Slavic calendar of carols dar. Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog. Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar You roll, ring, to Yarilin's yard

The culture of any nation closely connects the date and time of a person’s birth with his actions in life and position in society. This connection
very clearly traced between a specific person and the position of celestial objects at the moment of birth. Everyone knows the zodiac signs that accompany a person through life, but this system is considered relatively young and not always accurate. More ancient systems have a higher percentage of accuracy in describing human character, his fate and human destiny. More than one scientific treatise is devoted to this point, and more than one scientific astrologer deals with this professionally - this is a topic for a separate multi-day discussion. But the descendants of the ancient Slavs were always interested in the moment of patronage of this or that deity, its influence on the fate of man.

The Slavs have long used their system of patronage, which was distinguished by its perfection, but was also quite simple. In a few documentary sources, this system is called the palace of the Svarog circle, which, by analogy with the signs of the zodiac, divides the sky into several parts, each of which has its own psychophysical effect. At the moment when the Sun passes a certain sector of the circle, the inhabitants of the earth receive a set of certain characteristics. The circle of Svarog is divided into 16 palaces, which have their own properties and have a certain effect on each person. Each descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know his palace of the Svarog circle by date of birth, since not only his fate depends on this, but also the choice of a talisman or rune that will help him achieve certain results in life.

Every day the number of people who are drawn to the memory of their ancestors is growing exponentially, and one of the first questions asked by the descendants of the Slavs is “how to recognize your palace.” On the Internet or in specialized literature you can find many options for determining your palace, the simplest of which is a table of correspondence between the modern Gregorian calendar and the Chislobog Kruglolet (ancient Slavic calendar). But especially inquisitive modern Slavs know how to find out your palace by date of birth - there is a completely working algorithm in which, through simple mathematical calculations, you can accurately find out your date of birth according to Kruglolet. The trick and at the same time the difficulty of determining the date of your birth according to the Slavic calendar is that the start date of the year is floating, so we recommend using or ready-made tables compliance or special services. An important factor that should not be forgotten during calculations is that the Slavs have their own chronology system.

The halls of the Slavs by date of birth allow you to find out real information about the characteristics of your character, which can be adjusted. It is worth remembering that the palaces only determine the basic properties and personality traits, and a person throughout his life, by changing his internal energy, changes what is inherent in him by nature. An important feature of knowledge of the palaces are warnings and warnings about what should be avoided, what to change, and what requires additional development. Astrological horoscopes, which have already become familiar to many, are just one of the interpretations of the Halls of the Slavs, who had unique knowledge and thousands of years of experience.

For a modern person, a descendant of the ancient Slavs, it is not always easy to independently calculate his palace according to the instructions, so specialists in ancient Slavic mythology have developed a special program for calculating the correspondence of the Gregorian calendar and the palace of Svarog.

Forget about all those dates that are presented on websites or other resources as correct, this is possible and true, but all this data is calculated for a certain date of birth, because our ancestors lived according to a different calendar and there were completely different calculations (40 - 41 days lasted month, 9 days was a week). How to calculate the palace, you ask? So, to simplify the calculation, we created a program in the form of the “Slavic-Aryan” Clock with a calculation algorithm according to the Slavic calendar. And therefore, in order not to mislead you with dates, we have created for you a separate service for calculating the Hall by date of birth, which takes into account all the subtleties and features of the calculation and the likelihood of calculation errors is reduced to zero.

From some gadgets (phones, tablets) the calculation will not be possible because they do not reproduce flash. The solution to the problem is to postpone the calculation from a phone or other device and proceed to the calculation from a personal computer or laptop.

Here are the names of days and months according to the Slavic calendar. Go to the calculation service and find out your data according to the Slavic calendar.

How does the Svarog circle differ from the zodiac systems?

The Slavic horoscope by date of birth (halls) is based on an intricate design, which became the basis for the circle of the Zodiac. In the calendar of the ancient Slavs, all stellar objects were displayed - the Sun, Moon, planets, galaxies, which occupied a certain place in the sky. Quite often the horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans is compared with zodiac horoscope– in some points they are similar, but there are much more differences than similarities. The first and most important difference is the 16 palaces, which can be figuratively called months lasting 21-23 days. It is generally accepted that the palaces of the Slavs determined the set of soul traits that the gods bestowed.

Features of the design and use of the Svarog circle

The horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans was based on knowledge gained over millennia and life experience hundreds of generations. That is why all the palaces allow you to maximally characterize any person - his talents, hidden qualities and fears. At correct interpretation and understanding the palaces, you can predict not only the fate of a person, but also the nation as a whole, and avoid troubles. All amulets of the circle have their own specific properties that will help make a person’s life better and reveal the potential of each person. At the same time, the amulet of the circle of Svarog gave a person those qualities that the gods did not give him.

Description of the Chetogov Halls

The Svarog circle is a unique system of systematization of astrological data, on the basis of which many valid zodiac judgments were created. The basic element of the circle is the halls, consisting of certain 9 halls, but that’s not all; each hall has 9 tables. On both sides of which there are benches. On one side of the table there are 36 benches for men, on the other there are 36 benches for women. Each bench has 760 seats. We will not go into this detail, but will simply study what the halls are like.

  1. Homebodies

    – In this Hall, a person receives at birth the knowledge that he needs to master a profession. Also certain knowledge and skills in housekeeping and family management. This Hall is also called the house building, i.e. how to arrange everything in your life.

  2. Military valor

    – In this Hall, a person receives classical ancient Wisdom, directing him to serve the Forces of Good, with the abilities to do so inherent at the genetic level. various types martial arts, which determine the powerful level of both physical, mental and spiritual forces. A person receives these powers regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. Sometimes this Hall is called: the Hall of the military caste or military class. People born in this Hall are united by the combination of two highest principles, which are called Duty and Honor.

  3. Creation

    – In this Hall, individuals with a great desire for creation are formed. They create everything they can for the benefit of the Family and for the edification of future generations. People born in this Hall have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. various aspects life, with the subsequent implementation of the ideas that have arisen in practice for the benefit of one’s Family and people. In ancient times, people born in the Hall of Creators were called great architects (builders).

  4. Mercy

    – Those born in this Hall, as a rule, control their abilities that they have from birth - this can be attributed to controlling their body: flexibility, plasticity, the ability to regulate the heartbeat, hold their breath, etc. And with sufficient development of these internal abilities, and to control other organisms, let’s say: the grandmother “whispered” and the person’s tooth does not hurt. Therefore, this Hall is also called: the Hall of Magi-healers.

  5. Irinations

    – (irination is a system of connection, fusion at the physical, biological, genetic and other levels). This Hall is a place where various life systems connect on the basis of Harmony and Love. People born in this Hall perceive other people's problems as their own, spiritually imbued with the state of another person, or animal or plant. As a rule, such people become teachers, mentors who carry Ancient Wisdom to their descendants. Very often those born in this Hall have large families. Those who became priests or priestesses received the title “Confessors,” let’s say: The priest Vedamir was the confessor, and his disciple Magus Velimudr followed in his footsteps; from female images, this is primarily Tara and Yogini-Mother (Baba Yoga).

  6. Wisdom and death

    – Those born in this Hall have enormous powers of divination, i.e. clairvoyance. From birth they are given the opportunity and ability to move along the River of Time both into the future and into the past. Such people were called “the caste of priest-foretellers and priest-soothsayers.” Very often, warriors who very often encountered death on the battlefields also fell into this caste, i.e. they looked beyond the boundary of life and death, which led to the discovery of this gift in them, and then they were called “Prophetic” (example: prince-warrior Prophetic Oleg).

  7. Rulers of destinies

    – People born in this Hall have the ability to control the Elements of both the Revealed World and the Navi World. As a rule, such people (especially in past times) formed the caste of priest-rulers of nature and priest-guardians of the Gates of Interworld in all Lands Svarog Circle.

  8. Hall of Fates

    – Those born in this Hall are initially destined for a fate with many different tests in order to select the best children of men, for whom a special mission is intended in Svarga the Most Pure. As a rule, in ancient times the caste of rulers consisted of such people: princes, kings, gridni, rodans, as well as elders and elders (this is worldly, secular power). But this does not mean at all that it was a caste of slackers; they were all engaged in creative work. Representatives of the managerial caste could only be a person who had achieved certain results in his professional and creative activities.

