What questions should you ask when applying for a job? What will be my main responsibilities? Standard questions from an employer

What could you ask a candidate so that you can immediately understand everything about him? “Right away” and “all”, of course, will not work, but the site will share several useful tactics for conducting a conversation - they will help you choose the right employee.

Keeping in mind that different professional and personal qualities are important for different positions, the interviewer should carefully prepare for the interview. Any company has a certain way of working, as well as unwritten rules, the violation of which can throw the system out of balance. What questions should you ask during an interview to determine how well the candidate meets the requirements of immediate management and the company as a whole?

To understand who is in front of you, you can use well-known principles of constructing a conversation when applying for a job, resort to newfangled trends, or delve into the study of the candidate’s psychology. The most proven methods are the following:

  • The domino principle: assumes general tasks with a gradual deepening into the topic. In this case, the candidate, for example, is asked about his immediate responsibilities and is constantly clarifying the details and narrowing the topic of conversation. If the applicant does not invent responsibilities for himself, he answers confidently, without hesitation.
  • The principle of the circle. In the middle or at the end of the conversation, return to important questions asked at the beginning of the interview to clarify the details. Based on the answers given earlier and now, you can determine how honest the applicant is.

This type of interviewing is always appropriate, since the recruiter has very little time to understand who is sitting in front of him and whether the person meets the requirements.

Standard questions from an employer

In a conversation, it is important to identify different qualities of a person, so you should provoke the interviewee to talk in a certain direction. At the same time, it is worth analyzing the answers in order to create a correct portrait of the applicant. The following questions are often asked during job interviews:

  1. "Tell me about yourself." This question does not concern any specific places in the biography; rather, it gives general idea about a person's priorities. An applicant who provides information about his own experience will be interesting. professional qualities, demonstrates interest in the vacancy. If the story is vague, and the listed facts are not relevant to the essence of the interview, then the person either has nothing to say or is simply unsure of himself and his abilities.
  2. “Why did you decide to leave your previous job?” The reasons can be very different - from dissatisfaction with the lack of career growth to a low salary, while a worthy candidate will never speak badly about his immediate supervisor or the team. It is very sad if the reason for leaving was a conflict, since this characterizes the applicant as a person who gives in to difficulties, and also reduces his self-esteem.
  3. “What salary would you like to receive?” Good specialist knows that he deserves a high salary and is clearly not bluffing when voicing the cost of his services. If a candidate clearly overestimates the level of the desired salary, you can always cool his ardor by calling the salary much lower than the required one.
  4. “What attracts you to work in the proposed position?” A smart candidate knows in advance that recruiters are looking for a person who not only has the necessary professional and personal qualities, but is also ready to be useful to the company, work in a team, and share own experience and learn it from others.
  5. Ask the applicant what his strengths and weaknesses. If the candidate voices too general phrases, ask for clarification and more detail. Typically, applicants are happy to talk about their strengths, but avoid talking about their weaknesses.
  6. “Tell us about your professional achievements.” A conversation in this vein will force the applicant to talk about himself, emphasizing the qualities necessary for the job. If the candidate speaks in general phrases, then his candidacy is unlikely to deserve attention.
  7. “Name your professional mistakes.” A smart candidate will not give up when hearing such a question, because he understands perfectly well that there may be mistakes in the work, the main thing is to draw the right conclusion and not repeat them again. It is strange if the applicant cannot remember such a situation: he is either not self-critical enough or does not admit mistakes at all.
  8. “Will family/personal life affect the quality of work?” This is a common question that is mainly addressed to young women who already have small children or are at an age when they can start a family. Such information is needed only when management puts forward certain requirements for the employment of young women and sets strict conditions.

Identification of the candidate’s life position

There is information that will help reveal the candidate’s general qualities, understand his desire to develop, and identify his life position, or just feel the mood. What questions should a candidate be asked during an interview?

