Day of Slavic Writing - entertainment for preschoolers. Scenario for the holiday “Journey to the Land of Letters”, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. “Singing about Russia - what to celebrate spring”

Holiday scenario Slavic writing and culture in the kindergarten preparatory group.

Software tasks: Introduce children to the Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius; give an idea of ​​the Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic; develop speech, thinking, curiosity; cultivate a love for the native language, for words.

The hall is decorated with Slavic letters and Russian antiques

(pen, inkwell, table lamp or candle)

Progress of the event.

The bell rings.

1 reader:
Look back at our ancestors,
To the heroes of days past.
Remember them kind words -
Glory to them, the stern fighters!
Glory to our side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
And about this old thing
I'll start telling you
So that people can know
About business native land:

Leading . Goy, you are our nice guests, kind, dear children! I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you. Once upon a time there were kind fellows, and beautiful girls. And they had kind mothers, bearded wise priests. They knew how to plow and mow, cut down houses and mansions, they knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns.

But our ancestors did not know how to read, did not know how to read books or write letters. And two enlighteners appeared in Rus', the wise brothers Cyril and Methodius. The brothers created the alphabet for the Slavs.

A bell rings.

2nd reader
Across broad Rus' - our mother
The bells ring out.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their efforts.

3rd reader.
They remember Cyril and Methodius,
Glorious brothers equal to the apostles,
In Belarus, in Macedonia,
In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia,

The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

4th reader.
All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,
What have been called Slavic since ancient times,
They glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners.

5th reader.
Fair-haired and gray-eyed,
Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart,
Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades,
Tell me, who are you?
All. We are Slavs!

Leading The names of the letters reminded people of words that should not be forgotten: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”, “peace”. Let these ancient letters now come to life with the help of our big magic ABC.Letters included.

Az . Hello children! That's right, my name is "Az".

Beeches . My name is "Buki".

Leading . The result is the word "ABC". You, dear letters, have the great honor of standing at the beginning of our alphabet. This is what people say: “First “az” and “buki”, and then science.”

Lead . My name is "Vedi". I know everything, I know about everything.

Verb. I am the letter "Verb".

To verb means to speak.

Good . My name is "Good".

Kindness - best feature character of a person.

It's not easy to be kind,
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to be very kind
So that in times of trouble we don’t forget each other.
And the peoples will live more friendly,
If we are kinder to you.

People. I am the letter "People".

People, you live in harmony,
Bring affection and love.
We cannot divide the radiant sun into parts,
And the eternal land cannot be divided,
But a spark of happiness
You can, you must
You can give it to your friends.

Children sing a song about friendship.

Game "Collect words"

(children are divided into two teams and collect the words peace, mom)

The sages have long known:
Where smart thoughts are cramped,
There is no envy, no boredom.
There are jacks of all trades there.
Sew, cook and draw,
Sing and dance loudly.

Dance with letters.

Leading: Slavic letters changed and were replaced by the Russian alphabet

(Russian letters appear)

Letter A:

Everyone knows the letter A.

The letter is very nice.

And besides, the letter A

Main in the alphabet.

Letter O:

Letter O - moon and sun,

The house has a round window,

And the clock and the wheel -

And that, it seems, is not all.

Letter B:

Cheerful fat clown

Plays the trumpet.

On this pot-bellied one

Looks like the letter B.

Letter B:

B is a very important letter,

I imagined it was terrible.

The chest is a wheel, the stomach is inflated,

As if there is nothing more important here.

Host: Now guess the riddles.

Black birds on every page
They are silent, waiting for someone to guess them. (letters)

Letters-icons, like soldiers on parade,
Lined up in a strict order.

Everyone stands in the designated place

It's called building...

The very first, the most importantThis letter is the main letter in the alphabetIf you meet Aibolit,Immediately say the letter....A

All the lambs know the letterThey just soften it up a little.I know, and so do you,What is this letter - a letter...b.

Wolf, wolf cub and she-wolf
It takes a little learning.
They don't know at all, that's the problem!
What letter did their names begin with?V

Oriole Played with a Needle,

She pricked herself and began to cry.

The oriole cries: “And-and”

Cries only with the letter... (“and”)

It's in every pocket
It's in every pocket

In the bag, in the room, in the hand,

It's in the pan, it's in the glass,

And two whole ones in the wallet.