  9. Wisdom and Vedas

    – (Hall of Vedas). Those born in this Hall are united by the desire to understand and preserve the Ancient Wisdom of the First Ancestors and the Wisdom of the High Gods. As a rule, the Vedic caste (high priests-guardians of the primordial Wisdom) was made up of people born in this Hall. The area of ​​their knowledge and aspiration has no boundaries, because they care about everything. They say about such people: “they are in this world, but not of this world,” i.e. operate with such concepts and categories that to an ordinary person they are difficult to understand.

The circle of Svarog consists of 144 parts - 16 palaces, consisting of nine halls. Each part of the circle had its own rune. If a person is born on the border of two palaces, then the features of the two houses are inherent to him to the same extent.

Find out your hall of the palace of the Svarog circle

You can calculate it yourself. Let's try to explain the calculation to you, and so let's start with your date of birth, approximately August 16, 1995. We go to the service and enter the initial data - we get the Palace of Ras under the auspices of Tarkh. At the same time, we get the date according to the Slavic Kruglolet - this is the 6th day of Tailet. We return to the table - look at the period - 35 Heylet - 18 Tylet, the number of days in the hall - 23, the length of the hall - 2 days 13 hours 20 minutes. Accordingly, to determine the hall in the hall, we need to calculate how many days were lived in the hall, and then divide it by the length of the hall. In our case, it is necessary to take into account that Haylet is an odd month, which means it has 41 days, so we count 6 days of Haylet + 6 days of Taillet = 12 days. To determine the hall, simply divide the number of days by the hall length coefficient (data taken from the table) - 12/2.56 = 4.6.

4.6 is the border of two halls - Mercy and Irination, which means that a person absorbs the figurative structures of both Halls or both Halls, i.e. In one case one system may predominate, in another another.

Or use sample table Halls.

Even and Odd Months

Days of the week from which the months of the Krugolet years begin

The ratio of days of the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of each Slavic-Aryan Calendar

How does the Svarog Circle work?

How does the Svarog circle stand for?

The Svarog circle consists of several circles (sorry for the tautology):

  • External with the names of the palaces and gods;
  • Circle of runes of time;
  • A circle of palace runes that serve as the basis for amulets;
  • Circle of elements - earth, fire power, solar energy, moon, deity, starry sky, trees, water, heavenly power;
  • The fifth circle is the days of the week, patrons and luminaries;
  • The central circle is a nine-rayed star, each ray of which is a symbol of the human chakra.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog

Video about the Svarozh circle Lecture

The essence of palaces and their impact on humans

Slavic palaces by date of birth are a great opportunity to comprehend yourself, discover hidden possibilities, and perhaps awaken the memory of your ancestors, which will allow you to gain the strength and wisdom of your family.

Our ancestors believed that two palaces located nearby had similar characteristics, so they always considered them in pairs. There were pairs of palaces:

  • Maiden and Boar. A person born under these palaces strives to understand the world around him in all its forms. People under the auspices of Virgo and Boar do not like it when someone puts pressure on them when making a decision. They try to be leaders and like to make decisions themselves;
  • Pike and Swan. A calm and measured life is the basis of the way of life of people born under these palaces. The most a big problem for such people is making an independent decision;
  • Snake and Crow. Such people are active and afraid of loneliness. Their special attitude to love in all its manifestations is a priority, so they are very amorous;
  • Bear and Busla. These palaces are manifested by the fact that people are good-loving from the very beginning. They are constantly trying to make the world a better place. The principles of their Clan are their basis of being, prosperity and well-being, healthy offspring and the happiness of children - this is what people born in these palaces constantly think about;
  • Wolf and Fox. Like their amulets, people who are born in such palaces are in an endless search for the meaning of life and truth. By nature, they are experimenters, curious and not afraid of change and challenges;
  • Tur and Los. For them, even the hardest, monotonous work is not scary, since they believe that only through work can one achieve everything in life. Their peculiarity is that their activity appears with the onset of spring, and gradually fades away by autumn;
  • Finista and Horse. The desire to do several things at once often plays a cruel joke on people born in these palaces. Perseverance and hard work are not their path. Natural maximalism and ingenuity give them the opportunity to achieve high results if they successfully complete the task;
  • Orla and Race. People born into these palaces are distinguished by good nature and goodwill. They are always ready to help everyone, but sometimes they go overboard. They are a little lazy, which is why knowledge of the world is difficult for them. They wait for knowledge to come by itself, when the necessary time comes.

To select, simply click on the appropriate one.

Round the clock
Slavic-Aryan Calendar

The ancient calendar is based on a hexadecimal number system and divides long periods of time into Circles of Life, each for 144 Summers (years), and Summer - for three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. In modern chronology, historical counting is carried out in centuries (periods of 100 years), and there are four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Thus, the Circle of Life consists of 144 parts (16x9), and each part has its own unique heavenly rune.

The path through the starry sky of Yarila the Sun is called Svarozh circle(25.920 years). The Svarog circle itself is also divided into 16 parts, and they are called mansions, or palaces (1,620 years), which in turn are divided into 9 “halls” each.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog
Element Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Color black red scarlet golden green heavenly blue violet white
1 Path (wanderer) 1 129 113 97 8 65 49 33 17
2 Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
3 Priestess 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
4 Mir (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
5 Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
6 Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
7 Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
8 The Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
9 Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
10 Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
11 Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
12 Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
13 Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
14 Tour (bull) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
15 Mansions (house) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
16 Kapishche (temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Every Summer has its own name. Now is the Summer of the “Fire (Scarlet) Scroll”. To check this, according to the table you need to year from R.H. add 5508, and if the day of the autumnal equinox has already passed, then add 5509. And from the result subtract 7376 if the calculation is before 2012 or 7520 if the calculation is after 2012. We get Summer 5. According to the table, we find that the number 5 corresponds to the Summer of the “Fiery (Scarlet) Scroll”.

From the Svarog Circle, the Souls of people come to Earth, and when the Sun passes a certain Hall, the combination of its light with the light of the Hall gives power, which is perceived by the Sacred Tree of the Hall, growing on Earth.

The Earth moves around Yarila (Sun), rotating around its axis, and the axis slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the north pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone. This movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone is scientifically called precession, and in this calendar Days of Svarog. As a result of this, a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16 Halls (constellations), the axis passes in 25,920 years (180x144). Previously, there was no precession, and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy.

“...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of everything that exists. This is the top of the World Tree, Mer-mountain, the place of contact of our world with the Superworld, in which the Most High Race itself exists. In Stozhary, the Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating the Svarga Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk with salt at the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...”

Circle Day of Svarog describes the Galactic scale of Time (Heavenly Time) and includes 180 Circles of Life. The movement of the circle, unlike all internal circles of time, goes clockwise. Each of the 180 lines on the outer circle absorbs 144 years. Those who tune in to the rhythms of the Universe will definitely have the opportunity to move at least once or twice from one Circle of Life to another. The current Circle of Life began in 2012 and we entered the Heavenly Hall of the Wolf, which will last 1620 years (until 3632).

Epochs of the Day of Svarog
Name of the palace Patron God Epoch date Description of the era
1 Virgo Jiva 10948-9328 BC e. Evening
2 Race (Leopard) Dazhdbog (Tarkh) 9328-7708 BC e. Evening
3 Eagle Perun 7708-6088 BC e. Evening
4 Horse Kupala 6088-4468 BC e. Evening
5 Finist Vyshen 4468-2848 BC e. Night
6 Elk Lada 2848-1228 BC e. Night
7 Tour Kryshen 1228-392 BC e. Night
8 Fox Madder 392-2012 e. Night
9 Wolf (White Dog) Veles 2012-3632 e. Morning
10 Busl (stork) Genus 3632-5252 AD e. Morning
11 Bear Svarog 5252-6872 AD e. Morning
12 Crow Kolyada, Varuna 6872-8492 AD e. Morning
13 Serpent Semargl 8492-10112 AD e. Day
14 Swan Makosh 10112-11732 AD e. Day
15 Pike Rozhana 11732-13352 AD e. Day
16 Boar Ramhat 13352-14972 AD e. Day

Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the “Fire Ladle”, or Zemun (Ursa Minor), being its eighth star. The Hall of Zemun is a system of luminaries (constellation) moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall, where an object is located that astronomers call the neutron star 1RXS J141256.0+792204. Yarilo-Sun is part of the “triple star system”. In addition to him, it includes the White Giant and the Brown Dwarf (Mara). One of the Brown Dwarf Earths, Nimizis (Nibiru), is often depicted as a disk with wings, having an orbital period of 3600 years.

On the coat of arms of Belovodye you can see the location of Yarila in the Hall of Zemun. Yarila is depicted as the Star of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which Yarila, throughout the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer) during one Summer, moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle.

