The influence of lunar days on human health. The influence of the Moon on a person: how to behave on lunar days

Tales of vampires who come to life at midnight, as well as werewolves and other terrible and bloodthirsty creatures are in the mythology of all peoples of the world.

They are called differently, endowed with supernatural qualities, but the essence does not change: with the onset of night, especially the full moon, they become as strong and active as possible.

Our contemporaries have not believed in this for a long time. Be that as it may, the influence of the lunar phase on the ebb and flow of the waters of rivers, lakes and oceans, on the growth of plants and the behavior of living beings is a fact proven by science.

Here we are not talking about magic or magic, but about the most ordinary physical phenomena. It's all due to gravity and electromagnetic fields. Science has reliably explained the essence of what is happening.

However, the features of the influence of the earth’s satellite on people are so ambiguous that it makes sense to learn more about them.

By understanding the mechanism of what is happening, knowing how the human subconscious reacts to the behavior of the night luminary, you can better understand yourself and those around you. And there is no doubt about the benefits of such knowledge.

Lunar cycle and man

Source: iStock

Based on the fact that the earth’s satellite rotates around our planet, its trajectory and position in relation to the Earth are conventionally divided into 4 phases. They are also called quarters:

  • new moon,
  • growth phase,
  • full moon,
  • recession period.

The moon looks different in each time period. And its influence on the Earth and, accordingly, on us, the creatures inhabiting it, also differs.

In astrology there is such a concept: “ lunar month", it is somewhat shorter than the calendar one and is 28 days.

On the new moon, it is best to start new things, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s about work, hobbies or some personal aspects. Transfer to a new position important conversation or the start of your vacation is best timed to coincide with such a lunar period.

The lunar growth phase contributes to the further advancement of everything that was previously started. If you have an important project at work, then now is the time to implement it. Having proposed to your soulmate, you can now actively begin preparing for the wedding.

Source: iStock

The full moon is a kind of peak, a busy time. It is believed that during this period, all living things, including people, are filled with energy as much as possible. You need to not waste it, but use it for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

The waning moon is a time when energy declines. There may be some loss of strength or slight phlegmatic feeling. It would be nice to bring what was started and not finished to a logical conclusion.

How much do we depend on the lunar cycle?

It is impossible to talk about the same influence of the night luminary on all people. Firstly, this manifests itself differently in men and women.

Secondly, each person is individual, so the lunar phase will affect him differently.

Source: GIPHY

If some can say with almost one hundred percent accuracy in themselves and their well-being what position the earth’s satellite is in relation to our planet, then others almost do not feel this.

The nature of the moon’s influence on a person depends on the following factors:

  • gender identity,
  • characteristics of the psyche and psychology of a given individual,
  • state of the body.

So there is and cannot be any certainty in this matter.

How the moon affects women

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The Moon is considered a feminine planet. Consequently, its influence on the fairer sex is stronger.

Although, some astrologers and even psychologists explain this fact the fact that women are more emotional and susceptible to external factors.

Each phase lunar cycle affects girls and women of all ages, races and other characteristics in its own way. The time from the new moon to the beginning of the growth period is very difficult for many ladies.

They feel depressed, they are in no mood for no apparent reason, or they are extremely whiny and apathetic.

Metabolic processes in the body slow down slightly. In part, this can explain emotional depression.

Source: GIPHY

During this period, you least want to eat, so for everyone who decides to go on a diet, this phase of the moon gives the “green light” to change their diet.

The waxing phase of the moon continues until the full moon. At the same time, the night star looks like a round, luminous ball. This time For many women, it is marked by a good mood, a wave of positivity and activity.

They “get their hands on” everything that was previously put “on the back burner” or seemed not particularly important. This can also explain insomnia.

There is so much energy that it literally does not allow its owner to sleep peacefully. By the way, I still don’t really want to eat, so the diet started on the new moon may well continue.

Source: GIPHY

Due to increased physical activity and good mood, at this time it is even easier to tolerate. Metabolic processes in the body are somewhat accelerated.

If you need to go to the dentist or have a routine surgery, then don’t do it now, be patient a little.

The full moon is a controversial time. It is already difficult to talk about the influence of the moon on women, and it is even impossible to unambiguously characterize this period. Metabolic processes are still active, but the growth of new cells is slowing down.

It is best to remove spider veins or unwanted body hair right now.

The waning moon is a time of decline. Moreover, in everything. For many, this period is characterized by a feeling of powerlessness.

Source: GIPHY

All you want to do is just lie down and not make unnecessary movements. Immunity is also partially reduced, so the likelihood of getting sick increases significantly.

You need to be careful and treat yourself as carefully as possible at this time, without brushing aside the slightest changes in your well-being.

Many people use the lunar calendar when choosing the optimal time for a haircut or a visit to the doctor, cosmetic procedures, or some other activities and events.

The influence of the night luminary should be correlated with the phases of the menstrual cycle. The hormonal levels, and therefore the condition of the woman as a whole, depend on them.

Moon and men

Source: iStock

The earth's satellite, visible in the sky at night, has a certain influence not only on the fairer sex, but also on the stronger half of humanity.

It is possible that many modern guys will dismiss this, but if you listen to yourself, this fact becomes obvious.

Males react most strongly to the beginning of the lunar cycle, that is, to the new moon. At this time, they are examples of sociability, positivity and energy.

Many men feel a surge of strength and the ability to literally “move mountains” on the way to achieving their plans. Their positive attitude helps a lot in this regard.

The influence of the Moon on humans is not just mysterious myths invented by the people. In our material you will learn how and why the Moon affects a person, and you will also understand at what period you need to pay attention to your health. Let us remind you that we previously wrote about, which may be useful to you.

Why does the Moon affect a person?

