What to write briefly about yourself. Original short story about yourself

This simple question baffles even experienced job seekers, although recruiters believe it works for the candidate.

With the help of experts in the field of personnel selection, we continue to reveal the tasks and goals of tricky interview questions. Today we touched upon such a seemingly not very sophisticated question as “Tell me about yourself.” However, it is precisely this that baffles even experienced candidates in employment matters.

What does a potential employer really want to hear from a candidate? The story that he collects butterflies and is interested in Eastern meditation techniques? Or is it enough for the candidate to clearly retell his resume?

In short, experts agree that the answer to this question should be concise, not affect the area of ​​personal interests (unless the recruiter specifically asked about it) and be an extract from the resume. Here is a sample response structure:

  • age, marital status;
  • several offers of education (university, specialty; for students - evening or full-time studies, full-time or part-time study); and also additional education or courses, if they correspond to the specialty for which the applicant is applying;
  • experience;
  • strengths character that helps in work.

Purpose of the question

“Firstly, a personnel officer can make his task a little easier by collecting a lot of information he needs at once,” explains Raboty.ru consultant Ekaterina Lukyanova. - Secondly, assess the characteristics of the candidate’s character and temperament, the specifics of his relationship with the team. This can be assessed both by the details of speech and by the narrated episodes from past experience. Thirdly, the way the candidate answers characterizes his ability to lead business conversation generally". In addition, according to Ekaterina, by presenting the facts of a resume orally, a person has the opportunity to give them the desired emotional coloring. For example, like this:

  • I didn’t just enter university in such and such a year, but realized my dream of getting an education in such and such a professional field.
  • I didn’t just get a job in such and such a company, but took part in a long-term competition of projects for young professionals, as a result of which I received an offer for an internship in a large company.

According to Natalia Isaeva, head of the financial department recruitment agency GoodWill, this question provides an opportunity to evaluate the candidate’s self-presentation skills. “One of its main goals is to provide the candidate with a chance to make the desired impression, to feel confident and calm, and to tune into a dialogue. Thus, he is invited to set the general tone and direction of the conversation. Start with what's really important to you at the moment. This is a good opportunity to outline your current motivation: professional development, career growth, material well-being. Naturally, this must be clearly justified by facts from work experience, acquired skills, education, and, most importantly, aspirations.”

Ekaterina Serdyukova, HR Director at Pharmacy Chain 36.6, agrees with Natalia’s opinion: “In general, the answer to this question is for the employer an additional source of valuable information - one that cannot always be gleaned from a resume. This question allows the interviewer to start a conversation and build it in a more productive manner, and for the applicant to show his resourcefulness and resistance to stress, because you need to not get confused and present yourself well, plus your presentation skills, knowledge of your personal characteristics and characteristics."

Well what can I say...

“There is no specific recipe for the “correct” answer,” says Ekaterina Serdyukova. “In each specific case there is a more or less suitable answer that meets the requirements of the position.”

“For example, if a person applies for a position in sales, then this implies an active and dynamic lifestyle, corresponding hobbies, which can sometimes even be extreme - skiing, snowboarding, safari, etc.,” she continues. - In the story about yourself, you can also add a few words about your personal traits, “praise” yourself (but here it is important to keep it in moderation!). This attitude towards success plays an important role in the effectiveness of the salesperson, and this is what the potential employer first of all notes.”

Sample answer

Ekaterina Lukyanova gave the following example of a response from a candidate applying for the position of project manager in a telecommunications company: “During my studies at the institute, I became interested in issues of systems development cellular communications based on modern technologies. For three years he was a laureate of student project competitions in this area. Subsequently, I received an offer to do an internship at company N, where I successfully implemented the idea I developed in my graduation project.

After completing the internship, he moved to the position of project manager in one of the company’s branches. At the same time, the established friendly relations with my colleagues, both former and new, helped me a lot in my work.

After moving to work in another organization, I continue to communicate with my former colleagues, with some of them we play sports together and become family friends. The transition to another company was associated with an offer to implement my project using qualitatively new equipment and technologies, as well as a promotion.

I remember with gratitude my mentors who helped me bring these ideas to life. As a result of the work done, fundamentally new models were put into production, allowing for better results.
Now I’m working on a new project that may be of interest to the developers of your company, I hope that my experience and knowledge will be in demand.”

