What does summer mean in the circle of life? Slavic calendar of carols dar. Let our Russian family multiply

Daariyskiy– we write without an apostrophe, because it does not mean the Da’Aryan Family, but the ancient country of Daaria, i.e. he was the main one in Daariya.
Krugolet– Circle of Years (Slavs consider circles: Circle = 16, Full Circle = 144).
Chislobog– Guardian God of the Daarisky Circle.

Summers and years

We have chronology, i.e. we think Summer, and the word " hour" used to mean "period", but not temporal, but structural. Let's say now we have Summer 7522, and the period according to the Krugolet is 133. But in order not to be confused, we will temporarily use the name “year” accepted today instead of “year” (period). Those. so that you have a difference - Summer 7522, and when you need to indicate a certain year in the Krugolet, we will say 133rd year of Krugolet.

All Krugolet years begin on Autumn Equinox Day, because this day coincides with the days when our Ancestors arrived on Midgard-Earth, and in general with the days of the beginning of the chronology on Earth. In addition, on this Day, a new calendar was introduced if some global event occurred in the life of the people (see.

Round the clock
Slavic-Aryan Calendar

The ancient calendar is based on a hexadecimal number system and divides long periods of time into Circles of Life, each for 144 Summers (years), and Summer - for three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. In modern chronology, historical counting is carried out in centuries (periods of 100 years), and there are four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Thus, the Circle of Life consists of 144 parts (16x9), and each part has its own unique heavenly rune.

The path through the starry sky of Yarila the Sun is called Svarozh circle(25.920 years). The Svarog circle itself is also divided into 16 parts, and they are called mansions, or palaces (1,620 years), which in turn are divided into 9 “halls” each.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog
Element Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Color black red scarlet golden green heavenly blue violet white
1 Path (wanderer) 1 129 113 97 8 65 49 33 17
2 Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
3 Priestess 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
4 Mir (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
5 Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
6 Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
7 Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
8 Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
9 Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
10 Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
11 Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
12 Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
13 Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
14 Tour (bull) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
15 Mansions (house) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
16 Kapishche (temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Every Summer has its own name. Now is the Summer of the “Fire (Scarlet) Scroll”. To check this, according to the table you need to year from R.H. add 5508, and if the day of the autumnal equinox has already passed, then add 5509. And from the result subtract 7376 if the calculation is before 2012 or 7520 if the calculation is after 2012. We get Summer 5. According to the table, we find that the number 5 corresponds to the Summer of the “Fiery (Scarlet) Scroll”.

From the Svarog Circle, the Souls of people come to Earth, and when the Sun passes a certain Hall, the combination of its light with the light of the Hall gives power, which is perceived by the Sacred Tree of the Hall, growing on Earth.

The Earth moves around Yarila (Sun), rotating around its axis, and the axis slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the north pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone. This movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone is scientifically called precession, and in this calendar Days of Svarog. As a result of this, a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16 Halls (constellations), the axis passes in 25,920 years (180x144). Previously, there was no precession, and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy.

“...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of everything that exists. This is the top of the World Tree, the Mer-mountain, the place of contact between our world and the Superworld, in which the Supreme Race Himself exists. In Stozhary, the Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating the Svarga Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk with salt at the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...”

Circle Day of Svarog describes the Galactic scale of Time (Heavenly Time) and includes 180 Circles of Life. The movement of the circle, unlike all internal circles of time, goes clockwise. Each of the 180 lines on the outer circle absorbs 144 years. Those who tune in to the rhythms of the Universe will definitely have the opportunity to move at least once or twice from one Circle of Life to another. The current Circle of Life began in 2012 and we entered the Heavenly Hall of the Wolf, which will last 1620 years (until 3632).

Epochs of the Day of Svarog
Name of the palace Patron God Epoch date Description of the era
1 Virgo Jiva 10948-9328 BC e. Evening
2 Race (Leopard) Dazhdbog (Tarkh) 9328-7708 BC e. Evening
3 Eagle Perun 7708-6088 BC e. Evening
4 Horse Kupala 6088-4468 BC e. Evening
5 Finist Vyshen 4468-2848 BC e. Night
6 Elk Lada 2848-1228 BC e. Night
7 Tour Kryshen 1228-392 BC e. Night
8 Fox Madder 392-2012 e. Night
9 Wolf (White Dog) Veles 2012-3632 e. Morning
10 Busl (stork) Genus 3632-5252 AD e. Morning
11 Bear Svarog 5252-6872 AD e. Morning
12 Crow Kolyada, Varuna 6872-8492 AD e. Morning
13 Serpent Semargl 8492-10112 AD e. Day
14 Swan Makosh 10112-11732 AD e. Day
15 Pike Rozhana 11732-13352 AD e. Day
16 Boar Ramhat 13352-14972 AD e. Day

Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the “Fire Ladle”, or Zemun (Ursa Minor), being its eighth star. The Hall of Zemun is a system of luminaries (constellation) moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall, where an object is located that astronomers call the neutron star 1RXS J141256.0+792204. Yarilo-Sun is part of the “triple star system”. In addition to him, it includes the White Giant and the Brown Dwarf (Mara). One of the Brown Dwarf Earths, Nimizis (Nibiru), is often depicted as a disk with wings, having an orbital period of 3600 years.

On the coat of arms of Belovodye you can see the location of Yarila in the Hall of Zemun. Yarila is depicted as the Star of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which Yarila, throughout the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer) during one Summer, moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle.

To make a complete revolution around the center of the Galaxy, the Sun takes about 223.5 million years, which constitute a galactic year, while the Sun crosses the galactic equator every 32 million years, then rises above its plane to a height of 230 light years and descends again to equator. This oscillatory process, with a period of 32 million years, is the rotation of the Sun (in addition to revolving around the center of the Galaxy) around the center of the Hall.

The flow of the “River of Time” is the rotation of the rings of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog anti-salt: rotation 16 hours in a day, rotation 9 days in a week, rotation 9 months in Summer, rotation 16 years through 9 elements (“halls”) in the Circle of Life, rotation of a series of years through 16 palaces (constellations) of the Svarog Circle.

One Summer contains 9 months, a month - 41 or 40 days (depending on whether it is odd or even), a day - 16 hours, an hour - 144 parts, a part - 1296 shares (36x36), a share - 72 moments, an instant - 760 migov, mig - 160 whitefish, whitefish - 14,000 centigs. Such precision is unattainable even with the most advanced modern chronometers.

A week includes 9 days (Monday, Tuesday, third, Thursday, Friday, sixth, seventh, eighth, week). All months begin on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of a given Summer begins on Tuesday, then all other odd-numbered months in this Summer will begin on Tuesday, and even months on the seventh. Therefore, the calendar that we now carry in our pocket and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously included only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months.

The ancient Slavic calendar, just like the Scandinavian or Celtic one, had a Runic form of display, that is, initially the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes.

A rune is not a letter or a syllable... A rune is a secret Image. The names of the months were originally designated by Runes, and later the entry by Initial Letter was added with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.

The first month is indicated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months are indicated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating the part of the solar cycle known to us as Summer.

Nine months:

1. Ramhat - month of the divine beginning (41 days),
2. Ilet - month of new gifts (40 days),
3. Beylet - month of white radiance and peace of the world (41 days),
4. Gaylet - month of blizzards and cold (40 days),
5. Daylet - month of awakening of nature (41 days),
6. Elet - month of sowing and naming (40 days),
7. Veylet - month of winds (41 days),
8. Heylet - the month of receiving the gifts of nature (40 days),
9. Taylet - month of completion (41 days).

Circles of Years(16) pass through natural Elemental Circles(9), thus, a complete Circle of passage gives Circle of Life.

But not only Summers are considered Circles of 16 years, complete walkthrough Yarila-Sun in the Heavens among the stars, also contains the number 16.

Sixteen hours:

1 - Lunch (beginning of a new day), 19:30 - 21:00 (winter time, respectively 20:30 - 22:00 - summer time; then only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven), 21:00 - 22:30.
3 - Draw (odd time of three moons), 22:30 - 24:00.
4 - Polich (full path of the Moons), 24:00 - 1:30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew), 1:30 - 3:00.
6 - Zaura (star shine, dawn), 3:00 - 4:30.
7 - Zaurnice (end of starlight) - 4:30 - 6:00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn), 6:00 - 7:30.
9 - Svaor (Sunrise), 7:30 - 9:00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew), 9:00 - 10:30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew), 10:30 - 12:00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting), 12:00 - 13:30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13:30 - 15:00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal), 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions), 16:30 - 18:00.
16 - Poudani (completed day), 18:00 - 19:30.


The day ends with sunset. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (end of the day) is 19:30. At the same time, there is no such concept of “zero time” (00:00), life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let’s say: modern “0 hours 25 minutes” in this system would be written “24 hours 25 minutes”.

Circle of Elements:

1. Earth (black)
2. Star (purple)
3. Fire (red)
4. Sun (golden)
5. Tree (green)
6. Heaven (celestial or azure)
7. Ocean (blue)
8. Moon (purple)
9. God (white)

The elements consistently reflect the sacred aspect of the evolution of the Universe and man, while simultaneously affecting the essential features of the key energy centers of the body.

Days of the week and patrons:

1. Monday, beginning, labor day - Horse
2. Tuesday, Labor Day - Arey
3. Tray, rest, fasting - Perun
4. Thursday, Labor Day - Varuna
5. Friday, Labor Day - Indra
6. Shestitsa, Labor Day - Stribog
7. Week, rest, fasting - Svarog
8. Osmitsa, (Axis Mundi) Labor Day - Mertsana
9. Week, rest, day of guests, gatherings, songs - Yarilo

The calendar in the left column is fully consistent with the Daari roundabout, except for some visual differences in its execution. It makes it possible to select any modern date and see its correspondence to the Daari circle and its detailed description.


The circle with the maximum diameter is the outer circle in which the names of the palaces and patrons are concentrated;
- the next circle contains time runes (name of the hour and serial number);
- then follows a circle where the runes corresponding to the palaces are indicated, it is these signs that are used to make amulets;
- the next circle is divided into nine sectors according to the number of elements - earth, fire, sun, moon, god, star, tree, ocean, heaven. Each element corresponds to a specific day of the week and month of the year. According to this system, our ancestors determined what the next year would be like;
- the penultimate circle, the fifth, personifies the day of the week, the patron and the celestial body;
- the last circle, the central one, is depicted in the form of a star with nine rays, each ray symbolizes a channel (chakra) of a person.


The number 144 is a direct harmonic of how fast the second hand moves around a 360 o circle on a watch face compared to how fast the Sun moves around a 360 o circle in the sky. There are 86,400 seconds in a 360 o arc of the Sun, which is one day in time. To obtain the amount of relative motion between 1" 360 o of the clock face and 1" 360 o of the movement of the Sun, we divide 86,400 seconds by the number of seconds in one degree 360 ​​o of a circle, or by one minute, or by 60 seconds.

The resulting ratio is 1440 - our present perception of time: in other words, one second of our time moves along the dial 1440 times faster than the Sun along the arc traced in the sky.

The Solar Cycle is a pulsation of Light expressed through the rotation of planets and stars. The light pulsates in octaves, creating a geometry of dimensions.

This becomes one of the most important points because it demonstrates the direct the connection between the frequencies of light and sound - the mathematics of numbers is literally identical. Double the number 144 = 288 – the first number on the diatonic scale. Next we can see:

Baktun of the Mayan Calendar - 144,000 Earth days;
- the main “building block” of all frequencies of sound vibrations – 144;
- the basic number of the frequency of light in Gematria is 144;
- Slavic hour - 144 parts, 1 part - 1296 beats, harmonic 36x36
- and, of course, a 12 x 12 harmonic.

Also, by understanding harmonics, one can see that an atom is also an expression of geometric vibration. This should help explain why the theoretical limit of the Periodic Table of the Elements is 144, the harmonic of light.

Slavic astrology describes the presence of 27 lands in the solar system, some of which existed previously, but are now destroyed: only debris remains in the form of asteroid belts. These are echoes of the battles of the gods, or, as I would call them modern generation, - Star Wars. Some of the distant Earths, taken into account by Slavic astrology, have not yet been discovered by modern astronomical science, or (due to their remoteness) are not considered planets of the solar system. Only the development of astronomy and cosmonautics can show how right the Slavic astronomical atlas is.

Dear readers, today we will take a closer look at the Slavic-Aryan calendar system and learn how to translate the date of our birthday and any others, in order to find out how the date affects fate and character, what patrons are behind us and what amulets will help us on the Path .

To make it easier to approach the calculations, I will give as an analogy the familiar Eastern system and the Zodiac circle. How are calculations carried out in it?

Eastern system

ElementTree Fire Earth Metal Water
ColorBlue Red Yellow White Black
Year/StartIan Yin Ian Yin Ian Yin Ian Yin Ian Yin
1 Mouse 1 13 25 37 49
2 Cow 2 14 26 38 50
3 Tiger 51 3 15 27 39
4 Hare (Cat) 52 4 16 28 40
5 Dragon 41 53 5 17 29
6 Snake 42 54 6 18 30
7 Horse 31 43 55 7 19
8 Sheep 32 44 56 8 20
9 Monkey 21 33 45 57 9
10 Chicken 22 34 46 58 10
11 Dog 11 23 35 47 59
12 Pig 12 24 36 48 60

The movement of the “royal” planet Jupiter (Earth of Perun) is taken as a basis, its period is 11.867, i.e. 12 years old.
There are 5 elements in the Eastern system: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. 12 symbolic years (from Mouse to Pig) alternately pass through 5 elements, as a result, the circle closes after 60 years - this is the cyclicity of the eastern system, in contrast to the Slavic, in which the cyclicity is 144 years.

