Mayan calendar - mysterious predictions of the ancient Indians. Ancient Mayan calendar - how to calculate the date

Culture Olmec, on which the Aztec and Mayan civilizations are based, literally came out of nowhere in 1200 BC. The main iconic things of this culture were:

  • huge temples,
  • religious complexes,
  • snake,
  • jaguar,
  • ritual ball game
  • and jades.

The rise of culture occurred in bursts around 300 BC. and then to 300 AD. (it’s interesting that during the 2000s AD, the ancient cities were abandoned for about one century, and then everything returned to its place, and the cities began to live again). The decline began after 900 AD, "Long Count calendar" disappeared from circulation, and hieroglyphic writing also ceased to be practiced. By the time Columbus met the Mayan merchants in 1502, only a shadow of power remained of the great civilization.

The last independent Mayan kingdom lasted until 1697, but spiritual religious traditions still take place today.

In 1841, thanks to a traveler John to Lloyd Stevens The attention of the world community was attracted to the Mayan peoples. Then it became clear about their level of education and culture. By deciphering the hieroglyphs, scientists discovered so many dates that they treated the Maya as an empire of philosophers and priests, abstract thinkers who were more interested in the problems of time and mathematics than in wars and dynasties. In particular, the Mayanist J. Eric S. Thompson I had no doubt that the true rulers of the Mayans were the mathematician priests.

Character Analysis according to the Mayan Calendar

In order to talk about a person, the Mayan Shaman learned:

  • Birthday sign,
  • his Strength,
  • sign and force of the two-week period,
  • the movement of the planets (Mayan astrology had a zodiac consisting of 13 signs).

A calendar is used for shamanic purposes Tzolkin. The calendar consists of 20 signs (Kinov), five directions (4 signs each), and 13 levels of strength for each sign. Eventually - 260 combinations. Each of these combinations is unique and interesting because it gives a fairly clear impression of psychological qualities. If you find two people of the same sign and the same strength, you will clearly notice the similarity in the energies they use. Sometimes it is very clear and interesting to observe.

The calendar is structured in five directions:

  1. East: Beginning, Origin. Red color. Energy is focused on the Future.
  2. South: Prosperity, Growth, Abundance, Activity. Yellow. Masculine energy right hand. Actively influences the world.
  3. West: Harvest, Transformation, Achievement and Pride. Blue, Black color. Energy is directed towards the past and its transformation. Gathering harvest and knowledge for further travel to the energies of the wise north.
  4. North: Coldness, Detachment, Wisdom. White. Feminine energy of the left hand. Communion with the divine universal world order. High harmony and non-involvement in the fears and passions of the mortal world. The art of being “above everything,” independence, icy purity, coldness and purity.
  5. Center: Being at the center of a dynamically changing life. Green color. The energy of self-awareness as a focus among the vortexes of the 4 elements.

Types of Mayan calendars

  1. Long count- essentially chronological, an analogue of the calendar counting we are used to, when the year, month, day are written down sequentially, but in the Long Count, instead of the year, month, and day we are used to, the following were used: Baktun (13 cycles), Katun (20 cycles), Tun (20 cycles) , Uinal (18 cycles), Kin (20 cycles), ultimately obtained the record presented in Figure 1.
  2. Tzolkin calendar- ritual, divine calendar of 260 days. It did not keep track of years. Tzolkin is formed by overlapping two weeks, lasting 13 and 20 days:
  • a week of 20 days consists of 20 kin: Ahau, Imish, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chikchan, Kimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluk, Ok, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Hish, Men, Kib, Kaban, Etznab, Kavak.
  • a week of 13 days, in which the days are simply numbered from 1 to 13.

The sequence of days in Tzolkin is unusual and is such that the days of the 13th and 20th day cycles change simultaneously, it looks like this: 1 Ahau, 2 Imish, 3 Ik... 13 Ben, 1 Hish, 2 Men.

The Tzolkin calendar was used primarily for services, healing and predictions. Each of the 260 days of Tzolkin has entire legends behind it.

There are a lot of legends in Mayan folklore related directly to the characters of the Tzolkin calendar (such as the story of two powerful lords of the underworld: two skeletal twins, cigar lovers: “Kimi 1” and “Kimi 7”, etc.) It is these 260 combinations that are clearly predicted those qualities that will manifest themselves in those born on a particular day of Tzolkin.

Up to the present time, in MesoAmerica, this calendar It is considered sacred, and only shamans have the right to work with it. AND ordinary people It is not even recommended to pronounce the names of kin in vain, since they are capable of summoning spirits and gods.