To make a complete revolution around the center of the Galaxy, the Sun takes about 223.5 million years, which constitute a galactic year, while the Sun crosses the galactic equator every 32 million years, then rises above its plane to a height of 230 light years and descends again to equator. This oscillatory process, with a period of 32 million years, is the rotation of the Sun (in addition to revolving around the center of the Galaxy) around the center of the Hall.

The flow of the “river of Time” is the rotation of the rings Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog is anti-salt: rotation of 16 hours in a day, rotation of 9 days in a week, rotation of 9 months in Summer, rotation of 16 years through 9 elements (“halls”) in the Circle of Life, rotation of a series of years through 16 palaces (constellations) of the Svarog Circle.

One Summer contains 9 months, a month - 41 or 40 days (depending on whether it is odd or even), a day - 16 hours, an hour - 144 parts, a part - 1296 shares (36x36), a share - 72 moments, an instant - 760 migov, mig - 160 whitefish, whitefish - 14,000 centigs. Such precision is unattainable even with the most advanced modern chronometers.

A week includes 9 days (Monday, Tuesday, third, Thursday, Friday, sixth, seventh, eighth, week). All months begin on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of this Summer begins on Tuesday, then all other odd-numbered months this Summer will begin on Tuesday, and even-numbered months - on the seventh. Therefore, the calendar that we now carry in our pocket and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously included only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months.

Ancient Slavic calendar, just like Scandinavian or Celtic, had a Runic form of display, that is, initially the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes.

A rune is not a letter or a syllable... A rune is a secret Image. The names of the months were originally designated by Runes, and later the entry by Initial Letter was added with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.

The first month is indicated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months are indicated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating the part solar cycle, known to us as Summer.

Nine month:

1. Ramhat - month of the divine beginning (41 days),
2. Ilet - month of new gifts (40 days),
3. Beylet - month of white radiance and peace of the world (41 days),
4. Gaylet - month of blizzards and cold (40 days),
5. Daylet - month of awakening of nature (41 days),
6. Elet - month of sowing and naming (40 days),
7. Veylet - month of winds (41 days),
8. Heylet - the month of receiving the gifts of nature (40 days),
9. Taylet - month of completion (41 days).

Circles of Years(16) pass through natural Elemental Circles(9), thus, a complete Circle of passage gives Circle of Life.

But not only Summers are considered Circles of 16 years, complete walkthrough Yarila-Sun in the Heavens among the stars, also contains the number 16.

Sixteen hours:

1 - Lunch (beginning of a new day), 19:30 - 21:00 (winter time, respectively 20:30 - 22:00 - summer time; then only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven), 21:00 - 22:30.
3 - Draw (odd time of three moons), 22:30 - 24:00.
4 - Polich (full path of the Moons), 24:00 - 1:30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew), 1:30 - 3:00.
6 - Zaura (star shine, dawn), 3:00 - 4:30.
7 - Zaurnice (end of starlight) - 4:30 - 6:00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn), 6:00 - 7:30.
9 - Svaor (Sunrise), 7:30 - 9:00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew), 9:00 - 10:30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew), 10:30 - 12:00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting), 12:00 - 13:30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13:30 - 15:00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal), 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions), 16:30 - 18:00.
16 - Poudani (completed day), 18:00 - 19:30.


The day ends with sunset. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (end of the day) is 19:30. At the same time, there is no such concept of “zero time” (00:00), life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let’s say: modern “0 hours 25 minutes” in this system would be written “24 hours 25 minutes”.

Circle of Elements:

1. Earth (black)
2. Star (purple)
3. Fire (red)
4. Sun (golden)
5. Tree (green)
6. Heaven (celestial or azure)
7. Ocean (blue)
8. Moon (purple)
9. God (white)

The elements consistently reflect the sacred aspect of the evolution of the Universe and man, while simultaneously affecting the essential features of the key energy centers of the body.

Days of the week and patrons:

1. Monday, beginning, labor day - Horse
2. Tuesday, Labor Day - Arey
3. Tray, rest, fasting - Perun
4. Thursday, Labor Day - Varuna
5. Friday, Labor Day - Indra
6. Shestitsa, Labor Day - Stribog
7. Week, rest, fasting - Svarog
8. Osmitsa, (Axis Mundi) Labor Day - Mertsana
9. Week, rest, day of guests, gatherings, songs - Yarilo

The calendar in the left column is fully consistent with the Daari roundabout, except for some visual differences in its execution. It makes it possible to select any modern date and see its correspondence to the Daari circle and its detailed description.


The circle with the maximum diameter is the outer circle in which the names of the palaces and patrons are concentrated;
- the next circle contains time runes (name of the hour and serial number);
- then follows a circle where the runes corresponding to the palaces are indicated, it is these signs that are used to make amulets;
- the next circle is divided into nine sectors according to the number of elements - earth, fire, sun, moon, god, star, tree, ocean, heaven. Each element corresponds on a certain day in the week and month of the year. According to this system, our ancestors determined what the next year would be like;
- the penultimate circle, the fifth, personifies the day of the week, the patron and the celestial body;
- the last circle, the central one, is depicted in the form of a star with nine rays, each ray symbolizes a channel (chakra) of a person.


The number 144 is a direct harmonic of how fast the second hand moves around a 360 o circle on a watch face compared to how fast the Sun moves around a 360 o circle in the sky. There are 86,400 seconds in a 360 o arc of the Sun, which is one day in time. To obtain the amount of relative motion between 1" 360 o of the clock face and 1" 360 o of the movement of the Sun, we divide 86,400 seconds by the number of seconds in one degree 360 ​​o of a circle, or by one minute, or by 60 seconds.

The resulting ratio is 1440 - our present perception of time: in other words, one second of our time moves along the dial 1440 times faster than the Sun along the arc traced in the sky.

The Solar Cycle is a pulsation of Light expressed through the rotation of planets and stars. The light pulsates in octaves, creating a geometry of dimensions.

This becomes one of the most important points because it demonstrates the direct the connection between the frequencies of light and sound - the mathematics of numbers is literally identical. Double the number 144 = 288 – the first number on the diatonic scale. Next we can see:

Baktun of the Mayan Calendar – 144,000 Earth days;
- the main “building block” of all frequencies of sound vibrations – 144;
- the basic number of the frequency of light in Gematria is 144;
- Slavic hour - 144 parts, 1 part - 1296 beats, harmonic 36x36
- and, of course, a 12 x 12 harmonic.

Also, by understanding harmonics, one can see that an atom is also an expression of geometric vibration. This should help explain why the theoretical limit of the Periodic Table of the Elements is 144, the harmonic of light.

Slavic astrology describes the presence of 27 lands in the solar system, some of which existed previously, but are now destroyed: only debris remains in the form of asteroid belts. These are echoes of the battles of the gods, or, as I would call them modern generation, - Star Wars. Some of the distant Earths, taken into account by Slavic astrology, have not yet been discovered by modern astronomical science, or (due to their remoteness) are not considered planets of the solar system. Only the development of astronomy and cosmonautics can show how right the Slavic astronomical atlas is.

Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog “Kolyada Gift”

and VedicAstrology.

Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun, or with the Earths, or
with the Moons, nor with the Stars, but is connected with the Laws of the One Kind.
For the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down their
move, and the Laws of the One Family are UNSHAKEABLE, and their observance
is observed by Chislobog, who is the guardian of the Rivers of Time.

We are told that the word calendar comes from the Latin "calendarium", which translated from Latin literally means the following: "record of loans", "debt book". The point is that in Ancient Rome debtors paid debts or interest in the first days of the month, i.e. on the days of the Kalends (from the Latin “calendae” or “kalendae”, also “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But the Greeks did not have calends. Therefore, the Romans ironically said about inveterate defaulters that they would repay the debt in Greek calendars, that is, it is not known when. This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.

The name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar is “Kalyady Dar”, which literally means the gift of Kolyada. Those. the word “calendar” comes not from the “debt book” of the Romans, but from the fusion of Kalyada Dar. Another name for the Calendar is Chislobog’s Circle.

Nowadays, only the Orthodox Slavs (not to be confused with Christians) Old Believers-Ynglings and the Irish Order of Druids use the ancient Daarian Circle of Chislobog. The Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog has its roots in the times when our Ancestors lived on the northern continent, which they called Daaria (Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea). The calendar has a Runic display form, i.e. the names of the Forties (months), numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written down in Runes (secret Images for transmitting a large amount of information). The first Fortieth Anniversary was designated by one Rune, and the rest were designated by a combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating part of the cycle of rotation of our Earth around our Yarila. This cycle is called Summer and denotes a “structural” period of time in the Daariysky Circle of Chislobog (from the 1st to the 144th year).

