Recipe for sauerkraut in jars for the winter. Sauerkraut: classic recipe in a jar

We offer a recipe for sauerkraut for a 3-liter jar - the same volume that is enough for a family to enjoy a fresh, vitamin-rich dish without getting tired of it. With cranberries and beets, Korean style and Georgian style: the dish is easy to prepare every week and enjoy the variety. Let's discover the secrets of making delicious, spicy, crispy sauerkraut.

Classic sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar

Sauerkraut- originally Russian dish. You won’t find it abroad, no matter how much you look in supermarkets. But in Russia it has been eaten for many centuries, and it was cabbage that remained the main source of vitamins in winter: when boiling and stewing, the “cabbage” nutrients are destroyed, but when fermented, on the contrary, they rapidly multiply. Yes, and it is stored perfectly.

For information: vitamin P (namely, it is considered the main protector of the human immune system) in sauerkraut becomes 20 times more than in raw cabbage. Let's move from words to action. Let's learn how to ferment cabbage so that it does not taste bitter and remains crisp for a long time.

Loose, porous heads of cabbage are not suitable for fermentation; the head of cabbage should be dense; It is preferable to choose late varieties: they have more sugar, which speeds up the fermentation process; cabbage should have dense, glossy leaves without thick veins.

For the starter (based on 2 liters) prepare:

  • forks of “Slava” cabbage weighing 2-3 kg;
  • medium carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l;
  • a teaspoon of dill seeds (cumin);
  • black pepper;
  • bay leaf (optional).

First, let's chop the cabbage. Our task is to make it as thin as possible: thick pieces will take much longer to salt and the taste will be worse. You can make your work easier if you divide the head of cabbage into four parts with a sharp knife and cut each quarter separately. Grate the carrots. Add salt to cabbage. The calculation here is simple: for 1 kg of cabbage it is important to put one tbsp. l salt without a slide.

You need to buy plain salt for sourdough; It is important that it is large: extra will not work.

Now it is important to mash the cabbage with salt so that it releases some juice. Add carrots to cabbage. It is dangerous to put too many carrots. Not only will it add unnecessary sweetness, but it will also give the cabbage a bad “soapy” texture. Sprinkle the vegetables with cumin seeds, add pepper and bay leaves if you like them.

Wash the glass jar thoroughly, clean it with soda, and scald it with boiling water. Fill a glass jar with cabbage and tamp it down with force. The jar should be filled up to the shoulders, but there should be room for cabbage juice. Now we cover the jar with a lid (preferably a nylon one with holes) and leave it in the room for three days. Light bubbles that will appear on the surface and light foam will tell us that the process has started.

If the variety turns out to be low in juiciness, you can always add a little boiled salted water to the jar; It is important that the cabbage is completely immersed in the brine.

Every day we pierce it with a long stick (you can use one from sushi): this will allow bubbles of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide to come out. If you forget to pierce it, the cabbage will turn out bitter. Two or three days and it needs to be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony. The snack is ready!

This simple recipe is considered a classic. From time immemorial, mothers and grandmothers have cooked using it. It never fails, cabbage always turns out delicious. It is better to serve it with onions, fragrant sunflower oil and boiled potatoes. It's so delicious dish that no addition is required. And yes - don’t forget to cook sour cabbage soup with cabbage. A fabulous dish for winter!

Recipe for cooking in brine for the winter

Cabbage in 3 liter jar can be cooked in brine: the recipe comes in handy when there is no time to wait, but you really want cabbage. In this case, there is no need to press by hand, because the marinade will add moisture to the dish.

The ideal temperature for the fermentation process is 20-21 degrees; If the room temperature is lower, it will take longer to ferment, and if the room is too hot, the cabbage may become slimy.

We proceed in stages:

  1. Cut the white cabbage and grate the carrots.
  2. For one and a half liters of water, add a couple of tablespoons of salt, a little sugar or honey.
  3. We compact the vegetables and fill them with marinade.
  4. If desired, place bay leaves, allspice or black peas between the layers of cabbage.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid.
  6. You need to leave the jar in a warm place for 2 days and it is important to pierce it a couple of times a day wooden stick, releasing carbon dioxide.

The last stage is to move everything onto the balcony and eat, pouring fragrant sunflower oil on it.

Crispy cabbage in a 3-liter jar

Making crispy cabbage with a slight horseradish flavor for the winter is simply elementary!

We chop the vegetable in the same way as in the classic recipe, but with the difference that we will grind the cabbage and carrots with our hands at the same time until the juice is abundant. Now fill a clean three-liter jar, compacting the vegetables tightly with your fist. The jar should be filled to the shoulders. Place a cabbage leaf of a size on top of the vegetables that covers the entire surface.

Sprinkle everything generously with coarse rock salt. Fill with boiled water so that the water covers the surface of the vegetables a little more than a finger thick. We put the jar on a plate: if the juice starts to run away during fermentation, the table will not get dirty. Leave on the table for two days. After 48 hours, foam will begin to appear and it is important to remove it.