There is a lot about how the Moon affects a person. But one thing is certain - depending on the lunar cycle and the lunar phase, our well-being and even health conditions can change. The fact is that the Moon is in constant motion around our planet; it regularly reflects sunlight from different sides of its surface, and this affects human life on planet Earth. Moreover, the Moon has a direct influence on the tides of water - its gravitational field attracts large masses of water, which causes their level to rise.

But let’s return to the issues of the Moon’s influence on humans. The well-being of earth's inhabitants often depends on what phase the Moon is currently in. Therefore, we will talk about this in more detail.

The influence of the moon phases on humans: new moon

The influence of the Moon on a person during the new moon period is expressed in the fact that human energy resources at this time are at a minimum level. Therefore, people may feel a lack of strength, weakness and a need for rest. Some people develop unexpected fears and obsessions. Interestingly, men are more susceptible to the influence of the new moon, so during this period they can be irritable and harsh towards those around them.

And if we talk about how the Moon affects a woman on a new moon, then it is worth noting the lethargy and exhaustion in her well-being. Nothing bad happens to her body, but during this period it is better to reduce physical activity and not overdo it. But the new moon is perfect for cleansing the body, so at this time you can start or go on a light diet.

How the phases of the moon affect a person: full moon

The effect of the Moon on a person during a full moon is that we become more emotional and sensitive. During this period, many suffer from insomnia and increased activity, often feeling that it is difficult for them to sit in one place, especially during a long working day. If men react predominantly to the full moon, then full moon affects women more, as they are more often guided by their emotions.

During the full moon, chronic diseases often worsen, so every person needs to monitor their health, paying attention to any ailments. There is a widespread belief, which has no scientific evidence, that it is better not to perform any operations during the full moon. They say that blood clotting is worse at this time, so surgical interventions, even minor ones, should be postponed to another time.

They have been trying to study the influence of the phases of the Moon on humans for decades, discovering new interesting facts about how we depend on the Earth’s satellite. In the meantime, scientists are trying to explain many anomalies, we will tell you on a subconscious level.

January 19th, 2018

The Moon is the closest celestial body to us, our faithful companion, which, despite its relatively small size by cosmic standards, has a colossal influence on the nature of the Earth and humans.

Due to its proximity to our planet, the Moon, by the force of its gravity, causes ebbs and flows in the seas and oceans. Huge masses of water move every day, driven by the Moon. Our body, as we know, consists of large quantity water, therefore the Moon, with its attraction, exerts its influence on him. The moon causes a kind of "biological ebb and flow" in our body.

Moon influence

The rhythms of the moon are not always very noticeable, but there are periods in the lunar cycle when changes in human behavior and reactions are especially noticeable. Studies have shown that healthy people with a more stable psyche are not particularly susceptible to the changes that the Moon can cause.

If a person’s psyche is not entirely stable, the Moon influences his behavior and emotions great value. For example, exacerbation of all kinds of mental disorders is often associated with the full moon, when the energy of the Moon is maximum and our satellite is visible in the sky in all its glory. During the full moon, there is an increase in activity, and a person’s emotions are at their highest. high point rise, so conflicts are common.

Lunar days, in turn, also affect the behavior and general condition of a person. A lunar (synodic) month averages 29.53059 days. Thus, according to lunar calendar yu , a calendar month can consist of 29 or 30 lunar days.

It is also not surprising that the Moon affects the female body. It is no coincidence that the female cycle lasts on average 28 days, exactly the same as the lunar cycle. During approximately this time, the Moon manages to completely circle around our planet and visit every zodiac sign.

The moon has an important influence on living organisms on our planet; for example, some marine animals lay eggs only during certain periods of the lunar cycles.

The influence of the moon phases

The moon has 4 phases, each of which lasts about a week. The first phase starts with new moon, and the third phase - with full moon. The moon waxes for two weeks and wanes for two weeks. Changes in lunar phases are considered not the most favorable periods, especially the moments of the new moon, when there is too little energy, and the full moon, when there is too much energy.

The waxing Moon suggests the presence of energy, so these days you may feel a lack of strength, there may be disruptions in the body, exacerbations of chronic diseases, and wounds heal more slowly. Despite this, on the waxing Moon it is advised to start new things that will take some time to complete.

The waning moon, on the contrary, is associated with a decrease in energy. During this period, it is advised to complete the work started. Our reactions begin to slow down, our activity weakens every day. During this period, it is best to get rid of everything unnecessary, such as excess weight, health problems and cleanse.

Moon phases is not the only cycle of the Moon that should be taken into account when scheduling certain events related to beauty and health. The lunar calendar is also based on the passage of the Moon through the signs of the Zodiac. The Moon, like the Sun, goes through the zodiacal cycle, but, unlike the Sun, it manages to go through it not in a year, but in just a month, staying in each sign for an average of 2.5 days. Thus, the days of the Lunar calendar can refer to the days of the four elements: earth, water, air and fire.

How to care for your skin?

Summer is approaching and now, especially, every woman wants to look young, fresh and beautiful. The Moon offers several simple rules, following which you will certainly experience good results. Remember that there is a time for everything!

If you want to learn to follow the advice of the Moon, you need to remember that when the Moon is waxing, your body absorbs energy, absorbs everything that comes from the outside, and on the waning Moon, on the contrary, it gets rid of everything unnecessary, the body is tuned to cleansing.

Thus, various procedures for nourishing and moisturizing the skin (nourishing masks, creams) should be carried out on the waxing Moon. On the waning Moon, the skin is better able to be cleansed, so all procedures related to the removal of pimples, blackheads, freckles or blemishes are best carried out in the second half of the lunar month, that is, on the waning Moon. The best time for skin care is the days when the Moon is in earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Getting rid of acne and other problems - on water days: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

The best time for nourishing and moisturizing masks: June 14-16, July 11-13, July 21-23, August 8-10, August 17-19.