Start years of 60-year cycles: 1924, 1984, 2044…
Keys for calculations - last years of cycles: 1923, 1983...
For example, for 1979: 1979 - 1923 = 56, we look at the table and see that this is the year of the Yellow Sheep with the beginning of Yin, the element Earth;
for 1984: 1984 - 1983 = 1, look at the table - this is the year of the Blue Mouse with a Yang beginning, the element of Wood.

The circle of elements has a light (creative) and dark (destructive) structure and begins with a tree (Roda tree).
Creation: wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood
Destruction: wood destroys earth, earth destroys water, water destroys fire, fire destroys metal, metal destroys wood:

Harmony (creation + destruction): wood generates fire and destroys earth, fire generates earth and destroys metal, etc.

This is how we define the years and the harmonies between them. And according to the Zodiac circle, knowing the months and days, we determine our Zodiac sign:

Zodiac means circle of animals.
To find out your zodiac sign:
♈ Aries: March 21 - April 20
♉ Taurus: April 21 - May 20
♊ Gemini: May 21 - June 20
♋ Cancer: June 21 - July 22
♌ Leo: July 23 - August 22
♍ Virgo: August 23 - September 23
♎ Libra: September 24 - October 23
♏ Scorpio: October 24 - November 21
♐ Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
♑ Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
♒ Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
♓ Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Slavic system
Now let's look at the Slavic system. Here, 16 Symbolic Years pass through 9 “elements”, ultimately forming a full cycle - 144 Summers - the Circle of Life. Each element also has its own color and is divided into feminine and masculine principles (in the East the order is reversed: yang - yin)

The Svarog Circle is a section of the starry sky along which the Yarilo-Sun (the modern Zodiac, or ecliptic) moves in one Summer, starting from the palace of Virgo, counterclockwise.

The Svarog circle system is divided into 16 Halls (stars, constellations). Each Hall of the Svarog Circle has 9 Halls. Each Hall has 9 tables. On both sides of which there are benches. On one side of the table there are 36 benches for men, on the other there are 36 benches for women. Each bench has 760 seats. The arrangement of male and female places does not oppose (the fates of) one to the other, but harmonizes them just as “Ha” and “Tha” harmonize in a magnet.

Each place at the table in a certain hall and palace of the Svarog Circle is illuminated by the subtle radiant light of the Earths, Moons and Yarila, as well as the light and radiance of the Stars and Suns of our World (our Universe).

Now let's take a look at the correspondence tables between the modern and Slavic-Aryan calendars.

Correspondence tables
Before you find out which Symbolic year according to the Daarian Circular Year of Chislobog (Table 1 above) corresponds to your year of birth, it is necessary to take into account that the difference between the Chronicles is 5508 years when calculating before the Autumn Equinox, and 5509 - after it, since we have Summer , if you remember, begins on the day of the autumnal equinox (September 20-23)

And the day after Slavic-Aryan calendar start from Evening (18:00 or 19:00 when switching to daylight saving time) and alternate: evening, night, morning, day. Therefore, for ease of recording, in the correspondence tables, it is customary to indicate the one of the two days that has the longest duration.
It was not for nothing that our Wise Ancestors said that: “The morning is wiser than the evening,” because in three quarters of a day you can learn more than in one third.

The upper numbers in Table 2, from 1 to 16, correspond to the years of Chislobog’s Circle: 1 - Wanderer (Path); 2 - Priest; 3 - Virgo (Priestess); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav), etc.

The simple years of Chislobog's Daarian Circle are combined into subgroups - (1, 2, 3), (5, 6, 7), (9, 10, 11) and (13, 14, 15).
Leap years of the Gregorian calendar are divided into independent subgroups - (4), (8), (12), (16).

In addition, subgroup (16) is specially highlighted, because 16 Summer is Sacred, and all its months have 41 days.

The name and meaning of the months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar, see table 3.
In simple Summer, according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar, Even (incomplete) months (2, 4, 6, 8) have 40 days, and Odd (full) months (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) contain 41 days (Table 4).
From Table 4 it can be seen that all the days in two months, odd and even, constitute nine full Weeks. Therefore, in each simple Summer, all odd months begin on one day of the week, and all even months begin on another.
For example: if in a simple Summer the month of Ramhat began on Monday, then all the remaining Odd (full) months will also begin on Monday, and the second month of this Summer will begin on Six, like all other Even (incomplete) months.

In addition, every year on the Chislobog Circle begins on a strictly defined day of the Week.

Thanks to this, you can easily find out what day of the Week it was on a certain date, as well as what day of the Week a particular year began on the Chislobog Circle (Table 5) in ancient times, centuries and millennia ago.

Having determined from Table 5 the day of the week from which the year of the Krugolet began, and therefore its first month Ramkhat, we immediately find out on what day of the week this or that month of a given year begins (Table 6).

Having learned the necessary brief information regarding the ancient Slavic-Aryan chronology, you can begin to transfer any historical date from the modern calendar to the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, taking as a basis the chronology from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (the date of the signing of the peace treaty, after the victory of the Great Race over the Great Dragon ).

Years of beginning of 144-year cycles: ...7377. 7521, …
Keys for calculations - last years of cycles: ...7376, 7520…

What is Summer like now?
To check this using the DKCh table, you need to year from R.H. add 5508 and subtract 7376 from the result (2012+5508=7520-7376 = 144) We get the Summer of 144. According to the DKCH table, we find that the number 144 corresponds to the Summer of the “Divine (White) Temple (Temple)”.
Its characteristics are as follows:

Summer 144
Sacred Temple of God (Temple of the Family) - A year of summing up and understanding life. This year life proceeds more or less calmly, because... Dark forces do not dare to manifest their activity. This year, people are born endowed with unusual abilities and qualities to cognize and restore the lost Ancient Wisdom. Such People, as a rule, become Priests and Priests. They say about them: Their whole life passes under the protection of the Gods.
Symbolic image: Kapishche (Temple)
Element: God
Color: White

And when the day of the autumnal equinox passes, then add 5509. And from what was received, take away a new key 7520, which will be valid for all the next 144 years (2012+5509=7521-7520 = 1) We get Summer 1. Using the DKCH table, we find that the number 1 corresponds to the Summer of the “Earthly (Black) Wanderer (Path)”

Summer 1
Earthly Path - This year indicates that a Person born this year will face great trials, just like the Powers: going through a dark period of crises, failures and formations. This year is the beginning of beginnings, and starting is always more difficult, but whatever the beginning, it is always followed by the accomplishment of the set goal and the embodiment of the conceived idea.
Character image: Wanderer (Path)
Element: Earth
Color: Black
Let's give an example of calculating a birthday.
To obtain the chronology from SMZH, add 5508 or 5509 to your year of birth if you were born after the autumn equinox. Now let’s calculate in which Krugolet a person was born, subtracting 7376 from previous calculations. For example, for May 15, 1979 (05/15/1979): (1979 + 5508) – 7376 = 111. From the DKCH table we find that this is the 15th Summer of the “Star House” in Krugolet.

The interpretation of all years of the Krugolet (from 1 to 144) can be viewed

Next, using the correspondence table (Table 2), we find out the month of birth: in column 13-15 we look for which month 05.15 falls on: the sixth month Elet, which lasts from April 11 to May 21 (40 days),
then, using the stencil of table 4, we calculate the number in an even month: April 11 = 1 Elet, 12.04 = 2 Elet, 13.04 = 3, ..., 15.05 = 35 Elet.

So, 05/15/1979 is 35 Elet 7487 years from SMZH,
Summer of the "Star House (choir)", 111 in the Circle of Life.
According to table 5, we find that the 111th summer began on October 1, according to table 6, we determine that the month of Elet began on Thursday, then using the stencil of the days of the week (Table 4) we calculate on what day of the week the 35th Elet falls - this is Tuesday.

Characteristics of quarters and days of months can be viewed
Note: If you were born after 18:00 (winter time or after 19:00 in summer time), then you need to add one day to the calculations, because the new Slavic-Aryan day begins at this time.
Note: Daylight saving time was introduced on April 1, 1981.
To find out in which Hall you were born, its characteristics, the patron God, the sacred Tree and the design of the amulet, use the table of the Svarog Circle.

Hall Dates Amulet
1 Hall of the Maiden 18 Taylet - 1 RamkhatRice
2 Hall of the Boar 1 Ramhat - 22 RamhatRice
3 Hall of the Pike 22 Ramkhat - 4 AyletRice
4 Hall of the Swan 4 Aylet - 25 AyletRice
5 Hall of the Serpent 25 Aylet - 7 BeyletRice
6 Hall of the Raven 7 Beylet - 29 BeyletRice
7 Hall of the Bear 29 Beylet - 12 GeyletRice
8 Hall of Busla 12 Geylet - 37 GeyletRice
9 Hall of the Wolf 37 Geylet - 22 DayletRice
10 Hall of the Fox 22 Daylet - 4 EletRice
11 Hall of Tours 4 Elet - 26 EletRice
12 Hall of the Elk 26 Elet - 9 VeyletRice
13 Finist's Hall 9 Veylet - 31 VeyletRice
14 Hall of the Horse 31 Veylet - 13 HeyletRice
15 Hall of the Eagle 13 Heylet - 35 HeyletRice
16 Hall of Race 35 Heylet - 18 TayletRice

For our example, 35 Elet is 12. Hall of the Elk, Mother of God Lada-Mother, Sacred Tree - Birch.
People born in the Hall of Tour and Elk are hardworking, constantly engaged in some kind of work, even if this work is monotonous. Their inner essence seems to awaken to life with the beginning of spring, and when the New Year comes, their creative approach to Life falls into hibernation.
The Hall of the Elk gives a cheerful, loving, open character, a carefree and serene lifestyle, the pursuit of limitless ideals...

Let's look at an example of a historical date and its interpretation:
Tragic events in Moscow, shooting of the building of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR - September-October 1993 (Autumn Equinox).

These events occurred at the turn of two years, i.e. the events and essence of one year influenced the events of the next year. Therefore, in order to find out the reasons for the events, it is necessary to know the essence of both years.
We calculate 1 year: 1993 + 5508 = Summer 7501 from S.M.Z.H. We calculate year 2: 1993 + 5509 = Summer 7502 from S.M.Z.H. And from the obtained dates we subtract 7376 (year 144 on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 125 and 126 years on the Daariysky Chislobog Krugolet.

We find in Table 1 what the resulting years correspond to, as well as their essence:

125 - White Dog. 13 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of pseudo-reforms, which are carried out in words and not in deeds (people say: “The wind carries the dog when it barks”). This year, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and destroy the means of production, especially agriculture. But, As a rule, all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against the dark forces, because the people need stability, and not empty talk of rulers."

126 - White Tour. 14 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of popular protests against the tyranny of dark forces. This year, as a rule, a lot of blood of innocent people is shed and ritual murders are committed, with human sacrifices.”

Next. In Table 2 we find in the subgroup (13,14,15) the beginning of 1 month. The first day of the month Ramkhat corresponds to September 20 (i.e. September 19-20). This day marks the boundary between the events of 125 and 126 on the Chislobog Circle.

The real events that took place corresponded to the essence of the years of Chislobog’s Circle. Until September 19, the confrontation between the branches of government took place at the level of verbal mutual accusations.
But then the year 125 gives way to 126, September 20 arrived and the opposing sides moved from words to actions. The President issues the famous Decree No. 1400, dissolves the Supreme Council, and the latter, in turn, announces the removal of the President from office and that all power in the country passes into the hands of the Vice President. The verbal struggle between the two branches of government turned into an armed conflict, as a result of which innocent civilians died near the Ostankino television center, and the building of the Supreme Council was shot at from tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The years of the Tour, and 126 is one of them, come every 16 years. These years indicate that during these periods, dark forces infiltrating into power shed the blood of innocent people.

In the 18th century, a striking manifestation of the bloodthirstiness of the dark forces was the armed suppression of the popular uprising against tyranny and anti-Russian decrees of Peter I (shaving beards, wearing “German” clothes instead of Russian clothes, etc.), which was raised by Old Believers and Old Believers in the Siberian city of Tara, in Summer 7230 (1722). These are the so-called Tara riots. And there is no need to remind about the physical destruction of Old Believers throughout the Russian Empire.

The events of the 20th century are known to everyone; it is enough to cite a few historical dates:

Summer 7422 (1914) - beginning of the First World War;
Summer 7438 (1930) - decossackization and dispossession;
Summer 7470 (1962) - execution of workers in Novocherkassk;
Summer 7502 (1993) - bloody events in Moscow.

Each incarnated Soul is a special matrix, which contains information from the Goddess of Life Jiva, and is supplemented by the Patron God of the Family.

In ancient times, up to 21-24 billion Souls lived simultaneously on Midgard-Earth, and on the Earth of Oreya (Mars) up to 50 billion Souls, on the Earth of Dei (now the asteroid belt) - 30 billion.