  1. “How do you feel about life?” This question is philosophical, but it allows us to identify what position in life the applicant for the position occupies. Optimists are convinced that there are difficulties in life, and they need to be dealt with or not taken to heart. They are also confident that a person creates his own destiny and can change everything. Pessimists are sure that people are evil and are always ready to set them up, let them down, that they need to keep their ears open and be on the alert. Such a person is pre-set for failure and is always unsure of his abilities.
  2. What questions should you definitely ask during an interview in order to understand that the specialist in front of you is standing in front of you? Ask the applicant how many interviews he has completed in the past lately and from whom I received the invitation. This will allow you to assess which of your competitors are interested in the candidate and offer worthwhile work. Perhaps your company needs such a specialist.
  3. “Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?” It has been proven that the ability to plan and set goals characterizes people as purposeful and focused on personal success. People who do not take any initiative do not plan their careers and future life, are unlikely to become outstanding.
  4. “What would you like to change in your new job?” A very insidious question, since the overwhelming majority of applicants believe that it is necessary to change something radically and are happy to talk about it, without imagining internal problems companies. A smart candidate will not plan major changes without understanding the internal structure of the company and without knowing its work as a whole.
  5. “Who can recommend you?” This is a standard question that helps verify the qualifications of the employee you like, and also once again confirms that the applicant did not have personal conflicts at his previous place of work.
  6. “What do you know about our company?” Of course, this should not require deep knowledge about the company. However, small short story about activities and types of products will make sure that the applicant at least prepared for the interview and was interested in what kind of job he could get.
  7. “Why do you think you can handle this job?” It is very important here that the candidate is sufficiently convincing in his answers - this is the quality he must demonstrate by talking about his strengths and advantages over competitors.

Non-standard questions

It is not at all necessary to conduct a conversation in a classical way. Today, many recruiters, when hiring a person, are interested in the most unusual and sometimes even strange things. The point is that you need to check the candidate’s reaction to an unusual question, the ability to think logically or to adequately get out of ridiculous or stupid situations that have arisen. But in everyday life, and at work, this often happens.

The interesting thing is that there are no right or wrong answers and special attention those candidates who can answer wittyly without perceiving the recruiter with negativity deserve it. You can ask the following questions:

  1. Have you stolen office supplies from your office employees?
  2. How many people will fit in this room?
  3. Rate my interviewing skills on a 10-point scale.
  4. What is life like for people in an ideal world?
  5. How many liters of alcoholic drinks do people drink in one night in the city?
  6. Have you gotten into fights at work?
  7. What songs characterize your attitude towards work?

Now you know what questions are asked during a job interview to allow the candidate to open up as much as possible and avoid possible mistakes.

Don't wait for an employer. Take the initiative. But first, find out when to say what and what to remain silent about.

The first conversation with an employer can easily be your last. Rabota.ru amounted to six general rules, how to start meeting a recruiter. Plus examples of what to say in two typical situations: during the first call and in the waiting room.

6 general commandments

1. Value the other person’s time. Be clear and specific. Optimal conversation time: 4-5 minutes.

2. Take your time, don’t swallow words and phrases. The manner of speech is the main thing that allows people to form an opinion about you over the phone.

3. It’s better not to ask about salary. Many recruitment agencies and direct employers do not like this. We understand that the issue of money is very important, but accept the rules of the game.

4. You shouldn’t immediately say that you are an excellent specialist - this is bad form.

5. Don't ask the employer if there is a chance that you will be hired for the job.

6. If during a conversation you are invited to an interview, ask where and at what time you need to arrive. Find out what documents to have with you.

You call your employer. What can I say?

You have applied for the vacancy you are interested in. They attached it to it. Be sure to call within an hour after sending it to find out if it was received, advise all personnel officers without exception. After all, a letter can get lost, arrive in the wrong encoding, or simply not be noticed (HR officers are people too).

The first thing to do is say hello and introduce yourself: “Hello. My name is Alexander Petrov. Is it convenient for you to talk now?

Then tell us what vacancy you are calling about: “I’m calling about the job advertisement for a service engineer posted on the Rabota.ru website.”

Say you sent your resume. State the departure date and your address. For example, like this: “Yesterday I sent you my resume by email. My address [email protected]. Have you received my resume? It arrived without any problems, is it readable?”

If everything is fine, ask when you can find out the verdict: “Please tell me when is the best time to call to find out the result of reviewing the resume?”