Getting rid of skin problems: June 27-29, July 7, July 25-26, August 3-5, August, August 30-31.

Homemade face masks (recipes)

Nourishment for dry skin. 1 carrot, 1 tbsp. spoon of potato flour, 1 yolk. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off with hot, then immediately with cold water. The mask is very refreshing, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Nourishment for oily skin. 1 grated apple, 1 egg white. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. Well nourishes the skin with vitamins, shrinks pores, refreshes.

Nutrition for normal skin. 50 g yeast + tablespoon warm milk. Grind to a liquid paste. Apply a thick layer to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water without soap. This mask tones the skin, nourishes it well and makes it elastic.

Cleansing dry skin. 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cleansing oily skin. 1 teaspoon of calendula infusion with alcohol, 0.3 cups of water, wheat flour. Mix all ingredients until consistency liquid sour cream, applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask takes a long time to wash off, so you will need a lot of water. It perfectly cleanses oily skin, making it smooth, and helps against inflammation.

Cleansing normal skin. Half a banana + 1 tbsp. spoon of milk. Mash a banana with milk until a paste forms, apply to the face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

How to get rid of acne? One of the options for getting rid of acne is a mask made from aloe leaves. Take 3-4 leaves, wash them and chop them using a knife or meat grinder. Mix with water (about a quarter cup) and boil over heat for 3 minutes. Cool, apply the mixture of leaves, strained through gauze or a sieve, onto your face for 15 minutes. After straining, wash the paste off your face with water.

How to get rid of freckles? 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, juice of 1 lemon. Soak a napkin and apply it to your face for 20 minutes, changing napkins periodically. Rinse your face with warm water. This mask whitens the skin well and gets rid of freckles.

When and how to sunbathe correctly?

In summer there is a lot of sun, very dry air, in cities there is a lot of dust and dirt, which will certainly land on your face. All these things negatively affect the skin of your face and body, so it requires constant and careful protection.

The sun without any measure is a sure enemy of the skin, especially the delicate skin of the face. However, tanning has firmly become fashionable and does not want to “leave” it. Well-tanned skin slims the body and makes the silhouette more graceful, which is why many women want to tan so much, often forgetting about precautions.

To get an even and beautiful tan without damaging the skin, you should sunbathe early in the morning or after 5 pm, when the sun is not so scorching. It is also best to sunbathe on the waning Moon, but if the Moon is not in fire signs. On a young Moon, the skin often dries out, which means its aging and the appearance of wrinkles accelerate.

Remember that sunbathing should be done wisely and not overdo it. Sunbathe in the open sun for no more than 15 minutes, then move to the shade. You should not neglect the means of protecting your skin from the sun's rays, especially if you are outdoors all day. Even sitting in the shade on a sunny summer day, you will sunbathe.

It is best to sunbathe during the following periods of this summer: June 23-29, July 2-8, July 22-26, July 29 - August 4, August 21-22, August 25-31.

How to properly care for your hair?

On average, hair grows about 1 centimeter per month, and to make it beautiful and attractive, you need to put in a lot of effort and patience, because not everyone is naturally blessed with perfect curls. The moon can help you with hair care if you follow all its advice.

All hairdressers know that the influence of the Moon on hair is quite noticeable, and the result may depend on what day you come to the hairdresser. You can also select the day according to the desired result. For example, would you like to grow your hair or, on the contrary, would you like to maintain the shape of your haircut as long as possible? Here are some tips Luna offers:

It is best to get your hair cut on the waxing moon only if you want to speed up the growth of your hair.

If you want your hairstyle to remain unchanged for a long time, it is better to get your haircut during the full moon. Especially on the days of Leo or Virgo. The full moon is a stressful period of the entire month, and tense energy accumulates in the ends of the hair, so to get rid of it, it is better to cut off the ends at this moment.

When the Moon is waning, it is generally better not to visit the hairdresser. During this period, energy is consumed, so if you get a haircut, the energy may be consumed much more than it should be.

Good days to cut hair

Not all lunar months can boast a full moon in Leo or Virgo. This happens only in February and March, so it is worth paying attention to the position of the Moon in these signs during its first and second phases, that is, during the waxing of the Moon. These are the ones lucky days to visit the hairdresser:

The best days for haircuts and other hair manipulations: June 12-16, July 9-13, August 7-10.

If you can't wait for favorable days to go to the hairdresser, try to at least avoid the worst days when the Moon is waning and at the same time is in signs such as Pisces or Cancer. These are the days:

Worst days for haircuts and other hair manipulations: June 27-29, July 24-26, August 3-5, August 21-22.

If you dye your hair, you should also do this during the waxing Moon. It is noticed that the paint then lasts much longer, maintaining saturation and brightness. If you apply makeup during the waning Moon, the paint will quickly come off and the result will be disappointing.

To make your hair shiny and healthy, it is recommended to constantly nourish it with masks and rinses. Due to environmental influences, they lose their shine, become brittle and lifeless.

Hair care rules

1) Hair must be protected from the sun, so try not to walk around bareheaded in the summer. Do not go out into the sun with wet hair after swimming in the pool or sea, be sure to wear a hat. Also cover your head when going to the bathhouse or sauna. At the same time, the hair fades and deteriorates.

2) Do not use a very hot hair dryer, and when washing your hair, do not use hot water. Temperature can destroy the hair structure. Use warm water to wash your hair, and at the end of washing, rinse your hair with cool water.

3) Comb your hair regularly several times a day for 5 minutes. You can also self-massage your head with your fingers. Using circular motions, gently massage your scalp so that the skin moves with your fingers. These procedures allow blood to flow to the head and strengthen the hair follicles.

What to do to make your hair grow faster? Alcohol infusions from nettle and birch leaves help well. To prepare such an infusion, you need to collect the leaves on the waxing Moon, pour them with alcohol and leave them in a transparent bottle in the sun for a month. After this, rub the infusion into the scalp.

