The origin and nature of the name is given. The meaning of the name Dana. Interpretation of the name

Version 2. What does the name Dana mean?

1. Personality. Those who think things through.

2. Character. 88%.

3. Radiation. 90%.

4. Vibration. 88,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color of the name Dana. Violet.

6. Main features. Sociability - intelligence - activity - health.

7. Totem plant. Violet.

8. Totem animal. Robin.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. The Dans are modest in appearance, but do not let one forget about themselves, just like their totem - the violet. These are very truthful natures, with rather contradictory character traits, at the same time restrained and willing to please.

11. Psyche. Trying to find their own individuality, they sometimes withdraw into themselves. They lack courage and self-confidence. They know how to take advantage of their indecision.

12. Will. Very strong, combined with developed sense debt helps Dans achieve success.

13. Excitability. People with this type of character know very well where the limit is to which they can act, and where they should stop and not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

14. Reaction speed. Very slow. Some of them seem to be the embodiment of humility and patience, which is what helps them complete their plans.

15. Field of activity. It seems that they prefer to force others to work than to work themselves. They do not have any special ambitions, but they know very well which path to choose. They love sports and become excellent swimmers. Everything related to electronics, radio, and television brings them success. Dana can work as a pediatrician or in preschool institutions, as she loves young children. And don’t forget that they often manage to get ahead of their boss!

16. Intuition. Good. In addition, they have excellent knowledge of human psychology. They know which page to tear out. They love to play the role of a “woman-child” and until old age they wear all sorts of bows, frills, etc.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mentality that allows them to avoid life mistakes. Dana perfectly sees all the circumstances surrounding this case.

18. Receptivity. Their sensitivity has a certain amount of false naivety and feigned innocence that makes a strong impression on men.

19. Morality. These are mysterious women. They manage to be two-faced, misleading others. Relatives and friends of Dana, be careful...

20. Health. Excellent, serves them for many years. Predisposed to obesity. These women do not mind paying attention to their joints and knees and engaging in winter sports carefully.

21. Sexuality. Strong and complex. There is calculation and spontaneity, fears and sensuality bordering on masochism. These women do not feel the need for motherhood, and because of this they may have problems in life.

22. Activity. Dana talks more than she does.

23. Sociability. They are always ready to provide a service, even if they do it with calculation. Excellent hostesses, they receive guests with style, they can even go into debt just to show off.

24. Conclusion. Even achieving great success, Dana remains restless, perhaps subconsciously realizing that success is not a reflection of her merits.

Success in life is the main goal of every woman who bears the name Dana. The meaning of the name Dana carries so many secrets and facets that they make their owners completely different from other women. The female name Dana is not particularly popular in our country. Kindness, simplicity, sincerity, and straightforwardness characterize the owners of this name.

The female name Dana has origins. Translated from the Old Church Slavonic language, it means “God-given” or “Goddess of the Moon.” This name is widespread in the Czech Republic and Poland. In Poland it is an abbreviation of the name Bogdan.

Origin of the name Dana

There are several options for the origin of this name. According to the main version, it has Hebrew roots, being a derivative of male name Daniel, which means “God is my judge.”

“Given” or “Granted” is a literal translation of one of the Slavic versions. According to another version, it sounds like “Morning Star”. Among some nationalities, the name of the planet Venus is consonant with it. In Lithuanian it means “Daughter of Heaven”. But all these options are united by one common Old Slavonic name - Dennitsa.

The Greek translation is "Goddess". The Poles believe that this female name comes from the male name Bogdan, which means it is translated as “given by God.” Among the Kazakhs it means “wise”, “knowing”.

But there is another interesting version according to which the origin of the name Dana is Irish. According to legend, before the arrival of people, gods lived on earth. Their ancestor was the goddess Danu. The Danu tribes lost the battle with the people and went to live in underworld. Now they appear before us as fairy fairies, goblins, and elves. And their patroness remains the goddess Danu. In this interpretation, the name Dana sounds like Dana.

It is widely believed that the name Dan is not independent, but represents short form names such as Daniela, Danuta, Dayana, Danae, Vidana, Loredana, Jordana.

The Orthodox calendar does not contain this name, therefore church calendar The Danes do not celebrate their name days.

