How to find out the life line from the palm of your hand. Signs on the Health line. The line of the heart runs parallel to the line of the mind

Looking at your palms, you will see on them huge amount lines that are located in an interesting way. Even at school, all the kids loved to look at palms and come up with all sorts of predictions. Of course, such fortune telling at a young age is just games, while at a more mature age, this science is called palmistry.

Each line is responsible for a certain aspect of a person’s life. So, the most important and important is the life line on the hand. We will tell you where the life path line is and how to decipher it correctly in our publication.

Life line meaning

Palmistry, the science of reading lines on the hand, came to us from our ancestors. Just a few centuries ago, people could predict what path in life was destined for this or that person. The peculiarity of this type of prediction is that what the life lines on the hand show in given time, as well as other fateful signs, is not fundamental to the life path. Therefore, to the questions: “How long or how long will I live?”, “What is my life expectancy in years?” and “How will I live?”, this hand reading technique will not give an exact answer.

Today, people who look at the life line on their hand and predict the length of their life’s journey in years charge a decent amount of money for such a session. And if in ancient times palmistry was accessible only to elders, magicians and sorcerers, now each of us has the opportunity to delve into the secrets of the Universe. But do not delude yourself and believe that you can easily comprehend this science. You also need to be able to look at your hand and read it. Palmistry is not given to many people. The desire to learn this type of fortune telling, deep study and regular practice - all this together will help you master the basics of reading signs and lines on the palm.

The life line in palmistry predetermines the events of the life path and speaks of what is destined for the Universe. But at the same time, each of us can, to one degree or another, influence the events of our lives, changing it and directing it in a different direction.

For example, a break in the life line on both palms is a fateful symbol. But this science is designed to help humanity. Innovative developments in medicine and psychology, scientific research and successful experiments, highly professional doctors, the deepest knowledge of the capabilities of the human body will help to avoid a fatal set of circumstances and prevent misfortune. It is important to remember and be confident that each of us has the opportunity to influence our lives. And those who repeat “everything in my life will be as it should be” will receive exactly what they believe in.

The life line in the palm, as the main fateful sign strip on the hand, characterizes longevity, level and quality of life path, and also helps to see whether changes are destined in a person’s life. Finding the life line on hand 5882 is not difficult. Open your palm and look closely at it. At the base of the thumb there is a noticeable bump called the Mount of Venus. Around this planetary sign you can find the line of life. In most cases, it comes from the wrist itself. But often it begins on the palm itself.

The ideal option is that the life line is even on the right hand (for right-handers) and on the left hand (for left-handers), has no breaks or obstacles, is clearly defined, without any branches.

A detailed study and interpretation of the life line allows you to learn much more about your destiny than it seems at first glance. So, by reading these fateful signs, we will be able to control our destiny, make attempts to prevent misfortunes, overcome illness and even increase our life expectancy.

How to choose the right hand for fortune telling

Which hand do you use to look at the life line? Many of us are sure that both hands are suitable for such fortune-telling. However, this opinion is erroneous. So, determine your life path those people who are right-handed can use their right hand, and, accordingly, left-handers will learn what is destined for them by fate using their left hand.

So, on which hand they look at the life line, and where on the hand the life line is located, we have already found out. Now let's start deciphering it and figure out what it looks like.

What does the life line say?

External features and signs on the fateful life line are one of the dream indicators of an individual’s vital energy. Their types are varied. Any branches, dashes, dots, and other changes can, to one degree or another, affect a person’s life path. The study of life lines is carried out, as a rule, on the leading hand, but at the same time, for comparison and predetermining the accuracy of fortune telling, you can read the iconic lines of life in the palm of both the right and left hands.

And remember, it is important to take into account absolutely all the subtleties, signs and lines on the palm, otherwise the meaning of the life line may be read incorrectly. So, even an unnoticed mole can change the course of events in a person’s life.

Short life line

Despite the fact that many people claim that a short life line indicates a short existence on Earth, this is not entirely so clear. At the very least, you shouldn’t think that your end is near. To get a comprehensive answer to the question: “What is my life expectancy,” it is better to seek the help of a person who has been studying this difficult science for many years. A short streak should not be interpreted as a short life.

I would immediately like to note several nuances that may affect the final forecast of fortune telling:

  • with age, the fateful stripe on the palm that interests us may increase in size;
  • different hands may have different lengths of this fateful mark;
  • We should not forget that nature has endowed each of us with different hand sizes, and that one has a short line, while another will have a completely normal size;
  • There are other significant lines on the palm (the line of influence of fate, mind, emotions, etc.), which are capable of fulfilling all the functions of the life line, characterized by fundamental changes in human existence.

Look carefully at both palms. If you see that on right line life ends, and on the left there is a long life line, then such signs indicate that at a certain stage of life you will face difficult trials. Serious illness, car accident and other life-threatening situations. When the life line at the place of the break is resumed and further extended along the Mount of Venus, then, in most cases, the illness (or other situation) will recede, and your life will continue further, as the life line on the opposite hand “told” you.



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Life Lines - signs

If the break in the life line continues in noticeable islands, then such signs predict painful memories of the reason for the break in the fateful streak. Again, don’t be immediately disappointed when you notice something on your hand. short line life. See what other iconic palm markings predict. Perhaps the short strip is blocked by the line of fate, which takes over the functions of the life path. And, in the end, we can in a certain way influence the quality and duration of our life path. And in order for this trait to lengthen, you need to lead a full, correct lifestyle and follow the “mission” for which you were born into this world.

Double life line

In palmistry, a double life line speaks of the undisclosed abilities of its owner. The sign of two stripes on the palm has another name - the sister line, the life line of Mars. This is how you can spot a liar. This trait means that this is a person with specific capabilities and skills who leads a dual lifestyle. Fateful double signs can also be interpreted as the presence of enormous energy potential, hidden abilities of self-healing and self-healing.

Many sorcerers, magicians and people involved in healing are endowed with just such a fateful mark. They are able to cure diseases using internal energy. Such individuals are said to be the favorites of fate, thereby reinforcing their life opportunities, abilities and confidence in self-realization.

You can meet a person who has a triple life mark on his hand. Such people, as a rule, have psychic abilities and are well acquainted with reincarnation. However, this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely and if you have witnessed a triple life line, then consider yourself very lucky.