If your hair is oily, you can make masks on the waxing moon that suppress the formation of sebum. For example, mix 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of water. Rub into scalp after washing for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

If your hair is dry, you can nourish it with burdock and olive oil. However, remember not to use too much oil. You can also make the following mask-wrap: Mix a teaspoon of grated burdock roots with 0.5 cups of olive oil and leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then simmer for about 15 minutes, let cool, strain and rub the tincture into the scalp. Wrap your head in a protective cap and leave the mask on for 2 hours. This mask is best done on the days of Leo or Virgo on the waxing moon or on the full moon.

Nail care

To ensure that your nails always look neat and well-groomed, you can regularly seek help from a manicurist, or you can take care of your nails at home. Unfortunately, many people complain of brittle nails, but the cause of this ailment may be hidden somewhere deeper and not depend on the influence of the external environment.

If you follow simple rules and file and process your nails certain days, while not forgetting about hand care, your nails will become much better.

The best time to do your nails is on Friday after sunset and the best time is on the days when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn doesn't fall on a Friday this summer, so get your nails done on any Friday (except unfavorable days), or to these numbers:

If you have a problem with ingrown nails, you can eliminate it during the waning moon. Do not cut your nails during the waxing moon so that they do not quickly grow back.

Worst time to take care of your nails (Pisces or Gemini days): June 7-9, June 27-29, July 4-6, July 25-26, August 1-2, August 21-22, August 28-29.

Nail care rules

1) Do not expose your nails to constant exposure to cleaning agents and detergents. Do all housework with gloves that protect the skin of your hands and nails.

2) Do not allow your skin to dry out; carry hand and nail cream with you and periodically lubricate your hands with it if you feel dry.

3) When applying nail polish, use a protective base. Let your nails rest for a couple of days after removing the polish, only then apply new polish. Use only a quality varnish cleaner.

4) Once a week, rub a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar and cranberry juice into your nails. This nail mask allows them to become more elastic and shiny.

5) Take baths for your nails. 250 ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon each of salt, soda and shampoo. Dip your fingers into the bath and hold them for 15-20 minutes.

6) Use special creams and gels to remove cuticles.

7) Try to do your nails on Capricorn days or on Friday after sunset (except for negative days).

How does the Moon affect health?

The Moon and the Sun are two planets that have a decisive influence on the life of everything that exists on our planet. The Sun represents the masculine divine principle, and the Moon represents the feminine. Together they symbolize the great primordial duality: male and female, active and passive, day and night, mind and feelings, will and love. These are the same Yang and Yin, two sides of one life. The Sun rules over time, and the Moon rules space, the Sun rules fire, and the Moon rules water.

The Moon, being 27 million times smaller than the Sun, is 374 times closer to Earth than daylight. That is why it has such a significant influence on earthly natural phenomena and people's livelihoods. The lunar month consists of four phases, which are associated with the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. The new moon is the combination of the Moon and the Sun, and the full moon is their opposition. There are two forms of influence of the Moon - when it waxes and wanes. There are four important points of the lunar month (new moon, full moon, first and third quarter days). Each phase of the cycle lasts about a week. This is the lunar rhythm.

Human daily biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The last one is the rotation of the Moon around our planet. One revolution around the Earth takes place in 28-30 days. This is a lunar month that lasts from new moon to new moon. But almost half of the calendar months of the year have an unfinished cycle. As a result, great psychological tension is created, people face many difficulties and trials, especially in February (and not only in leap years). Critical points are especially dangerous in any month of the year. lunar calendar. They are considered, first of all, the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days, and secondly - the 1st, 4th, 11th, 23rd and 26th. Most complications occur in people during this time. In the lunar month there are favorable days, which increase the body’s protective functions and improve health. These are the 6th, 7th, 16th, 24th and 28th lunar days.

Under the gravitational influence of the Moon towards it, the solid surface of the Earth is deformed by 50 cm in the vertical direction and about 5 cm in the horizontal direction. This impact has an even stronger effect on the aquatic environment and is expressed in the fact that in the coastal zones of the oceans, every 12 hours 25 minutes the tidal wave changes to an ebb tide. These gravitational disturbances in the aquatic environment of the globe naturally affect the behavior of living organisms. The gravitational field of the Moon (ebb and flow) has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues. Chinese medicine states that the 12 major organs, connected by corresponding channels, experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity once a day, and at other times an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed by blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

This planet affects the consciousness and psyche of a person, his mood and emotions. The gravitational and energetic effects of each lunar day are not similar to each other. The reason is that they depend on the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun in the sky, which changes by about 12° every day. For example, exposure to a certain lunar day can restore the balance of the entire body, and can also aggravate diseases, especially chronic ones. In both cases, we get the result of using biorhythms. You can simply “communicate” with them intelligently, by following them, or unwisely, by violating them. For example, all zodiac signs represent a celestial circle divided into 12 sectors. They are greatly influenced by the position of the Moon, which, moving around the Earth, passes under these signs on the celestial sphere. The speed of the Moon's movement through the zodiac is approximately 0.5 degrees of arc per hour. Being in each zodiac sign for 2.5 days, the Moon makes the organs and systems of the human body associated with this sign vulnerable and weak; they should not be overloaded at this time. It is enough to know this feature to avoid many health problems. You can find out what lunar day it is today and what sign the Moon is in from any lunar calendar.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual one. In this case, the person’s birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of one’s own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the occurrence of most diseases. There is also an opinion: the lunar day of not only birth, but also conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, and indicates possible diseases of certain organs that may be provoked relative position celestial bodies throughout life.

The influence of the Moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, which last about a week.

