Unfavorable days of the lunar calendar. The thirteenth lunar day for affairs and business. Lunar calendar of relationships and love - favorable days

The symbols are: mouth, cornucopia, mouth. On such a day, it is recommended to do gastric lavage and start a diet. And under no circumstances should you show your anger. It is necessary to develop generosity in yourself. During such a period, it would be good to start a set of physical exercises or knowledge of some kind of information cycle. As for medicine, on this lunar day it is worth turning your attention to close attention on the oral cavity, top part palate, teeth.

lunar days. At the same time, you should not dedicate others to your personal plans that you have planned, otherwise the 2nd half of the lunar day may negatively affect the implementation of everything you have planned. It is very good in the first half of the lunar day to make a request to your superiors and make new contacts.

3rd Lunar day.

Symbol of the lunar day: a leopard or a leopard that is preparing to jump. This lunar day is marked by pressure, aggression and active struggle. Passive people on the 3rd lunar day become very vulnerable, as various astral attacks occur on them. People of this kind on this lunar day become suspicious, suspicious, and insidious. You should direct all your astral energy to self-defense. This day is considered the most suitable for practicing martial arts. It is also good to sharpen knives, work with metal, and in ancient times things were cast from silver on this day. It is recommended to spend time in the sauna and take a steam bath. People, on this lunar day, should also pay special attention on part of the back of the head and ears. If oil spills on this day, it means leaving your path. Most suitable for wearing this lunar day stones: ruby, jaspilite, pyrite.

The first half of this lunar day can bring trouble. The feeling of aggression and ambition intensifies, quarrels between parents and children, spouses, and partners are possible. The manifestation of negativity and anger can ruin your mood for quite a long time. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Efficiency will increase, favorable contacts are possible, practical and scientific activity. It is worth paying attention to any proposals, since at this time they will be able to have a positive effect.

4th lunar day

It is marked by making a choice between good and evil deeds. The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge. It would be best to be with yourself on this day. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among unfavorable ones. But at the same time, it is endowed with a dual characteristic; it is both a positive and a negative day. At this time, you should not make quick decisions; it is better to think about everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended; you cannot cut down trees or pick flowers. It is advised to take more walks in the forest on such a day, you can spin and unravel threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. Recommended stones for this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

The first half is favorable lunar day. You will find peace of mind, and the ability to make contacts will increase. This day will also have a positive effect on trading, and the chances of successfully carrying out risky activities will increase. But already in the second half of the day the positive trends may begin to slow down, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the machinations and conflicts of your rivals.

5th lunar day

Symbol of the lunar day - Unicorn. It means loyalty to one's principles and duty. It is necessary to pay great attention to food on this lunar day. Because precisely this time is symbolized with the beginning of the development of food and its transformation. It is better to prefer dairy products and prohibit yourself from consuming animal foods. It’s good to go somewhere on a day like this and start collecting, drying and tincture herbs. You can't go hungry and fuss.

First half of a given lunar day not entirely favorable. Confusion and indecision increase, self-confidence decreases. Many people in the first half of the day will need the ability and ability to resist negative influences from the outside. Greater awareness will be required. In the first half of the lunar day, contacts with partners and superiors will be difficult. At the same time, the second half of the lunar day will be conducive to gaining the support of your superiors, new colleagues or friends. This lunar day means an increase in a person’s sexual potential, which means communication with the opposite sex will be successful.

6th lunar day

The symbol of these lunar days is the crane. This lunar day promotes the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, verbal and mental work. This day is associated with love and forgiveness. A good sign on this day there are melodious ringing and clouds in the sky, but a completely clear sky or overcast sky means a lack of harmony in the whole world.

Such lunar day very favorable, it allows you to show all your abilities. The ability to materialize, luck increases, new plans and thoughts appear that can change your life for the better. Even during this period, the gift of foresight is strengthened, intuition is more manifested, and there is an intensification of scientific and social activities. However, you need to be restrained in your contacts, since excessive pressure or complete tactlessness can reduce the effectiveness of your actions.

7th lunar day

First half lunar days will be favorable, it will provide an opportunity to implement your plans and ideas conceived the day before. The ability to complete things increases, new partners and patrons may appear, support from relatives will be felt, and trust from others will increase. The second half of the day will require the person to be more organized and responsible; there may be some inconsistencies and unnecessary fuss. Otherwise, the positive trends created will not be fully realized.

8th lunar day

The symbol of the day is Phoenix. This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution and alchemy. At this time it is also good to fast and cleanse the intestines, as well as make medicines from all diseases. Under no circumstances should you be selfish and dissolute.

This period is difficult, because there are still unresolved problems, but old goals and plans will require you to spend much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners to your plans. At this time, relationships in the team may change, so you must be restrained and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by a transition to a new stage of development, which means that you will need to be able to change your tactics in behavior in a timely manner.

9th lunar day

The symbol is a bat. This day is considered satanic. It brings with it various illusions, bad signs and deception that need to be analyzed and comprehended. This lunar day Poisoning can also occur and nightmares can plague you at night. It is also necessary to cleanse yourself of astral and physical toxins, engage in strength exercises and forgive offenders. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror; breaking a mirror on such a day would be a bad sign. Spilled milk is also a bad sign (if the mother’s milk disappears on this day, the child may be punished). A good sign during this period will be a cactus that has bloomed.

This is a period of disharmony. And this is connected with misconceptions, deceptions and various complications. You may have a desire to avoid problems and evade responsibility. You may also feel dissatisfied with your surroundings. At the same time, spiritual people will be able on this day to get rid of the old and begin a new period of spiritual renewal. There is still a danger of conflicts with children, relatives and old partners.