But two Souls, born in one second from two women in the same chamber, will have different destinies, since there is a difference in moments, moments, and moments. In addition, they have different Lord Stars, different Clans, fathers and mothers. The souls of their Ancestors belonged to different Star systems, and each Star system at the highest Divine level has its own Roots.

Man is also influenced by the Highest Gods, Patron Gods, Manager Gods, Protector Gods, and Teacher Gods. They give spiritual and emotional support to a person in his life. When necessary, They help against the influence of dark forces.

But no matter how much influence and help comes from the Stars, Suns, Earths, Moons, Elements, Gods, Ancestors, the person himself still determines how to fulfill his duty to the Family, since the law of the Universe proclaims Freedom of choice to achieve the highest goal in advancing "Golden ladder" of development.

I suggest you, my dear readers, to also familiarize yourself with Slavic Symbolism (with detailed description each character).


Lost ancient knowledge is increasingly attracting interest in the scientific world. However, it is almost impossible to put together everything that was known to our ancestors. The history of mankind was rewritten too much, and Slavic culture especially suffered from this. What do we know about our ancestors? Yes, practically nothing. The memory retains fragmentary information about the Old Slavic pagan deities and the arrival of Christianity in Rus', which brought with it many European values ​​that were widely implanted among the ancient Slavs. The great reformer Peter I made his contribution to the destruction of the memory of our ancestors and their knowledge. He strove with all his might to eradicate everything Russian and introduce the basic elements of Western culture into society. As a result of these actions, we consider our ancestors to be “dark” people, whose knowledge was limited to information about the beginning of sowing work. However, scientists are increasingly talking about the great Slavic culture, which gave the world extensive knowledge. To realize this, you can study the ancient Slavic calendar Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog. Have you heard of this? Unfortunately, this is not surprising. But we are ready, together with our readers, to look into those hoary times when people lived in complete harmony with the laws of the Universe.

Ancient Slavs: who they are and where they came from

The Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog is one of the most accurate and, as scientists say, correct calendars known in the world. It has something in common with eastern chronology systems, but reveals much more deeply the processes occurring in the Universe. In addition, this calendar allows you not only to count down the months and days of the week, but also to get acquainted with some moments from the history of the ancient Slavs, which shed light on the mystery of their origin.

We will not dive deeply into the facts reflected in the Krugolet, but even a superficial glance allows us to get important information about where our ancestors came to Earth from. Surprisingly, the ancient Slavic calendar Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog contains information about all important stages history of the Slavs, because chronology is based on several important dates.

The most significant of them is the arrival on Midgard (planet Earth). Initially, the settlers settled only one continent - Daaria, which was supposed to be located in the Arctic Ocean. It is interesting that three Moons then revolved around Midgard, creating a special field ideal for the spiritual growth of intelligent beings living on the planet. The further destruction of two Moons - Lelya and Fatta - caused the Great Flood and climate change. These two events were also reflected in the ancient Slavic calendar. They also kept their own time counting.

It is interesting that even this superficial information completely changes the idea of ​​the history of human civilization as a whole. And if you carefully study the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog, history appears in an even more incredible light. Nowadays, the scientific world has adopted the term “alternative historical development,” which is applied to all facts that do not fit into the generally accepted theory. Some people consider this to be fiction, but as soon as you dig a little, a curious seeker will be faced with interesting information, requiring separate study. For example, the word “calendar” (and this is what we are talking about in our article) did not come to us from Roman or Greek language, although this is exactly what is commonly believed in the modern world. Do you think we're wrong? Let's find out.

Calendar - a gift from God Kolyada

In ancient Slavic mythology, there were three gods who came to our planet and gave the greatest wisdom - knowledge. Everyone taught the people various things. For example, Kryshen brought fire to people. But Kolyada saved humanity from spiritual extinction - he collected all the ancient knowledge together and told people how to calculate months, days and weeks. He conveyed information about the passage of time and its essence, as well as about the division of the world into Nav, Rule and Reality. Thanks to this knowledge, people now have a unique collection left by Kolyada as a gift, that is, a calendar.

If you are ready to challenge this theory, then we can provide several more interesting facts to confirm our version. Despite the fact that the word "calendar", according to generally accepted opinion, came to us from Ancient Rome, in its original meaning it had nothing to do with chronology. After all, the Romans used the kalends, the first days of the month, in order not to miss the next date for loan payments. Therefore, translated from Latin, the word “calendar” means “debt book” or “loan”. It is interesting that linguists still cannot translate the term literally, because when a word is divided into its components, it takes on a completely different meaning. Therefore, it was customary to simply consider the calendar to have come from those ancient times when Latin was the living language. The Slavic version seems more logical and consistent, doesn't it?

Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog: characteristics (general) and difference from the modern calendar

In order to understand how the ancient Slavs perceived time periods, it is necessary to completely reject everything that we know about our usual chronology. Kolyada's gift - the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog - is a multi-level system of basic concepts about the processes occurring in our Universe. Interesting, but scientists have proven that this system not only the most correct, but also healing the human body. After all, living according to a calendar allows you to tune your biorhythms to the same wavelength as nature and the world around you. A person becomes part of a huge organism that functions according to the ancient laws of the Universe.

The first thing that catches your eye when you take a quick look at Chislobog’s Daariysky Krugolet is the number of seasons. Our ancestors had only three of them:

  • autumn;
  • winter;
  • spring.

Moreover, the complete alternation of these seasons was measured not in years, but in summers. Surprisingly, in this case the words “chronology”, “chronicle” and “chronicler” fall into place. This indicates that our genetic memory does not allow us to completely abandon the knowledge of our ancestors. After all, we even ask about age using the phrase “how many years”, and not “how many years”. The Slavic-Daarian Circle of Chislobog implies counting eras not in centuries, but in special periods - Circles of Life, which include one hundred and forty-four years. Scientists believe that this approach to counting time allows you to avoid “losing” days, hours and minutes. After all, over many millennia, Chislobog’s Daarian Circlet has not lagged behind even a single second, which confirms its accuracy.

The summer of our ancestors consisted of three hundred and sixty-five days, but these were only fifteen years. Every sixteenth summer was considered sacred, and was four days longer. Interestingly, each month lasted exactly forty-one days.

There were nine months in summer, that is, three for each season. On ordinary days there could be forty and forty-one days. This depended on their serial number; even ones always had forty days, and odd ones forty-one. Every summer began with the autumn equinox. This was a great holiday for the Slavs; it is preserved in historical sources under the name “New Year”.

As you might have guessed, the week was also significantly different from what is usual for a modern person. Nine days of the week were recorded in the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. Moreover, each of them had its own name and purpose. This rule was strictly observed by all Slavs without exception. For example, on the ninth day it was customary to rest and visit. No one tried to start work at this time. Each day of the week on the calendar was marked with a Slavic rune, thus conveying a greater amount of information and the true meaning of the name of the day.

There were sixteen hours in the day of the ancient Slavs, but they began not at twelve o’clock at night, but at half past eight (winter time) or half past eight. Each hour also had its own name, characterizing its purpose.

Due to the fact that Chislobog’s Daariy Krugolet was extremely simple and understandable for the Slavs, calculations using it never took much time. Man lived in harmony with nature, and for each month a certain table was compiled, taking into account even or odd characteristics. People only needed to remember what day of the week summer began, and the entire scheme for calculating time immediately became as simple as possible.

The Slavic-Daarian Krugolet of Chislobog also included a unique astrological horoscope. It consisted of sixteen constellations, or palaces, as the Slavs called them. Yaril’s complete passage through all the palaces takes 25,920 years; this period is marked in the calendar as the Day of Svarog, or the Svarozhichi circle. It had a very deep sacred meaning, which we will talk about a little later. I wonder what solar system according to the ancient Slavs, it had not nine planets, as it is now, but twenty-seven. Most of them are now just the asteroid belt left over from destructive war gods.

What does the ancient Slavic calendar look like?

The ancient calendar of our ancestors was arranged in the form of a circle. By the way, a similar structure was noted among the Mayans. This form of calendar is considered the most convenient and correct, because according to ideas about the world, human souls also make a cycle. They move from Yavi (the world of the living) to Nav ( world of the dead) and are reborn, returning to life in a different guise. Yarilo also goes around all the palaces and makes the main cycle, which is identical to the earthly day - morning, day, evening and night.

If this is the first time you have seen the Daariysky Circle of Chislobog, the interpretation of dates, runes and palaces must begin counterclockwise. In this way, absolutely all actions and calculations were carried out according to the calendar; such rotation of the time circle was called “salting.”

Ancient calendar: when it was lost

In Rus', the old chronology was finally abolished in 1700 by decree of Peter I. By his order, the country took the Gregorian calendar as a basis, and the first of January became the time for the onset of the new year (not summer). However, such changes were extremely undesirable for the people; people did not understand why they should switch from a convenient and familiar system of counting years to a foreign and extremely difficult to perceive. But no one could argue with the king, so in remote villages communities of Old Believers remained, who continued to live according to the covenants of their ancestors and preserved the ancient Slavic calendar.

Over time, such people became fewer and fewer. In modern history, interest in Chislobog’s Circular Flight awoke several decades ago. It was during this period that a scrupulous study of the history of the ancient Slavs began, which had already managed to present scientists with a lot of surprises.

Today's day as reflected in the ancient Slavic calendar

Of course, the knowledge of the ancients is not completely lost. And now scientists have been able to restore not only the external appearance of our ancestors, but also almost completely deciphered it. Therefore, you can easily answer the question, what year is it now according to the Daariysky Krugolet Chislobog. Want to know? We are ready to help and tell you everything we can about 2017.

According to the calendar, the current year is seven thousand five hundred and twenty-fifth summer from the Creation of the world in the Star Temple. This event was reflected in many ancient chronicles. It is believed that it was during this summer that the Slavic warriors signed a peace treaty with the people of the Dragon and demarcated their territories. The result of the agreement was the construction of a huge wall, which everyone now calls the Chinese Wall.

You need to know that every summer our ancestors had its own special name and color, as well as an element. For example, the current summer is passing under the element of fire and has a scarlet color. The Slavs called it "Fire Scroll". According to the description, there will be many fires and droughts this summer. Water will begin to actively evaporate from reservoirs and people in different parts of the planet will face a shortage of drinking water and deaths from thirst will become more frequent. Our ancestors claimed that in such a summer there could be an invasion of insects that would devour the crops.

The current month of April was called eylet, during which it was necessary to begin sowing and carry out absolutely all work related to the land.

It is unknown how accurate the predictions of the ancients are. But now we can compare them with the characteristics of last summer. According to Chislobog’s Daariysky Krugolet for 2016, it was held under the name “Starry World”. This summer, great discoveries were to be made in the field of astronomy and other sciences. During this period, many people received a powerful impetus to intellectual development and felt paranormal abilities. The color of the past summer was red.

Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog: deciphering the names of the months in summer

The Slavs paid great attention to names, because each letter carried its own certain meaning. In addition, almost all the information hidden in the calendar was given by the gods, which means it contained a huge energy message.

As we have already clarified, summer began with the autumn equinox. This was the kingdom of Oseni, its first month was Ramkhat. Its name can be translated as "divine origin."

Three winter months followed:

  • aylet;
  • baleth;
  • Gaylet.

The first winter month was considered the period of collecting the gifts of the earth, the second Slavs considered it a time of peace and snow-white radiance. But the name of the third revealed its essence - a period of winter blizzards and cold. During this period, the Slavs saw off the goddess Mara, who ruled the world in winter, and welcomed the spring of Vesta.

  • daylet;
  • eylet;
  • Waylet.

After the first month of the awakening of nature, the time of sowing began, and then the period of winds. After spring, autumn began again, it was already the end of the calendar summer. The months of Heylet and Taylet involved harvesting and summing up the results of the whole summer. The next month was already the first in the new summer.

Nine day week

Each day of the week among the Slavs, by its very name, reveals what it carries within itself. Let's look at all the days in turn:

  • Monday;
  • Tuesday;
  • tritary;
  • Thursday;
  • Friday;
  • six;
  • seven;
  • octagon;
  • week.

The names from Tuesday to October are clear to everyone - this is a listing of days by serial number. But the name “week” comes from the phrase “no work”, because during this period it was supposed to rest from the labors of the righteous. The Slavs were destined to have fun, sing songs and spend time with friends and relatives. Monday was the next day after the week, that’s why it was called that. It is interesting that our ancestors clearly observed the alternation of work and rest. For example, it was necessary to rest and fast during the week and weekday.

A day is sixteen hours long

Keep in mind that our ancestors' hour was slightly longer than sixty minutes. It lasted approximately ninety minutes, so in order to calculate the daily flow of time without errors while studying Chislobog’s Daariysky Krugolet, you will definitely need our information.

We have already said that the day began at 19:30, and each hour had its own name, as well as purpose:

  1. Lunch
  2. Evening
  3. It's a draw.
  4. Polish.
  5. Morning.
  6. Zaura.
  7. Zaurnitsa.
  8. Nastya.
  9. Swaor.
  10. Morning.
  11. Morning.
  12. Obestina.
  13. Dinner.
  14. Submit.
  15. Utdaini.
  16. Poudani.

Of course, these names are a little jarring to the ears of modern people, but for our ancestors they were the most correct and simple of all that could be in the world. For example, utdayni is the time when all daily activities end, and zaura is the hour when dawn appears in the sky. Such harmony with nature allowed our ancestors to develop spiritually and not separate themselves from the planet.