In the first phase of the moon, the functions of the cerebral cortex and organs of the upper body are activated. It is during this period, after the new moon, that it is recommended to begin any healing course, because due to the energy of the beginning of the lunar life cycle, a person coordinates and strengthens his own body functions. If he wants to get rid of bad habits that undermine his health, then he must start doing this in accordance with this time.

The second phase is characterized by a gradual increase in external gravity from the Moon and the Sun, the direction of movement of energy and fluid in the body from the inside out, and an increase in body weight. This period is most favorable for cleansing the body and easy waste of energy. In addition, heavy bleeding is possible at this time. Toxins, along with the flow of liquid, tend to come out on their own, especially during a visit to the steam room, so it is better to cleanse the large intestine, liver and kidneys at this time. Three days of the lunar calendar, from the 11th to the 14th, are considered the most successful for cleansing the body. In the second phase of the Moon, the gravitational and energy center of influence is in the thoracic and epigastric region; the lungs, abdominal organs and thoracic spine are activated. If there is a hidden pathology in these parts of the body, it will worsen.

The full moon is characterized by the maximum opposing influence of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's biosphere. At this time, significant stress is observed in the human body, when energy and fluid flows from the external expanded state of the body rush inward. A person gains strength, he wants to move actively, get more physical activity. During the full moon, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus, where conception occurs, accelerates. In general, women react especially strongly to the full moon, much more pronounced than men.

In the third phase of the Moon, there is an even greater compression of energy and fluid in the human body. These days it is necessary to avoid large physical activity, food errors, which are stress factors for the body.

The fourth phase is a time when the upper and lower areas of the body are especially vulnerable. An excessive surge of energy and fluid tends to the head and feet, causing stagnation and blood deficiency in them, leading to fainting and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Body weight begins to decrease due to the flow of fluid and waste from the body, the menstrual cycle in women ends, passivity increases, and all processes of the lunar cycle end. During this phase of the Moon it is also good to carry out cleansing procedures in the form of enemas and steam rooms.

On a new moon, with increased gravity of the Moon and Sun, a person’s mass becomes smaller, fluid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body, the activity of metabolic processes increases, but the number of mental disorders also increases. This is the time when liquid is actively absorbed through the skin and enters deep into the body. Note that men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are aggressive, nervous, and more often suffer from a heart attack.

Regarding human health, the Moon is responsible for the quality of blood, chest, stomach, lymph, lungs, left eye in men and right eye in women, intestines, menstrual cycle, uterus, nervous system, esophagus, tonsils, saliva. IN in general terms The moon is responsible for the conception and birth of children, it guides a person in childhood, controls the lives of women, especially mothers (it is believed that it affects women more than men), emotional sphere. Diseases of the Moon: diseases of the uterus, problems with menstruation, fever, general weakness, jaundice, asthma, colic, pulmonary diseases, predisposition to coughs and colds, tuberculosis, pleurisy (especially in childhood). These diseases are caused by a weak or damaged Moon. The main symptoms of the latter are emotional instability, scarcity of emotions, fear of close relationships, lack of friendliness, increased sense of danger, anxiety, depression, and poor memory. Such a person often feels dissatisfied and has difficulty withstanding stress and tension associated with communication. He is prone to despondency, pessimism, neuroses and mental disorders. His thoughts are confused, he is gloomy and anxious. Physical signs weak Moon: anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues or, conversely, its stagnation, dry skin, constipation, weakened lungs. It is difficult for such a person to tolerate dry and hot weather. Women, in addition to menstrual cycle disorders, may suffer from infertility.

Moon phases and health

Each phase of the moon has a specific effect on our well-being. Lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body’s defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. We will tell you about characteristic features each phase and indicate the main features of the lunar days that make it up.

We will discuss the influence of lunar days on health in more detail in the chapter “Characteristics of lunar days.”

First lunar phase

The first phase begins with the new moon. During the first two days, the Moon is not visible in the sky. At this time, a person is most weakened, exhausted, and the body’s energy resources are at a minimum. Immunity suffers, mistakes and behavioral disruptions are possible. We are visited by fears, depression, depression. But this state also has its advantages: the body throws off the burden accumulated over the entire previous lunar month.

Then a narrow crescent of the Moon appears in the sky - and you can breathe more freely. We feel the forces hidden within us growing. At this time, the body, as it were, lives its youth, it grows and develops again, it is configured to consume energy, receive it from the outside, it saves energy and spends almost no energy.

In the first phase, from the new moon to the first quarter, a person is especially active. However, this period cannot be considered the most favorable for health: the first phase is the time of exacerbation of chronic diseases. As the Moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you should be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of emotional perception of the world increases.

First phase - good period for health-promoting treatments. This is the time when the effect of medications is enhanced and vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and iron, are absorbed more effectively. On these days, any procedures have a more effective effect than in other phases. However, along with such beneficial properties The negative ones also make themselves felt fully. In the first phase, poisoning and allergies are more severe. At the same time, very active accumulation of fat occurs. Therefore, if you are watching your weight, keep in mind: at this time, every candy you eat will be deposited in extra grams.

In the first days of the first phase, general strengthening procedures can be performed. It's good to prevent diseases. If you want to significantly increase physical activity, wait until the 5th lunar day. Water procedures are also useful at this time. In particular, bathhouse and sauna until the 7th lunar day, contrast shower. The latter should be taken as follows: warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. Douses have a beneficial effect if you are mentally and physically prepared for them: a minute under warm shower, then pour cold water over it for 10 seconds (maximum). The dousing should be done from top to bottom: first the shoulders, then the feet.

If you were planning to get rid of bad habits, start playing sports, then the first phase is the right time to implement these good intentions. Let us note that if you are planning, for example, to quit smoking, then it is better to do it now, but you need to psychologically adjust in the previous, fourth phase.