We will also pierce the cabbage with a stick several times to the very bottom of the jar, freeing it from excess carbon dioxide. The finished cabbage has a pleasant sourness, and how crunchy it is! We enjoy the dish as a salad or a side dish for meat - it’s just perfect for any meat dish with pork, remaining a gastronomic classic.

Spicy version

Spicy cabbage is a favorite snack among males. And few people know: it is extremely popular in the East. Egyptian supermarkets sell specific cabbage, pickled in pieces or whole (it all depends on the size) in company with other vegetables: beets, green beans, carrots, chili peppers.

We will prepare an option for a quick fix. To do this, add one red hot pepper, cut into slices, to the mixture of shredded cabbage and carrots. It’s better to clean the seeds, otherwise the spiciness will literally go off scale and the cabbage will turn into an eye-catcher.

Pour a liter into a jar boiled water, add a generous pinch rock salt and leave in a warm place until the fermentation process begins. After this, we wait a couple more days and put the container in the cold.

Georgian style with beets

Georgian cuisine is famous not only for khachapuri and kharcho. Georgians have a national snack that is known throughout the world, but it is easy to replicate. This is cabbage pickled with beets, spices and herbs.

Let's prepare a small fork of cabbage, three beets, two carrots, hot chili, garlic (you can have a lot!), a bunch of cilantro or celery (or you can have both), salt, sugar, vinegar and drinking water. Spices will come in handy bay leaf, black and allspice peas, salt and sugar to taste.

Prepare the snack like this:

  1. We cut the cabbage into pieces in random order, never separating them into leaves. To do this, we divide the forks into quarters, and each of them into three more parts.
  2. Chop the beets into slices (or three on a coarse grater), cut the carrots into thin rounds, and turn the garlic cloves into slices.
  3. Place cabbage rolls, beets, carrots and garlic in a bowl; you can add everything in any order.
  4. Cut the hot pepper into slices and add to the vegetables.
  5. We chop the greens coarsely or put the whole bunch - it will still give off its flavor to the cabbage.
  6. Fill everything with a hot marinade of water, spices, sugar, salt and vinegar and leave under pressure for exactly one day.

Every other day, transfer the snack to a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The result is a tasty, spicy dish, suitable for any feast, especially if served with hot potatoes.

Pickled cabbage with vinegar

Pickled cabbage with vinegar comes out spicy and tangy, somewhat reminiscent of the Korean version (read the recipe below). At the same time, you can really simplify the process significantly if you add a little vinegar essence diluted in water to the jar.

To prepare cabbage pickled with vinegar, fill a jar tightly, and then pour in one and a half liters of water with a teaspoon of acetic acid. Let it marinate for a day and take a sample. It is better to add a little sugar to this cabbage, then the taste will be harmonious and piquant.

Korean style in a 3 liter jar

Korean salads are a real hit on every table. They are the first to be eaten, and are especially wonderful when you prepare them yourself. Korean cabbage is easy to prepare from any type - white, cauliflower, Beijing and even red: the taste will be delicious every time. You can cut the cabbage however you like, be it slices or strips, there is only one secret - a special marinade.

Also for cooking we will need a pod of red hot pepper, garlic, and, ideally, a special set of spices (it is sold in supermarkets and shops with goods from Asia).

We proceed step by step:

  1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. On a long grater, grate a couple of carrots.
  3. Cut the hot pepper into rings.
  4. Heat vegetable oil (100 ml) in a frying pan.
  5. As soon as smoke appears, remove the oil from the heat and add spices to it.
  6. Place cabbage and grated carrots in layers in a bowl.
  7. Add garlic cloves and red pepper rings.
  8. Let's pour it hot vegetable oil.
  9. Add a tablespoon of vinegar 9% (more if you like sourness).
  10. Cover everything with a small plate and place a weight on top.
  11. Keep warm for 10 hours.
  12. Transfer to any glass container and refrigerate.

The Korean snack, thanks to vinegar, does not spoil for a long time. If you prepare it at the end of January, the dish will be suitable for a treat on March 8th.

How to ferment cabbage for the winter in its own juice?

Ferment the cabbage in own juice It’s easy if you don’t add boiled water to the mixture of carrots and cabbage, but leave it to brew and wait for the component to release a lot of juice. The recipe is very simple and completely repeats classic version, although in in this case You'll have to knead it harder with your hands. Mnead and repeat the sequence from the first recipe.

Cabbage juice from cabbage pickled in its own juice is an excellent skin whitening product; It also heals the gastric mucosa and can be safely drunk on an empty stomach.

Be careful: it is important to carefully monitor cabbage in its own juice, not allowing it to ferment. As soon as the fermentation process has begun, you need to wait a day and put it away in the cold, otherwise it will peroxidize.

