Stories of encounters with the white-eyed monster. Wonderfully white-eyed. The people who went underground. Chud white-eyed - ancient inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk region

The Chud tribe is one of the most mysterious phenomena on the territory of our country. Its history has long been overgrown with secrets, epics and even rumors, both quite plausible and completely fantastic. Not much is known about this tribe to judge from this information full history its representatives, but quite enough to give birth to the most incredible legends. Scientists and researchers have tried and are trying to unearth evidence of that era, to decipher that amazing world, full of mysteries, which the Chud tribe gave us.

The Chud tribe is sometimes compared to the Maya tribe of American Indians. Both those and others suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only memories. In official history, the term "Chud" is considered Old Russian name several Finno-Ugric tribes. The very name of the tribe Chud"is also not entirely clear. It is popularly believed that representatives of these tribes were named this way because of their incomprehensible language, which they spoke and which other tribes did not understand. There is an assumption that the tribe was originally Germanic or Gothic, which is why they were called Chud. In those days, “Chud” and “Alien” were not only of the same root, but also had the same meaning. However, in some Finno-Ugric languages, the name Chud was used to name one of the mythological characters, which also cannot be discounted.

This tribe, which suddenly disappeared, is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, where the chronicler directly narrates: " ...Varangians from overseas imposed tribute on Chud, Ilmen Slovenes, Merya and Krivichi..."However, not everything is so simple here either. For example, the historian S.M. Solovyov made the assumption that in the Tale of Bygone Years the inhabitants of the Vodskaya Valley of Pyatina were called Chudya Novgorod Land- Vod. Another mention dates back to 882 and refers to Oleg’s campaign: “ ...went on a campaign and took with him many warriors: Varangians, Ilmen Slavs, Krivichi, all, Chud and came to Smolensk and took the city...".

Yaroslav the Wise undertook a victorious campaign against Chud in 1030: “and he defeated them and established the city of Yuryev.” Subsequently it turned out that the miracle was called whole line tribes, such as: Esta, Seto (Chud Pskov), Vod, Izhora, Korely, Zavolochye (Chud Zavolochskaya). In Novgorod there is Chudintseva Street, where noble representatives of this tribe previously lived, and in Kyiv there is Chudin Dvor. It is also believed that the following names were formed on behalf of these tribes: the city of Chudovo, Lake Peipus, and the Chud River. In the Vologda region there are villages with the names: Front Chudi, Middle Chudi and Back Chudi. Currently, Chudi’s descendants live in the Penezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. In 2002, Chud was included in the register of independent nationalities.

Of particular interest, in addition to the historical, is folklore, in which the tribe appears as the White-Eyed Chud. Strange epithet " White-eyed", which the representatives of the Chud were dubbed, is also a mystery. Some believe that the white-eyed Chud is because it lives underground, where there is no sunlight, while others believe that in the old days, gray-eyed or blue-eyed people were called white-eyed. Wonderfully white-eyed, how mythological character, found in the folklore of the Komi and Sami, as well as the Mansi, Siberian Tatars, Altaians and Nenets. To explain it in a nutshell, the white-eyed miracle is a vanished civilization. Following these beliefs, the legendary white-eyed Chud lived in the north of the European part of Russia and the Urals. Descriptions of this tribe include descriptions of short people who live in caves and deep underground. In addition, chud, chud, shud - a monster, and meant a giant, often a cannibal giant with white eyes. People who, with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', did not accept the new religion and went underground are often called miracles. Thus, it turns out that the white-eyed Chud is a demonized tribe that did not accept Christianity and is therefore considered unclean.

One of the legends, which was recorded in the village of Afanasyevo, Kirov region, says: " And when other people began to appear along the Kama, this miracle did not want to communicate with them. They dug a large hole, and then cut down the pillars and buried themselves. This place is called - Peipus Coast". The mistress of the copper mountain, the tale of which was told to us by the Russian writer P.P. Bazhov, is considered by many to be one of that same Chudi.

Judging by the legends, a meeting with representatives of the white-eyed miracle, who sometimes appeared out of nowhere, came out of caves, appeared in the fog, could bring good luck to some and misfortune to others. They live underground, where they ride dogs and herd mammoths or earthen deer. The mythical representatives of the white-eyed miracle are considered to be good and skilled blacksmiths, metallurgists and excellent warriors, which can be compared with the belief of the Scandinavian tribes in gnomes, who are also short in stature, are good warriors and skilled blacksmiths. Chud white-eyed (they are also Sirtya, Sikhirtya) can steal a child, cause damage, and scare a person. They know how to suddenly appear and disappear just as suddenly.

Testimonies from missionaries, researchers and travelers have been preserved about the earthen settlements of Chud. For the first time, A. Shrenk spoke about orphans in 1837, who discovered Chud caves with the remains of a certain culture in the lower reaches of the Korotaikha River. Missionary Benjamin wrote: " The Korotaikha River is remarkable for its abundance of fisheries and Chud earthen caves, in which, according to Samoyed legends, Chud once lived in ancient times. These caves are ten miles from the mouth, on the right bank, on a slope, which from ancient times was called Sirte-sya in Samoyed - “Chudskaya Mountain”". I. Lepekhin wrote in 1805: " The entire Samoyed land in the Mezen district is filled with desolate dwellings of the once ancient people. They are found in many places: near lakes, on the tundra, in forests, near rivers, made in mountains and hills like caves with openings like doors. In these caves they found ovens and found fragments of iron, copper and clay household items.". This same question was once puzzled by V.N. Chernetsov, who wrote about the Chud in his reports of 1935-1957, where he collected many legends. In addition, he discovered monuments of the Sirtya in Yamal. Thus, the existence of a tribe that really once existed in these places, it is documented. The Nenets, whose ancestors witnessed the existence of a mysterious tribe in these places, claim that it went underground (into the hills), but did not disappear. And to this day you can meet people of small stature and with. with white eyes, and this meeting most often does not bode well.

After the Chud went underground, after other tribes came to their lands, whose descendants live here to this day, they left many treasures. These treasures are enchanted and, according to legend, only the descendants of the miracle itself can find them. These treasures are guarded by miracle spirits, who appear in a variety of guises, for example, a hero on a horse, a bear, a hare and others. Due to the fact that many would like to penetrate the secrets of the underground inhabitants and take possession of untold riches, some are still taking various steps to search for these caches full of gold and jewelry. There are legends, tales and tales about daredevils who decided to search for miracle treasures. great amount. All, or most of them, end, alas, in tears for the main characters. Some of them die, others remain crippled, others go crazy, and others go missing in a dungeon or caves.