New moon And 1st lunar day- a time when the body is still too weak. Immunity is weak, energy is low, irritability and fatigue are increased. Physical and mental fatigue further weakens health. At this time, it is easy to catch some kind of disease, especially a viral one (closer to the new moon). Illnesses that begin on this day can last a long time, but will end happily and will not lead to complications.

At this time, under no circumstances should you drink alcohol or eat spicy or hot food. Starting from the 5th lunar day, it is good to give preference to fresh food, unprocessed, raw, cool.

In 2nd lunar day You can already start physical exercise, but you should still take care of yourself. Today, simple plant-based foods work well. Illnesses of this day are short-lived and harmless.

IN 3rd lunar day Monitor your health closely. Diseases that arise on this day can last a long time.

IN 4th lunar day a person is still susceptible to diseases, however, if he immediately begins to treat them, they will not last long. Today it is necessary to save energy, not to waste energy on useless activities and empty conversations.

IN 5th lunar day You can’t starve, the body perfectly absorbs any food (if possible, you should give up meat). You shouldn’t eat a lot, but the food should be the most best quality. This is explained by the fact that food is endowed with specific energy, and what you eat today nourishes your astral body. Take care of yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can be serious and lead to complications.

IN 6th lunar day you need to get some fresh air - take a walk in the countryside, or at least walk along a clean street or park. When eating, give preference to fruits and vegetables; it’s good if you prepare them in a special way or make a new dish. If you get sick on this day, do not worry, the ailments of this day pass quickly and easily. But you need to avoid hypothermia.

IN 7th lunar day health status is unpredictable. Chronic diseases today can either sharply worsen or disappear just as suddenly. Anyone who is ill on this day will be easily cured and will quickly recover. As on the previous day, today you should not get too cold.

Second lunar phase

The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body’s energy continues to increase: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Vitality gradually approaching their peak. There are already enough of them, they have not been wasted, fatigue has not yet set in, and a person is capable of much. But this is precisely why the second phase of the Moon, from the first quarter to the full moon inclusive, is dangerous due to the occurrence of acute diseases. During this period, the nervous system is highly stressed. The psyche has a hard time coping with stress. Therefore, limit the emotional stress as much as possible, avoid worries and tension. Reduce stress-causing factors - alcohol, smoking, nervous situations in your personal life and at work. Take less medications, it is better to completely avoid alcohol. Do not strive for physical activity, let the load gradually decrease towards the full moon. If it's cool outside, avoid hypothermia, first of all, keep your head and feet out of the cold.

In the second phase, the action of cleansing measures is especially effective. From the 8th to the 10th lunar day, if possible, you should carry out procedures that cleanse the body of toxins. From the 10th to the 12th lunar day, cleansing of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and visiting the bathhouse are indicated. The 11th lunar day is especially strong in this regard. In general, these three days are the best time for fasting in the entire lunar month, but on the 11th day you can also give up water. Of course, this should only be done if your body is prepared for such stress. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself serious harm, both physically and psychologically. Starting from the 13th lunar day until the end of the third phase, fasting is also useful. It is very good to give enemas.

If you are thin, during this period take hot baths and go to the sauna - it is especially favorable to do this on the 9th and 10th lunar days. If you have a plus-sized body, you will benefit from warm baths. During the second phase of the Moon, pouring cool and cold water has a beneficial effect: in the first days of the phase - warmer, in the last days - cold. Pouring is carried out from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the first two days of the second phase, give preference to Yin food, and starting from the tenth lunar day, to Yang food. Will be especially useful stewed vegetables, various cereal porridges. Try to eat less butter. If you are thin, this menu will be especially suitable for you. Add bread made from sprouted grains to it - and improved well-being is guaranteed. If, on the other hand, you are overweight, pay attention to dry foods with less moisture. For example, when porridge is healthy, it can be buckwheat without milk, vegetables without gravy.

IN 8th lunar day the person is susceptible to nervous disorders. Stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a generally unfavorable background for health, injuries are possible. On this day you can’t eat a lot and overwork at work, you need to allow yourself rest and unloading. You should protect yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can lead to complications.

IN 9th lunar day The illnesses turn out to be serious, but the prognosis is still favorable. This is a difficult day for the body. Today, various cleansing procedures will be especially good, first of all, a bath. At this time, the load on the heart and blood vessels is very dangerous; do everything to avoid it.

IN 10th lunar day you can't get sick. The onset of illnesses can be serious, but if you start treatment on time, then everything will go well. It is very important not to overload on this day. If you were unable to rest on the 8th lunar day, do it today.

IN 11th lunar day the body feels cheerful, shows us high tone, readiness for physical activity. But if sports and sex are beneficial today, then stress on the spine can become dangerous. It is dangerous to get sick on this day.

IN 12th lunar day the heart is subject to negative influences. The nervous system is very susceptible. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous and do things that put stress on the heart. In particular, you should not run, play sports, or smoke. You need to protect yourself from possible diseases: on this day they can become extremely unpleasant.

IN 13th lunar day We are surrounded by energy that can negatively affect our well-being. At this time, you should not get sick; you should avoid illnesses at all costs: they can become very long-lasting. But the body absorbs various medications well.

IN 14th lunar day the body is quite strong. But the health hazard continues. Today you may unexpectedly get rid of an old illness or, conversely, suddenly become ill. Although illnesses that began on this day are not dangerous, they will pass quickly and without complications. It is good to fast on this day, but you should drink less liquid. You can’t be in a passive state, you need to either engage physical exercise(at least a little), or just move more.

IN 15th lunar day the background for health is unfavorable. Today you need to be careful and take care of your nerves. Rest is very useful. You cannot waste energy on disputes and conflicts. Sex today also drains the body. The illness that began on this day will easily pass. No operations can be performed today.