Hot method

Hot-pickled cabbage is a unique variation winter salad. Its great advantage is the speed of preparation. Made it in the evening, and the next day serve it for dinner, for example, as an addition to pea or chicken soup. The appetizer perfectly complements the bland thick soups. She can also be a great ally. stewed potatoes: for such a feast, sometimes you don’t need meat.

There are no difficulties. We prepare everything as in the classic recipe. Just put a few cloves of garlic between the layers of cabbage. All that remains is to pour in hot brine.

For the correct marinade, follow the proportions:

  • salt and sugar - 2 tsp each. without slide;
  • vinegar 9% – 3 tbsp. l. (a little more if you like a spicy taste);
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • liter of water;
  • you can add any spices to your taste.

Boil water on the stove, season with salt, sugar, add vinegar and vegetable oil. Pour the hot brine into the jar with cabbage. Cover loosely with a nylon lid. We leave it on the kitchen table. After a few hours, we take a sample - you should like the spicy and pungent cabbage.

Kvasim with cranberries

Crispy cabbage with cranberries used to be served all the time. This is a real vitamin bomb: both cranberries and cabbage are simply record holders for vitamin C content. We will need no more than 150 g of cranberries per 3-liter jar. By the way, it is quite possible to take frozen berries rather than fresh ones - the cabbage will not be damaged by this.

An important ingredient of the recipe is natural honey; it needs to be put 3 tbsp. l; You will hardly notice any sweetness, but the taste of sauerkraut will become much richer.

  1. Finely chop the cabbage and three carrots.
  2. Mash cabbage and carrots on a cutting board (preferably wooden).
  3. Place the cabbage and cranberries in the jar in the following sequence: a layer of cabbage and carrots, a layer of berries, a layer of cabbage, a layer of berries, and so on until the end of the jar.
  4. The last layer is necessarily cabbage.
  5. In this case, you cannot crush the cabbage with force: the berries must remain intact.

It is not necessary to add bay leaves and peppercorns: the cabbage will already turn out amazingly tasty. It is eaten separately, as the snack is self-sufficient and does not need any additions. Cabbage is an ideal side dish for baked goose, duck and chicken.

Sauerkraut is a budget dish and you can cook it all year round. Some housewives are actively experimenting. There are fans of cabbage sauerkraut with sour apples (the Antonovka variety is ideal), and there are those who ferment cabbage with black and red currants. We are sure that every housewife has a signature recipe that she inherited from her grandmother. You too can experiment and pamper your loved ones with a tasty and healthy winter dish.

Cabbage, whether fresh, pickled or canned, is the main component of many quick recipes for the autumn-winter diet. We offer a simple recipe for sauerkraut in jars for the winter, which will help out at any time. The method of preparing such a preparation is simple, does not require significant time or financial investments, but the result is above all praise.

The easiest way to serve sauerkraut is to add thinly sliced onions and season with sunflower oil, it is better if it is unrefined, with the smell of seeds. As for the rest, it all depends on your imagination - green peas, fresh tomatoes, boiled potatoes, apples, give an excellent taste combination with sauerkraut.

What is needed to make sauerkraut?

The set of products and available tools is elementary. Based on the volume of one 3-liter jar, you will need:

  • fresh white cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • salt – 150 gr.;
  • sugar – 100 gr.;
  • large basin (plastic or enamel),
  • sharp shredding knife,
  • long wooden stick
  • cutting board;
  • three liter jars.

How much cabbage is needed for canning? A large head of cabbage or several small ones – it doesn’t matter at all; their total mass should be at least 3.5-4 kg. Choose cabbage with dense and juicy leaves; they will give the juice required for preservation.

Do sauerkraut jars need to be sterilized? Yes, it is better to sterilize them by washing them thoroughly first.

How to easily prepare sauerkraut for the winter in 3-liter jars

  1. Chop the cabbage into strips 4-5 mm wide. If you cut it thinner, the cabbage will lose its crunch and become soft.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Place the vegetable mixture in a bowl, add salt and sugar. Then, with clean hands, mash the cabbage while mixing it with the salt. Don't overdo it; the goal in this process is to distribute the salt evenly.
  4. Place the cabbage in portions into a clean, dry jar, squeezing it thoroughly with your hand. Once the jar is filled, place it in a bowl and cover with a lid. Attention! Keyword– cover without closing, so that the juice can freely come out and flow down the jar. Wash it off daily. The jar should remain in this position at room temperature for at least 2-3 days, until all the excess liquid is released.
  5. 2-3 times a day, use a clean long wooden stick to pierce the cabbage to the very bottom of the jar. Taste the juice that comes out; its taste should be salty-sweet, with a pronounced salty edge. This means that you did everything right.

Is cabbage juice no longer coming out? This means the sauerkraut is ready. Close the 3-liter jars with a regular nylon lid and send them to a cool place. A cellar is perfect for this purpose. The prepared product will be stored for a very long time.

Previously, in villages, cabbage was fermented in tubs and barrels, which were stored in the cellar, buried 30 - 40 cm into the ground. Nowadays, not everyone has a cellar or a pit, and the most popular way has become to ferment it in jars. With this method, you can store the workpiece in the refrigerator. And you can cook as much as you want.

