Nettle festival of nettles. Nettle festival on Tula land. Fire Theater "Era"

On June 1, 2018, residents and guests of the village of Krapivna, Shchekinsky district, Tula region, will be able to take part in the Nettle Festival. On this day they promise clear weather, the temperature will warm up to +25 ˚С, so nothing can darken the festive mood. IN holiday program There will be fairs, exhibitions, educational seminars and excursions.

The first such event took place back in 2003 and since then has become an annual tradition at the beginning of the summer. The main goal of the holiday is the preservation of cultural values ​​and the revival of the village of Krapivny, which is a former county center associated with the name of Leo Tolstoy.

The solemn event will begin at 12:00 and will be accompanied by ethno and jazz music throughout the day.

12:10 – Adelina Moiseeva, a participant in the “Voice” and “Young People Sing Jazz” competitions, will perform.

13:10 – performance of the children’s group “Cossack” and “Naughty Busts” together with the laureates of the “Play Harmony” project.

14:00 – Acoustic boy performance by vocalist from Tula Vasily Senichev, who is the author and performer of the musical group “Happiness Within”, and also took part in the competitions “Main Stage 2” “Wild Mint”.

15:30 – performance by guests from Moscow - Mila Kirievskaya and the “Letopis” group.

17:00 – “La Verdun” - a group from Tula, they will perform Scottish and Irish music.

18:30 – Inna Bondar and “Drobinska” will perform songs from Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Moldova.

20:30 – performance by the art collective “Meidelekh”, residents of the “Main Stage” project will perform diverse songs from hits of the 50-60-70s to modern times.

22:00 – guests from St. Petersburg will perform “Dough” folk music intertwined with electro, hip-hip, drum and bass and funk. The musicians gave the name to their style “Russian groove”.

Nettle Festival 2018 program: fairs and master classes

12:00 – 19:00 – start of fairs and master classes, where there will be an opportunity to purchase items made by handicraftsmen, souvenirs, as well as canvases by local artists.

There will be an opportunity to participate in the “making of red thread” - a revived unique technology of Tula craftsmen. The master class will be hosted by Ekaterina and Maxim Zernov, co-authors of the “Traditional Tula Weaving” project.

A drawing master class is planned. Anyone, under the supervision of Tula State University staff, will be able to draw a nettle still life. There will also be an opportunity to purchase canvases by local artists. The fair is called “Krapivna – the city of artists.”

Nettle Festival 2018 program: excursions and other cultural events

12:00 – 23:00 – Food zone with nettles. There will be an opportunity to try delicacies made from the main symbol of the celebration - nettles.

12:00 – 23:00 – “Museum Street” - one of the village streets will be transformed into open gallery, where there will be an opportunity to get acquainted and touch the history of the event.

12:00 – 19:00 – Nettle fights. There will be both team and solo competitions with the participation of nettles. The only prohibition is not to hit someone in the face with thorny grass.

12:00 – 18:00 – “District meeting”. A photo zone with historical components, where you will have the opportunity to see and take a memorable photo with exhibits from the late 19th century.

12:00 – 18:00 — Cossack site of historical reconstruction. Participants will show a master class on how to wield a saber. There will also be an opportunity to capture yourself in Cossack law. The performances will complement “Naughty Busts”.

12:00 – 19:00 – training seminar from TPU teachers. L.N. Tolstoy about beneficial properties nettles

09:00 – 20:00 – educational excursions and exhibitions in the museum of the village of Krapivna.

In the Tula region, on the first weekend of summer, a traditional nettle festival starts, the venue of which will be the village of Krapivna. Participants will enjoy a lot of entertainment, delicious food and a great mood.

Forecasters promise clear weather without precipitation and +25 degrees Celsius. It's time to go out of town, relax, breathe fresh air and, of course, take part in all kinds of competitions and entertainment.

All the best festival traditions will be observed: soup and pies with nettles, a fair of handicrafts, exhibitions, attractions and, of course, nettle fights! This time special attention devoted to the musical component of the festival. The headliner will be the art group “Meidelekh”: double bass, drums, button accordion, guitar, clarinet and three charming female vocalists. They perform songs in ten languages: Russian, Armenian, Georgian, Italian, Finnish, Hebrew, Yiddish, Japanese, broken English and Komi. Believe me, it's worth hearing!