The full moon is coming - it’s time to move from accumulating strength to actively spending it. On this day, unspent energy may become unmanageable. Excess energy prevents you from falling asleep - it is during the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia. In the old days they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Are escalating nervous disorders, the number of road accidents is increasing. People become more irritated and often start a quarrel for no reason. The number of suicides is increasing.

On a full moon, the body is exposed to more dangers than on any other day of the lunar month. Closer to it, the risk of infectious diseases is maximally increased. Today you can get injured, so be especially careful when doing physical activity, and if it’s icy outside, pay close attention to the road. During the full moon it is easiest to get poisoned, so do not eat unfamiliar food, do not visit unknown cafes, and when buying food, be sure to look at their expiration date. During the full moon, the body completely absorbs all medications and drugs: from medicinal to narcotic. Possible side effects. One drink or one cigarette today will do more harm than in two weeks.

Today, the body is in dire need of energy, so it cannot be spent on anything that requires energy output: conflicts, parties, sex, sports. Experienced herbalists know that medicinal plants collected during the full moon work better than those collected earlier or later than this day. A full moon day is also good for therapeutic fasting. But it is unfavorable for people who have just undergone surgery.

Third lunar phase

The moon is already beginning to wane, but in the first days of the phase you need to behave taking into account the fact that the full moon is still in effect. In the future, the body is tuned to activity, energy consumption, splashing it out from within. In the third phase of the Moon, from the full moon to the fourth quarter, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs are likely. You have to be especially careful about your diet. It is very important not to get sick during this critical time. In addition, the third phase is a period of sexual activity, which these days has a beneficial effect on health. During the period of the waning moon, massages are more effective than at other times: relaxing and to relieve spasms, as well as removing harmful substances from the body. The effect of medicinal herbs is also effective. On days when the Moon is waning, the chances of success with surgical interventions are higher, and recovery is faster.

In the third phase, treatment of lower back diseases and their prevention are especially good. You should warm it up and apply compresses. A contrast shower is useful for water procedures. It should be taken alternating warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. These days, the body copes well with increased physical activity. For the highest activity and sporting achievements, lunar days from the 19th to the 21st are most favorable.

The third phase is the best time for surgical operations: they go better, recovery is faster, the sutures bleed little and form almost no scars. By the way, all skin formations - warts, moles, papillomas, etc. - should be removed precisely during the waning moon. It doesn't matter what you use to remove them - red silk thread or liquid nitrogen, boiled potatoes or laser. But if you have not yet recovered by the new moon, pause these procedures and continue them after the full moon. And the third phase is the best time for deep cleansing of the skin, including resurfacing and chemical peeling. The skin is cleansed deeper and regenerates faster. This is the best time for hair removal - it goes easier, and the hairs will then grow more slowly.

It is not recommended to fast during the third phase of the moon; on the contrary, this is a suitable recovery period after fasting. These days you should give up spicy and fried foods, reduce or completely eliminate meat from your diet. In the first half of the phase, i.e. from the 16th to the 18th lunar day, give preference to yang food. From the 19th to the 22nd - Yin, watery, cooling. The food may be rough, but in any case you should not eat too much. An interesting fact: when the Moon is waning, food is not stored in the body in the form of excess body weight, so if we eat more than usual these days, we will not gain weight. Keep this in mind if you are going on a quick diet. Even if you torture yourself with a dry fast, you will not achieve anything. And if you want to gain weight, no matter how much you eat, you still won’t gain even half a kilogram.

IN 16th lunar day the general background is favorable for health. Gymnastics and physical exercises are recommended. It's good to get out into nature. You can't be nervous or worry. The body is in good shape, but if you need the tone to be even higher, you will have to give up meat.

IN 17th lunar day The body's resources are not as rich as in the previous one. It is dangerous to get sick on this day: the illness will be severe and long-lasting. Today you should not take medications unless absolutely necessary. Alcohol is very harmful.

IN 18th lunar day you can rest and relax if you didn’t do it yesterday. But relaxation in this case does not imply a holiday of gluttony: eating a lot is contraindicated. Among all the days of the lunar month, this day is the best for fasting. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol today. Water treatments are recommended, especially the sauna. A massage will be helpful. It is necessary to protect your health in every way, since an illness that begins on this day can last a very long time and may not even go away, becoming chronic.

IN 19th lunar day the body is quite strong. If you get sick on this day, the illness will go away quickly and easily. But in order to save and increase strength, you should remain calm in all situations and keep your emotions under control. Today you cannot take medications unless absolutely necessary and recommended by a doctor, as well as self-medicate and select your own medications.

IN 20th lunar day, as in the previous one, it is important to control your emotions. This is where the similarities between days 19 and 20 end. Today the body is not strong, and if you get sick, you can spend it on treatment long time. Among the healing procedures, the bathhouse and sauna are especially useful. You should give up alcohol.

IN 21st lunar day there is a critical background for health, old diseases may worsen. But the nature of this day is dual, and instead of exacerbation, unexpected relief may come and the process of recovery may begin. In order to protect yourself from problems, you need to spend time in as calm an environment as possible. Moreover, the diseases of this day can be dangerous.

IN 22nd lunar day the general background is unfavorable for health. Today there is a peculiar turn of energy. If a person gets sick on this day, the illness can cause significant harm to his health and lead to serious consequences.

Fourth lunar phase

In the fourth phase, from the last quarter to the new moon (inclusive), the body is susceptible to various diseases. The narrower the crescent moon becomes, the more vulnerable the energy of our bodies is. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of hand. The body's defenses are weakened, and a lack of energy is felt. Sometimes biorhythms get confused, insomnia or drowsiness occurs, in the middle of the night you may suddenly want to eat, but during the day, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger does not arise. This short period a person is susceptible to mood swings, depression may occur, and it is difficult to cope with stress. Fluid circulation in the body is disrupted. In the fourth phase of the moon, it is necessary to reduce physical and psychological stress as much as possible. Giving yourself one day of rest in the middle of the fourth phase is not a solution to the problem; you need to take care of yourself until the onset of the new moon. But you shouldn’t lie on the sofa for days: try to visit more fresh air, take time for walking.