Without it the cow will not give

We need fresh milk.

It's not a word, it's just the letter A.

Leading: Well done, guys! All the riddles were solved.

Rus' is rich in talents,
Rus' is strong in talents.
If the girls sing, -
So she will live.

Girls sing a song about letters

Two slams, two slams,
From heel to toe -
Russian fairy tales dance
Nose up and hands to the side!
Song "ABC"

Children bring out posters depicting the alphabet.

6 reader.
Letter to letter - there will be a word,
Word by word - the speech is ready.
And melodious and harmonious,
It sounds like music.

7 reader.
So let us praise these letters!
Let them come to the children
And let him be famous
Our Slavic alphabet!

8 reader.
We serve our Fatherland faithfully,
You are one of the sons.
Grow so that you are needed
Dear to your Motherland!

9 reader.
A reward awaits you for your work -
A beautiful goal in the distance
But you have to look around
On the path that we have passed.

10 reader.
There is nothing better, more beautiful
Dear thy Motherland!
Look back at our ancestors,
To the heroes of days past!

16 reader.
Remember them with a kind word -
Glory to them, the stern fighters,
Glory to our side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!

Song “The ABC has come to us”

On May 24, 2020, our country celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Many kindergartens and schools host matinees, concerts and other events dedicated to it.

We offer one of possible options organizations children's party for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in kindergarten

The presenter will congratulate the children on the holiday and talk about Cyril and Methodius - the educators of the Slavs, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, and Christian preachers. They were born in the city of Soluni (Thessaloniki), which is located in Greece, and were very educated people.

To record texts in the Slavic language, they created an alphabet, using which they translated the Holy Scriptures and several liturgical books from Greek.

– Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you
For the letters that we really need,
To teach us to read.

Then, at a holiday dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, a story about the alphabet will be heard for children.

– Glagolitic and Cyrillic are the first Slavic alphabet. The name of the alphabet “Glagolitic” comes from the word “verb”, which means “speech”. And the “Cyrillic alphabet” is named after its creator, Kirill.

- The letters are strictly in a row,
It's like being on a line.
Everyone knows their place
And he doesn’t dare leave.
They all stand beautifully
In order, look!
Learn them and you will be able to
Repeat all thirty-three.

- It’s not without reason that proverbs say,
There is no way to live without them!
They are great helpers
And true friends in life.

The guys will have to continue the proverbs:

  • The word is not a sparrow (if it flies out, you won’t catch it).
  • What is written with a pen (cannot be cut out with an axe).
  • Learning to read and write (always... useful).

There are other proverbs and sayings about language. What do they mean?

  • Don't waste words.
  • A person is recognized by his speech.
  • You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth.
  • I wish I could drink honey through your lips.

Then the guys will read poems about their native language:

– Our language is beautiful –
Rich and sonorous
That powerful and passionate
It’s tenderly melodious.
He also has a smile,
And softness and affection.
Written by him
And stories and fairy tales.
Magic pages
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in kindergarten may also include games for speech development: “ Extra word", "Choose a word", "Replace the letter" and others.

In addition, the guys can play Russian national games: tags, tags, burners, “third wheel”, etc.

Scenario for the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

"First there was the word"

Prepared by: Samusevich V.N. - teacher of Russian language and literature of the first qualification category

Teacher . What does our native language mean to each of us, the words we hear, write and read? A lot! Without this language, without letters, there would not be our nation - the Russian people, there would be no history, not a single great date, not a single great name. Today we will talk about the origins of our language, writing and culture, about how the first letters appeared, without which we would not have a single book today

1 presenter: Guys! Today we celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, we remember Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet. In Russia, the holiday was revived in 1985 and is celebrated annually until May 24. In 1991, the holiday was given state status. Now it’s even strange to think that there was a time when people couldn’t read and write. All knowledge was transmitted orally.

2 presenter: But then writing appeared - a great invention of mankind. It allowed people to preserve knowledge that otherwise would certainly have been forgotten.

1 presenter : Guys, do you know how people conveyed various messages to each other when there were no letters?

(The guys answer.)