He also writes about the legendary miracle Roerich in his book "Heart of Asia". There he describes his meeting with an Old Believer in Altai. This man took them to a rocky hill where there were stone circles of ancient burials and, showing them to the Roerich family, told the following story: " This is where Chud went underground. When the White Tsar came to Altai to fight and how it bloomed White birch in our region, Chud did not want to stay under the White Tsar. Chud went underground and blocked the passages with stones. You can see their former entrances yourself. But Chud is not gone forever. When happy times return and people from Belovodye come and give to all the people great science, then Chud will come again, with all the obtained treasures". A year earlier (1913) of these events, Nicholas Roerich, being an excellent artist, painted the painting “The Chud went underground.” Be that as it may, the mystery of the Chud tribe still remains open. The official history in the person of archaeologists, ethnographers, and local historians believe Chud are ordinary tribes, for example, Ugrians, Khanty, Mansi, who were not different in anything special and left their habitats due to the arrival of other tribes on their lands. Others consider the White-Eyed Chud to be a great people who have the gift of magic and magic, who live deeply. in caves and underground cities, which from time to time appear on the surface to warn people, warn, punish or protect their treasures, the hunters for which will never decrease.

"“But somewhere to this day,” says Vasily, “the Lapps believe not in Christ, but in “chud.” Eat high mountain, from where they throw deer as a sacrifice to the god. There is a mountain where a noid (sorcerer) lives, and deer are brought there to him. There they cut them with wooden knives, and hang the skin on poles. The wind shakes her, her legs move. And if there is moss or sand below, then the deer seems to be walking. Vasily has met such a deer more than once in the mountains. Just like alive! It's scary to watch. And it can be even more terrible when in winter a fire sparkles in the sky and the abysses of the earth open, and monsters begin to emerge from the graves."

Historians and folklorists have long been arguing about an unusual and mysterious people, the “White-Eyed Miracle,” whose representatives, according to legends and tales, were distinguished by their special beauty, article, possessed yogic abilities and possessed extensive and deep knowledge about Nature. This people, connected by mysterious ties with the Russian people, mysteriously disappears, and its traces are lost in the Altai mountains.

Below is an attempt to penetrate the secrets of this amazing people. Famous Russian artist, scientist and writer N.K. Roerich in his book “The Heart of Asia” talks about a legend widespread in Altai. The legend tells that he once lived in the coniferous forests of Altai people - Chudyu was called. Tall, stately, knowing the secret science of the earth. But then birch began to grow in those places, which meant, ancient prediction, the imminent arrival here of the dark people and their kagan, who will establish his own order. People dug holes, set up stands, and piled stones on top. They went into the shelters, tore out the posts and covered them with stones.

This completely incomprehensible ethnographic incident of the voluntary destruction of one people before the arrival of another is somewhat clarified by another version of the legend given in the same book. Almost buried herself, but she went into secret dungeons into an unknown country. “But Chud is not gone forever, when the happy time returns, and people from Belovodye come and give great science to all the people, then Chud will come with all the hidden treasures.”

“In the legend,” writes artist L.R. Tsesyulevich, a researcher of N.K. Roerich’s work, “there is a hint of the existence to this day somewhere, perhaps in a hidden place, of a people with high culture and knowledge. In this respect, the legend of Chudi echoes the legend of the hidden country of Belovodye and the legend of the underground city of the Agarti people, widespread in India.”

Similar legends are very widespread in the Urals, which is like a connecting link between the northwestern part of our country and Altai, where legends about Chudi also existed.

It can be noted that legends associated with Chud places - mounds and fortifications, underground caves and passages - having arisen in the north-west of Rus', then moved after the Russian settlers, first to the Urals, and then to Altai. This strip crosses the Urals, mainly through the Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions.

In different variations, the legend of Chudi in the Urals tells that some people lived here who were familiar with the “secret power”. But then a dark birch tree began to grow in these places, then Chud dug caves, fixed the roof on pillars, and poured earth and stones on top. She all gathered in these dwellings with her property and, cutting down the pillars, buried herself alive underground.

Some legends even tell about real contacts of early settlers with the “messengers” of Chudi - the “Miracle Maidens”. They say that before going underground, Chud left a “girl” for observation so that she would guard treasures and jewelry, but she showed the dark people everything, and then the “old people” hid all the gold and metals.

This legend surprisingly resonates with the legend given by N.K. Roerich in the book “Heart of Asia”: “A woman came out of the dungeon. Tall in stature, slender in body, she walked among the people, helped, and then went back into the dungeon. She also came from the holy country.”

The interaction of Chudi’s “envoys” with the settlers was not limited only to contacts in reality; the legend also recorded completely unusual contacts and influences through dreams. Thus, the Sverdlovsk researcher A. Malakhov, in one of his articles published in the “Ural Pathfinder” for 1979, cites a bright and beautiful legend about the Chud woman ruler: “Once Tatishchev, the founder of Yekaterinburg, had a strange dream. A woman of unusual appearance and wondrous beauty appeared to him. She was dressed in a linen dress, and gold jewelry sparkled on her chest. “Listen,” the woman said to Tatishchev, “you gave the order to dig mounds in your new city. Don’t touch them, my brave warriors lie there. You will have no peace in either this or this world if you disturb their ashes or take expensive armor. I, Princess Anna of Chud, swear to you that I will destroy both the city and everything you are building if you touch these graves.” And Tatishchev ordered the burials not to be disclosed. Only the tops of the mounds were discovered...

Along with data on Chudi’s contacts with settlers, the legends contain fairly clear and precise characteristics appearance and the spiritual appearance of the “eccentrics”, so that the features of a real people appear before us.

In one of the first stories by P.P. Bazhov, “Dear Little Name”, Chud - or “old people” - are tall, beautiful people living in the mountains, in unusually beautiful dwellings built inside the mountains, living almost unnoticed by others. These people do not know self-interest and are indifferent to gold. When people appear in the remote places where they live, they leave through underground passages, “closing the mountain.”

Ural ore explorers report that almost all ore deposits on which the Demidovs built their factories were indicated by Chud overburden marks, and the discovery of even later deposits was also associated with such marks, which suggests a certain cultural mission of Chud in the Urals.

This idea is supported by another observation. When people come to new places, they usually find themselves in a kind of weightlessness - the absence of an oriented living space. This did not happen to the settlers in the Urals. Someone gave mountains, rivers, lakes, tracts, and mounds amazingly accurate names. They contained, as it were, a spiritual vector, which later brilliantly materialized. And it is not without reason that the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed that “anyone who wants to form names cannot form names, but who sees the mind and essence of things.” Moreover, the Chud places themselves became a kind of “magnets.” On the Chud mounds stands the city of Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, the city of Kurgan arose next to the huge mound. And how exactly, and as if not by chance, cities and villages are located where they need to be: in communication centers, near mineral deposits, surrounded by beautiful nature. At first, Orenburg was somewhat unlucky. placed in the places indicated by the Germans, they had to be rearranged several times.

