Work in Vietnam for Belarusians. Criteria for selecting candidates for a work visa. Work permit and work visa

Living by the sea, drinking a coconut, lying somewhere under a palm tree... More often than not, it seems like a pipe dream and a fabulous life. There is some truth in this, but not all travelers work remotely. Many come to the country and find work on the spot: some open their own business, while others find work with local residents. Agree, having the opportunity to work in the land of eternal summer is much more attractive than sitting in the office and discussing who watches what TV series and talk shows :-). I’m generally not a fan of any “Dom-2”, “Master Chef”, “Let’s get married” and everything like that. For me these are time wasters. Therefore, this article will not be about talk shows and other “joys” ordinary life, but about examples of work in Vietnam.

Today, finding a job in Vietnam, in particular in Nha Trang or Mui Ne, is not difficult. Thanks to the flow of tourists from Russian-speaking countries, the demand for employees is high. Having no experience in sales or the service sector, difficulties with the search may arise, but there would be a desire. During the 2.5 years of living in Vietnam, I was able to communicate and get to know the guys who found work here. The beginning of almost everyone’s stories was the same: “I came to rest in Nha Trang. I liked everything so much that I decided to come back and stay here for a while.” One of my friends worked for a year under a contract in Hanoi, but due to the climate of northern Vietnam he could not stand it and left for the USA))) The article “Working in Vietnam” will describe examples of vacancies for the resort cities of Nha Trang and Mui Ne.

Before I get to the main vacancies, I want to say that in Vietnam, most of the guys work illegally on tourist visas.

At the time of writing, there were no strict raids to check documents and work permits. I have repeatedly heard that the police check the documents of workers in Thailand. This has not yet been noticed here, and this allows us to consider Vietnam more loyal to employees.

Work in tourism

The most legal of jobs. The tour operator (Pegas Touristik, Anex Tour, Coral Travel) prepares documents for a work visa in advance and new employees have every right to work in Vietnam. List of vacancies:

  • Transfer guide
  • Tour guide
  • Shop guide
  • Company representative at the hotel (hotel guide)
  • Animators
  • etc.

You can find vacancies on the websites of tour operators. The requirements for employees are minimal and it will be useful if you have already vacationed at several resorts. If you feel you have enough ability, patience, and most importantly a sincere desire to radically change your career path, the world is open to you.

Also in Nha Trang and Mui Ne there are many travel agencies that are already opened by local expats. I wrote a little about them in the article Excursions in Nha Trang. First passes probation(about 6 months), after which they help in obtaining a work visa to Vietnam. Payment: rate + percentage of tours or only percentage.

Photographer in Vietnam

Sometimes it seems that anyone who owns a camera can call themselves a photographer. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, guys do photo shoots professionally. We have already had 2 photo sessions in Vietnam and I realized how cool it is to be able to capture your memories of your vacation.

It seems to me that with the right positioning of oneself and advertising on social networks, a photographer can find work everywhere. Although I heard that to work as a photographer you do not need to obtain permission.

Teacher, tutor, nanny...

Here you don’t even need knowledge of a foreign language, Russian is enough. Nha Trang and Mui Ne are “Russian” villages, so you can find work as a teacher or teacher in a Russian-language school/kindergarten. If you speak English, you can find a school somewhere in Ho Chi Minh City. You will even be provided with free accommodation, and maybe even food. To do this, ask Google “Work in Vietnam” or “Work in Vietnam”, consider the options, refine your search query and you will be happy.

Service sector

There will always be demand in the service sector. This includes sales consultants, promoters, administrators, waiters, hookah workers, trainers, hairdressers, makeup artists, etc. etc. I want to go to a Russian girl for a manicure and pedicure with gel polish. As I already wrote, a lot of Russian-speaking tourists vacation here. According to statistics over the past six months (from January to June 2017), more than 6 million people visited Vietnam. Of these, more than 300 thousand were from Russia; of course, the Chinese hold the lead - almost 2 million tourists in six months. I saw that the number of charters to Vietnam from some Russian cities has increased. There will always be service jobs.

Competition will come from Russian-speaking travelers who have worked in China and speak Chinese. Therefore, if you know even basic phrases in Chinese, welcome to Vietnam.


Nha Trang is being built up a lot in recent years. The city is developing and expanding. Now 8 new buildings are visible from the sea.