Svarog circle

At the beginning of the article we mentioned the Svarozh circle, which was closely connected with astrology and religious beliefs. For a full circle of Yarilo, sixteen palaces (analogues of constellations) pass through, which influence the character and destiny of a person. Our ancestors claimed that the souls of dead people come from the Svarog circle. There they wait in the halls for their time. Each of them is divided into nine halls, where the souls of men and women sit separately at nine tables.

It is interesting that the palace already endows a person with its own characteristics, but each person also has his own divine patron, who adds certain qualities and guides him through his destiny. All palaces and patrons are listed in the Daariysky Circle of Chislobog. It is still possible to calculate the date of birth of a modern person according to these data. Therefore, at a minimum, you will need all sixteen names:

  1. Virgo.
  2. Eagle.
  3. Horse.
  4. Finist.
  5. Elk.
  6. Fox.
  7. Wolf.
  8. Busel.
  9. Bear.
  10. Crow.
  11. Serpent.
  12. Swan.
  13. Pike.
  14. Boar.

It is worth considering that each palace has its own tree and rune. The ancient Slavs always planted the trees indicated in the calendar around their houses. They carried within themselves the energy that nourished the family and protected it.

Elements of the Svarog circle

We have already clarified that the ancient Slavic calendar has the shape of a circle, on which several more circles with symbols and runes are applied. The outer circle depicts the patrons of the palaces, followed by the names of the sixteen hours of the day. The next circle always depicted the runes of the palaces, then the elements and the weekly circle. An image of a person was always placed in the center of the calendar.

The elements have always been related to the characteristics of summer; their number can already be easily predicted - nine. Our ancestors knew that it was possible to determine what the next summer would be like and what they needed to prepare for at first glance at the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. The elements had their own colors and names:

  1. Earth.
  2. Star.
  3. Fire.
  4. Sun.
  5. Tree.
  6. Heaven.
  7. Ocean.
  8. Moon.

To more fully characterize the elements, the Slavs used runes. Unfortunately, the meanings of many of them have already been lost, so modern scientists are not always able to correctly interpret the meanings of ancient symbols.

How to calculate your date of birth according to the ancient Slavic calendar?

The Slavs paid great value not only the date, but also the time of your birth. A lot in fate depended on this. It is quite difficult for a modern person to calculate the date of birth using the Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog. This will require certain mathematical abilities, because you will have to convert almost the entire familiar chronology system into something new and unusual. Without some experience, you can easily make a mistake and attribute another patron to yourself.

But there is a solution to the problem, because recently Chislobog’s Daariysky Krugolet has been of great interest in society. A program that allows you to convert dates from the Gregorian calendar to Krugolet has long been created and replicated. It can be found on many sites telling about the great culture of the ancient Slavs.

Using the program is very easy: you just need to enter your date of birth and press a button. At the same moment, complete information will appear in front of you in accordance with Chislobog’s Daariysky Circle. Everyone who has tested the program on themselves is surprised at how accurate a description of their personality they receive. This information forces many people to continue studying not only the calendar itself, but also all the sources that mention the alternative history of our ancestors. And there are still a lot of secrets and mysteries left in it.

The structure is built on the ancient hexadecimal number system, 16 years of the Circle pass through the 9 Elements, creating the Circle of Life, which counts 144 years. The beginning of the Years of Circulation falls on the day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day, the great ancient holiday of Ramha-Ita (New Year) began. The Complete Solar Circle, from Ramha-Ita to Ramha-Ita, was divided into three periods of time - Autumn, Winter and Spring, and when united together they give the solar circle - Summer. From this definition of the solar circle, such concepts as Chronicles, Chronicles, etc. appeared. Each period of Summer was divided into three parts, which were called a month. Even months Leta contain 40 days, and odd days 41 days. In addition, there were even smaller ones, which lasted for nine days. Each day of the Week, except the last, corresponded to a numeral name: Monday, Tuesday, three-day, four (Thursday), Friday, six, seven, eight and the Week itself, the day on which they do nothing, but rest from righteous labors.

The use of the Krugolet by the broad masses ceased in the Summer of 7208, when the usurper emperor Peter I abolished all calendars in force on the Russian land and introduced a foreign, Julian calendar, and also ordered that the New Year be celebrated not in the fall, but in the winter, and the beginning of a new one calendar began to be celebrated on January 1, 1700. Many incompetent people believe that the introduction by Peter I was progress for Russia, introducing it to “European culture”. But one thing they don’t understand is that the usurper emperor Peter I didn’t just change one calendar to another, he stole from Slavic peoples Russia has at least five and a half thousand years of Native ancient Heritage of the Ancestors, replacing it with History. It should be recalled, for those who do not know, that in those ancient times, when designating the number of Summer, initial letters were used, not numbers, as now the last All-Russian New Year, celebrated under Peter I, was 7208. That is, writing existed on the Russian land at least seven thousand years ago, and was not invented by two semi-literate Olympian monks, Cyril and Methodius, who only added several Greek letters to the Slavic alphabet, instead of the incomprehensible Slavic letters that had a diphthong, which they had thrown out, i.e. a double sound that does not exist in Greek.

Nowadays in Russia, only the Orthodox Slavs, the Old Believers-Inglings, representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith use the ancient Da-Aryan Circle of Chislobog. For those who want to find out their Summer of birth according to the Daariysky Krugolet or compare the correspondence with past events or find out what the new Summers bring, we present table of Krugolet Chislobog (see table 1). We remind you that the New Year begins on the day of Autumn Balance, therefore the Slavic-Aryan Summer covers the period from September of one year to September of the next. For example: 1 year of Chislobog’s Daarisky Krugolet – year of the Earthly Path, in the Current Circle of Life, corresponds Letu 7377 from, and the period from September 23, 1868 to September 22, 1869 from the Nativity of Christ. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that every fourth year in the Christian calendar (whether Julian or Gregorian) one day is added, February 29, therefore, in all Summers, starting from the Scroll to the Dragon, New Year, will shift and will begin from September 21 to 22, from the Serpent to the Horse inclusive, from September 20 to 21, and from the Dog to the Temple from September 19 to 20.

The Sacred Summer of Chislobog's Circularity has 369 days, because each month of Summer includes 41 days. And the ratio of Years in the Circle of Chislobog is leveled out. To consider the events of the past Circle of Life, it is necessary to subtract 144 years from Summer 7377 and get the date of the beginning of the old Circle of Life - Summer 7233, etc. For those who have determined their year on the Chislobog Krugolet, we provide a brief interpretation, in a modern interpretation, of the Essence of the years of the Daarisky Chislobog Krugolet.

Table 1. Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog

Element Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
. Black Red Scarlet Zlaty Green Heavenly Blue Violet White
Wanderer (Path) 1 129 113 97 81 65 49 33 17
Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
Priestess (Virgo) 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
World (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
Tour (Cow) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
Mansions (House) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
Kapishche (Temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Essence of the Circular Years

Every year of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog passes through 9 elements and in each Element he receives a new color and a new understanding. Below is a brief modern interpretation of the years of the Circle, in relation to the worldview of modern man, corresponding to the Night of Svarog over Midgard, i.e. dark times on Earth, which he warned about in ancient times, and which were written about in the ancient Runic Texts. For some years united by one name, there is general characteristics, it is in italics in this text.

1. Earthly Path– This year indicates that a person born this year will face great trials, just like powers, going through a dark period of crises, failures and developments. This year is the beginning of beginnings, and starting is always more difficult, but whatever the beginning, it is always followed by the accomplishment of the set goal and the embodiment of the conceived idea.

129. Star Trek- This year indicates the comprehension of past experience, the Spiritual formation and strengthening of power, both Spiritual and physical; to revive the Forces of Light and raise them to fight against the Forces of Darkness. A person born this year will live more by spiritual interests than by material ones; and about such people they say that “ their thoughts wander among the Stars"; Professionally, they are drawn to astronomy or astrology, aviation and space, mountaineering and philosophy.

113. Fire Wanderer(Path of Fire) - This year indicates that fiery purifications will occur, which contribute to the disappearance of degenerative (weakened) species. In such years, there are severe epidemics and pandemics, for example: plague, smallpox, cholera, and influenza. Salvation from such diseases is only through Fire. A person born this year is usually a Fire Worshiper; Children love to play with fire, with matches; fire is their native element. Psychologically, they can be very irritable.

97. Sunny Wanderer— It is also called the year of change, because this year changes occur in power structures and in public life. For the people, gray weather seems to change into a sunny day. This year, enlightened people are born who strive to change the whole world around them. They, as a rule, reject everything old and believe that only the new brings development. Sometimes these people’s fixation on the material plane is such that “ Instead of the warming heat of the Sun, they carry the Solar Wind, which destroys all living things." Such people are closed in on their feelings; if they develop outside the spiritual community, then they turn out to be egoists.

81. Forest Wanderer(The Path Through the Forest) is a year of spiritual and psychological reformation, in which the authorities are trying to bring everything into a state of harmony. As a rule, this year is the time when all the past stages of development of people born this year are reflected upon. A person born in the year of the Forest Wanderer is drawn to Mother Nature; if the society around him is busy fighting Nature, then he comes to its defense. Such people work as: huntsmen, foresters; engaged in gardening and beekeeping. If they are not understood, then they leave people and become Hermits, because for them Spiritual Harmony with Nature is more important in life than trying to reason with the surrounding society and take care of Nature.

65. Svarog Path() - A year of new changes in the life of society; a year of revival of national identity and difficult trials; the year of the revival of connections between people and the Heavenly Forces (the flourishing of mysticism, occultism, all kinds of religious cults, leads to the revival of ancient folk Beliefs). This year, there is active support of believers by the Gods and the departure of people to the Worlds of Navi and Rule. At the same time, the appearance of Wanderers and Spiritual Teachers occurs in different powers; this year people are born with a specific spiritual mission on Earth.

49. Waterway— It creates confusion in people’s thoughts; any calls, slogans, programs do not carry anything with them. People say about them that: “ They write on the water with pitchforks" As a rule, this leads to chaos and destruction of power. People born this year follow other people's ideas without thinking about the consequences, which leads them to an involuntary life. Those who follow Bright ideas basically become fanatics of this idea, and do not spare either themselves or others in defense of this idea.

33. Moon Wanderer— The year in which the vibrant development of secret occult teachings begins; general passion for mysticism, for the Moon determines religiosity and mysticism. This year also brings an unprecedented dawn of science and culture, which radically changes all life, and people feel that a new era has arrived. People born this year, as a rule, become: servants of Lunar Cults, mystics, and will use their philosophical mindset to obtain material benefits. Such people, in their desire to achieve material wealth, do not stop at human sacrifice and service to the forces of Evil.

17. Wanderer of God(White Path) - Indicates the powerful activity of the forces of light, mental and spiritual development in society and Man. People born this year become Servants of Solar Cults, for they are called Prophets, Messiahs, Spiritual Teachers, Wanderers of God. Such a person lives not for himself, but for others, and when he works for the good of society, the Gods and Ancestors help him and the person increases his Spiritual potential.

2. Black Priest— The year determines a strange mixture of religions and anti-religions, Good and Evil, the emergence of such concepts as Good Evil And Evil Good. In such a year, the unity and struggle of opposites is very clearly manifested, which leads to the birth of people with manic ideas who begin to create their own programs and teachings; who reject all Spirituality and Soulfulness, and recognize only their own idea and materiality; their life credo- become the ruler of the World.

130. Star Priest— A year of powerful Spiritual victories, enlightenment and development; the year of the emergence of new principles of life and rules, reforms. The year when human thought awakens and religious dogmas that prevent this thought from developing are rejected. In this year, there is a revival of the Light Ancestral Cults, a craving for Antiquity and archeology, which leads to the birth of people with unusual abilities; Such children are popularly called - Star Child. In ancient times, the Slavic-Aryan Priests “selected” all the Star Children and raised them according to a special program, so that the children would later serve the Forces of Light and Good. This was due to the fact that, receiving a powerful vitality, from Nature and the Stars, man could create both Good and Evil, but on an especially large scale.

114. Fire Priest— A year of turning point in public consciousness, a change in the relationship between different levels of the hierarchy of people; the year of the revival of the Fire Cults; the year when a person takes a new look at the use of the power of Fire; a year of transformation and purification of people's consciousness. Children born this year have a bright, open, expansive character. From childhood, they perceive the World, as if through rose-colored glasses and they believe that the whole World belongs to them, and exists only so that they can live for their own pleasure. But if these children are raised in childhood in a Spiritual, creative environment on the foundations and principles of the ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, more reliable people in the future cannot be found, and, as a rule, these children, for the most part, become Priests, Guardians of the Primary Fire (England) .

98. Sun Priest— This year carries with it the desire for the bright development of society; to improve the well-being of the people; to bright reforms for the benefit of the people; to the emergence of new types of arts, trends in religion, music, philosophy, psychology, and in relationships between people. The rulers of the powers call such a year: a time of freedom, equality and fraternity, but under the supervision of “higher hierarchs.” People born this year are very sensitive, drawn to the Light, but at the same time their psychological mentality will create many problems for them, but they see these problems and overcome them. Their internal psychology is built on the fact that everything that surrounds them must obey certain laws of the Light Forces; Darkness should not exist. This categorical rejection and denial of Darkness interferes with their lives, because... denying something does not mean its absence. Such people, by their nature, do not imagine themselves outside of society and Faith, and therefore they make good Sun Priests.