How many centuries ago Chud lived in the Urals and where she went to her underground cities is unknown. It is possible that they lived here back in the days of the ancient Greeks. Thus, the famous ancient Greek myth tells about the Hyperboreans who lived somewhere beyond the Riphean (Ural) mountains. These people lived happy life: he did not know strife and disease, death came to people only from satiety with life. This is what the ancient Greek writer Lucian, who was skeptical about everything unusual, says about his meeting with one of the Hyperboreans: “I considered it completely impossible to believe them, and, however, as soon as I first saw a flying foreigner, a barbarian - he called himself a Hyperborean - I believed and I was defeated, although I resisted for a long time. And what, in fact, could I do when before my eyes during the day a man rushed through the air, walked on water and slowly walked through fire?

Where did Chud go? Is it not to those underground cities with which N.K. Roerich connects the lives of the wise and beautiful inhabitants of Agartha, and about whom the Ural workers told the Chelyabinsk writer S.K. Vlasova: “I recently heard in an old Ural factory that all the caves that exist in the Urals communicate with each other. It’s as if there are holes hidden between them, sometimes wide, like the Kungur pits, these earthly sinkholes, sometimes thin, like golden threads. They also say that once in ancient times it was not difficult to move from cave to cave - there was a paved road. True, who spoke it is unknown - either people, miraculously unknown, or devilry... Only in our time, people, penetrating into those caves and those passages where they can go, find many traces: where the house was set up, where the amethyst stone lies, and where the footprint of a human foot was imprinted..."

IN Perm region There are similar legends about the Chud heroes who sleep in underground caves under the Ural Mountains until the appointed hour. Also, the Para-hero guards the miracle wealth. The Ural land holds many still unsolved miracle secrets, but, as P.P. Bazhov predicted, the time will come when these secrets will be revealed, and, gifted with treasures hidden for the time being, people will live a bright, happy life: “There will be such a time in our side.” , when there are no merchants or even a king left, then there will be big and healthy people on our side who will come up to Mount Azov and loudly say “dear little thing,” and then a miracle will come out of the ground with all the treasures. human."

Chudovin m. monster and. and eccentric, eccentric and. a strange, peculiar person, who does everything not in a human way, but in his own way, contrary to general opinion and custom. Eccentrics do not look at what people say, but do what they consider useful. An eccentric dead man: he died on Tuesday, to be buried on Wednesday - and he looks out the window(and he went to harrow)!

|| Cranks and weirdos, sib. chud (i.e. strange and alien) and. collect a savage people who, according to legend, lived in Siberia, and left behind only one memory in mounds (mounds, graves); Frightened by Ermak and the white birch tree that suddenly appeared with him, a sign of the power of the white king, the eccentrics or eccentrics dug tunnels, went there with all their goods, cut down the posts and died.

|| Chud is generally a Chud, Finnish tribe, especially eastern (strangers), and is often spoken abusively. Wonderfully white-eyed! The miracle has gone into the ground. The miracle was buried alive, the miracle disappeared underground.

from Dahl's dictionary

The Legend of Chud

In the Urals they say that there is nothing older than the Kurgan birches. And their story seems to be like this.

From time immemorial, old people lived in the Urals - they were called Chudyu. They dug underground and welded iron. They huddled in the dark, afraid of sunlight. And their faces were on their chests. And then the Chuds began to notice that a white tree had come to their land; neither their grandfathers nor their great-grandfathers had ever seen anything like this. Alarming rumors were passed from mouth to mouth: where there is a white tree, there is a white man. We used to hear about such people who live where the sun sets. And the birches keep advancing and advancing into the black forest... “We must leave,” the young miracles said.

“We will die where our fathers and grandfathers died,” objected the old and elderly.

And so the miracles hid in their dwellings, underground holes; the piles holding up the earthen ceilings were cut down and buried alive. There were no more of them in the Urals. And on the site of the dwellings, mounds were formed. And old, old birch trees grow on them.

Alexander Lazarev

Legendary “battles for faith” with miracles

“The first, legendary “battles for faith” with the miracle, with Dym/Div, are described in the “Book of Kolyada.” Well, Dyi/Div did not please his brother Svarog (the god of the spiritual sky, it seems). And then the heavenly army, led by Svarog, fought with the army of Dyya - the “wonderful people” and the miracle. Svarog won, imprisoning the “wonderful people” under the Ural Mountains. Dyi himself was converted into the Great Poloz, the lord of the gold of the Ural Mountains. Since then, the kingdom of Dyya, along with all the palaces and temples, has gone underground. And only sometimes you can hear their bells ringing underground. This captivity has lasted for 27 thousand years."

... “They say that once a century there is a night when, not far from Mount Taganay, the earth opens up and a city of “wonderful people” appears. On this night, the “divine people” organize a big celebration, and on this same night you can hear from them predictions of the future, for they are great astrologers and they can predict a lot.”

O.R. Goffman “Russian Atlanta. Is Russia the cradle of civilizations?

Chud white-eyed

Historians and folklorists have long been arguing about the unusual and mysterious people, the so-called. “White-eyed Chudi,” whose representatives, according to legends and tales, were distinguished by their special beauty, article, possessed yogic abilities and possessed extensive and deep knowledge about nature. This people, connected by mysterious ties with the Russian people, mysteriously disappears, and its traces are lost in the Altai mountains.

Below is an attempt to penetrate the secrets of this amazing people. The famous Russian artist, scientist and writer N.K. Roerich in his book “The Heart of Asia” talks about a legend widespread in Altai. The legend tells that there once lived in the coniferous forests of Altai people with dark color skin. It was called a miracle. Tall, stately, knowing the secret science of the earth. But then white birch began to grow in those places, which, according to ancient prediction, meant the imminent arrival here of the white people and their king, who would establish his own order. People dug holes, set up stands, and piled stones on top. They went into the shelters, tore out the posts and covered them with stones.

This completely incomprehensible ethnographic incident of the voluntary destruction of one people before the arrival of another is somewhat clarified by another version of the legend given in the same book. Chud didn’t dig herself in, but went into secret dungeons into an unknown country, “but Chud didn’t leave forever, when the happy time returns and people from Belovodye come and give great science to all the people, then Chud will come with all the treasures they have obtained.”

In the legend, writes artist L.R. Tsesyulevich, a researcher of N.K. Roerich’s work, there is a hint of the existence to this day somewhere, perhaps in a hidden place, of a people with high culture and knowledge. In this regard, the legend of Chudi echoes the legend of the hidden country of Belovodye and the legend of the underground city of the Agarti people, widespread in India.

Similar legends are very widespread in the Urals, which is like a connecting link between the northwestern part of our country and Altai, where legends about Chudi also existed.