  1. Haab- civil calendar, lasting 365 days. 18 months of 20 days each, plus 5 additional days called Vayeb. There was no counting of years in Haab.

The names of the 18 months are presented in Figure 2.

The sequence of days in Haab looked the same as in ordinary calendars of our time: 0 Chen, 1 Chen, 2 Chen...Haab was used for everyday, economic and civil purposes.

The three above mentioned calendars belonged to sunny, but the Mayans also had Moon calendar , Venus calendar. A record was kept of the positions and periods of the planets: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

  1. DreamSpell Calendar, developed Jose Arguelles. Due to the popularity of Dreamspell, it is important to mention Jose Arguelles, who created a different version of the structuring of the Mayan calendar, which he described in the book "The Mayan Factor: a non-technological path". This creative interpretation is very interesting and different from classical interpretations. Program created by Argüelles DreamSpell(Dreamspell), has its own way of calculating days and kin (this method is different from the classic “Long Count” and Tzolkin).

Mayan Tzolkin calendar

The sequence of numbers shows the flow of 260 kin of the constituent Tzolkin. The source of the cycles shown in the 13 Moon Calendar is the 260-day Tzolkin cycle and the 365-day cycle of the year. The 260-day Tzolk'in cycle helps us access the cycles of the mind and energy of the fourth dimension. The 365-day cycle of the year helps us move through the cycles of the physical and biological realms of the third dimension. By following the New Time Calendar day after day, we weave these two dimensions together!

The Tzolkin calendar integrates two cycles - a 13-day cycle of Movement (Galactic Tones - they correspond to states of being) and a 20-day cycle of Measure (Solar Seals - special signs, each of which has its own name and image, and embodies certain qualities of being ): 13 Tones of Creation and 20 Solar Seals. When the waves pass through all 20 qualities, from the Dragon to the Sun, they again return to the beginning of the harmonic series, and so at each turn the combinations of Seals and Tones turn out to be different. This creates a peculiar rhythm, reminiscent of a pulsating fractal spiral. The Mystic Column is the basis of Tzolkin. As the central axis of various levels of symmetry, it represents a field of pure potentiality, infinite possibilities - the connection of past, present and future - true emptiness. Tzolkin is a cosmic code; it reveals any sets of forms moving in time. This is a map of the endless corridors of time, and the key to them is the Law of Time, discovered by José Arguelles:

T (E) = Art, Energy organized by time turns into art.

Radial view of the Tzolkin table of kin

Each of the 260 Tzolkin cells represents a unique energy, the intersection point of the energies of the Solar Seal and the Tone of Creation. The Tzolkin can be read as a graph showing the vertically rising Solar Seals and the horizontally running Tones of Creation. The sequence of days starts at the top left corner - Kin 1 and proceeds vertically down to the last cell of that column in the lower left corner of Tzolkin - Kin 20. Kin 21 is at the top of the second column, etc. all the way to Keene 260 in the farthest lower right corner. The central, mystical column of Tzolkin symbolizes emptiness, a field of pure potentiality and limitless possibilities.
The Tzolk'in Cycle is also called the "Galactic Revolution". After you have completed the full journey of the Tzolkin from Kin 1 to Kin 260, you will experience all possible permutations of the 20 Seals associated with the 13 Tones. And since you know the names and properties of the 13 Tones and 20 Seals, you come to the intimate knowledge of a whole 260-element bank of information!
There are many cycles within the sacred 260-element matrix, including the 1-day Kin cycle, the 4-day Directional cycle, the 13-day Galactic Tones cycle, the 20-day Solar Seals cycle, the 52-day Lock cycle, and the 65-day Galactic Seasons cycle.
52 Galactic Activation Portals

The 52 dark Tzolk'in cells, called the Mayan Loom, are also "Portals of Galactic Activation." On these days, specific combinations of Tones and Seals come together and create frequencies that facilitate the transition into states of deeper awareness. Portal days enhance our ability to open doors and enter other dimensions, strengthen our intuition and understanding of the flow of energies of the 4th and 3rd dimensions.
Watch how the accelerating energy of these days affects you. Check your calendar for Portal days.
Fractal and Radial

Since Tzolkin is 4-dimensional, it is naturally fractal and radial. Fractality means that the Tzolkin mathematical model can represent 260 days, 26,000 years, and other multiples of time. The whole is contained in the part. And if it expands, the proportions remain intact.