In this response, the applicant managed to reflect several important points:

  • interest in professional development, perseverance and desire for new achievements;
  • the ability to find contact with people, maintain friendly and business connections;
  • e passion for sports, desire for healthy image life, the importance of family values;
  • interest in further development and cooperation, participation in new projects, the ability to appreciate the help and support of management and colleagues;
  • finally, the readiness and desire to work for the benefit of the company.

“Such an answer will cause only a positive reaction from the interlocutor, and additional questions will be kept to a minimum,” sums up Lukyanova .

What is better to remain silent about?

  1. There is no need to dwell on personal biographical facts that are not related to work and profession.
  2. You should not make critical comments about previous managers.
  3. Don't talk for too long, it tires the other person and characterizes you as an overly talkative person (this is not good for all positions).
  4. Don’t take credit for other people’s achievements; you may have mutual acquaintances in a professional environment, and sooner or later the lie will be revealed.
  5. Do not evaluate the activities of management, the political situation in the country, standards of behavior in the company, etc.

“For example, after several successful stages of the interview, the candidate was turned away from the final interview with the manager only because he opened up and showed his envy to his Western colleagues, who, as it turned out, had been calling him to work for a long time,” Ekaterina Lukyanova gives an example .

Another example - a woman indicated a low salary as the formal reason for leaving her previous job, and only when talking about herself did she admit that she lives in a very inconvenient area and suffers from constant scandals in the family due to late returns from work. Such recognition, according to recruiters, can negate all professional achievements and the advantages of a well-written resume.

You should also not say something like: “Everything is reflected in my resume.” Of course, this answer is very laconic, but it makes it clear that the person is not in the mood for interaction and constructive dialogue. “An employer asks questions only if he is really very interested in a specialist,” notes Natalia Isaeva. “I must warn you that such an answer is already broken communication, and in order to correct the situation, the candidate will have to “sweat”, answering completely unexpected questions that may seem unpleasant or even incorrect.”

Let's sum it up

  1. The answer to the question “Tell me about yourself” should be quite frank and simple, since deception is very easy to identify in a further conversation.
  2. Treat this issue positively, do not look for a catch in it. This is your opportunity to form that much-mentioned first impression.
  3. There are no bad or good answers to this question, and there are no bad or good candidates. A lot depends on the requirements of the position, on the personality of the candidate, even on corporate culture companies.

Ekaterina Kozhevatova, rabota.ru

How best to talk about yourself in different situations during normal acquaintance or in professional purposes? You probably find this task scary and daunting. But with a little thought and looking inside yourself, you can find the words with which you will reveal your personality. Start with the first step and you will find some tips to help you introduce yourself. You can also use the sections displayed above to find answers to more specific questions.


How to talk about yourself at an interview

    Find out more about the company. Each company has its own unique personality, its own culture. If you describe qualities that reflect the company's values, you will demonstrate that you are collaborative and thoughtful.

    • For example, if you are interviewing for an entry-level position at a technology startup, try talking about your interest and experience working with innovative technologies, products, and your desire to work on the startup company's creative team.
  1. Be prepared to be asked to talk about yourself during the interview. If you think through possible answers to typical questions, you can calculate everything in advance.

    • If you make a list of your qualities or accomplishments, it will be easier for you to identify which traits are great value, and which ones can not be mentioned, since they will be superfluous.
  2. Research the position you are applying for. Please read the job description carefully. Pay attention to what responsibilities the position entails and what skills the applicant needs to have. Demonstrate your interest and ability to perform the required responsibilities.

    • If you are interviewing for a management position, you can share what management strategies you used while in a similar position at a similar company. For example: “I am a sales director at a company. I recently introduced a new program to track our sales progress."
    • If you are interviewing for an assistant position, you can talk about your ability to multitask or give an example that demonstrates excellent organizational skills: “I am currently an assistant to four employees at the firm. They are pleased with my organizational skills and communication skills. Recently they assigned me to deal with all organizational work in the office."
    • If you're interviewing for an entry-level position, you can talk about your ability to adapt quickly and your desire to gain new experiences. For example: “I recently graduated from university and completed an internship in offset printing, but I want to gain more experience and opportunities to deepen my knowledge.”
    • As a promising university graduate, show that you can put your knowledge to practical use. You will show your good side if you tell us about your scientific achievements, interests, travel planning and other things you value: “I am interested in making paper by hand and experimenting with it myself. I’m really interested in how I can use this experience in your book making courses.”
  3. Describe yourself not in empty and general phrases, but using specific examples what you did. If you are an excellent organizer and write on your resume that you have good organizational skills, this will not be enough. But if you talk about a specific case in which you were tasked with organizing a large conference with a hundred executives in attendance, your abilities will be more visible.