The calendar is based on the oldest 16-digit number system. 16 Years form a Circle, which passes through 9 elements, creating a Circle of Life in 144 years, since it is based on the model of the Universe and on the axial centralization and galactic orientation of the Earth.

If we consider the time of 2012 A.D., then this is Summer 7520 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple... but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7520 years ago...

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus, we have a “new frame of reference.” This very peace treaty between the Great Race (ancient Rus-Aryans) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). The Great Race then won victory, which was depicted in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse hits the Dragon with a spear (now this image is interpreted as St. George the Victorious defeating an ancient serpent... although this same St. George has nothing to do with ancient events... here just the fact that Christians used an ancient image for their own purposes).

Here short list, used by the Slavs-Old Believers, calendar forms:

Calculations corresponding to 2012 AD.

7520 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (conclusion of a peace treaty between the Great Race and the Great Dragon (ancient China) - 5508 BC)

13020 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling, which was associated with a catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a revolution period of 13 days. - 11,008 BC. )

40016 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (38,004 BC)

44556 Summer from the Creation of the Great Kolo Russenia (Great Circle, i.e. the unification of Slavic-Aryan clans for living together. That is, there were several stages of the settlement of Midgard. The first stage, Daaria was settled - 42,544 BC)

106790 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) (104,778 BC)

111818 Summer from the Great Migration from Daariya (109,806 BC)

143002 Summer from the period of Three Moons (This is the Period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Month. Lelya is a small Moon with an orbital period of 7 days, Fatta is a medium Moon with an orbital period of 13 days and the Month is a large Moon with a period 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Moon were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei - 140,990 BC)

153378 Summer from Assa Dei (Battle of the Gods, the death of Dei and in this place there is now an asteroid belt, rotating in the 5th orbit after the Earth of Ourea (Mars) - 151,336 BC)

165042 Summer from the Time of Tara (It originates from the time when Midgard-Earth was visited by the Goddess Tara and the North Star is called Tara, in honor of the beautiful Goddess Tara - 163,030 BC)

185778 Summer from the Time of Thule (Arrival of the Rasen (brown eyes) and settlement of the Thule province in Daariya -183,766 BC)

211698 Summer from the Time of Svaga (Arrival of the Svyatorus (blue eyes) from the palace of the Swan (Ursa Major) and settlement of the province of Svaga in Daariya. - 209 686 BC)

273906 Summer from the Time of Kh'Arra (Arrival of the Kh'Aryans (green eyes) from the Hall of Finist the Bright Falcon (Rorog) or, in modern terms, the constellation Orion. - 271,894 BC)

460530 Summer from the Time of Gifts (Arrival of the Da'Aryans (silver-eyed) on the Whitemars (celestial chariots) to Midgard from the Zimun Star System - the Heavenly Cow (Ursa Minor) - 458 518 BC)

604386 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daarian calendar) (602,374 BC)

957520 Summer from the Time of the Appearance of the Gods (955 508 BC)

1.5 billion Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Celestial Race.

The Da'Aryan Calendar is a conditional representation of the radiation of the Galactic Grid of three spaces, periodically changing as the Earth moves.

Everything was arranged for man and for man - Man of Light and Cosmos - here the main point Slavic-Aryan Calendar.

The usual day for the Slavic-Aryans began at 6 pm in the evening, was divided into sixteen parts, and ended at 6 pm the next day. (Pic. 1)

A week consisted of 9 days (the number of human chakras), a month consisted of 40-41 days, and there were 9 months in a year, i.e. also according to the number of chakras.

Why does the Slavic-Aryan Circle of Years, like a 16-hour day, consist of 16 years?

The day we are familiar with today consists of 24 hours, which is a reflection of the apparent movement of the Sun in the zodiacal constellations and is a multiple of their number.

The Aryans lived and live in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, where there are 16 main palaces in the sky - of which 4 large ones are constantly in the sky, both day and night, appearing in the northern latitudes not going beyond the horizon - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia and Cepheus. And 12 constellations are zodiacal, located in the ecliptic plane and appear from the horizon only periodically. All these northern constellations are radiating and shed light of their own spectrum. (Pic. 2)

It is these Northern non-setting constellations that are the main ones, exerting a constant influence on a person, which is why they are sacred, and the zodiac ones are only secondary. This is how ancient Slavic-Aryan sources describe the star map of the Northern sky:

“...The Runic Chronicles... say that our Yarilo-Sun is located in the galactic structure of the Swati Star System (there are no analogues in modern constellations), also called the Svarog Path or the Heavenly Iriy. Swati is represented as a left-handed swastika. In the lower part of one of the swastika sleeves of Swati our Yarilo-Sun is located. It is Tri-light, because. illuminates three Worlds: Reality, Nav and Rule (spectrum of radiation from the Earths of three spaces). Yarilo-Sun is part of the palace of the Goddess Zimun (Heavenly Cow or, in modern terms, Ursa Minor) and is the eighth Earth.

Also in the Swastika arm of the galaxy is the solar system Dazhbog - the Sun (modern name: Beta - Leo). It is called the Yarilo-Great Golden Sun, it is brighter in terms of light emission, size and mass than the Yarilo-Sun. Ingard-Earth revolves around the Golden Sun; its orbital period is 576 days. Ingard-Earth has two moons: the Big Moon with an orbital period of 36 days, and the Lesser Moon - 9 days. The Golden Sun system is located in the Hall of the Race on the Svarog Circle. In the Golden Sun System, on Ingard-Earth, there is biological life, similar to life on Midgard-Earth. This land is the ancestral home of many Slavic-Aryan Clans..."

“...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of all That Is. This is the top of the World Tree, the Mer-mountain, the place of contact between our world and the Superworld, in which the Supreme Race Himself exists. In Stozhary, Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating Svarga's Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk around the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...”

The most complete wave environment of light in the Northern Hemisphere should take into account not the 12 zodiacal constellations, like the southerners, but the 16 constellations of the sky, or “chambers,” as the Aryans called them.

Therefore, the system of 12 zodiacal constellations for the Aryans is incomplete and alien, and is significant only for the southern regions.

Then the Aryans had a Circle of Life, consisting of 16 × 9 = 144 years.

These are the daily, annual, 16-year, 144-year and 25920-year cycles. Changing the light emission fields of three spaces directly affects human biology through changes in the synthesis of hormones and, consequently, its social behavior, and from here - on the events of life and society. A perfect and scientifically based system of the influence of light on biology and human life - there are no “fortune tellers” here.

In accordance with Slavic-Aryan astrology, which came to us from ancient times, our Earth not only moves around the Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the North Pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone, and the South Pole is, accordingly, its top. The axis of this cone is perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, and the angle between the axis and the generatrix of the cone is approximately 23°27'. This movement of the earth's rotation axis along a circular cone is called precession. And as a result of this, a complete (visually observed from Earth) revolution of the starry sky occurs in 25,920 years. This is where Svarog Circle is located.

During the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer), our Sun moves across the vault of heaven from constellation to constellation (chamber) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices, i.e. in which constellation (chamber) the Sun is located on March 22 (Latin, Western style) or September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) - we live in that era. Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans distinguish not 12, but 16 zodiacal constellations in the firmament, then, accordingly, the zodiacal era lasts 1620 years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Sun moves into a new palace every 1620 years.

The Svarog circle consists of the following palaces:

Halls of the era

God is the Patron

Epoch date (relative to modern times)

10948-9328 BC era

Dazhdbog (Tarkh)

9328-7708 BC era

7708-6088 BC era

6088-4468 BC era

4468-2848 BC era

2848-1228 BC era

1228-392 BC era

392-2012 era



2012 -3632 AD era

Busl (stork)

3632-5252 AD era

5252-6872 AD era

Kolyada, Varuna

6872-8492 AD era

8492-10112 AD era

10112-11732 AD era

11732-13352 AD era

13352-14972 AD era

This is the most complete cycle of the celestial Grid of Galactic radiations.

Not all ancient names have been restored so that they can be clearly identified and combined with modern names of the constellations.