Straight line

A straight heart line means powerful emotional energy. If the straight line is long and ends near the outer hill of Mars, then this promises a calm, measured path in life.

When the direct life mark ends at the tubercle of the index finger, or even crosses it completely, then this characterizes the person as a sociable, sociable person. Seeing a straight, short stripe on your hand means expecting a monotonous life.

Bifurcation of life's fateful streak

If the life line bifurcates into two branches, one of which goes up, wrapping around the Mount of the Moon, and the other continues to follow the usual line, bypassing the Mount of Venus, then such branches mean moving, changing place of residence, traveling.

Moreover, the more expressive the second branch, the more significant changes await a person at a certain stage of life. The life line bifurcates into two equally separated lines - expect drastic changes that relate to changing citizenship, moving abroad for permanent residence.

The life line also bifurcates because a person may face a difficult, fateful choice, on which the quality and duration of one’s life path will depend.

Life bar offset

The shift in the fateful trait can be interpreted in different ways. If the life lines on hand 5882 are first interrupted, overlap each other and continue to follow their original path, hugging the Mount of Venus, then such a sign promises significant fateful changes. This feature shows a person that with a 99% probability he will face a serious rethinking of life principles and priorities. People whose fateful line is broken, at a certain time, by a fateful coincidence, suddenly decide to move away from their previous life, and start all over again “ clean slate" This can be triggered by a sudden recovery from a serious illness, or by happy circumstances, thanks to which tragic events were avoided.

If the displacement of the lines is not significant and not clearly expressed, then such a sign foreshadows minor changes in the path of life:

  • change of type of activity;
  • promotion;
  • transition to a new job with a different type of activity;
  • moving to a new apartment/house/city;
  • suddenly receiving a marriage proposal;
  • rapid climb up the career ladder.

When the line of life breaks and moves towards the base of the thumb, affecting the Mount of Venus, then this can be interpreted somewhat differently:

  • great disappointments in religion;
  • collapse in professional activities;
  • big problems related to finance;
  • sudden onset of poverty due to job loss;
  • discord in the family, the emergence of disagreements;
  • lack of mutual understanding between family and friends, big problems with them;
  • misunderstanding on the part of employees at work, which in turn can lead to total changes and destruction of career and professional growth;
  • loss of family amid constant quarrels, strife and misunderstandings.

But, again, do not forget that this sign is just a predetermination of your destiny. You shouldn’t give up and live by the rule “I will spend my time as the Universe destined for me.” This approach will not help you change your life path and direct it in a more favorable direction. Each of us can reconsider our actions, values ​​and understand what needs to be done so that the Universe is favorable to us. Remember, the one who believes in the best gets the best!

Broken line of life

A dotted, uneven, intermittent line of interest to us on the palm helps to learn about the quality of life of its owner. Such people who have an interrupted life line on their hand are susceptible to frequent illnesses and situations that, to one degree or another, affect the full existence of the individual on Earth. Yes, it will not be entirely easy for a person with such a special mark, but if you gather willpower into a fist and try to avoid misfortunes, protect yourself as much as possible from everything, then you can prevent illnesses and accidents.

Sign strip break

If the life line is interrupted, then this can predict several developments in fate. A sharp break with a point on the life line, after which the line follows its original direction, indicates a possible serious illness that will leave a mark on a person’s fate for a long time. It could be a heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus and other ailments that require complete control throughout a person’s life.

An interrupted life line may also mean that a person’s fate will include strong experiences, stress and shock, which can provoke a serious illness.

It all depends on how far these segments are from each other. And if there is a broken line on your palm, then try to keep your emotions under control.

A rupture with a pronounced displacement towards the thumb, after which the line ends, portends death. The end of your lifeline is not a death sentence. Try looking at the other hand. It often happens that such a sign only foreshadows possible danger. And if in the second palm the life line is completely long and describes the Mount of Venus, then your fate is solely in your hands. Be attentive to your health and do not forget about the most banal precautions. And then the break in your fateful streak will not be fatal for you, and, most likely, you will be able to not only prolong your life, but also make it complete bright colors and positive emotions.

If you don’t quite understand the line of life, or rather its branches, breaks and displacements, then you can look at photos with transcripts, video lessons on palmistry and visual examples. Such materials will certainly help you understand what this or that dash, line or branch means. You can easily find the examples themselves on the Internet by entering the phrase of the same name into the search engine of your browser.

Thin line of life

It happens that the line of your life is thin. Such features determine the rapid human life. This means that the individual will experience a turbulent, constantly changing destiny. A change in type of activity, passions, preferences, a sharp revaluation of values. All this will change so quickly, now in one direction, now in the other, that the individual will not be able to fully appreciate all the delights of worldly existence. For some, such a rapid development of events will seem normal and complete, but for others it will be extremely difficult.

Therefore, if you are the owner of such a significant mark on your palm, then, first of all, think about what you want to get from life: a hectic change of events or calm, uniformity and measuredness. A person who is inclined to the second option needs to think about taking the course of fate into his own hands and independently trying to lead life as he sees fit.

There is no life line

There have also been cases in nature when the life line simply disappeared. Such a sign of fate can be seen as a warning. Most likely, you chose the wrong path. Reconsider your goals, principles and values. Remember, if such a fateful line disappears, it’s for a reason!

Less often there are cases when the life line is absent altogether. This feature speaks of a nervous, anxious life. Sometimes it happens that when a child appears in a family, this fateful streak suddenly appears. This suggests that the Gift from Above, which is the baby, gives you a chance to start life anew.

Iconic symbols on the life line

It is imperative to pay attention to the signs, with the help of which the description of the path of life is even more accurate. On the fateful line that interests us, we can find different types signs: square, trident, triangle, circle, loop, extending stripes, with or without overlapping each other. And all of them are capable of influencing the existence of their owner to one degree or another.


A trident on your life line, just like a fork, a parallel line with a fork, the right tripod portends good luck in professional activities. Such people can make a fast career with minimal effort.


A circle on the life line indicates the formation of peace and comfort in the human soul. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you saw a large circle on your palm or a small one. If the line goes on and breaks, and a circle appears between them, then this indicates that a difficult situation awaits you. life situation from which it will be extremely difficult to get out. There are other options for developing a life path. When the circle is visible at the beginning of the line, then fate is destined for a monotonous and calm adolescence, and only in adulthood will you be able to make adjustments to it.