Most likely, you will be offered a call back within a week. Be prepared for the recruiter to say unkindly: “I got everything. I’ll call you back myself if the resume interests me.” In this case, many applicants give up and do not dare to call again. But if the vacancy really attracts you, be brave and call back within the specified time to clarify the result.

You are going to your employer. What can I say?

The first contact with the employer can be established not only by telephone, but also directly in person. It happens that the advertisement indicates the possibility of a meeting without first sending a resume by mail. This usually applies to vacancies for entry-level employees.

You go to the company office. Take your resume with you. Please inform us at the entrance that you have read the vacancy announcement and are coming for an interview. “Hello, my name is Alexander Petrov. I came for an interview for the vacancy of a service engineer. Who can I talk to about this? Most likely, you will be taken to a recruiter who will interview you.

Have you been refused? There's still a chance

The employer and his motives are always a mystery. Unfortunately, you may be rejected, even if your resume is impeccable and your telephone conversation follows all the rules. First, never lose heart or take rejection as a personal insult. In the country.

Secondly, remember that the answer “no” can be used as a reason to continue the conversation. If you really need this particular job, ask why you were rejected: “I have relevant experience, I really want to work in your company. Please tell me why my candidacy was not suitable?” Suddenly the employer will be inclined to talk. For example, he might say: “Judging by your resume, you have changed jobs too often. This is alarming." Find out what to say in such cases in the instructions “” (they ask similar questions over the phone). If you quickly get your bearings and unobtrusively give a decent answer, there is a chance that you will still be invited to an interview.

Illustration. How not to speak

It happens like this
But it's better this way

- Hello, I'm Sasha. Uh-uh... ah-ah... I need a job!

— What vacancy are you calling about?

- Uh...service engineer.

— Did you send your resume?

- No. What's the salary?

— Please send your resume, we will definitely consider it. If you are suitable for us, we will contact you and tell you everything in more detail.

- Fine. I must say that I am a very good specialist. Look at my resume later - you won’t regret it.

- Hello. My name is Alexander Petrov. I'm calling you about a vacancy for a service engineer. Are you comfortable talking now?

- Hello. Yes, quite.

— I sent my resume to your email about an hour ago. Did you receive it?

- Perhaps you have questions. I'm ready to answer.

- No, everything is clear to me.

— When can I call back to find out the result of reviewing my resume?

- Call back in three days.

- Fine. Thank you. Goodbye.

Helped in preparing the material: Development Director recruitment agency Dmitry Bykadorov; Head of the personnel selection department of the recruitment agency "" Alla Klimova.

Ekaterina Kozhevatova

You've been looking for a job for a long time, and now you've received the long-awaited phone call. You are invited to an interview. In addition to joy, there is a feeling of anxiety and fear. How to please an employer? How should you behave and what should you say? We suggest looking at an example of interview questions and answers.

Standard interview questions

In order for the interview to go in your favor, you need to properly prepare for it. Let's start with the fact that you should be prepared for the questions asked. Let's list the most popular:

What can you tell us about yourself?

Here you need to talk about your successes and achievements. Pay attention to your education and professional skills. Emphasize that you are very interested in this particular field of activity that you are involved in this company. There is no need to “pour water”; the answer must be clear and last about three minutes.

For what reason did you leave your previous job?

On this question it is necessary to prepare a correctly formulated answer. Under no circumstances should you say that the former management is to blame for your dismissal. This way you will demonstrate your weaknesses. There may be the following answer options: inconvenient location for you, frequent changes of manager, inconvenient work schedule, lack of professional growth, and so on.

What exactly aroused your interest in our company?

Here you can use the answers from the previous question, that is, say that in this company you can solve the problems that you had at your previous workplace. Or you can name some other reasons that prompted you to do this.

What were your responsibilities at your previous job?

When answering this question, you need to be clear about what tasks you have performed previously. You can also supplement the story with your participation in any projects, achievements and awards you received.

What can you tell us about your weaknesses and strengths?

Try to name those positive qualities, which are necessary for an employee in the position you want to get. Don't forget to mention your hard work, punctuality and responsibility.

Find out what interview techniques exist:

What salary would you like to have for this position?

