Comparison of the Julian and Old Russian calendars. Ancient names of days of the week and months among the Russians; 9 days in a week among the Slavs

Slavic calendar based on the 16-digit system, i.e. 16 Years is one Circle, and passing through 9 elements, they create periodicity 144 Leta(Circle of Life). Each Summer took 365.25 days. The same period was used by the Egyptians, and then in the Julian calendar, but they introduced a secular system, i.e. thought for centuries, and this is their mistake. By 1582, the Julian calendar had slipped by as much as 10 days, and now even by 13 days. Because the age-old system was used, i.e. 100 years.

In fact calendar system does not fit into the decimal, therefore the periodicity is not secular, but circular, i.e. 15 Years are 365 days long, and the 16th Summer is 369 days long. It seems to be about the same? Christians have a leap year every fourth year, and the Slavs add 4 days for 16 years. But we have no centennial years so-called, therefore the whole system is equalized. IN Gregorian calendar this mistake was taken into account (i.e. it came to the second thousand years), but note that our Ancestors did not make this mistake at all, many thousands of years ago they clearly calculated the full periodicity and created a certain system, which they called Circle of Years = 16 years(periods). So who should we believe? For those who are older. And on Midgard the eldest are our Ancestors.

Seasons and month

Now the division is not ours, the annual cycle is divided into 4 seasons, but our Ancestors divided it into 3 periods, the names are known - Autumn(i.e. when they found themselves under the shadow of the atmosphere), Winter, Spring, and all together they were called by one word SUMMER. That’s why they ask: “How old are you?” There is a chronicle and a chronicler, but there is no “chronicle”.

Each season (Summer) was divided into 3 months, i.e. Summer was 9 months. But today we have adopted a calendar system that is very inconvenient for counting, i.e. There are months of 31 days, 30 days, 29 and 28 days. The year is divided into 12 months (12 different tablets) and it is not known on what day the month will begin. The Slavic calendar is much more convenient, only 2 plates - in odd months 41 days, in even 40 days, therefore, if Summer (year) began on Monday, then all odd months (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) will begin on Monday, and even ones at six. Everything is simple and convenient. Our Ancestors could easily calculate what day of the week it was thousands and even hundreds of thousands of years ago. Because in Krugolet itself, every year begins on a certain day of the week.
* During Holy Summer, all months have 41 days.

Names of the months

Except for the first, all months have the same ending “Let”, i.e. Summer (the letter Er (Ъ) is read - “O” kr.), because they are all parts of Summer, and which part is indicated by the first “syllable”.

1. Ramkhat- Divine origin.
2. AiLet– month of new gifts, i.e. the entire harvest was harvested.
3. BeyLet– a month of white radiance and peace of the World.
4. GayLet- the month of blizzards and cold (this is the current name). Although the concept of “gay” (through E, not gay, there were no gays) here means “change”, “changeability”, i.e. change for the better, which is why in Yugoslavia there was an anthem: “”.
5. Give Let– the month of the awakening of nature. Those. think about the word “DayLet” - the giver of Summer.
6. Elet– month of sowing and naming, i.e. During this month, seeds were sown in the ground and naming ceremonies took place. But original name– a month of waiting, i.e. They expected changes after the ritual, and waited for the seeds to sprout. And note, the form “E” has remained to this day in the image of expectation, for example, when a person wants to say something, “Eh” bursts out, i.e. wait, now I will formulate.
7. WeiLet- month of winds.
8. HeyLet– the month of receiving the first gifts of nature.
9. Thai Let– month of completion. “Tai” is the top, i.e. Summer is ending. Hence Taiga - the end of the path, the end of the path.

Week = 9 days

Triteinik (not “Wednesday”, i.e. the middle of the Christian week)
Octal (i.e. axis of the world)
Week (no business)

Simple counting of days - second, third, fourth, etc. And it was very conveniently structured work and rest system – 3, 6, 9, i.e. We worked for two days and rested for one. With a nine-day week, three days of rest, i.e. the man was not overworked.