Krapivna, Nettle Festival 2018: all the best festival traditions will be observed

At the beginning of summer, when the burning plant is just gaining its healing powers, the Shchekinsky district traditionally gathers guests for a holiday in its honor.

"IN historical center In the ancient district town, which has hardly changed in one and a half hundred years, craftsmen, artists, musicians from all over the country will gather to recharge themselves with the power of nature for the whole year and transfer this energy to the guests of the holiday,” note the press service of the administration of the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region.

Nettle, Nettle Festival 2018: the festival will feature ethno and jazz music

The main goal of the festival is the revival of ancient trades and crafts, so each of its sites is associated either with the symbol of Krapivna, or with folk art and the history of this place. Throughout the day the festival will feature ethno and jazz music.

Program of the XVI Nettle Festival

Music venue:

12.00 — Adelina Moiseeva with a musical group
13.00 — Vasily Senichev (Tula)
14.30 — Mila Kirievskaya and the group “Letopis”
16.00 — La Verdun group (Tula)
17.30 — Inna Bondar and the group “Balkanitsa”
19.30 — Group “Meidelekh” (Moscow)

Entertainment areas:

Nettle fight area – from 12.00 to 19.00.
Master class on making nettle thread - from 12.00 to 19.00.
Historical reconstruction site “County Assembly” – from 12.00 to 18.00.
Cossack historical reconstruction site - from 12.00 to 18.00.
Master class on drawing (nettle still life and nettle portrait) - from 12.00 to 19.00.
Popular science platform “Nettle Microworld” – from 12.00 to 19.00.
Craft fair and master classes - from 12.00 to 20.00.
Excursions and exhibitions at the Krapivensky Museum - from 9.00 to 20.00.
Museum Street - from 12.00 to 22.00.

What will you associate with the name of the village of Krapivna in the Tula region? Of course, with nettles! And you won’t be alone - here, “in the most nettle-filled place in Russia,” a nettle festival has been held once a year in the summer for 16 years. Yesterday I had a chance to visit it.

Nettle is over 600 years old. And this is only her known age, from the moment she was mentioned in Dmitry Donskoy’s will. Once upon a time it was a city, but not an ordinary one - many events and personalities in Russian history are connected with Krapivna. The battles of the Time of Troubles, peasant uprisings, the residence of False Dmitry I and the assault by the Tushino Thief - everyone remembers these places.
Now Krapivna has long been demoted in status - it has become a village from a city. However, the place has not lost its special atmosphere, which forces you not to pass by it on the road, but still turn off.
I’ll show you the village separately, and today we’ll take a walk at the festival.

1. From early morning, Krapivna was preparing for the festival. Excursions, master classes, a concert, a large fair with souvenirs and handicrafts and, of course, various dishes were prepared for the guests.

2. It was especially interesting to get acquainted with various nettle foods. We bought pies with “simply nettles”

4. More pies. For every taste)

5. Birch kvass with nettles. A liter cost 170 rubles, 0.5 liters - 100. Sour, reminded me of the taste of mushroom in a jar, also from childhood. Who remembers this one?

6. How do you like the size? Now just over 1000 people live in Krapivna. So the whole village can be fed at once)

7. The highlight of the festival is nettle fights

8. Anyone can participate. The rules are simple - fight with nettle brooms, but do not hit in the face. Whoever fights more actively and holds out longer without breaking or losing the “weapon” wins

9. Competitions take place in a special ring, along the perimeter of which there are spectators and fans. Not only men, but also women and even girls took part.

10. By the way, the music was okay. “Trynts-drynts”, which hits the brain and makes you run away, I haven’t heard

After the trip, I decided to google a little information about the singer Adelina Moiseeva, who performed (she is in the photo), and found this video. On “The Voice” in 2016, she performed the song “You Are So Beautiful” by Joe Cocker. Singing since age 3

11. And the people had fun and danced

12. This grandfather actually did everything and everyone that day! It was clear that he knows how and loves to dance

13. Thanks to him for decorating the festival)

14. Various people came to the holiday: D

15. For guests, one of the streets of Krapivna became a museum for the day

16. Master class on weaving and yarning nettle thread. Remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans"? There Eliza saved her brothers, who were turned into swans, and wove nettle shirts for them.
I hope that the theme of this tale will be presented in more detail at the next nettle festivals in Krapivna. It would be cool to organize a masquerade procession through the streets of the village or a performance

17. In the 19th century, Krapivna was a district town of the Tula governorship

18. Drawings on Museum Street

21. And again returning to food)
It turns out that you can make many dishes and drinks from nettles! Beer, juices, teas, cocktails and even smoothies)

22. I also hope that this will still please all of us at the nettle holidays of the future

23. Yes, I want to come to them, return to Krapivna and say hello to everyone from this place)

For the opportunity to attend the holiday and discover a new place for myself, I thank the Factory of unique excursions “Russian Traveler”.