The road to writing was long and difficult. It all started, as some scientists think, with bears. It was a very long time ago. In those days, people lived in caves, since there were no houses yet. And some caves were inhabited by bears. One day, people pushed them out of a cave, looked around and saw some mysterious signs on the walls of their homes. These were scratches that the bears made when they sharpened their claws on the wall. People realized that they could scratch an image on a flat surface. This is how the road to writing arose. But the road turned out to be long. Listen to an excerpt from the poem American poet G. Longfellow “The Song of Hiawatha,” about the legendary Indian leader.

1st reader:

He took the paints out of the bag,

He took out all the colors

And on a smooth birch bark

He made a lot of secret signs;

They all portrayed

Our thoughts, our speeches.

White circle was sign of life,

The black circle was a sign of death;

Sky, stars, moon and sun,

Mountains, forests and mountain valleys,

And everything that inhabits

The earth together with man.

He drew for the Earth

paint straight line,

For heaven - an arc above her,

For sunrise - point on the left,

For sunset - the point on the right,

And for half a day - at the top.

All the space under the arc

White day meant

Stars in the center - time of night,

And the wavy stripes -

Clouds, rain and bad weather.

2 presenter: Guys, what did Hiawatha invent? (Letter.)

(The guys answer.)

What can you call such a letter? (Pictorial)

(The guys answer.)

Many thousands of years ago, our ancestors began to decorate the walls of their homes with various designs. Thus, on stone caves one could see many images of birds, animals, people, and boats. Such writing was called pictography, or picture writing.

1 presenter: Guys, tell me, now, in modern life, are pictograms used anywhere, that is, a picture-letter? (Yes, these include street signs, signs, signs, emblems of states, cities, etc.)

(The guys answer.)

Competition “Draw a proverb”

(Participants are given cards with proverbs. Participants need to illustrate the proverb, and the audience needs to guess it.)


Az, beeches and veds are afraid of bears.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.

The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.

2 presenter : Later, picture writing was replaced by “sacred signs” - hieroglyphs, and when two thousand years ago the Phoenicians invented symbol letters only for consonants - cuneiform. Based on the Phoenician script, the first alphabet appeared in Greece, which gave rise to both Latin and Slavic writing.

Other writing methods are also known. For example, South American Indians used knotted writing - quipu. They attached thinner cords to a thick cord or stick. You could tell what we were talking about by the color of the cord. Yellow meant gold, white meant silver, red meant warriors. And the number of knots on the cord indicated the number of people or objects. And in North America Indians transmitted information using wampum. Shells were strung on cords different shapes, painted in various colors. Red meant war, black meant threat, white meant peace, happiness, prosperity.

1 presenter : In the third century BC, hieroglyphs appeared in the East. These are signs that stand for whole words. In China, there are approximately 50 thousand hieroglyphs, and they are written and read not from left to right, as in our country, but from top to bottom.

2 presenter : Russian writing also has elements of hieroglyphic writing. For example, the signs “+”, “-”, “=”. The “+” sign can be read in different ways: as a plus, and as an addition, and as an addition; sign “-” - as a minus, subtract, subtract; the “=” sign is like an equals sign, equals, equals.

1 presenter : Now, guys, guess the riddle:

Black, crooked, mute from birth.

They’re unlikely to—they’ll start talking right away. (Letters.)

(The guys answer.)

Letters make up the alphabet. The Slavs did not yet know letters, but the Phoenicians are the people who inhabited the eastern coast in the first millennium BC Mediterranean Sea, already had its own alphabet consisting of 22 letters. It is interesting that only consonants were reflected in the letter, and the vowels were guessed according to their meaning.

2 presenter : What kind of writing did not exist in the world! But despite the fact that in different countries wrote in different ways, at all times and among all peoples the people who created writing were revered and respected. So we annually honor the memory of two enlighteners - the Thessaloniki brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were born at the beginning of the ninth century in Greece in the city of Thessaloniki. Hence they were called Thessalonica brothers. These were very educated and wise people.

1 presenter : The elder brother Methodius was appointed ruler of one of the regions in the Balkans, later he became a monk and entered a monastery. Kirill was the patriarch's librarian, then taught philosophy in Constantinople, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. His real name is Konstantin. And he took the name Cyril before his death when he was tonsured a monk.