The meaning of the name Dana for a girl, girl, woman

Dana's character has positive and negative sides. Possessing powerful intuition, strong will, and curiosity, Dana is an undoubted leader. She will always masterfully turn any event to her advantage. At the same time, Dana always remains open, sincere, and straightforward.

The meaning of the name Dana also has negative sides. Trying to achieve her goal, she does not spare herself in her work, enters into conflicts, and often takes risks. On the path to success, Dana will not pay attention to insults from loved ones.

The name Dana goes well with Russian patronymics and surnames.


A baby named Dana has an ambiguous character, she is always different. A girl can combine stubbornness and obedience at the same time. The baby either immediately follows the instructions and requests of her parents, or it is impossible to force her to do this. A kind, sympathetic girl may unexpectedly show aggression towards other children. In any company, her leadership qualities will be obvious.

At school, the girl proves herself to be a responsible and hardworking student. And although she is not a particularly good student at school, all her grades are earned through hard work and perseverance. As a child, she is unlikely to find something she likes. Trying to find her passion, she tries a lot, but eventually gives up.

Specific health problems in childhood does not happen, although you always need to monitor the condition of the spine.

Young woman

The meaning of the name Dana for a young girl means stunning appearance and undoubted leadership among her peers. The character eventually becomes touchy and jealous. Resentment and jealousy manifests itself literally towards everyone: towards parents, towards girlfriends, towards a loved one, towards teachers.

At a young age, Dana tends to invent an ideal for herself to strive for. In her desire, she can unceremoniously offend, invade someone else's life, and neglect the opinions of others.

Her mood is always reflected on her face. But she is rarely in a bad mood. The girl is always confident in her irresistibility.


Dana's difficult character is fully revealed in adulthood. Her personal destiny is not always successful, because in her desire to always be first, a woman tries to show her superiority over a man. The leadership position often means loneliness for her.

However, if she meets an accommodating and loving companion, she will be devoted with all her soul to her family and husband. After all, a happy family for her is part of the project of a happy and successful life. She loves her children, surrounds them with attention, care, and makes any sacrifices for them.

Strong character, intuition and endurance allow her to succeed in professional activity. The career is always successful. Such professions as economist, accountant, music teacher, programmer, hairdresser are suitable for her. This woman may love to earn money, but sometimes she spends it completely unexpectedly.

Famous women

Dana Agisheva - Russian film actress

Although our girls are called this quite rarely, even among celebrities you can find successful women whose name is Dana.

Everyone knows Dana Borisova, a Russian TV presenter.

Dana Brozkova from the Czech Republic became famous on olympic games, having conquered gold medal in orienteering.

Dana International is a singer from Israel. She became the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998.

Dana Burke is a singer, broadcaster and successful entrepreneur. She performs under the name Donna Burke.

Video - the meaning of the name Dana

What does the name Dana mean:
What does “given” or “gifted” mean when translated into Russian?

Origin of the name Dana:
This name most likely has ancient Slavic roots. However, it is not used too often.

Character conveyed by the name Dana:

If we talk about the earliest childhood years, then Dana, of course, is not the simplest and easy child. She is often plagued by frequent illnesses and even injuries, however, this is still not the most difficult thing. Believe me, it will be much more difficult for her parents to cope with her incredibly stubborn character. She is unusually persistent, and always believes that she is absolutely right. She simply cannot stand punishment, and to some physical pressure, as a rule, she responds in kind, and quite often this applies not only to her peers, but also to many adults. She tries almost always and of course to be an absolute leader in everything. Later, in adult life, Dana’s complex character does not change too much. She is still the center of everyone's attention. She is very jealous, will never tolerate if anyone does not pay any attention to her, and at the same time she can easily simply not notice everyone around her.

She always loves to be praised a lot. And if you suddenly forget to do this in time, the opinion of you may well deteriorate, in Dana’s eyes, almost forever. At the same time, she herself can be really unceremonious, and in any conversation she can easily, say, interrupt the speaker, or abruptly change the entire topic of the conversation if she suddenly becomes completely uninterested. She loves to lead everywhere and in personal relationships, of course, too. A man, of course, should have only one, and a close friend, too. She, as a rule, transfers such proprietary relations to family life Same. With all this, Dana is unusually caring. And if a friend suddenly has trouble, she will always try to be there, of course she will help and always support. Her incredible ingenuousness may well serve as both a huge plus and no less a minus when describing her character.