10th lunar day

The symbol of the lunar day is a fountain. This is the day of acquiring previously unknown sources of energy, turning on karmic memory, self-deepening, and rest. On such a lunar day, you can do meditation in order to determine your life line, strengthen your home, family, and reflect on your family tree. It is advisable to go to the bathhouse at this time. They recommend starting some kind of construction. Also on this lunar day You can’t be superficial and selfish.

A suitable period for changing the form of activity and for individual and collective creativity. Relationships on the love front, as well as spiritual quests and your professional success will be very effective. You can safely take on everything new, start construction, hold meetings, and generally begin to implement any new plans.

11th lunar day

The symbol is a fiery sword. In terms of energy, it is the most powerful of lunar days. You must be careful when performing any task. During these days, you can cleanse yourself, after appropriate preparation, and pray. It's better to avoid all kinds of physical activity and not engage in any serious matters, especially if you are not cleared and don’t know something. This day you can’t cut anything, kill insects, and in general you shouldn’t come into contact with them. A bad sign there will be a fall of knives or forks.

On the other hand, this lunar day brings the opportunity to materialize almost all the positive aspects that appeared at the very beginning of menstruation lunar cycle or in his good days. At the same time, all negative influences from previous periods are neutralized, and therefore all your deliberate actions will have many chances of success. Personal charm, sexual potential, and vitality increase. In general, many things that begin on such a special day have the support of spiritual Hierarchies and success.

12th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a bowl. During this period, you need to give out alms, give gifts, respond and try to fulfill requests. At the same time, you should not cry, get angry, or eat rough food. If dishes break or liquid spills on this day, this will be a sign of suffering and loneliness.

This is unfavorable lunar day, since the truth of plans and intentions is revealed. On this lunar day, a person is tested for honesty, endurance and fortitude. During this period, emotionality and sensuality increases. But love affairs and relationships can turn into quarrels, resentments and unfulfilled desires.

13th lunar day

The symbol is a wheel with a swastika inside in a clockwise direction. The energy of magic prevails on this day, the day is good for working with karma, the past is corrected, information and contacts are accumulated. Contacts with other worlds can be made. This day is good for making round talismans, spinning threads, and baking bread. It is also recommended to engage in cosmetic procedures and stress the stomach.

First part lunar day will be very unfavorable. It will continue the negative trends of the previous day. But if a person can overcome the tests of pride, then he will have new opportunities that are associated with the strengthening of his aura. For this reason, in the second half of the lunar day, new prospects for creativity will open. The opportunity to achieve new goals increases.

14th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a trumpet. These lunar day They are well suited for starting new, many important things, for using information and various calls for something. All liquid on this day is contaminated. Therefore, dry fasting and not very zealous prayers are recommended. Physical work and studies with the scriptures will be beneficial. Melancholy, sadness, and grief are also possible on this day. It is contraindicated to practice magic, strain your eyes too much, wear perfume, or look in the mirror.

This lunar day, or rather its first half, will be favorable for promoting your ideas completely new level. Your bosses may notice your initiatives and aspirations to improve your business; new partners and new connections may appear. On such a day, family relationships, connections between children and parents, and relationships with relatives will also be strengthened. The 2nd half of the day can drag you into unnecessary things and worries, and this will lead to loss of energy and time, and possibly to overeating. On this day you can also overexpend a lot of sexual energy.

15th lunar day

The symbol is a snake. This day is considered satanic, during which astral battles and temptations of the flesh take place. On this day it is necessary to protect justice and conquer your body. The dream you have the day before will be prophetic for a whole month. You cannot give in to temptations on this day, eat apples and quarrel. A good sign there will be a dog.

In the first half lunar day Difficulties may arise in professional and family relationships. The main problems will be created due to ambitions and the desire to shift all responsibility and part of one’s work to someone else. The second part of the day will allow you to realize everything you have planned, but through other people and using other methods. New ideas and thoughts may arise.

16th lunar day

The symbol is a butterfly. This is one of the few clean days. During this day there is harmony, justice, balance. These days you need to know moderation in everything and maintain inner comfort. You cannot show envy or anger; unceremonious behavior and shouting are prohibited. Sexual relations on this day are also contraindicated. It is not advisable to eat mushrooms and animal food. There is no need to kill birds. If you find dirt on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually unclean.

Overall this lunar day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered favorable, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can bring many of their plans to life and actually high level demonstrate abilities and talents. And cosmic influences can push weak-willed and uninitiative people towards renewal.

17th lunar day

The symbol is a bell. These lunar days are a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and access to your perfect love. This day is very suitable for marriage, marital relations, liberation and fun. On this day, feminine energy is transformed. It is recommended to use heated Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and rowdy behavior are strictly prohibited.

First half lunar day allows you to use energy to its maximum potential. Marital connections will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any is activated creative process, own business. Many people experience increased intuition and a feeling of insight. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in implementing plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

18th lunar day

The symbol on this lunar day is a mirror. This is a completely passive day. A fall from grace may occur due to a reluctance to fight instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being selfish. Okay this time lunar day go to the bathhouse, fast for a while, cleanse the intestines, skin and get a massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, or eat meat. It would be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. A sign of violation of cosmic laws can be skin diseases and opening of old wounds.

The first half of the day will be characterized by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems may arise. Business connections, contacts will become difficult, partners, colleagues and superiors may turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help resolve emerging problems through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help solve many insoluble problems.

19th lunar day

The symbol is a spider. It is very dangerous and difficult lunar day. There is a danger of poisoning, black magic, and spiritual intoxication. New plans and ideas may turn out to be the Devil's trap. On this day there should be moral cleansing, getting rid of pride and lies, and illusions, as well as other people’s thoughts. It is on this lunar day that it will be useful to walk around the whole house with candles and sit by the fire. You can reduce the negativity of this difficult day with strong moral qualities, modesty and dedication.

