We are looking for representatives in Montenegro. Work in Montenegro for Ukrainians and Russians

Work should bring pleasure, in Montenegro this is possible, because these regions are indescribably beautiful and attractive to tourists from all countries. In addition, vacancies for Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are open all year round. The hot season begins in May and lasts until mid-autumn, when the country is visited by large number vacationers. They are mainly concentrated on the coast and provide income to owners of resort hotels and restaurants. In winter there is a lull, but Montenegrins use this time to renovate premises and build new buildings. During this period, the need for labor increases sharply.

First, you should contact an international recruitment agency for help. It is better to choose organizations with a worldwide reputation; in this case, the applicant is less likely to get into trouble and be left with nothing. Of course, this will cost extra money, but it will save time and nerves. Montenegrin specialized agencies also exist, but they are suitable only for those who are fluent in the national language. Some duplicate information in English, but they are still in the minority.

Get a position from direct employers. There are different ways self-employment:

  1. There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet for the corresponding request. Job advertisements for Russians are posted by both Montenegrin organizations and domestic companies with branches located in this country.
  2. Russian-language forums and thematic communities on social networks. Many migrants are happy to give relocation advice to their former compatriots who find themselves in a similar situation.
  3. Local newspapers with advertisements. One of the most famous is called “Tender Oglasi” and is published weekly.
  4. Official websites of major global organizations whose branches are located in this country. In this case, the service will not be fundamentally different from that which you would encounter in any other state.
  5. "Word of mouth." One of the most common methods of employment in this Balkan region, if we talk about what the local citizens themselves do. Most of them get hired through acquaintances or family connections (almost 90%). Therefore, it is worth asking your friends or even personally visiting potential employers while on vacation on the coast. By the way, many people do exactly this: they personally find a place for themselves while still being tourists, and only then receive a confirmation letter and draw up documents in their homeland.
  6. Open your own business. It could be a hotel, restaurant, travel agency or a company for the sale and purchase of real estate. Laws create a favorable climate for investment and running your business.

Required skills and abilities

To qualify for a decent position, you need to confirm your qualification level. Unlike other countries, foreign diplomas are “quoted” here without any confirmation or re-examination. The only exceptions are medical specialties.

Without knowing the language, you most likely won’t be able to get a job. The managers are quite loyal to foreigners and willingly take them on board, but all activities are conducted exclusively in the national language. At first, Russian will be enough to communicate in everyday life, since the indigenous people speak it perfectly since the times of strong friendship with Soviet Union. Montenegrin is quite simple in terms of vocabulary and grammar, so learning will not take much time.

Teamwork, leadership and presentation skills are highly valued.

Jobs in Montenegro and working conditions

Work in Montenegro can be permanent, seasonal or temporary (the last two concepts should not be confused, they are significantly different from each other).

Permanent employment implies that the employer enters into an agreement employment contract and hires an employee for an indefinite period. Official registration implies monthly contributions to the social insurance fund and compliance with all legal norms. In 2019, specialists are most in demand information technology, bank workers, doctors, nurses, translators foreign languages(English, German, Italian), as well as employees specializing in management and personnel management.

Seasonal work for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians is most common in the tourism sector. Back in February - March, on the eve of the opening of the new holiday season, hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and excursion bureaus open many vacancies for everyone. Minimum period, to which employees are invited, lasts a month, and the maximum can be up to 8 months. We are looking for waitresses, bartenders, cooks, guides, animators, diving and other active entertainment instructors.

Many earning opportunities for representatives creative professions: singers, dancers, fire show artists, body art artists, as well as hairdressers and massage therapists. In winter, installers, laborers, and engineers are needed.

Temporary activity. A work contract is drawn up in advance, but its validity period is strictly limited and usually ranges from 3 to 12 months. This includes serving as a governess or nanny, caring for an elderly family member, maids, and drivers. There are even job openings for window cleaners, dog walkers, or handymen to help single and busy people keep their home tidy.