When answering this question, we recommend that you name an amount slightly higher than the average salary. If you mention a low salary, the employer may get the impression that you have low self-esteem or are a bad worker. Well, if you call, on the contrary, high wages, then you can give the impression of a very ambitious and proud person.

What information do you have about our company?

The answer to this question requires good preliminary preparation. Before joining a company, find out as much information as possible about it: what it does, what products it produces, how long it has been in business, who runs it, etc.

Who will you be in 5-10 years?

Here you need to show that you are focused on fruitful work in the company and in 5 or 10 years you see yourself in a higher position, significantly climbing the career ladder.

By what criteria do you choose a job? Name 5 main ones.

The answer should be short and comprehensive: career growth, decent wages, a good cohesive team, convenient work schedule, office location, opportunity to improve qualifications, and so on.

Do you have any questions for us?

Be sure to ask at least a couple of questions. This is important! After all, if the applicant has no questions for the future employer, then perhaps he is simply not that interested in this job. Here you can ask about job responsibilities, probationary period, social package, career growth and so on.

Non-standard interview questions: sample questions

Find out how to prepare for and pass a stressful interview:

Some employers, wanting to immediately see the reaction of a possible future employee to unexpected situations, ask tricky questions during the interview that the applicant does not expect to hear. They simply drive many candidates into a corner. What non-standard questions can you hear at an interview? Let's list some of them:

  • What thoughts do you have about your future boss?
  • What will you pay more attention to: family or work?
  • What character traits should a good leader have?
  • Are you a conflicted person?
  • Have you been criticized at your previous job?
  • What is an ideal company?
  • Why should you work in our company?
  • What's the first thing you'll do when you start a new workplace?
  • Do you plan your work day?
  • In connection with what, in one organization they engage in theft, but in another they do not?
  • How would you spend the million you won in the lottery?
  • Last book you read?

So how to properly respond to such questions? The main thing is not to be confused and scared. Always remember to take a creative approach to any issue and don’t forget to have a sense of humor, but don’t get carried away! Be prudent and collected, do not indulge in demagoguery. Answers must be brief, adequate and comprehensive.

How to behave confidently?

What should you not say at an interview?

The most main mistake applicant at an interview - thoughtless answers to the questions posed. Sometimes a candidate simply exaggerates his capabilities too much or outright lies. Let's look at the main mistakes applicants make during an interview:

  • the candidate talks too much. You shouldn't do this. You need to answer briefly and to the point;
  • in no case should one boast of any connections with famous and influential people;
  • You cannot ask during an interview about what the company does. You must be aware of her affairs;
  • You shouldn’t put forward a list of your demands; they choose you here, not you;
  • You can't criticize your former boss. You will make yourself look like a complainer and a sneak.

What personal qualities need to be shown at an interview?

We provide you with a list of those qualities of an employee that should be shown to a future employer and, if possible, talked about:

  • initiative;
  • punctuality;
  • stress resistance;
  • goodwill;
  • persistence;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy.

Factors that negatively affect the impression of an employee

The employer will not appreciate the following points during the interview:

  • bad, careless appearance applicant;
  • outright lies;
  • the smell of alcohol or cigarettes;
  • caller mobile phone applicant during the interview;
  • excessive silence;
  • arrogance;
  • criticism of former superiors.

When conducting a dialogue with an employer during an interview, you should not delve into your personal life. It shouldn't have anything to do with work. Keep all detailed details to yourself. Answer strictly to the point. And remember that you must always remain yourself and give only truthful information.

By preparing in advance for the interview and thinking through all the answers and counter-questions, as well as your behavior when talking with the manager, you will significantly increase your chances of getting the desired position.

Video - “What questions do we ask at an interview?”

At the end of the interview, the recruiter usually asks each candidate if there are any questions. People often get lost and don't find what to ask. And only after some time (often when a person is already working in a company) questions arise of their own accord that should have been asked about in advance, rather than taking a pig in a poke and wondering “How did I get here? Where was I looking? Why didn’t I think about this? This is the so-called “staircase effect”. I have prepared a cheat sheet so that you, %habrauser%, are not at a loss.