In the first half lunar day, with patience and hard work, you can achieve the patronage of your superiors and pour money from richer partners into your business. On this day you also need to decide on a salary increase and try to improve your financial situation with the help of your partners. Charm, pressure, and sexual potential increase. But already in the second half of the day there is no need to show so much pressure and excessive activity. Cunning and deceit, negative energy can cause you illness or serious problems.

20th lunar day

The symbol is an eagle. This day is quite serious. It is associated with spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts and knowledge of cosmic law. This is the day of the moon that is considered most suitable for fasting, studying spiritual texts and insights. Better this one lunar day spend with your family at home. The eagle symbolizes religious feat. On this day you also need to overcome grumpiness, pride and arrogance. You should not engage in psychic treatment - you can quickly become exhausted from it.

A very good day to start absolutely any business. It’s good to start any business, because it will definitely have success and good luck.

21st lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is the horse. It is very creative and active lunar day. This day is characterized by voluntary sacrifice, courage, fearlessness and renunciation of property. Group classes will be successful, you can swear allegiance. You need to be fair and honest. On this lunar day, starting a journey and moving to a new job will be successful. Physical exercise and water procedures, as well as time spent in the fresh air, will be useful.

At this time, you can safely overcome the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. New contacts and business will be successful. The trips will be successful. Interesting offers will appear that will allow you to expand your business and improve your financial situation. Contacts with superiors, political and public figures will be well reflected.

22nd lunar day

The symbol is an elephant. Day of wisdom, secret knowledge, world law and inviolability. During this lunar day goals are achieved. It is also good for learning crafts, various sciences and getting to know your roots. It is useful to meditate on this day; you can find out the future, show generosity, teach others, and pass on your experience. It is advised to eat a lot on this lunar day.

During this period you can also renew yourself creatively and spiritually. During this period, your colleagues and partners will show altruism and selflessness, and they will also be honest with you. Sexual capabilities increase, and the sense of justice intensifies. Relationships with partners will improve, intuition will increase. It’s also good to make an offer on these lunar days, try to achieve agreement or success for something.

23rd lunar day

Its symbol is the crocodile. This is one of the days of rampant vampires and all sorts of seductions. This lunar day characterized caution, abstinence, repentance and self-sacrifice. It also involves persecution, bullying, expulsion and facing an angry mob. It is necessary to protect your home on this lunar day. It is also necessary to carry out cleaning, purification, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with wild rosemary, and cleansing the thresholds of the house with fire. It is recommended to consume dairy products. You cannot show your anger, perform operations, cut your nails and hair, and also move little.

This period is quite controversial. The conclusion of any agreements and the assumption of obligations must be checked and rethought. On this day it is better to hold off on new projects and activities. It will be much more useful and productive to complete what you started earlier. Second half lunar day marked by the growth of one’s own ambitions, due to which any patronage may be problematic. Jealousy and envy may be present in relationships with partners. You need to be very careful when expressing your feelings and thoughts, revealing your plans and hopes.

24th lunar day

The symbol is a bear. This lunar day transformation and awakening. Perhaps it will descend on a person enormous strength or revelation. On this day you will be able to subjugate sexual energy, physical nature, treatment, conception. You need to improve your health and improve your spirituality. You can start building a temple or a house. Sadists and rapists cannot avoid punishment on this day.

In general, this day will be neutral. At the same time, it is better not to take risks and not start something new; it is better to continue your old business. Relationships between spouses and partners may be at risk. Self-love, conceit and ambition increase during this period. Conflicts with partners and superiors are possible.

25th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day are vessels with living and dead water. The Moon's day is quite passive, it allows you to focus on spiritual problems and gives you loneliness. It is necessary to cleanse yourself of toxins and engage in therapeutic fasting. A sign of slavish dependence on someone on this day is clairaudience.

First half lunar day will be unfavorable - there is an effect of negative trends of the past day. Chronic diseases manifest themselves, and lethargy may occur. Therefore, at this time it is better to pay attention to your health and do some individual activities. But the second half will allow you to achieve your goals. Intuition will become sharper and there is a possibility of support from superiors.

26th lunar day

The symbol is a toad. This is, one might say, the critical day of the moon. It is associated with fasting, abstinence, learning about life and tearing off masks. It is desirable that on this lunar day there will be access to traditions and the Teacher. But you need to refrain from vigorous activity, otherwise you can, especially in empty chatter, overspend a lot of your energy. You can this lunar day face theft, crude materialism, hypocrisy. If on this day you meet a person with a full bucket or bag, this is a sign that life is going right. And, for example, lightning in a dream or in reality indicates that you have pride and vanity. And nothing should be done or started during this period. All undertakings will bring you only losses.

27th lunar day

The symbol is the rod. These lunar day contribute to the acquisition of intimate knowledge. This day is associated with meditation, healing, insight, prayers and verbal magic. You are allowed to travel and explore the world these days. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, look in the mirror and fall into illusions. This is a very good day for everything. Great for planting, sowing and for communicating with older people. A man who was born in such lunar day, can become happy and successful or weak-willed and soft-bodied. The illnesses are short-lived and harmless.

28th lunar day

The symbol of this day is the lotus. This is very good lunar day. Spiritual knowledge is acquired, truths are comprehended. It is allowed to work with clairvoyance, chakras, astral bodies, and dreams. You need to be in high spirits on this day and also take control of your emotions. It is also allowed to do ordinary things: make repairs, plant various plants, buy a house. Under no circumstances should you pick, trim or give flowers, or cut down trees.

The Moon Day will be successful for all endeavors. It will also allow you to rethink the past and reduce fever and nervousness. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of your partners - this can help you prevent impending troubles.