Radiality means that Tzolkin is a matrix of nonlinear energy flows emitted from the center. Although the Tzolk'in image appears to be a linear lattice structure, if you examine the deeper levels of the complex flows of energy within this matrix, you will find it to be the exact opposite of every type of energy being considered.
Tzolkin is more than a calendar

Like the Periodic Table of all 144 chemical elements Tzolkin characterizes all 260 frequencies of galactic energies. In this context we use the Tzolkin as the Calendar, but in reality it is much more than that.

The Tzolkin is a living system, and its relationships and proportions describe our evolutionary journey as a planetary civilization. Development of all human history is stunningly accurate for Tzolkin and reminds us that the main task of Tzolkin is “to help us in two cases - in the return of galactic information and in achieving galactic synchronization.”

The Tzolkin is a harmonic module filled with codes that correlate not only with the laws of 4-dimensional time, but also with the keys of Interdimensional Travel and the codes that build our Light Body and the Light Body of the Earth, activating the telepathically unified mental field of our planet.

The colors of the 20 horizontal rows of Tzolkin - red, white, blue and yellow - correspond to the colors of the Solar Seals.

Peer into Tzolkin. Realize every opportunity to comprehend the variety of details and details of Tzolkin. Just honor it as a matrix of Codes. Open yourself up to his information. Get visual activation.
Tzolkin and the Mayan Loom

The structure of the Mayan Loom has bilateral symmetry and is divided into 3 zones. Symmetry is also observed in the upper and lower halves, which defines this structure as having perfect symmetry. You will notice that each quarter also has the same pattern or pattern, containing 13 units: 13 = 6 + 4 + 3; 6 - long diagonal; 4 - vertical; 3 - short diagonal.

Thus, the structure of Tzolkin is so multifaceted that it has symbolism at the most different levels and layers of existence. This is a mathematical Encyclopedia of Time with a very concentrated essence, and it is the source of the 13 Moon calendar.

In fact, if we look at the 52 units of the Mayan Loom, we see another very interesting feature this structure. Let's denote Kin Tzolkin with the letter K and the number next to the letter K is Kin's serial number. We can get 13 combinations from the Mayan Loom pattern. This pattern is completely meaningful and consistent, and the sum of the tones of each such combination is always 28.

These relationships demonstrate that the 13-moon, 28-day calendar is fully encoded in the Mayan Loom. We received 13 combinations of 28, i.e.: 28 x 13 - 364 + 1 Day Out of Time = 365 days.

Indeed, the pattern of 52 units is a Code. This is why we say that the calendar of 13 Moons of 28 days is truly a perfect calendar that synchronizes our biology with the Telepathic Order of the 4th dimension. And the entire calendar is located in this structure.

The Tzolkin table consists of colored, green and central gray squares.

Three-dimensional model of Tzolkin

Imagine that you are looking at the table from above and lowered your gaze and looked at it from the side, so that the bottom row of the yellow sun lines up in one stepped line consisting of 13 squares.

In fact, the Tzolkin has 1 more dimension and is not visible in the schematic view from above.

If you look at this pyramid you will see the top - this is the 7th gray row of the Tzolkin.

Row 7 is the most mystical. It is compared to the Heart of Heaven and Through the Looking Glass. It balances up and down and left and right in the Calendar. This is the backbone of the universe. That's why it's highlighted.

Green day is the cells on the Loom, these days when the Gods descend to Earth. All spiritual forces, energies and sensations are doubled, the inner essence is freed. These days, talents are born, people who are not of this world.

Where to start synchronizing?

Just as air is the atmosphere for the body, so time is the atmosphere for consciousness. If the time we live consists of unequal months and days, governed by mechanistic minutes and hours, then our consciousness becomes like that - mechanistic disorder.

Since everything is created by consciousness, it is not surprising that the atmosphere in which we live is becoming more and more polluted, and everyone around us complains: “I don’t have enough time!” Whoever controls your time controls your mind. Master your time and you will master your mind!

Jose Arguelles

Natural and mechanistic time.

The perception of the time in which we live is based on the testimony of two instruments whose power over our lives has never been comprehended. This is the Gregorian calendar, consisting of 12 unequal months, and a clock built on the principle of mechanical division of space into 60 equal parts. Thus, the time in which our consciousness exists reflects the predominance of three-dimensional mechanistic spatial perception, which is also defined as the frequency of 12:60.