    Practice the interview with your friend. Perhaps he will be able to adequately evaluate you and advise you on what is worth talking about and what not.

    You must understand the difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. It is perfectly acceptable to talk about your accomplishments as long as they are truthful and relevant to the conversation. If you talk about your achievements and good qualities, without evidence or if it is inappropriate, it can be harmful to you.

    Be positive. Accentuate your positive qualities and don't criticize yourself.

    Speak about yourself briefly and clearly. An interview is not the time to talk about your whole life. Describe yourself and your achievements as briefly as possible.

    Be professional. Choose words that describe you as a competent professional. Avoid words like “cool,” “sexy,” “cool,” or “cute.”

    Create a quick resume. It is also called an “elevator pitch.” This is a condensed story about yourself and your activities. This speech highlights the most important and memorable things about you. Here are some questions that you can answer to help you create your resume:

    • Who am I? "I am a writer." “I'm a recruiter.” “I'm the administrator.”
    • What organization do I work for? “I work for an online art publication.” “I work for a start-up IT company.” “I work small non-profit enterprise.”
    • What are my functions in this organization? “I review local exhibitions for an international online art magazine.” “I am engaged in the search and employment of new talents for the development of specialized software" “I am involved in adjusting business plans for startups.”
  4. Find what you like about your job and focus on it. By answering the previous questions, you may find it easier to identify your values ​​and passions. Use them to condense your answers into a short, to-the-point presentation:

    • “I write articles for an online publication about art that has readers from different countries. This is a great opportunity as I attend local exhibitions and do reviews.”
    • “I am a recruiting manager for a small start-up IT company. I discover new talents, meet and communicate with them.”
    • “I am an administrator at a small non-profit business. I offer support to start-up companies who want to improve their business plan.”
  5. Listen to others. Instead of starting a conversation with stories about yourself, ask questions. If you give the other person the opportunity to talk about himself, you will learn more about him and his needs.

How to tell about yourself on your page on a social network or on a dating site

    • If you love to travel, write down where you were last and why you would like to go there again.
    • If you consider yourself a foodie, why not mention a couple of your favorite restaurants or a great meal you cooked last weekend?
    • If you're an art lover, talk about a type of art you love or an exhibition you recently visited.
  1. Throw away all negativity. When talking about yourself, focus on what you are love– both in yourself and in the world around you.

    • Post a meaningful and positive description of your appearance, for example: “brown-eyed brunette with curls, beautiful shoulders and an even better smile.”
    • A little humor will help you stand out from the crowd. A sense of humor says a lot about your personality and can help you appear more down-to-earth and approachable. For example: “I have a black belt in cooking. I can kill you with one pancake.”


    • Always be careful when discussing personal details online or directly with a person. Please remember that any information you post online may be available to others.

The “about yourself” column in a resume is complex: in it you show the personality behind the dry list of skills and courses taken. We'll tell you how to fill out this column correctly and show that you- the best candidate.

Filling out this column is optional and depends on the situation, so in ours we left the choice of whether to add an “about yourself” block or not.

// Answer the following questions for ourselves:

Who are you writing to? Your target audience is...

Much depends on this accent. If you are sending your resume to a serious company where details like “I love cats” are not needed, then think about whether your resume needs this column.

If your work is related to creativity and creativity, try in the “about yourself” column to hook the person who will open the resume.

How would you like to be in your own eyes??

“This is Agrafena. She is an activist and activist - she does charity work, organizes concerts and conducts classes for children in free time. He has been interested in surfing since he was 7 years old.”

How will the person describe you? Are you sure that you would trust such a person with the position? Do not exaggerate merits, avoid bureaucracy and information not related to work.

