KVN game theme: “Young nature experts. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Environmental KVN in the senior group


· Create conditions for good competition and a creative environment for team competitions.

· Expand children's knowledge about plants native land.

· Learn to compete, guess riddles about nature.

· Develop intelligence mental capacity, endurance and patience.

· Bring up careful attitude to nature.

· Promote friendly relationships in teams.

· Call positive attitude to entertainment in the form of KVN and good mood.

Progress of entertainment.

Leading: Today we have KVN “Experts of the Nature of the Urals”. And the one who knows our forest best came to visit us - this is Grandfather AU.

Grandfather. Yes, yes, hello guys. I love our Ural forest and cherish its wealth. And if someone comes into the forest to be naughty, I scare him and drive him out! But I think these guys love the forest, love its inhabitants and know a lot about the green wealth of the planet.

Leading. Grandfather AU, the guys really love the forest, the nature of the Urals, and today they will show you their knowledge. We will hold KVN, and you will be not only a guest, but also a member of the jury.

Jury presentation.

Leading. I present the teams: “Mushrooms” is your motto:

The motto of the team "Mushrooms"».

We are saffron milk caps and mushrooms, chanterelles and honey mushrooms

We will win today, go, go, guys!

Leading. And now the presentation of the “Flowers” ​​team

The motto of the team is “Flowers”.

We are flowers, just cool,

Defeat us!

On the chests of the children of the team members there are emblems: mushrooms and flowers..

Leading. So, let's start our KVN. I think friendship will help you win.

Song "Strong Friendship"

Music by B. Savelyev lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky

Leading. The first competition is a warm-up for the mind.

Competition: “Riddles about nature”

1. “The sisters are standing in the field -

Yellow eye, white eyelashes (daisies)

2. “White cotton wool is floating somewhere” (clouds)

3. “Many arms, one leg” (tree)

4. “What is my name - tell me:

I often hide in the rye.

Modest wild flower, blue-eyed... (cornflower)

5. “A colored rocker hanging over the river” (rainbow)

6. “Without arms, without legs, but the gate opens” (wind)

7. “No windows, no doors, a room full of people” (cucumber)

8. “It grows upside down, it grows not in summer, but in winter” (icicle)

9. “The doctor grew up by the road, he heals sick legs” (plantain)

10. “The girl is holding a cloud on a stem in her hand.

Just blow on it and nothing will happen” (dandelion)

Leading. So our first competition has passed and while the jury sums up the results, we will play.

Game "Who is faster"

Progress of the game. Children stand in two teams.

The hoops contain spruce and pine cones. One team must choose fir cones and bring them into a bucket. Another team carries pine cones.

The winner is the team that quickly brings their cones and puts them in a bucket.

The jury's word.

Leading. Well, since we’re talking about trees, the next competition is for captains to also learn about our trees.

Captains competition“Know a tree by its seeds and fruit.”

Each captain is given a set of natural materials on a tray. He must approach the jury with a tray and answer the jury’s question and name the trees.

Natural material: rowan fruits, maple flakes, chestnuts, birch seeds and catkins, etc.

Competition: “Collect a picture.”

You need to assemble a picture from the parts, based on the sample. 2 participants from each team are invited.

Team pictures:

- Butterfly

- Ladybug

- Coltsfoot

— Bells

Leading. Our jury will evaluate two competitions: the captains competition and the “collect a picture” competition, and we will dance a little. Grandfather AU loves this dance very much, and he will dance it with us.

Grandpa AU. Please me with a round dance, otherwise I’ve been sitting on the jury too long.

Round dance “On the mountain is viburnum”

The jury's word.

Grandfather AU. And I will give the next task to the children. Here are pictures of different plants. Only a few germinate in the far south, and some here, in the Urals. Here you need to choose only plants from the Ural forests.

Competition: “Everyone knows this weed»

Progress of the competition. There are pictures on the table, players run up one by one and select the desired plant. Whose team quickly and correctly completes the task, and then answers Grandfather AU’s questions, wins.

Leading. Thank you, Grandpa AU, you ran this competition wonderfully, now rest and see how the children cope with the task.

Competition "Erudite". The team that answers the questions the fastest gets a token. Whoever has the most tokens wins the competition.

1. What bird is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker)

2. What does a hare eat in winter? (tree bark)

3. Name the tree, the symbol of Russia? (birch)

4. What is the first flower to appear in spring? (snowdrop)

5. What wild animals are very fond of fly agarics? (Moose)

7. Find the error. Migratory birds: sparrow, swallow, wagtail.

8. Find the error. The tit eats: insects, seeds, fish.

Leading. The jury sums up the results of two more competitions, and we sing a funny song.

Song “About a Frog and a Mosquito”»

Music by A. Filippenko lyrics by T. Volgina

Leading. The jury's word.

Grandpa AU. And now I want to give the guys one more task. Whose team can name the most animals living in the forests of the Urals?