1. Work schedule and can it be moved?
I love to sleep. But at my last job, the “work morning” started at 7:30. Not only was I quite often unable to arrive at this time, but I spent half a day trying to get myself into working shape. Somewhere before 10:00. From 10:30 to 11:30 I worked hard. Then there was lunch. And then I wanted to sleep and not work, because... I haven't gotten enough sleep since this morning. Needless to say, instead of the 8 hours for which the employer hired me, I worked in the “flow” for only 3-4 hours. So you need to decide for yourself the question - when am I most productive? And discuss the work schedule with management. And one more nuance. Try to fix the discussed schedule in employment contract or a contract (hereinafter referred to as TD), if the employer agrees to a personal work schedule for you. No verbal agreements. Otherwise, they will start twisting your hands while you are working (as happened to me).

2. Dress code?
Here I think no explanation is needed.

3. Vacation?
If you change jobs before the summer, the issue of vacation may suddenly arise. Moreover, if one of the family members has already “staken out” a vacation from their job. Employers are reluctant to give vacations in the first six months or even give them only after a year. But if you really need it, you can bargain. The main thing is not to forget to remember this at the interview. The agreement must be recorded in the TD.

4. Business trips?
Some people love it, some don't. But when business trips last for 2-3 months, this must be immediately clarified at the interview and taken into account.

5. Payment for processing?
If there is a provision on compensation for overtime, please show it. Usually this clause is included in the collective agreement, but compensation is rarely paid in reality. But here you can’t put a straw in it, and you’ll only find out when you jump into the pool with your head.

6. Can I bring personal devices?
Question about both the access mode and working with them (if you are a developer mobile applications). The court also has the following question:

7. Are devices provided for use or for work?
At our work, managers were given a working iPad and laptop. A nice bonus I must say.

8. VHI – additional medical insurance?
What does it include? Check with your dentist. Some companies do not include dentistry in their VHI package. People then get upset when they have to pay their hard-earned money.

9. Non-disclosure agreement?
Is there? What does it include?

10. Is training paid for by the company?
Every year, or more often, lists of courses are compiled to which employees can be sent to improve their skills. You can ask what courses you can take this year. Does the company pay for them? And how much will they cost you personally? For example, there is a practice of demanding that you work for a company for some time or that you receive a refund of the money the company spent on you. You might also be interested in this practice. But here they can lie to you.

11. Employee parking?

12. In what rubles is the salary paid - domestic or foreign?

13. Work from home?
Is it possible? Are there people who work like this?

14. Is there a job description?
The employer really likes to assign non-core work to ordinary employees. Delegation, so to speak. But no one will tell you about this in advance. They may send you to refill cartridges or repair your printer. "Tyzhprogrammer"! This is especially popular in small companies. Be puzzled job description worth it, because This is a document according to which you do not have the right to be assigned additional responsibilities that are not specified in it. However, in each instruction there is a clause with the following content - “carry out instructions from management.” It all depends on your quarrelsomeness.

15. Office?
Open space or offices. Do you have the furniture and equipment so you can go out on Monday and start working? No need to listen to the recruiter here! Here you need:

16. Ask to see your future workplace?
A wonderful offer may suddenly turn out to be a windowless room in the basement, without furniture, without a computer, or an open space buzzing like a hornet's nest. If they don’t want to show you a place, this is a reason to be wary and insist. On the way there and back, you can talk with your future colleagues and ask about questions that the recruiter might have lied to you about. For example, regarding overtime, etc.

17. Feedback on the vacancy?
Actually, deadlines and nothing more.

18. About the resume?
You can also ask about improving your resume. What caught the recruiter's attention, and where does it need to be improved?


In addition to trading about the rate and premium, do not forget about:

19. Probation period?
For what period? What is the salary for this period? Is it possible to review based on the results of the probationary period?

20. Advanced training?
This point is about certification and taking courses. I think you want not only to hang a piece of paper in a frame on the wall, but also to feel the heaviness in your wallet from the increase. This issue can also be discussed in advance. If the employer is not interested in your professional growth, then should you be interested in him?

21. Indexation and revision of salaries?
The recruiter usually talks about this quite well himself, but he may forget.

22. Bank card?
Can I use my bank account to transfer salaries? At my last job, I ran like this every month - shifting! This is because the bank, on whose cards the money was credited by the employer, had only 20 ATMs in a city with a population of one million.