What is your resume silent about?

The answer to this question should be contained in the “about yourself” section. This is the column that should contain information not only about experience and education, but also about you as an individual. Introduce yourself to the employer, breathe a little life into.

What can “sell” you as a professional and as a person best?

Think about it - who are you and how are you useful to the company? Formulate the benefit and build on it in your description.

// What can be mentioned in the “about yourself” column?

At first little secret- this section of the resume is more needed by those who feel a lack of experience or knowledge; this is one of the opportunities to attract attention. The “about yourself” column tells the employer:

“I may not be as experienced, but I am someone you will want to get to know and work with.”

Your goal or desired position

It would be correct to specify your goals in this column so that the employer understands what you want and what you can give him. For example, you want to gain work experience in n-field, n-position, skills, experience, and so on - all this is appropriate.


If you dream of working in a great team and know that the company maintains a friendly atmosphere, write about it. Say that you have heard about the professionalism/friendliness/openness of your colleagues and really appreciate it.

Professional interests

What projects do you want to do? What are you interested in professionally? Remember not to repeat information that is already on your resume.


Your passion and love for change

Write why you love your job, what inspires and motivates you. This column also needs to be filled out by those who are changing their field of activity - it is better to explain the reasons: you love change and learning new things, you dream of studying an interesting field.

Important additions to the CV

These could be specific skills or achievements, a link to a profile that cannot be mentioned as a contact.

Now create a resume in ours and fill out the “about yourself” column, based on the tips above. A competent resume coupled with a stylish template is half the success :)

// What better avoid ?

  • “I”, “me” - fewer unnecessary pronouns
  • Typical phrases and adjectives that do not characterize you: “outgoing”, “ambitious”, etc.
  • Repeating what is already on your resume
  • Mention of address / specific age / personal details that have no place in the CV (divorced, single...)
  • Complex sentences

// Summary

Talking about yourself is always difficult, and writing is even more difficult - you need to fit 20/30/40 years of life into 200 characters. Self-assessment and self-presentation skills will be useful in goal setting and self-identification - so you need to learn to talk about yourself.

Be honest, play to your strengths, and try to interest the employer in your personality.

For inspiration, watch Barney Stinson talk about himself :)

People often have to talk about themselves: when entering prestigious educational institutions, when applying for a job, in a friendly or informal atmosphere, and sometimes without a specific immediate goal. Most often, self-presentation is carried out orally; less often - in the form of a cover letter or section in the application form. But in any case, before the speech, you need to write the original text - beautifully and as briefly as possible.

Creating a high-quality presentation of yourself is no more difficult than, however, it should be borne in mind that this is more creative work. The author will have to not only give answers to a number of standard questions, but also to reveal your own personality, briefly describe your preferences and convince listeners of your irresistibility. Below will be given step by step instructions on writing a self-presentation and several small examples of successful work.

What is self-presentation?

As the name suggests, self-presentation (it can also be called auto-presentation) is a person’s presentation of himself. The author of the presentation acts as a narrator, hoping to make the desired impression on the listener or reader.

There are no obvious divisions regarding the temporal purpose of self-presentation. Since the narration is told in the first person and, in principle, does not concern the personalities of listeners or readers, it can be oriented:

  • for one specific person- when hiring or personalized attempts;
  • for a few specific people- when performing on stage or meeting the band for the first time;
  • to virtual recipients of information- if the car presentation is written to create the necessary image in the future or is posted in the public domain.

The latter is especially typical for the practice of business or informal communication on the Internet. For a person who does not have the goal of attracting the attention of a specific individual or group, it is much easier to make a small presentation and post it on his pages in social networks or in the profiles of specialized sites, rather than sending out the same information to everyone.

When should you write a self-presentation?

It is impossible to list all the cases in which it may be necessary to create and conduct a car presentation. Modern life too changeable and unpredictable, and therefore, so as not to suddenly find yourself without the right words, it makes sense to write a short universal blank in advance.