Competition "Name More"

The teams take turns naming the animals, and grandfather gives tokens for the correct answer. Whoever has the most tokens wins.

Leading. Our KVN is coming to an end. While the jury is deliberating, I propose to watch the dance of the guests of our holiday.

Dance "Quadrille" program T.I. Suvorova

The jury's word.

Grandpa AU. I really liked the guys. They know a lot about the nature of their native land and therefore I give them a gift from the squirrel.

There are chocolate nuts in the basket.

Leading. And the jury gives the kids diplomas for participation in KVN.


Kaplunova I. A holiday every day. - St. Petersburg: Composer, 2008

Suvorova T.I. Dance rhythm. - St. Petersburg: Musical palette, 2005

Title: KVN entertainment for preparatory and senior groups “Experts of the nature of the Urals”

Job title: musical director
Place of work: MKDOU No. 13 “Teremok”
Location: GO ZATO village Svobodny, Sverdlovsk region

Abstract of the environmental KVN for children of the senior group and parents “Connoisseurs of Nature”

Ryazanova Anastasia Viktorovna, teacher of the first qualification category of the preschool educational institution " Child Center development of the "Greenhouse" in the city of Obninsk.
Description of material: This material designed for older children cognitive development. It will be useful for preschool teachers and parents.
Target: To promote the role of the family in instilling in children a love of nature.
- To form an idea of ​​the relationship of plants and animals with each other and
with their habitat.
- Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about the diversity of the world around them
joint activities with parents.
- Consolidate knowledge of environmental signs, rules of behavior in nature,
signs, proverbs, ability to create food chains.
- Develop intelligence logical thinking, erudition, attention,
observation, ingenuity, creativity, ability to establish
cause-and-effect relationships, ability to conduct experiments, work in a group,
negotiate, take into account the partner’s opinion and defend your opinion.
- Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals
game, love for nature, respect for it.
Material: logos for teams, certificates for awarding, “Environmental posters”, interactive whiteboard, projector, laptop, presentation, pictures of plants, animals for creating a food chain, fish scales, tweezers, magnifying glasses, 4 halves of eggshells, scissors, narrow adhesive tape, five-liter empty bottle, jugs of water every 1 liter.
Participants: older children, teachers, parents.
Preliminary work:
Choosing team names, mottos, making emblems, Christmas trees from toilet paper rolls, selecting certificates, learning proverbs, omens, learning a motto, asking riddles about nature. Conducting classes and discussions environmental themes about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book; “How to help birds in winter”; “Are trees alive in winter?” "Trees". Conducting experiments, observing changes in nature, animal tracks. Tabletop and didactic games: “Edible and inedible”, “Part and whole”, “Who eats what?”, puzzles, cut pictures, lotto “Domestic and wild animals”. Review of encyclopedias, environmental signs.
Examination of illustrations about nature: “Trees”, “Plants”, “Mushrooms”, “Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “Insects”, “Spiders”, “Fish”, “Amphibians”, “Birds”.
Reading educational literature for children. Reading fiction: I. Vinokurov “Who winters how”; M. Prishvin “Forest Floors”; N. Sladkov “Bird canteens”; I. Bunin “Blizzard”; E. Blaginina “Rowan”; S. Mikhalkov “Walk”; V. Bianchi “Forest Houses”; E. Uspensky “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter”; V. Charushin “What kind of beast”; proverbs, sayings.

KVN progress:
(Children enter the hall to the music).
Good afternoon, dear children, parents and all guests! We welcome all of you to our club of cheerful and resourceful people! Today there will be a KVN “Nature Experts” between teams of parents and children. You have to demonstrate knowledge, skills and prove that you are true experts on nature.
-What is KVN? (Answers from the guys).
Ecological KVN- this is not only an exciting game, competitions, questions with which I will test your knowledge, skills and resourcefulness, but also new knowledge.
So, today the team of parents “Rescuers” and the team of preschool children “Kapitoshka” will compete. And a jury will judge them. Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury.
For each competition the jury will award points, 1 point equals 1 chip.
Let's start the game! As per tradition, we will start with greeting the teams.
(Teams take turns presenting the names of their teams and mottos, introducing the team captain.)
"Team Greetings"
Rescue team (parents)
Give goodness to the world every day.
Give people smiles every day!
Let it be clean, beautiful and light.
Let everyone be comfortable on the planet!

Team "Kapitoshka" (children)
We are in any bad weather
Let's protect nature.
From our caring love.
The earth will become richer and more beautiful!