It can be noted that legends associated with Chud places - mounds and fortifications, underground caves and passages - having arisen in the north-west of Rus', then moved after the Russian settlers, first to the Urals, and then to Altai. This strip crosses the Urals, mainly through the Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions.

In different variations, the legend of the Chud in the Urals tells that some dark-skinned people lived here, familiar with the “secret power.” But then white birch began to grow in these places, then Chud dug caves, fixed the roof on pillars, and poured earth and stones on top. She all gathered in these dwellings with her property and, cutting down the pillars, buried herself alive underground.

Some legends even tell about real contacts of early settlers with the “messengers” of Chudi - the “Miracle Maidens”. They say that before going underground, Chud left a “girl” for observation so that she would guard treasures and jewelry, but she showed the white people everything, and then the “old people” hid all the gold and metals.

This legend surprisingly resonates with the legend given by N.K. Roerich in the book “Heart of Asia”: “A woman came out of the dungeon. She is tall, has a stern face and is darker than ours. She walked around the people - helped create, and then went back into the dungeon. She also came from the holy country.”

The interaction of Chudi’s “envoys” with the settlers was not limited only to contacts in reality; the legend also recorded completely unusual contacts and influences through dreams. Thus, Sverdlovsk researcher A. Malakhov, in one of his articles published in the “Ural Pathfinder” for 1979, cites a bright and beautiful legend about the Chud woman ruler: “Once Tatishchev, the founder of Yekaterinburg, had a strange dream. A woman of unusual appearance and wondrous beauty appeared to him. She was dressed in animal skins, and gold jewelry sparkled on her chest. “Listen,” the woman said to Tatishchev, “you gave the order to dig mounds in your new city. Don't touch them, my brave warriors lie there. You will have no peace in either this or this world if you disturb their ashes or take expensive armor. I am Princess Anna of Chud, I swear to you that I will destroy both the city and everything that you are building if you touch these graves.” And Tatishchev ordered the burials not to be disclosed. Only the tops of the mounds were discovered...

Along with data about Chudi’s contacts with settlers, the legends contain fairly clear and precise characteristics of the appearance and spiritual appearance of the “eccentrics”, so that the features of a real people appear before us.

In one of the first stories by P.P. Bazhov’s “Dear Little Name” - Chud or “old people” are tall, beautiful people living in the mountains, in unusually beautiful dwellings built inside the mountains, living almost unnoticed by others. These people do not know self-interest and are indifferent to gold. When people appear in their remote habitats, they leave through underground passages, “closing the mountain.”

Ural ore explorers report that almost all the ore deposits on which the Demidovs built their factories were indicated by Chud marks - overburden, and the discovery of even later deposits was also associated with such marks, which suggests a certain cultural mission of Chud in the Urals.

This idea is supported by another observation. When people come to new places, they usually find themselves in a kind of weightlessness - the absence of an oriented living space. This did not happen to the settlers in the Urals. Someone gave mountains, rivers, lakes, tracts, and mounds amazingly accurate names. They contained, as it were, a spiritual vector, which later brilliantly materialized. And it’s not for nothing that the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras believed that “everyone who wants to, but who sees the mind and essence of things, cannot form names.” Moreover, the Chud places themselves became a kind of “magnets”. On the Chud mounds stands the city of Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, and the city of Kurgan arose next to the huge mound. And how accurately and as if it is no coincidence that cities and villages are located where they need to be: in communication nodes, near mineral deposits, surrounded by beautiful nature. Orenburg was somewhat unlucky at first. It was placed in the places indicated by the Germans, and had to be rearranged several times.

How many centuries ago Chud lived in the Urals and where she went to her underground cities is unknown. It is possible that they lived here back in the days of the ancient Greeks. Thus, the famous ancient Greek myth tells about the Hyperboreans who lived somewhere beyond the Riphean (Ural) mountains. This people lived a happy life: they did not know strife and disease, death came to people only from satiety with life. This is what the ancient Greek writer Lucian, who was skeptical about everything unusual, says about his meeting with one of the Hyperboreans: “I considered it completely impossible to believe them, and, however, as soon as I first saw a flying foreigner, a barbarian - he called himself a Hyperborean - I believed and was defeated, although he resisted for a long time. And what really could I do when, before my eyes, during the day a man rushed through the air, walked on water and slowly walked through fire?

Where did Chud go? Is it not to those underground cities with which N.K. Roerich connects the lives of the wise and beautiful inhabitants of Agartha and about whom the Ural workers told the Chelyabinsk writer S.K. Vlasova: “I recently heard in an old Ural factory that all the caves that exist in the Urals communicate with each other. It’s as if there are holes hidden between them, sometimes wide, like the Kungur pits, these earthly sinkholes, sometimes thin, like golden threads. They also say that once in ancient times it was not difficult to move from cave to cave - there was a paved road. True, who tore it down is unknown - either a man, miraculously unknown, or an evil spirit... Only in our time, people, penetrating into those caves and those passages where they can go, find many traces: where the house was set up, where the amethyst stone lies , and where the footprint of a human foot was imprinted..."

In the Perm region, there are similar legends about the Chud heroes who sleep in underground caves under the Ural Mountains until the appointed hour. Also, the Para-hero guards the miracle wealth. The Ural land holds many still unsolved miracle secrets, but as P.P. Bazhov predicted, the time will come when these secrets will be revealed, and, gifted with treasures hidden for the time being, people will live a bright, happy life: “There will be a time in our side when there will be no merchants, no king, not even a title left. Then people on our side will become big and healthy. One such person will approach Mount Azov and loudly say “dear little thing,” and then a miracle will come out of the ground with all human treasures.”


Mysterious Russia. "Chelyabinsk region. "Guests" from the dungeon"

N.K. Roerich. Chud underground

The Chud tribe is one of the most mysterious phenomena in our country. Its history has long been overgrown with secrets, epics and even rumors, both quite plausible and completely fantastic. Not much is known about this tribe to judge from this information the complete history of its representatives, but quite enough to give rise to the most incredible legends. Scientists and researchers have tried and are trying to unearth evidence of that era, to decipher that wonderful world full of mysteries that the Chud tribe gave us.

The Chud tribe is sometimes compared to the Maya tribe of American Indians. Both those and others suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only memories. In official history, the term “Chud” is considered the ancient Russian name for several Finno-Ugric tribes. The very name of the tribe Chud“It’s also not entirely clear. It is popularly believed that the representatives of these tribes were named this way because of their incomprehensible language, which they spoke and which other tribes did not understand. There is an assumption that the tribe was originally Germanic or Gothic, which is why they were called Chud. In those days, “Chud” and “Alien” not only had the same root, but also had the same meaning. However, in some Finno-Ugric languages, the name Chud was used to name one of the mythological characters, which also cannot be discounted.