The minimum wage is 200 euros, on average a worker earns 500-600 monthly. This amount is quite enough for a comfortable existence, since prices here are an order of magnitude lower than in Moscow or St. Petersburg.


After concluding the contract, the employer issues a permit for the foreigner to work in the country. This document serves as the basis for issuing a work visa at the consulate.

The necessary part of the design is white cardboard

Government policy is aimed at limiting labor migration, so the employer will have a hard time going through all the bureaucratic procedures. Every year there are quotas that limit the issuance of permits for foreigners to serve in Montenegro. In the future, the migrant can receive a temporary one for a period of 1 year.

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Budva is a small, ancient city in the central part of the Adriatic coast of Montenegro. The history of this settlement goes back more than 2.5 thousand years. The city is part of Montenegro, a country with low wages and high unemployment. The entire economy of the state is built on tourism, so the situation on the labor market in the country can significantly improve/worse in different seasons.

For example, during the holiday seasons a lot of tourists come to the country and there is even a shortage of human resources in the market. But you should understand that such work is only for a few months, after which you will have to look for a permanent job again and get by with odd jobs. As a rule, during such periods, citizens of the country work practically without breaks, trying to earn money. more money to survive until the next influx of tourists.

View of the city of Budva

The basis of the economy of this country is the mining, metalworking, agricultural and tourism industries. The economy of Budva is based only on tourism. The main currency of the country is the euro. The economy is weaker than Russia's, but the standard of living of the local population is slightly higher than that of Russians. Industry is actively developing in the country and agriculture, the situation on the labor market is gradually improving, so it’s worth trying to look for a job in Budva. Since the basis of the city’s economy is the service sector and tourism, theoretically, people with low qualifications will be able to find work.

Despite all the difficulties with working in this country, quite a lot of our fellow citizens go to work part-time in the developed tourist centers of Montenegro. Finding seasonal work in Budva will not be difficult for Russians, but finding permanent work will be very serious problems.

Video about what kind of work there is in Montenegro

  • Learn languages: Serbian and Montenegrin at least to an intermediate level. These languages ​​are in many ways similar to other common Slavic languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.). It will be very good if, in addition to these languages, you know other common languages. European languages(English, French, Spanish). This point is due to the fact that you will have to serve tourists from all over the European Union (if, of course, you work in the service sector), so it is advisable to know other languages.
  • Complete training at a university or college in your specialty. If you intend to find a permanent and well-paid job in Budva, then it is advisable for you to have a diploma with you, because this will allow you to get competitive advantage. All documents will have to be confirmed, otherwise good job you won't be accepted.

  • Work experience in your specialty will be your strong argument for the employer, since many applicants from the local population have either little experience in the desired field or do not have it at all due to the unemployment situation in the country.
  • Take as much money as possible with you to survive in the country until you find a job.

Popular specialties

With no or low qualifications, you will be able to find work in this country, but your standard of living will not be much higher than the standard of living local residents. But it is also difficult to employ foreigners in this type of work due to high competition. If you have higher qualifications and some work experience, then finding a good job in Budva is quite possible. However, it is worth remembering that local employers are more inclined when choosing candidates in favor of their compatriots, so try to show all your advantages.

The video talks about the experience of living and working in Montenegro

  • Teaching. There are several wealthy families and private schools in Budva that are willing to hire teachers from abroad. True, preference is given to immigrants from Germany, France, England and other developed countries. Fortunately, for those who would like to get a job in this field of activity, specialists from countries with a high standard of living do not particularly want to work in Montenegro. And also, depending on the season, nanny services are in demand.
  • IT sphere. There are quite a lot of IT specialists among the local population, so there is a lot of competition here. But at the same time, it is in this area that jobs are constantly being created. And you can also easily get project work.
  • Engineers, builders, factory workers. The active development of industry is beginning in the country, so new jobs are constantly appearing in factories and factories, as well as temporary part-time work on construction sites.
  • Marketer. Since the country's economy is heavily dependent on tourists (i.e. citizens of other countries), many companies have to adapt their advertising to them.
  • Translator from foreign languages. People are constantly entering the country and foreign citizens, and the specialty of a translator is in great demand.