Most often, self-presentation is required:

  1. Upon admission to a prestigious educational institution . Training is especially important for adults who already have higher education. It is unlikely that the admissions committee will treat with excessive severity a presentation made by a school graduate or a person who has not previously tried his hand at universities.
  2. When applying for a job. It is also quite a rare phenomenon in domestic realities, but a common phenomenon for Western countries. The more responsible (and paid) position the applicant intends to occupy, the more seriously you need to approach the drafting of the text. Its style will depend on the profile of the company and its traditions.
  3. When meeting a new team. Here, if corporate ethics requires it, only the manager who has taken up the position and the ordinary employee will have to introduce themselves. In the vast majority of cases, speeches are given orally from the pulpit, from the stage, or directly at the workplace. Both the boss and the employee should not use a cold business style when communicating with other people.
  4. When searching for lenders or investors. Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs from time to time have to look for borrowed funds or people willing to invest in another project for the promise of a share of the profit in the future. , capable of attracting the interest of future business partners or lenders, is a complex matter, but quite common. But preparing a competent car presentation in writing and then presenting it effectively is a task no less important and much more non-standard. When speaking to or writing to future investors and creditors, you should: special attention focus on your past commercial successes, without hesitation to brag: often the listeners’ decision depends on the first impression.
  5. When trying to get, private or public funds. Unlike the previous situation, we are not talking about loans or investments, but about free cash injections: donations, grants or even scholarships. To get the required amount, the applicant or petitioner will have to try hard, making the car presentation not only exciting and informative, but also as convincing as possible.
  6. During informal communication. In the company of friends, self-presentation is unlikely to be needed: even a newcomer to the team will be much more eloquently spoken about by the friends who brought him than by his own introduction. But if it comes to a company consisting of little or no acquaintances strangers, it makes sense to tell a little about yourself, without getting carried away by describing your successes at work and in business, but by concentrating the listeners’ attention on interesting aspects of your personality. Self-presentation in an informal setting is usually carried out in the form of a speech, although if communication began on the Internet, it can also be written.
  7. When communicating on the World Wide Web. If the interaction, official or not, continues in the same virtual environment where it began, each of the participants who wish to introduce themselves should prepare a short self-presentation. As a rule, a text version is sufficient, but if time permits and there are technical capabilities, it would be quite reasonable to record a short informative video about yourself. Information should be in the public domain so that anyone can get acquainted with it - otherwise the author will have to constantly send out mailings, which is not very convenient.

Another situation in which it would be a good idea to write a car presentation is to restore a good name. It does not matter whether a person's reputation was damaged as a result of slander or his own careless actions; what happened must be corrected, and the sooner the better.

Types of car presentations

Before you start writing text for a car presentation, you should decide on its focus, taking into account:

  • target audience;
  • the situation for which the presentation is being made;
  • number of listeners;
  • way of addressing the audience;
  • ultimate goal.

The first two points were discussed in the previous sections. Self-presentation, no matter how specialized it may seem to the author and no matter how skillfully composed, must be strictly focused on the audience and fully correspond to the situation - otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Depending on the size of the audience, all presentations are divided into:

  1. Private. Designed for one or more special influential people. Both the text and the presentation of the presenter should be structured in such a way as to attract the attention of this particular small group. A car presentation may contain personal appeals, references to circumstances known to both parties or uniting them, and, if the situation allows, informal phrases.
  2. Chamber. In this case, the audience size ranges from three to ten people. Auto-presentation in oral format is carried out in small rooms or offices; in writing - through targeted mailing or communication in a corporate chat. Although a well-written text may still contain personal appeals to one or more listeners, you should not get carried away with them, as well as conversations about common interests.
  3. Public. Designed for a wide, diverse and emotionally poorly controlled audience. The speaker (or the author, if we are talking about a written auto presentation) should not linger on unimportant details or talk to anyone from the audience - this is a waste of time. It is best to immediately turn to the facts, presenting your interests, pros, cons and requests to listeners or readers as clearly as possible.

Based on the method of communicating with the audience, car presentations can be divided into:

  • Written- drawn up on paper or in the form of an electronic document, sent to one or more potential readers;
  • Oral- a person who wants to present himself speaks to the public.

Important: Although the first option involves less time, it is not very convenient in terms of feedback. The author of a text sent to the addressee or posted in the public domain cannot promptly respond to everyone who wants to ask a question or make adjustments. Therefore, there is a high probability of missing out advantageous offer or lose the opportunity to respond to an obvious provocation, which ultimately will have a bad impact on the author’s reputation.

