Mike met, as well as what they did before working in “Monsters, Inc.”

Still from the cartoon “Monsters, Inc.” Photo: East News

The Smurfs - "The Smurfs" (1981-1990)

A kind, cheerful family animated series about sky-blue men who live in the forests medieval Europe. The characters were created by artist Pierre Cullifort and first appeared in public in 1958 as comic book characters. In 1980, the animated series “The Smurfs” was released, thanks to which these charming blue men became popular. Interest in them has not waned to this day. So in 2011 I saw the light feature film about the Smurfs, and in 2013 the audience was introduced to it.

Still from the animated series "The Smurfs" Photo: East News

"Blue Puppy" (1976)

A musical fairy tale about a puppy who was born different from everyone else. Because of his blue color, no one wants to be friends with him, everyone avoids him unusual creature. But, fortunately, there is a kind sailor who helps the puppy overcome all difficulties. The cartoon is intended to teach children that they should not judge a person by his appearance. It's interesting that in original story, which formed the basis of the cartoon, the puppy was black.

Still from the cartoon "Blue Puppy"

"Megamind" (2010)

A cartoon about a blue-colored loser villain named Megamind. It came to our planet when two babies were sent to Earth from two planets being sucked into a black hole. One of them ended up in a cozy home, where he was raised by a wonderful family, and the second ended up in a prison, where he was raised by prisoners. The latter is our hero. As a result, the first child, beloved by everyone, became Metro Man, the main hero of Metro City. And the second, who grew up as an outcast, having suffered a number of failures in attempts to do good, chose the side of evil. An attractive superhero and a brilliant villain-inventor have been rivals since childhood. Megamind's main goal in life is to destroy Metro Man, but what will he do when he achieves it? That's right, he will create a new rival for himself. But nothing good will come of this, because being a villain is much more interesting. So our hero will again have to choose which side to take.

Still from the cartoon "Megamind"

Krosh - “Smeshariki” (2004 - ...)

The Russian animated series has been on screens for 10 years. Funny round creatures living in a fictional world teach children from television screens to solve problems that they may encounter in life. real life. Krosh is one of the main characters. He is an energetic optimist who cannot sit still and always comes up with something new. The animated series has gained great popularity in our country; based on it, computer games and even children's dairy products are produced. And in 2011 it was released full-length cartoon“Smeshariki. Start".

Still from the animated series "Smeshariki"

Emily - "Corpse Bride" (2005)

Another dark, but such a beautiful creation by Tim Burton. Waiting for the viewer an amusing trip V world of the dead. Despite the scary title, the cartoon is very kind. It raises questions of love, honor and betrayal. main character Emily is a very bright and romantic girl, even despite her unenviable position. She continues to believe that she will definitely meet true love, while she herself died at the hands of a man who promised to love her. This is a sad story in which the world of the dead sometimes turns out to be much brighter and more cheerful than the world of the living.

Still from the cartoon "Corpse Bride" Photo: East News

Lolo - "The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin" (1986)

This is a touching story of friendship between two penguins Lolo and Pepe. They live in Antarctica and constantly get into various troubles. The cartoon has three parts, during which the viewer can observe the life of Lolo from birth until the moment when he becomes the leader of the pack.

Still from the cartoon "The Adventures of Little Penguin Lolo"

Stitch - "Lilo and Stitch" (2002)

A funny blue alien creature escapes from an intergalactic prison to Earth. The hero lands in Hawaii, where he meets a little orphan named Lilo, who needs a friend. Stitch is the result of a genetic experiment, and is aimed at creating chaos and destruction. But now he has a true friend in the person of Lilo, next to whom he will learn kindness, love and care.

Still from the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch" Photo: East News

Genie - "Aladdin" (1992)

A beautiful story about love, friendship, good and evil, taking place in the fictional city of Agrabah. The whole action revolves around a magic lamp, from which a Genie appears, capable of granting three wishes. This bright and tireless character will not let anyone get bored; he always has a couple of tricks and witty jokes ready. By the way, it was not by chance that the Genie turned blue; artist Richard Vander Wende wanted the colors in the cartoon to reflect mood and emotions. So Blue colour here symbolizes good, and red symbolizes evil.