23. Prize?
It depends on what factors and when it is calculated (quarterly or monthly).

Labor organization

24. Provision of HW and SW by employer and use of HW and SW by employer?
How many monitors are you talking about? Give me two. Are you using NetBeans or Eclipse, what if I work on IDEA? What are your servers running on? On Windows Server? Are you using rar or zip? Thank you, goodbye, it was nice chatting! Here you can ask about electronic document management (in my former company he was a rare disgusting thing!). Where does communication and correspondence take place? Can I use my own PC or my own software? Is it possible to bring pets to work? Is there kindergarten for children - to grow up in a corporate environment :-)?

25. Organization structure?
You can ask for a diagram of the organization’s structural divisions and show where your place will be. Thus, you can easily calculate how many bosses you will have (I had 7 of them at one time). One may be puzzled by the question: who does architecture and analytics? But these questions are not suitable for outsourcing companies, where everything is extremely simple and clear - team, team lead, architect, testers, project management, management and service (accounting, etc.).

By vacancy

26. Re-opened or not?
Here we are getting closer and closer to talking about projects and your direct activities. This vacancy is an expansion of staff for an existing project, recruitment for a new one, plugging a hole in the staff (after all, “a holy place is never empty” is the motto of semi-state offices and the kites revolving around them). If a vacancy has opened due to dismissal, you can ask why the previous employee quit. It all depends on the sincerity of the recruiter. And you won’t be able to protect yourself from frustration here.

27. What problem does the vacancy solve?
Jobs are opened for a reason, but in order to eliminate some need. This is the need you need to try to find out. What specific problem does the employer have that requires only your help? For example, there are not enough people. We need professionals with certain qualifications or knowledge. There is a need to increase team productivity, etc.


Conversation directly about your future work with your future supervisor.

28. Tell us about the project?
When did it start? What stage is it at? What technologies are used in the project? What technologies are planned to be added to the project? How many people are involved in the project? Customer/monetization? Asking for a short speech about the project (let them dodge like startupers :-) is not all you need to sweat at the interview). What will happen if funding stops tomorrow? Is it possible to ask for another project over time? What code will you have to work with (legacy/new) and how much can it be changed? Are you hiring for support or development?

29. What can I write in 2-4 years on my resume?
This is very important question, thanks to which a good impression can be formed of you as a candidate with potential! If the answer is vague or something like “You can write the following: I worked at Horns and Hooves LLC, I gained a huge amount of experience working with horns and hooves,” then the question needs to be clarified: What platforms and technologies are used? Are Agile/Scrum/DevOps or other methodologies used? Continuous integration tools, VCS, TDD, what is used by Project Management, what is used for Bug-tracking.

30. What will I not write on my resume, but will it make my life easier/complicated?
When and who writes tests? Is there a test team? How testing is carried out: unit tests and blackbox tests. Is there a code review?

31. SW versions?
Another important issue to take into account. For example, who in 2 years will need java 6 if version 9 or even 10 is already released. The same goes for frameworks.

When all the questions have been asked, do not forget to ask to be taken to your future workplace.

Phew. There were a lot of questions. And answering all the questions will take a lot of time. If you wish, you can forward these questions to the recruiter and ask them to answer these questions via email. But personally I wouldn't do that. Firstly, the logic is as follows - “they want to hire me, they’re wasting my time on an interview, let them spend a little of theirs.” Secondly, if you asked so many questions to a recruiter, manager or future colleague, you will get the impression that you are a candidate who is really interested in this vacancy. And this is better than a much vague answer to the recruiter’s hypothetical question “Why do you want to work in our company?” And you will certainly be singled out among other candidates. And this will increase the likelihood of a positive decision on your candidacy.

The employer's verdict depends on the candidate's behavior during the interview. Questions from the applicant become the most important indicator characterizing a potential employee.

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What questions should you ask your future employer? The questions that the applicant voices during the conversation to a large extent reflect his interest in the work and the level of his professionalism in a particular field.

Therefore, the employer wants not only to get answers to his questions, but also to find out what is interesting to the applicant. What should you ask an employer during an interview?

Important points

An interview is a process in which an employer selects an employee, and the employee judges how suitable the proposed conditions and a particular employer are for him.