This tribe, which suddenly disappeared, is mentioned in ““, where the chronicler directly narrates: “ ...Varangians from overseas imposed tribute on Chud, Ilmen Slovenes, Merya and Krivichi...". However, not everything is so simple here either. For example, the historian S.M. Solovyov made the assumption that in the Tale of Bygone Years the inhabitants of the Vodskaya valley of the Novgorod Land pyatin - Vod - were called Chud. Another mention dates back to 882 and refers to Oleg’s campaign: “ ... went on a campaign and took with him many warriors: Varangians, Ilmen Slavs, Krivichi, all, Chud and came to Smolensk and took the city...«.

Yaroslav the Wise undertook a victorious campaign against Chud in 1030: “and defeated them, and established the city of Yuryev.” Subsequently, it turned out that a number of tribes were called Chud, such as: Estonians, Seto (Chud of Pskov), Vod, Izhora, Korely, Zavolochye (Chud of Zavolochskaya). In Novgorod there is Chudintseva Street, where noble representatives of this tribe previously lived, and in Kyiv there is Chudin Dvor. It is also believed that the following names were formed on behalf of these tribes: the city of Chudovo, Lake Peipus, and the Chud River. In the Vologda region there are villages with the names: Front Chudi, Middle Chudi and Back Chudi. Currently, Chudi’s descendants live in the Penezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. In 2002, Chud was included in the register of independent nationalities.

Of particular interest, in addition to the historical, is folklore, in which the tribe appears as the White-Eyed Chud. Strange epithet " White-eyed“, which the representatives of the Chuds were dubbed, is also a mystery. Some believe that the white-eyed monster is due to the fact that it lives underground, where there is no sunlight, while others believe that in the old days, gray-eyed or blue-eyed people were called white-eyed. Chud white-eyed, as a mythological character, is found in the folklore of the Komi and Sami, as well as the Mansi, Siberian Tatars, Altaians and Nenets. To explain it in a nutshell, the White-Eyed Chud is a vanished civilization. Following these beliefs, the legendary white-eyed Chud lived in the north of the European part of Russia and the Urals. Descriptions of this tribe include descriptions of short people who live in caves and deep underground. In addition, chud, chud, shud is a monster, and meant a giant, often a cannibal giant with white eyes.

One of the legends, which was recorded in the village of Afanasyevo, Kirov region, says: “ And when other people began to appear along the Kama, this miracle did not want to communicate with them. They dug a large hole, and then cut down the pillars and buried themselves. This place is called - Peipus Coast". The mistress of the copper mountain, the tale of which was told to us by the Russian writer P.P. Bazhov, is considered by many to be one of that same Chudi.

Judging by the legends, a meeting with representatives of the white-eyed miracle, who sometimes appeared out of nowhere, came out of caves, appeared in the fog, could bring good luck to some and misfortune to others. They live underground, where they ride dogs and herd mammoths or earthen deer. The mythical representatives of the white-eyed miracle are considered to be good and skilled blacksmiths, metallurgists and excellent warriors, which can be compared with the belief of the Scandinavian tribes, who are also short in stature, are good warriors and skilled blacksmiths. Chud white-eyed (they are also Sirtya, Sikhirtya) can steal a child, cause damage, and scare a person. They know how to suddenly appear and disappear just as suddenly.

Testimonies from missionaries, researchers and travelers have been preserved about the earthen settlements of Chud. For the first time, A. Shrenk spoke about orphans in 1837, who discovered Chud caves with the remains of a certain culture in the lower reaches of the Korotaikha River. Missionary Benjamin wrote: “ The Korotaikha River is remarkable for its abundance of fisheries and Chud earthen caves, in which, according to Samoyed legends, Chud once lived in ancient times. These caves are ten miles from the mouth, on the right bank, on a slope, which since ancient times was called Sirte-sya in Samoyed - “Chudskaya Mountain”". I. Lepekhin wrote in 1805: “ The entire Samoyed land in the Mezen district is filled with desolate dwellings of the once ancient people. They are found in many places: near lakes, on the tundra, in forests, near rivers, made in mountains and hills like caves with openings like doors. In these caves they found ovens and found fragments of iron, copper and clay household items.". V.N. was once puzzled by the same question. Chernetsov, who wrote about the miracle in his reports of 1935-1957, where he collected many legends. In addition, he discovered the Sirtya monuments in Yamal. Thus, the existence of a tribe that actually existed in these places once is documented. The Nenets, whose ancestors witnessed the existence of a mysterious tribe in these places, claim that it went underground (into the hills), but did not disappear. And to this day you can meet people of small stature and with white eyes, and this meeting most often does not bode well.

After the Chud went underground, after other tribes came to their lands, whose descendants live here to this day, they left many treasures. These treasures are enchanted and, according to legend, only the descendants of the miracle itself can find them. These treasures are guarded by miracle spirits, who appear in a variety of guises, for example, in the form of a hero on a horse, a bear, a hare and others. Due to the fact that many would like to penetrate the secrets of the underground inhabitants and take possession of untold riches, some are still taking various steps to search for these caches full of gold and jewelry. There are a huge number of legends, tales and tales about daredevils who decided to search for miracle treasures. All, or most of them, end, alas, in tears for the main characters. Some of them die, others remain crippled, others go crazy, and others go missing in a dungeon or caves.

He also writes about the legendary miracle Roerich in his book "Heart of Asia". There he describes his meeting with an Old Believer in Altai. This man took them to a rocky hill where there were stone circles of ancient burials and, showing them to the Roerich family, told the following story: “ This is where Chud went underground. When the White Tsar came to Altai to fight and as the white birch blossomed in our region, Chud did not want to stay under the White Tsar. Chud went underground and blocked the passages with stones. You can see their former entrances yourself. But Chud is not gone forever. When happy times return and people from Belovodye come and give great science to all the people, then Chud will come again, with all the treasures obtained". A year earlier (1913) of these events, Nicholas Roerich, being an excellent artist, painted the painting “The Miracle Has Gone Under the Ground.” Be that as it may, the mystery of the Chud tribe still remains open. Official history, represented by archaeologists, ethnographers, and local historians, consider ordinary tribes, such as the Ugrians, Khanty, and Mansi, as miracles, who were no different in anything special and left their habitats due to the arrival of other tribes on their lands. Others consider the White-Eyed Chud to be a great people who have the gift of sorcery and magic, who live deep in caves and underground cities, who from time to time appear on the surface to warn people, warn, punish or protect their treasures, the hunters of which are never will decrease.