As an additional or main income, there are several girls in Nha Trang who rent houses. They have a list of apartments, apartments and guesthouses with photos. They charge about $50 for their services.

We always looked for housing on our own; we had enough time for this. But the services of a realtor in Nha Trang are often used by guys who come on vacation for a month or two, or even less.

Water sports instructor

Nowadays it is very popular among vacationers to take surfing lessons or watch sea ​​world Nha Trang diving. There are several dive schools in the city with certified divers. Here you can also obtain a PADI Open Water certificate (initial). In the area around Evason Ana Mandara Nha Trang, you can rent a kayak (VND 150,000) for an hour or stand up paddle boarding (VND 300,000). Kayak and SUP surfing appeared only this year, the guys organized everything on their own. This is how they turned their passion into a business.

Your own business

Knowing the needs of tourists, you can open your own business or buy an already operating one. As soon as you walk through the European quarter, your eyes begin to dazzle from the abundance of cafes, jewelry stores, hookah bars and travel agencies))) Sometimes I catch myself thinking, “Am I in Nha Trang?!”

As you can see, finding a job in Nha Trang or Mui Ne is not a problem. Then everything will depend on the desired salary and your wishes. On average, monthly earnings range from $300 to $800, I don’t know all the salaries. Here, too, there is such a thing as competition; this must be taken into account when looking for a job.

This article is for informational purposes only. I do not offer work or provide employment in Vietnam

They suggested a website to me where I could find work in Vietnam. Go and explore vacancies => Vacancier.Center

For many foreigners who want to move to this Asian country for a long time, it makes sense to find a job in Vietnam. Prospects for high earnings and career growth not in this country, but those looking for a change of scenery should check out the vacancies. You can also try to buy or open your own business in Vietnam.

Thanks to the government's economic policy There is a wide selection of vacancies here. The conditions for attracting labor with and without qualifications from abroad are established at the legislative level. For migrants working for the benefit of Vietnam, a residence permit is provided.

Working without knowing the national language in Vietnam is quite possible. But despite the fact that many foreign applicants speak English, most employers prefer to hire people who know the official language, and make this one of the main conditions for employment.

If the contractual period of work in Vietnam is less than 3 months, then you do not need to obtain a permit from the Ministry of Labor of that country. The employer simply notifies this institution about its foreign employees. Provided that the work contract is signed for 3 months or more, the employer applies for permission to work for the migrant. This document is issued for 3 years with a further prospect of its extension labor contract. Working without a permit from the Ministry of Labor in Vietnam is possible provided that the state itself invites a highly qualified specialist to work.

Working in Vietnam is one of the most important issues, which stands before immigrants who wish to live in this country. If earlier, by renting an apartment in Russia, you could easily live in Asia and not work, but now, after the dollar exchange rate has risen significantly, you have to look for opportunities to earn money. So, how easy is it for Russians and Ukrainians to find work and, in principle, get a job in Vietnam? Let's figure it out.

In recent years, Vietnam's economy has grown significantly, and not only due to tourism. Increased industrial growth and reduced former dependence on agriculture- The country becomes industrialized.

The country is inhabited by about 95.3 million people, and this number continues to increase. At the same time, the level of poverty and unemployment is systematically decreasing - the maximum unemployment rate in the country is 2%. In the wake of a favorable economic climate, investments are attracted to the country and foreign specialists are invited. In short, a foreigner can always find a place in the Vietnamese labor market.

On big salaries visitors should not count on it (in comparison with Thailand, for example). But looking at the simple conditions of labor immigration, many vacancies different profiles and the overall attractiveness of Vietnam as a place to live, the influx of immigrants continues unabated. The climate here differs in the north and south. The south of the country has a tropical climate, with hot and humid weather. In the north, the climate is more temperate and cooler in winter. This is worth keeping in mind when moving.

Who is needed?

What professions are in demand in Vietnam? By far the most common topic is tourism. The following vacancies are popular:

  • hotel administrator;
  • scuba diving instructor;
  • guide;
  • seller in a store (jewelry, travel goods, etc.).

In the restaurant business:

  • administrators;
  • cooks;
  • couriers.

Clubs require:

  • bartenders;
  • DJs;
  • dancers.

To spas and beauty salons:

  • hairdressers;
  • massage therapists;
  • administrators;
  • etc.