Still from the cartoon "Aladdin" Photo: East News

Vodyanoy - “Flying Ship” (1979)

“Eh, my life is a tin, fuck it in a swamp, I live like a toadstool, but I have to fly, and I have to fly, but I want to fly...” Songs from this cartoon have long become cult. The merman lives in a swamp surrounded by leeches and frogs. Our blue hero sings about his loneliness so poignantly that it cannot leave anyone indifferent. By the way, it is Vodyanoy who presents the main character Vanya with the tools with which he builds a flying ship. A cartoon loved by both children and adults teaches kindness, selfless love and friendship.

Still from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

The Dog - "The Town Musicians of Bremen" (1973)

In Soviet animation, as it turns out, there is another blue dog. Only, unlike the blue puppy, no one avoids one of the Bremen Town Musicians because of its color. The dog is definitely the calmest and even melancholy cartoon character. And its blue color only enhances the impression. This musical cartoon is loved by more than one generation of viewers. Although in Soviet time he was criticized for an overly free interpretation original fairy tale the Brothers Grimm, and director Inessa Kovalevskaya was even accused of the “pernicious influence of the West.”

Still from the cartoon "The Town Musicians of Bremen"

Dory - Finding Nemo (2003)

Dory is a surgeon fish who suffers from memory loss. She undertakes to help the desperate Marvin find his son Nemo, who was caught in the net. The kind, cheerful blue fish is a real decoration of the cartoon. Dory is so charming that they decided to make a separate cartoon about her, which is a prequel to Finding Nemo and will be released in 2015.

Still from the cartoon "Finding Nemo" Photo: East News

Zazu - The Lion King (1994)

In the stunningly beautiful cult Disney cartoon, the main characters, of course, are lions. But there are also supporting characters, without whom this story would not be what it is. Zazu, the blue hornbill, is King Mufasa's trusted advisor and practically part of the family. He is a very responsible worker with great self-esteem, who remains loyal to the royal family despite all adversity. By the way, this small but proud bird was voiced by the famous “Mr. Bean” Rowan Atkinson.

Still from the cartoon "The Lion King"

Chu Totoro - "My Neighbor Totoro" (1988)

Another masterpiece of animation from maestro Hayao Miyazaki. This is a very light cartoon that can disperse the clouds on the cloudiest day. Totoro is a big furry creature gray, who lives under a tree and is the guardian of the forest. He has small companions: blue - Chu Totoro (medium) and white - Chibi Totoro (small). This is a touching story of friendship and mutual assistance between ordinary children and fairy-tale forest characters. - a magical and very human fairy tale that will appeal to both adults and children

Still from the cartoon "My Neighbor Totoro" Photo: East News

As I was preparing material for this publication, I realized several things.

Firstly, as a child, all these cartoons don’t seem so strange, don’t raise questions, don’t shockingly surprise you the same way they do now. That is, they surprise, of course, but are perceived as part of a huge and amazing world, full of inexplicable and strange things. I'm a little jealous of children. They have so many treasures - a mobile imagination, the ability to believe in miracles, an unblinded consciousness that easily perceives all the twists and turns of the director's imagination. I can’t believe that I was once a little girl who was surprised and laughed when I watched these cartoons.

Secondly, the directors of children's cartoons are very serious people with an excellent sense of humor, who while working on cartoons had as much fun as they could - experimenting with images and music, taking ambiguous plots, inventing strange characters and trying something new all the time. And they even drew parallels with what was happening in world culture at that time.

What unusual, strange, absurd and off-the-charts cartoons of the Soviet era do you remember?

11 strangest cartoons of our childhood:

Big Uh(Yuri Butyrin, 1989)

A very kind and in its own way crazy cartoon with electronic music about fantastic character named Big Ear, who flew on a fallen star into the forest and met the local Wolf Cub. Big Ear can hear over cosmic distances. He turns his huge ears in all directions and tells the Wolf Cub what is going on there on other planets and under water. There, tin cans fight, jellyfish sing and scissors fly a hundred thousand years into the future... The wolf cub also has good hearing - he hears when someone in the forest needs his help. Do you think they will become friends?