29th lunar day

The symbol of this day is the octopus. Such lunar day very dangerous and satanic. It is symbolized by deception, illusions, astral fog and rampant demons. At this time, you need to be responsible, you need to resist Satanism, fast, abstain and repent. You can do only the most important things out of ordinary things. Need to drive away bad thoughts, cut off all false connections, fumigate the room, burn candles and are also allowed to cleanse the body. If possible, avoid darkness and muddy water. As for food, it is better to give preference to baked goods. The wrong path on this day will be shown to you by the call of a trumpet, screams, musical sounds. If this month does not have the thirtieth, that is, the last, lunar day, then we can take stock.

This lunar day very unhappy for absolutely everyone and everything. You can’t start anything, otherwise nothing will work out at all, there will only be losses and a constant “headache”. Dreams on these lunar days can come true.

30th lunar day

The symbol is a golden swan. Day of love, repentance and forgiveness. You need to give up everything unnecessary, analyze your path and try to get rid of all your sins. On this day it is necessary to bring joy to people, repay debts, and complete the work started. You can cleanse the house by bringing talismans into it, or work with stones. Eating rough food is not allowed. This day is suitable for summing up various results of the month and for sacrifices. Barking dogs or dogs on this day indicates a mistake has been made.

The first half will be unfavorable. This lunar day you need to try to dot all the i’s and decide on all past relationships and business plans. This is not a good time for contacts with new partners, but it is very successful for communicating with relatives and old reliable partners. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Will rise creativity, there will be an increase in intuition and foresight. Dreams on this day are prophetic and provide an opportunity to change fate.

The best time to make plans is during the new moon.

It's better to start new things on the waxing moon, organize meetings with a view to future prospects, and also make financial transactions.

On the waning moon, it is better to finish what you started, and don’t start new global ones.

On 9, 15, 19, 23, 29 lunar days are best not to sign any important documents, contracts, do not get involved in risky adventurous projects and do not get a new job.

14th lunar day, do not miss this day, it is extremely important for starting any important business. Everything started on these lunar days succeeds brilliantly.

It is necessary to be active and take quick and decisive action in fire signs moon, i.e. when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
The Moon in earthly zodiac signs (Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) contributes to practical, analytical work.
It is best to conduct important negotiations, arrange meetings and presentations when the Moon is in air signs zodiac (Moon in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).
The Moon in water signs of the zodiac (Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is a great time for creative people, for the arts and for charitable activities.

1st lunar day
A very nice and bright day. It is recommended to concentrate internally on the important tasks that you have to solve in the period before the next new moon. Imagine how you would like them to be resolved.
But be careful - any “scenarios” for the development of events will definitely play out during the lunar month.
But there is no need to start new things - limit yourself to plans and dreams for now.

2nd lunar day
On this day, a person, concretizing his desires and possibilities, creates his own Destiny. Therefore, it is important to make the right choice: what you want to see in your destiny and what you don’t.
You should take documents, concluding contracts, making acquaintances, purchasing and proposals seriously.
On this day, it is advisable to avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions.

3rd lunar day
This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression. Passivity is unacceptable. How you build your relationships, situation, affairs, etc. today, they will be like this for the entire lunar month.
And if you want to fundamentally change something in your life, then you should do it on this day.
You should pay attention to any suggestions, since they can very often have a positive effect.

4th lunar day
This lunar day is the first among unfavorable ones. It carries a dual characteristic: it is positive and negative at the same time.
You need to try not to make hasty decisions. Group work is contraindicated.
A favorable day to evaluate your own strengths, analyze and plan the prospects of what you can accomplish in the future. On this day, you should weigh your every step, compare all the pros and cons. The main thing is to maintain harmony in all areas of life.

5th lunar day
One of the most important days. If you can do something significant in your life, then you should test your capabilities and lay the foundation today. This is a day of objective assessment and improvement of activities of any kind, and of business qualities in a person. Everything works out! Set goals and achieve them, assertiveness is justified. But be faithful to principles and duty.

6th lunar day
If you want to develop your activities, then you should take the appropriate steps and lay the foundations on this day. You can see the real capabilities of partners, the professional competence of employees, and evaluate other opportunities. Good day for scientific research. Gathering information. It is useful to think: what is all this for? Don't take on something you are not competent at!

7th lunar day
Provocative day. You may be provoked into excessive talkativeness and into uttering thoughtless words. And on this day you can’t chat in vain, and in general it’s better to talk less. The entire surrounding nature, the whole world, responds very sensitively to every word, even accidentally dropped. Be careful with your words: everything you say will come true. Whatever you wish out loud to someone or yourself, everything will come true. It is especially dangerous to lie on this day. This will become true very soon. But on this day all good wishes will come true.
One of the most important days - the foundations for obtaining results are laid. You can evaluate the future fruits of your labor and how much more effort you will have to put in to implement your plan. A day of contemplation and physical peace. Less fuss! It's better to postpone big things. Do only what can be completed quickly. Don't lie.

8th lunar day
It’s good to start implementing any plans. The impulse that you give to your affairs on this day will support them throughout the month. Try to spend your energy purposefully. Investments of effort and resources on this day will give maximum effect. Trips, trips, business trips will be successful.
Electronic weather station weather forecast, humidity, moon phases, calendar.

9th lunar day
Satan's day. Anxieties, fears, and dark thoughts are possible. You should be wary of deception and all kinds of temptations. On this day it is very easy to succumb to illusions and seductions. For example, increased self-esteem may appear - try to avoid this, otherwise you will be punished for your pride.
It is better to spend this day in calm, everyday work. It is better not to take on new business - there is a risk of making a mistake in assessing your capabilities and failing the business. It's better not to show emotions. Possible bad luck, receiving bad news. The day on which we receive signs that we need to pay attention to. Labor will increase experience and prudence. Continue things already started.