The figure (Pic. 3) shows a fragment of a person’s chakra structure with runic signs that reveal the essence of wave pumping. Please note - all runic symbols in the figure exactly correspond to the runes of the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar - the Daarian Circle of Chislobog, i.e. denote SPECTRA OF WAVE FIELDS OF NATURAL RADIATIONS OF THREE SPACES - THE GALACTIC GRID OF LIGHT.

You need to understand that the connection between Nature and man is one of the basic Vedic principles. Artificial field waves (replacing electrical appliances: sun, air, clean water and communication with nature) are unacceptable in principle for a harmonious whole person, but only on Earth, among its Nature and fields of natural cosmic radiation, do we draw the strength of the entire Universe. Therefore, the Higher Powers apply the only possible solution - to project the radiation of the corresponding sectors of the starry sky onto the Earth and people.

Look and count - ALL 16 significant emitting sectors of space with their spectra were used. ALL!

Here the temporary zones of action of these radiations are specially highlighted, and the seasons are indicated in color. Please note that the combination of fields (“warm - cold”) carries out SPECTRAL ADJUSTMENT OF WAVE FIELDS.

When Yarilo-Sun passes a certain Hall, the connection of its Light with the Light of the Hall gives influence on the destinies and character of people, and gives Power, which is perceived by the Sacred Trees that grow on Midgard-Earth.

That is, the solstice point of the Sun moves into a new palace: (Pic. 4)

In the image of the Svarog Circle (Shield of Chislobog) on ​​the outer circle of the engraving you can see the Patrons of the Halls. On the second circle, from the outer edge, the hours of time are shown: the Daily Circle, in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of day: 4 hours for the Evening, 4 hours for the Night, 4 hours for the Morning and 4 hours for the Day. Every hour has its own proper name, the hall (Characters and Cuts) image and Runic writing.

In the next Circle the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls are depicted; their outline has a certain connection with the location of the stars in the Firmament and with the Natural Elements. Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only on those worn by people, but also on amulets protecting livestock and poultry. In addition, these amulets can be found on dishes and other household utensils.

The next circle is called the Circle of the Elements, it identifies the 9 Elements through which life passes. Each Element is given its own name and its own Rune of Order: 1. Earth, 2. Star, 3. Fire, 4. Sun, 5. Tree, 6. Heaven, 7. Ocean, 8. Moon, 9. God.

Each Summer is in one way or another connected with the Circle of Elements, so knowing the elemental characteristics, you can know what to expect from a particular Summer (year).

Next came the Weekly Circle. It was used to determine not only the serial number of the day of the week, but also which of the Gods this day patronizes, and also which of the Nine Lands of the Yarila-Sun system gives its power.

In the very center, in the Circle, is the structural designation of a person. 9 points pointed to 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person, through which he receives various streams of life force. On 9 types of human consciousness, on 9 different feelings that are given to man.

The structure of the Daarian Circlet of Chislobog is built on the ancient hexadecimal number system; 16 years of the Circlet pass through nine Elements, creating the Circle of Life, which totals 144 years.

The beginning of the Circular Years falls on the day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day the Great Ancient Holiday (New Year) began. The Full Solar Circle was divided into three periods of time - Autumn, Winter and Spring, and when combined together they give the solar circle - Summer.

From this definition of the solar circle, such concepts as Chronicles, Chronicles, etc. appeared. Each period of Summer was divided into three parts, which were called a month. The even months of Summer contain 40 days, and the odd months contain 41 days. In addition, there was an even smaller division of Summer, into Weeks, which contained nine days each. Each day of the Week, except the last, corresponded to its own numeral name: Monday, Tuesday, three-day, four (Thursday), Friday, six, seven, eight and the Week itself, the day on which they do nothing, but rest from righteous labors.

Slavic New Year, who stole 5500 years of history and when is the Slavs' New Year?

The use of the Chislobog Krugolet by the broad masses ceased in the Summer of 7208, when the usurper emperor Peter I abolished all calendars in force on Russian soil and introduced a foreign, Julian calendar, and also ordered that the New Year be celebrated not in the fall, but in the winter, and the beginning The new calendar began to be celebrated on January 1, 1700, in honor of the circumcision of Christ.

Many incompetent people believe that the introduction by Peter I was progress for Russia, introducing it to the “ European culture" But one thing they don’t understand is that the usurper emperor Peter I not only changed one calendar for another, he stole at least five and a half thousand years of the Native Ancient Heritage of the Ancestors from the Slavic peoples of Russia, replacing it with History.

It should be recalled, for those who do not know, that in those ancient times, when designating the number of Summer, initial letters were used, not numbers, as now the last All-Russian New Year, celebrated under Peter I, was 7208. That is, writing on Russian soil existed according to at least seven thousand years ago, and was not invented by two semi-literate Olympian monks, Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to the Slavic alphabet, instead of the incomprehensible ones they had thrown out Slavic letters having a diphthong i.e. a double sound that does not exist in Greek.

Nowadays in Russia, only Orthodox Slavs, Old Believers-Ynglings, representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism - use the ancient Da-Aryan Circle of Chislobog. For those who want to find out their Summer of birth from the Daariysky Krugolet or compare the correspondence with past events or find out what the new Summers bring, we present a table of Chislobog’s Krugolet (see Table 1). We remind you that the New Year begins on the day of the Autumn Equinox, therefore the Slavic-Aryan Summer covers the period from September of one year to September of the next. For example: 1 year of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog - the year of the Earthly Path, in the Current Circle of Life, corresponds to Summer 7377 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, and the period from September 23, 1868 to September 22, 1869 from the Nativity of Christ.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that every fourth year in the Christian calendar (whether Julian or Gregorian) one day is added, February 29, therefore, in all Summers, starting from the Scroll to the Dragon, the New Year will shift and will begin from September 21 to 22, from the Serpent to the Horse inclusive from September 20 to 21, and from the Dog to the Temple from September 19 to 20.

In the Sacred Summer of the Circle of Chislobog there are 369 days, because each month of Summer includes 41 days. And the ratio of Years in the Circle of Chislobog is leveled out. To consider the events of the past Circle of Life, you need to subtract 144 years from Summer 7377 and get the date of the beginning of the old Circle of Life - Summer 7233, etc. For those who have determined their year on the Chislobog Krugolet, we provide a brief interpretation, in a modern interpretation, of the Essence of the years of the Daarisky Chislobog Krugolet.

Da'Aryan Krugolet of Chislobog, Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar

After the release of the first book in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series, readers asked to tell us in more detail about the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar, how to calculate your birthday according to this calendar, the Summer of birth according to the Daaryan Krugolet, and how to match and harmonize those differences that exist between the modern (Gregorian) calendar and the Ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, as well as in order to know on which days, according to the modern calendar, to observe Fasts and celebrate Ancient Holidays.

In the beginning, you need to be aware of the differences that exist between time measurements and calendar systems. These differences in chronology and systems are as follows.

For example: in the modern chronology there are 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar there are 3: Autumn, Winter, Spring and all three of these times are called Summer. Further, in modern chronology, historical calculation is carried out by Centuries (periods of 100 years), and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar - by Circles of Life (cycles of 144 years). There are also other differences:

New Year(New Year)Modern January 1

Slavic-Aryan 1 Ramhat

2nd month of WinterAutumn equinox
Days per year (in Summer)
in simple365 365
in leap day (Sacred)366 369
Leap year, every4 years
Sacred Summers, every16 Summer
Months of the year (Summer)12 9
Days in a Month
full31 41
incomplete30, 28 (29) 40
in Holy Summer41
Days in a Week7 9
Hours in a day24 16
Wanderer1 129 113 97 81 65 49 33 17
Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
Priestess19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
World 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
Scroll37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
Phoenix 3R 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
Fox55 39 23 1 135 119 103 87 71
The Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
Serpent73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
Dolphin91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
Nes109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
Tour 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
Mansions127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
Temple 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Table 1. Daarny Krugolet of Chislobog

In order to calculate exactly what Summer according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar you were born in, and what Symbolic Year it was according to the Daaryan Circle of Chislobog (Table 1 above), it is necessary to take into account the following data: before or after the Autumnal Equinox, and also, what time it was at the time of the person’s birth, before 18:00 (19:00) hours or after this time.

It is necessary to take into account the time frame, because days according to the modern calendar begin at midnight (24:00 or 00:00), and alternate: night, morning, day, evening. And the day according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar begins with Evening (18:00 or 19:00 when switching to summer time), and alternates: evening, night, morning, day.