The video talks about the features of moving to Montenegro and studying local language

Sunny Montenegro is not yet included in the European Union, but is applying to join it. According to financier forecasts, this could happen in the coming years.

This small state is trying to actively develop foreign policy, because the desired EU membership will give Montenegro an impetus for economic development. However, the country’s economy is already on the rise: for example, over the past few years it has been growing steadily, and the quality of life of the population is improving.

The unemployment rate is gradually decreasing, but still remains high: in April 2019 it reached 18.83%. Working in Montenegro can bring an average salary of about 500 euros for highly qualified specialists after deducting all taxes, 300-400 euros for an ordinary worker.

Foreigners who do not have an education can also count on the same amount. But when seeking employment, they will face high competition and it will be almost impossible to get a job.

Professions in demand in 2019

There is almost no industry in Montenegro, which is why a large layer of potential vacancies is immediately cut off. However, the developed tourism industry requires the employment of taxi drivers, waiters, guides, hotel cooks, etc., especially during the season.

The problem of narrow specialists who are sought, but cannot be found among local residents, is relevant in Montenegro. This:

  • accountants, economists;
  • English teachers;
  • managers who speak Russian, English and Montenegrin languages.

But this does not mean that a Russian or Belarusian, without particularly bothering, will find work in these areas. To get a high-paying position, you need to show yourself with best side, have the necessary skills and speak the Montenegrin language. Good, sought-after specialists receive an average salary from 720 to 1000 euros per month, the starting salary is 500 euros.

How to find a job without intermediaries

The easiest way to start looking for a job is to go on a tourist trip to Montenegro. Advertisements for workers are posted there on the doors of restaurants, shops, bars, and nightclubs. If the service sector is not attractive, you can make useful contacts with Russian-speaking residents of Montenegro, who will later help in finding employment. In addition, you can always search for existing vacancies on the Internet.

Popular job search sites:

Specialized resources:

  • federal agency employment;
  • – UN office;
  • – professional network for job seekers;
  • - Montenegrin newspaper with advertisements.

On the Internet there are quite a few Russian-language blogs, forums and pages on social networks, where CIS citizens who have already settled in Montenegro help former compatriots find work. You can also refer to the official websites of global companies. There are also specialized employment agencies operating in Montenegro, but only those who speak the local language fluently go there.

Current vacancies in 2019

Work at the embassy and financial companies is highly paid: up to 900 euros. At a factory, the average worker can earn up to 500 euros; during the season, part-time work on farms can be in demand - up to 250-300 euros. Students, as a rule, get jobs as waiters and assistants in hotels. They earn 200-300 euros + tips.

Work with/without accommodation

Job search sites in Montenegro also offer residential positions. As a rule, this is a vacancy for a nanny, maid, housekeeper, or mini-hotel manager. Average salaries are up to 500-600 euros, bonuses are added for good work.

Without knowledge of the language

It is very difficult for a foreigner to get a job without knowing the national language. If employers are generally loyal and ready to hire a foreigner who speaks only English, then all working relationships and communication with clients are built in the national language. At first, even the Russian language will be enough: Montenegrins have spoken it since the time of friendship with the USSR. The local language is very simple, so it will not be difficult for an immigrant to learn it in the future.

Seasonal work

Working during the season is especially popular among Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians. They apply for positions as waiters, cooks, bartenders, animators, diving trainers, and guides. The duration of employment is from 1 to 8 months, during the peak season you can earn up to 2000 euros.