Salted, eaten and ready to prepare the next batch. Moreover, there are very quick ways pickling. So, if you ferment it using brine, then after two to three days you can already eat it.

There is such a popular joke - the saying “Cabbage is a nice appetizer: it’s not a shame to serve it, and it’s not a pity to eat it!” But if we talk seriously, then really, at least festive table Serve such a snack, even if you eat it every day, it always comes in handy.

So let's cook!

Crispy cabbage, pickled in a jar in its own juice for three days

This recipe makes delicious crispy sauerkraut. You can ferment it just like that, without any additives. You can also add apples. Moreover, do not lay them out entirely, but cut them into cubes or small slices.

In this case, they will taste like slightly sour pineapples. I still can’t understand how this happens. But something happens there that apples acquire such an unusual taste.

  • cabbage - 2 kg (or a little more)
  • apples - 2 pcs (medium)
  • carrots - 2 pcs (small)
  • lemon juice
  • salt - 60 g (2 heaped tablespoons)


1. Prepare a head of cabbage. Remove the top outer leaves from it, rinse with cold water, holding it with the leaves down, then dry with napkins or a towel.

You don’t have to do this if it’s clean, especially if it’s your own, grown in your own garden.

2. Cut it into thin strips. If there is a special shredder, that would be great. It won’t be difficult to chop vegetables with it. And the quality of cutting will exceed all expectations.

3. Pour the slices into a large bowl, add salt and lightly mash the contents until the chopped vegetable is moistened.

For any fermentation method, use non-iodized salt of medium or coarse grinding, without any flavoring additives. Also, do not use extra fine salt.

4. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Pour half into a bowl and mix everything together. There is no need to press anymore. Slightly moist and salty, it will help the carrots begin to release juice as well. But the color of the workpiece will remain light.

5. Peel the apples (although you can leave the skin on) and core. Then cut them into small slices with a side of 1.5 cm, or cubes 1.5 - 2 cm in size. Sprinkle with lemon juice so that they do not darken.

6. Add them and the remaining carrots to the bowl and mix everything again.

7. Wash the jar with soda and scald with boiling water.

8. Place the chopped mass into it, pressing down each layer with your fist. That is, it should lie quite tightly. Do not spread it all the way to the neck, leave a little space. When it releases the juice, it is necessary that it covers it all. The cut should be completely in brine.

9. Place the jar in a deep bowl and leave in this position for three days at room temperature. At the same time, pierce the contents with a wooden stick every day three to four times a day.

This way we will release the gas formed inside the jar. Since the contents are compacted, it will be extremely difficult for him to get out of there without your help. And if you leave it there, the product will taste slightly bitter.

Also make sure that the juice covers the entire contents of the jar. A lot of it will be formed from the fermentation processes occurring inside. And it will drain into the bowl.

After piercing the contents of the jar several times and seeing that there is little juice left in it, the juice can be poured directly from the bowl. That is, from where it flowed.

10. After 3 days, the jar should be wiped with a dry cloth, closed with a nylon lid and placed in the refrigerator or cellar. It should be stored at a temperature no higher than 4 degrees.

And what do you think, the taste of the preparation turned out to be simply amazing, and the most interesting thing is that the apples will actually taste slightly like pineapples.

The recipe is very simple and very tasty. Try cooking according to it, and then you can judge it yourself.

Instant cabbage, pickled in brine with vinegar

We will need (for a three-liter jar):

  • white cabbage - 2 kg (or a little less)
  • carrots - 300 gr
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 teaspoon
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 9 pcs
  • aspirin - 3 tablets

If desired, you can add garlic, but a little, just to add a light aroma and taste. One or two small cloves will be enough.

For the brine:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide


1. Peel the vegetable from the top leaves. The juicier it is, the tastier it will be. Although this recipe is also suitable if you bought heads of cabbage with thick, not very juicy leaves.

Nowadays such varieties can often be found on store shelves. It is not suitable for ordinary fermentation, since it contains little juice to begin the fermentation process.

And in this recipe we will use brine, or as it is also called brine. Therefore, it will provide the liquid component necessary for the process.

Cut the vegetable into strips using a knife, or you can use a special shredder.

Place the chopped product in a large bowl or basin. That is, in a container of sufficient volume in which it will be convenient to mix it.

2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. I indicated that 300 grams of vegetables are needed, but this is an approximate amount. There are fans who add very little carrots. This is also acceptable.

Carrots are also mainly needed to start the fermentation process, as they contain sugar. But in today's version, we will also contain sugar in the brine. Therefore, the amount of orange vegetable can be safely reduced.

You can add only 100 or 200 grams of carrots. Then the snack will turn out lighter.

3. Add grated carrots and mix the contents, lightly pressing the vegetables. There is no need to knead them, but only lightly press them down, as if mixing the mass with some pressure. This way the snack will turn out not only tasty, but also crispy.