« “But somewhere to this day,” says Vasily, “the Lapps believe not in Christ, but in “chud.” There is a high mountain from where they throw deer as sacrifices to the god. There is a mountain where a noid (sorcerer) lives, and deer are brought there to him. There they cut them with wooden knives, and hang the skin on poles. The wind shakes her, her legs move. And if there is moss or sand below, then the deer seems to be walking. Vasily has met such a deer more than once in the mountains. Just like alive! It's scary to watch. And it can be even more terrible when in winter a fire sparkles in the sky and the abysses of the earth open, and monsters begin to emerge from the graves.«

There is an opinion among the people that the first Christian monks of the Russian North were taught by the Magi of a certain former civilization. A writer, a famous ethnographer of Karelia, agreed to tell the mysterious story of the possible location of ancient knowledgeAlexey POPOV.

— Alexey, was it really once in Karelia that the so-called pagan wise men not only warmly welcomed the first Christians, but also passed on their secret knowledge to them?

- It turns out that’s exactly it! But let's talk about everything in order. I, like many domestic historians, have always been surprised by the fact of the relatively bloodless baptism of Rus'. It was even more amazing how dual faith could exist in one territory for centuries. I received an answer to my questions this fall in the most unexpected way after the closing of a conference held in Karelia to study the phenomenon of giants who actually once lived on Earth. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the conference, so after it ended, one of the organizers of the event, a man who introduced himself as the priest Father Mikhail, himself came to me to talk about one of the chapters of my book “ Mysterious world Karelia”, in which I describe a people of giants who once lived on the territory of the republic.

- How can a priest and giants be connected?

“I, too, was surprised at first, but Father Mikhail explained to me that clergy does not prevent him from studying the history of his native land, and all creatures, including those considered mythological, are creations of God. Then Father Mikhail told me one amazing story. It turns out that at one time he had access to the library of the Solovetsky Monastery. One day, while working with the library's collections, he discovered a strange document, the existence of which had previously only been legendary. It was a diary, the uniqueness of which was that it was continuously kept for many centuries in a row! It turns out that among the first monks who once came to the shore White Sea, there was a special saying modern language, chronicler journalist. His duties included constantly following the missionary monks and impartially recording everything that happened to them along the way. The chronicler monk was not supposed to part with this diary either day or night, and two guards were assigned to it for the safety of the precious chronicle.

“Did the diary really talk about meeting giants?”

- Much more interesting - with the direct descendants of the Hyperboreans! According to Father Mikhail, the diary began with the choice of a place to found the Solovetsky Monastery. Moving between the islands of the White Sea, the monks landed on the archipelago on which this unique monastery later appeared. On land, the monks were met by aggressive people local residents small in stature, outwardly more reminiscent of gnomes, with piercing white eyes.

It was the same famous onewhite-eyed chud, or, locally,Sirtya. In the event of a skirmish, the monks would have a hard time, but in the most last moment, when an armed conflict seemed unavoidable, a boat moored to the island, in which there was a tall, gray-haired old man. He said something sternly to the little creatures, and they left without touching the monks.

The elder explained that he represented the priestly caste of an ancient people who had unique knowledge. The Magus helped the monks settle on the island and once even took them to a mountain that turned out to be a pyramid. Inside the mountain, the monks discovered on the walls, illuminated by torches, writings in the Slavic runnitsa and several other languages ​​unknown to them. There, as stated in the diary, there were many unique artifacts.

- Sounds fantastic. The monks, of course, will deny the existence of a chronicle diary. At the same time, if the story told to you is true, then the monastery document should have accurately indicated the location of the stone pyramid...

- Absolutely fair! And it is known - this is Mount Sekirnaya. In 2002, scientists studied this mountain and came to quite sensational conclusions. They found that the base of the mountain consists of glacial deposits, and its top part, which outwardly resembles a pyramid, clearly oriented to the cardinal points, may indeed consist of embankments of artificial origin.

— Usually the solution to the mystery of certain natural objects lies in their name. Do you know where the name of this mountain came from?

“The name of this mountain is associated with a whole layer of amazing legends. Modern name Sekirnaya comes from the word “sect”. There is a legend according to which, once upon a time, two monks whipped the evil wife of a Pomor, who was fishing and mowing hay on the Solovetsky Islands, but forbade the monks to do this. True, some ethnographers interpret the word “Sekirnaya” not from the word “flog”, but from the word “axe,” which, in general, is quite logical. In this case, it turns out that the monks did not flog the Pomor’s wife, but beat her to death with axes. The second name of the mountain, which has fallen out of widespread use, is even more surprising - Chudova Gora.

This name speaks for itself and denotes either the place where the miracle happened, or the area where the legendary white-eyed miracle lived. Indirect confirmation of this version can be the research of scientists conducted in the 30s of the 20th century. They could not understand where a mountain about a hundred meters high came from on the flat, glacier-polished Bolshoi Solovetsky Island. As a result, they recognized it as a pyramid of boulders, built by some ancient people who lived in these places.

- So this is really not a mountain, but a miracle house?

- IN in a certain sense, Yes. You know, archaeologists have established quite accurately that the Solovetsky archipelago was inhabited by people several thousand years before the monks came to it. The Novgorodians called these people Chudya, and the local mainland peoples, including the Nenets, called them Sirtya (Skirtya). There is even a mention of this tribe in the Tale of Bygone Years.

I think that the second name is more correct, since translated from ancient languages ​​“skrd” is an artificial embankment of an elongated shape. Remember, the same stack is an artificially poured mountain of elongated hay. However, it must be taken into account that “skrds” are bulk, artificial dwellings that could be made of hay, branches, moss or stone. In this light, the statement of the ancient Novgorodians that “the Chud went underground and buried itself” becomes logical.

Painting by N.K. Roerich. Chud underground (Chud went underground) (fragment) 1913

Scientists have quite accurately established that the ancient population of the Solovetsky archipelago lived in caves. By the way, back in the 19th century, Academician Lepekhin wrote: “The entire Samoyed land in the current Mezen district is filled with desolate dwellings of a certain people. They are found in many places, near lakes on the tundra and in forests near rivers, they are made in the mountains and hills like caves with openings similar to animals. In these caves, stoves are found and fragments of iron, copper and clay household items are found.”

“Only recently, our fishermen saw a chud on Novaya Zemlya. These wonderful people will see the fishermen and disappear. They look and dress like lapdogs. They didn’t have a gun, just a spear and arrows,” says Northern Legends. “People's memory populates almost the entire space of the Arkhangelsk province with this ancient population. According to the stories of Pomors from the city of Kem, “the Chud had a red skin color and hid from the Novgorodians to Novaya Zemlya and now resides there in inaccessible places,” wrote the Russian ethnographer Pyotr Efimenko in 1869.