Natural time is four-dimensional. It is not a measurement of duration, but acts as a synchronization factor. Its frequency is 13:20. 13 corresponds to the thirteen Galactic Tones, or Forces of Creation. 20 is the 20 Solar Frequencies represented by twenty signs or seals. Based on this frequency Tzolkin- 260-kin “Sacred Calendar” of the Mayans.

Natural time calendar -
Thirteen Moon calendar of 28 days.

The Thirteen Moon Calendar is a tool that helps you reconfigure your own consciousness to natural time. It consists of Thirteen Moons of 28 days each - a total of 364 days, plus one “green day” - the Day Without Time.

The purpose of the Thirteen Moon calendar is to synchronize the solar-lunar annual cycle with the 260-element galactic cycle, an endless spiral vortex of time that synchronizes precisely with the Thirteen Moon calendar every 52 years.

The galactic cycle, Tzolkin, consists of twenty thirteen-kin wave structures. Kin is a universal unit of time that can correspond to one day, one moon, one year, etc.

Each day in the Thirteen Moon calendar corresponds to one kin of the 260-element Tzolk'in. Thus, each day has certain energetic characteristics, represented by a pair of Galactic tone and Solar seal (frequency).

The entrance ticket to the Thirteen Moon Calendar is your Kin corresponding to your birthday. This is your galactic seal, your galactic signature, your galactic code.

What does it mean to become a Planetary Kin?

Entering the path of the Thirteen Moon Calendar, you find yourself in New world Time, into the world of waves, pulsars, harmonics, chromatics and galactic vortices. The Thirteen Moon Calendar helps transform the materialistic three-dimensionality of space into the four-dimensionality of Galactic Time. Realizing yourself as a part of the Planetary Mind, overcoming the paralyzing power of the fear of death, you become a Planetary Kin - a representative of the Galactic Civilization, traveling on the Time Ship “Earth”. Understanding the multidimensional nature of existence, Planetary Kin, free and equal with all other Planetary Kins, continues the process of Planetary Evolution and Universal Enlightenment.

How to find out your Kin?

There are several ways to determine your Kin.

Firstly, it is best to use the Galactic Compass - a special tool that allows you to establish a correspondence between a date according to the Gregorian calendar and one of the Tzolkin kin.

If you do not have a Galactic Compass, then you can use the table below for calculating kin.

How to start using the Thirteen Moon Calendar?

Find your sunny birthday.

Using the Thirteen Moon Calendar, find the day corresponding to your birthday according to the Gregorian calendar. (Gregorian dates are listed at the bottom of each day's cell of the Thirteen Moon Calendar in month/day format.) Note which day of which Moon the date falls on.

For example, the date September 22 always corresponds to the 3rd day of the Electric Moon, and July 19 always corresponds to the 23rd day of the Cosmic Moon.
The characteristics of the Kin corresponding to your birthday are decisive for you until your next birthday.

Find your galactic birthday

Find your Kin on the calendar field of the current year of the Thirteen Moon Calendar. Note which day, corresponding to the Gregorian date, your galactic birthday falls on. On this day, your energy is synchronized with the galactic time cycle.

For example, Kin 210, Moon Dog, falls on the 15th day of the Planetary Moon of the Yellow Sun Seed year. This corresponds to April 18, 2002 according to the Gregorian calendar.

Find your Kin in your body.

Each Solar Seal corresponds to one of the 20 fingers and toes. Find your Kin in the Human Holon. For example, Blue Storm corresponds to the little toe of the left foot.

Determine your Earthly family.

Each kin belongs to one of the five Earth families: Polar (one line:), Cardinal (one point), Central (two points), Signal (three points) or Input (four points:).

Each of the families performs a specific task:
Polar family - issues a Call,
Cardinal - roots Genesis,
Central - builds tunnels,
Signal - reveals the Secret,
Entrance - unlocks Portals.

Pay attention to what family the people around you belong to.

Create a motto for today. To do this, use the instructions for composing the Song of the Day.

By daily tracking energy flows according to the 13 Moon Calendar, you will be able to pay attention to the fact that all the processes occurring around you are clearly synchronized in time. As you realize your true nature, you will receive all the necessary information in order to follow the path of Galactic Evolution and Universal Enlightenment.

About the structure of the Mayan calendar, about its mysteries and secrets, as well as about the ability to predict the future with its help.

Probably only the deaf have not heard anything about the date December 21, 2012. According to the Mayan calendar, on this day a great era ends on earth, which the Indians themselves call the era of the Fifth Sun and which lasted 5200 years. This abyss of time is even breathtaking!