A line with a chain along it speaks of variable energy and apathy. In the case when such a sign occurs at a young age, that is, at the beginning of the life line, then we are talking about an explosive nature, misunderstanding on the part of adults. If this sign is at the end of the line, goes to the middle or is directed downwards from the fateful strip that interests us, then this indicates that the person has lived an emotionally difficult life.


If the life line has a triangle on one side, then the interpretation of such a sign can be different. For the most part, they directly depend on the location of the triangle. It’s good if this figure falls at the beginning of the strip we are interested in or is located closer to the center. This is a sign of immediate financial success.

Triangle near the life line - beware of the flame. You and your loved ones should be as careful as possible. A figure with three corners is located on the vital stripe - the owner of such a sign will suffer in a fire. Just don’t take everything in the literal sense of the word; a fire can also have a symbolic meaning. For example, the unexpected loss of a valuable document may give rise to the following thoughts: “I will be fired and will be without a job. Just like after a fire!”


If there is a square or rectangle on the life line, then this is a good sign. The quadrangular figure, which is located on the symbolic strip that interests us, establishes a certain kind of framework that prevents the reduction of vital energy. A square located on a negative symbol softens its adverse effects. And a bad omen hidden in a quadrangular figure will not cause the expected harm.

A small square that looks up and is closer to the index finger promises well-being.

This means that all the tricks of fate will not affect the quality and duration of life’s journey. A large square, rhombus or rectangle on the Mount of Venus predicts restriction of freedom. No, we are not talking about a prison cell and correctional labor. No one is going to put iron bracelets on you. Women with this sign may face an unsuccessful marriage, and men – involuntary “slavery” in professional activities.

Loop sign

“Like a fish on ice” - this is the expression that best suits such a fateful symbol. A loop on the strip we are interested in indicates difficult situation. And to resolve it, you will need to spend a lot of effort and time, making a kind of loop to return life to its previous course. In turn, the sign overlapped by a square has a slightly different meaning: undergoing training, recertification, etc.

Other features of the life line

Lines crossing each other are a peculiar sign, but not a bad one. If the fateful line of life connects with the line of the mind, then this may indicate that your purpose on Earth depends on common sense and mental abilities. Such individuals find their calling in teaching, research activities. But at the same time, if there is such a sign on your hand, then you should not rush to work and pay it off when it does not fit these criteria. Deciding “I will work in the field that is destined for me” is simple, but for this it is worth making every effort to achieve the desired goal. This iconic feature of the strip that we are talking about only means what is destined for you by the Universe. Many people live their lives wonderfully, doing activities that do not at all fit the criteria of their “life mission.” But, despite this, they try to express themselves in every possible way, directing vital energy to another area associated with good deeds. In general, everything depends only on yourself and your aspirations.

When the life line comes into contact with the fate line, this is a sign that it is fate that can influence a person’s life path. Simply put, the quality of your life path and its duration will depend on what is destined for you by the forces from Above. The location of the life line in close proximity to the fate line predicts their close intertwining, which was mentioned earlier.

Often, around the feature that interests us, we can observe other, implicitly expressed lines, like small processes. Small lines emanating from the fateful strip of interest to us define a person as an emotionally unstable person.

It is generally accepted that if the life line in the palm diverges and is divided into small segments, one of which looks at the outer hill of Mars, and the second is directed in the other direction, then this can be interpreted in different ways. The inner line predicts health problems. A person with this sign will often get sick. And the designation of the feature that goes to the middle finger is an opportunity to change the path of life. So we can assume that, taken together, these signs speak of diseases whose course can be influenced.

If the life line itself goes to the center, towards the index finger, and at the same time passes through the line of fate, then such a sign can be read as loss financial well-being. But the small upward shoots speak of the joy associated with the birth of a newborn child. Such iconic marks can appear on the hand completely unexpectedly. Example: a woman cannot have children, but having later done something good in life, or fulfilled her “life mission” in full, which can be recognized by her date of birth, the Universe changed its plans. So, the lines that appear are a long-awaited child, begged from the Almighty.

Two lines running parallel over the line of interest to us are interpreted as support from the side significant people(friends, family and loved ones).

We have explained the features of the life line. And in conclusion, we’ll talk about life expectancy, or more precisely, we’ll tell you what dating is.

Dating time

As stated earlier, palmistry cannot show you exact date death and indicate when, for example, you should get married or give birth to your first child. But this does not prevent you from making an approximate count of fateful events.

Using the life line, you can find out not only the approximate date of death, but also other changes that await you on the path of life. Calculate specific date, not that difficult.

The life line begins its real path at the intersection with a horizontal line descending from the index finger. Thus, according to generally accepted data, one to one and a half centimeters of the length of the line on the palm predetermines one year of life.

To get a more accurate date for a particular event, you should measure the length of the life line and divide it into segments. With the help of simple mathematical calculations you will be able to find out the detailed life line in years. But again, the life of each of us is unpredictable. Perhaps, having reached its middle, you will suddenly make a mistake, or, on the contrary, you will begin to do good deeds, thereby changing the “schedule” of your life. A kind of correction of life's path is a common phenomenon. Therefore, you should not completely trust fortune telling.

If you want to live longer, then try to do mostly good deeds, avoiding lies, foul language and other evil tricks that defile the human soul. As one famous philosopher said:

“Remain, first of all, human. And then there will be no misfortunes, troubles and grief in your destiny!”

Take care of yourself, and let there be only joy, happiness and love in your life!

The pattern of lines on a person's palms is unique and mysterious. Recognizing and interpreting these curves is the basis of palmistry. There are many manuals for mastering this area of ​​esotericism that explain its key concepts. Studying the meanings of ​lines​ ​on​ ​hands​ ​in​ ​palmistry​ ​with​ ​detailed​ ​description helps to determine the present and future of a person, to describe the characteristics of his personality.


To read the lines on the hand and their meanings in palmistry, first of all, choose the palm: right or left. In this case, the right-handed or left-handed person who is being told fortune-telling is taken into account. In the first case, the right hand is the active hand, and the left is the inactive hand. For lefties it's the opposite.