The range of vacancies is quite wide, but to a greater extent, one way or another connected with serving visiting tourists. There is always work in Vietnam for Russians, especially if you have a good tongue and know how to sell. You can realistically earn between 300-500 dollars a month. The range of earnings is very wide, and in a successful season earnings can reach several thousand dollars. Considering that rental housing in Nha Trang costs about $300, then the income is quite enough.

The highest paid positions are offered in international organizations located in the country.

The monthly salary there can be from 1000 euros and above. Mostly, highly qualified managerial and leadership positions are vacant, but sometimes ordinary workers are also required. Teacher services foreign languages are also in demand. In addition to good wages (up to 10-15 dollars per hour), teachers are guaranteed unlimited and free accommodation. Other popular vacancies include sales managers, engineers of various specializations, mechanics, and oil industry workers. The minimum salary for specialists is about $500.

The Vietnamese themselves prefer to work in industry, agriculture and the service sector. As of 2017, average monthly salary throughout the country is about 4.9 million dong (about $200 or 12,000 - 15,000 rubles). If a specialist, including a foreign one, has sufficient qualifications, he can count on an increased salary.

As elsewhere, local employers are required to pay taxes, but not everyone wants to pay them. Therefore, unofficial (in fact, illegal) work is in demand in Vietnam. A foreigner working illegally runs the risk of deportation to his home country. Illegal immigrants are periodically identified, and the authorities act harshly in this regard. However, this does not prevent illegal work from existing.

One of the most simple ways circumvent the law - cook something at home and sell it. For example, there are guys in Nha Trang who make cottage cheese. Since the Vietnamese themselves do not use this product (and do not even know what it is), the main clients are Russians who pay in cash. In fact, this is your own business, but not everyone actually registers it. And since there is no company, there are no tax transfers from it. The price of 1 kg of cottage cheese is 250,000 dong.

Opening a business officially

As for legal business, the authorities only welcome its opening. An equally loyal policy is observed towards both native citizens and immigrants. Traditionally profitable industries include hairdressing services, retail and catering.

In the catering sector, you can buy inexpensively already ready business. Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs are also provided with certain benefits from the authorities. Business in Vietnam is a separate topic, with its own pitfalls, and we will not discuss it in this article.

Despite all the availability of work for immigrants, salaries in Vietnam remain slightly lower compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. And in such developed countries like South Korea and Japan, earnings are several times higher. True, life there is more expensive, and the requirements for labor immigrants are stricter. For example, in China (Guangzhou) in the service sector you can easily earn from 6,000 - 10,000 yuan (1,000 - 1,500 dollars), and a teacher English language easily earns 12,000 - 15,000 ($2000 - $2500).

Popular places to work

There is little in Vietnam major cities, where it is worth settling down to work. It all depends on your goals and requirements. Those aspiring for high earnings should pay attention to largest cities– Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Representative offices of international companies are concentrated there. For those interested seasonal earnings For those associated with beach tourism, large resort cities are suitable - for example, Nha Trang or Mui Ne. The city is in demand among Russian-speaking tourists and Australians. There is a comfortable atmosphere to work there: a warm climate, softened by the sea breeze.

Work in Nha Trang

Nha Trang – progressive and rapidly developing resort town. Let's look at it in a little more detail. The city has a developed automotive industry. Salaries range from $300 to $1,000. Reaching the top level will require high qualifications and desire.

But Nha Trang is better known as a resort, and therefore they try to choose jobs related to tourism and sales. In the field retail sales there is a lot of space here: they sell everything typically Vietnamese, starting with goods traditional medicine and cosmetics and not ending with fabrics and silk, and a variety of souvenirs that attract tourists.

The professions of guide and waiter are popular. Last option tempting because earnings can grow significantly due to bonuses and tips. Russian-speaking immigrants often prefer to take work from home. They provide services such as food delivery, manicure, pedicure, etc. In general, there are always enough clients in Nha Trang.

Working in a travel agency, although interesting, is not so attractive. You will have to sit all day in a hot room (often without air conditioning). But even there you can make good money, since a percentage of tour sales is added to the salary. As with almost everything, it is important to know how to sell.

Work permit and work visa

Foreigners aiming to officially work in Vietnam for a long time will also have to worry about obtaining permission for this work from the authorities. As in the case of applying for a visa, you can obtain permission either locally within 3 months or in advance in your country. The last option is preferable.