Temporary work

Temporary work is often confused with seasonal work, but there are differences between the two. This could be a rotational basis or contract employment. A contract is concluded with a potential employee, which specifies a period of work that is not tied to the season. Typically, governesses, drivers, caregivers for the elderly, dog-walkers, and even window cleaners are temporarily employed. The minimum salary is 300 euros, the average for a foreigner is up to 600 euros.

Official employment procedure

If the goal is to work in your specialty or find a truly worthy position, you need to undergo nostrification of your diploma. To do this you need:

  1. Translate the diploma/certificate of education, application with grades into the national language. This is done by a court translator, or you can contact a specialized agency in Russia or Montenegro.
  2. Collect a package of papers: application, 3 confirmed and translated copies of the diploma, 3 copies of the application with grades with translation, receipt for payment for nostrification services (approximately 100 euros, translation is paid additionally).
  3. Submit documents to the Ministry of Education, located in Podgorica. The nostrification procedure usually lasts no more than a month. Only the diploma holder or his relative by proxy can pick up the completed documents.

After the foreigner has discussed all the nuances of future employment with the employer, and the result has satisfied everyone, the legal registration. First, you need to sign an agreement between the parties, after which a permit is issued.

Work permit

Work permits in Montenegro are issued to immigrants by the Zavod za zaposljavanje commission. Typically, the employer is in charge of the business: he prepares the documents, pays the fees, collects the permit and forwards it to the potential employee. All types of permits relevant for foreigners are presented in the table below.

Type of permission Validity period To whom is it issued? Peculiarities
LimitedThe permit is valid for a limited time (usually up to 6 months).Employees for seasonal work (as a rule, these are Russians, Belarusians, citizens of the CIS).It will not be possible to change your place of work without re-issuing your permit.
With the possibility of extensionValid for 1 year.Permanent employees of local organizations planning to stay in Montenegro for a long time.Extends after expiration date.
Personal documentUnlimited time.Foreigners who permanently reside in Montenegro.The owner is employed in Montenegro with the same rights as local residents.

Important! The first two types of permits do not allow employees to change employers. If a foreigner quits his permanent job, the entire procedure for obtaining a permit must be completed again.

Special agencies can also help in obtaining permission in cases where an employer has not yet been found. This is an option for those who perceive the permit as a reason to obtain a residence permit in Montenegro.

Documents for obtaining permission

In order for an employee to receive a permit, a company employee or the foreigner himself must submit the following documents for consideration:

  • confirmation of open vacancies in the company;
  • petition from the employer;
  • proof of tax payment;
  • nostrified documents on the education of foreigners, if a qualified specialist is hired;

  • certified copies of employee passports (Russian and foreign).

After submitting a package of papers, the commission will begin a thorough inspection of the immigrant and the enterprise itself. If there are no grounds for refusal, the foreigner will receive permission in a few weeks. On average, it will cost 200 euros; if submitted through specialized agencies, the amount will be several times higher.

Applying for a work visa

Issuing a permit is the first step in obtaining a work visa, the next step is obtaining a residence permit. The employee himself does this.

He needs to provide the MUP (immigration service in Montenegro) with a package of documents, including:

  • permission;
  • rental agreement for housing during work;
  • health insurance;
  • other documents.

After reviewing the documents, the employee is issued a plastic card giving the right to live and work in Montenegro. Then the employer arranges for the immigrant work book, registers it in tax office and issues zdravstvenu knjizicu. To extend a work visa, you must confirm your intention to continue working in Montenegro.

Criteria for selecting job candidates

In Montenegro, immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, and CIS countries can easily occupy leadership positions, which is rare in Europe. However, since 2015, the government of this country has introduced quotas for foreigners. Issued every year certain number work permits, and if the limit is exceeded, the employment of foreigners is suspended.

Local companies, when choosing an employee, will first of all pay attention to a foreigner with the following skills:

  • well-spoken Russian;
  • proficiency in English at least at a basic level;
  • ability to speak Serbian/Montenegrin languages;
  • specialist diploma with higher education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • desire to work and develop in the chosen field.