Taking care of your health, take cool foot baths in the fourth phase. If you are not afraid of being doused with water, keep in mind that this procedure is especially useful during this period. But you don’t need to start dousing from top to bottom, tipping the tub over your head. ice water. The latter should be cool, and the dousing should be done from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the fourth phase, the body is cleansed especially effectively. For this purpose, visit the sauna, bathhouse - it is also useful for internal organs, and for the skin. You can do enemas, and it is best to start in the late evening, around 10 p.m. Compresses, lotions, and poultices also work well, especially those made from herbs (knotweed is best). Herbs these days will help clear problem areas. A very good period for fasting. Herbal decoctions and infusions (water-based), juices, and alkaline mineral waters work well.

The last four critical days of the phase are called Hecate days. At this time, the influence of the Moon on our body reaches its climax. These days enhance our ability to self-purify. We can get rid of almost anything, from substances that poison the body to bad habits.

Throughout the fourth phase, try to drink and eat less, do not overeat under any circumstances, and avoid gastronomic temptations. This primarily applies to meat and fried foods. From the 23rd to the 25th lunar day, give preference to Yin food, from the 26th to the new moon - to Yang food. Spices and seasonings have a beneficial effect if you do not have individual contraindications to them. Don’t allow yourself to experiment with new foods, don’t eat what you don’t know, avoid heavy foods and anything that you don’t digest well.

IN 23rd lunar day give up sex, but don't neglect exercise. Carefully monitor your health: if you get sick on this day, it will take a long time to recover.

IN 24th lunar day diseases, on the contrary, are harmless. As a rule, they do not drag on and do not bring unpleasant consequences. Unlike the previous day, today the body is more stable and copes with the load easier.

IN 25th lunar day health is at risk. If the disease begins today, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. A good day for rest and relaxation.

IN 26th lunar day the body's protective functions are low. If you feel bad, tired and chronically overworked, on this day you will feel better if you do not engage in physical labor, sports or sex. Today you can’t talk a lot, as this leads to even more energy consumption. Try to protect yourself from illnesses: the onset of ailments can be serious.

IN 27th lunar day The picture is no longer so depressing: today the body has more strength. Illnesses that begin on this day will not be serious.

IN 28th lunar day the body's defenses are not as high as in the previous one, but not as low as in the 25th. To protect yourself from the emergence of new diseases and exacerbation of old ones, limit physical, mental and emotional stress if possible. Do not give in to anger and irritation, do not enter into conflicts: this will take away a huge share of your already insufficient energy. However, if you get sick on this day, the illness will not be serious. A good day for relaxing in nature, visiting the bathhouse. From this day until the new moon, the energy goes into a noticeable decline. First of all, men are weakened: they need to take special care of their health. No “belly holidays” or other bodily joys until the first lunar day!

IN 28th lunar day Don't waste your energy in vain. Save your energy, you will need it. Don't eat or drink too much, limit communication, reduce stress.

IN 29th lunar day The recommendations of the 28th apply. But today is a much more difficult day, the most dangerous of the entire lunar month. It is extremely unfavorable for health. Complete abstinence will help protect the body - from smoking, alcohol, meat and dairy foods, sex, and violent emotions. Diseases of this day are very dangerous.

Even in ancient times, outstanding philosophers and thinkers noticed that the moon and its phases significantly influence a person. Subsequently, these observations became a kind of foundation for modern astronomy, which has long officially recognized the profound influence of the night star on the human body.

Despite the fact that the moon is 27 million times smaller than the sun, it is 375 times closer to the earth, which allows it to significantly influence natural phenomena and human life. One lunar month consists of 30 days. It is customary to distinguish 4 lunar phases, as well as new moon and full moon.

Thanks to scientists, we know that our body is 80-90% water, which in turn can change its movement depending on the gravitational influence of the moon. This process can be observed in the ebb and flow of the oceans. First of all, gravitational influence can affect the distribution of blood in our organs and tissues.

— New Moon

Due to the increased gravity of the sun and moon, fluid in the human body from the head area rushes down, spreading evenly throughout the body and increasing the activity of all metabolic processes. This is a period when men are especially susceptible to mental disorders, and women are advised to supplement with microelements and take relaxing baths.

— First phase of the moon

This period is characterized by increased activity of the cerebral cortex, as well as all organs of the upper body. It is in the first phase of the moon that it is necessary to begin any health activities after the new moon. This is the time when it is worth getting rid of old bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol, because the first phase provides the body with a surge vital energy and strength.

— Second phase of the moon

The second phase can be compared to low tide in the ocean - this is the time when the liquid tends to flow out. Such days are the most favorable for cleansing the body. in various ways. This is the ideal period to practice therapeutic fasting, since during the second phase it is most easily and effectively tolerated. More simple method cleansing can be a trip to the steam room.

— Full Moon

The full moon period is the time when fluid rushes into the very depths of the body. Such processes contribute to the creation of a large amount of energy, which a person seeks to throw out in sports, various physical activities, etc. Due to excess energy, a person is significantly attracted to the opposite sex. These days are the most likely to fully conceive a child.

— Third phase of the moon

During the third phase, even more active compression of fluid in the body occurs, but during these days you should avoid significant physical activity and also adhere to a healthy diet

— Fourth phase of the moon

Excessive fluid influx has negative impact on the upper region of the body and feet. This causes blood stagnation and, as a consequence, thrombophlebitis of the extremities. During this phase, it is recommended to cleanse the body and, if possible, abstain from sexual intercourse.