If we consider right-handers, the meanings of the lines in the palm of the left hand are defined as potential, inherent in man from birth. They come from the heart and soul. The meanings of the lines in the palm of the right hand determine the options for fate that have developed under the influence life events. At the same time, the bends in the hands may vary, indicating deviations from the predetermined “scenario”, which indicates the person’s work on his personality.

In palmistry, there are 4 types of main lines that reveal the spiritual and practical essence of a person. They show a person’s abilities and determine the extent to which he uses them. The fewer breaks and branches there are at the bends, the more positive their interpretation. Many lines on the palm are a sign of a person’s complex and winding fate. Some bends are missing or merge into one.

  • faded ones indicate health problems, personality passivity;
  • reddish ones are found in optimistic people with positive energy;
  • yellow color is present in closed, selfish individuals, with liver pathologies;
  • a dark shade of curves (blue or dark yellow) is characteristic of vindictive, arrogant, reserved and overly serious people.

As everyone gains experience, they develop their own method of interpreting the results.

Reading in palmistry the meanings of the lines on the hand for beginners is carried out from the heart line (to determine the mental organization), then the head line is studied (intellectual abilities), then the life line (concentration vitality) and the line of fate (path of life). The bends are considered as a whole and only after that a conclusion is made about current events and the future of a person.

Heart line

Determines the emotional component of the personality. It represents the upper horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm under the little finger (from the beginning of the life path) to the inner.

  • A clear, clear, arched line ending between the middle and index fingers, - a sign of stability of the emotional state, indicates the responsiveness and rationality of a person.
  • The location of the bend near the line of the mind indicates a restrained character, a predisposition to strong feelings.
  • A short line that breaks under the middle and ring finger indicates difficulties in expressing emotions and alienation.
  • The intersection of the entire palm straight is a sign of a sympathetic person who empathizes with other people.
  • Twisting curves indicate the emotionality of nature.
  • The connection of the heart line with the lines of the head and life warns of the risk of fatal consequences, murder out of jealousy.
  • A clear red bend means passion, without branches or a weak manifestation - callousness and dryness of nature. The double line indicates the reliability of a person in marriage. The same curve on both palms speaks of selfishness, a long one on the left hand speaks of an emotional shock that has left a mark for life.

Life line

Indicates the vitality and energy of a person. The curve runs across the palm, as if separating the thumb. The sharper, clearer and longer the line, the more resilient and stable the person. However, life expectancy, contrary to popular belief, is not determined by this bend. A person with a short life line will live well into old age. In addition, the length and type of bend can change over time.

The life line indicates the concentration of the vital forces of a particular person.

  • The beginning of the bend at the edge of the palm indicates a decisive character, if it is presented in the form of a chain - this is a sign of dependence on others.
  • The connection of the initial segment with the head line indicates caution, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.
  • Sometimes a parallel line is marked next to the life line - the sister line or guardian angel. The meaning of the guardian angel line on the hand is defined as a favorable sign, good luck, happy changes.
  • A break in the life line predicts changes in it. If it is noted on both palms, it warns of a serious illness or injury. A fatal result is possible when this bend intersects the line of the head and heart.
  • The meaning of 2 life lines on the hand (with their almost identical thickness) is defined as the combination of 2 values ​​(family and career).
  • If this curve does not intersect with the line of the head, this indicates the courage and talent of the person.

Mind line

The meaning of the head line on the hand, or mind, determines the intellectual level of the individual, the power of thinking. The curve runs horizontally from the edge to the middle of the palm, starting between the bases of the index and thumb and heading towards the nameless one.

  • The longer the line, the higher the intellectual abilities. If it reaches almost to the edge of the palm or ends under the little finger, the person is insightful and has the gift of foresight. A short bend (the end under the middle finger) indicates a low inclination of the individual to analysis and concentration on current events.
  • The branching of the end of the head line speaks of creative thinking (“writer’s fork”).
  • A slight, intermittent bend indicates slowness, weak memory, thinking and attention; a straight line indicates logical judgment; a curved line indicates intuition and subjective perception of the world.
  • A significant distance between the beginning of the head and life lines means ambition and independent thinking.
  • The meaning of the double line of the mind on the hand is interesting, indicating the versatility of the personality, its psychological split. This is a creative, talented person, but at the same time he is in constant conflict with himself. The meaning of the two lines of the mind on the hand is determined by the 2 lives of the individual, in which he plays different roles (sociable at work, but withdrawn at home, etc.).
  • The connection between the curves of the mind and the heart is called the “monkey line,” which shows the subordination of the mind to the feelings or vice versa.

Line of fate

It is considered the most changeable of the main lines on the palm. It is located vertically in the middle of the palm, under the middle finger. This bend characterizes life values, a person’s career, his conscious goals, and allows him to accept right choice. It can be clearly or poorly expressed, sometimes absent.

  • A long straight line from the base of the palm indicates a person’s courage, independence, longevity, and stability of fate.
  • The broken line indicates frequent changes of professions.
  • In self-sufficient individuals, its beginning is noted in the middle of the palm. The end of the line at the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) portends wealth, success, at the hill of Apollo (at the ring finger) - achievements in creativity, at the hill of Mercury (under the little finger) - failure, bankruptcy, however, such people are sociable and they are recommended to choose a profession with taking into account this quality.
  • The branched end of the bend speaks of joy, pleasure from life. If a line is found from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, this indicates the parapsychological abilities of the individual.
  • The absence of a fate line occurs in people without individual characteristics, spineless individuals, in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

The line of fate is considered unstable, capable of appearing or changing direction when life circumstances change.


Such lines are considered additional; they detail the information received, report important events, health, a person’s inclinations, etc. Accessory curves also change over the course of life and may be absent. A large number of such traits indicates a rich emotional life, a thirst for variety and impressions. The clearer and more pronounced the bends, the more reliable the information obtained from them.

Line of health (line of Mercury)

The value of the health line on the hand determines the physical, psychosomatic well-being of a person. The curve runs from the little finger down the palm towards the thumb. Possible contact with the life line.

  • There is a lack of a health line. This indicates the strength of the body, the healthy state of organs and systems.
  • The clarity and continuity of the trait indicates poor physical endurance, fatigue, or the individual’s persistence in business.
  • If the line begins to squirm, this indicates problems with the digestive system and increased anxiety.
  • Merging with the line of the mind and heart or excessive depth indicates a risk of brain inflammation.
  • A broken line indicates poor health and business failures. When crossing it, short lines indicate the risk of accidents.
  • If a triangle is formed in the palm of the hand from the lines of life, head and health, this is a sign of luck.
  • At this line you can find a “satellite” (Milky Way) from the dashes closer to the edge of the palm. It foretells a happy life.