10th lunar day
A good day for developing partnerships, strengthening connections and contacts. Travel and negotiations will be productive.
It’s good to start a new business, enter into an agreement, make deals, lay the first stone in the construction of anything. It is indicated to begin repairs and construction of a house. Contracts concluded on this day will have good prospects and, as a rule, bring the greatest profit. Day of expanding connections and strengthening authority! Strengthening relationships.
On this day, karmic memory is activated and all events that occur must be considered from this point of view.

11th lunar day
Victory day. The most energetically powerful day. You need to be careful with this energy. Powerful forces awaken in the human body, and if you don’t know how to control them, you can inadvertently cause trouble. Everything you do on this day must be done consciously. You need to take action only if you understand the whole process to the end. A prerequisite is to bring the work started to its logical result.
The day will show how natural and harmonious innovations and your endeavors turned out to be for you. The causes of discomfort should be analyzed and ways to eliminate them should be identified. A day of harmonious expansion of areas of activity and consolidation of established positions in the surrounding space.

12th lunar day
The day will test how much you business qualities correspond to reality. Action day!
Are being carried out cherished dreams, and plans take on real shape. It is beneficial to overcome barriers of misunderstanding and find points of reconciliation. On this day it is necessary to show mercy and compassion. The energy of the day is conducive to doing good to others. It is good to give gifts, give alms, do charity work, fulfill requests, show compassion to those who need it, and you can also make a request yourself. It is favorable to enter into a marriage that will be based on the highest love.

13th lunar day

The day will test how well you and your activities correspond to your actual accumulated experience and knowledge and other potential. It’s good to combine opportunities and take active action.
The moon on this day helps to align desires and possibilities. Watch how your karma manifests itself.
On this day it is good to receive new information- read books that allow us to better understand ourselves and the world. It’s good to start a new learning cycle. The period is good for contacts in a group and learning. Old problems may appear - take this calmly, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them out, or, if possible, calmly resolve them. Having solved problems, you will receive fresh strength for a new life.

14th lunar day
The day will show how much the efforts you made were sufficient to implement your plans and were directed in the right direction.
A good day to free yourself from connections, responsibilities and affairs that scatter your energy and resources, preventing you from focusing on the main thing.
Luck accompanies every business. You need to work hard.
Don't miss this day: it is extremely successful for starting any important business. Everything started this day succeeds brilliantly. You will have to wait a whole month for your next chance.

15th lunar day
This is one of the critical days! The period of carnal temptations and astral battles. On this day, the inner serpent of every person is activated.
It is good to make specific, but small investments of effort and resources to maintain internal activities(home, inner world, workplace, team). The day will require concretizing efforts and purposefully spending energy and resources.

16th lunar day
One of the clean days, bright, very calm. The main condition is to constantly be in a state of harmony and balance, even if someone has insulted or offended you. Forgive your colleagues or household members for their unceremonious behavior, but under no circumstances teach them how to live.
A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.
Moderation, no need for zeal. Try not to show dissatisfaction. Echo of the 1st lunar day. Check if your plans are realistic.

17th lunar day
Refrain from business activity. This is a good day for personnel changes. Trips and negotiations aimed at strengthening life both in the work team and at home will be productive.
This day is very successful for marriages - such a union will be long, love will never fade away in it.

18th lunar day
The day will show how much the innovations you introduced and the initiatives you introduced into your reality had a harmonious impact. Day of harmonization of internal structure and consolidation of established positions in external environment. A good day to evaluate your obligations.
Maintain justice. Provide help, support, care.
Overall a day of good work!
These days surrounding reality will, like a mirror, demonstrate your true essence. Everything that they will say about you on this unpleasant day is true, so do not be offended, but think about how to get rid of your shortcomings. If they say something nice, rejoice: this is also the pure truth.

19th lunar day
Satan's day. A day of expanding professional capabilities and increasing value through improving the quality of activities and internal organization. This is the day when the results of activities can serve as a real incentive to improve skills. We recommend positive emotions.
Beware of drunks and liars. We receive rewards for pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes.

20th lunar day
The day will reward “what it deserves.” The space will balance the internal and external. It is necessary to show maximum humility, humbly accept comments and advice, and objectively evaluate yourself and your activities. Pride on this day is contraindicated.
Day of wisdom, acquisition of new knowledge. Any knowledge is easily absorbed. Educate yourself: read, study languages ​​or computers, do science or learn to embroider - whichever is closer to you.
On this day you can learn new things about yourself and the world.
Secret knowledge may be revealed to you, new ideas and fresh original solutions to long-standing problems may come to mind.
Solve problems, achieve your goals with the help of the knowledge gained - the day is conducive to this.

21st lunar day
We recommend emotional detachment. Try not to get involved in situations that require active emotional reactions. It is good to distribute profits, assess the need for expenses, and get rid of objects that bring more expenses than benefits.
The day is favorable for trips and trips, business trips and moving, but only by land transport.
The day is good for buying and selling, entrepreneurial activity on the verge of risk, for trade, procuring food for future use.
It’s good to gather in groups and discuss common problems. Successful transition to a new job.

22nd lunar day
One of the critical days of the lunar month requires you to take a fresh look at yourself and your activities.
On this day, treat any situations, actions, words, thoughts very carefully - you will be able to look into your future.

The day when you can find happiness and open the path to achieving it.
On this day you can get involved in an adventure. To prevent this from happening, a surge of energy must be directed towards peaceful purposes.
The day is good for finishing any business, any enterprise that will not only be productive, but will also bring with it honor and fame, popularity and prosperity. However, you cannot start any new business, they will be stupid and useless. If your goals are creative, then use the forces of this day for good; if your goals are questionable, beware: an angry elephant may trample you.

23rd lunar day
The day of learning your destiny. External energy costs are useless or ineffective. It is recommended to maintain a state of internal concentration. Avoid fuss. Activity on this day is a useless waste of energy. It is favorable to evaluate the results of your work and the period you have lived.
A day of insatiable appetites, fights, adventures.
Anger and aggression.
It is necessary to pacify yourself so as not to regret your actions and words later.