82. Year of the Druid(Priest of the Forest) - This year, the desire for harmonious development according to the laws of Nature is clearly manifested in society. Folk traditions associated with the cult of Nature and herbal treatment are beginning to revive again in society. Societies of healers and sorcerers begin to appear like mushrooms after rain, people strive to escape into Nature, which leads to an imbalance in the ecological sector of powers (countries), and as a result, territorial claims arise from one country to another. This is the year of opposition from various systems, when the Harmony system is affected by the Disharmony system. People born this year are dependent on the environmental situation; changing their place of residence is extremely contraindicated for such people; These are very impulsive, knowledgeable, strong-willed people. The departure of such people from worldly society is permissible only in one case, if this person takes the Path of the Forest Priest.

66. Sky Priest— A year of difficult trials and the formation of a powerful society, at the same time a year when Heaven abundantly calls upon its supporters, whom the forces of Darkness are trying to destroy. This is a year of development in various spheres of production, a year of unity in society and the revival of Faith in its Heavenly Forces; even the communities themselves reject these forces. In such a year, people are born with a purely philosophical mindset, they are disgusted by rudeness in relationships, they try to ennoble the life around them, to support any sprouts of Spirituality and Faith, such people make true Clergymen and Priests. The only disadvantage of these people is that they are not subject to family happiness.

50. Priest of the Sea— This year does not bring improvement in the life of society; the state of society can be described by the saying “ pouring from empty to empty" Any attempt to change the situation leads to chaos and civil war, which is associated with terror and the shedding of the blood of innocent people. This year, cunning people are born who go towards their goal, regardless of any obstacles, they find a way out of any complicated situation, because they enjoy the support and power of the Elements. They try to show their abilities in oratory.

34. Moon Priest- The year of miracles and mystical transformations, in this year, like mushrooms after rain, various sects appear, the goal of which is to fight the main religious movement that gave birth to this sect. This is the year when many false prophets and missions appear. The year in which absurd and unrealistic projects begin to be implemented; abstract art appears, but at the same time the power and well-being of the people grow, who look at everything with a grin, for the people live by the principle: “ the gods are high, the king is far away, but your own shirt is closer to your body" This year, people are born with an increased inclination towards the occult and mysticism; they are endowed with certain abilities that they do not know what to do with, and use them subconsciously. Subsequently, most of these people end up in sects, where they are made into Servants of the Lunar Cults.

18. White Priest— A year of paradoxical changes in the psychology of society’s consciousness, as a rule, this leads to revolutionary changes, which leads to a disruption in the evolution of the development of society. Symbols of this year: a certain desire of people to follow the Light Path, but the Dark Forces, using light calls, are trying to drag people onto the path of destruction and Chaos. This year can be called the year of the struggle between God and Anti-God, where in any case the Light Beginning wins. In this year, spiritualized people are born who personify Goodness and Justice with their lives, and on the path of Spiritual development, they reach great Spiritual heights. Such people become the heads of various religious denominations or High-level Priests.

19. Black Priestess- A year that brings widespread efforts aimed at achieving prosperity. This is the year of the reign of women, emancipation during this period can bring greater benefits than a man, because in this year natural secrets are revealed to women, which every woman uses to improve the family hearth. Women who are natural leaders and men who are philosophers are born this year. Women born this year are drawn to exact sciences, and men to abstract, abstract sciences.

3. Star Maiden— A year of increased social activity in various areas. This year there is a demographic explosion, i.e. women give birth as much as they can, for for them comes revelation from Heaven. In each child she leaves a particle of herself, and this particle manifests itself in such a way that it does not leave its parents unattended, and does not abandon them to the mercy of Fate, for in these children a sense of honoring their Parents is strongly developed. Women born this year become spiritual and religious leaders. Men are fertile, they try to have as many children as possible and direct all their affairs to increase their Family, and no matter what they undertake, they do it with ease.

115. Solar Priestess(Virgo) - Year of Spiritual and enlightened illumination of the people. This year changes occur in society, and it begins to actively create and the great power of creativity begins to manifest itself in it. People born this year are endowed with the ability to create in various fields. If a person born in this year does not have the opportunity to create, then he begins to fight for his existence, gathering like-minded people around him, creating a structure hostile to the existing ruling regime.

99. Druidess(Priestess of the Forest) - The year when Mother Nature begins to restore her Rights, destroying all artificial anti-natural forms. A year of earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and floods, as well as drought, sand and steppe storms that occur in places where people disturb the natural balance and lose touch with Nature. This year, the Magi are born - Spiritual Harmonizers, for whom the fivefold (fusion of Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience and Nature) is an integral form of life. They cannot exist separated from Nature, from work on the earth, free time they work by growing plants. They say about them that “ What is important to them is not the result of what they have done, but the process of creation and creation itself».

83. Heavenly Maiden— A year that brings trials to society, which begins to remember that there is the Mother of God Intercessor. This year there is an outbreak of religious activity of people who turn their gaze to Heaven. These people receive the answer in the form of a change in the lifestyle of society after some time. Those born this year are initially ambitious; their minds do not accept violence against the individual (but only against themselves). Such people, if they subsequently follow the Dark Path, will become despots and dictators. Men diligently go into politics, and women have their head in the clouds and live for their own pleasure, and only a sense of duty to the Family forces them to get married and have children. At the same time, they are not interested in whether they will have a full-fledged family or not. Such people make single mothers or single fathers, because... their thoughts are in Heaven, not on Earth.

67. Sea Priestess— A year of difficult trials, turning points in the consciousness of peoples and natural disasters. Civil strife and civil wars occur this year. Great bloodshed is a manifestation of a higher confrontation and struggle between Light and Darkness on the subtle material plane. If a woman is in power this year, then all of the above does not happen. This woman must be spiritually developed and born under the Element of Water. In the year of the Priestess of the Seas, people are born who are called “ tumbleweed". They are transported like waves from one place to another, hitting rocks, but the rocks are always in their place and they have to forever look for themselves.

51. Priestess of the Moon— A year that brings hunger, blood and ordeals, changes in people and social life, in the very way of life. New social strata and classes are emerging, in which the emphasis is on strength rather than on reason. Everyone is controlled by a certain Great Mystical Idea, which declares itself to be the Bright Path of development, but in fact, this Idea leads people into Darkness and Chaos. The Priestess of the Moon takes an active role in human sacrifices (wars, murders), because bloody sacrifices are her element. This year, wounded children are born (with a heightened sense of psychoperception of the World, and lack of protection from the negative influence of this world), who are characterized by both religious and fanatical service to atheistic ideas.

35. White Maiden— A year that brings stability in development, purity of relationships and understanding. This year there is an increase in prosperity in a society where everyone is united by socially useful work for the benefit of the state. In such a year, enlightened people are born, about whom they said: “ God's grace was sent down on them" Those born this year are always open-hearted and honest, they look without taking their eyes off and always keep their hearts open to others.

20. Earthly World— A year of improvement and Creation, Prosperity and Discovery. A year of spiritual and physical harmony, for the development and prosperity of art. Strengthening the power of powers, prosperity and happiness. This year people are born with demonstrated creative ability; any work they undertake is accomplished easily. The only thing that parents of these children need to remember is that children, being carried away by work, do not care about their health.

4. Star World— The year of Spiritual Transformation, the greatest discoveries in astronomy and other sciences related to Heaven. A year of intellectual development of powers, as well as a year of happiness, peace and prosperity. This year, children are born with obvious signs of paranormal abilities: clairvoyance, levitation, instantaneous movement in space, various extrasensory senses, etc. As a rule, this year marks the exchange of knowledge between civilizations. This is the year of free contacts.

132. Fiery World— A year of spiritual development of powers, when society rises to a higher level of development. The year when Ancient Wisdom is revealed, which leads to a sharp Spiritual upsurge. “Fire children” are born this year; they are called so because “ they burn like candles at work“and their hard work infects those around them. Such people make excellent reformers who carry out reforms for creation, not destruction.

116. Sunny World- A year of calm and awareness of one’s affairs; in such a year no reforms ever take place, because the affairs and reforms of any initiator will drown in the stream of light of the Sun and no one will see them. This year, children are born with increased sensitivity to fluctuations in solar energy; they cannot stand darkness and loneliness. They often develop various forms of phobia: fear of loneliness, closed or open spaces; fear of being misunderstood, caveman, etc. They are called " mama's children", because they cannot imagine their life without help from their parents.

100. Forest World— A year of awareness of the harmony of man and Nature. This year, all kinds of public organizations appear that fight for the complete preservation of Nature. At the height of this year, the forest bestows its abundant fruits on all living things. This year, harmonizers are born, endowed with the makings of a Magus, people with an ascetic character, whom Nature endows with special talents. This year, if a person leads an unreasonable life, Nature destroys him.

84. Heavenly Reality— The year of a turning point in the development of society. The year of the emergence of new Spiritual and social values, the year of activation of a significant part of the sects of the Lunar Cult, which do not tolerate change and, as a rule, there are mass suicides of followers of these cults. All this is explained by the clergy as a departure from the earthly Reality into the Heavenly Reality. In this year, people with heightened religious sensitivity are born, many of whom become prophets or false prophets who, as best they can, interpret the messages and revelations that come to them from above.

68. Sea World— A year of difficult trials and cataclysms. This year there are frequent disasters, floods, tsunamis, and typhoons. Confrontations between the government and society occur, which leads to repression, genocide, psychocide, menticide, etc. This is the year when the Earths (planets) line up in a certain sequence, and the subtle energy radiations of the Earths cause conflicting feelings in people, which leads to collisions and flows of blood. Cunning people are born this year, whose only ability is to adapt or survive under any circumstances.

52. Lunar World— The year of the mystical struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness. A year of religious wars; It is not the power of Reason that reigns over society, but the forces of religious teaching, which leads to fratricidal wars and the shedding of blood. People born this year are endowed with heightened religious feelings and a philosophical mindset. Parents are faced with a choice of what kind of religious education to give their child; and, in which cult he receives a religious education, he will fanatically serve that God until the end of his days.

36. The manifestation of God(White World) - Year of Spiritual Transformation and development of intelligence in society. The year when the Gods actively help those people who ask them for help. This year brings people the birth of pure thoughts and dreams of a Bright future. This year children are born, upon whom the Grace of God rests; their entire future life is illuminated by the light of Faith, to which the parents led the child.

SCROLLAll the years of the Scroll point to global changes not only in public consciousness, but also on a universal scale. During the years of the SCROLL, the greatest cataclysms occur, the continental outlines of the Earth change, islands appear and disappear, volcanic activity increases, and in order for society to easily survive, each community is given a revelation or warning. During the years of the SCROLL, wars occur chaotically, and not only many people die, but also many species of different living beings.

37. Black Scroll— A year of difficult trials, epidemics and pandemics, revolutions and coups. Every year people are born with a subconscious sense of fear, with a low sense of duty. They are, as a rule, selfish by nature; they are characterized by such character traits as adventurism and hypocrisy.

21. Red Scroll— A year of chaos and confusion in the minds; a year when societies of black mysticism, which practice bloody rituals, even human sacrifices, manifest themselves very clearly. This year a lot of blood is shed in the world, not only of people, but also of animals, because... people senselessly kill animals and beasts for their own pleasure. This year, people are born who initially have dictatorial abilities and a sense of selfishness, who are ready to shed the blood of others in order to achieve their goals.

5. Fire Scroll— A dry year, when increased solar radiation predominates, there is abundant evaporation of water, which leads to the death of people and animals from heat and thirst; In addition, heat and windy weather are favorable conditions for fires. There are heavy invasions of beetles, locusts, etc., which devour crops and foliage in the forests. In the year of the Fire Scroll, people with a mystical mindset are born, for whom fire and fire rituals are a symbol of internal transformation.

133. Golden Scroll— The Year of Spiritual Transformation, when, despite the chaos happening around, arising as a result of the destruction of the foundations of materialism, and when the spiritual essence of people is revealed with a bright color (golden lotus, Fern Flower). In the year of the Golden Scroll, Solar Prophets are born, whose goal is to lead society along the Spiritual Path of Development.

117. Green Scroll— The year of a radical change in public consciousness, when a sense of national dignity begins to develop strongly in society. During these years there was an active struggle for the preservation of original, national traditions and cultures. This year people are born with pacific sentiments and a special mindset, with a heightened sense of harmony with Nature. In the further development of these people, the desire to create naturalistic societies, where people live in harmony with Nature, prevails.

101. Heavenly Scroll— A year of wars, disasters, revolutionary uprisings and attempted coups. This year people are born with a feeling of isolation from the reality of earthly life, all their thoughts fly in the clouds, it is very difficult to keep them within strictly defined limits, therefore, they very often turn out to be lawbreakers.

85. Blue Scroll— A year of fundamental changes in public consciousness, when some ideals collapse and new ones arise; a year when the psychology of man and society is especially susceptible to the destructive influence of selfishness and greed. This year, people are born with a heightened sense of justice, but they cannot express their feeling in words, therefore, all their speeches can be called incoherent. They rarely manage to achieve a high position in society using their “eloquence”; they achieve the greatest success in life when they manage to express their thoughts and feelings in art (painting, literature, etc.).