That is, the interview is a two-way process and each of the participating parties asks questions.

The structure of any interview includes several stages:

Introductory part At this stage, the parties are establishing contact. At the same time, questions are asked general“How did you get there?”, “Did they find us quickly?” and the like. The employer describes the company and the vacancy being discussed
Main part At this stage, the recruiter asks questions regarding the candidate’s professional and personal qualities that will help him achieve success in the position in question. Questions are aimed at in-depth assessment of the applicant
Applicant questions Once the employer has learned everything necessary about the applicant, it is his turn to listen to questions. The candidate must take care of the questions asked in advance

In practice, there is no special list of questions for the employer. You need to ask about what is really important to a particular employee.

You can clarify points that are not described clearly enough by the employer. Perhaps the employer simply forgot to clarify some nuances, although in the future they may become not very pleasant “surprises”.

For example, knowledge is required foreign languages. You can clarify what level of knowledge is desired and ask a couple of questions in English.

A lack of questions from a candidate is more a sign of disinterest and passivity than an over-description on the part of the recruiter.

After all aspects of employment have been discussed, all questions have been asked, the interview is considered over. The candidate receives a response or is invited to the next stage of the interview.

It is important to know that the applicant is not required to ask questions. However, asking the right questions can make a difference decisive role when choosing one employee from several dozen applicants.

Job selection criteria

What main criteria does the employer follow when choosing an employee? Of primary importance, of course, is compliance with the existing vacancy.

As a rule, the organization creates an “ideal” image of a suitable employee:

  • age;
  • level of education;
  • experience;
  • required skills;
  • additional skills, etc.

The vacancy criteria must meet all requirements and meet the qualities necessary for the successful performance of professional duties.

The inclusion of optional criteria reduces the reliability of the selection. Usually the degree of compliance is assessed in points and from a qualitative point of view.

But often employers do not limit themselves to strict criteria, relying on their own “gut”.

In such situations, the applicant is required not so much to meet the stated criteria as to be able to gain the favor of the recruiter and show his professionalism. This is precisely the purpose of questions from the candidate.

What does the employer want? If the position involves possible promotion up the hierarchical ladder, then the candidate is required to:

  • knowledge, experience and skills;
  • vocational education;
  • ability to learn;
  • computer literacy;
  • ability for self-analysis and self-control;
  • communication skills and initiative;
  • versatility and desire for career growth.

Among the personal characteristics employers highlight:

  • personal charm;
  • ability to work as a team;
  • rapid adaptation, including to stressful situations;
  • reliability and enthusiasm.

Character traits that attract employer approval include:

  • friendliness;
  • tact;
  • willingness to help;
  • caring.

And of course, although only the lazy didn’t talk about it, appearance and punctuality matter.

Despite the fact that companies want to find qualified workers, great importance is still attached to appearance.

No one demands couture suits, but a basic business look and well-groomed appearance must be present.

There is no point in talking about unpunctuality; it is unlikely that an employer will like an employee who is always late.

Regulatory regulation

Suitable work, including temporary work, is work that corresponds to the employee’s professional suitability, state of health and transport accessibility.

A job that does not require prior preparation is considered suitable if the applicant is a person who is working for the first time. job seeker and has no profession.

It says that when considering an employee’s candidacy, only business qualities should be assessed.

Therefore, it must be based on the inadequacy of the position due to lack of professionalism and lack of necessary skills.

What questions can you ask an employer during a job interview?

All questions that a job applicant must ask an employer during an interview can be divided into several main blocks.

There is no need to ask questions from each block. You can choose a couple of blocks and ask four or five questions from each.

Blocks are divided into several categories:

About job responsibilities Questions regarding job tasks and functions, first of all, show the candidate’s interest in the vacancy. Questions should concern clarification of details, unclear points, etc. For example: “Is there any provision for financial liability?”, “How many people will work with me?”
About the company You can ask “What is the company’s annual turnover?”, “How many years has the company been on the market?” and the like, but it’s better when the applicant knows in advance this information and will show his knowledge at the interview
About the prospects for your own development Questions of this nature indicate the applicant’s foresight, his desire to work and develop. Example - “Is a promotion possible?”, “ Middle age manager?”, “What are the conditions for promotion?”
About the main tasks By asking questions in this block, the candidate shows that he is interested in high-quality performance of his duties. For example, “What are the criteria for assessing labor results?”, “Which responsibilities are primary and which are secondary?”
About motivation The questions relate not only to salary, but also to the factors influencing it. For example, “What is the starting salary?”, “How can you increase income?”, “Are bonuses and bonuses provided?”