Line of ​Glory

The line runs from the bottom of the wrist vertically across the palm to the ring finger. Evaluates the success of an individual, the possibility of receiving awards, achievements, and public fame.

  • A pronounced, clear line indicates a successful working career and enjoyment from it.
  • In the absence of a line, a person can achieve success, but without social recognition.
  • A broken line means alternating successes and failures in your career.
  • If the line passes under the index finger, success is expected in art. This also foreshadows its ending under the ring finger in the form of a triangle or asterisk; the square at the end marks the help of the patron.

Marriage line

The meaning of the lines of marriage and children on the hand characterizes emotions, feelings for a loved one; according to their ratio, it is determined from which union the child will appear, how many of them will be born in total. Perhaps several dashes. The marriage line runs under the little finger; the closer to the base, the later the relationship will arise.

  • Weak lines are romances, pronounced ones are signs of marriage.
  • Many intersecting lines indicate a person’s predisposition to cheating.
  • A perpendicular line that does not intersect with the marriage line indicates a child. The meaning of the lines of children on the hand determines their gender (a weak line is a girl, a clear line is a boy), as well as the miscarriage or abortion that occurred (broken lines). Gemini in palmistry is marked with the V sign.
  • The meaning of love lines on the hand, if they continue on the edge of the palm, indicates the duration of the relationship; their branching downwards foreshadows separation.
  • An interruption of the bend by a dash indicates a break in the relationship due to divorce or death. Its renewal predicts the reunification of relationships.

money line

Based on the direction, it indicates the possibility of generating significant income.

  • If the line starts from the base of the thumb and tends to the index finger, ending there in the shape of a star, this is a sign of money-making ability.
  • If the bend is directed from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, this indicates earnings in business.
  • The end of the money line under the ring finger with the intersection of the fame line predicts unexpected financial success.
  • The line from the base of the thumb to the little finger indicates financial assistance from relatives. From this position the line of inheritance is considered. It is located between the ring finger and little finger. The value of the line of inheritance on the hand allows you to find out the degree of wealth. A long and thin line means high profitability.

Line​ ​travel

Characteristic of people seeking a change of scenery and life changes. Located on the edge of the palm in the form of horizontal lines. These lines reflect trips that influence the individual's life path.

  • The intersection of the line with the life line indicates that the trip is associated with health problems (treatment).
  • The intersection of the travel line with the fate line means changes in life.
  • The intersection of several travel lines indicates dangers on the trip. If the lines run inside the square, it acts as a symbol of amulet.
  • Interruption of dashes means that the journey is postponed or delayed.


With the help of minor lines in palmistry, information is obtained about details that influence a person and his life path. These curves are optional; they are absent or in excess on the human palm. Their number is individual for the individual. In this case, the lines are assessed not only on the palms, but also on the fingers themselves. They are also available in individual quantities.

The meaning of the lines on the fingers determines the character of the individual, her abilities, and destiny. A cross on the upper phalanx of the thumb means poverty, a star on the lower one is a sign of wealth. A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger indicates inheritance, a cross on the middle finger on the nail phalanx indicates the woman’s infertility.

A small number of minor lines on the hands speaks of a person’s stability and perception of life as it is. A significant amount of bending is a sign of a nervous-irritable personality.

Line of intuition

Located on the edge of the palm under the little finger, it is also called the line of the medium. This trait is rarely observed and indicates extrasensory, psychological, personality abilities, and developed intuition.

  • The bend of the line to the sides does not matter.
  • A pronounced and clear line speaks of a person’s ability to manage the gift.
  • A dashed line indicates that abilities need to be developed.

Line of confrontation

It consists of horizontal lines located at the outer edge of the palm (almost on its edge) between the lines of the heart and head. They may be present on both hands. They are often subtle and barely visible.

Such lines mean obstacles, obstacles on the path of life in achieving the plans and goals of the individual.

Line of flight

The line is located in the lower part of the palm, near the wrist. When doing fortune telling, decoding such a line indicates an escape from problems into your own world.

  • Often the line crosses the life line. This indicates a time period when the individual is escaping from the world.
  • Such an intersection can also mean suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Line of influence

These horizontal and vertical lines are located on the Mount of Venus (the area at the base of the thumb). The lines mean the influence of close, significant people on the life of the individual.

  • Horizontal lines when fortune telling by hand mean negative, hostile influences on a person’s life, vertical lines - a sign positive influence, mutual assistance.
  • Many dashes indicate dependence on others. They often talk about a large number of sexual partners. Such people are overly susceptible to outside influence and are sensitive.
  • A small number of lines indicates independence of actions and thoughts, life without attachments.

Line of the Sun

The most favorable trait in palmistry. The meaning of the line of the Sun on the hand is defined as a sign of success, happiness, an easy life, while a long and clear one is rare. It runs from the wrist to the ring finger or appears as a segment at its base, at the line of the heart, and sometimes comes out from other lines on the palm.

  • A straight line speaks of optimism, a cheerful personality, and happiness.
  • Absence indicates failure, but is usually combined with the individual's talent.
  • A weak line means a waste of energy.
  • The line does not reflect family relationships; it is often found on the palms of famous people.

Line​ ​Mars

It takes place on the Mount of Mars (near the thumb) and has a curved appearance. The meaning of the Mars line on the hand is reliable only if the length of the line is more than 2 centimeters and it is clearly defined.

  • It indicates vitality, passion. Often observed in people who are professionally involved in sports. Indicates the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • If the line runs parallel to the life line, it provides it with strength and protection, especially when the latter is intermittent.
  • People with the Mars line are less susceptible to diseases and are lucky, including in accidents.

Line of Neptune

Often called the line of voluptuousness. Mysterious and mystical trait. It is located in the lower part of the palm, at the wrist, and its different directions and appearance are noted. Characterizes a person’s abilities, including extrasensory, his character, passion, state of health, etc.