The relationship between calendar dates in the two calendars is as follows, for example: the 1st day of the month Ramkhat corresponds to September 22-23, i.e. The Slavic-Aryan day includes the evening and part of the night on September 22, and the rest of the night, morning and day on September 23. Therefore, for ease of recording, in the correspondence tables, it is customary to indicate the one of the two days that has a longer duration, i.e. 23rd.

It was not for nothing that our Wise Ancestors said that: “The morning is wiser than the evening,” because in three quarters of a day you can learn more than in one third.

Data on New Years and the beginnings of the Slavic-Aryan months, in accordance with modern chronology, are given below. The discrepancy in dates between the New Year and the New Year created some difficulties for ordinary people when calculating the start date of the Slavic-Aryan months and holidays using the modern calendar, because every four years there is a “shift” of ancient dates by one day, due to February 29 in leap years (see table 2).

1,2,3 4 5,6,7 8 9,10,11 12 13,14,15 16
1 Ramhat23.09 23.09 22.09 22.09 21.09 21.09 20.09 20.09
2 Aylet03.11 03.11 02.11 02.11 01.11 01.11 31.10 3I.IO
3 Beylet13.12 13.12 12.12 1212 11.12 11.12 10.12 i.12
4 Gaylet23.01 23.01 22.01 22.01 21.01 21.01 20.01 21.01
5 Daylet04.03 03.03 03.03 02.03 02.03 01.03 01.03 02.03
6 Elet14.04 13.0* 13.04 12.04 12.04 11.04 11.04 12.04
7 Veylet24.05 23.05 23.05 22.05 22.05 21.05 21.05 23.05
8 HeyletOSH703.07 03.07 02.07 02.07 01.07 01.07 03.07
9 Taylet13.08 12.08 12.08 11.0V11.08 10.08 10.08 13.0 ft

Table 2. Correspondence of days of the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of each month of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar

The upper numbers in Table 2, from 1 to 16, correspond to the years of Chislobog’s Circle: 1 - Wanderer (Path); 2 - Priest; 3 - Virgo (Priestess); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav), etc.

The simple years of Chislobog's Daarian Circular Year are combined into subgroups - (1, 2, 3), (5, 6, 7), (9, 10, 11) and (13, 14, 15).

Leap years of the Gregorian calendar are divided into independent subgroups - (4), (8), (12), (16). In addition, subgroup (16) is specially highlighted because 16 Summer is Sacred, and all its months have 41 days. The name and meaning of the months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar, see table 3.

Months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar:

Ramhat is the month of the Divine Beginning.

Aylet is the month of New Gifts.

Beylet is the month of White Radiance and Peace [Peace.

Gaylet is the month of Blizzard and Cold.

Daylet is the month of the Awakening of Nature.

Elet is the month of Sowing and Naming.

Veylet is the month of the Winds.

Kheilet is the month of Receiving the Gifts of Nature.

Taylet is the month of Completion.

Table 3. Months in the Slavic-Lrian calendar

In simple Summer, according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar, Even (incomplete) months (2, 4, 6, 8) have 40 days each, and Odd

(full) months (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) contain 41 days each (Table 4).

1 10 19 28 37 Mon. 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 Tue 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 Tr. 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 Thurs. 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 Fri. 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 PC.1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 Sd.2 AND20 29 38
8 17 26 35 Ohm.3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 Nd.4 13 22 31 40

Table4. Odd and even months, as well as days of the week for 1 year

From Table 4 it can be seen that all the days in two months, odd and even, constitute nine full Weeks. Therefore, in each simple Summer, all odd months begin on one day of the week, and all even months begin on another. For example: if in a simple Summer, the month of Ramhat began on Monday, then all the remaining Odd (full) months will also begin on Monday. If the second month of this Summer began with Sixth, then the remaining Even (incomplete) months will begin with Sixth. In addition, every year on the Chislobog Circle begins on a strictly defined day of the Week. Thanks to this, you can easily find out what day of the week it was in specific date, as well as from what day of the Week this or that year began, on the Chislobog Circle (Table 5), in ancient times, centuries and millennia ago.

Monday - 1, 10.20, 29,39,48,49,58, 68, 77,87,96,97. 106, 116, 125, 135, 144

Tuesday - W, 12,22,31,99,41,51,60, 70, 79, 89, 108, 118, 127, 137

Triteinik - 5, 14, 24,34,43, 53, 62,72,82, 91, 101, PO, 120, 130, 139

Thursday - 7, 16, 17, 26,36.45, 55, 64,65, 74,84, 93, 103, 112, 113, 122, 132, 141

Friday - 9, 19, 28,38,47, 57, 67, 76, 86, 95, 105, 115, 124, 134, 143

Six - 2, 11,21,30,40,50. 59, 69, 78,88. 98, 107, N7, 126, 136

Week - 4, 13, 23,32, 33, 42, 52,61, 71, 80, 81,90, 100, 109, 119,128. 129. 138

Octal - 6, 15, 25, 35,44, 54, 63, 73, 83, 92, 102, 111, 121, 131. 140

Week - X, 18, 27. 37. 46, 56, 66, 75, 85, 94, 104, 114, 123, 133, 142

Table 5. Days of the Week from which the Years of the Circle begin

Having determined from Table 5 the day of the week from which the year of the Krugolet began, we immediately find out on what day of the week this or that month of a given year begins (Table 6).

MonthsSimple years of KrugoletSacred Summers
RamhatMon. Thurs. Sd.
AyletPC. Nd. Tr.
BeyletMon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri.Tue Fri. Ohm.
GayletPC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon.Sd. Mon. Thurs.
DayletMon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri.Tr. PC. Nd.
EletPC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon.Ohm. Tue Fri.
ValetMon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri.Thurs. Sd. Mon.
HeyletPC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon.Nd. Tr. PC.
TayletMon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri.Fri. Ohm. Tue

Table 6. Days of the Week from which the months of the Circular Years begin

Having learned the necessary brief information regarding the ancient Slavic-Aryan chronology, you can begin to translate any historical date from the modern calendar to the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, taking as a basis the chronology from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (the date of the signing of the peace treaty, after the victory of the Great Race Great Dragon).

Let's look at the well-known dates:

September-October 1993 - Tragic events in Moscow.

We remind you that the difference between the chronology

is 5508 years, when calculated before the Autumnal Equinox, and 5509 after it.

Let's start with the first date (the date after the Autumn Equinox). December 5, 1936. First, we calculate the year: 1936 + 5509 = Summer 7445 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circularity. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7445 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 69 years on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what year 69 corresponds to: Moon Scroll (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 208); 5 simple Summer. From table 5, we learn that the year began on Shestitsa, and from table 6, we learn on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (5,6,7) the month in which December 5 falls. This is the month of Aylet [Even (incomplete) month], which begins on November 2, and according to Table 3, means the Month of New Gifts. So if 1 Aylet corresponds to November 2 (more precisely, November 1-2), then according to table 4, the day of December 5 is assigned to the 34th day of the month Aylet, and the day of the week to Osmitsa.

Thus, the date of adoption of the Stalinist Constitution on December 5, 1936 falls on Summer 7445, month Aylet, 34th day, Osmitsu.

The following example (date before the Autumn Equinox): The beginning of the Great Patriotic War is June 22, 1941. We calculate the year: 1941 + 5508 = Summer 7449 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the necessary date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Krugoleg Chislobog. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7449 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 73 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in table 1 what the year 73 corresponds to: Black Serpent (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 215); 9 simple Summer. From table 5, we find out that the year began on October, and from table 6, we find out on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (9,10,11) the month in which June 22 falls. This is the month of Veylet [Odd (full) month], which begins on May 22, and according to Table 3, means the Month of the Winds. So if 1 Veylet corresponds to May 22 (more precisely, May 21-22), then according to table 4, the day of June 22 is assigned to the 32nd day of the month Veylet, and the day of the week to Triteinik.

Thus, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, June 22, 1941, falls on Summer 7449, month Veylet, day 32, Triteinik.

The following example (a date falling on the Holy Summer): December 30, 1947. As before, first we calculate the year: 1947 + 5509 = Summer 7456 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circle. Next, from Summer 7456 we subtract 7376 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 80 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what the year 80 corresponds to: Temple of the Sun (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 232); 16 - Sacred Summer. From Table 5, we find out that given year began on the Week, and from Table 6, we find out on what day of the week the required Month begins.

In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (16) the month in which December 30 falls. This is the month of Beilet [Full Month], which begins on December 11, and according to Table 3, means the Month of White Radiance and Peace of Peace. So if 1 Beilet corresponds to both December (more precisely, December 10-11), and in table 4, we see that December 30 corresponds to the 20th day of the month Beilet, and the day of the week indicates the Week.