4. We must have the jars washed in advance. It’s even better and more correct to sterilize them, or simply scald them with boiling water.

5. Prepare the brine. To do this, boil a liter of water and add salt and sugar to it. Carefully, so as not to burst the jar, pour the brine into it. To do this, you can place a tablespoon in an empty jar and pour the brine through it.

And there is another way to prevent the jar from bursting from the heat. When using it, you just need to place a knife blade under the bottom of an empty jar.

That is, you will need to pour hot brine into the jar, the whole liter at once.

6. And immediately put an aspirin tablet, one small bay leaf and three black peppercorns into it.

They are all similar, although they have special differences. The peculiarity of today's recipe is that the appetizer can be prepared without vinegar, that is, simply fermented. Which will be no less tasty, and also healthy. By the way, this is quite easy to do. The fermentation time in this case will be from 3 to 4 days, depending on the air temperature in the room where it will be located.

You can ferment it in both three-liter and liter jars. That is, in a way that will be convenient to store. After it has fermented, it will need to be stored in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

We will need (for 2 liter jars):

  • white cabbage – 1.5 kg
  • peeled carrots – 300 gr
  • peeled beets – 300 gr
  • garlic – 1 – 2 cloves (to taste)

For the brine:

  • water – 1 liter
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • coriander – 0.5 tsp


As in previous recipes, choose a head of cabbage white, juicy and tight.

1. Remove the top leaves. If you need to rinse the forks in water, then this must be done. Rinse it, holding it by the stalk so that water does not get between the leaves. Then let the water drain and wipe the head of cabbage with a napkin.

Cut into two parts and remove the stalk.

2. Cut the vegetable into large pieces about 4 - 5 cm thick.

3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

4. Also grate the beets on a coarse grater.

Sometimes vegetables are also cut quite large, but in this case the fermentation time will take a little longer. Large pieces will ferment much more slowly. And if you grate the vegetables, you can eat the prepared snack already on the 3rd – 4th day.

5. Chop the garlic using a press, or you can simply chop it finely with a knife. If you don’t really like garlic in a dish, then add only one clove to add flavor and aroma. If you like it, then you can add two or even three cloves.

However, you shouldn’t get carried away with this, so as not to interrupt the main taste.

6. Wash the jars and scald with boiling water. Let the water drain.

7. Start filling them in layers. Place the first layer of garlic. If you use two liter jars, then divide the amount into two servings. And put equal shares into each of them.

8. Then add some beets.

9. The next layer is carrot. We also make it not very large, measuring the amount per “eye”.

10. Then carefully lay out the cabbage in pieces. You can try to lay out the whole pieces straight, but nothing bad will happen if the pieces fall apart.

We compact each layer slightly, but not too much. So that the brine can penetrate inside each layer.

11. Then add carrots and beets again. Then it’s time for a new layer of cabbage. And so on until we completely fill the entire jar. It is better that the last layer is the cabbage layer.

Do not fill to the very top, leave room for brine.

12. The brine can be prepared in advance so that it has time to cool. To do this, boil water. Add to it required quantity salt and sugar, as well as coriander seed. Let simmer for 5 minutes so that the spice imparts its taste and aroma to the pouring.

Allow the brine to cool and pour the contents of the jars with cold water.

Prepare a wooden stick or something sharp in advance. You can use a regular kebab skewer. By slowly piercing the contents of the jars, the brine will flow inside.

13. Place the jars in a deep container. Cover the top with a sheet and you can place a glass of water on it.

The entire time the contents are fermenting, everything should be completely in brine. And it may take 3 to 4 days. The very next day you can see that signs of fermentation appear on the surface.

The juice will begin to flow out, and small bubbles will appear on top.

14. To make the fermentation process go faster, you need to keep it for 3 – 4 days at room temperature.

At the same time, pierce the contents of the jars with something sharp until the very day. A Chinese stick, or again a skewer, is excellent for this task.

It is imperative to do this, otherwise it will acquire a bitter taste. The fact is that a gas will form inside, which, in contact with the natural, slightly bitter taste of the vegetable, can give the same taste to the entire snack as a whole.

That is why the gas needs to be released. If juice leaks out, do not pour it out, but add it back, if necessary. The contents of the jars should always be covered with brine.

15. When the fermentation process ends, and you will see this when new bubbles stop forming, that is, the product “calms down,” then the jars will need to be stored in a cold place. In an apartment this can be either a refrigerator or a cold loggia.

Store with the lid closed; a regular nylon lid will do.

Video on how to ferment delicious crispy cabbage in jars

And based on this recipe, you will not only be able to always prepare a delicious preparation according to classic recipe with pickle, but also see everything important points, how and what happens during the processes of fermentation and pickling.

After all, there are a lot of recipes, but the essence is the same. And our task is to ensure that the processes are launched and completed successfully. And also in time to remove our workpiece for storage in the cold.