Sometimes her relationships at work may not work out very well, since in almost any field of activity Dana madly loves to lead, and of course this may not always please others. But she cannot stand criticism at all, and it should be noted that, fortunately, she herself very rarely criticizes anyone. She is always tuned only to victories; defeats, as a rule, are extremely painful, but not for long. Dana will always be endlessly devoted to her family, and will be ready to make almost any sacrifice for the sake of her husband and her young children. And at the same time, she is often capable of committing far from the most moral and honest actions and, moreover, can easily justify them with an imaginary supposedly absolutely hopeless situation.

Sophisticated, independent and charming, Dana is very caring and sympathetic to others.

The name Dana is one of the short and easy-to-remember names common in different parts The light is quite wide, so the girl always feels “at ease” wherever she is. Widespread distribution has led to the fact that the origin of the name is attributed to several cultures at once.


In order to determine the meaning of the name Dan, it is worth turning immediately to the traditions of the Persians, Arabs, Jews, Hindus and even the Celts. According to one version, the origin is attributed to the biblical character - Daniel, from whom the full feminine - is derived. If the name Dana is a shortened version of Daniela, then it means “God is my judge” in Hebrew.

The second version indicates a connection with the Celtic fertility goddess Danu. In turn, the etymology of the name of the goddess still causes debate. Today there are several options, the most likely one is that it means “good.”

According to the third version, the name Dana comes from the Persians and means “knowing.” Persian names are associated with dignity, generosity and aristocracy.

The fourth version claims Muslim origin, with Arabic name Dana translates as “the most beautiful pearl.” Muslim origin is associated with such qualities as passion, the ability to adapt to extreme conditions, and the desire for spiritual growth.

Additionally, there is a word in Sanskrit that translates to “magnanimity.” Thus, the name Dan can be considered international, but it has not become widespread in Russia. Yes and in Orthodox calendar it does not exist, therefore, at baptism, a child is often given the names of saints, similar in meaning or pronunciation.

It's difficult to figure out what the name really means. Therefore, the meaning of the name Dana is easier to understand from an analysis of the energy of sounds and their corresponding letters. The leader is “D”, which is responsible for meaningfulness, prudence and caring. The name contains two letters “A”, associated with creation and strength.

“N” adds diligence, legibility, curiosity, and a keen desire to study to the listed qualities interesting projects allowing to realize the potential of the individual. As a result, we can say that the girl’s character is calm and she is focused on helping others.

Development process

As a child, Dana was active and brave. She easily manages to establish friendly relations with boys, with whom she prefers communication with girls' get-togethers. She gladly indulges in games and various dangerous enterprises with them, because she feels like she belongs in their company and does not want to lose face.

With age, a girl's character becomes stronger, she gains strength and perseverance. She is less interested in being accepted by society, and gradually her attention begins to be occupied by the issue of self-development and finding a path in life. By the way, Dana’s character is revealed more strongly in extreme situations that require full dedication and maximum concentration.

Due to the fact that Dana has a great understanding of people, she easily climbs the ladder. career ladder and wins in confrontation, although her greatest satisfaction comes from helping others, not competition.

The desire to create and be creative literally forces a girl to look for her purpose. She will show herself perfectly where intuition, tact, artistry, charm, intelligence and perseverance are required. The girl is used to giving her all to achieve her goals.

IN romantic relationships looking for care and warmth, comfort and friendly communication. But activity and passion, the struggle for leadership with a partner often hide Dana’s hidden desires. She really wants to become a mother, so family is of great importance to her. For the sake of her preservation and the happiness of her children, she is ready to do a lot.

Character and destiny are in most cases shaped by upbringing and heredity, as well as turning points in a person’s life. The name reflects only the most general patterns observed in the biographies of people with the same names. At the same time, we are able to change ourselves quite strongly, since each characteristic of a name is only a possibility, some aspects of which can be demonstrated, while others can be completely ignored. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents try to focus not only on beautiful name, but also carries a deep meaning. To do this, they select a name based on its interpretation. What does the name Dana mean? What is the origin and history of the name Dana?

Meaning of the name Dana

Dana – received, given from above. This child is long-awaited and so beloved in the family that it brings pleasure and happiness to everyone. The zodiac signs that protect the girl are Pisces and Sagittarius.

They endow her with natural charm and deep intelligence. The planet that rules Dana's life is Neptune. The color that suits her best is blue. The stone that will protect her from troubles is lapis lazuli.