Dear experts, the first competition is called
Competition "Interesting Questions".
In two minutes you must give as many correct answers as possible. A sound signal will notify you of the start and end of the competition. So, are the teams ready? The parent team responds first.
Questions for the “Rescue” team:
1. What do you name a baby horse? (Foal.)
2. What do birds mainly eat? (Insects.)
3. How many years do oak trees live? (300-400 years, up to 1000 years)
4. Why does a snail need horns? (On the upper tentacles there are eyes and an organ,
replacing the nose, and on the lower organ, responsible for the sense of taste.)
5. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)
6. What is the most terrible enemy of the forest? (Forest fire.)
7. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)
8. Who carries their house on their back? (Snail.)
9. Which tree is the thickest on earth? (Baobab.)
10. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunt.)
11. Which insect has ears on its legs? (At the grasshopper.)
12. What do you call a baby sheep? (Lamb.)
13. What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback.)
14. Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)
15. Which thread is the thinnest in nature? (Web.)
16. Who is an ichthyologist? (Scientist studying fish.)
17. Who cuckoos in the cuckoo family? (Male.)
18. What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing, she's sleeping).
19. Who will change his appearance three times? (Insect: from eggs - caterpillar, pupa,
20. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? (Uphill: he has hind legs
Questions for the Kapitoshka team
1. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird.)
2. What is the name of the smallest bird? (Hummingbird)
3. Who are called deciduous plants? (Hares born in the fall.)
4. Which mushroom is the most poisonous? (Death cap.)
5. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping)
6. Why do fish have gills? (Breathe.)
7. What animals carry their young in a pouch? (Kangaroo, koala.)
8. Why do nettles sting? (Due to the content of formic acid in
"vessels" with a sharp end. Sharp neck on contact with skin
breaks off and acid gets under the skin.)
9. What is the name of an ant's house? (Anthill.)
10. What do you call a person who protects the forest and keeps order? (Forester.)
11. How many eyes does a dragonfly have? (Thousands.)
12. Which bird has a red breast? (At the bullfinch.)
13. Whose tongue is longer than the body? (Chameleon.)
14. Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal.)
15. What does a butterfly eat? (Nectar.)
16. How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)
17. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)
18. Who is called a connecting rod? (Bear.)
19. What is the name of a forest where only oaks grow? (Dubrava.)
20. Which tree is a symbol of Russia? (Birch.)
Summing up the results of the competition.
Leading: Dear experts, pay attention to the screen.
-Do you know what is most important in the world?
The slides are shown alternately on the interactive board (SUN, WATER, AIR, SOIL, PLANT, INSECT, ANIMAL, PERSON, MICROBE).
-I am the sun, I am the most important thing. Everyone needs warmth.
-I am water, I am more important. Without me you will die of thirst.
-I am air. All living things breathe. There would be no life without me. I am the most important.
-I am the soil, I am the most important. Let there be sun, air and water, but without me
nothing will grow.
-I am a plant - a decoration of the earth. I am more important than you, I grow on you.
-I am an insect, I pollinate you. Without me you will have no seeds!
-I am a hare, a herbivore, I will eat you, a plant. So I'm more important.
-I am a predator, a wolf. I'm hunting you. I am stronger and more important than you.
-I am human. I can control water and wind, plow the land, plant
plant, raise animals. And you, wolf, I can hunt.
-I am a microbe. If you, human, don't wash your hands, you will get sick. So I

In nature, everything is important, everything is interconnected, and the next competition will make sure of this.
Didactic game "Make food chains."
Each team is given pictures with which they need to create power circuits. Thinking time 3 minutes.
1. Algae – crustaceans – fish – polar bear.
2. Hazelnuts - squirrel - pine marten - owl.
3. Leaves - caterpillar - beetle - hedgehog - fox.

1. Acorns - boar - wolf.
2. Apple tree - hare - fox.
3. Grains - mouse - snake - owl.

Summing up the results of the competition.
The next competition will show how well you know the rules of behavior in nature and environmental signs.

competition "Ecological signs".
Each team receives environmental badges. Explains the meaning of each sign in turn. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly receives 3 points.
Team "Kapitoshki"
1) - Don’t pick flowers.
Did you know that humans have put 25,000 plant species at risk of extinction over the past 100 years? Among them are lilies of the valley, bells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only in the 18th year of life, and many others.
2) - Do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous ones.
Did you know that even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans are beneficial, because they provide food for some animals, and in addition, some plants cannot live without them.
3) - Don't catch butterflies.
Do you know that you should not kill any animals because they are part of our natural environment. Animals that require special protection are special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.
4) - Don’t touch bird’s nests.
Did you know that birds abandon nests that have been touched by humans and never return to that place? If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not emerge from them. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.
5) - Be careful with water.
Did you know that all living organisms need water. A healthy person drinks about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.
6) - Don’t break branches.
Did you know that plants delay great amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get sick and die. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree may dry out!
7) - Don’t destroy anthills.
Did you know that ants are forest nurses?
8) - You can’t make noise in the forest.
Did you know that you can see many interesting animals in the forest, provided you are quiet and don't scare them? Chamois, deer, and squirrel are afraid of noise.
9) - Don't leave trash.
Do you know? Soil forms very slowly: it takes hundreds and even thousands of years. And it can be destroyed very quickly.
Did you know that most garbage takes a very long time to decompose, for example:
Abandoned paper, orange peel rots – 2 years;
plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;
tin cans – from 80 to 100 years;
plastic bottles do not decompose at all!