69. Moon Scroll— A year of cataclysms and destruction of peoples, and at the same time, an outbreak of intelligence in society, an increase in general well-being and the development of a state. This year very hardworking people are born who have no desire for heights of power; as a rule, their favorite activities are reading books, gardening and floriculture; they choose professions in which there is a creative element.

53. White Scroll(Kharatiya) - A year of fundamental changes and formation of society. This year, people develop a sense of collective creative work. They are disgusted by the feeling of laziness, they are tired of wars and upheavals, the main goal for the people is creative work. This year people are born with extraordinary intellectual abilities: brilliant scientists and engineers, talented artists and writers who direct all their actions for the benefit of society.

38. Black Phoenix— A year of revival in the national self-awareness of the people, when the people strive for a calm, peaceful life. This year the conflict between the branches of government and the people manifests itself. This year, people's power is reborn like a Phoenix from the ashes. In the year of the Black Phoenix, people are born who are ready to build a paradise on Earth on their own, and who do not want to wait for government officials to arrange a happy life for the people.

22. Star Phoenix— The year that society emerges from hibernation, this leads to previously unknown manifestations in the life of the people, when they are reborn again forgotten traditions and crafts; when fairy tales become reality. This year, people are born who are little concerned about their own way of life, and who are most concerned about the life of society as a single harmonious organism.

6. Fire Phoenix— The year of Spiritual ennoblement of society, when it is difficult to lead people astray from the path of the Forces of Light. This year, there is an increase in Spiritual, intellectual and physical power in the state. This year, highly spiritual people are born who are capable of leading people.

134. Sunny Phoenix— A year of prosperity and intellectual development of society. This year the greatest monuments of art and architecture are created, for this is the year for the birth of new geniuses, gifted with Divine Wisdom.

118. Phoenix Forests— A year of pathological apathy of the people, when the lower classes of society do not want to live in the old way, and the upper classes of society cannot govern in a new way, which leads to a split in society into two opposite camps: on the one hand, the rulers, on the other, the creative members of society. This year people are born who want to remake the world so that their world is a harmonious part of Nature. But due to the fact that many people cannot express their thoughts, they fall under the influence of pseudo-teachers and pseudo-culture. The only way for them not to fall under the influence of chaos is to join the Faith of their Ancestors.

102. Phoenix Heavenly— A year of heroic achievements for the benefit of the state and society, which extend not only to this society, but also to other societies in need of help and protection. People born this year show a pronounced desire to find their place in life. But sometimes a reduced sense of perception of reality leads such people from the road leading to Light to the path leading to Darkness. For such people, the support of loved ones is always important, not only in the family, but also in society.

86. Sea Phoenix— The year of the revival of creative and productive forces in society, after the horror of chaos, the people strive to build a brighter society and live in a world of love and tranquility. But this year their wishes are not destined to come true, because they are at odds with reality. People born this year are endowed with unusual plagiarist abilities, the ability to pour someone else's water onto the wheel of their own mill; but often directly opposite types are born among these people, who do everything possible to allow other people to develop. This is a year of difficult trials for creative peoples.

70. Moon Phoenix— This year, society will face difficult trials, this is due to increased lunar influence. Suspicion, fear, mistrust, betrayal, etc. appear in people. This year, societies are experiencing mass terror and repression by the top leadership of a power in relation to their people, this is due to the personal benefit of the rulers, in the intersecting interests of various Powers. In this year, people are born with an increased desire for creative work, because for them idleness is worse than death, and since a person is endowed with a religious and philosophical mindset, with his social work he helps as much as possible to any religious cult close in spirit.

54. White Phoenix— A year of strengthening and strengthening the power of the state, when one social formation is replaced by another. This year, various cooperatives for the production of consumer goods begin to grow abundantly. Spiritualized people are born this year, whose goal is to lead society along the path of Light, and they succeed if their Faith is not divorced from Nature and society.

55. Earth Fox(Black Nav) - A year of fundamental changes and trials, when lies and deceit reign in society. During the years of Black Navi, adventurism, forgery and deception, speculation, and distrust of each other flourish. This year, the forces of evil become more active and various demonic entities manifest themselves. In addition, dark forces in society are unleashing all kinds of terror. This year, people are born endowed with cunning, endurance, and filled with a tendency to serve dark forces; They differ from other people by their vivid manifestation of selfishness, pride, and cruelty.

39. Star Fox— A year of difficult trials, blood and terror. This year, all kinds of crazy ideas are actively sprouting in society. People born this year are endowed with the extraordinary ability that they direct even the lies and cunning inherent in them to a good cause. They have a very developed sense of rhythm. Their psychological abilities help them gain trust in people.

23. Fire Fox— A year of peace and prosperity, when all sorts of tasks set for society are solved, any power fulfills its plans. People born this year have their own already formed worldview and psychology from an early age; it is difficult to lead them astray from the right path. An innate sense of duty gives them the ability to recognize the cunning and lies of their enemies.

7. Yellow Fox- The year is favorable for the expansion of the territory of the power; it will occur non-violently this year, but through voluntary accession. The year of the Yellow Fox marks the dawn of productive forces. People born this year strive not so much for Spiritual harmony as for creative harmony. These people love children very much; they cannot accept life without family and children.

135. Forest Fox— This year the State is being organized according to the principle: “ Prosperity in every family is prosperity throughout the country" This year, various production areas are developing, creating people in any environment feel at home. People born in the year of the Forest Fox are endowed with a sense of beauty; their favorite forms of recreation are relaxation in Nature. They always feel that the forest is their element, where they know every path and will never get lost.

119. Heavenly Nav— A year of fundamental changes in the public consciousness, but at the same time it is passing under false ideas, when the people are promised heaven, but in reality they are being prepared for the chaos of the underworld. This year people are born with a heightened sense of truth, they organically cannot stand lies, but at the same time they are endowed with an unusually rich imagination, this is expressed to such an extent that their imaginations come true. These people cannot stand being accused of insincerity and lies, because they sincerely believe in what they say.

103. Sea Fox— A year of calm and balanced existence of society. As a rule, no outstanding events occur this year. People born this year have a terrible ability to turn over different concepts, pass off white as black, and black as white. They are at a crossroads and are subject to searches and tossing from light to darkness and back. They achieve results both here and here. In the positive sphere: there are no kinder and more just people, and in the negative: the earth has never seen more nasty and disgusting people. They become either light or dark personalities. Their choice will be made only when a mentor appears on their path, and the entire future life of these people will depend only on what kind of mentor will be, a light or dark personality.

87. Lunar Nav(Moon Fox) - A year of changes and increased activity in the population of the state. Fundamental changes are taking place in the psychology and consciousness of society. This is a year of achievements and new ideals. This year, people are born with exceptional narcissism (egoists), an inflated sense of importance, demanding of their appearance, and attentiveness to how and what they say. They love to count money in other people's pockets; they are dominated by a feeling of hoarding and materialism. What to achieve material well-being, they resort to deception and cunning, to create various pseudo-religious sects, so that people who believe in them will give them their savings.

71. White Fox— A year of difficult trials, the struggle of the Forces of Light with the forces of Darkness. This year marks the beginning of the bloodiest wars, when peoples entangled in lies are pitted against each other, but at the same time there is an unusual growth in the production sector. This year gives rise to two-faced people, with double morals: one for themselves, the other for others. This psychology leads to the fact that these people turn out to be either downtrodden pessimists or bright adventurers.

56. Black Dragon— A year of radical changes in society, a time of strengthening the power of the minority over the majority, provided that the minority has a powerful idea. If the idea is weak and ill-conceived, then the minority, in order to achieve benefits for themselves, tries to sacrifice the majority. People who are born this year are endowed with the ability to bring bright ideas to life, they have a sense of compassion and justice, but rarely do any of them live to be 60 years old, because “ Black Brawl always devours his brood».

40. Red Dragon— The year of popular uprisings and great fires, this is the year of chaos and unrest. Psychology and consciousness in society are changing. People are born creators; they cannot live without work. Their work for the benefit of the Family and society consumes their entire lives. At the same time, a fire may break out in their souls when they see obvious injustice, which sometimes leads to violence. Apart from being blessed with hard work, they try to eradicate all the evil they see around them.

24. Fire Dragon— A year of progress and psychological reformation of society. This year the psychology in managing society is changing. But society is trying to get rid of innovations through struggle and uprisings. Leaders are born this year; during their lifetime they need to beware of accumulating material wealth, for the Dragon devours those who strive for profit. And a person striving for justice, fighting the authorities ( with Fire Dragon), getting into the corridors of power, he himself can turn into a Dragon, because. a developed sense of selfishness in these people can cause harm to others.

8. Yellow Dragon— The year when society gets tired of constant strife and people unite in the fight against disasters. It would be more correct to call this year the year of protection from the elements. This year brings drought, dust storms, fires, famine, as a result of the death of the crop, which burns on the vine. This year people are born endowed with extraordinary healing abilities, so their whole life is spent using this gift. In addition to healers, these people also make sorcerers who do not tolerate slander against themselves, and the consequences for people from their influence and punishment are terrible.

136. Forest Dragon— The year of development, difficult trials and revival of the Shrines, as a rule, the summer is hot, the winter is cold. People are born with a strong sense of service to Nature. They are endowed with a sense of Harmony with Nature, these people love children from birth to madness. They are the most precious thing in the world to them. This is the year of the Spiritual reflection of Heaven on earth.

120. Heavenly Dragon— A year of radical transformations and reforms, when Ancient Ancestral cultures and traditions are destroyed, alien ideology and psychology are imposed. This year people are born with a sense of justice and a reluctance to serve evil. But due to the fact that parapsychological abilities are given to these people from birth, their idea of ​​the world and reality often does not coincide with the surrounding reality, they are at a crossroads between the forces of Light and Darkness.

104. Sea Dragon— Often, this year passes in a calm atmosphere, the people live on their own, and the rulers live on their own. This year there are minor climatic difficulties, in the form of frosty winters, which cause losses to agriculture. This year does not bring any global changes in society. People born in the year of the Sea Dragon have the unique ability to smooth out corners in various areas of life. But they will find a sense of harmony with the world around them only when they serve the forces of Light, for serving the forces of Darkness will destroy not only their Spiritual and mental structure, but also the physical sphere of life.

88. Moon Dragon- The year of dangerous omens and expectations, this is the year when Darkness rushes towards the powers following the Bright paths of life. This year brings hunger, death, bloodshed, humiliation, which rally the population to fight the Darkness and lead it to victory. This year, people are born who are able to use subtle energies for the benefit of people, or to their detriment. They have a very developed sense of rhythm and harmony, but if they follow a dark path, then their sense of creation turns into a powerful force of destruction and destruction.

72. White Dragon- A year of lies, intrigue and deceit, otherwise it is a year of unrealistic hopes. Any attempt to return to the past or create a new one is doomed to failure. The year gives birth to people with extraordinary strength and craving for the Light. Any obstacle in their way will be swept away by their ability to realize their goals in life. All their ideas have a chance to come true.

73. Black Snake— A year of wars, difficult trials and fratricides. This year, any power will face severe trials. Also, this year, peoples are united by some idea, especially the defense of the fatherland and the interests of the people. In the year of the Black Snake, strong, courageous and spiritual people are born, who can handle any task, because their consciousness is taken over by the mundane mind, since they live only by earthly, purely material interests.

57. Star Serpent— A year of difficult trials; a year when dark forces organize a reign of terror, create an artificial famine, when the blood of innocent people is shed. This year people are born who are influenced by any ideas, even absurd ones, and this influence plus self-sacrifice does not allow people to cross the 65-year mark. But at the same time, people constantly think about their destiny from above, and if there is no Light Faith in God in society, then people will stand under the banners of dark forces.

41. Fire Snake— A year of rest for the population, after the victory over the Dark Forces. But the Dark Forces, licking their wounds, continue to gather new forces under their banners. This year, people are born endowed with a sense of duty; their fiery impulses, cunning and dexterity are equipped with wisdom that helps them survive in any environment.

25. Golden Serpent— A year of territorial consolidation of powers and colonial wars. This year, a lot of people die, as if making room under the sun for the birth of new people, gifted with solar wisdom. They have a sense of duty and justice, they are not subject to the influence of the forces of Darkness. They grow up to be great discoverers and creators. Even if they do not make discoveries in any scientific field, they create wonderful home comfort.

9. Green Snake— A year of implementing ill-conceived ideas, imposing an alien psychology on people, which brings confusion to the public consciousness; at the same time, all ill-conceived ideas end in failure. This year apathetic people are born, with a pessimistic psychology; they, as a rule, expect someone to solve their problems for them. As a rule, their entire life passes in a dull, down-to-earth atmosphere. The only useful thing they can do is that they have a lot of children who are completely different from them.

137. Heavenly Serpent— A year of reforms and changes in the life of society. The intellectual thought of the population takes off, cultural masterpieces are created, which subsequently glorify the Power, the whole life of the people is built on dreams of a bright future, of a clear bright sky and serenity. This year people are born with a pronounced philosophical psychology, so these people believe that the main thing in a person’s life is to live for others.

121. Sea Serpent— The year of the collapse of powers and the social system, civil strife and civil wars. When false prophets and “teachers” appear in society and lead this society to a dead end. In this year, people are born who are endowed with a philosophical mindset; their whole life should be subordinated to certain religious and philosophical aspirations. Otherwise, their life will turn into a cycle of solving problems that will follow one after another. These people are from birth endowed with good memory and the ability to remember both good and bad.