This video will help you. After watching it, you will be able to use the knowledge gained in any of the recipes offered today.

So everything is not difficult at all. And of course, such preparation for the winter cannot be compared with store-bought analogues. When there is such a treasured jar in the refrigerator delicious preparation There is no need to be afraid that the family will remain hungry. By simply boiling potatoes and making a light salad with onions and vegetable oil, you can quickly and easily set the table.

Recipe for crispy sauerkraut in brine with honey

Our beauty can be fermented only with the addition of salt, or you can add sugar. But sometimes honey is used instead of sugar, and this always adds even more flavor to the preparation for the winter. And using brine will keep our preparation crispy.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • cabbage – 2 – 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.

For brine (per 1 liter of water):

  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons


As always, choose a tight head of cabbage with light green leaves for pickling. The larger it is, the juicier it is. Try to choose exactly this one.

Although this method preparation will help to ferment non-juicy varieties. We will use a method in which it will be fermented not only in its own juice, but also with the help of brine.

1. Peel the vegetable from the upper outer leaves. Rinse the head of cabbage and dry it with a napkin or paper towels.

2. Cut the head of cabbage into several parts, leaving the stalk intact. Then you can simply throw it away. Then chop it into thin strips, as thin as possible. If you have a shredder, use it. And if not, then don’t rush, cut very thinly. The better this is done, the tastier the result will be.

3. Place the chopped product in a basin and lightly mash it if it is too hard. Don't do it too hard. If you overdo it, it may turn out soft. Particularly juicy varieties don’t even need to be crushed by hand. Already when cutting you can see that this is not required.

4. Try to choose carrots with a flat, blunt nose; they are juicier and sweeter. Varieties with an elongated spout are inferior in juiciness, and if you have a choice, it is better to use the first option.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.

5. Add carrots and mix everything with your hands. There is no need to crush it anymore, and there is no need to press it either.

6. The snack can be obtained either with a small amount of juice formed or without it at all. Don't let this bother you. It depends on the type of vegetable chosen.

Place the mixture in a jar. There is no need to tamp down too hard, just press down lightly with your fist. Don't forget that we will also have brine, which will participate in the salting.

7. There is no need to fill the jar to the very top. You need to leave room for the brine. Throughout the entire fermentation process, it should completely cover the entire contents of the jar.

8. Prepare the brine. To do this, boil a liter of water and add a large tablespoon of salt to it. Then cool the brine to a slightly warm state and stir honey in it. It is not recommended to mix honey in hot brine, as it loses all its beneficial qualities at high temperatures.

9. Then you should wait until the brine has cooled completely.

10. Slowly pour it into the jar.

Since the vegetable mass lies quite tightly, it will be difficult for it to go inside, and it will be even more difficult for it to reach the bottom. Therefore, he needs help. And to help us we will need a Chinese stick or other sharp device. Something sharp so that it can easily pierce the whole dense layer to the very bottom.

With this action, the juice will penetrate lower and lower. And soon you can lightly add it, then again help it penetrate into the middle with a stick.

And so on until the brine covers the entire contents. It will need to be poured right up to the neck.

11. And so that it does not leak out onto the table, the jar will need to be placed in a deep bowl. In which it will remain throughout the entire fermentation process.

12. Leave the jar in this position for 2 - 3 days. The time will depend on the room temperature. As a rule, it takes 3 days, this is at normal room temperature.

The jar needs to be covered either with the back of a nylon lid or with gauze. The main thing is to allow the fermentation process to take place and the resulting juice to flow freely.

During this period, you should pierce the contents of the jar with a stick three to four times a day. This will allow the gases accumulated inside to escape. Which in turn will prevent our preparation from bitter taste.

13. Also during this time you need to make sure that it is always covered with brine. When the fermentation process takes place, the juice will actively flow out of the jar. Don’t pour it out, it’s just that there won’t be enough of it there. Then it will be possible to add it, as much as needed.

14. When the allotted time is up and the workpiece is ready for use, that is, after about 3 days, you will need to add the juice that has leaked into the bowl into the jar and close it with a nylon lid. Wipe the jar itself and put it in the refrigerator. And whoever has a basement can store it there too.

If cabbage is fermented correctly, it can be stored for a long time and well. It will remain crispy and tasty for the entire shelf life.

It can be used in for various purposes- simply like a salad, seasoned with onions and flavored with butter, as well as for preparing cabbage soup and borscht, and of course main courses.

Crispy sauerkraut with cold water in jars

You can ferment vegetables simply by using cold water, straight from the tap, but not chlorinated. This is suitable for those who have their own well in the house, and water is supplied to the house using a pump. Water, of course, must be tested in a laboratory for its quality. Of course, I cannot judge the quality of water running in every home, but I will say that it is better to use filtered or purchased water.

Although, if you doubt this method, or the quality of the water, you can boil it in advance and cool it to room temperature.