But where did the Indians get this strange date - December 21, 2012? And what is their mysterious calendar, which surpasses in accuracy not only the European, but generally all calendars in the world?

In fact, not everything is so simple here. The fact is that the Mayans had several calendars in use at once. One of them was intended for agricultural work and counted (as it should be any agricultural calendar) 365 days. However, to perform sacred rituals, the Mayans have since ancient times used a completely different Calendar, which is usually called Tzolkin, which literally means “counting the Sun” or “counting days” (from the Mayan words tsol, “counting,” and kin, “day,” “Sun”). .

However, in the sacred books of the Maya, this sacred Tzolkin calendar has a different name: Yok-ka-Yumil, or “The Way of Our Lord.” It was him that the Mayan priests considered the main one and cherished his secrets like the apple of their eye. Diego de Landa, whose manuscript "Report on Affairs in Yucatan" is the main source of information about the life of the ancient Maya, wrote about this amazing calendar So: “This was the science they believed in most and considered supreme. Not all priests knew how to understand it.” .

One of the oddities of this calendar is that it is based not on a year or a month, but on a completely incomprehensible cycle of 260 days - mind you, not three hundred, but precisely two hundred and sixty days, or 20 periods of 13 days.

More precisely, this 260-day cycle is the result of the superposition of two cycles - a 20-day and a 13-day.

The days of the 20-day cycle have their own names, which successively replace each other: first comes the day of Imish (World Tree), followed by the day of Ik (Wind), then Akbal (Night), etc. All these days are indicated in the left column of the table.

This cycle is superimposed on a 13-day cycle, the days of which do not have their own names and differ only in numbers - from 1 to 13, as indicated in the table:

Name Translation Order of days in a calendar cycle
Imish World.Tree 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7
Ik Wind 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8
Akbal Night 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9
Kahn Corn 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10
Chikchan Serpent 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11
Kimi Scull 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12
Manik Deer 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13
Lamat Sunrise 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1
Muluk Water 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2
OK Dog 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3
Chuen Master 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4
Ab Ladder 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5
Ben Cane 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6
Ish Jaguar 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7
Men Eagle 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8
Kib Vulture 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9
Boar Earthquake 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10
Etznab Flint 5 12 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11
Kawak Storm 6 13 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12
Ahau Lord 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13

The first day of the 260-day calendar circle, as can be seen in the table, is called World Tree-1 day. Next comes the day of Wind-2, the day of Night-3, the day of Grain-4, and so on. When the day number reaches thirteen, the count is updated and starts again from one. So, for example, day Reed-13 is followed by day Jaguar-1. After 260 days, the counting resumes from the beginning, that is, from the day of World Tree-1.

If a day has a numerical value of 1, it is considered the beginning of a new thirteen-day cycle (the beginning of each new 13-day cycle is highlighted in blue in the table). Moreover, each cycle is called by the first day, since it is the first day that leaves its mark on all 13 days of the cycle. From this it is clear that the cycles in the Mayan calendar have the same names as the days, but follow each other in a different order. The first is the World Tree cycle (starting on the day of World Tree-1), followed by the Jaguar cycle (starting on the day of Jaguar-1), then the Deer cycle (beginning on the day of Deer-1), etc.

To determine which Mayan day and cycle falls on today, it is enough to know under which sign it passed yesterday. For example, if yesterday was Grain-3, then today, accordingly, there should be Snake-4, tomorrow – Skull-5, etc.

Well, to find out the cycle, you need to find the nearest day with number 1 in reverse order. In the case of the Snake-4 day, the first day of the cycle is Wind-1, respectively, the Snake-4 day falls on the Wind cycle.

Traditionally, the beginning of our Mayan era was chosen to be the day that, according to the Gregorian calendar, falls on August 11, 3114 BC(Thompson). It's the start of the day Imish-5(World Tree-5, Earthquake cycle). Using this date as a reference, one can determine which Mayan day and cycle falls on any date in the European calendar.

Or, for convenience, so as not to be confused with the zero year (which was not in the Gregorian calendar) and other calendar subtleties, you can use any other starting point, for example: for the 20th century it is convenient to count from January 1, 1900(day Etsnab-4, or Kremen-4, Eagle cycle), and for the 21st century - from January 1, 2000(day IK-11, or Wind-11, Ladder cycle).