Team "Rescue"
1) - Don’t smoke in the forest.
2) - Do not throw burning matches or cigarette butts.
There may be a fire. Fire is the enemy of the forest.
3) - Do not leave glass objects.
Animals can be injured by broken objects.
4) - Do not leave materials that are oily or saturated with flammable substances.
5) - Don’t make a fire. (In young coniferous forests, in areas of damaged forest, on peat bogs, in places with dried grass, under tree crowns.)
6) - Don't harm trees.
Did you know that man uses trees to make paper? By saving paper, you save trees from being cut down! Trees are the lungs of our planet. The forest dies when old hollow trees are cut down. Birds and bats live in the hollows of old trees. They exterminate harmful forest insects. There were no nests - there were no birds. The young forest is dying from harmful insects.
7) – Don’t litter in the forest.
8) – Don’t park vehicles outside designated areas.

What good deeds can you guys do to make our Earth a little more beautiful and cleaner? (Hang feeders, clean your yard, plant trees, make a flower bed near the entrance, whitewash the trees, tell your younger ones about the rules of behavior in nature, etc.)
Summing up the results of the competition.
Almost every day we use proverbs or sayings in our speech, as they are closely intertwined with reality. People have been accumulating this folk wisdom for centuries, and it has reached us. The proverb educates and instructs in the right actions. Let's remember some of them. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Competition “Agree on the proverb.”
You can’t take it out without difficulty... (a fish from a pond.)
He who knows how to be kind will nature... (will not destroy.)
The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out... (you won’t catch it.)
Summer is in store, and winter... (picked up.)
You'll chase two hares... (you won't catch either one.)
Love the forest, love nature, you will...(eternally dear to the people.)
Walk through the forest -... (look at your feet.)
The enemy of nature is ... (who does not protect it.)
There is a lot of forest - don’t destroy it, a little forest - take care, and... (if there is no forest - plant it.)
The forest is wealth and beauty, ... (take care of your forests.)
The price of a tree is based on its fruits, and... (a person’s price is based on their labors.)
Trees - ... (decorations of the earth.)
Summing up the results of the competition.

Every person is interested in what the weather will be like tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and in a week. However, weather forecasters are often wrong. But on our planet there are creatures who are able to predict the weather without any calculations. Scientists now name about 600 species of animals and 400 species of plants that can act as barometers, indicators of humidity, air temperature, predictors of storms, storms or good cloudless weather. We offer you a small
Blitz competition “How plants and animals predict the weather.”
We remind you of the beginning of signs of future weather, and you finish the line. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.
1. The ants are rapidly closing all the entrances to the anthill (it will rain).
2. Mosquitoes and midges hover in columns (the weather will be good).
3. The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning (wait for frost).
4. The dog curls up and lies in a ball (cold weather will set in).
5. A horse snores - (to bad weather), snorts - (to warmth).
6. Sparrows bathe in dust or in a puddle (it will rain).
7. The spider intensively weaves its web (for dry weather).
8. Swifts and swallows fly low (they foretell rain).
9. If the grass is dry in the morning (expect rain in the evening).
10. Flowers before the rain (they smell stronger).
11. Crows sit on the lower branches of trees (towards the wind).
12. The chickens clucked (there will be snow).
13. Frogs croak loudly in the evening (the weather will be warm).
14. A lot of husks on the bulbs (to be cold in winter).

Summing up the results of the competition.
And now we have to look into the laboratory and conduct some interesting experiments.
Experiment “Determine the age of the fish.”
Use a magnifying glass to examine the rings on the scales. Count the lighter, wider rings. Like annual rings on a tree trunk, rings on fish scales form one at a time per year. Rings grow fastest in the warmer months when food is plentiful. Different breeds of fish have different rings in shape and color.

"The Mighty Shell" experience.
To conduct the experiment you will need: 4 halves of eggshells, scissors, narrow adhesive tape, a five-liter empty bottle, jugs of water every 1 liter.
1. Wrap some tape around the middle of each eggshell half.
2. Using scissors, cut off the excess shell so that the edges are even.
3. Place the four halves of the shell with the dome up so that they form a square.
4. Carefully place the bottle on top, then carefully pour in water... until the shell bursts.
Add up the weight and find out how much you can put in to make the trick a success. The secret of strength is in the dome-shaped shape of the shell.

Abstract of an environmental KVN on the topic “Experts of native nature” for children in the senior group of kindergarten


Shape cognitive interest preschoolers with general underdevelopment speeches to the natural world.