This recipe makes the appetizer incredibly tasty and incredibly crispy. And the recipe itself is so simple that anyone, even someone completely ignorant of cooking, can make sauerkraut using it.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • white cabbage - 2 - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 300 gr
  • salt - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide


In each of the recipes I remind you that you should be especially careful when choosing a head of cabbage. It should be juicy and ripe. When you cut it into two halves, it bursts at the touch of a knife. Its color should be more white than green.

I like tight, large heads of cabbage, slightly “touched” by the first frosts. These are the ones you should try to buy for making crispy stuffing.

1. Cut the head of cabbage into two to four parts, whichever is more convenient for you, and cut each part into small strips. You can use any shredding device, or you can simply finely chop the vegetable with a sharp knife.

Place everything in a large bowl, in which it will be convenient to mix all the ingredients.

2. Peel the carrots, rinse, dry and grate on a coarse grater. Add to the bowl and stir. There is no need to mash, this is exactly what will allow you to get a delicious crispy snack. Simply mix everything evenly.

3. Fill a jar that has been previously washed and scalded with boiling water with the resulting vegetable mass. We lay it quite tightly, without compacting it. It is enough just to lightly press down the vegetables with your fist.

Vegetables should lie tightly enough, but not so tightly that water cannot penetrate inside. After all, the water will spread the added salt and sugar, and this will allow the snack to ferment well.

There is no need to fill to the very top, leave a little free space so that there is a place where the juice “wanders”.

4. Add salt and sugar and fill everything with water. It will pass, but with a little difficulty. You can help her with this. To do this, you just need to take a wooden skewer, or Chinese chopstick and pierce the contents in several places. The water will penetrate deeper and will need to be added again. Then pierce the vegetable mass again with a stick and add water again.

And so on until the water completely covers the entire vegetable mass.

Throughout the entire further process, both fermentation and storage, it should always be completely covered with brine. If it is left without liquid, then it quickly becomes covered with mold, which, although it only forms on top, spoils the entire taste. In addition, mold fungi contribute to the softening of the entire mass, which makes it practically inedible.

5. Now you can put the jar with the contents in a deep bowl and leave it there for two to three days at room temperature. Within 10 - 12 hours, fermentation processes will begin. From now on, the cabbage needs to be pierced with a wooden stick to the very bottom three to four times a day. Thereby releasing the gas bubbles inside.

It would seem that these bubbles contribute to faster fermentation. But no, lingering inside, they spoil the taste of the snack as a whole, making it slightly bitter. But this is not the kind of snack we would like to get, so we don’t need to forget about it. Walk past it, pierce it several times. It's not difficult at all, and it doesn't take long. But definitely!

6. While it is standing, the jar can be covered with the back of a nylon lid or simply with gauze folded in several layers. It will ferment for two to three days, and therefore by covering it, you can protect the contents from dust and dirt.

Cooking time depends on the room temperature; the warmer it is in the kitchen, the less time it will take (about two days).

Don't let it ferment more than necessary. It will sour, soften, and it will be almost impossible to eat such a snack.

During fermentation, the brine will drain into the bowl provided. It will need to be added back, especially if there is suddenly not enough juice. During this period, ensure that the contents of the jar are always under a layer of brine. Even if suddenly after 12 hours you see that all of it has penetrated inside and the surface is without liquid, you can simply add more water.

7. The readiness of the workpiece can be determined by tasting it. But in any case, try not to keep it at room temperature for more than three days. It should be stored by topping up the brine from the bowl and covering it tightly with a nylon lid.

Wipe the jar with a damp cloth and put it in the refrigerator. You can use the finished product in any form, both as salads and as preparation of first and second courses.

In fact, it is impossible to describe all recipes for cooking in jars. There are a great many of their options and variations. And it happens that you try a lot of them, and only then will you find yours - one that suits your taste and preparation. Today I only offered those recipes that, in my opinion, are the most interesting in this category.

I plan to continue to share various recipes, which can be prepared both in jars and without them. And if in today’s selection, and in the links that are in the article, you cannot find “the same one...”, then maybe in one of the subsequent articles on this topic, I will be able to guess what you might like.

And in conclusion, some interesting information.

Exists popular belief that it is necessary to ferment vegetables during the waxing moon. People also say that you can’t ferment it on Sunday, but it’s best to do it on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

That is, on those days that have the letter “R” in their name. Likewise, the waxing Moon, if you place a stick on the semicircle, looks like the same letter. But if it looks like the letter “C,” it means it’s old. And work should be postponed.

And most importantly, you need to ferment cabbage that has been picked up by the first frost, choosing a head that is tight, juicy, and with light leaves.

IN last article there was a lot of discussion on this topic, and a lot useful tips can be found in it. Therefore, be sure to read them. And so. I won't repeat myself here.

What's winter without sauerkraut?!! This is delicious food different types, and vitamins, and treats! So let it be on your tables and delight you with its wonderful taste!

Bon appetit!