According to the final goal, presentations are divided into:

  • Promoting. Designed to obtain a commercial effect, material or intangible benefit. These include speaking to potential investors, creditors, donors, philanthropists and other persons who have the required amount of money and may be willing to part with it. When writing a promotional presentation, if the project is financial in nature, you should focus on the listeners’ opportunity to make a profit (as part of future income or in the form of a loan repaid with interest) or to perform a socially significant act (to help some fund, charitable organization or a specific person in need). If we are talking about intangible benefits, such as moving up the career ladder or getting a job, you need to make it clear to listeners or readers that they, having done right choice, they will receive a competent, purposeful specialist, a promising student, and so on - it all depends on the purpose of self-presentation.
  • Information. Created when it is necessary to convey to one or more readers (or listeners) important information about the personality, interests, habits or merits of the author. Typically, informational presentations are held when meeting a team or new social group, not directly related to obtaining benefits. On the one hand, it is easier to compose them, since you don’t have to focus on the commercial component of the text; on the other hand, it’s more difficult, because the text is focused not on quickly getting what you want, but on establishing long-term warm relationships.

How to make a self-presentation about yourself?

Regardless of the final goal, the size of the audience and its composition, the text of a correctly and beautifully written self-presentation consists of seven mandatory blocks. Their content and content can be varied with almost no restrictions, but the compiler is strongly advised not to neglect any of the parts - otherwise the presentation will look incomplete or outright failure.

  1. The first block of any self-presentation is the introduction. Its purpose is to show readers or listeners who they will be dealing with in the next few minutes. The section should include the following data:
    • surname, first name, patronymic (or simply first and patronymic) of the person applying;
    • a few words of welcome;
    • a small compliment to the audience as a whole or to several listeners individually;
    • main details of the narrator's biography: where and when he was born, studied, where he works, what he does and is interested in;
    • the purpose for which the author addresses the audience: obtaining a loan, investment, a new position, place of work, study, intention to establish friendships, and so on.
  2. The second block is the type of activity of the person introducing himself. Here you can develop the topic outlined in the first section, telling readers or listeners in more detail about your own professional responsibilities and skills. It would be a grave mistake to speak poorly of your current or past employers, clients or customers. Even if we talk about each of them separately, it is necessary to maintain a benevolent or neutral tone, without involving the audience in your life problems. You should not focus on the complexity, danger of work and other negative factors: it is better to find more appropriate ways to let readers or listeners understand how responsible the speaker is. If the target audience consists of specialists, it is enough to list your job responsibilities, making it as boring as possible. If not, list them too, but providing each point with a small explanation.
  3. The third block is the education of the narrator. Where he studied and what successes the author of the self-presentation achieved at that time will be interesting even to casual listeners, not to mention employers and colleagues. It makes no sense to start the story from school: in domestic conditions they are all practically the same, and the division into “elite” and ordinary is a simple convention. But the institute or university that gave the narrator a higher education is already a topic worthy of attention. As before, you should not focus on negative memories associated with your studies. They are of little interest to listeners or readers and do not carry any semantic load. It would be much better to mention participation in various Olympiads, prize places V sports competitions and, finally, getting a diploma with good grades. If the speaker gets a job in his field, it is important to talk about the successes achieved during pre-diploma internship: they are often more important than the fact of receiving a diploma.
  4. The fourth block is achievements. Here you can either summarize the previously described successes in study and work, or provide additional facts. They should be interesting to the audience, but not necessarily related to professional activity. The official part ended on the third block; Then the author’s acquaintance with readers or listeners continues. It is quite possible that they will enjoy the story of sports victories, participation in major creative projects or about creation appearing charitable foundation. Well, if these stories don’t arouse interest, it doesn’t matter, you can move on to the next section of the auto presentation.
  5. The fifth block is personal qualities. Continuing free communication with the audience, the narrator can introduce them in more detail to his habits, preferences, advantages and even, if this does not harm his reputation, shortcomings.