I already have considerable travel experience, I have read many books, articles and websites about wonderful places where I want to go, but imagine my surprise when, having learned about these talented guys who are truly in love with traveling around Russia, I began to get acquainted with their travel program. Unusual festivals, not the most popular, but no less beautiful noble nests, not spoiled by the visits of tourists to the city. Balls and performances in estates, interactive programs, master classes, tastings!

Yes, all this is the feature of “Factory”. Here tourists will be offered non-standard routes. No trips and crammed guides that have been washed away for years! If there is a fairly well-known object in the program, they will do everything to bring it to your attention new look seemingly familiar and old.

Multi-day tours include accommodation in country complexes and cottages in environmentally friendly places. You can go to the bathhouse, breathe fresh air, take a break from the metropolis. The relaxation of tourists not only with a cultural program, but also with soul and body, is also given great attention here.

You can make friends, ask questions, find out the schedule of tours on the page at

In the village of Krapivna it will be held for the fifteenth time International festival Nettles. Every year, when the plant that gave its name to the ancient county town, we invite guests to a celebration in his honor.

This year the festival is on the main stage in 12.00 will inaugurate Governor's Brass Band of Tula regional philharmonic society . Then the musicians of the Tula group will appear on stage Kamenskikh Band— Igor Kamenskikh (vocals) and Alexander Shcheglov (guitar). The duo will perform popular pop songs in Italian - by the way, several years ago, having become the winner of the “Five Steps to Olympus” competition, Igor Kamensky went to a master class at the Academy of Arts Italian city Pesaro. And after that, he set out to win the hearts of TV viewers, having passed the selection for the second season of the “Voice” project.

This is not the first time that guests from the capital will perform in the Tula region - Svetlana Zhavoronkova and group Electric Soul.

Svetlana Zhavoronkova

This year at the House of Culture " Yasnaya Polyana“We celebrated Christmas with them in soul style and after that we decided to introduce the musicians to the general public. Svetlana Zhavoronkova's work is well known to Moscow jazz club regulars - she is called one of the most interesting soul vocalists in the capital, noting the authenticity of her performance style. In 2016, Svetlana became the winner of the “Rosa Khutor Jazz Estate” competition in the “Vocal” category.

By the way, Electric Soul guitarist Yuri Novgorodsky will perform on the festival stage with another project - the band Backstage, whose musicians worked with famous Russian bluesmen Nikolai Arutyunov and Sergei Voronov.


Backstage is one of the first Russian bands to focus on the jam band format - a synthesis of blues, funk, soul, rock with a pronounced improvisational beginning.

This year, together with the anniversary of our holiday, we will celebrate another milestone - the thirtieth anniversary of the group "Megapolis". This is not the first concert of the group, which is held as part of the Krapiven festival: in 2012, Megapolis closed the program of the main stage with a performance dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its creative activity. This time Oleg Nesterov and his musicians will also take the stage as headliners.


The final chord of the festival will be a performance creative group Our gentle house- a joint project of DJs whose work experience on the Tula club scene spans two decades. Residents of the group - Dmitry Osipov (DJ Osipov M) and Grigory Barkov (DJ GriB) - will present their experimental set together with the Era Fire Theater.

Fire Theater "Era"

Besides main stage, guests of Krapivna will also be treated to other festival venues on this day, which will be open until 10 p.m. For festival visitors, on June 3 from 10.00 a minibus will run from Moskovsky Station Square (Tula) to Krapivna.

As always, music program the main stage will be combined with a fair of souvenirs and products self made, the production of which can be learned at traditional master classes. For those who want to master the technique making lace from nettle fiber a master class at the local history museum will be conducted by craftswoman Evgenia Rogozina.