So in general outline The Mayan calendar was created. In addition to these 260-day cycles, the Mayans also counted longer cycles - tuns (time periods of 360 days), katuns (20 tuns of 360 days, i.e. 7200 days), baktuns (20 katuns or 144,000 days). And finally, the whole era includes 260 katuns among the Mayans, i.e. 5200 years (more precisely 5200 tuns, which corresponds to approximately 5125 solar years).


The Mayan calendar is a generalized name for the system of calendars created by the Indians of the Mayan civilization of the pre-Columbian era. This time reckoning system was used (after the Mayans) by the Aztecs, Toltecs, Mazatecs and other Central American peoples.

Currently, interest in the Mayan calendar has revived, since the system, according to experts ancient history, was devoted not only to determining the past time, but also to predicting future events. In other words, the Indian ritual calendar is not just a familiar chronograph in the form of a wall and pocket calendar, but a whole science that studies extensive time cycles.

Mayan calendar - description and general information

A little about the history of the Mayan calendar. The Indians themselves believed that ancient calendar given to them by divine beings who descended to Earth in time immemorial. There were two types of chronology:

  • Tzolkin (ritual calendar);
  • Haab (civil calendar).

Haab was used for agricultural purposes, its cycle consisted of 365 days - the approximate time of our planet's complete revolution around the sun. Another name for the system is the solar calendar. The year was divided into 19 months. 18 of them consisted of 20 days, one month - of 5 days (the so-called “days without names”). The haab was intended for field work and was used in everyday life.

The Mayan ritual calendar (Tzolkin) lasted 260 days. It consisted of periods lasting 20 and 13 days, which replaced each other. Every day had proper name and the corresponding symbol is solar print. The Indians combined both calendars into one, which was called the “calendar circle.”

Probably every person can imagine what the Mayan calendar looks like: it is a stone circle, delimited into sectors. The calendar demonstrates a deep knowledge of astronomical cycles. It turns out that the ancient Indians calculated the almost exact length of the solar year - 365, 242 days. Scientists estimate that such accurate Maya calculations would have required about 10,000 years of constant observation. However, the period of existence of this civilization is only 3,500 years. How ancient astronomers managed to obtain such reliable information about celestial cycles remains a mystery.

In addition to the two above-mentioned calendars, the Indians also had a third - the so-called “long count calendar”. It was intended for long periods of time. The duration of one complete cycle is 5125 years. The current cycle began in 3224 BC. and ended in 2012. In addition to the 5 thousand year cycle, the calendar mentions an even longer cycle, the duration of which is 26,000 years. Scientists associate this period with the galactic alignment cycle.

The end of the Mayan calendar does not simply mean the end of one cycle and the debut of another - it implies the complete destruction of the civilization existing in a given time period. The current cycle is already the fifth. The previous ones, according to Mayan history, ended respectively with earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and floods. The fifth cycle was supposed to end with the movement of the Earth's orbit and an evolutionary leap.

Since no special cataclysms occurred in 2012, the predictions of the Mayan calendar should either be considered erroneous, or the end of civilization should be understood in a metaphorical sense - as the end of a purely materialistic period in the history of mankind and the desire for spiritual development.

Expert opinion

The Mayan civilization ceased to exist more than a thousand years ago. The reason for her disappearance is unknown. Some historians believe that this ancient culture ruined internecine wars, others hypothesize that the death of the Mayans was caused by natural disasters. The indigenous people of Central America left to their descendants only stone pyramids, writing, and evidence of extensive knowledge of astronomy and mathematics.

Researchers believe that true meaning The Mayan calendar is associated with the natural rhythms of energy in the Universe. If you consider your date of birth in the Tzolkin ritual calendar system, you can determine the name of the day and its solar seal. In Mayan chronology, each day is considered unique and has its own message and purpose. You can find information for each day and try to correlate the natural rhythms of the cosmos with the events of a particular human life. The Mayan calendar gives a person a chance to move from a purely material approach to a spiritual and intuitive one.

On the physical plane this system Reckoning is fully consistent with the cycles of movement of large and small celestial bodies. The Indians compiled not only detailed star maps, but also predicted eclipses of the sun and moon. In addition, they knew in advance about global wars, outbreaks of world terrorism and other events that had an impact on human history.

Mayan calendar - a system of calendars created by the Mayan civilization in pre-Columbian times Central America. This calendar was also used by other Central American peoples - the Aztecs, Toltecs, etc. A typical Mayan calendar date looks something like this:, 3 Kimi 4 Soc, where is the Long Count date.