2 presenter: In 863, both brothers were invited to the palace of the city of Constantinople, where the emperor instructed them to travel to Moravia, modern territory of the Czech Republic, to preach sermons in the Slavic language in the country that had recently converted to Christianity. But the ancient Slavs did not have their own written language, which means they could not read. And the then famous books were on Greek, which the Slavs did not understand. The brothers were given a difficult task. And so they decided first to compile the Slavic alphabet and translate books from Greek into Slavic.

1 presenter: Cyril and Methodius developed their own original writing for the Slavs. The first alphabet was called Glagolitic and consisted of 38 letters. How many letters in this alphabet were different from other alphabets!

2 presenter: The Solun brothers took some of the letters from the Greek alphabet, and some they invented themselves. They rewrote several biblical books for their people using the new alphabet. For this feat - the creation of Slavic writing - the brothers were canonized. The activities of Constantine and Methodius met resistance from the German clergy, who opposed the Slavic letter.

1 presenter: Only three languages ​​in the world - Hebrew, Latin and Greek - were acceptable in those days. After the death of the Thessalonica brothers, their students continued their activities in disseminating Slavic writing. And only later, in Bulgaria, students of the Enlightenment invented the second and main Slavic alphabet. Do you know what it was called and why? (Cyrillic, after the name of one of the brothers.)

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter: In Cyrillic, the letters have a simpler and clearer form for us. It was the ‘bf alphabet’ that became the basis of the Russian “ABC”. Why did this textbook get this name? (By the names of the first letters - “az” and “buki”.)

(The guys answer.)

2nd reader:

In the old days, children studied -

They were taught by the church clerk.

They came at dawn

And the letters repeated like this:

A da B is like Az da Buki,

V – as Vedi, G – Verb.

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays I flogged them.

It was difficult to read and write

To our ancestors in the old days.

And the girls were supposed to

Don't learn anything.

Only boys were trained.

Deacon with a pointer in his hand

I read books to them in a sing-song manner

In church language.

1 presenter : Time passed. People gradually simplified the Cyrillic alphabet and excluded some letters from it. This is how the modern alphabet appeared. How many letters does it have?

(The guys answer.)

2 presenter : Do you know what our ancestors wrote hieroglyphs on, drew pictures and wrote out the first letters?

(The guys answer.)

They wrote on cave walls, clay tablets, papyrus, animal skin, parchment, birch bark, palm leaves, fabrics, and metals. And in the second century AD, the Chinese invented something without which there would have been no printing - paper. And now we can’t stop admiring colorfully illustrated books.

1 presenter: Look how beautiful the pages of these books are! We are surprised and admired by the creations of man, but we should not forget the first teachers, because thanks to the works of these people, today we can read any book, write any text, and pass on information to future generations.

3rd reader:

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Only the word is given life:

From ancient darkness

At the world graveyard,

Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to take care

At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,

Our priceless gift is speech.

2 presenter : I.A. In this poem, Bunin bequeathed to his descendants to take care of our Russian speech. And we also urge you, our young generation, to careful attitude, respect and understanding of Russian culture and our traditions.

4th reader:

Singing about Russia - why strive to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

To sing about Russia is to forget the melancholy,

What is love to love, what is it to be immortal!


Slavic literature and culture"

school preparatory group

Siblings Slavs, noble birth. They compiled the alphabet, translated sacred and church books from Greek into Slavic, introduced worship among the Slavs in their native language: for this they suffered a lot of persecution from Roman Catholics. St. Cyril died in 869 in Rome, and St. Methodius in 885 in the rank of Archbishop of Moravia.

Celebration of Slavic literature and culture

For children six to seven years old

A cheerful bell ringing sounds (recording). Children of preparatory groups for school with flowers and branches walk along the hall with a calm snake step, stop facing the guests, and wave the branches and flowers. (Scattered formation)

Teachers in ancient Russian costumes enter the hall. stand behind the children.

1st teacher.

Across broad Rus' to Pasha's mother

The bells ring out.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

They are glorified for their piles.

2nd teacher.

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Glorious brothers equal to the apostles,

In Belarus, Macedonia.

In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

3rd teacher.

The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

4th teacher.

All nations that write in Cyrillic.

What have been called Slavic since ancient times.

They glorify the feat of the first teachers.

Christian enlighteners.

Children perform an exercise with flowers and branches to music

V. Mozart (Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 4. - P. 116).

The bell rings again. Children come out senior group with branches and flowers.

1st teacher.

Brown-haired and gray-eyed.

Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart,

Drevlyans, Russians, glades.

Tell me who are you? Children. We are Slavs!

2nd teacher.

Your article is all nice.

All different and all similar.

Nowadays you are called Russians.

Since ancient times, who are you?

Children. We are Slavs.

3rd teacher.

We honor white birch trees.

We love our free songs,

We call you Luby. Olga, Ani.

Hope, Faith...

Children. We are Slavs.

The bell rings again. Children place flowers in vases in front of a painting depicting Saints Cyril and Methodius and stand together with their teachers in a wide semicircle near the central wall of the hall. The girls with branches line up in four circles of four people in each and go down on one knee, with their backs to each other.

The melody of the song “Russia is my Motherland” by V. Muradeli sounds. The girls perform an exercise with branches. The rest of the children sing, swaying slightly to the beat of the music. At the end of the exercise, the girls put the branches in vases, all the children sit down

1st teacher (with a large scroll in his hands). Goy, you are our glorious guests, kind, dear children, I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you. Once upon a time good fellows. beautiful red girls. And they had kind mothers, bearded wise priests. They knew how to plow and mow, cut down mansions, they knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns. Our ancestors did not know how to read and write, they did not know how to read books or write letters. And two enlighteners appeared in Rus', the wise brothers Cyril and Methodius. They listened to the Russian speech for a long time, and then they began to write it down. And they came up with initial letters, and from them they made up the alphabet.

He opens the scroll and shows it to all the children. A fragment of the chorus “Glory” by M. Glinka from the opera “Ivan Susanin” is heard.

1st teacher. What is the name of this alphabet, children? Children. Cyrillic!

1st teacher. Why is it called that? (After Kirill, one of its creators) Take a closer look at these Cyrillic letters! Don't they remind you of letters you already know? (Children name the letters they know.)

1st teacher. Each letter in the ancient Slavic alphabet was special. She had a name. Listen to how the ancient alphabet sounds! (Reads individual letters). The names of the letters were supposed to remind people of words that should not be forgotten: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”, “chambers”. Let these ancient letters come to life now with the help of our big magic alphabet.

Two children pick up sheets of paper depicting Cyrillic letters and hide behind a book. A fragment of the choir “Glory” by M. Glinka sounds. IN

In the future, this music accompanies the appearance of each letter. A child runs out, holding a sheet of paper with a letter drawn in front of him.

1st child.

Hello children! Guess which letter I am? (Children answer) That's right, my name is “az”! Name the words that begin with me. (Children answer)

2nd child (runs out of the book).

Now guess what my name is? (Children answer) That's right. My name is "buki". Remember how many good, tasty words begin with my letter! Name them! (Children call)

1st and 2nd child Children, name us in order!

Children. Az, beeches.

Educator. The result is the word “alphabet”. You, dear letters, have the great honor of standing at the beginning of our alphabet. People say this: first the basics and beeches, and then the sciences. The path of each of you into the world of knowledge begins with knowing the basics! And another letter is rushing towards us (A child runs out of the book.) Please introduce yourself.

3rd child.

Hello Children. My name is the letter "Vedi". I know everything, I know everything!


Well then listen to my riddle The snowball is melting

The meadow came to life.

Laziness is arriving.

When does this happen?

Child in the Spring!

Educator. Let's listen to the song “Here Comes Spring” performed by the soloists of our kindergarten!

The children come out. The teacher gives them maracas, which they play when the introduction, bridges and conclusion sound (Appendix 2).

Educator. Let's continue our acquaintance with the Slavic alphabet. (Another child comes out)

4th child.

Hello children! I'm a buxa "verb".

Educator. What a beautiful name you have! What does it mean? How are you
What do you guys think? (Children's answers vary, for example, they can
name both “glagolics” your favorite cookie and “verb” - a part of speech)
To verb means to “speak.” But before you speak, you must

think carefully... People say: “If you say a word, you won’t get it back, and you’d give a lot for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.” So you, dear (verb), need to listen to the riddle, think and give the correct answer.

Giant in the blue sea

Swims slowly

Huge animal

With the name... sperm whale!

The song “Sperm Whale” by R. Pauls is performed (Preschool education. - 1994 Ns 12 P. 107), at the end of which the children dance freely, some in pairs, some alone, except for those children who play on


Educator. (look, another letter is rushing towards us.