Work visa extension

Work visa is given for a year. If the validity period is coming to an end, but the foreigner plans to continue working in Montenegro, an extension of the residence permit is required. This is done by the migration officer in the police. He needs to be given a reason to stay in the country ( labor contract or a certificate from the manager). You also need to tell why you want to stay in Montenegro.

If there is substantial justification, the work visa is given for another two years, after which it can be extended again, if necessary. And after 5 years you can apply for permanent residence.

Who does not need a work permit

There are also specialties for which a permit is not required for employment. This:

  • journalists;
  • theater and film artists;
  • artists;
  • diplomats.

Business immigration

Opening your own company in Montenegro is easy. To start a company it is enough to have authorized capital at 1 euro. Another important point: You must first obtain a work permit, obtain a residence permit (Borawak) for 1 year and register with all authorities. You will have to spend about 350 euros for this. The residence permit can be extended. Only after this the immigrant gets a job in his company as a director and recruits other employees.

Important! The immigrant becomes the director, and the remaining vacancies must be filled by Montenegrin residents. Therefore, a foreigner will not be able to employ his relatives or friends without having several local residents on staff.

Internship in the country

Young professionals who would like to gain experience in the field of tourism or the restaurant and hotel business are usually sent to Montenegro for an internship. Important aspects To get a chance to get an internship, you must be fluent English and understanding of spoken Montenegrin, otherwise it will be difficult to perceive information.

As elsewhere, the internship consists of two parts: theoretical and practical.

  1. Theoretical part. Students get acquainted with the nuances of work, study company rules, basics future profession, take tests or exams before the second part of the internship.
  2. Practical part. Provides an opportunity to demonstrate your skills in practice. Internships typically take place during the summer months.

Ordinary Russian students rarely have the opportunity to enroll in a university that would enter into internship agreements with Montenegrin companies, so the student will have to look for a place to practice on special resources.

The main task for the trainee is to show his best side as a professional capable of further development. After all, an internship is a great chance for employment. An employer who has noticed a good student will definitely invite him as a permanent employee.

Consequences of illegal employment

The government of Montenegro carefully monitors the legality of immigrants’ work and suppresses attempts illegal employment. Thus, a company that employs a foreigner without a residence permit or work permit is fined from 500 to 20,000 euros. And if an employee has these documents, but is officially employed elsewhere, he pays a fine of 200 euros. For the company, the punishment is more severe - a fine of 400 euros.

Important! Illegal work is dangerous for an immigrant not only due to the payment of fines. Thus, with legal employment, the contract specifies all the nuances of future work - salary, days off, bonuses, working hours. If there is no such agreement, there is a risk that the employer will begin to dictate his own terms. The immigrant will have to work longer than expected, overtime work is not paid, and weekends are cut. And there are no guarantees that the employee will receive a salary at the end of the month.


It is really worth going to work in Montenegro for those who want to open their own business, are planning to work remotely, or have a narrow, in-demand specialty. A good part-time job for foreigners is seasonal employment in the tourism sector; you can safely go even without knowing the local language. For permanent work you need at least basic knowledge of the language. Without them, it is impossible to get a good position.

This small country, located in the Balkans and washed by the Adriatic Sea, is currently attracting interest among Russians. Mild warm climate, clean beaches, stunning nature, similar culture and values, clear language attract not only tourists, but also those who would like to move here forever. And for such people, work in Montenegro is first and foremost important.

By the way, the annual number of foreigners visiting local resorts exceeds the number of residents several times! It is the recreation and entertainment industry that forms the bulk of the state budget, being the main source of employment for both citizens of the country and labor migrants. Therefore, work in Montenegro from direct employers for our compatriots is related to tourism and related industries.

The most popular places for employment among Russians are coastal settlements. Many people choose Budva. It is not only famous and popular resort, this is where many Russian-speaking migrants live. In winter, life in this city does not stop, which makes it possible to work not only during the season.