Before the introduction of European calendars, Rus' used its own chronology system. The summer or year consisted of 9 calendar months, consisting of an average of 40 days (odd or complete months had 41 days each, and even or incomplete months had 40 days each), and each week had not 7 days as now, but 9 and they were called like this: Monday, Tuesday, Treteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Week. Oddly enough, we all know all the days, except perhaps Treteinik and Weekly, and we still use them, naming the days of the week with these words.

What do these names mean?

Again, everything is simple and nothing muddy, as others write:

Monday - after Week (day after week),
Tuesday is the second day,
Treteinik - third day,
Chetverik - fourth day,
Friday is the fifth day,
Sixth - sixth day,
Week - the seventh day,
Osmitsa - the eighth day (in Polish 8 means eight, but we have eight),
Week - do not do (a day when nothing is done).

The clergy, having conquered Rus', remade the calendar and threw out two days from the week. The third day became MEDIUM - WEDNESDAY, and the WEEK became SUNDAY - neither to the seventh day - WEEK, nor to the WEEK it has anything to do, and the sixth day SEX was replaced by the Hebrew word SHABBAT - SATURDAY, which they mean the last day of the week or the seventh day creations!

Quoting the Bible, we find the following meaning of the word SATURDAY - the Sabbath was given by God after the sixth day when man was created: “And God finished on the seventh day His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on it He rested from all His work, which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:2-3).
For Jews, Saturday is truly a holy day. On this day they do not work and are forbidden to touch money. They rest on Saturday.

We rest on a WEEK - a day when they do nothing (this word still remains in the Ukrainian language, and the word RESURRECTION, which has a clear ecclesiastical character, was imposed on the Russian language).

But the baptists of Rus' found a way out of this situation, they came up with Slavic names for the Julian calendar and the month, instead of numbers in Latin, they received Slavic names:
Birch is the time of burning trees cut down in winter, mainly birch, for coal. It was also called “Dry”, based on the time the felled forest dried out or the ground dried out.

Pollen is the month of flowering.
Grass is the month of grass growth.
Cherven - from fruits and berries, which, ripening in June, are distinguished by their particular reddishness (scarlet, scarlet, red). In southern areas, it is time for cherries to turn red.
Lipen is the month of linden blossom.
Serpen - from the word “sickle”. It's harvest time.
Veresen - another name for Velesen - the month of the god Veles.
Leaf fall is the time when leaves turn yellow and begin to fall.
Gruden - from the word "gruda" - a frozen rut on the road.
Jelly - icy (cold). Speaks for itself.
Sever - from the word "cut" - to cut down the forest. Typically, forest felling to prepare new crop areas and harvest it for construction was carried out in winter. The month was also called “Prosinets”, due to the appearance of a blue sky after a long period of cloudiness.
Fierce is the month of snowstorms and frosts.

Monday - the first day of the week - was considered the Day of Svarog, since on this day he bungled the world. In order not to add their worries to Svarog, people tried not to do anything difficult or responsible, not to start something new, since Father-Svarog, busy with peacemaking, cannot always come to the rescue.
This is a rather difficult day, a day of global achievements. Only people who feel the power to “move mountains and turn the world upside down” can accomplish great things on this day, and they will win.
The color of Svarogo is the color of the sky - from blue to blue.
Stones correspond to this day blue color, for example, sapphire, it gives divine power to both men and women. The one who wears it overcomes fear and by the power of thought rises above all vanity to the bottomless heavens.
The stones or metals of Svarog were considered to be meteorites that fell from the sky.