The Mayans used two calendars. In the first, the year always consisted of 260 days and was called “tzolkin,” and in the second, the “odd year” consisted of 365 days. The presence of two cycles resulted in the fact that each day had two names, for example, 3 akbal, 4 kumu. Because the two cycles were of different lengths, no specific double combination of day names was repeated during the 52 "odd" years and the 73 "Tzolkin" years. This period of time was commonly referred to as the "Aztec Age" or the "Calendar Circle". This calendar system was quite adequate for its purposes, it also had limitations. To cope with these difficulties, the Mayans developed another system of time counting called Long Counting. With slight variations, they counted time in “kinas”, “uinals”, “tunas”, etc... Its principle looked like this: 20 kin days = 1 uinalu (20-day month), 18 uinals = 1 tuna (360-day year), 20 tuns = 1 katun (7200 days), 20 katuns = 1 baktun (144,000 days). Using the Long Count, the Mayans also kept a special account of the day. On steles and other monuments, Mayan dates were written in two columns of hieroglyphs, read from left to right and top to bottom. The entire series began with an introductory hieroglyph and often ended with a date related to lunar cycle and a mention of that of the Nine Lords of the Night who reigned at that time. And between them there were dates expressed in baktuns, katuns, tuns, etc., plus the corresponding dates for “Tzolkin” (260 days) and “Haab” (365 days).
"Tzolkin" is a very ancient calendar and dates back to time immemorial. Some Mayan tribes in remote areas of the country still use it for ritual and magical purposes. And he played an even more important role earlier. The tables of the Dresden Codex were supposed to give the priests not only information about future eclipses, but also how to relate them to the 260-day Tzolkin calendar. They compiled their tables based on 11,958 days, which almost exactly corresponds to the 46 year of Tzolkin (11,960 days). This fully matches 405 lunar months(also 11960 days). The authors of the tables also compiled additions that corrected their basic data, which ensured their accuracy to one day for 4500 years. "Tzolkin" is based on a combination of 20 names of months with numbers from 1 to 13. But the counting is not carried out sequentially, as in our Gregorian calendar with months of 30 and 31 days. A cycle of 260 days does not have any practical meaning in earthly conditions, just as the calendar itself with 13 days and 20 months, indicated by names and symbols that have nothing to do with the reality around us, has no practical meaning. Everything “falls into place” only in one case: the calendar was given to the Mayans from the outside by certain “gods” who were familiar with the wheel, and for whom the cycle of 260 days had some kind of meaning. practical significance. “Gods” who were so educated that they were able not only to very accurately calculate the earthly year, but also to adapt its “inconvenient” duration to the integer counting system without loss of accuracy.

Three Mayan calendars
The Mayans used a whole system of three calendars. The Tzolkin calendar cycle has only 260 days, or 20 months of 13 days. Position of a person's date of birth in Tzolkine says a lot about his personal qualities and purpose in this world. Along with the Tzolkin, the solar calendar was used Haab with a period of 365 days. It had a domestic purpose. The Mayans calculated the almost exact length of the solar year - 365.242 days. Scientists believe it would have taken the Mayans 10,000 years of observation to figure out this number. But the Mayan civilization lasted no more than 3,500 years. In addition to these two calendars, there is a calendar Long count for large time intervals. Its cycle is 5125.3 years. The current cycle began on August 13, 3114 BC. and ends in 2012 AD. In Mayan legends this cycle is called the Fifth Sun. Each cycle, according to Mayan mythology, ended with the almost complete destruction of civilization, which grew over 5,000 years. The First Sun ended with earthquakes, the Second with hurricanes, the Third with volcanic fallout, and the Fourth with a flood.

Life after the Mayans

Will the life of our civilization end in 2012? On the one hand, the Mayans predict the destruction of this civilization as a result of some movement of the Earth. But it is not just followed by the development of another, sixth civilization. If you believe the Mayan theory, then after the end of the Fifth Sun cycle there should be some kind of evolutionary leap. It will be characterized by the development of spirituality in the human community. At a new level of evolution, a person will feel like a part of Nature, and all its levels will unite into a single whole according to the principle of universal telepathy. Perhaps the prediction should be understood abstracting from a purely materialistic assessment. The destruction of civilization is not necessary. It will simply become unimportant in the eyes of people, disappear from the center of their concerns, due to the emergence of other values. The Mayans speak of five eras. The development of any complex system can be divided into five stages. The first of them is the root, which contains the development program, its laws, as well as the very impulse for the emergence of the entire system. It is followed by stages of gradual complication and increasing independence of the elements. What changes should we expect? What properties should humanity lose and which should it gain? Guessing is useless if you do not try to escape from the usual plane of our thinking. Agree, it is quite primitive to consider that the history of the planet consists of the development of one civilization, its destruction and the development of a new one. Remaining in the plane of our material life, it is impossible to imagine what will happen after it and whether this “after” exists at all. The destruction of material civilization from the point of view of the average person is no more significant than personal physical death. Much more attractive is the allegorical reading of the Mayan predictions, according to which humanity must rise to a spiritual perception of reality. The world will become “end-to-end”, where behind each object the spiritual forces that are the reason for its existence will be felt. Due to the eternity of the spiritual nature, along with the ability to sense it, a person will receive the possibility of eternal existence.