Finding a job in the summer is quite easy in Herceg Novi and Bar, where there are always a lot of vacationers and vacancies in the service sector are offered. In the capital of the country - Podgorica - there are also many of our compatriots employed in various fields activities.

How to look for a job in 2019

Despite high level unemployment, many migrants find ways to find work on the Adriatic coast. Mostly vacancies are offered in the tourism industry. However, even in cold weather there is a chance to get a job, for example, in construction, in transportation, and other services. In Montenegro, finding a job is possible in several ways. Let's look at the most accessible ones.

Via the Internet

To find a job in the republic, a vacancy must be found in advance. This can be done through the World Wide Web. To do this, you should use Montenegrin thematic sites and forums. There you can find advertisements for available vacancies and post your own. Can give good results social media. In addition, you should read local press, information about vacancies is also posted there. If relatives or friends live on the Adriatic coast, it is advisable to turn to them for help in finding work.

Contacting an employment agency

The country operates civil service Employment of Montenegro (Zavod za zapošljavanje Crne Gore), on whose website you can apply (www.zzzcg.me). In addition, there are many private organizations that select vacancies and issue the necessary permits. Usually recruitment agencies They quickly find a place for a client, but they value their services very highly. And against the backdrop of low wages in Montenegro, this is a huge minus.

Current vacancies and in-demand professions in the country

Specialists in the fields of finance, economics, electronics, IT technologies, tourism, and construction are popular in the local labor market. There is a need for qualified lawyers, but foreigners are not accepted for such positions. Work and vacancies for Russians are most often offered in the summer, when there is increased demand in the service sector. From April to October there are vacancies presented in the following list:

  • bartender;
  • waiter;
  • cleaning specialist;
  • cook;
  • beach worker;
  • masseur.

Another type of seasonal employment in Montenegro is in construction industry. Specialized specialties are usually in demand here: masons, electricians, installers, carpenters, plasterers. In addition, since new houses are constantly being built in the country, the profession of a realtor is popular. To do this, you must have experience in the specified field, preferably in an international company. Both in winter and summer, our compatriots can expect to get a job as a salesperson, nanny, driver, or healthcare specialist.

Employment by specialty

Unlike other countries, it is quite possible for Russians to find a place in Montenegro in their profession. The state recognizes foreign educational documents after nostrification, so you can make a name for yourself in the field of information technology, apply for engineering positions, and even take the position of production manager. Required condition is knowledge of Montenegrin (or Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Albanian), as well as English.

Types of employment

The time spent searching can be reduced. To do this, the applicant must first decide which type of activity is preferable.

Seasonal work

In May, cafes, restaurants, hotels, and bars on the Adriatic coast open in the country. Coastal communities are coming to life, and many vacancies in the tourism sector are appearing. Seasonal work in Montenegro is in great demand. It is offered for a period from 30 days to 8 months. This type of employment does not exclude registration permitting documents and the obligation of the employer to make deductions from the migrant’s salary.


The most populous city in Montenegro is the capital of the state, Podgorica. Credit institutions, government agencies, shopping centers, universities, representative offices of companies from other countries. It is in Podgorica that a foreigner can find a permanent job. IT specialists, translators, doctors, and nurses are welcome here. The employer enters into a contract with the employee for an indefinite or specified period.


Many people confuse this concept with seasonal employment. This type Rather, it is a part-time job and takes from 2 to 5 hours a day. This type of activity can be combined with the main one. Most often, nannies, yacht, window, car washers, cleaners, or “husbands for an hour” (minor repairs around the house) are hired for temporary work.

How to open your own business

For those foreigners who have the financial capabilities and desire, it is possible to buy a business in Montenegro or establish a new one. Registering a company here is quite simple. Will need to prepare constituent documents, send them to the Central Registration Chamber of the Commercial Court. Official status is confirmed by assignment of an identification number. Next, you still need to initiate the opening of an account at a banking institution. For some activities you need to obtain a certificate. Opening a company in Montenegro will take no more than five days.