Consolidate the knowledge gained in the process directly educational activities on the development of environmental ideas.
Develop logical thinking, be able to draw conclusions, inferences, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals.
Strengthen the skill of answering with a complete answer, monitor the correct pronunciation of sounds, and activate the dictionary.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations about nature: “Wild Animals”, “Domestic Animals”, “Seasons”, “Migratory Birds”.
Reading fiction: I. Vinokurov “Who Winters How”; M. Prishvin “Forest Floors”; N. Sladkov “Bird canteens”; I. Bunin “Blizzard”; E. Blaginina “Rowan”; S. Mikhalkov “Walk”; V. Bianchi “Forest Houses”; E. Uspensky “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter”; V. Charushin “What kind of beast”; proverbs.
Ecological conversations: “How to help birds in winter”; “Are trees alive in winter?” "My pet"; “How do wild animals live in the forest”; “Who is “harmful” in the forest and who is “useful”?”; "Nature and Man"; "Forest Friends Rules"


Subject pictures, task cards, hoop, skittles, balls, medals for awarding, participant emblems, music (sounds of nature).


The music sounds and the participants enter.

A child reads a poem:

If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower.
If you and I, and you all pick flowers together.
The whole planet will be empty and there will be no beauty!

Game theme

The theme of our KVN is “Connoisseurs of native nature.” Today we will take a journey into the world of nature, our KVN will reveal which of the teams is the best connoisseur of nature, and deserves the title of the most friendly, cheerful and resourceful team.

We are starting KVN!

Introducing the teams: ... (Teams present their motto, name and logo).

The teams have been determined, now allow me to introduce the jury: ... The jury will evaluate the answers and each team will be given points. We announce the start of the game!

Warm-up competition “Agree on the proverb”

Without difficulty you can’t take a fish out of... (pond)
The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out... (you won’t catch it)
You chase two hares, but you won’t catch a single one... (you won’t catch)
Without a root, wormwood cannot...(grows)
Summer is in store, and winter... (picked up)

Competition "Choose the word"

You need to choose words with the opposite meaning.

The road may be wide, or it may be...(narrow)
The wolf is a big beast, and the hedgehog... (small)
Spring can be early, but it can also be... (late)
Raspberries are sweet, and rowan berries... (bitter)
The lion is brave, and the hare... (cowardly)
It's frosty in winter, and in summer... (hot)
Butterfly is an edible mushroom, and fly agaric... (poisonous)
The tree can be tall, or it can be... (low)

Competition “Which tree is the fruit and leaf from?”

The wind blew and leaves from the trees fell to the ground. Here is an oak leaf - it is from an oak tree, and the fruit of an oak tree is an acorn. Match leaves and fruits to the trees. (The game is played around tables; each team is given two trees with fruits and leaves).

Competition "Habitat"

Pictures of water, wood, earth, grass and insects with animals are offered. Children put them in the right order and explain why they think so.

Physical exercise “Poplar-willow-spruce”

Children are given instructions:
One cotton - poplar. Children turn into a poplar - straightened arms are raised and connected above the head;
Two claps - willow, children lean to the side with their arms hanging down;
Three claps - spruce, arms down, slightly spread to the side.

Competition “Who is wired like this?”

Cards, parts of the human and animal body are offered. Children are shown cards and if it suits someone, they take it and put it in Right place. The one who closes his card first wins.

Competition "Riddles"

Not a tailor, but has been walking around with needles all his life. (Hedgehog)
A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. (Sheep)
In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)
Small legs, afraid of cats, lives in a hole, loves crusts. (Mouse)
The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden, he lives in the forest, and steals chickens in the village. (Fox)
On the ceiling, in the corner, hangs a sieve, not twisted by hand. (Web)
A rope winds, with a head at the end. (Snake)
The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does this happen? (Spring)

Competition "Entertaining Questions"

(Conducted among parents and fans).

Which animal has spines? (Hedgehog, echidna)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (Bear, badger, hedgehog)
How does birch stand out from other trees? (Trunk color)
What bird is called the forest doctor? (Woodpecker)
Who is called a connecting rod? (Bear)
Which domestic animal has horns and hooves? (Bull, cow, goat, ram, sheep,
What animal can be called long-eared? (Hare, donkey)
The bird that "turned into" ugly duck"? (Swan)

After the questions, you are asked to look at pictures of clouds (thunderstorm, cumulus, feather) and bodies of water (sea, river, lake, stream). Participants must answer the question “What is this?” (They name which clouds and what kind of body of water they are presented with).

Relay competition “Collect and Tell”

Parts of the animal and the whole picture are offered. Each team member takes a part of the animal, overcomes the obstacle, puts the part on the table, collecting it into a single whole, and runs to pass the baton to another team member. Then, when all the details are collected, the team captain writes a story according to the scheme about this animal. (Dog, fox).


In the great world
Many miracles:
Isn't it a miracle
Pensive Forest
With green grass
And wild berries?
Glitter of emerald
Wings of beetles,
Butterflies tremble
And moths -
Isn't it a miracle?