Tuesday is a Diva day on which the most incredible miracles can happen, because the Diva-Divas themselves interfere in the fate of people, and a person can directly turn to them with his requests and aspirations. However, it should be remembered that the events that occur on this day can be both joyful and not very pleasant, but always unexpected.
Div is the unmanifested Rod, its field, ethereal component. Therefore, Diva - day is the day of Navi, the opening of communication with other world, in which deceased relatives reside. On this day, remembering them and turning to them, you can receive unexpected help. This is the day of communication with the souls of ancestors, turning to the wise men, fortune-tellers, and sorcerers.
Navi's color ranges from blue to purple.
Gems and stones of this color correspond to Diva Day, since purple associated with a person's intellectual abilities. This is the color of sages, poets and philosophers.
These include amethyst, hyacinth, etc. However, it is not recommended to wear such stones all the time (long-term communication with Navy is dangerous).
To metals having magical properties, from ancient times included lead, mercury and magnet.

Wednesday - Triglav - day, middle of the week. This is a day of balance, when all earthly, heavenly and “Navy” forces come to agreement. This is the day of Reveal, favorable for both physical and spiritual labor.
Reveal color is white. This is a color that contains the entire spectrum of the rainbow and therefore opens up the possibilities of manifestation on any path. This is the day of feeling the completeness of the world.
Stones - pearls, opal, etc.
Metal - tin.

Thursday is Perun's day, the day of Thunder (it is on Perun's day that it most often rains), as well as the day of all men and especially warriors.
Perun is the god of Rule, turning Svarozh's wheels of Reveal, the wheels of life. For the Rule Slavic men fought at all times and shed blood. Therefore, Perun’s day is a day of action, pressure, struggle. Those who are offended by injustice, but are confident that they are right, can fight for it on this day.
Rule's color is red.
Gemstone - ruby. Ruby symbolizes military feat. Noble and courageous people who wear a ruby ​​achieve all sorts of victories with its help. Ruby heals the heart, brain, strength and memory. The one who wears it gains power over people.
Another gem of Perunov's day is carnelian. This stone bestows love, marital happiness, heals the soul and body, and promotes a joyful mood.
Metal - iron.

Friday is Mokosh's day, women's day, family and tribal well-being day. It has also long been considered a trading day.
Counting on the patronage of the goddess of Fate and Luck, people considered Friday the most suitable day for concluding all kinds of contracts and trade deals, participating in gambling and other events that test fate.
Color - yellow.
Stones - jasper and other stones of warm yellow shades.
Metal - copper.

Saturday - Kupalo - day, day of Health, Cleansing, bath events. On this day, completing the seventh week and preparing for Svetovid’s Day, they brought cleanliness and order to the house, in the yard and on the street, and then took a steam bath. This is a day of cleansing, both physical and spiritual.
Color - green.
Stones - emerald, malachite, jade, which bring owners health, luck, and victory in competitions. They strengthen vitality, protect against many diseases.
Metal - silver.

The week ends and is its crown, Svetovidov's day, the day of Light and Sun, festive, cheerful, elegant. It symbolizes unity, renewal and holiness. On this day they go to visit, celebrate various events, dance, sing and have fun from the heart. This day symbolizes the divine gift and the fullness of being.
Color - gold.
Stone - amber and other golden-colored stones.
Metal - gold.

Monday (Monday).

Patron of the day - Earth Khorsa (Mercury)

The first day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial letter "Az" - this is the beginning, source, source, foundation, base, foundation.

Monday is a day of new beginnings. On this day, intentions are created, a to-do list is drawn up, goals are set and tasks for the whole week are determined. These goals, objectives and intentions become a solid basis for all subsequent actions.

Tuesday (Tuesday)

Patrons of the day - Earth Oreya (Mars)

The second day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Vedi” - this is knowledge, depth, Vedas, Wisdom, fullness, essence

After setting tasks and goals, we fill our plans with the information component, collect the necessary information, learn all the subtleties of future actions in detail, calculate all the likely difficulties, and determine the sequence of actions.

Triteinik (Tartєєіnik)

Patrons of the day - Earth of Perun (Jupiter)

The third day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Verbs” - this is movement in a certain direction, interchange, interaction, launch and transmission of information.