Origin and history of the name Dana

The name Dana has several versions of its origin. So, according to the first, the meaning of the name Dana is God is my judge. Based on this version, the name has Jewish roots. It comes from the male name Daniel.

What does the name Dana mean, according to the second version of origin? It means bestowed, given from above. The name is also considered a shortened form of the names Denitsa, Danitsa. These names meant morning star.

Historians claim that the ancient names used a form of the name Danuta. There is also a version of the Celtic origin of the name Dan. It comes from the name of the Goddess Dana. The goddess was a soothsayer and had enormous power over the Celts. Dana doesn’t celebrate her name day because church tradition there is no saint of the same name. The name is popular today in many countries around the world.

The character and fate of Dana

It is worth noting positive features Dana's character:

Strength of will;


Fast reaction;



The girl takes it very quickly important decisions and can in a matter of minutes resolve those issues that others considered unsolvable. Dana is very inquisitive, but she immediately begins to use all the knowledge she has acquired in everyday life.

TO negative traits The girl's character should be attributed to:


Mood swings;


Dana is so principled that she can defend her rightness even at the cost of relationships or friendship. She works tirelessly, so she is at risk of a nervous breakdown or nervous exhaustion. The name Dana corresponds to the number four in numerology. It characterizes a person prone to scientific activity and technical innovations.

She is always surrounded by friends and admirers. Her determination inspires many. But Dana does not consider herself unique in this. She just doesn't know how to do it any other way. As a child, Dana is very active, she constantly plays with her peers, inventing new entertainment for them and herself.

It is difficult for parents to cope with her changeable character. Dana always strives to be the first to know everything, so she is also the first to experience mistakes and disappointments. She often gets sick as a child, so she is very irritable and restless.

She very quickly expands her social circle and just as quickly breaks up with people from this circle. She has a subtle and always appropriate sense of humor. But not everyone wants to understand her jokes. Some consider her a superficial person who is simply trying to fill her own price. Dana does not pay attention to this attitude towards herself, because she always has her own personal opinion.

Dana is very hardworking. She takes on any job. She is also diligent in her studies, although she does not have great innate abilities. She tries more to comprehend the truth, to find out the truth, to draw the right conclusions, rather than to prove that she is smart.

It is difficult for her at school with her peers, at work with colleagues. Dana always sees several possible options developments, always tries to be on top. Dana really misses the support and care of her loved ones. She spends a lot of time helping the people around her.

Due to her combative nature, Dana quickly loses touch with her mother, who believes that a woman should be affectionate, should be the keeper of the hearth, and not conquer the world. But Dana tries in every possible way to prove to her mother that she is a worthy daughter. At the same time, she can flare up and allow herself too much.

Temper is Dana's main enemy. She suffers in many situations precisely because of her temper. If Dana chooses for herself creative profession- She will achieve incredible success.

Dana is successful in business, but spends money at lightning speed. Therefore, it is difficult to say that she will quickly accumulate significant capital. Dana tries harder to realize herself in career growth than in interpersonal relationships. She often yells at her subordinates and can be overly rude. It’s difficult to work with her and this is one of the reasons why Dana is better off starting a personal business.

With age, Dana understands that the risk is not always justified and tries to rely on her strength and not be nervous about work. Dana is difficult to please, so she has only loyal and proven friends over the years whom she takes care of.

Dana's Love

Dana's character and destiny determine her success with men. She is ready to change for the sake of the relationship, to give in to her partner in many ways. But at the same time, it is overly demanding. Dana can start a relationship with a man and after that demand the impossible, impossible tasks from him. She can't get enough all the time.

Since Dana is successful, she chooses an ordinary man for herself. She does not like to associate her fate with older men. She is impressed by younger men who listen to her advice and fulfill her wishes. But Dana is not grateful, she does not know how to appreciate someone else’s love and attention, so very quickly the bright union turns into an unbearable routine.

Dana loves children, but she does not plan to stay at home and raise them for a long time. She has great amount plans for self-realization, she does not consider it necessary to devote her life to her children and husband. Despite her complex character, Dana is very understanding and affectionate. She is generous. There is a lot of love and light in her heart. It’s just that Dana is more successful than many of her peers and therefore is not always understood by them. Dana herself does not consider it necessary to change anything about herself.