And you can replenish your strength at the festival food court, all participants of which will prepare special nettle menu. Here you can also try dishes and drinks with nettle recipes national cuisines different countries.

Krapivensky local history museum on the day of the festival will offer its guests take part V various interactive programs, quests and competitions, allowing you to learn more about the history of Nettle and the burning plant that has become the symbol of this city. We recommend that festival guests take part in intelligence show "Amazing Nettle".

Teachers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Tula State pedagogical university them. L.N. They will be happy to tell Tolstoy - and they will even be able to show why nettle stings, whether it has non-stinging relatives, how to obtain natural dyes from nettles and much more.

The trademark of the festival has long been nettle fights. Anyone can take part in three different competitions - "Capture the Flag", "Hold on to the End" and "Wall to Wall". You can try your hand at both doubles and team competitions. The fights will be held by the Center traditional culture"Knight".

Also waiting for guests of Krapivna amusement town "ZakrutiKha"- here you can ride on round and pole swings, test your dexterity in walking on stilts, compete in sack fights on a balance beam and play the ancient Russian game “twirl”.

Festival venues will begin their work at 12.00. For festival visitors, on June 3, from 10.00, there will be a shuttle service from Moskovsky Station Square (Tula) to Krapivna. minibus. Average cost Travel costs 150 rubles; minibuses will depart as soon as they are full. You can go back from the Krapivenskaya administration building.

On June 3, 2017, the International Nettle Festival will be held for the fifteenth time in the village of Krapivna. Every year, when the plant that gave its name to the ancient county town gains strength, we invite guests to a holiday in its honor.

This year the festival will be solemnly opened on the main stage at 12:00 by the Governor's Brass Band of the Tula Regional Philharmonic. Then the musicians of the Tula collective KamenskikhBand - Igor Kamenskikh (vocals) and Alexander Shcheglov (guitar) - will appear on stage. The duo will perform popular pop songs in Italian - by the way, several years ago, having become the winner of the “Five Steps to Olympus” competition, Igor Kamensky went to a master class at the Academy of Arts in the Italian city of Pesaro. And after that, he set out to win the hearts of TV viewers, having passed the selection for the second season of the “Voice” project.

This is not the first time that guests from the capital will perform in the Tula region. - Svetlana Zhavoronkova and Electric group Soul. This year, at the Yasnaya Polyana House of Culture, we celebrated Christmas with them in the soul style and after that we decided to introduce the musicians to the general public. Svetlana Zhavoronkova's work is well known to Moscow jazz club regulars - she is called one of the most interesting soul vocalists in the capital, noting the authenticity of her performance style. In 2016, Svetlana became the winner of the “Rosa Khutor Jazz Estate” competition in the “Vocal” category.

By the way, ElectricSoul guitarist Yuri Novgorodsky will perform on the festival stage with another project - the group Backstage, whose musicians worked with famous Russian bluesmen - Nikolai Arutyunov and Sergei Voronov. Backstage is one of the first Russian bands to focus on the jam band format - a synthesis of blues, funk, soul, rock with a pronounced improvisational beginning.

This year, together with the anniversary of our holiday, we will celebrate another milestone - the thirtieth anniversary of the Megapolis group. This is not the first concert of the group, which is held as part of the Krapivna festival: in 2012, Megapolis closed the program of the main stage with a performance dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its creative activity. This time Oleg Nesterov and his musicians will also appear on stage as headliners.

The final chord of the festival will be the performance of the creative group Ourgentlehouse - a joint project of DJs whose experience on the Tula club scene spans two decades. Residents of the group - Dmitry Osipov (DJ Osipov M) and Grigory Barkov (DJ GriB) - will present their experimental set together with the Era Fire Theater.

In addition to the main stage, other festival venues will be waiting for guests of Krapivna on this day, which will be open until 22:00. For festival visitors, on June 3 from 10:00 a minibus will run from Moskovsky Station Square (Tula) to Krapivna. The average fare is 150 rubles; minibuses will depart as soon as they are full. You can go back from the Krapivenskaya administration building.

Reference :

The first Nettle Festival was held in 2003 on the initiative of the director of the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate, Vladimir Tolstoy. His main task was the involvement of the general public in the revival of the city of Krapivna, a former district center associated with the activities of Leo Tolstoy. Since 2007, the holiday acquired international status - from that moment on, both Russian and foreign musicians were invited to participate in it.