The applicant must be at least 18 years old and have the appropriate labor activity health, he should not have a criminal record. In addition, a higher education is required. If a specialty is in demand in Vietnam, then at least 5 years of experience in it is also required.

All relevant documents are sent to the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor. It is advisable to send documentation in advance from your country, but this must be done at least 2 weeks before the intended employment. If the application is approved, which is usually processed within a week, the applicant receives a work permit for a period of 2 years. After this period, it is possible to extend the validity of the permit.

The main difficulty is that once you get an official job in one company and receive permission from the authorities, you can only work in that company. To change jobs, you will have to obtain a new permit.

Job Search

Many people have a question about how to find a job if there is no direct offer from an employer. Usually they search through specialized agencies where vacancies are posted. Agencies provide job seekers with all information about vacancies and employers.

While looking for work, our compatriots often enter the country on a tourist visa. During this time, in parallel with searching for work, they adapt to the local atmosphere, integrate into the local culture, and study (although spoken English is sufficient for the first time). The Vietnamese authorities give foreigners 3 months for such acclimatization - this time is usually enough to spare.

Vietnam is a socialist state in Southeast Asia, bordering the South China Sea and bordering Laos, Cambodia and China. Throughout last decades The country's economy has changed significantly. Dependence on the agricultural sector, which now accounts for no more than 18% of GDP, has noticeably decreased. The growth rate of industrial production is increasing every year. Local authorities are aimed at modernizing the economy, increasing competitiveness and increasing foreign trade.

The population of Vietnam in 2019 is about 96.9 million people. At the same time, unemployment does not exceed 2.2%. This is an impressive figure considering that the labor force grows by an average of 1 million people every year. Poverty levels have dropped significantly, the country is attracting investment, and many foreigners are quite successful in finding jobs in the local labor market.

Work in Vietnam in 2019 for Russians and Ukrainians is available both to qualified specialists, especially those with technical professions, and to workers without special qualifications, for example, in the tourism industry. Salaries are not so high compared to employment in China or, in particular, in Hong Kong, but every year the income of the Vietnamese, and therefore foreign job seekers, is only increasing.

Vietnam has thousands of kilometers of beautiful beaches, beautiful lakes, modern infrastructure and wonderful cuisine, perhaps the best in Asia. The country has practically recovered from the difficult periods of its history associated with wars; today it is quite safe here and comfortable living conditions have been created. Next, we will consider the features of labor migration, options for finding a job, and also outline the available wages and vacancies in Vietnam in 2019.

Labor migration to Vietnam

Despite the stability of the economy and growth in employment, the Vietnamese government strives to provide jobs, first of all, to its own citizens. In principle, like most other countries in the world. At the same time, the opening of new production sectors, the development of the service sector and the entry of many international companies into the country requires the availability of specialists different professions and level of qualifications, which opens up access to vacancies in Vietnam for foreign applicants, including Russians.

The main requirement for foreigners to official employment in Vietnam for a period more than 3 months consists of obtaining a work permit from the local Ministry of Labor. Officially, foreign applicants have the right to apply for a document directly on Vietnamese territory ( no later than 3 months after arrival) or while in your own country, which is more preferable.

Basic conditions for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam

    At least 18 years of age.

  • Satisfactory state of health allowing you to perform professional duties.
  • No criminal record in the country of residence and, of course, directly in Vietnam.
  • Availability of higher education and at least 5 years of work experience in a field of activity that is scarce in the Vietnamese labor market. Mainly required are managers, supervisors and qualified technical specialists.

If the above criteria are met and there is a specific job offer from a local company, what is prerequisite, it is necessary to prepare a list of required documentation, which is translated into Vietnamese and notarized. As a rule, the employer assists in the transfer of documents to local authorities.

Documents for obtaining a work permit in Vietnam

    Completed application form (Vietnamese or English).

    A copy of a foreign passport.

    Two color photographs (4cm x 6cm) taken within the last 6 months.

    A job offer and a corresponding request from the employer.

    Medical certificate issued by an authorized healthcare institution, valid for at least 12 months.

    Copies of documents on education and qualification level.

    Certificate of no criminal record in home country and in Vietnam, if you have been living in the country for more than a month.