  • The presence of this line on the hand can warn of the presence of poisons in the body; its curvature is a sign of allergies.
  • The direction from the Mount of Uranus to the wrist indicates a person’s interest in parapsychology and other similar sciences.
  • When the line moves from the wrist to the Mount of Venus, passion and thirst for pleasure of the individual are noted. Characterized by rich imagination and the ability to mysticism.
  • People with the Neptune line are prone to the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams. A cross or star at the end of the line portends danger during sea voyages.

Palmistry is an interesting science that has been practiced since ancient times. Palm fortune telling was practiced in Tibet, India, Italy, China, Greece and other countries. IN modern world Palmistry has long gone beyond predictions. This is an almost exact science that can not only tell about any person, but also predict his possible fate. Lines on the hand, what do they mean? Reply to difficult question everyone can. To do this, you need to study the relevant information and practice. Learn about the basic meanings of the shapes on the human palm.

Which hand should you use to look for lines on your palm?

The palms contain limitless information about their owner. It is unique - there are no identical lines on the hand in the world. During fortune telling, specialists look at the lines on both the right hand and the left. For right-handed people, the right hand is considered active, the left hand is considered passive, for left-handed people the opposite is true. The passive palm is used to judge what a person was born with: it reflects the past, reveals character, talks about the stages of personality formation, and shows the degree of family influence. It is used to judge how long life is determined from birth. Until the age of 21, the passive hand is examined.

Palm readers are no less interested in the active palm. Based on it, conclusions are drawn about how a person at his age disposed of his destiny and what was given at birth. The right hand shows the present, the future. Having studied it, experts see what kind of life a person leads at the time of fortune-telling, what he dreams of and what he wants to achieve. Note that the information is studied and compared on both palms. This is the only way to get a complete picture of a person’s fate.

Basic lines in palmistry

How to read the lines on the palms if there are so many of them? There are only 4 main ones. These are the lines of Heart, Head, Life, Destiny. Palmistry by hand has a basic rule of interpretation - the more clearly they appear, the more developed the corresponding traits and qualities are. The more clearly defined the outlines, the more favorable their meanings are. If gaps, stars, small crosses, squares, chains, islands are clearly visible, this indicates problems in the areas that they define.

Life line

Using it, palmists judge health, vitality, duration, quality of life, and endurance. It starts from the edge of the palm between the index finger and thumb and ends at the wrist. Ideally, the line is thin, clear, even, going to the end without interruption or dots, lines, triangles, or branches. A line located close to the thumb indicates a lack of strength to carry out plans, frequent depression and nervousness. If located at a great distance from the Mount of Venus, a person is distinguished by his resilience and love of life.

Important: interruptions do not necessarily indicate danger or impending death. Sometimes this fact informs about changes in life circumstances, sudden changes. People with a short line often live a long time, but they do not have a huge vital energy or physical endurance. With a slight bend, we are talking about an individual who is reserved, uncommunicative, selfish, and has problems with communication. The greater the bend, the more energy and vitality, but if it becomes thin and unclear at the end, a significant deterioration in health is likely.

Line of fate

It is not always easy to find, since for some it bifurcates, changes, begins and ends in different places. Sometimes it is clearly visible on the left hand and practically absent on the right, and vice versa. The line of fate originates at the base of the wrist and goes to the base of the middle finger. Its absence should never be perceived as a lack of destiny: sometimes it only indicates that long-term planning and monotony are alien to a person. It also often intersects with others and changes its designation.

It is used to judge a person’s success, wealth, determination, ability to make decisions, and achieve their goals. If it is clear and clearly distinguishable, then the person is most likely punctual, practical, and trustworthy. Breaks, crosses point to possible problems in life, illness, change of job (profession). A sign of wealth is a line stretching to the index finger, failure - to the little finger. When fortune telling, other indicators must be taken into account.

Heart line

Carries important information about the owner. It is used to judge a person’s temperament, tenderness, sensitivity, passion, love, emotions, and constancy. It starts under the little finger (on the edge of the palm) and goes to the fingers (middle or index). Long, straight, low, it indicates that a person is capable of strong emotions. The more curved it is, the more emotional and sensual the owner. Based on the short and high position, they conclude that there is an inability to express feelings, a certain spontaneity.

If small branches enter the heart line, they indicate the presence of novels, sympathies, and secret attachments. ABOUT romantic story those that smoothly merge with the main one indicate a positive trace. Cross-shaped chains and small breaks speak of disappointments and failures in love. You shouldn’t be embarrassed by its absence - for some it connects to the head line. Palmistry with explanations and photos will help you understand more about how to read the lines on your right hand and what they mean.

Head (mind) line

The position is different for everyone, the meaning may vary depending on the characteristics of the palm. It runs across the entire arm, often starting along with the sun line. Indicates the degree of development of mental abilities. For smart people who know how to delve into, analyze, and create a chain of judgments, it is clear and long. They make talented people who work with money. Short, intermittent means that a person does not always use his mind to solve problems - he should not overload himself with mental work.

When palmists decipher the palm, they pay attention to the degree of its expression, the presence of forks and breaks. For example, branches at the end indicate literary talent, a creative type of thinking, breaks indicate absent-mindedness and poor memory. A pale, poorly defined section is a sign of increased nervousness and slowness. Some men and women have very different cross-sections on their two arms - they changed their fate during their lives

Secondary lines on the hand and their meaning

Not everyone necessarily has such lines, and their number varies individually. As a rule, those who perceive life simply, without complicating it, have very few such cross-sections. How to read lines on a hand if not everyone has them? They are taken into account along with the main ones and are used to more accurately describe a person’s fate. Yet it is wrong to underestimate their power. Here are some explanations:

  1. Line of marriage (affection, love). How many cuts there are on a hand, the number of emotional attachments a person has. The line of love in the palm is located on the side under the little finger, on the Mount of Mercury, just above the line of the heart. Having examined it, a professional palmist will tell you how likely the marriage itself is, how happy it will be, and predict divorces.
  2. Children's lines. Also located on the edge of the palm, crossing the marriage lines. Their number determines whether a person will have one child, two or more. The active hand displays the actual amount, while the passive hand displays the potential amount.
  3. Travel lines. Location – in the area of ​​the Moon hill, on the palm. They indicate travel that has a certain role in a person’s life, intense strong emotions.
  4. Line of Mars. Runs parallel to the life line. It speaks of the owner having extraordinary talents, intuition, and an inexhaustible supply of vital energy. Owners of a double life line rarely find themselves in danger, easily solve their problems, enjoy success, experience virtually no material difficulties, succeed in their careers and even receive an inheritance. It is important not to confuse it with the curse line.