105. Moon Serpent— A year of psychological prosperity in society, serenity and tranquility, lead to the decay of society, to the weakening of its moral and ethical foundations, to the emergence of various pseudo-cultures and pseudo-philosophies, when arrogance, envy, narcissism, greed and fear strike society at the very root . This year, people are born with a strong craving for various natural philosophical teachings based on natural cultural traditions. People all their lives revolve in the cycle of everyday problems, looking for an outlet for themselves in the form of some kind of religious teaching, but sooner or later they come to understand that the best of religious and philosophical teachings is the Ancient Faith of the Ancestors and the Ancestral form of philosophy, with in which life goes in harmony with Nature.

89. White Snake— A year of civil wars and conflicts, wars where Light defeats Darkness; for the wisdom from God, which people keep in the depths of society, cannot be destroyed by any repression. This year people are born endowed with Divine Wisdom, their whole life is shrouded in an aura of mystery. Such people do not like to talk about themselves and about holy life; they try to do everything, not in order to perpetuate their name for centuries, but so that the society in which they live prospers.

74. Black Eagle— A year of heavy bloody wars, a very harsh and frosty winter. The lands of the Yarila-Sun system build a Black Prism, which figuratively resembles an eagle. A radical turning point occurs in the eternal struggle between the Forces of Light and Darkness, when luck goes to the side of the Light Forces. But this struggle takes place in the Navi World, and on Earth there are only echoes of those main battles. This year, people are born with down-to-earth material feelings and a pronounced flight of thought; they can subsequently become outstanding scientists.

58. Star Eagle— The year of formation and strengthening of the Power, the dawn of productive forces in society takes place, the principle is put at the forefront: “ prosperity depends on the creative work of a person" Any economic system built on other principles collapses; and the powers fall into a great depression. The flight of human thought is very clearly manifested. This year, people are born who are endowed with unusual abilities and a burning desire to unite people to create heaven on earth. But their whole problem is that the Dark forces do not want the emergence of a society of social justice, so the forces of Darkness are doing everything to simply destroy these people.

42. Fire Eagle— A year of decisive transformations in the economic sector of countries, human thought finds the best option for the harmonious development of society. And if society does not follow this path, social cataclysms await it. And if society uses the proposed harmonious development system, prosperity awaits it. This year, people are born who are endowed with the greatest sense of Harmony and Justice. Any business is “argued” in their hands. Such people cannot live without work.

26. Golden Eagle— A year of harmonious transformation of life in society, when the entire population of the state is united by a single goal, which will lead to the greatest power of the state. Any social injustice is perceived as something alien. This year, people are born who are endowed with a pronounced ability to express their thoughts through art. The only thing these people need to pay attention to is their own health, and their form of behavior and communication with people, since people born in the year of the Golden Eagle tolerate criticism very poorly.

10. Forest Eagle— A year of peace, harmony and silence, any attempts to make changes to the existing state in society are doomed to failure. This year, people are born with a feeling of psychological dependence on the world around them; any placement of these people in artificial, unnatural living conditions causes in them a feeling of isolation and irritability or leads them into a state of apathy, which often leads to psychological breakdowns, up to the manifestation of particularly destructive aggression. They make excellent gardeners and foresters; their hobby is mountaineering, which sometimes leads them to study geology.

138. Heavenly Eagle“This year brings radical transformations and changes, which gradually leads to changes in people’s way of life. At this time, economic and social reforms are taking place very slowly and difficultly, and society is gradually moving away from a harmonious natural way of life and moving to a society of social and ideological dependence. This year people are born with an unusually light imagination. They have their head in the clouds, their inspired sense of flight of thought prevents them from focusing on one specific goal, which sometimes leads to very complicated relationships for these people, not only in family life, but also in society.

122. Sea Eagle— A year of social reforms and experiments, when some connections are broken and new ones appear. This year marks the people's condemnation of the government's activities. In the year of the Sea Eagle, people are born about whom they say that “ they love to pull chestnuts out of the fire with the wrong hands" These people cannot live without constantly “washing other people’s bones”; they are great “advisers” and strive to show everyone that they know everything, understand everything, and all their conversations are pure water. They strive to be judges and lawyers, or go into politics just to do nothing. The only exception to general rule, these are those who are born on the banks of reservoirs, for they devote their lives to working on the water.

106. Moon Eagle— A year of radical transformations and consolidation of power. The philosophical movement is actively developing this year. At the same time, religious propaganda of various teachings and cults occurs. This year, people are born with a philosophical mindset, with self-sacrifice and the desire to serve God; such people make excellent leaders, priests, clergy and builders of Temples.

90. White Eagle— A year of psychological turning point in the consciousness of society. The rulers of the state show “star fever”; they begin to think that everything they tell the people is true and correct. This year there are droughts and natural disasters, which often lead to famine, epidemics, etc. This year, people are born with a disturbed sense of proportion, all their thoughts wander among the stars, so from childhood they need to develop a sense of psychological dependence on the world around them, and then they will become real professionals in their field.

91. Black Dolphin— A year of radical changes in the social sphere, which often leads to success and grandiose victories. This year, powers that follow the path of social transformation for the benefit of society achieve world greatness. This year people are born who are endowed with many positive qualities. In any case, they feel like " fish in water" Even the mundane nature of their work cannot affect the height of the flight of thought, for all their thoughts are directed into the heavenly distances, beyond the sea horizon.

75. Star Dolphin— A year of important transformations and activation of the spiritual power of the people, when the people rise in a single impulse to achieve any set goal. Any attempts to destroy society from the outside are doomed to failure. This year, people are born endowed with a huge sense of duty, who cannot be stopped by any difficulties, because their life credo is “ through thorns to the stars", i.e. having gone through trials on earth, with a clear conscience, appear before the Ancestors in the Heavenly abode.

59. Fire Dolphin— A year of reforms and transformations in the military-industrial sector. During this year, various crafts actively develop, and the state is provided with all necessary goods. But at the same time, the social position of the country is affected by the influence of the war of the Forces of Light and Darkness in the subtle structures of the World of Navi. This year, people with a fiery temperament are born who devote all their strength to the embodiment of bright ideas, but since these people interfere with the Dark Forces, they try to destroy them, if not physically, then at least psychologically.

43. Golden Dolphin- Year economic development in all spheres of the state, there is an improvement in the well-being of the people, which in turn leads to the consolidation of all the Dark forces of society to fight against order. This year provides good ground for the emergence of various occult-philosophical societies and Orders under the influence of the Lunar cult and the cult of atheism. This year people are born with a heightened sense of duty and justice, with a pronounced diligence. Such people cannot imagine themselves outside of work; idleness for them is worse than death. And it is on such people that the well-being of the state rests.

27. Green Dolphin- A year of harmonious peace and apathetic state in society, in such a year any changes rarely occur, and even if in this the year goes by war, then battles occur with varying success. This year people are born who are constantly dissatisfied with something. The surrounding world with an apathetic society, where everyone is busy only with themselves, irritates these people, because in a world of apathy, they feel like “a dolphin thrown onto land.”

11. Sky Dolphin— A year of philosophical development in society, when all kinds of intellectual creativity, art, as well as all spheres of scientific, religious and spiritual life begin to bloom in beautiful colors. This year people are born with a heightened sense and perception of subtle energies, with an unusual craving for the occult and mysticism. As a rule, people who follow the Light Path become spiritual and enlightened leaders, doctors of philosophy, and humanities scientists. People following the Dark Path develop persecution mania, Napoleon syndrome, i.e. desire for world domination. Dark and undeveloped people born this year turn out to be sadists, tyrants, maniacs, despots, etc., because they are selfish, they like to observe other people's grief, humiliation, and suffering.

139. Sea Dolphin— A year of difficult trials for society as a result of ill-conceived reforms carried out by government officials. In such a year, no suffering of the people, and their call for help, is heard by the rulers of the state. This year, people are born with a poetic worldview, capable of perceiving everything through rose-colored glasses.

123. Moon Dolphin— A year of wars, coups, collapse of hopes and occult-mystical rantings. This year brings nothing but disappointment and loss of Faith in the proclaimed ideals. This year, Lunar cults actively strengthen their activities. This year, people are born with a philosophical and religious mindset, who in the sphere of Faith and religion feel like a “fish in water”; they are very susceptible lunar influence, and therefore the task of parents and society is to guide these children along the Bright Path of development.

107. White Dolphin— A year of stable development of society, when prosperity comes to every family, to every Family, and for many people this year is perceived as a year heavenly life. This year people are born with a lack of earthly, mercantile interests. They are called pure or God's children, they grasp everything on the fly, they have an inexorable urge to move along the Light Path and great curiosity, this curiosity often leads them into the nets set by the Dark Forces. It takes a lot of work for them to break out of these networks, and those who are unable to do this seek peace in the unreal world of illusions (alcohol, drugs), in spontaneous meditation societies, or end their lives by suicide.

92. Black Horse— The year of receiving the results of completing any actions. The year the wars ended. This year is called the year preceding the reforms. All deeds accomplished this year are aimed at improving earthly life. This year, hardworking and hardy people are born, so they are said to plow like horses.

76. Star Horse— The year of psychological turning point and revival of the national Spirit, this is the year of great victories in the struggle of the Forces of Light over the forces of Darkness. This year people are born with a pronounced craving for astrology, astronomy and other sciences related to the stars. Their whole life passes in an effort to reach stellar heights. These people are from birth endowed with unusual qualities, which can be described as possession of psycho-suggestive energy.

60. Fire Horse— A year of changes, spontaneous (fiery) coups, minor uprisings and minor wars that flare up not because of territorial claims, but according to the principle: “ they have a different way of life that shouldn't exist" This year people are born with extraordinary hard work, their whole life is in continuous creativity. They “burn at work”, so rarely do any of them survive the 60-year mark.

44. Golden Horse— A year of high development and flight of thought. This year gives people the opportunity to improve their home and their lives. This year, people are born who cannot imagine life without creative work and outside of social activities. These people work not only in the sphere of public labor, but also at home. Constant work gives them additional strength, which leads them to longevity. Their long age is considered the norm from 80 to 250 years.

28. Forest Horse— A year of calm development of powers, when there seem to be no barriers for people, so the calm development of society and its prosperity can dull the sense of vigilance. In this year, people are born with a clear desire to work in agriculture, their excellent diligence is manifested in the sphere of peasant labor, for they act according to the principle: “ rich family, rich country».

12. Heavenly Horse— A year of critical turns of fate and unpredictable decisions of rulers. This year, the rulers of the powers need to pay attention to the increase in cases of violation of state laws. This year, people are born who try to achieve everything on their own, while they do not take into account either traditions or the laws of society. They think they are always right, and this can be dangerous for them.

140. Sea Horse— A year of fading military conflicts and civil strife. A year of active activity of the punitive authorities of the state. This year, law enforcement agencies are fighting criminal elements and walking people, any work is carried out using violent methods, because it does not serve any specific purpose, and people are forced to work, not for the sake of any lofty idea, but simply for the sake of work. This year people are born who talk more than they do. These people make agitators, advisers, and politicians.

124. Moon Horse— A year of change and economic collapse of powers where rulers thrive on lies and corruption. In this year, Dark forces are activated, trying to seize power in all powers, and to appropriate for themselves what does not belong to them: this is the wealth of the power, its bowels and means of production. If this requires shedding someone else's blood, they will do that too. This year people are born with a special philosophical mindset; on a subconscious level they reject everything evil and dark. From birth they strive to follow the light spiritual path, and their spiritual development helps them survive in the difficult physical world.

108. White Horse— A year of economic recession and stratification of society, when those in power live on their own, and the people live on their own. In this year, rarely any discoveries occur, and the development of society occurs more by inertia than from any social idea. This year people are born with an apathetic character who find it difficult to make choices in life. Even in their personal lives, they try to turn everything around so that someone can decide something for them. But if they have a real mentor who will give them a goal in life, then, moving towards this goal, they achieve success in their affairs.

109. Black Dog- Absence of any reforms this year. The authorities are engaged in nothing but talking shop, pouring from empty to empty, but they don’t get to the point. Minor military campaigns take place, which quickly end due to the harsh and changeable climatic conditions. This year people are born orators, with the ability to convince, prove, people say about them that “ Mother laziness was born ahead of them».

93. Star Dog— The year of the rise of creative thought, global transformations in the life of society. This year, the spheres of production, science and art related to space and starry distances are actively developing. This year, people are born endowed with special psychic abilities that help them understand the various secrets of occult teachings; their philosophical mindset will give them the opportunity to perceive not only the real world, but also the irrational surrounding reality.

77. Fire Dog— A year of splendor of scientific thought and new inventions. The year when dark forces, having brought two nations into conflict, after the victory of one of them, declare themselves as the ally of the winner, and zealously begin to divide the property of the vanquished. This year people are born with a fiery, hot-tempered character who cannot bear even the slightest hint of insult and cannot bear to be treated towards themselves. Good brawlers who will silence anyone with their shouting. They convince people with a loud voice and the force of psychological pressure.