24th lunar day
And the internal space and connections should be streamlined. This will facilitate the inclusion of reserves and will allow for more productive activities in the next lunar cycle. On this day it is good to lay the foundation for new big things. In Ancient Egypt, it was on this day that the foundation of the pyramids was laid.
It's good to start implementing global long-lasting projects.
A good day to work with personnel - it is useful to thoroughly explain the responsibilities to subordinates.

25th lunar day
Day of passivity. It is advisable to spend it in peace and solitude, alone. There is no need to start anything new, but one should complete what has already been started.
Do everything slowly, slowly, so that nervous breakdowns do not occur. Protect yourself from accidental contacts and surprises. It’s better to sit in silence, be silent, think about your life. As a result, you will gain new strength and a good mood.

26th lunar day
Dangerous day. People are tempted to argue. This should be avoided. On this day, do ordinary everyday things, some routine work that does not require a lot of thinking and making decisions.

On this day, you may have a desire to brag and exaggerate your achievements. Stop and shut up in time if you feel something like this.
Limit contact on this day if possible. Communicate only when necessary and with the most reliable people.
Avoid fuss, stupid shopping, and gossip. It is better to save money; there is a danger of wasting it or losing it.
It is very good to meet some wise person who will help you soberly assess reality and guide you on the right path.

27th lunar day
Good luck everyone sea ​​travel, walks along the seashore, water procedures are very useful.
This day is very connected with intuition. The day promises many unexpected discoveries. You may unexpectedly discover a way out of difficult situation, which has been haunting you for a long time.
On this day it is good to travel, plant flowers, and explore the world from unexpected sides. On this day it is advisable to pay off debts.
Think about something high.

28th lunar day
One of the most favorable days.
The energy of these lunar days is very harmonious. The main thing is not to disturb its harmony with your behavior. You need to keep your spirits up and try to keep your thoughts and intentions good.
You cannot carry out actions aimed at even the slightest destruction. You cannot dig the ground, pick flowers or kill insects.
The day is not intended for vigorous activity - a time of contemplation. Don't make harsh decisions.
If you succeed, you can understand something completely new about life on these lunar days. It may even reveal the higher meaning of your existence.

29th lunar day
Satan's day, and the most dangerous and terrible of all Satan's days. On this day, you cannot even mentally make any plans, much less start anything new.
You cannot trust any promises, rumors or forecasts for the future - there is nothing but deception all around.
One of the critical days! Nature systematizes objects according to the principle of “similarity of destinies” - emerging situations are a reflection inner world. I recommend showing determination and resilience in the face of external influences.

30th lunar day
This lunar day does not happen every month. This is a day of love, forgiveness, repentance. Day of transition to new circle development.
The day is good for all sorts of things, just don’t start anything new.
Summing up the results for the month. Transition to a new stage of life. Don't make plans, wait for the 1st lunar day.
It’s good to complete things, pay off debts, and give people joy.

Lunar calendar business in zodiac signs

The Earth's satellite is powerful enough not only to control the ebb and flow of the oceans. The moon is the real mistress of a person’s emotional life! Each day of the lunar cycle influences our state in a certain way, provokes the revelation of certain character qualities, and sets the general emotional background. So, on some days we are so tense that we tend to stir up conflicts out of nowhere, while other lunar days help to establish understanding in a couple.

The lunar calendar of relationships and love contains many useful tips for every lunar day. It’s impossible to fit them all into one post, so I wrote separately about and. And now we’ll talk about everything else :)

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - unfavorable days

To begin with, let's highlight two difficult, unpleasant and stressful days, during which you should remain calm and avoid empty quarrels with your loved one. It’s better to postpone the “debriefing” until tomorrow, when you can soberly assess the situation. Such periods fall on 9 and 29 lunar days. If you have long realized that relationships are depressing you and nothing helps, 19th lunar day- it's time to break off the relationship or file for divorce.

What lunar day is it today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - favorable days

Now for the good stuff! If you want to take your relationship to a new level - from acquaintance and an invitation to go somewhere to a decision to live together and a marriage proposal - they are suitable for such bold actions 2, 5, 15, 21, 27 lunar days. To start any joint projects - creative, work, health - choose 21, 24 lunar days.

From time to time it is useful to have an honest conversation about shortcomings and analyze your behavior in relationships. It's best to do this in 4th and 18th lunar days. And to take tests, trainings, or go to a family psychologist together, choose 25 or 26 lunar day.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in 2018 in the Lunar Relationship Calendar >>

Best suited for meeting your partner's family 10 lunar day, for a trip to fun party17 , and for nostalgia and filming your love story - 20 . If you dream of taking a bath with your loved one, it is best to schedule it on 16 lunar day, while in 22 lunar day A hearty romantic dinner will be perfect. And if you have something to apologize to your loved one for, 8 lunar day- it's time to do it.