Let's ask the jury to announce the results. Let's all rejoice together for our winners. (Clap).
You understand that in order to win, you need to be friendly, smart and observant and, of course, the main thing is that you and I must love nature, help it and its inhabitants!

Now let’s move on to the most enjoyable part – the awards.

Participants are awarded “Nature Experts” medals.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Target: Continue to teach children to recognize trees and animals located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug by certain signs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Give children the joy of participating in a common holiday.

Integration:"Cognition", " Physical Culture", "Communication", "Socialization", "Security".

Preliminary work: conversations with children and compilation of albums “Animal and vegetable world Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", an exhibition of drawings and crafts made together with parents on this topic, production of models " Natural areas Russia."

KVN is held in the music room, on the central wall there is a screen with presentations, on the walls there are plants, trees, animals living in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and children's drawings.

Characters: Presenter, Lesovichok - teachers

KVN progress:

Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! I am glad to see you all at our event. Today there will be a KVN “Nature Experts” between teams

1 team "Polar Owl"

2nd team "Brown Bears"

Leading: Guys, you know to hold the game we will need a jury.

(selected by the jury)

Welcome words from the teams.

Leading: And now it's time to greet the teams

Team No. 1 Our motto:“Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!”

Team No. 2 Our motto:“We protect the beautiful nature and never offend it!”

Warm up. Teams ask each other questions about nature.

1 team: How do you understand the expression “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland”

Team 2: Why can't we destroy anthills?

Leading: Oh, guys, something is happening, I hear what that noise is, it seems like someone is coming towards us.

Lesovichok enters and walks, talking to himself.

Lesovichok: Everyone knows that nature must be protected, that it is forbidden to pick primroses in the forest, but not everyone follows the rules of behavior in nature; soon there will be no place left on our Mother Earth, neither for me, nor for the sparrow and the mouse.

Even the “complaining” Red Book of Nature, which lists many endangered species of animals and plants, does not help.

Lesovichok: I am Lesovichok - an old man.

I walk through the forest, keeping order

I help the trees and offer them berries.

Hello guys, I want to tell you riddles about my friends.

1. The guys have a green friend,

Cheerful friend, good,

He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them

And thousands of palms. (Forest)

2. They want to grow to the skies

They want to sweep the sky with branches.

So that within a year

The weather was clear. (Pine)

3. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And on needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

4. Without caring about the weather,

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch)

Lesovichok: How can you call them all in one word?

Children: Trees.

Lesovichok: That's right guys, these riddles were about trees. Today I invite you to become nature connoisseurs.

Our first competition “Connoisseurs”.

Lesovichok: Be careful when answering questions.

(1 team) Name 5 types of trees that grow in our region. (Spruce, cedar, pine, birch, rowan, larch)

(2nd team) Name 5 animals that live on our territory. (Deer, fox, hare, squirrel, bear, arctic fox)

Lesovichok: Well done, you did a good job on your first task.

We move on to the second round. Which will be called "Know-It-Alls"

We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly,

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her.

Questions for the teams

1. Which tree's leaves turn yellow earlier than others? (at the birch tree).

2. What animal’s footprint is similar to a human one? (bear).

3. What tree is capable of illuminating the world, comforting a cry, healing the sick, maintaining cleanliness (birch).

4. What bush does not know leaf fall? (cranberry)

5. Which mushroom is dangerous for humans, but beneficial for deer? (fly agaric).

6. Which northern berry is the healthiest for the eyes? (blueberry).

Lesovichok: Guys, do any of you know what nature is like? (Living, non-living).

The third round is called “Living and Inanimate Nature”.

2. There is a place on earth where you cannot turn south on all sides. What's the name of this place? (North Pole).

3. Where do day and night come from? (The earth spins like a top and puts one side then the other towards the sun).

4. List the types of precipitation? (Rain, snow, hail, dew, fog).

5. Why do we hear thunder after we see lightning? (Sound travels slower than light.)

6. What are clouds made of? (From water droplets or ice crystals).

Lesovichok: Well done guys, you did a good job.

You can find out what the next round is called by guessing the riddle: what are the names of animals that feed their young with milk? (Mammals). Right.

We move on to the fourth round, which is called “Mammals”.

Questions for the teams

2. Why do mice chew everything? (their teeth grow all the time - they need to be constantly ground down. If this is not done, the teeth will grow so large that the mouse will not be able to close its mouth, and therefore will not be able to eat).

3. Why does a squirrel have such a bushy tail? (to plan and steer when jumping from branch to branch from tree to tree).

4. What do fish eat? (algae, worms, bread crumbs)

5. What is the Red Book? (species of plants, mammals, birds, and insects that are under threat are included in it).

6. Who has babies in February? (at the bear)

Lesovichok: Well done. We completed all the tasks.

Here's a fun task

Waiting for the captains

Let's wish them good luck.

Come out! Who's ready?

Captains competition.

The captains with their eyes closed must draw some animal, the players of the other team must guess what is shown on the board.