Advice: remembering that any self-presentation (even in an unofficial circle) is designed for the first acquaintance, you should not immediately initiate readers or listeners into all your secrets. It is unlikely that they will be interested in the fact that the narrator does not like to wash dishes or knows how to iron trousers better than anyone else in the area. But really important restrictions, such as the inability to be on call on Fridays or to climb the stairs, need to be mentioned if this is related to the topic of the presentation. As in previous cases, you should concentrate on the positive aspects: your creative, professional, physical or intellectual abilities, leaving aside what is not essential for an adult. You can boast, the main thing is not to get too carried away and fantasize and give the audience really exciting details; then success is guaranteed.

  1. The sixth block is summing up with a restatement of the main idea:
    • the employer should once again make it clear what a wonderful specialist he has the opportunity to hire;
    • the admissions committee - that as a student the narrator, who already has a number of achievements, will be simply incomparable and will bring good fame to the university;
    • investors or creditors - that the business is really profitable, and if they now refuse the opportunity to invest in it, in the future such a decision will result in lost profits and disappointments;
    • to philanthropists - that by agreeing to the author’s request, they will do a truly good deed, which will have a beneficial effect on the reputation of each of them;
    • future friends, friends or an unspecified (virtual) audience that the narrator is a competent and pleasant person, trustworthy and respectful and has nothing against warm relationships with the team.
  2. The seventh block is the final one. The narrator should say goodbye to the audience, thanking them with another compliment and assuring them of their readiness to answer any questions that arise. It would be a good idea to conclude by providing your contact information (in writing) or telling where and how listeners can communicate with the customer (in oral presentation).

Self-presentation about yourself - text samples

To get an idea of ​​the rules for writing a self-presentation, it will be useful for a novice author to familiarize himself with three small examples: when applying for a job, communicating with investors, and meeting a mixed audience.

Example No. 1

Hello! My name is Rybakov Vladimir Leontievich. I thank everyone gathered here for the opportunity to tell me a little about myself. It is an honor to speak in front of such a pleasant and competent audience. Let me tell you why I am applying for the position of Senior Developer in the Modern Technologies Department.

I'll start with my professional skills and responsibilities. I am an electronics engineer with more than fifteen years of experience in my specialty; I got my first job right after graduating from university. Job responsibilities- development of electronic circuits, checking subordinates’ projects, studying and adapting foreign technologies and training young specialists. During my work, I participated in ten regional and two - federal significance. I have certificates, awards and letters of gratitude.

He studied successively at technical school No. 23 of Karaganda and the Volodarsky University of Electronics (Nizhny Volochek). From the first year he took part in Olympiads and interuniversity sports competitions. I have a diploma with honors.

I am interested in cooking and skiing. I have a certificate as a universal confectioner, as well as the title of master of sports in the relevant field.

Collected, organized, confident. I have long-term planning skills. He is a good organizer, as evidenced by letters of recommendation from his previous place of work. The subject of my pride is the creation of the private charitable foundation “Let’s Help in Any Way We Can,” which has been operating since 2015.

Please consider my candidacy. I assure you that if the decision is positive, you will receive a dedicated and competent employee with organizational and production skills.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your attention; It was a pleasure to perform for you.

Example No. 2

Good afternoon, gentlemen investors! My name is Andrey Vasilievich, and today I will tell you about my new project. It’s nice to see familiar faces again, and to everyone I haven’t had the honor of meeting yet - thanks a lot for your attention! The topic of my speech is the production of batteries for remote controls.

Now to the point. I have been promoting energy-saving, self-charging batteries for television remote controls for five years now. During this time there were both successes and minor failures. Nevertheless, we were able to establish production and last year received a state quality certificate.

The idea of ​​producing special batteries for remote controls came to me while studying at the Tesla Institute, more than ten years ago. My pre-diploma practice was devoted to this topic, and later the diploma itself, which I defended with honors.

The scope of my personal interests coincides with my professional ones: this is the introduction of new energy-saving technologies into life, which in the future will make human life easier and nature cleaner.

Personal qualities also help me in developing the project: perseverance and the ability to move forward, no matter what. I process around the clock new information and think about it technological schemes to make our planet greener and our common air more pleasant.

I invite you to participate in financing my new project, which you can familiarize yourself with by looking at the attached brochures. You will receive a guaranteed reward within six months after starting, and in the future you will be able to invest again in business development.

Thank you sincerely for your attention. If you have questions, ask; I'll be happy to talk to smart people.