In beliefs and legends, these semi-legendary pioneers of the north of Russia are endowed with unusual features and supernatural abilities. Chudins act both as heroes and as sorcerers and sorcerers. In the Arkhangelsk province, some of the families who lived in the 19th century considered them their ancestors and claimed that one of the miracles was so strong that, by sneezing, he killed a ram, and “members of his generation could talk to each other at a distance of six miles.” Not only in Russian folklore, but also among the Komi, Sami and other northern inhabitants, the white-eyed miracle was the name given to mythological characters close to European gnomes. According to legend, they knew how to mine gold and silver in mines. To this day, in Siberia, old, abandoned mines are called Chud mines. In the subpolar Urals, Chud graves and traces of settlements are found. There are also widespread tales that the Chud had shamans, priests or leaders, who were called pans. You can also call them wizards,” since they possessed secret knowledge, thanks to which they kept their people in obedience. The lords lived in fortified fortress houses and owned jewelry that was mined in mines. They hid their treasures in sacred places in the forests, under the stones.

In 1996, the magazine “Science and Religion” published this drawing on its pages. The drawing depicted a “Chud miner” and was made from a bronze figurine found 200 years ago in Siberia and cast, presumably, in the first centuries of our era somewhere in the Urals. It is unknown where the figurine itself is located.

The lords could command the wind, rain, and blizzard. On moonless nights they went into the deep forests, where with a terrible trumpet voice they called the forest spirits, and they told the lords about the past and future and the secrets of the universe.

The Russian population of Zavolochye has preserved the memory of the Chud people, who formerly lived in these places. Among the legends in Verkhokamye, general stories about resistance to Slavic newcomers and the spread of Christianity are repeated. In particular, the habitat of a miracle is called a forest, and its home is called a dugout.

In the Shenkursky district of the Arkhangelsk province they said that “the indigenous inhabitants there, the Chud, desperately defending their land from the invasion of the Novgorodians, never wanted to submit to the newcomers.” They defended themselves with frenzy from earthen fortresses, fled into the forests, killed themselves, and were buried alive in deep ditches. Only a few remained in their previous places of residence and became Russified after baptism, as happened with many neighboring Finno-Ugric tribes.

There are still many such mounds in the north. Sometimes on completely dark, starless nights a blue flame curls above them, and groans and lamentations in an incomprehensible language are heard from under the ground. These mounds are called in the north the graves of lords, or punks. If you hit such a mound with an iron rod, you will hear a rumble.

They say that the chud sometimes comes out of the ground to take a breath of air and drink spring water. This happens once a year. Animals in the forests always anticipate the emergence of a miracle and run away from the forests into open places, huddling close to human habitation. Even wolves do this, because they are very afraid of underground inhabitants. Chuds always hunt for wolves, since wolf meat is considered a delicacy among them, and Chud women make jewelry for themselves from wolf teeth. Since ancient times, there have been brave souls who tried to dig up the hills under which the miracle was supposedly hidden. These people disappeared without a trace. Perhaps the lords took them underground into eternal service. Where the Chuds and Pans used to live, many of their treasures remain. Treasures are found in secret places - in forests, at the bottom of lakes and swamps. Often the locations of the caches are marked by large stones-boulders with signs carved on them. Sometimes there are necklaces made of wolf teeth lying around. All these treasures are enchanted. To take them, you need to pronounce a sacred formula - a spell in the Chudi language. There are many legends about these treasures, and even specific locations are indicated. For example, in the Vologda region there flows a small river called Vyuzhka. There is a granite cliff on it, which from a distance resembles the head of a bearded man. At the bottom of Vyuzhka, under the cliff, there supposedly lies a master’s treasure. There were brave souls who dived into fast waters Blizzards. Some of the divers did not find anything, explaining that the treasure was enchanted, others drowned. In the Vologda region there is Lake Krasnoye - small, perfectly round, as if some giant outlined its shores with a compass. The lake is very deep, and the water is icy even in the hot summer. According to legend, there is a staircase in the lake that goes to the bottom. There the lords left their golden treasure and “endless scatterings of semi-precious stones.” Even good swimmers drown in Krasnoe from time to time.

In the Subpolar Urals there is a rapids river Merzavka. On its shore stands the abandoned village of Perevoznoe. In this place, even before the Russians came there, a Chud once lived. The leader of this community was the evil and powerful Pan Sakhdiyar. He knew how to extract gold and silver from the earth. In the vicinity of Perevozny, large stones with incomprehensible signs carved on them are still found.

The stones are perhaps thousands of years old. However, there are signs on tree trunks: sometimes they disappear, sometimes they appear again. It is unknown who carves them.

In 1975, young treasure hunters and history students from the capital came to the banks of the Merzavka. They dug under boulders marked with signs. Moreover, they even knew the spell with which they hoped to open the treasure. Historians discovered this spell in some archive in ancient manuscript dating back to the 15th century. However, they found nothing except two silver medallions, apparently very ancient, with incomprehensible signs. And one of the students, a twenty-two-year-old guy, was killed by a bear. Local residents said that this was the revenge of the lords who punished people for trying to take their treasures. Since then, no one has tried to look for treasures near Perevozny. In 2000, local hunter Oleg Konovalenko disappeared there. They thought that he drowned in the swamp, since no body was found. Only his dog, a cross between a shepherd and a husky, named Verny, returned to the village. However, the dog’s character has changed since then: he used to play with the children in the village. Now he didn’t let anyone get close to him, he attacked people. They said that Verny was frightened by the master who ruined his master. Chronicles have been preserved according to which Stefan of Perm, a missionary-educator in the Komi lands, around 1379 communicated with a certain Pan (Pam, Pama), a priest of the pagan religion professed by the local residents. According to one source, in order to shake the confidence of his charges in Stefan’s words, the main Zyryan priest Pama suggested that he go through the fire. Say, if the God glorified by Stephen exists, then he will protect him from fire. Stephen prayed and decided to walk through the fire. Just not alone, but together with Pama, so that his Gods would show their strength and protect the priest from fire. Pama was afraid of such a test and admitted defeat. Sometimes treasure hunters, who have been looking for miracle treasures for several centuries, find something. Most often these are skeletons and skulls in burial mounds, sometimes copper and silver coins, knives, axes, harnesses, and pottery. However, no one ever found gold or stones. Miracle spirits in different guises (sometimes in the guise of a hero on a horse, sometimes a hare or a bear) guard ancient treasures:

“Sluda and Shudyakor are wonderful places. The heroes lived there and were carried from village to village with axes. Then they buried themselves in the ground and took the gold with them. Pillow ingots are hidden at the Shudyakorsk settlement, but no one will take them: the horse warriors stand guard. Our grandfathers warned us: “Don’t walk past this settlement late at night - the horses will trample you!”