61. Yellow Dog— This year is the most active in the struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness. In addition, this year there is an intensification of dark forces that do not stop even before destroying a large number of people standing in their way to power. This is a year of economic sabotage, chaos and crisis in production. This year, people are born who actively promote a Bright Future, the Kingdom of Light, and heaven on earth. But they themselves do not believe in their words. They use their eloquence to achieve a warm place in the sun for themselves, and preferably this place is in the corridors of power.

45. Forest Dog(Year of the Wolf) - The year under the symbol of the Wolf brings prosperity for the state, when all affairs are accomplished in one spirit, and life flows in this year in harmony, happily and serenely. People, living in this blessed time, relax and lose their vigilance, not knowing that impending trouble awaits them. This year, people are born who are endowed with a special form of hard work; they work not for themselves, but for the sake of their Family. Their goal is to create blissful comfort in their family, and their life principle is: “ Feed the wolf's feet».

29. Arctic fox(Heavenly Dog) - A year of unrest, riots, intrigues and intricacies, both in the social and spiritual life of society. Year of decline in production areas and in agriculture. Epidemics, diseases, pestilences, and famines often occur. This year, people are born who are endowed with the tendency to survive in any living conditions that Fate puts before them. They live by partisan principles: come, grab and leave.

13. Sea Dog— A year of chaos, confusion in the minds, when the upper classes cannot control society, and the lower classes do not want to live in a world of chaos. In this Year, there are changes in rulers, behind-the-scenes intrigues take place, but nothing comes of it: no enlightenment, no development in society. This year, narcissistic people are born, egoists who consider themselves “ Navel of the Earth". They believe that the whole world should revolve around them and everyone should admire their intelligence and beauty. Such people, as a rule, end their lives poorly.

141. Moon Dog- This year there is a spiritual dawn in society, and everyone believes their God, and at the same time many different righteous people and “teachers” appear who pull undecided people into their religious sect or movement. In this year, people are born who are endowed with religious fanaticism, they are closed in on themselves, but as soon as they step over the barrier of isolation and alienation, they become furious propagandists of their religious teachings, and therefore reach such a degree of narcissism that they declare themselves Gods, or God’s viceroys. earth.

125. White Dog— A year of pseudo-reforms, i.e. when they are carried out in words and not in deeds. This year, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and destroy the means of production, especially agriculture. But, as a rule, all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against the dark forces, because the people need stability, and not empty talk of rulers. This year people are born with a pure, clear, analytical mind and the ability to find a way out of any confusing situation, they try to prove that they are wrong, and it’s time to listen to them, and not consider them as naive children. The only thing that should not be allowed in relation to people born this year is indulging their whims. If parents and society do not do this, then such a child will grow into an egoist and a very strong personality.

TOUR. In all years of the Tour, the Dark Force is activated. There are mass exterminations of innocent people, accompanied by ritual killings and human sacrifices. In the years TURA, dark forces strive not only to destroy shrines of the forces of Light, but also to seize power in the state, knowing full well that the most they can hold out in power is several tens of months.

110. Black Tour— A year of difficult trials, illnesses and epidemics. This year, people are born who are stubborn and selfish. These people, as a rule, have a down-to-earth mentality, they perceive everything straightforwardly, for them the normal perception of the surrounding reality is the division of things into three main forms: good, bad and normal. If such children are not instilled with the skills for creative work from childhood, then they will turn out to be the greatest quitters and lazy people.

94. Star Tour(Zimun) - A year of difficult trials, wars, coups, and internecine clashes at the instigation of representatives of dark forces. This year, ancient shrines and traditions of peoples are destroyed. This year, people are born who are endowed with a mystical, philosophical mindset; they, as a rule, become analysts who do not take anything in words and come to everything with their own heads. People born under the Zimun symbol are very hardworking and quickly master any profession. On a subconscious level, they are drawn to Antiquity; they make excellent antiquarians, librarians, clergy, and professionals in what is associated with the study of Antiquity.

78. Fire Tour— A year of difficult trials, chaos, the rise of crime, a cleansing of the Dark forces and revenge of the Dark forces for the destruction of their ranks takes place. This year, people are born with the innate ability to achieve their goals in any way, sometimes even overstepping barriers that should not be crossed for moral reasons. Their fiery temperament is often explosive and affects not only those standing in the way, but also close people.

62. Golden Tour- A year of difficult trials and crises, in this year the dark forces organize a great famine, when many spiritual people die, mass bloody murders become part of environment, which, against the background of hunger, can lead to cannibalism. This year, people are born endowed with qualities that can be characterized as the accumulation of values, if not spiritual, then at least material. If such a person falls under the influence of the Dark Force, then he will devote his entire life to the accumulation of material wealth, become a corrupt person, and serve the forces of Darkness.

46. ​​Forest Tour— A year of difficult trials and the outbreak of great wars that claim the lives of millions of people. This year, people are born who are endowed with hard work, but at the same time they have limited thinking abilities about non-material spheres, and therefore in their lives, they know one thing: to work and work.

30. Sky Tour— A year of intrigue and deception. The year when Dark forces are activated and various conflicts, minor and palace coups occur. This year, people of intellectual labor are born who love to work with their brains. If they fall under the influence of Dark forces, then they turn out to be great swindlers.

14. Sea Tour— A year of minor uprisings, flu epidemics, limited wars. This year, talented people are born who waste their skill, talent and hard work on trifles; as a rule, they do not complete any work they start, although from among these people, sometimes great ideologists of any teaching emerge.

142. Moon Tour— A year of popular uprisings and wars based on religious clashes. This year the forces of Light and Darkness actively fight among themselves, but these battles take place with varying degrees of success. This year, people are born who are endowed with a religious and philosophical mindset; by nature they are more fanatics than believers; if they are not raised in a bright spiritual atmosphere, then they can become Grand Inquisitors.

126. White Tour— A year of popular protests against the tyranny of the Dark Forces. This year, as a rule, a lot of blood of innocent people is shed, and ritual murders are committed, with human sacrifices. This year, people are born endowed with a sense of justice and creative hard work, ready to go to the end for the sake of a bright, happy world for their children.

HOUSE. Each of the nine years bearing a symbolic image - HOUSE, brings difficult periods in the formation of society. This is due to the fact that the unhealthy situation in society is increasing, where violation of the law becomes the norm for all levels of government, which does not allow normal people calmly develop and create. Creative people, by the will of the Dark forces, find an “eternal Home”, i.e. they are killed by violent means. This year, the national liberation forces are intensifying, and their entire will is aimed at destroying the dark forces and building a Bright society.

127. Earthly House— A year of decline in production and economic crisis. This year there is a collapse of productive forces, enormous inflation, epidemics of previously unknown diseases and high child mortality. This year, people are born who try to bring wealth to the family, who are hardworking, but inherently closed and have no contact with other people.

111. Star House— A year of sharp confrontation between different systems, there is an increase in military production and intensification of forces to unleash unjust wars. All means of production are filled with military orders. This year, narcissistic people are born, constantly searching for areas to use their powers. If there is a Bright teacher on his way, then such a person becomes a Star Wanderer - conveying Star Truths to ordinary people. If his teacher belongs to the forces of Darkness, then such a person turns out to be the greatest egoist and destroyer.

95. Fire House— The year was marked by devastation, hunger, and misfortune. This year the dark forces in power are trying to take away the last piece of bread from the producer, which leads to active popular protests and a change of leadership. This year, hot-tempered people are born, they actively participate in the life of society, directly influencing changes in the existing situation, they have a sense of tact and justice and the ability to find a way out in any situation. Their only problem is family life.

79. Sunny House— A year of restoration of the destroyed economy after the great battles. This year marks an increase in production, agriculture and scientific thought. This year, people are born who are endowed with bright thoughts and have great potential for realizing various ideas, but, as a rule, Dark forces try to confuse these people.

63. Forest House— A year of the most difficult trials for the people. In such a year, dark forces in the government artificially create a shortage of food, which causes famine, illness, and the forces of Darkness, using this situation, to rob society. This year, people are born with a worldview that only they understand; they are loners, striving to prove themselves to the world around them; they organically do not accept pressure on themselves, therefore they are always in opposition to the authorities, which brings disharmony to society.

47. Heavenly House— A year of wars between the forces of Light and Darkness. All battles take place with varying degrees of success. This year people are born with pronounced military abilities (warriors) and, as a rule, these abilities give them the Forces of Light. Mystical, philosophical thinking helps them to cognize the Ancient Wisdom, but their life is not long, for almost all of them die in battles with the forces of Darkness.

31. Sea House— The year of intensification of the struggle between the Forces of Light and the forces of Darkness, in which, as a rule, the Forces of Light win. In this year, people build temples, crafts flourish, especially those related to water, fishing, the construction of dams, dams, river and sea shipbuilding. This year people are born for whom the sea is their home, they say about them that “ their souls are wide open" They are ready to help anyone and everyone, they take on any job, and everything works out for them.

15. Moon House— A year of severe changes in the economy, when industrial production is intensifying due to the outflow of workers from agriculture. This also happens due to the fact that the Dark Forces are promoting the rapid accumulation of material wealth. In this year, people are born with a pronounced religious and philosophical mindset; they, as a rule, join various sects of the Lunar cult, where pronounced fanaticism and chauvinism are brought up in them.

143. God's House(Mansions of the Gods) - There is an activation of the Light Forces, which carries a creative beginning, there is an impressive growth of the economy, due to the development of production and agriculture, which is favorable for ending wars between powers (lands). This year, people are born with a bright creative beginning, an analytical mind and a desire to help their loved ones.

HOLY SUMMER. TEMPLE. The frequency of this Summer is replete with temperature changes, because... the month of Ramhat begins with a bright, warm, positive day, and the month of Aylet is greeted with frosts; at the beginning of the month of Beylet, it may rain, which will be replaced by frosts, and then warm weather with above-zero temperatures may occur. But in the month of Geilet, despite heavy snowfalls, severe frost can strike and a severe snowstorm can begin. The beginning and last quarter of the month of Elet again brings snow, blizzard and frost, and even goes so far as to snow in the second quarter of the month of Veileta. Haylet and Taillet are capricious months - with changes in weather, from damp and cold to hot and stuffy.

128. Earthly Temple— This year there is a change in the leadership of the powers. This is a year of economic collapse, crop failure, famine and armed conflict. This year people are born with a strong sense of justice, intuitively feeling lies and falsehood. Their whole life is built on the fight against the harsh negative world that is propagated and imposed by dark forces.

112. Star Temple— Year of adoption important decisions, in order to dot the i’s in territorial and political issues. In this year, either a war breaks out, or peace is made, i.e. there is a breakthrough in resolving any issues. This year people are born with a pronounced desire to be in the center of attention. The most difficult and difficult thing for them is to be alone. Therefore, they join various societies, organizations, groups and companies. Regardless of what the goal of this society is, and what path the company takes.

96. Temple of England(Temple of the Primary Fire) - A year of difficult trials, reforms, restructuring in public life, drought and famine often occur, the reason for them is not so much climatic conditions, how many people are in power in the insane leadership. This year people are born with non-standard mystical-materialistic thinking. They do not perceive either new or old until they themselves try and learn. And after they learn, they can turn from ardent opponents into ardent supporters. They don't know the problems family comfort. They arrange their family so that the family is family nest. They are very loving by nature, they always find a common language with the people who surround them, especially with their relatives.

80. Temple of the Sun— This is the year of summing up global results and making decisions. The year of the emergence of new powers on the historical stage, and the year of the revival of old powers, whose cultures faded away in the past. This year people are born with clear, pure thinking; they subconsciously strive for purity and light in relationships between people. Growing up, they become adherents of solar cults, if they do not fall into the net of the forces of Darkness, which create all kinds of sects with light names.

48. Heavenly Temple— A year of making difficult decisions and very bloody wars. Oblivion and discovery of Wisdom. This year, people are born who can master several professions at once and who can do several things at the same time. Idleness is worse than death for them. Their only drawback is to teach people from their mistakes and always be an adviser in any matter.

32. Temple of the Sea God(Niya Temple) - A year of happiness, joy, development of various spheres of science, culture, and production. This year sees the richest harvests in agriculture. This year, people are born who are said to be revolutionaries and are constantly rushing to implement their ill-conceived ideas. It’s difficult even for them to talk about these ideas, because the main goal is not completely clear. People born this year always strive to be in the thick of social events and do not devote much time to their family. Therefore, in old age, they often remain lonely.

16. Moon Temple— A year of active growth of various sects and movements of the Lunar Cult. In addition, religious and philosophical activities and spiritual and Vedic thought are actively developing this year. Centers for the spiritual unification of people appear. In the year of the Lunar Temple, the most popular people are: astrologers, fortune tellers, prophets, false prophets, etc. This year, people are born with a religious and philosophical mindset who reject a narrowly focused, materialistic form of knowledge of the world. They are unlucky in their personal lives, they choose the path of asceticism, become ascetics, monks, schema-monks, and hermits.

144. Sacred Temple of God— A year of summing up and understanding life. This year life proceeds more or less calmly, because... Dark forces do not dare to manifest their activity. This year, people are born who are endowed with unusual abilities and qualities. They strive to learn and restore the lost Ancient Wisdom. Such People, as a rule, become Priests and Priests of the ancient Solar Cults. They say about them: Their whole life passes under the protection of the Gods.

A.Yu. Khinevich.
Asgard - Omsk.
Summer 7493 (1985).