Galina. I have been consulting for over 7 years. On my website

We all live in a world of disturbances of nature and vibrations of the Cosmos. We are influenced by planets, energies, magnetic storms, solar flares. But still, the strongest influence is monthly in certain days the small satellite of the Earth, the Moon, since it is she who is close to us and influences all life on the planet, animals, ebbs and flows, crops, weather and of course humans. The moon has two hypostases - a good side and an evil one, when it enters into vibrational dissonance with the earth. Such days are always alarming and remove a person’s defenses, making his aura and psyche more vulnerable. The good side, specifically lunar days favorable in energy, provide the opportunity for protection,
good health and excellent psychological mood. Your lunar birthday is especially important; it happens once a lunar month such a day gives us the opportunity to start something or get energy for ourselves. This lunar day is calculated based on the person's date of birth by an astrologer. Dangerous days are considered to be 3,9,15,19,29 lunar days. On such days, you need to behave very carefully, not give in to negativity and take care of your aura and psyche, and not start any important things. I'll tell you why. When a dangerous lunar day comes, usually in the Energies of the earth, negative portals open and negative entities, spirits, elementals, larvae (demons of desires and habits), etc. are activated in the astral plane of the Earth. These creatures are active in the house, on the street, and in the aura especially these days. The moon these days also opens the human psyche, provoking negative emotions, mood swings, uncontrollable
outbursts of anger and energy introduce dissonance into the human hormonal system. We react to all events more emotionally, character traits such as anger, hatred, irritability, and touchiness appear more strongly. At the peak of emotions and negativity, we introduce dissonance and deformation into the aura, open ourselves, and overload the chakras with emotions. Surrounding energies invade our home and aura depending on the vulnerability and openness of a person. Therefore, on dangerous days, we are very vulnerable to negative energies. It is on these days that black sorcerers do their rituals and summon demons, on these days entities drive us crazy, causing more strong emotions, phobias and fears. These days, negativity is attracted to the aura, the evil eye, damage, etc. stick. Dark magicians know that it is on these days that a person is vulnerable and has a low level of defenses.
Therefore, it is easier for them to spoil someone to order or their own hatred. Experienced magicians and psychics always bet on themselves on such a day strong defenses. Such days are more dangerous than other lunar days, but who will know about this and take action, I think protective armor will help repel attacks dark demons and the inhabitants of the underworld or the earthly world of people.

What days are dangerous and why?

3 lunar day.

Leopard symbol. The name suggests that the leopard is a predator and on this day a person succumbs to anger, the center of the will opens and low energies easily take over the person. Human
becomes available for astral attacks already on the waxing moon. These days they make damage to business and poverty and all the rituals that grow to harm
to a person. Violations of the requirements of the 3rd lunar day leads to the fact that a person becomes a victim, and breakdowns occur in the aura. You can easily be possessed by an entity, a larva, damage, or the evil eye. On this day it is good to free yourself from negativity and emotions. Strengthen and cleanse the Manipura chakra.

9 lunar day.

Bat symbol. This is a provocative day when we are seduced and deceived by spirits and demons. The day is rightfully considered bad, belonging to dark forces. However, this does not mean that problems and failures will befall everyone. Therefore, do not let fear take over you, do not flinch at every rustle. Troubles are possible, but, fortunately, not necessary. In the event that something bad does happen, you should not convince yourself that this bad day is to blame. On the contrary, this is a good reason
rethink past actions once again. Surely, there were serious mistakes, unkind deeds or thoughts, so, most likely, this is a response from the Universe.
A person has a chance to determine what caused it, immediately take measures to correct the situation, and things will immediately improve. It is better to postpone all undertakings for some time. These lunar days are the least suitable for organizing new projects, but they will not prevent you from continuing previously started activities. In order not to fall under the influence of illusions, not to become a victim of deception, it is best to seek salvation in everyday work. At the same time, try not to attract undue attention to yourself; personal modesty will be an excellent defense against negative impacts. The saying “Do what you must and come what may” can be considered the motto of this day. Under no circumstances should you give vent to your feelings. It is necessary to gather all your strength and not let negative emotions out. Yes, there is a high probability of bad news or serious troubles. Nevertheless, internal resilience, willpower and understanding of what is happening will certainly give the strength to maintain external calm. This day is not a suitable period of time to defend or impose your own point of view on others. After all, people tend to make mistakes. If a person continues to persist, instead of retreating to
side, think it over again and wait it out, then the result will probably be disastrous. We emphasize once again that on this day reason should dominate over emotions.
Having felt that there is not enough air in the chest, a person must understand that the Universe is giving him a sign indicating that he does not devote enough time to spirituality and neglects the traditions of generations. Negative influence can be significantly weakened if you find the mental strength to sincerely forgive your ill-wishers and forget all the insults caused. It would be more correct to refuse to work in the kitchen, preferring to take care of the garden or vegetable garden. It would be a good idea to take advantage of the experience of our ancestors, who did not allow bad omens to appear: they poured milk with special care, and did not approach the mirror at all. But the cactus bloom is good
omen. Numerous diseases, primarily those affecting the cardiovascular system, which began or worsened on this day,
are cured in short terms. At this point, the immune system is not strong enough, and the psyche is depleted. Accumulated problems, fears and insecurities often become the cause of suicide attempts.

15th lunar day.

The symbol of the day is a jackal, a snake. On this day it is recommended to be restrained and patient, especially in relationships with others. This day can become a time of quarrels and conflicts. A person will need will and control over his feelings in order to prevent them. But you must be prepared for the fact that this will not be easy. After all, frantic energy requires an outlet. A person is excited, and only acquired wisdom will help him cope with the intensity of passions. It should be noted that on this day sexual desire increases.
Making love will bring the highest pleasure, but, unfortunately, complete devastation will immediately follow. It will take at least a month to regain the lost energy.

Full moon. A special day.

Characterized by the maximum opposing influence of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's biosphere. At this time, significant stress occurs in the human body, when energy and fluid flows from the external expanded state of the body rush inward. A person gains strength, he wants to move actively and do more physical activity. Energy flows like a fountain, a person is drawn to opposite sex, the temptations are the greatest, the return of energy these days is colossal. These days, the worst things happen, such as suicides, attacks, murders, fights, rapes, etc., because a person is drawn to heroic deeds. Often the full moon can occur from the 15th to the 17th lunar days, on
depending on the month and year. These days, the peak of our emotions has no limit and we are reckless, which opens ourselves up most to the invasion of negativity and th.

19th lunar day.