What questions should you ask an employer during an interview? First of all, you need to ask questions that indicate competence and interest in the vacancy.

Then you can explain the nuances of the assigned responsibilities, which indicates a desire efficient work. Only after this can you move on to discussing salary.

Some experts advise not to talk about salary during an interview. This is not correct, since the employee has the right to know how his work will be paid.

There is no need to rush too much, but if the employer himself has not raised this issue, then you should not ignore it.

It is better to ask the question about payment last, when all the details have been clarified and there are no ambiguities left about the position.

Video: what questions should you ask an employer during an interview?

If all the questions are voiced by the employer himself, which is rare, then you need to say that everything is clear and there are no questions.

Don't ask something just for the sake of asking. All questions must be strictly relevant.

What you should know first

During the interview process, it is important to know not only what questions to ask, but also how to ask them correctly.

What not to ask an employer during an interview? Naturally, not all questions are considered acceptable.

So you shouldn't ask questions:

What information do you need to know?

What are the best questions to ask an employer during an interview? Questions to ask the employer are usually determined during the conversation.

But the main questions include the following:

  1. What are the primary responsibilities of my position?
  2. Is interchangeability expected during an employee’s absence?
  3. What caused the vacancy?
  4. Why did the previous employee quit?
  5. What does the stage of applying for a job include, what documents are needed?
  6. Is there any provision? probation, and for what duration?
  7. Does the company provide a social package and what does it include?
  8. What kind of relationships have developed in the team?
  9. Does the company hold corporate events?
  10. Is there a specific dress code?
  11. What are the company's plans for the next few years?
  12. Is career growth possible?
  13. Is there any provision for advanced training for employees?

The list of questions can be continued endlessly. The main thing you need to know is that the questions should positively characterize the applicant and allow you to find out all the information of interest.

Nuances depending on the position

Each position has its own characteristics. Based on this, it is worth preparing questions for the employer. So if the position provides financial liability, it is necessary to clarify its limits.

When knowledge of special computer programs is required, it is advisable to clarify which ones and what the desired proficiency skill is.

In any case, it is advisable to prepare before the interview, namely:

To know detailed information about the employer Focus of activity, services offered, market demand, etc.
Prepare all documents One way or another related to the position
Prepare names and contact details of persons Able to give their recommendations
Prepare a list Expected questions and plan your answers
Plan separately Discussion of remuneration
Prepare a list of questions Which need to be clarified

For the chief accountant

How to prepare for an interview for the position of chief accountant? First of all, you need to find out as much as possible about the company itself.

You should also prepare for possible proficiency testing. It is advisable to prepare documents confirming the level of qualifications, degree of proficiency in special software, etc.

As for the questions asked, you can clarify the following points:

  1. What accounting program is used for accounting and reporting?
  2. How are reports submitted – in person or online?
  3. What is the structure of the organization and what is the number of staff?
  4. What are the immediate responsibilities according to the job description?
  5. Is “optimization” of accounting welcome?
  6. How many legal entities will you need to manage?

It is important for an employer to find a professionally suitable employee who is able to meaningfully carry out assigned tasks and continuously develop himself.

The main task of the candidate is to demonstrate his literacy and professional level as a chief accountant.

For sales manager

The profession of a sales manager is in high demand, but each company has its own requirements for this position.

It is advisable for the applicant to ask the following questions:

  1. What are the main job responsibilities?
  2. What is the sales limit?
  3. What does the salary consist of?
  4. What is the minimum salary if the plan is not met?
  5. What is the work schedule?
  6. Who will be directly accountable to?
  7. What results are expected during the probationary period?
  8. Are there any bonuses and bonuses?
  9. What is the procedure for paying salaries?

The job of a sales manager involves a variable and unstable salary.