Thus, the date of the Post-War abolition of cards for food and industrial goods, December 30, 1947, falls on Summer 7456, month Veylet, 20th day, Week.

The last example (the day of the Autumn Equinox): The tragic events in Moscow, the shooting of the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - September-October 1993. These events occurred at the turn of two years, i.e. the events and essence of one year influenced the events of the next year. Therefore, in order to find out the reasons for the events, it is necessary to know the essence of both years.

We calculate 1 year: 1993 + 5508 = Summer 7501 from S.M.Z.H. We calculate year 2: 1993 + 5509 = Summer 7502 from S.M.Z.H. And from the obtained dates we subtract 7376 (year 144 on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 125 and 126 years on the Daariysky Chislobog Krugolet.

We find in Table 1 what the resulting years correspond to, as well as their essence: 125 - White Dog. 13 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of pseudo-reforms, which are carried out in words and not in deeds (people say: “The dog carries the wind when it barks”). This year, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and destroy the means of production, especially Agriculture. But, as a rule, all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against dark forces, because the people need stability, not empty talk from rulers.” 126 - White Tour. 14 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of popular protests against the tyranny of dark forces. This year, as a rule, a lot of blood of innocent people is shed and ritual murders are committed, with human sacrifices.”

Further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (13,14,15) the beginning of 1 month. The first day of the month Ramkhat corresponds to September 20 (i.e. September 19-20). This day marks the boundary between the events of 125 and 126 on the Chislobog Circle.

The real events that took place corresponded to the essence of the years of Chislobog’s Circle. Until September 19, the confrontation between the branches of government took place at the level of verbal mutual accusations. But then the year 125 gives way to 126, September 20 arrived and the opposing sides moved from words to actions. The President issues the famous Decree No. 1400, dissolves the Supreme Council, and the latter, in turn, announces the removal of the President from office and that all power in the country passes into the hands of the Vice President. The verbal struggle between the two branches of government turned into an armed conflict, as a result of which innocent civilians died near the Ostankino television center, and the building of the Supreme Council was shot at from tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The years of the Tour, and 126 is one of them, come every 16 years. These years indicate that during these periods, dark forces infiltrating into power shed the blood of innocent people.

In the 18th century, a striking manifestation of the bloodthirstiness of the dark forces was the armed suppression of a popular uprising against tyranny and anti-Russian decrees of Peter I (shaving beards, wearing “German” clothes instead of Russian clothes, etc.), which was raised by Old Believers and Old Believers in the Siberian city Tara, in Summer 7230 (1722). These are the so-called Tara riots. And about the physical destruction of the Old Believers, throughout Russian Empire, you don’t need to remind me.

The events of the 20th century are known to everyone; it is enough to cite a few historical dates:

Summer 7422 (1914) - beginning of the First World War;

Summer 7438 (1930) - decossackization and dispossession;

Summer 7470 (1962) - execution of workers in Novocherkassk;

Summer 7502 (1993) - bloody events in Moscow.

We hope that these brief information enough for a start. In more detail, about the Daarian Circle of Chislobog and the Slavic-Aryan Calendar, as well as about Ancient Holidays, in one of the books in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series.

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After the release of the first book in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series, we received many letters in which readers asked to tell us in more detail about the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar, how to calculate your birthday according to this calendar, the Summer of birth according to the Daariysky Krugolet, and about how to align and harmonize the differences that exist between the modern (Gregorian) calendar and the Ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, and also in order to know on which days, according to the modern calendar, to observe FASTS and celebrate Ancient Holidays.

First, you need to be aware of the differences between time-measuring and calendar systems. These differences in chronology and systems are as follows.

For example: in the modern chronology there are 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar there are 3: Autumn, Winter, Spring and all three of these times are called Summer. Further, in modern chronology, historical calculation is carried out by Centuries (periods of 100 years), and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar - by Circles of Life (cycles of 144 years). There are also other differences:

New Year (New Year) Modern
1st of January

2nd month of Winter
1 Ramkhat

Autumn equinox
Days per year (in Summer)
in simple 365 365
in leap year ( sacred) 366 369
Leap year, every 4 years -
Sacred Summers, every - 16 summer
Months of the year (Summer) 12 9
Days in a Month
full 31 41
incomplete 30, 28 (29) 40
in Holy Summer - 41
Days in a Week 7 9
Hours in a day 24 16
Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Black Red Scarlet Zlaty Green Heavenly Blue Violet White
Wanderer (Path) 1 129 113 97 81 65 49 33 17
Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
Priestess (Virgo) 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
World (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
Phoenix 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
Tour (cow) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
Mansions (house) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
Kapishche (Temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Table 1. Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog.

In order to calculate exactly what Summer according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar you were born in, and what Symbolic Year it was according to the Daaryan Circle of Chislobog (Table 1 above), it is necessary to take into account the following data: before or after the Autumnal Equinox, and also, what time it was at the time of the person’s birth, before 18:00 (19:00) hours or after this time.

It is necessary to take into account the time frame, because days according to the modern calendar begin at midnight (24:00 or 00:00), and alternate: night, morning, day, evening. And the day according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar begins with Evening (18:00 or 19:00 when switching to summer time), and alternates: evening, night, morning, day.

The relationship between calendar dates in the two calendars is as follows, for example: the 1st day of the month Ramhag corresponds to September 22-23, i.e. The Slavic-Aryan day includes the evening and part of the night on September 22, and the rest of the night, morning and day on September 23. Therefore, for ease of recording, in the correspondence tables, it is customary to indicate the one of the two days that has a longer duration, i.e. 23rd.

It was not for nothing that our Wise Ancestors said that: “The morning is wiser than the evening,” because in three quarters of a day you can learn more than in one third.

Data on New Years and the beginnings of the Slavic-Aryan months, in accordance with modern chronology, are given below. The discrepancy in dates between the New Year and the New Year created some difficulties for ordinary people when calculating the start date of the Slavic-Aryan months and holidays using the modern calendar, because every four years there is a “shift” of ancient dates by one day, due to February 29 in leap years (see table 2).

1,2,3 4, 5,6,7 8, 9,10,11 12 13,14,15 16
1 Ramkhat 23.09 23.09 22.09 22.09 21.09 21.09 20.09 20.09
2 Aylet 03.11 03.11 02.11 02.11 01.11 01.11 31.10 31.10
3 Beylet 13.12 13.12 12.12 12.12 11.12 11.12 10.12 11.12
4 Gaylet 23.01 23.01 22.01 22.01 21.01 21.01 20.01 21.01
5 Daylet 04.03 03.03 03.03 02.03 02.03 01.03 01.03 02.03
6 Elet 14.04 13.04 13.04 12.04 12.04 11.04 11.04 12.04
7 Valet 24.05 23.05 23.05 22.05 22.05 21.05 21.05 23.05
8 Heylet 04.07 03.07 03.07 02.07 02.07 01.07 01.07 03.07
9 Taylet 13.08 12.08 12.08 11.08 11.08 10.08 10.08 13.08

Table 2. Correspondence of days of the Gregorian calendar,
at the beginning of each month of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar.

The upper numbers in Table 2, from 1 to 16, correspond to the years of Chislobog’s Circle: 1 - Wanderer (Path); 2 - Priest; 3 - Virgo (Priestess); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav), etc.

The simple years of Chislobog's Daarian Circle are united into subgroups - (1, 2, 3), (5, 6, 7), (9, 10, 11) and (13, 14, 15).

Leap years of the Gregorian calendar are divided into independent subgroups - (4), (8), (12), (16). In addition, subgroup (16) is specially highlighted because 16 Summer is Sacred, and all its months have 41 days. The name and meaning of the months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar, see table 3.

Table 3. Months in the Slavic-Aryan calendar.

In simple Summer, according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar, Even (incomplete) months (2, 4, 6, 8) have 40 days, and Odd (full) months (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) contain 41 days (Table 4).

Odd (full) month Even (incomplete) month
1 10 19 28 37 Mon. - 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 Tue - 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 Tr. - 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 Thurs. - 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 Thurs. - 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 - PC. 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 - Sd. 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 - Ohm. 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 - Nd. 4 13 22 31 40

Table 4. Odd and even months, as well as days of the week for 1 year.