Lesovichok: And so, let's move on to last competition, which is called “Jokes-Riddles”.

1. In which fields does grass not grow? (on the brim of the hat).

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (railway).

3. How many apples are there on a birch tree if there are eight branches on it, each branch has five apples? (there are no apples on a birch tree).

4. What comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster).

5. Can a duck call itself a bird? (no, she can't talk).

6. Can a deer say thank you? (no, he can't talk).

Lesovichok: Well done, you all completed the task and you were awarded the title “Nature Expert of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”

Awards teams with commemorative medals depicting the polar owl symbol.

Leading: Our KVN has come to an end. I suggest ending it with a song.

All children stand in a circle and sing the song by D. Lvov - Kompaneets to the words of V. Viktorov. "Wider circle"

Wider the circle, wider the circle, (Children go from the center to the circle)

Music testament holding hands.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance! (They walk in a circle to the right.)

Birds are friends in the heights, (Raises them, shakes their hands.)

The fish are friends in the depths, (They let go, shaking their hands.)

The ocean is friends with the sky, (Put their hands on each other’s shoulders.)

people are friends different countries.

The sun and spring are friends, (Sway to the beat of the music.)

The stars and the moon are friends, (Walk in a circle to the left.)

ships are friends at sea, (Converge to the center.)

Children from all over the world are friends. (Holding hands lift them up.)

Wider the circle, wider the circle, (They leave in a chain, each one waving his hand.)

Music testament

All friends, all girlfriends.

In a noisy round dance!


KVN "Nature Experts"

(V senior group)

Educator: Ozyakova Svetlana Valerievna,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15 Fairy Tale" Shumerlya Chuvash Republic

Explanatory note

Man and nature... Perhaps this topic has never been as acute as in our days, when the threat ecological crisis looms over humanity

and the problem of ecology has become a vital necessity, one of the conditions for preserving the common home for all of us - planet Earth.

Nature reacts in a unique way to the violent invasion of humans on its territory: they are rapidly disappearing from the planet. different kinds animals and plants, and the vacated spaces are filled with harmful and dangerous organisms, including pathogens.

For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. There is a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, and to instill in children a caring attitude towards it. Exactly at preschool age mastering the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the child perceives nature very emotionally, as something living. The influence of nature on a child is enormous: it greets the baby with a sea of ​​sounds and smells, secrets and riddles, makes him stop, look closely, and think. The beauty of the surrounding world gives rise to a feeling of attachment to the place where you were born and live, and, ultimately, love for the Fatherland.

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” said the Russian writer M. Prishvin.

When forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary to ensure that the child understands that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man.

Target : Systematize children’s knowledge about nature.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about animals, birds, fish, plants.

2. Clarify knowledge about the growth and development of various animals and insects.

3. Strengthen the ability to determine the weather in Chuvash folk signs.

4. Continue to improve speech as a means of communication.

5. Develop the ability to work in a team and help each other.

6. Foster interest and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials:
1. Laptop.
2. Projector.
3. Screen for projection.
4. Magnetic boards.
5. Schemes of development of a butterfly and frog.
6. A disk with slides – folk superstitions about crows and swallows.
7.Dummy vegetables and fruits. Baskets.
8. Sheets of paper with blots and markers.
9. Riddles.
10. Video riddles on how to behave in the forest.
11. Tokens for evaluation.
12. Prizes.

13 Music sounds of nature.

14. Hoops.

15. Inhabitants of water and land.


Summer: Hello guys!

I am Summer!!! I am the warmest time of the year!

My main color is green!

I give strength to plants and animals.

I help all the kids grow up and get stronger.

I have a lot of flowers and berries.

Do you want to go with me to an amusing trip?

Stand up one after another and follow me cheerfully. (Walking like a snake around the hall).

Summer: You and I came to a forest clearing. Let's take a look around. How beautiful! (The hall is decorated with flowers).

Summer: Today we came to this wonderful clearing not just to admire the beauty, but also to show our knowledge and skills about amazing nature surrounding us. I invite you to participate in an interesting and exciting game KVN called “Our Home is Nature”, about summer, about insects and birds, about flowers and trees, about berries and mushrooms, that is, about everything that surrounds us.

Summer: To conduct KVN we needdivide into 2 teams, since competitions await us at each station. Today we will have two teams - “Squirrels” and “Bear Cubs”. Look at your emblems, on the chest, who has a Beam drawn, we sit near the window, and who has a Teddy Bear, we sit near the wall. Each team chooses a captain.

The captain of the Belka team is

In the team "Bear Cubs" the captain is

A We invite our head and parents to the jury.

There is a fun game

It's called


Jokes, laughter. Question answer.

The whole world knows that game -

Well, it's time for us to start.

I want to wish you

So that you can be friends,

So that you laugh, don't be sad

So that there is no sadness,

So that all questions are answered.