The symbol is a spider, which puts a web on a person’s soul. It is believed that the day carries heavy, tense and dangerous energy. The day is unlucky, very difficult and dangerous. It is best, if circumstances permit, to stay at home and not go anywhere. This day is dangerous due to spiritual intoxication, splitting of consciousness, and dangerous by poisoning. Having become entangled in some kind of vice, a person can easily fall into the network spread around. Be very careful about new ideas and trends that you learn on the nineteenth day - most likely it will be seduction. On this day, you should be wary of drunk people who can cause damage to your health. It is useful to sit by the fire (in ancient times
jumped over a fire), light a candle and walk around the room, apartment, house with it; light the lamp well.

23 lunar day

Crocodile symbol. Vampire Day. When a vampire or larva can easily connect to you. On this day people become overly greedy and envious. You must definitely cleanse yourself on such a day and not give in to pity.

26 lunar day.

Toad day. These days, energy is taken from us through words and conversation. Illusions and delusions are very active. Therefore, on such a day, try to talk less so as not to lose a lot of energy. Wear protective beads made of tiger, hawk's eye or lapis lazuli.

29th lunar day.

Dangerous satanic day. Octopus symbol. On this day it is easy to throw a net over a person’s soul and enslave it with black rituals. Therefore, it is on this day that the most serious rituals for freedom and man are performed.

To say that these days are to be feared. Of course not. You just need to always be on the alert and these days put on strong protection for yourself, put on a protective stone, a bracelet made of stones, a talisman, an amulet. It is good to wear an aroma pendant with real oil: incense, rosemary, cypress, juniper. These pine oils are great
drive away spirits and entities from a person’s aura, preventing them from influencing the chakras and psyche. Just don’t pour the whole bouquet, add 1-2 drops of 1 oil to 1 pendant. It is good to fumigate yourself 3 times a day with incense such as incense, sage, rosemary or sandalwood, this cleanses the aura and drives away negative spirits. It’s good to burn these same protective and cleansing aromatic oils in an aroma lamp during the day at home or at work or fumigate the room with incense.


For protection, exorcism, attracting money, love and purification.

Light it for cleansing, protection, accelerating healing, enhancing spirituality and attracting money.

Light it to sharpen psychic powers, attract money, heal, give protection and enhance love.

Used in small quantities to cleanse, heal wounds, protect and sharpen psychic powers.

For protection, exorcism, heightened spirituality, love and sanctification of the place.

Used for healing, protection, exorcism, achieving peace, consecrating a place, meditation.


For exorcism, protection, healing, strengthening of love.


To attract money, good luck, provide additional physical energy.


Light for protection, exorcism, cleansing, healing and sound sleep, increasing intellectual strength, love and eternal youth.


For protection, healing, exorcism, increasing spirituality.

Light it to attract money, purification, healing, exorcism.

To promote health, healing, cleansing.

Kindle for healing and spirituality.

Incense should be chosen not only for cleansing, but so that the smell does not irritate, but pleases and brings pleasure.

Also on such days it is good to light candles in the room or at home and burn them throughout the day. The candle perfectly burns negativity. Also, on each of these days there is also an excellent practice for cleansing the aura. Since portals are opening and these days it is both easy to receive and send there to the essence, spirit, soul, negative or karma. But more on that in future articles. It is important to do the practice of cleansing and protecting the solar plexus in the morning, this is for those who have studied practices and energies. On such days you cannot go to the astral plane and engage in astral travel. In order not to suffer from the attack of negative entities and to avoid problems with entering back into the body. You cannot meditate, because during meditation on such days we are very vulnerable and our consciousness may suffer from an attack by the entity.

Also at the end of the day you need to carry out special protection and cleansing procedures. It is good to take a bath with salt and oils of your choice, and drink cleansing herbal tea.

Well, the main thing is that these days you need to have high self-control, not give in to temptations, think only about the good, you should not make appointments, sign documents and contracts. Don't shout or fight. Be polite. After all, after such an article you are smarter! And such a person will live easier, luckier and better, since he will not allow himself to be offended and will not succumb to the provocations of dark energies.
And yet, on such days, information is very distorted, when there is an unclean channel and entities often plant and lie to a person, so do not guess on these days and do not engage in clairvoyance or practices of reading the future and past.

I wish you good luck. Arina Yurchenko

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Lunar day today, March 19, 2019

As of date 19.03.2019 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Moon". This 13th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Virgo ♍. Illumination percentage Moon is 96%. Sunrise Moon at 16:10, and sunset at 06:26.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 13th lunar day from 14:40 03/18/2019 to 16:10 03/19/2019
  • 14th lunar day from 16:10 03/19/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 19, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)

Moon in a sign Virgo. The time is favorable for any painstaking work that requires a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all areas of financial activity, if taken seriously, will bring corresponding material rewards like never before.

Any banking and real estate transactions are successful. Trade, purchasing and intermediary activities are going well. Study, advanced training and any self-improvement are also fruitfully promoted.

13th lunar day (+)

March 19, 2019 at 12:00 - 13th lunar day. A day of self-analysis. If you manage to sort out your mistakes and learn a lesson from them, then you will have a real opportunity to raise your authority and strengthen your position in the eyes of the people around you. A surge of creative energy and activity is very likely.

Waxing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Moon. The second lunar phase is the interval between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the Moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, and strongly expressed activity.

In the business sphere, a favorable time begins for carrying out planned activities, solving difficult issues and problems. Things that require a lot of activity will not be difficult.

In the second lunar phase Physical activity can be useful; it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Changes in absolutely all areas of activity are favorable, both in relationships on a personal level and in business.

Not a bad time to move, travel, change your activity. Life energy gathers more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is characterized by emotional outbursts, increasingly frequent conflicts, and the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is a suitable day for physical activity (athletes and summer residents should take note of this). The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with exercises.