How to draw a twig with a pencil. Conducting a master class on the topic “drawing a spruce branch with a cone” How to draw a spruce branch with a pencil step by step

Shows how to draw a fluffy spruce branch.

Ate - very beautiful trees, and the spruce branches-paws are unusually picturesque. In this lesson we will draw a spruce branch step by step. We will paint with paints, specifically watercolors. If you wish, you can use gouache. Diluting gouache paints generously with water, you can achieve a watercolor effect.

I suggest you draw a fir branch without using a pencil. It is best to use a squirrel brush No. 9-10. It is advisable to attach the paper to a wooden tablet.

1. First of all, generously moisten a sheet of paper with water. You can do this with a foam sponge or a large brush. Then we put a lot of dark blue paint and water on the brush and begin to cover the background with stains. Then we take yellow or ocher on the brush and cover the gaps between the blue. We leave a few white spots in the shape of the future branch. It will be snow. Don't skimp on water! Allow the colors to flow and mingle on the leaf.

2. Now we make splashes with the same colors - blue and yellow. To do this, type on the brush more water along with the paint and shake it over the paper. We get picturesque splashes and an unusual background.

3. Take a translucent warm shade of green (when mixing, you need to take more yellow color and a lot of water) and apply stains in the shape of spruce branches. Make sure that the sheet does not dry out. You can wet the paper a little before applying the strokes. Next, take a translucent shade of cold green (to get a cool color, add more blue to the green paint) and add a few spots to the branch. So, we have background spruce branches illuminated by the sun.

4. The branch is not fully illuminated by the sun. Most of it is in the shade. Therefore, we mix dark shades of green and apply it on top of the previous layer, without covering it all. Light branches peek out from under the dark green.

5. To emphasize the snow on a spruce branch, darken top part drawing with the same colors that we used to create the background - dark blue and ocher (dark yellow). We just put more color. We do not touch the specks of snow.

6. Now let’s darken some areas under the branch, not forgetting to leave light green areas in the shape of spruce legs.

7. You can finish the drawing at this stage, or add a few details - needles on spruce branches. To do this, take a thinner brush. I used squirrel number 3. Mix green, blue, add a little black. We get a rich shade of cool green. We use it to draw “brush brushes” of spruce branches. We smooth out the transition between the background of the picture and the snow a little, making it softer. To do this, use a clean brush with a small amount of water to carefully erase the bright transition. And finally, we sign.

Today's lesson is dedicated to the brightest and most colorful holiday - the New Year. As soon as you imagine it, you immediately feel the smell of spruce paws or the crunch of snowdrifts.

Today we will try to draw a spruce paw with a magic toy and a forest beauty in golden decoration in 20 minutes.

To work you will need:

A sheet of A4 paper (better for watercolors, but absolutely any kind can be used);
paints (watercolor, gouache) - colors will be needed mainly green, blue, ocher, burgundy and white flowers;
brushes (columns: the largest No. 8 and one medium No. 3-5);
a jar of water (you can stock up on two jars or change the water more often);

As always, lightly soak watercolor paints– one drop is enough. We take a large brush in our hands, dip it in water, and then use green paint in natural tones (grass, light green) to paint a “bird’s paw” like this.

Now let's take another shade. For me it’s blue (cobalt, azure), but you can use ocher or even soft orange, pink (an alternative is highly diluted red). It is not recommended to use a lot of water. Otherwise, you need to thoroughly dry the resulting result before painting further. Duplicate the “bird’s paw” pattern with this color.

Next, take a dry thick brush vertically in your hand and slightly fluff it with your fingers. Then, barely touching the fluffy tip of the brush to the water, lightly lower it into the paint. The paint color should be in contrast to what we have used so far. For example, if the background is blue, the paint should be green or burgundy. This effect is called "dry brush". This stage of work requires a lot of patience and effort.

Holding the brush almost vertically, with light movements apply several strokes of different colors (blue, green, ocher), imitating Christmas tree needles.