From Table 4 it can be seen that all the days in two months, odd and even, constitute nine full Weeks. Therefore, in each simple Summer, all odd months begin on one day of the week, and all even months begin on another. For example: if in a simple Summer, the month of Ramhat began on Monday, then all the remaining Odd (full) months will also begin on Monday. If the second month of this Summer began with Sixth, then the remaining Even (incomplete) months will begin with Sixth. In addition, every year on the Chislobog Circle begins on a strictly defined day of the Week. Thanks to this, you can easily find out what day of the Week was on a certain date, as well as what day of the Week a particular year began, on the Chislobog Circle (Table 5), in ancient times, centuries and millennia ago.

Monday 1, 10, 20, 29, 39,48, 49, 58, 68, 77, 87, 96, 97, 106, 116, 125, 135, 144
Tuesday 3, 12, 22, 31, 99, 41, 51, 60, 70, 79, 89,108, 118, 127, 137
Triteinik 5, 14, 24, 34, 43, 53, 62, 72, 82, 91, 101, PO, 120, 130, 139
Thursday 7, 16,17, 26, 36, 45. 55, 64, 65, 74, 84, 93, 103,112, 113,122,132, 141
Friday 9, 19, 28, 38, 47, 57, 67, 76, 86, 95, 105,115,124, 134, 143
Six 2, 11, 21,30, 40, 50, 59, 69, 78, 88, 98,107, 117, 126, 136
Week 4, 13, 23, 32, 33, 42, 52, 61, 71, 80, 81, 90, 100,109, 119, 128.129. 138
Octopus 6, 15, 25, 35, 44, 54, 63, 73, 83, 92, 102, 111, 121, 131, 140
A week 8, 18, 27, 37, 46, 56, 66, 75, 85, 94, 104, 114, 123,133, 142

Table 5. Days of the Week from which the Years of Circularity begin.

Having determined from Table 5 the day of the week from which the year of the Krugolet began, we immediately find out on what day of the week this or that month of a given year begins (Table 6).

N Month Simple years of Krugolet Sacred Summers
1 Ramkhat Mon. Thurs. Sd.
2 Aylet PC. Nd. Tr.
3 Beylet Mon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Tue Fri. Ohm.
4 Gaylet PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Sd. Mon. Thurs.
5 Daylet Mon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Tr. PC. Nd.
6 Elet PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Ohm. Tue Fri.
7 Valet Mon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Thurs. Sd. Mon.
8 Heylet PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Nd. Tr. PC.
9 Taylet Mon. PC. Tue Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Fri. Ohm. Tue

Table 6. Days of the Week from which the months of the Circular Years begin.

Having learned the necessary brief information regarding the ancient Slavic-Aryan chronology, you can begin to translate any historical date from the modern calendar to the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, taking as a basis the chronology from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (the date of the signing of the peace treaty, after the victory of the Great Race over Great Dragon). Let's look at the well-known dates:

  • December 5, 1936 - Adoption of the Stalinist Constitution of the Soviet Union;
  • June 22, 1941 - The beginning of the Great Patriotic War;
  • December 30, 1947 - Post-war abolition of cards for food and industrial goods;
  • September-October 1993 - Tragic events in Moscow.

We remind you that the difference between the Chronicles is 5508 years, when calculated before the Autumn Equinox, and 5509 after it.

Let's start with the first date (the date after the Autumn Equinox). December 5, 1936. First, we calculate the year: 1936 + 5509 = Summer 7445 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circularity. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7445 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 69 years on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what year 69 corresponds to: Moon Scroll (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 208); 5 simple Summer. From table 5, we learn that the year began on Shestitsa, and from table 6, we learn on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (5,6,7) the month in which December 5 falls. This is the month of Aylet (Even (incomplete) month), which begins on November 2, and according to Table 3, means the Month of New Gifts. So if 1 Aylet corresponds to November 2 (more precisely, November 1-2), then according to table 4, the day of December 5 falls on the 34th day of the month Aylet, and the day of the week on Osmitsa.

Thus, the date of adoption of the Stalinist Constitution, December 5, 1936, falls on Summer 7445, month of Aylet, 34th day, Osmitsu.

The following example (date before the Autumn Equinox): The beginning of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, 1941. We calculate the year: 1941 + 5508 = Summer 7449 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circularity. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7449 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 73 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in table 1 what the year 73 corresponds to: Black Serpent (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 215); 9 simple Summer. From table 5, we find out that the year began on October, and from table 6, we find out on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (9,10,11) the month in which June 22 falls. This is the month of Veylet (Odd (full) month), which begins on May 22, and according to Table 3, means the Month of the Winds. So if 1 Veylet corresponds to May 22 (more precisely, May 21-22), then according to table 4, the day of June 22 is assigned to the 32nd day of the month Veylet, and the day of the week to Triteinik.

Thus, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, June 22, 1941, falls on Summer 7449, month Veylet, 32 days, Triteinik.

The following example (a date falling on the Holy Summer): December 30, 1947. As before, first we calculate the year: 1947 + 5509 = Summer 7456 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circle. Next, from Summer 7456 we subtract 7376 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 80 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what the year 80 corresponds to: Temple of the Sun (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 232); 16 - Sacred Summer. From table 5, we learn that a given year began on Week, and from table 6, we learn on what day of the week the required Month begins.

In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (16) the month in which December 30 falls. This is the month of Beilet (Full month), which begins on December 11, and according to Table 3, means the Month of White Light and Peace of Peace. So, if 1 Beilet corresponds to December 11 (more precisely, December 10-11), and in table 4, we see that December 30 corresponds to the 20th day of the month Beilet, and the day of the week indicates the Week.

Thus, the date of the Post-War abolition of cards for food and industrial goods, December 30, 1947, falls on Summer 7456, month Veileti, day 20, Week.

The last example (the day of the Autumn Equinox): The tragic events in Moscow, the shooting of the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - September-October 1993. These events occurred at the turn of two years, i.e. the events and essence of one year influenced the events of the next year. Therefore, in order to find out the reasons for the events, it is necessary to know the essence of both years.

We calculate 1 year: 1993 + 5508 = Summer 7501 from S.M.Z.H. We calculate year 2: 1993 + 5509 = Summer 7502 from S.M.Z.H. And from the obtained dates we subtract 7376 (year 144 on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 125 and 126 years on the Daariysky Chislobog Krugolet.

We find in Table 1 what the resulting years correspond to, as well as their essence: 125 - White Dog. 13 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of pseudo-reforms, which are carried out in words and not in deeds (people say: “The wind carries the barking dog”). This year, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and destroy the means of production, especially agriculture. But , as a rule, all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against the dark forces, because the people need stability, and not empty talk of rulers.". 126 - White Tour. 14 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of popular uprisings against the tyranny of dark forces. This year, as a rule, a lot of blood of innocent people is shed and ritual murders are committed, with human sacrifices.”

Further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (13,14,15) the beginning of 1 month. The first day of the month of Ramhat corresponds to September 20 (i.e. September 19-20). This day marks the boundary between the events of 125 and 126 on the Chislobog Circle.

The real events that took place corresponded to the essence of the years of Chislobog’s Circle. Until September 19, the confrontation between the branches of government took place at the level of verbal mutual accusations. But now, the year 125 gives way to 126, September 20 arrived and the opposing sides moved from words to actions. The President issues the famous Decree No. 1400, dissolves the Supreme Council, and the latter, in turn, announces the removal of the President from office and that all power in the country passes into the hands of the Vice President. The verbal struggle between the two branches of government turned into an armed conflict, as a result of which innocent civilians died near the Ostankino television center, and the building of the Supreme Council was shot at from tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The years of the Tour, and 126 is one of them, come every 16 years. These years indicate that during these periods, dark forces infiltrating into power shed the blood of innocent people.

In the 18th century, a striking manifestation of the bloodthirstiness of the dark forces was the armed suppression of a popular uprising against tyranny and anti-Russian decrees of Peter I (shaving beards, wearing “German” clothes instead of Russian clothes, etc.), which was raised by Old Believers and Old Believers in the Siberian city Tara, in Summer 7230 (1722). These are the so-called Tara riots. And there is no need to remind about the physical destruction of the Old Believers throughout the Russian Empire.

The events of the 20th century are known to everyone; it is enough to cite a few historical dates:

  • Summer 7422 (1914) - beginning of the First World War;
  • Summer 7438 (1930) - decossackization and dispossession;
  • Summer 7470 (1962) - execution of workers in Novocherkassk;
  • Summer 7502 (1993) - bloody events in Moscow.

We hope this brief information is enough to get you started. In more detail, about the Daarian Circle of Chislobog and the Slavic-Aryan Calendar, as well as about Ancient Holidays, in one of the books in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series.