When choosing the direction of business, you should remember that the population of this Balkan country a little more than 600 thousand people. Therefore, ambitious plans designed for multimillion-dollar consumers in this case will be inappropriate. The income level of the population is low, for successful entrepreneurial activity this should be taken into account.

Can also be purchased ready business. Car rental with a driver is very popular in Montenegro, and budget options are popular. Business for Russians in the coastal zone is available after passing an auction at which the right to operate in the tourism sector is sold: renting beaches, selling excursions, various entertainment centers, attractions, restaurants.

Salary level in 2019

If we compare Montenegro with others European states, then you need to take into account that she is not rich. But, at the same time, the cost of food and utilities is also much lower here.

Average salary

You can find different salary offers across the country. In rare cases, they reach one thousand euros, but these vacancies mainly open in branches of large foreign companies in highly specialized professions. Average salary in Montenegro it fluctuates around 500 euros (amount after taxes).


This value today is about 200 euros. The local population is ready to work if the salary is not lower than 250 euros. For migrant workers, the salary does not exceed 500 euros.

Legal employment

Work in the republic requires official registration. The absence of appropriate permits is punishable by large monetary sanctions for both the employee and the employer. In addition, it is important to comply with tax laws. It is the employer's responsibility to pay the required deductions from employee income to the state treasury.

Calculated on a progressive scale. For salaries up to 720 euros, the rate is 9%. Above this amount - 15 percent. VAT is 19%, but some goods, for example, food, are taxed at a reduced rate - 7 percent. Entrepreneurs who open a business in regions of the country that need development are exempt from paying taxes for the first three years.

Work permit

It is processed by the Employment Inspectorate, but without proficiency in the Montenegrin language problems will arise. The procedure for obtaining it is simple, and if the employer is interested in the employee, he takes care of all the associated troubles. Companies specializing in this type of service are always ready to provide assistance in preparing documents.

For businessmen who have opened a business in Montenegro, you should know that by law they must accept representatives of the local population for vacancies. The only exception is the position of director. To obtain a residence permit, the fact of opening a company is not the basis; permission must be submitted.

Today in the country the number of unemployed people is about 16%. This is a very high figure, which forces the Montenegrin authorities to pursue policies aimed at reducing the number of labor migrants. Therefore, going through the stages of all bureaucratic procedures, the employer will have to prove that there is no similar specialist among the citizens of the country, and he is forced to hire a foreigner for the position. The following should be submitted to the inspection:

  • certificate of absence of tax debt;
  • petition;
  • information about open vacancies;
  • document on the education of the applicant that has passed nostrification;
  • a copy of the foreigner's passport.

You also need to pay a state registration fee (about 200 euros).

Work visa to Montenegro

To enter the country, Russians must obtain a document allowing them to cross the border. To do this you need to prepare:

  • copy of passport;
  • confirmation of no criminal record;
  • residential lease agreement or ownership of real estate;
  • insurance policy or certificate of passing a medical examination in Montenegro;
  • bank statement about financial condition applicant;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of money for a government service.

After a visa to Montenegro has been received, the applicant must contact the fiscal authority, register a work book, and the employer is obliged to issue his employee a medical book (zdravstvena knjižica).

Consequences of illegal work

The legislation of Montenegro provides for regulations for the admission of foreigners to vacancies, duration working week, the procedure for paying material remuneration for work, features of termination of relations. Special attention devoted to the issue of legality. For activities without obtaining permits, sanctions are imposed on both the employer and the employee.

The first will be fined from 500 to 20 thousand euros, and the second will be expelled from Montenegro. In addition, a foreign employee of the company must have his work permit with him (directly at the workplace). If a representative of the supervisory authority reveals the absence of a document, then both the employee and the director will have to pay 200 euros for the violation, and legal entity– 400 euros.