Big secret for a small company (Julian Kalisher, 1979)

I remember very well from childhood Yunna Moritz’s song about a secret, sung by the puppet Dog, Horse and Cat in the voices of the Nikitins. But I completely forgot the cartoon itself. And there three animals look into a magic spyglass and see secrets, fly to the planet of huge black cats, lazy dogs and at the end they meet a caravan of winged horses. All this in order to understand: a big secret– this is their friendship, which they cherish with all their hearts.

Great Unwanted (Yuri Butyrin, 1986)

A creepy story about how one lazy boy, who answered “I don’t want” to all his grandmother’s requests to help around the house and do homework, ends up in the country of “I don’t want.” There he is served by a robot, but the endless sweets, ten-screen TV installations with cartoons, rides and other entertainment soon become boring. The boy ends up in captivity of the Great Unwanted. And this overweight, lazy, spoiled giant reminds him a lot of someone...

Contact(Vladimir Tarasov, 1978)

A completely surreal cartoon with music from Godfather- about how a simple earthling artist and an alien, rainbow in every sense, with triangular eyes, who is capable of taking on any form, became friends. The cute alien who scared the artist to death in the open air is actually full of desire to help him and make friends. The guys eventually find mutual language- in music.

Wow, talking fish or Eh (Robert Sahakyants, 1983)

The most, in my humble opinion, the most absurd and insane cartoon produced by the Armenfilm studio based on the fairy tale “ gold fish" Old man by request talking fish releases her into the sea and sighs “uh-oh” that now he has nothing to eat. A fantastic creature named Eeh appears from underground, changing its appearance every second and capable of any miracles. It gives the old man a magic table that is always full of food, but warns him that he and his wife will have to answer all of Eech’s questions at midnight. A kind young man comes to the rescue of the old man, who outwitted the monster and turned out to be the same fish that was released. Based on the description, it may be boring, but you should definitely watch it - absolutely surreal shots and idea.

Absent-minded Giovanni (Anatoly Petrov, 1969)

A very strange cartoon in the style of Picasso of the cubist period, based on the fairy tale “How an Absent-Minded One Walked” by Gianni Rodari. Going for a walk, the wooden boy Giovanni literally falls apart. To return him to his mother, passers-by collect the absent-minded boy piece by piece.

Wings, legs and tails (Alexander Tatarsky, 1986)

The cartoon, beloved by many, has long been torn apart for quotes, tells the story of an ostrich who could not fly and got involved with an annoying vulture. Full of irony and with an unusual style of drawing, this short film cartoon one of the most beloved – and strangest – of my childhood.

Miraculous(Alexander Ivanov, 1957)

A musical cartoon extolling the virtues of corn in agriculture. Absolutely amazing vegetables and fruits that sing songs. By the way, in the famous choir of weed-robbers, one of the voices belongs to Vladimir Vysotsky.

Box with a secret (Valery Ugarov, 1976)

Musical fantasy based on the fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky “Town in a Snuffbox”. It turns out that this is one of the first Soviet cartoons in the style of “Yellow Submarine” (drawn clip The group Beatles on famous song Yellow submarine). No wonder it's so buggy. Unusual, avant-garde music performed on an analog synthesizer and fantasy images.

Wrapper(Efim Hamburg, 1975)

A ghostly and really crazy cartoon about primitive times when the little elephant Fantik was born. Good soul animal, he took pity on the withering thorn and managed to grow a magnificent magical tree from it, to spite the monster Shtusha-Kutush, who was hunting for the baby elephant. The artist Daniil Mendelevich depicted all the characters with thin colored lines on a black background, which is why the ancient forest and its inhabitants became even more fabulous and mysterious.

Caliph Stork(Valery Ugarov, 1981)

Based on mysterious fairy tales Wilhelm Hauff, this is the most serious and creepy cartoon of the entire collection. The bored caliph dreams of a life without worries in the guise of a stork. Having met a sorcerer, he learns the secret of a magic powder that allows him to become any animal by inhaling it and saying Magic word"mutabor". But there is one condition - under no circumstances should you laugh while in the form of an animal, otherwise the magic word will be forgotten forever and it will be impossible to return back to human form.