How to tell fortunes by hand

Before you find out what the lines on the palm mean, it’s worth learning a few rules. Remember: you can’t hear definite forecasts even from professionals; not a single line gives an exact answer about the time and causes of death. One's hands cannot tell about those around a person; they carry information only about oneself and partly about one's blood parents. It is important to distinguish between the active and passive palm. The first talks about today, the second – about the past and the inherent possibilities. Hills and mounds tell a lot about character traits, inclinations, talents, and abilities.

By learning to read your hand, you will be able to understand what the lines on the palm of your loved ones and friends mean. No need to try to understand everything short terms. It is recommended to start with the four main ones and after mastering them, move on to others. First you need to inspect appearance hands, fingers, pay attention to the structure of the skin and the color of the palm. After this, a conclusion is drawn about health, character, happiness, abilities and inclinations.

Video: the meaning of the lines on a person’s palm

Lines on the right hand, what do they mean? I wonder what destiny is destined from birth? Check out the video for free, in which all the main and additional lines are indicated in the form of a diagram. Having studied the information about them, you can easily read the meaning of the line on the palm of your hand and prevent misfortunes and problems. The knowledge gained will become a faithful assistant in life. Carefully analyze everything you see before coming to a general, complex conclusion. Do not forget to take into account other factors during fortune telling and watch the video.

For many centuries, palmistry has been trying to help a person correctly interpret what fate has prepared for him. Absolutely any protrusion or depression, line or mark on the palm indicates a very important points at all periods of a person’s life. Therefore, it is impossible to predict true information without studying all the details and all the intersections of the lines.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors learned to read and decipher the signs marked on the hand. This is one of the types of predictions, but not everyone is given it. The most important thing to remember is that no one will tell you the exact answers and you should not completely rely on these predictions. Of course, you can predict upcoming events based on different symbols on your hand, but whether they happen or not will depend only on you.

Choosing the right hand for fortune telling

As a rule, most people do not often encounter this type of fortune telling, and do not know which hand to use to tell fortunes. Everything is very simple here. If you are right-handed, you can use your right hand to predict; if you are left-handed, then your left.

Now we have decided which hand should be used to tell fortunes for certain people, and later in the course of the article we will find out exactly where the life line is and what it means.

All about the Life Line - meaning and interpretation

A more detailed study of this line will help you learn much more about yourself than you can even imagine. By learning everything about the life line, you can change the course of your life’s journey and increase its duration, protect yourself from accidents and overcome various diseases.

A person has 7 main and 12 minor lines on the palm. The life line is one of the most important on the hand, which is present in absolutely everyone. It forms on the palm of a human embryo at a time when he is only eight weeks old!

  • It encircles the Mount of Venus in the palm of a person. It can be used to determine a person’s health status, illnesses, and even age.
  • She may have different shapes and length, can be bold or thin, with islands and dots, abrupt or forked.
  • From it you can find out a person’s character, his disposition, difficulties in certain periods of life. Having knowledge of palmistry and learning about certain events, you can try to prevent them.

Following this line, the line of the heart is formed, and then the third line of the mind. If the life line originates from the line of reason, then in this case, the owner of the hand belongs to the category of generous people.

Often these people are too compassionate and merciful towards each other, they try never to refuse help to loved ones and acquaintances. But as for providing assistance to outsiders, this is another question that should be considered from the position of his soul line and its direction.

If the line of life and mind begin from one point, such a person has an active life position and strives to achieve his goal. Such people cannot be called egoists, but somewhere deep down in their souls they have this quality. By nature they are too persistent and in almost all cases they always achieve their goals, and in various ways.

When the line of life originates separately from the line of reason, this is an arrogant and proud person. For people for whom material values ​​play a very important role in life, neither friendship nor devotion matters. They are so greedy that they even deny themselves the acquisition of any material things.

Most often, such people lose their friends because of their greed. Their main disadvantage is the fact that they love to teach others and give advice, but at the same time they do not listen to the advice of loved ones. As a rule, they are fixated on their own interests, and the interests of those around them are of little concern to them.

Bold and fine lines

  • Thick stripes indicate difficulty and at the same time active life. For such a hand owner, not everything in life is easy.

To achieve some heights or set goals, he will need most of his life. A deep and bold line is an indicator of perseverance and hard work, and if it is also long, then you can expect success.

  • A thin or vaguely defined life line indicates a flighty personality, many obstacles during life's journey.

Such a person is not too persistent in achieving what he wants and listens more to the opinions of others than to himself. They can be convinced of anything, so a leadership position is not for them. If the line is long and straight, then this is a sign of measured fate.

Bifurcation of the Life Line

It is extremely interesting to find out what the splitting of the main band tells us. If the life line on the hand bifurcates, then this, first of all, indicates that this person is two-faced. The owner of such a split is inconsistent in his thoughts and actions.

He can think or say one thing, but do a completely different unthinkable act. The double line of life has meaning - another life, i.e. a person can live two lives at once.

Of course, it is better not to have any business dealings with this category of people, much less a personal one, hoping for the loyalty of your companion and for creating a family with him. The bifurcation of the line and its turn towards the Mount of the Moon can mean a great passion for travel and frequent changes of place of residence. If such a split is present on both hands, then this is a sign of your emigration. Your life will end far from your homeland.

  • If a small line departs from the life strip and connects with the fate line, then this indicates that the person managed to achieve his cherished dream.
  • If a small line departs from the line of reason and connects with the line of life, this indicates that changes will occur in a person’s life that will affect his personal destiny and career. Perhaps it will be a job change where he can earn money directly using his mind.
  • If the life line is too thin and almost invisible, then the person is distrustful and fearful, and treats everyone with suspicion. He passes all problems through himself, constantly worries even without any particular reason.
  • Departing stripes from the life line are an indicator of loss of vital energy and strength, as well as trouble or disappointment.

If the life line connects with the fate line, this indicates that the person was able to achieve the desired result. His life goals are completely consistent with principles, morals or traditions, but after achieving the goal, his life assets will decrease significantly.

Various symbols on the palm - what do they mean?