Example No. 3

Hi all! My name is Alexey, and now I will be part of your team. We are strangers yet, but I already feel sympathy for you and have no doubt that we will become friends. For this purpose, I will tell you a little about myself.

Currently I work at the Levkovsky Research Institute of Cardioelectronics. Before that, he was a practicing physician at the Central Samara Hospital No. 1, and later taught at the Medical University of the same city.

I graduated from it at one time - with honors and several commendations from the internship. While studying, I participated in interuniversity competitions in volleyball and artistic gymnastics, as well as several olympiads in specialty and humanitarian disciplines.

In my free time I enjoy walking and knitting. I also like to read books and listen classical music. I can’t say that I have achieved noticeable success in at least one of my hobbies; they just bring me pleasure.

The main quality that I value in myself is friendliness. I hope that immediately after the end of my short speech you will be able to verify it.

I'm sure you and I will find general topics for conversation and we can enjoy communication for many more years. Thank you very much for listening to me. If you have any questions, don't hesitate; I will be glad to talk with new acquaintances.

How to present yourself as an A+ - video

Let's sum it up

To create a self-presentation about yourself, you need to determine its purpose and decide to whom it will be addressed. The text should depend on the size of the audience, the intentions of the narrator, his professional and life experience. The presentation should be succinct, engaging, beautiful and well-written.

Any car presentation consists of an introductory part, a story by the author about his achievements, hobbies and successes, a statement of purpose and a conclusion. A person who is often faced with the need to talk about himself is recommended to compose several universal samples in advance. In the future, they can be freely modified to suit the current situation.

(estimates: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

All writers, authors and journalists have one topic that they master much better than all others. No matter how much you say that you understand politics or business, there may still be someone with deeper knowledge. And the only thing you can be completely sure of is that no one knows you better than yourself. But only a few write about themselves.

On the other hand, we almost always become hostages of someone’s instructions or assignments: at school we write an essay on a topic given by the teacher, when we get a job we create thematic materials for a newspaper, magazine, or website. But both the teacher and the publisher want to see individuality, our knowledge and thoughts in our materials - in the end, ourselves.

People are afraid of frankness. It’s much easier to write about what the publisher/client/boss wants behind the curtain of a “topic.” Authors often think that writing about themselves is almost indecent and requires someone's permission. But every person receives this permission at birth.

How to learn to write about yourself: nuances

When you write about yourself, this does not mean that you need to put on paper absolutely everything that comes to mind - and the more, the better. This phenomenon is called graphomania, not memoirs. Also, remember, you are not writing for a publisher or teacher, but for yourself (more on this in the article). You can only interest readers when you yourself become your target audience.

When students or schoolchildren complain that they are forced to write on a specific topic, this means that they most often have nothing to say: their experience is enriched mainly by elements of virtual reality - the Internet, social networks, video games. Over time, long-forgotten incidents will be resurrected in your memory when you need them. Memory always provides writers with interesting material, even in times when there are no more sources of inspiration.

There is only one small step between the writer's ego and selfishness. You need to know about this, because some authors who start writing about themselves never stop. Check the details in your text to see if they are important and in the right place. All elements of the material must be a harmonious and dynamic whole.

Memoirs as a non-fiction genre

Memoirs allow you to get to the very roots human life, to convey all its drama and pain, comedy and unpredictability. Unlike a biography, a memoir is devoted only to individual fragments of the past, and not to all events in the writer’s memory. In the memoirs, the author records the main thing, the secondary remains behind the scenes.

The piece of life you are about to talk about must be extraordinary. The authors often describe their childhood, sometimes a war or other social upheaval. Therefore, the memoirs have a rather narrow semantic framework. Imagine being able to select only one photo from your album. Write only about her, or rather about the memories associated with this moment.

As with travel articles, memoirs are all about the details—sounds, smells, colors, names of songs, pictures or books, etc. They can very clearly convey everything you felt at that moment.

Memoirs always have a well-thought-out composition. To write about yourself, it is important to review own life, organize sometimes vague or forgotten memories into narrative form. Therefore, memoirs are an excellent way to understand yourself, to understand the mass important events, and ultimately find your truth.

In general, be brave and give the reader your personal story, your own view of the world - and have fun with it!