Triteynik is a day of rest and gaining strength through communication with people. On this day, information is transmitted and voiced, we share our plans with the outside world, establish the necessary contacts, find associates and helpers. On this day of the week, the embodiment of the plan begins, the consolidation of thoughts into the Word occurs.

Chetverik (Chetvrik)

Patrons of the day - Earth of Varuna (Uranus)

The fourth day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Good” - this is acquisition, accumulation, action, goodness, deed.

Day of labor and active practical actions, the day of implementation of plans. Day of gaining experience in creative work. The day of receiving the first preliminary results.

Friday (Pѧtnitsa)

Patrons of the day - Land of Indra (Chiron)

The fifth day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Is” - this is everything manifested in our world, this is what can be seen, heard, touched, i.e. perceived by our senses.

On Friday, we can already see and evaluate the results of our work. Our ideas materialize and gain physical properties, such as shape, sound, color, smell, etc.

Shestitsa (Shestitsa)

Patrons of the day - Earth of Stribog (Saturn)

The sixth day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Zelo” - this is something unknown, unpredictable, something that exceeds our understanding, something that is beyond our understanding.

On this day our view of the work done may change. At six months, improvements, completions, unforeseen changes and additions are carried out. Also on this day we can do more than planned, spending extra effort, or adding the final, unplanned touches, making the end result very good.

Sedmitsa (Sedmitsa)

Patrons of the day God Svarog, was previously the patroness of Earth Deya (now this is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), and then came under the control of Svarog

The seventh day of a 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter "Earth" - this is earthly life, planet, soil, firmament, support for life, life form, habitats, feeding source of life on Earth, Earth structure

Week is a day of bodily rest on Mother Earth. A day for a hike in the forest, on the river, in the mountains. A day of earthly joys and a day of rest with family and friends

Osmitsa (Osmitsa)

Patrons of the day Earth Merzany (Venus)

The eighth day of the 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Izhe” - this is union, earthly harmony, balance, equilibrium, justice

Osmitsa is the last day of labor in the week. On this day we put things in order, bring things into balance, give our assessment of what we have done, thank you for your help and pay what we deserve for the work of everyone who helped us.

Week (Вєдѣлѧ)

Patrons of the day Yarilo Sun

The ninth day of a 9-day week corresponds to the image of the Initial Letter “Fita” - this is unity with Nature, Spiritual fusion and energy exchange with it, a feeling of contact and relationship with the surrounding space.

A week is a day of rest for the body, Soul and Spirit, a day of silence, peace of mind, spiritual fusion with Nature. A day of interaction and exchange of energies with her. A day of peace, relaxation and strength.

The Russian calendar is based on the hexadecimal number system:
16 hours in a day, 9 days in a week, 9 months, 3 seasons of Summer(years) – Autumn, Winter, Spring. Our ancestors used this calendar until 1700, until Peter I replaced it with the Julian one. " New Year“was moved to January 1, previously the New Year began on the day of the autumn equinox. Historical events began to count from R.H., robbing the Russian people of thousands of years of history. In Rus' in 1700 it was 7208 Summer from S.M.Z.H.

S.M.Z.H.(Creation of the World in the Star Temple) - signing of a peace treaty after the victory of the Rasichs over the empire of the Great Dragon ( Ancient China). This victory was immortalized in ancient Temples, depicted on frescoes and Images - a horseman slaying a Dragon with a spear. Now this plot has been renamed - St. George the Victorious. Although Saint George was born 5000 years later, in the 3rd century AD. and the feat is attributed to him after his death.