5th child. Good afternoon, children! My name is the letter "good".

Educator. What a good name you have! But kindness is the best character trait of a person.


Don't be afraid of the doctor, children,

Feel free to go to the doctor.

The song “How a hippopotamus was treated” is performed (music by M. Matveev, music by E. Ruzhantsev).

Four children:

hippopotamus - a boy with a bandaged cheek, a violinist-grasshopper in

in a green tailcoat and two doctors in white caps - they are staging a song. The rest of the children imitate playing the violin and sing along with the second part of the chorus.

Educator. A new guest is coming to us from ABC!

6th child

Hello children, I am the letter “people”!

People, you live in harmony.

Bring affection and love.

Frog - and that one too

He won't grow up without love!

Children in the older group perform the frog song and stage it (at the choice of the music director).

The children of the older group leave the hall.

Educator. Meet a new letter coming to you.

7th child. Hello children, my name is “myslete”. Educator. What a wise letter has come to us!

1st child.

The sages have long known:

Where smart thoughts are cramped,

There is no envy, no boredom,

There are jacks of all trades there

Sew, cook and draw.

Pure singing and dancing!

Educator. We love to dance and invite all the guys to the dance “Sudarushka” (Music and movement. Compiled by S. Bekin and others - A/. 1983). Educator.

There are letters that hiss,

There are whistling letters

And only one of them -

The letter is growling.

8th child Hello children, I am the letter “rtsy”. No wonder I am proud of myself, because I am the beginning of the word “Rus”.

Teachers and children dance in a round dance to Russian folk song"On

grief is viburnum,” play a folk game of the children’s choice (see the collection of games “One, two, three, four, five, we’re going to play with you”). Educator.

Rus' is rich in talents,

Rus' is strong in talents.

If girls sing. So she will live.

Girls soloists sing the Russian folk song “Oh, I got up early.” The boys play losing on spoons and rattles.

Educator. Thank you, letters, for teaching us beauty, kindness, wisdom. Thanks to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius for giving us the Slavic alphabet. 44 sister letters look at you from this ancient scroll and invite you to further acquaintance. But that will happen next time. And now, Cyrillic alphabet, meet the modern Russian alphabet.

Two children bring out a poster with a picture of the alphabet.

1st child

Letter to letter - there will be a word,

Word by word - the speech is ready.

And melodious and harmonious.

It sounds like music.

2nd child.

So let us praise these letters!

Let them come to the children

And let him be famous

Our Slavic alphabet!

The children stand up scattered and sing the song “Alphabet” (music by R. Pauls, music by I. Reznik Preschool Education. - 1994. - No. 3. P. 92).

Themed entertainment

for children of senior preschool age.

"Celebration of Slavic literature and culture"

Target: Introduce preschoolers to Slavic culture.

Tasks: 1. Develop cognitive interest, broaden your horizons.

2. Replenish the children’s vocabulary with new words “Cyrillic”, “Rus”, Slavs.

3. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.

The festive bell rings. Teachers and children in folk costumes They enter the hall and stand facing the guests.

Leading: Guys, today we are going on a journey, but not across cities and countries, but on a journey through time. We will look into the distant past of our country.

You and I live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia! Many years ago, Russia was called differently - Rus', and it was inhabited by the Slavs, our distant ancestors. These are people who lived many, many years ago, these are the grandparents of our grandparents.

Child: Across our broad Rus', mother, the ringing of bells is spreading.

Nowadays the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius are glorified for their labors.

The Storyteller comes out:

Goy you, our glorious guests, kind, dear children. I'll tell you about Holy Rus', oh distant times, unknown to you.

Once upon a time there were good fellows, beautiful red maidens. And they had kind mothers, bearded wise priests.

The Slavs were strong, resilient, and hardworking. Every day was full of work worries. In those days the forest was full of game, the rivers were rich in fish. Men were hunters and fishermen, and women prepared food, planted gardens, weaved, sewed and spun. The Slavs worked hard, but they also loved to have fun, they loved to sing songs and dance in circles. But one thing upset the Slavs - they did not have literacy, the alphabet, they did not know letters and could neither write nor read. And then they went to the king with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we have no teacher who would instruct and teach us, and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either the style of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning.”

Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Cyril and Methodius, and the Tsar persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic Land (slide show with comments).