Documents are sent to the Ministry of Labor of Vietnam no later than two weeks before starting work, but it is advisable to do this at least two months in advance. Officially, the application is considered no more than 7 working days and in case of a positive decision, the foreigner receives a work permit for up to 2 years. The document is renewed by the employer no later than 30 days before the expiration of the previous permit for the same period, but on the condition that local specialists do not apply for this position.

Who does not need a work permit in Vietnam

    Foreigners with higher education at least a bachelor's degree and at least 3 years of work experience for short-term employment for a period of up to 30 days, and in total no more than 90 days during the year.

    In case of transfer between companies in the following areas of activity - information Technology, business, education, construction, healthcare, security environment, finance, transport, tourism and entertainment.

    Owners or board members of Vietnamese companies.

    Lawyers, with an official license.

    Foreign media workers.

    Teachers on the basis of international agreements and under the control of foreign Embassies.

    Trainees and employees of international volunteer organizations.

There are different options applying for visas to Vietnam, for example, can be done at the airport upon arrival, and for some foreigners, including Russian citizens, when visiting the country for up to 14 days, a visa is not required at all. However, in case of long-term employment, it is better to open a visa in advance at the Vietnamese Consulate in your country, which will allow you to replace the document with a full-fledged residence permit in Vietnam after moving.

The entire process of labor migration is quite complex, so you need to carefully coordinate your actions with Vietnamese diplomatic staff and the employer. In addition, the country's laws regarding the employment of foreign workers change frequently, e.g. latest changes dated April 2016.

How to find work in Vietnam. Search for a vacancy.

To successfully search for a job in Vietnam for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners from the CIS countries, it is very important to visit the country in advance on a tourist visa. This will allow you to feel the atmosphere of local life, understand the cultural values ​​and traditions of the Vietnamese. For example, many Europeans are shocked by tens of thousands of motorcycles on city streets, noise and general bustle. Pay attention to language skills. Official language in the countryVietnamese, But English used quite widely.

Generally local authorities allow foreigners to stay in Vietnam up to 3 months for the purpose of finding an employer. This time may be quite enough, but without knowledge of the Vietnamese language and connections, the task becomes much more difficult. If you are in your country, you will need patience and activity on the Internet. Look for like-minded people on forums and specialized websites, ask questions to experienced labor migrants with experience working in Vietnam. Register for a professional social network-

Most often, work in Vietnam for foreigners, including Russians, is available in international companies that open representative offices and branches in this Asian country. First of all, aim for employment in large and economically developed Vietnamese regions - the capital Hanoi and the city Ho Chi Minh City. Next, we will consider the main ways to find work in Vietnam without intermediaries.

Popular job search sites in Vietnam

International resources with vacancies in Vietnam

If you can’t find a job in Vietnam on your own, contact recruitment agency, better international, for example,

Jobs and salaries in Vietnam in 2019

Currently, the standard of living of the Vietnamese is noticeably lower compared to Western and developed Asian countries. For example, working in South Korea or Japan will bring a foreigner significantly more income. On the other hand, the cost of living, prices and other everyday expenses in Vietnam smooth out these differences to some extent. The fact that over the past 15 years the government has managed to reduce the poverty level from 58% to 14% and overcome unemployment speaks volumes. In the future, working in Vietnam looks quite attractive.

Vietnamese are mainly employed in the service sector and agriculture, mechanical engineering, food and manufacturing industries, clothing and shoe production. Depending on the region, in 2019 the minimum monthly wage for a local worker ranges from 2.92 to 4.18 million Vietnamese dong, equivalent to 110–155 euros. Average wages in Vietnam in 2019 is 6 million dong or 225 euros per month. As a rule, foreigners occupy positions of qualified specialists and, accordingly, can count on salaries in 500–1000 euros per month and higher.

Available vacancies in Vietnam for Russians and Ukrainians in 2019 by field of activity

    Information Technology




    Teaching English

    Finance and Law

    Mining industry

The most prestigious vacancies in Vietnam for foreigners are offered by international companies and organizations where they can earn money more than 800-1000 euros per month. In particular, managers are needed senior management and other management personnel, as well as highly qualified technical specialists. Sometimes doctors, especially dentists, are needed.