In palmistry you can also find a dot, and if its location is directly on the main line, then this is not a very good sign. The loss of a loved one, financial instability or other troubles is quite likely.

In some cases, the dot may indicate the death of the owner of the hand, but it should not be considered as a death sentence. This is just a warning sign. As a rule, those who have such a sign on their hand cannot always cope with difficulties on their own.

A break in the main strip indicates some danger, but this is just a warning, not a sentence. This combination of lines can be explained as psychological or physical pain, trauma, which can be healed and in the future this will not affect the person’s condition and his life. If this band breaks, the following may happen:

  • religious disappointment;
  • difficulties in professional activities;
  • financial difficulties;
  • problems and disagreements in the family;
  • mutual misunderstanding with others.

On the main line you can also see some islands, indicating dead-end problems, when faced with which a person does not know how to solve them. This can be trouble not only in the family, but also financial difficulties. People who have an island on this line are susceptible depressive state, therefore, the problem must be solved only with real actions and not rely on other forces or that everything will be resolved by itself.

Sometimes there is another line that is parallel to the line of life. In palmistry it is called the angel line. This is additional energy that must be used correctly and not abused. The angel line also has its beginning and its end. Therefore, additional energy is given to a person only for a certain period of time.

Based on centuries of practice, in most cases, if you look at children's hands, you will see that their lines are too short, but then, as the children grow older, these lines become longer.

There is no way to calculate the exact date of his death from the length of the life line on a person’s hand. This would require careful analysis of many other circumstances.

And even moreover, a palm reader is under no circumstances allowed to tell a person the estimated date of his death, because such predictions tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Ideally, such a line should be continuous, deep, and also long. Although its length is not an indicator that the life lived by a person will be long or that he will die prematurely. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that one can find out about a person’s life expectancy by just one line.

In the course of your practice, you may encounter people whose three main lines are quite short. These lines:

  • life line,
  • mind line,
  • and the heart line.

Some skeptical people make their claim about the above lines that they are ordinary folds acquired in the process of life. The most interesting thing is that these statements are absolutely untrue, because all of the listed lines appear on the palm of the embryo much earlier than the time when it has the opportunity to move its arms and move its arms.

The life line serves as a kind of litmus test and shows how viable a person is and loves to live in this world. Therefore, it remains natural that the standard of living, its quality and the amount of human vital energy directly affect this line. Moreover, along the line of life one can determine not only the strength and energy of a person, but also his endurance.

Interpretation of symbols on the life line

The location of various signs and symbols on the life line help to give an accurate description of the life path of a particular person. We will find out what these symbols are and what they mean below:


The location of this symbol on the hand is a very good sign. If it is on any negative sign, it can soften its effect in the future.

  • A small square located near the index finger will definitely bring prosperity.
  • A large rectangle or square located on the Mount of Venus warns that your freedom will not last long.
  • And this does not mean that you will be put behind bars for a long time. For women this can mean an unhappy marriage, and for men it can mean subordination at work.


This sign is a harbinger of good luck. Those who have such a sign on their palm are very successful and enterprising in their careers. It is easy for such people to achieve heights and at the same time spend a minimum of their efforts.


It is very difficult to interpret this sign correctly. It all depends on its location in the palm of your hand. A good sign of imminent prosperity in material terms if the triangle is located somewhere at the beginning of the line.

The placement of this symbol next to the life line will bring some disasters associated with fire, but if this symbol is on the line itself, then its owner will suffer. You shouldn’t get hung up on this, because you can suffer in a figurative sense by losing important documents, without which you will be fired from your job.


The presence of this sign indicates a complex unresolved situation, which will require you to spend not only financial investments, but also your own efforts. If the square covers everything, then the meaning in this case changes and predicts, for example, some kind of training or advanced training.


  • The presence of such a sign makes it clear that a person is harmonious with the world, and that he has peace and tranquility in his soul. The size of the circle does not matter much.
  • If the circle is located at the very beginning of the line, then fate has destined for a calm childhood without much turmoil.
  • Only after reaching a more mature age can you part with your monotonous life and make some changes to it.


A line with this symbol at the beginning of life’s journey speaks of an intolerable character and mutual misunderstanding with more mature people. If this sign is located closer to the end of this strip, it means that the person has a psychologically complex and difficult life.

Complete absence of a Life Line - what does it mean?

It is almost impossible to meet an owner with a palm on which the life line is missing, but there have been such cases. This may indicate a troubled, anxious life. This sign warns of danger and most likely you need to radically change your entire life path. It is necessary to reconsider priorities, values ​​and worldview as a whole.

  • There have been cases where when a child appeared in the family, the missing line was instantly restored.
  • This birth of a child was regarded, first of all, as a gift from above and meant that this person was given another chance to start over.
  • The main thing in such a situation is to remember that the disappearance of the main line cannot just happen!

We hope that you have received enough information by reading the detailed transcript about the life line, its symbols and their location. Do not forget that all these signs only predetermine your destiny, but are not it. If you give up after receiving a negative prediction, you will not be able to change everything. Reconsider your actions, your life values, do everything to once again win the favor of the stars.

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Many have heard and know about what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is a beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to tell fortunes by hand. But no less important is a timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the life line.

What is the life line and where is it located?

The life line is an arc that is in the palm of every person. It begins between the thumb and index finger and extends down toward the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person’s endurance and energy.

The more clearly defined the life line and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the Mount of Venus, thus directly connecting with vital energy and strength. The closer the life line is to the thumb, the more likely a person is to develop qualities such as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the life line

Often people, seeing a short life line, are afraid that a person will not live long. Actually this is not true. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. This means that negative events read in your hand and associated with some dangerous incident may soften or be eliminated after some time.

There are several ways to tell about a person’s age at the time of certain events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This would be an age indicator of 35 years.

There is another way to approximately determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find the point closer to the base of your thumb where the life line begins to curve around it. This is approximately the 70 year mark. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Gap in the life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This could be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to mitigating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the life line: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It’s good if it seems to contain a break in the line of life within itself. IN in this case the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with a difficult situation. If it is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

Drawings often found near the life line

Sister line: goes next to the line of life, located a little closer to the thumb. It often begins from the very beginning, but can occur at any point in your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from bad influences.

Concern lines: Most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb towards the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can also be located in a specific area. These are lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. But still this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should...