The letters were scratched out with special pointed sticks. Then books were made from calfskin. Many craftsmen worked on the creation of books, it was very hard work, so the book was expensive and valuable (slide show).

Even in old times, the Slavic peoples celebrated the memory of the holy brothers, but later the celebration was forgotten. Now this holiday has returned to Russia and other Slavic states. This holiday is celebrated on May 24 and is called the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, the brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the alphabet, are remembered. A monument was erected in their honor in Moscow.

Slide show (monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow)

Our alphabet is amazing! And now it amazes us with its simplicity and convenience. And how many wonderful books have been written and published. From books we learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our Russia.

Leading: In a narrow monastery cell, within four blank walls,

A monk wrote down about the land about the Old Russian story.

He wrote in winter and summer, illuminated by dim light.

He wrote year after year about our great people.

(The narrator sits on a bench and imitates playing the harp.)

Narrator: I’ll take the ringing harp and tune it in the old fashioned way.

I will start an old story about the deeds of glorious Russian heroes.

To the blue sea for silence, and to everyone good people to obedience.

Whether from the city, from Murom, or from the village, or Karacharova

A good fellow, a glorious hero, is leaving - Ilya Muromets (“the hero leaves”).

Narrator: The old Cossack Ilya Muromets heard about the strong,

The mighty hero Dobrynya Nikitich, and decided to test his heroic strength;

So Ilya went into an open field,

And the young hero Dobrynya Nikitich gallops towards him (“ Dobrynya Nikitich gallops").

Ilya Muromets: Hello, good fellow!

Tell me about your homeland, and about the Fatherland!

Dobrynya: And how will my heavy club tell you about this,

How I will cut off your head and slaughter you!

Narrator: They jumped off their good horses, got into a fight and fought,

They fought for two days, and on the third day Dobrynya asked for forgiveness:

Dobrynya: If you can’t execute me, you can have mercy.

Let's call ourselves brothers of the cross, we will ride across an open field,

To fight the evil spirits of the infidels and protect our mother earth.

Narrator: Whether a lot of time has passed or a little - we don’t know...

And just another hero was born in Rus' - Alyosha Popovich.

(Alyosha Popovich appears)

Narrator: He grew by leaps and bounds.

At that time, Tugarin, the king, got into the habit of walking around Rus':

Burn Russian lands, take girls captive.

And Alyosha Popovich was hot, he shouted in a loud voice:

Alyosha Popovich: You, you goy, are a brave squad!

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

We will attack the army - a countless force, we will free Mother Rus' from the scourge!

Narrator: Ilya Muromets heard about it,

The city and Dobrynya arrived in Kyiv and fraternized at a big feast.

The heroes among themselves: they called Ilya Muromets the eldest,

The middle one is Dobrynya Nikitich, the youngest one is Alyosha Popovich.

Bogatyrs: And now we’ll go and stand at the heroic outpost,

Let us defend the Russian land from enemies! (the heroes bow)

Narrator: That's where the epic ended, and the sun rose clear over Mother Russia -

To all good people for joy and fun.

Leading: Now let's remember that the Slavs loved not only to study and work, but also to have fun!

Children perform the round dance “There is a viburnum on the mountain.”

Leading; Fair-haired, gray-eyed, all bright in face and glorious in heart.

Drevlyans, Russians, tell me, who are we?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

With their article, everyone is beautiful, everyone is different and everyone is similar,

Nowadays we are called Russians, since ancient times who are we?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

We honor the white birch trees, we love our free songs.

We are called Masha, Yuli, Tanya, tell me who we are?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

Leading: Rus' is rich in talents, Rus' is strong in talents.

If the guys sing, it means she will live.

The song “Let’s go, young girl, for water” sounds.

Leading: Now, guys, meet the modern alphabet.

It sounds "Great".

(Two children bring up a poster depicting the modern alphabet.)

Child: Letter to letter - there will be a word. Word by word - the speech is ready.

And melodious and harmonious, she sounds like music.

Child: So let us praise these letters! Let them come to the children.

And let our Slavic alphabet be famous!

Child: Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius, we want to say thank you,
For the letters that we really need to teach us to read.

The celebration continues outside:

Russians are being held folk games and round dances.

Painting on easels on the theme “Let’s decorate a sundress”

Tea party