Summer: 1 competition "Greetings"

The floor is given to the "Squirrels" team, and now to the "Bear Cubs" team

Team greetings


We are team squirrels

Strong and skillful

We jump deftly in the forest,

Preserving beauty.

Bear cubs

We are the bear guys

We live in a dense forest,

We see everything and know everything

And we protect nature.

The jury evaluates the competition.

Who can name the most hosts of Summer?

Summer: 2nd competition “Warm-up”

It is a blitz survey. You have one minute to answer larger number questions. The jury notifies about the beginning and end of the competition.
Questions for the Belki team

When does a squirrel store nuts? (autumn)
What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer)
What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
When in the sun White snow sparkles? (winter)
What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic)
Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (homemade)
Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby hens (chicks)

Questions for the "Bear Cubs" team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (autumn)
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
What in one word are the animals that live next to humans called? (domestic)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What do you call a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
When does river water freeze? (winter)
Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is a lion wild or domestic? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (y ladybug)
When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
What bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)

The floor is given to the jury, which announces the total score.

Summer: 3 competition. I invite the teams to go on a journey around our planet Earth. (an image is displayed on the screen)

What colors predominate on our planet? (Blue, green, yellow, brown)

Child - Most of the colors on the planet are blue - this is how Water is depicted.

Summer - And here are the droplets of water hurrying towards us with a song.

Song: (The water has its own work living water drinks...)

Child - And on the planet there is brown, green, yellow colors– this is Land (deserts, forests, mountains)

Cards with images of animals are prepared on a common tray.

The team member needs to determine which animals live in the water - a blue tray, and which animals live on land - a brown tray. Each participant takes one card and carries it to his field.

The “Squirrels” team resettles animals on land, and the “Bears” team resettles animals on the water.

Summer: 4 competition. Summer is harvest time and our next competition

« Harvest the harvest? (relay game)

Question for the Belki team Where do fruits grow? (in the garden).

Question for the Bear Cubs team Where do vegetables grow? (in the garden). The “Squirrel” team collects fruits, and the “Bear Cubs” team collects vegetables.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: 5 competition. "Environmental Challenges" (on projector)

Guys, look at the pictures of nature and characterize the behavior of children. Do they behave correctly in the forest? What would you do in this situation? (Each team has two tasks) - see appendix.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: 6th competition “How does living things grow?” - the whole team.

On the board you see different illustrations, which depict the growth and development of animals, birds, insects. It is necessary to lay out the illustrations in the required sequence; whoever completes the task faster and correctly, then that team wins. (Frog. Butterfly)

Summer: 7 competition "Artists" (For team captains)
Summer: There are blots on the sheets. Transform them into an animal or plant.

(Children draw).

Summer: And while the captains are drawing, I invite you to dance.

Dance with Flowers.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: I see that everyone is in a wonderful mood, and now questions for our guests.

Competition “I’ll make a guess - guess it”

1.What bird is called the “forest drummer”? (woodpecker)

2.What mushrooms grow on stumps? (honey mushrooms)

3.Which bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (cuckoo)

4.Which animal is called the “ship of the desert”? (camel)

5.Who wears a hat but doesn’t know how to say hello? (mushroom)

6. What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she's sleeping)

7. Which tree is called the “Russian beauty?” (birch)

8. What animals fly? (the bats)

9. What happens to the bee after it stings? (dies)

10.What flowers bloom first in spring? (snowdrop, mother and stepmother)

11. Which beetles are named after the month in which they appear? (May)

Summer: Well done, you answered all the questions.

Summer: Next competition(8_)"People's Barometers"

By doing of this assignment we will find out how children know folk signs. Look carefully at the slide and say that you can learn about the weather from the behavior of birds.

Folk wisdom says: if sparrows bathe in sand or dust, there will be rain, and if in a puddle, there will be drought.

Swallows fly low - it means rain.

According to popular belief, if swallows fly low above the ground, it means it will rain. And this makes common sense, because when the pressure changes, the insects that are usually high in the sky drop closer to the ground, and with them the swallows.

Summer: The jury evaluates the competition.

Summer: Next competition (9-) “Say it in one word”

Wolf, fox, bear, hare are animals.

Birch, pine, oak, linden are trees.

Sparrow, tit, woodpecker, crow are birds.

Pike, crucian carp, catfish, burbot are fish.

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are berries.

Honey mushrooms, boletus, saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms are mushrooms.

A butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, fly are insects.

Chamomile, rose, tulip, poppy are flowers.

Summer: We ask the jury members to sum up the results of the competition.

Summer: And I invite you to fun game

Game: "Scarecrow".

Bottom line.

Summer: Dear guys, I want to thank you for great game, in which you showed good knowledge about nature. And now our respected jury will sum up the results and calculate the total number of points and announce the winning team. (Winner's reward ceremony).

KVN is over and I want to say goodbye to everyone:

Love native nature- lakes, forests and fields.

This is our native land!