Is sauerkraut. Recipes for a 3-liter jar are quite simple, and preparation does not take much time. But as a result of efforts, the result is not only tasty, but also very healthy dish that anyone can cook. The main thing is to follow proportions and basic rules. On at the moment There is a recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with beets, carrots, onions and, of course, in cold brine. All these dishes are incredibly tasty and look very appetizing.

Recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar for the winter

Almost every housewife knows the recipe for this snack. In addition to the traditional method, there are many others, for example with beets or apples. So, how is classic sauerkraut prepared? The recipe for a 3-liter jar requires the following ingredients for preparation:

  1. White cabbage - 3 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 3 pieces.
  3. Sugar - 2.5 teaspoons.
  4. Salt - a few tablespoons.
  5. Water - 1 liter.

How to cook

First, you should clean the cabbage from bad leaves, and then finely chop it, preferably into thin strips. The carrots should also be chopped. This is best done using a coarse grater. The vegetables must be mixed well and then transferred to a container. For fermentation, you can use not only three-liter jars, but also barrels, buckets and tubs. The main thing is that the container is not made of metal.

When the vegetables are prepared, you can start preparing the brine. To do this, pour all the water into a deep container, and then add granulated sugar and salt. The saucepan with the solution must be put on fire and boiled. The finished brine should be removed from the heat. The marinade must cool completely.

When the liquid has cooled, you need to pour it into a container with vegetables. The container with cabbage should be covered with a lid, preferably very tightly, and left for three days in a warm room. You should stir during the process. This is how it is prepared classic cabbage pickled. Recipes for a 3-liter jar may differ in several components. However, the result is a very tasty and original snack.

Recipe for sourdough cabbage with beets

The recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with brine and beets is very good, and the dish will appeal to everyone who prefers unusual, but easy-to-prepare snacks. In this case you will need:

Basic cooking steps

In this case, there is no need to chop the cabbage. It's better to divide it into squares. To do this, the head of cabbage needs to be cut into two equal parts. Each half must be divided into 4 more pieces. Each part should be cut in half and crosswise. The result should be squares.

Fresh beets should be thoroughly peeled, washed, and then cut into thin slices. All vegetables need to be mixed. Now you can prepare the brine. To do this, pour water into a deep fireproof container and then bring it to a boil. Then you can add salt, spices and sugar. The brine needs to be boiled for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, you need to add table vinegar. Boil the brine for another 1 minute.

Vegetables must be placed in jars and filled with prepared marinade. For the fermentation process to be successful, the cabbage and beets should be left in a warm room for about 4 days.

That's all. Ready for a 3-liter jar can be completely different. But the taste of the snack is simply unique. You can serve sauerkraut cooked with beets in pure form or seasoned with vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut with apples

This recipe is almost no different from the classic one. This snack includes a sour apple, which gives the dish a little piquancy. To prepare sauerkraut using this method you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 and a half kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 100 grams.
  3. Sour apples - 150 grams.
  4. Salt - 65 grams.

Cooking steps

The recipe for sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar with sour apples differs from the classic one in just a few components. First you need to prepare the vegetables. Cabbage and carrots need to be peeled and washed if necessary. After this, all the vegetables should be finely chopped. It is better to chop the cabbage into thin strips, and fresh carrots on a coarse grater.

Apples also need to be peeled. First, you need to remove the core and seeds from them. After this, the apples should be cut into slices. All chopped vegetables must be mixed in a deep container. You also need to add salt here. All components should be thoroughly ground so that juice appears. It's best to do this by hand.

After this, you need to add apples to the appetizer and mix again. The resulting mixture should be distributed tightly into jars. If the cabbage is fermented in a bucket or barrel, then you should press everything down with a weight on top.

The cabbage should be left in the room for a day and then moved to a cooler place. After 6 days the appetizer will be ready. You can make a good salad from it with herbs and vegetable oil. This dish is ideal with boiled potatoes.

Crispy sauerkraut recipe

To prepare this snack you will need:

  1. White cabbage - 2 kilograms.
  2. Carrots - 1 piece.
  3. Salt - one tablespoon.
  4. Bay leaves - 4 pieces.
  5. Black pepper - 10 peas.

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the vegetables. It is better to chop the cabbage into very thin strips, and grate the fresh carrots on a coarse grater. Prepared vegetables should be mixed in a deep container.

Place a bay leaf on the bottom of each jar. This can also be done after the first layer of vegetables. The containers need to be filled with cabbage. In this case, each layer must be carefully compacted.

Now you can prepare the brine. To do this, pour water into the container and bring it to a boil. You also need to add salt here. The finished brine can be removed from the heat and cooled. The marinade should be poured into jars with vegetables. In this case, you need to make sure that all the air comes out of the cabbage.

Now the jars can be placed in a warm place. A day later, the fermentation process will begin. From this point on, the cabbage must be stirred regularly. A few days later delicious snack will be ready. If the room temperature is low, it may take longer. But in the end it turns out sour and there are completely different varieties for a 3-liter jar. However, real sauerkraut is prepared without adding water and vinegar.