In the text of another ancient entry in the village of Zuikare, Vyatka province, it is written about the “Chud treasure” in the Peipus Mountain on the right bank of the Kama. A huge, slightly crooked pine tree grows here, and at some distance from it, about three meters, there is a rotten stump up to 2 m in diameter. They tried to find this treasure many times, but when they approached it, such a storm arose that the pine trees bent their tops to the ground, and the treasure hunters were forced to abandon their enterprise. However, they say that some treasure hunters still managed to penetrate the secrets of the underground inhabitants, but it cost them very, very dearly. The sight of the “eccentrics” was so terrible that some treasure hunters, having met them in the dungeons, came out completely crazy and could not come to their senses for the rest of their lives. It was even worse for those who came across the bones of “cinders” in the Chud graves - buried alive “eccentrics”. The lords left them to guard their wealth, and the cinders suddenly come to life as soon as someone approaches the treasures...

Fatyanovsky ax from the 2nd millennium BC, a mass of beads from amber to rock crystal, crosses, silver chains and even a savings book from tsarist times with impressive banknotes... All this is just a small part of the collection of a 61-year-old resident of the village of Veski, Likhoslavl district, Tver regionViktor Bulkin, which today is kept in a small corner of the local village library. A former Chernobyl survivor, a military chemist, after the liquidation of the accident, decided to restore his strength in the village, especially since his wife, after the institute, was assigned to a village near Likhoslavl. While cultivating potato beds, a small stone figurine fell into a shovel along with the soil. Having cleaned off the dirt, Viktor Vasilyevich shuddered; a real gnome was looking right at him, albeit “injured” - without one hip and foot. And it must have happened that 20 years later, as a result of many years of garden excavations, the gnome’s leg was found in pieces. Since then, this sculpture has taken pride of place in the collection among mossy pieces of swamp ore, from which the first iron was once mined, and among even more ancient marine fossils. After all, as the excavations of an inquisitive villager showed, in the place of Vesok a long time ago there was an ocean splashing in which ancient reptiles lived. “I don’t know the dating of this figurine, where it comes from,” Viktor Bulkin shrugs. “But even if it is not at all valuable from an archaeological point of view, it is valuable to me.” This gnome seemed to say to me: “Be more careful in the land on which you live.” I just obeyed. Viktor Vasilyevich once noticed that nothing much grew in the second part of the plot. He raised the turf, and underneath it was some kind of round stonework. Even grass has a hard time getting through. And in 1997, he again seemed to feel that his name was being called. He took a shovel, stuck it among the birches and pulled out a black, carefully polished piece of stone with a neat hole in the middle. Tver archaeologists, who visited him only once, dated the find as the Fatyanovo ax of the 2nd millennium BC, by the way, one of the most, if not mysterious, then definitely interesting cultures. - It used to be that when Chernobyl would overtake me (my health was deteriorating), I would sit down and watch TV I look and take this ax in my hand. And literally after a while it becomes so hot that it’s even difficult to hold. At such moments I sit and think how much effort must have once been put into this stone for it to respond so well to a person’s hand. This is probably a miracle for me,” shares Viktor Bulkin.

As for the stone bulk mountains, such as Sekirnaya, these are no longer houses made of peat and moss for living people, but houses of the dead, pyramids made of stones.

— In other places of the Russian North there are similar stone pyramids - the dwellings of the Chud-Skirtya?

- Of course. At the mouth of the Korotaikha River there is Mount Sikhirtesya, translated from Nenets into Russian - “mountain of the Skirtya people.” On the island of Vaygach there is Cape Siirtesale, translated as “Cape Skirtya”. Moreover, both there and there these places are considered sacred. Archaeologists also discovered figurines on the island winged people, which they attributed to the era of the ancient people who inhabited the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

- Everything fits! True, in this case, the monks who officially founded the monastery should have been the discoverers of Sekirnaya Mountain...

- This is true. After all, it was at this mountain that at the beginning of the 15th century the monks German and Savvaty, the future founders of the monastery, first landed on Solovki. The monks built a monastery on the mountain, and only then the monastery itself was founded on the shore of Blagopoluchiya Bay. According to legend, it was from the slopes of the mountain that the monks took pine and spruce for their construction. In this light, the name “Sekirnaya Gora” can mean, in modern language, “logging”. By the way, it was because of Herman and Savvaty that two angels (white youths) flogged the wife of a Pomor fisherman who settled here, claiming that the Lord had designated this land for a monastery.

- Has no one yet found the entrance to inner part I didn’t find Ax Mountain amazing artifacts Earth's previous civilization?

— You see, if the chronicler’s diary reflects real story, then in the past the monks carefully protected this mountain from prying eyes. IN Soviet years, during the existence of a concentration camp on the Solovetsky archipelago, there was a punishment cell on the mountain. There was even a saying: “All of Russia is afraid of Solovki, and all Solovki are afraid of Sekirnaya Mountain!”

If the prisoners found anything, their knowledge was buried here with them. Today, the secret of Solovki is again protected by monks, so I can’t even imagine when researchers will finally have the opportunity to reveal the secrets of Sekirnaya Mountain, if, of course, they really exist.

Interviewed by Dmitry SIVITSKY


In August 2002, geological and geomorphological studies by Russian scientists confirmed the possibility of the artificial origin of Sekirnaya Mountain. Although the elevation itself (the base of the pyramid) was formed by glacial deposits, there is reason to say that from above this natural formation was indeed supplemented by mounds of artificial origin, which thousands of years ago gave it its shape absolutely regular pyramid. In 2002, in the outlines of the Sekirka relief, researchers identified geometrically regular shapes, strictly oriented to the cardinal points.

Chud (white-eyed Chud, eccentrics, Chutsky) is a character in Russian folklore, ancient people, aborigines of the area. It should not be confused with the historical name of the real Finno-Ugric peoples. This mythological character is close in meaning to European elves and gnomes, and is found not only in Russian folklore, but also among the Komi and Sami. Similar legends are known in Siberia among the Siberian Tatars and Mansi about the Sybyrs, among the Altaians about the Buruts, and among the Nenets about the Sikhirtya. People's memory preserved information about the Chud past of the remains of earthen fortresses, burial grounds and settlements. They had names equipped with the adjective “Chudskoy” - for example, the tract where the fortress formerly stood could be called Chudskaya town.

Even before the revolution, it was passed on from mouth to mouth ancient legend about how the miracle died. Unable to defend their lands from the Novgorodian invasion, this mysterious tribe buried itself alive. According to legend, at dawn all the Chud people gathered in the sacred grove and began to dig holes. When the sun rose over the forest, the terrible refuge for the exiles was ready. Along the edges of the pits there were numerous posts, over which a flimsy kind of roof made of boards was laid, and these boards were covered with stones on top. And then the Chud people climbed into the pits with all their property and, cutting down the columns, filled themselves up. Now no one knows why and why they accepted death in this particular way. Today almost nothing is known about the white-eyed miracle: what kind of people they were, what they believed in, what magical abilities they possessed, the support of what forces of nature they used, and most importantly, why they chose such a terrible, painful death for themselves - burial alive. Part 1 -
Part 43 -
Part 44 -