Visits Vietnamese resorts every year large number tourists, including Russian speakers. Local employers are willing to employ foreigners, for example, there is work in Vietnam for guides, diving instructors, hotel administrators, tour guides, and less often, waiters, bartenders, and cooks. Pay attention to the city Nha Trang, where traditionally there are many Russian tourists and language requirements may be minimal. Wages in these areas start from 150-200 euros and higher, depending on your luck.

Finding a job in Vietnam in 2019 is quite easy. This country does not have high wages and welcomes foreign citizens on its territory. In order to attract foreigners, Vietnam has significantly simplified the conditions for entry and employment.

Landscape of the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi

Vietnam is a fairly hospitable country. But to enter its territory for the purpose of carrying out work activities, a visa is required. Such a document can be prepared in two ways:

  1. Directly in the country of actual residence.
  2. Upon arrival on the territory of the state.

The first option involves submitting a package of documents to the Embassy or Consulate of Vietnam. You must submit documents in person, and you should indicate the purpose of the trip - work. In this case, it is necessary to open a work visa. The registration process itself takes on average seven working days. Documents required to obtain a work visa to Vietnam:

A visa application form is a document sent directly by the employer to the prospective employee, which specifies the basic conditions of employment (position, intended place of residence, information about the enterprise and its owner, position held).

If there is no employer, and the person intends to independently search for work in the state, he needs to submit copies of air tickets and a foreign passport to the embassy.

In this case, it is necessary to notify the authorized body about the purpose of the work.

The documents are sent to Vietnam to the immigration department. If, after checking them, it agrees, then the visa application form is sent to the applicant within a few days.

Sample of filling out an application form for obtaining a Vietnam visa

migration fee payment receipt

To obtain a visa on arrival you will need the following documents:

  • Questionnaire;
  • Visa support;
  • Photos for documents (two pieces);
  • International passport. Valid for at least six months.

The visa is issued directly at the airport by immigration officers within 20–50 minutes.

Extending your visa will not cause any difficulties. You just need to contact one of the departments of the Ministry of Public Security with an application for renewal. You will need to pay $25 or more for renewal. The amount may be higher if the extension is necessary on the same day.

This is what a Vietnam visa looks like

Extending a visa does not present any difficulties at all. The only rule is compliance with current legislation.

You can apply for a visa in the country of actual residence without personal presence, but only if there is sufficient good reason. It is enough to contact special agencies with such a request. The Vietnamese government provides this method of filing. The agency's staff will not only help you obtain the visa itself, but will also take care of the availability of visa support.

Violation of the visa regime entails payment of a fine to the state fund, which is five dollars for each day of delay.

Interesting video. Standard of living in Vietnam. Salaries and pensions, taxes and prices in this country. We recommend watching

How to find a job

Vietnam provides for foreign residents big list vacancies. The most common of them are workers in the tourism sector.

You can find work through specialized agencies that provide various employment vacancies for both qualified and unqualified employees. Agencies provide all information about a potential employer, place of work and employment conditions.

Working conditions

Working in Vietnam does not mean big earnings, so many people consider this country to be a kind of transit point. Many people combine work and study local language and culture.
Many employers provide enough good conditions work. The length of the working day is specified in the employment contract. The presence of mandatory days off is also stated there.
So many workers also have the opportunity to have a very good rest in this exotic country.

Work permit

Regardless of the vacancy or position, to carry out labor activities in Vietnam, you must obtain a work permit. It is issued by the Ministry of Labor upon the personal application of the employer.

The peculiarity of employment in Vietnam is that if employment contract concluded for a period of less than 90 days, the government does not require permission.

If more than three months, the employer needs to submit an application to his employee.

If the term of the employment contract is less than 90 days, the employer must provide full information about their hired workers to the Ministry of Labor. At the same time, copies of contracts and personal data of workers are submitted.

This is what an employment contract looks like in Vietnam

There are a number of cases when a foreigner does not need a work permit, regardless of the term of the employment contract:

  1. When highly qualified specialists come to Vietnam directly at the invitation of the country itself.
  2. If he is the founder of a limited liability company.
  3. The job applicant is a member of the board of directors of a joint stock company.

The work permit is granted for a period of three years. After this time, the permit can be renewed at the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor. It is enough just to present an employment contract, which indicates its expiration date. It must exceed the actual expiration date of the work permit.
The main condition for employment in Vietnam is the age of 18 years.

Vietnamese Citizen Passport Sample