Mysteries of the Mayan calendar

One of the most mysterious and little-studied civilizations today is the Mayan civilization. The Mayans left behind many secrets and mysteries and topics for reflection. And in fact, how the Mayan Indians, being barbarians and savages who sacrificed people, could achieve such heights in the study of astrology, architecture and mathematics that even in our time seem incomprehensible. Having neither telescopes nor modern computing equipment, the Mayans studied the movements of celestial bodies, compiled star maps, and predicted the darkening of the sun and moon. But perhaps the most mysterious and enigmatic of all that the Mayan Indians left behind is known to almost the whole world, Mayan calendar. The Mayan calendar is based on 20 numbers and 12 symbols. The counting system is radically different from the modern one. It was based on the cycle of movement of celestial bodies. Mayan calendar predictions have more global character. He predicts possible vectors for the development of human civilization as a whole. Also very important aspect is that it does not have any specifics, and the texts of the predictions are more abstract in nature, a kind of riddle that still needs to be solved. Representatives of this ancient civilization many events were predicted. These include world wars, an outbreak of global terrorism, and the Cold War. All the events that were predicted by the Mayans had planetary significance, one way or another, influenced the history of mankind as a whole.
The level of the Mayan worldview and their way of thinking is alien to us. They perceived the world and the nature of things differently from us, and therefore the meaning of their words and records can be interpreted by us in a completely different way from the meaning inherent in the Maya. What meant one thing to them may seem completely different to us. Therefore, it is not surprising that among scientists studying the Mayan civilization and their calendar, many disagreements. Today, everyone associates the Mayan calendar with the date December 21, 2012. The words, end of the world, change of eras, world cataclysm are heard more and more often. As among scientists, so among ordinary people Focus discussions on this date, which has already become mystical. But most of the recording was simply destroyed by the Spaniards, and from the words that remained it is difficult to determine what is being said. And the Mayan ancestors themselves say that the date December 21, 2012, promoted by various people who are far from understanding the Mayan culture, people who simply speculate on this, publishing books and making films, focus on the fact that the calendar of their ancestors predicts events much later 2012. And there is already confirmation of this. Not long ago, signs were deciphered on a stone tablet that was attached to the Tortuguero monument, which was found in Mayan territory. Researchers are convinced that one record can be deciphered up to 4,772 years. If we discard all the stereotypes and speculations that have developed around the Mayan calendar, we will get one of greatest mysteries in the history of mankind, for the study of which we need more long years. After all, the Mayan calendar is not only a prediction of the future of humanity. The Mayan calendar also contains warnings and a message for humanity. He predicts only the possible vectors of development of a nation of people, and in what vector humanity will develop, deplete the resources of the planet, invent nuclear weapon, wage war, or grow morally and spiritually, strive for peace, it depends on us.

End of the Mayan calendar
The Mayans developed several calendars during their existence, one of them contains information about 2012 and the ends of the world. This calendar takes into account the periods and rhythms of the universe and will clarify something for us about 2012. For the Mayans, time was very important. In their opinion, all events went in a cycle, in a circle. In the Tzolkien ritual period, the cycle consisted of 260 days, each day was numbered from one to thirteen, and the names were repeated with a period of twenty days. This means that two periods were mixed in one calendar - 13 and 20. Each name had its own hieroglyph - a solar seal. For the Mayans, time was like the flow of a river. It’s like it’s the same thing, but each time it’s different in some way, and it’s never repeated. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: you can’t step into the same water twice. For them, time was enclosed in a cycle, just like the flow of a river. The short cycle for them was 5 thousand years, the long cycle was 26 thousand years. The latter coincides with the galactic alignment cycle, and they are trying to somehow connect this with the end of the world in 2012. To summarize, we find that the Mayan calendar is endless, because it is enclosed in a cycle that has no end.