The chronology was based on significant events, for example, 2011 AD. it will turn out:
Summer 7 519 from S.M.Z.H.
Summer 13,019 from the Great Cooling
Summer 40 015 from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun
Summer 44,555 from the Creation of the Great Kolo Raseniya
Summer 106,789 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria
Summer 111 817 from the Great Migration from Daariya
Summer 143 001 from the period of Three Moons
Summer 153 377 from Assa Dei
Summer 165 041 from the Time of Tara
Summer 185 777 from Thule Time
Summer 211 697 from Time Svaga
Summer 273 905 from the Time of H'Arra
Summer 460 529 from the Time of Gifts
Summer 604 385 from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daari calendar)
Summer 957 519 from the time of the appearance of the Gods on Midgard-Earth

Differences between the modern and Russian calendars

. Modern Slavic-Aryan
New Year(New Year) January 1
(2nd month of Winter)
1 Ramkhat
(Autumn equinox)
Days per year(Summer) 365 365
Days in a leap year
(Sacred Summer)
366 369
Leap year every
(Sacred Summer every)
4 years 16 Summer
Months of the year(Summer) 12 9
Days in a full month 31 41
Days in an incomplete month 30, 28 (29) 40
Days in a week 7 9
Hours in a day 24 16

Related post: Origin of the Varangians

Months (Sorokovniki)

Summer consists of three seasons(Autumn, Winter, Spring) is one SUMMER (year). Hence the words “chronicle”, “chronology”, “how old are you?” Each season has 3 “months” ( month associated with the revolution of the Moon around the Earth); in Rus' they considered “forty” (40 days) - the first fourty, another forty... nine forty.
Summer = 9 forties.

1 Ramkhat Divine Origin 41 days September 23
2 Aylet New Gifts 40 days November 03
3 Beylet White Light and Peace of Peace 41 days December 13
4 Gaylet Blizzard and Cold 40 days January 23
5 Daylet Awakening of Nature 41 days March 04
6 Elet Sowing and Naming 40 days April 14
7 Valet Wind 41 days May 24
8 Heylet Receiving Nature's Gifts 40 days July 04
9 Taylet Completion 41 days August 13

* Names and images of the months

The forties were designated by Runes, later by Initial Letters, but the secret meaning remained. In the Russian language, each initial letter has its own name, and if you read the images of the first initial letters of each fortieth year:

R(Retsi) - to instruct, to inform
A(Az) - person, people
G(Verbs) - to speak
E(This) is a pointing form
IN(Vedi) - Vedas, wisdom, knowledge
X(Hran) - saving
T(Firmly) - affirmation

The resulting phrase is:
The Gods instructed man, speaking kindly, to keep this Wisdom firmly.

Odd and even forties in Simple Summer

Summer with even and odd forties is called Simple and lasts 365 days. Every 16th Summer is called Sacred and lasts 369 days (all 40th Summer is 41 days). All the 40s (months) begin on strictly certain days weeks. If the first month of Summer begins on Monday, then so do all the rest. odd months will begin on Monday, and even ones at six. That's why the calendar was much simpler. Today the calendar contains 12 different tablets (months), and previously there were only two - one for the odd forties, the other for the even forties.

Related post: Mythology of Russian costume


Week = 9 days:

Name Etymology Day
1 Monday After the Week Labor Day
2 Tuesday Second Labor Day
3 Treteinik Third rest, fasting
4 Chetverik Fourth Labor Day
5 Friday Fifth Labor Day
6 Six Sixth Labor Day
7 Week Seventh rest, fasting
8 Octopus Axis Mundi Labor Day
9 Week No Business rest, guest day

“Read three days a week - the third, seventh and ninth. Read the Great Holidays. Therefore, it is appropriate for all people to fast on the third and seventh days. If someone works on the ninth day, then there will be no profit for him, either by lot or by talent on other days without flaw. The seventh day is given to men, animals and fish for rest, for bodily rest. Go to each other, love each other, you will be happy - sing songs to the Gods” - Commandment of God Svarog.

Day - Day and Night joined together. Weave, join (TK) - connect together. Previously, the day began with sunset. Now the day begins at night, so it is impossible to record its beginning, since there is nothing to observe in the sky at this moment.

The day begins at 16:00 (18:00 modern time - in Winter, and at 19:00 when the days get longer).