If it seems to you that the paw turned out to be “watery,” add strokes of the main color, for example, green or blue, using the same “dry brush” method. However, it is quite possible that it will be burgundy and purple, or orange and red.

For artists under 5 years old, we suggest using a different technique for applying strokes. On brush No. 2, 3, 4, select the above contrasting colors and draw a fence. It doesn’t matter if it’s crooked, the main thing is that the sticks go the way the needles on the Christmas tree grow. While walking in the park, carefully study with your child the structure of needles on a branch, distinctive features coniferous trees, etc.

Using different colors, increasing the density of the needles.

This is how our fluffy spruce paw came out. It turned out very artistic. However, it's time to decorate it for the New Year.

On free place under the spruce branch we draw a figure in the shape of a circle, diamond or oval - depending on the New Year's ball with which you plan to decorate the branch. To make it as symmetrical and even as possible, kids will need the help of adults.

Pattern on New Year's decoration drawn last, when the background has dried. Then it will not spread and will retain its pristine beauty. By the way, the imitation of scales on a fish and a cone will be the same. Color the ball with any pattern: stripes or polka dots, flowers or wavy lines.

Don't forget to draw a rope on which the Christmas tree toy hangs. This will add credibility to her.

When the drawing of the Christmas tree decoration is dry, you can start working on the general background. I remind you that on the side where it is light, the background should be darker, where the dark thicket of the tree should be lighter.

I hope the master class will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children, who will be able to draw New Year's holiday a luxurious picture.

Decorating rooms for the New Year 2020 can be successfully complemented with a beautiful poster with a festive theme. As a rule, such posters depict winter and a Christmas tree. Santa Claus and others fairy tale characters. A drawing with a beautiful spruce branch on which a New Year’s toy hangs would be beautiful and appropriate. Such branches can often be seen on New Year's cards. By the way, New Year's greeting card You can also draw it yourself. Such a hand-made drawing will be a wonderful addition to the main gift, and in some cases it will be a small New Year's present. Today we will learn how to draw a spruce branch with New Year's toy, with the help of simple master classes.

Example No. 1

The drawing begins by creating the base of the branch, i.e. you need to draw one line and additional ones emanating from it. Then you should place the needles on them, drawing them one by one. You need to do the same with each small branch. To make it fluffier, additional touches will be required. The result is an almost real spruce branch. Then you need to depict snow, and to do this you need to erase some areas on it. They can vary in length and width, but the more varied, the better. After this you will need to draw Christmas tree toy, depicting it in the form of a ball. There may also be snow on it, and this must be done in a similar way. She must have a rope. At the end, such a picture can be decorated with snowflakes. Drawings for the New Year 2020 are best done in pencil and, if desired, painted.

Example No. 2

You will get a slightly different branch if you use different instructions. Draw a hexagon on a piece of paper. Then, throughout its entire territory, it is necessary to gradually draw branches with branches. The needles should be made large so that the branch is fluffy. On one of them you need to depict a Christmas tree toy of any shape. After this, the excess contours should be removed and the drawing should be colored for the New Year 2020. The result was a beautiful fluffy twig.

Example No. 3

You can learn to draw almost any branch, you can even depict it according to your ideas. By gradually following the entire sequence of work, excellent results are obtained. New Year's drawings. This method also produces a beautiful spruce branch. On a sheet of paper you should draw one main line and two additional lines to it. Then they need to be shaded to make fluffy needles. In addition, it is advisable to draw a round Christmas ball.

Example No. 4

With this master class you will get a fluffy spruce branch. Thicker branches should be drawn on a sheet of paper, after which they should be decorated in green color. When everything is dry, you will need to draw needles. You can make them with a pencil, but work done with a thin brush will look more beautiful. For decoration, a New Year's toy should hang on a branch. You can draw one or several. The ball will look best. There may also be bumps on it. Then the image needs to be colored and the New Year's picture is ready. When creating a spruce branch, the needles need to be hatched evenly and of the same size. The more there are, the more beautiful the drawing turns out. The image of a spruce tree for the New Year 2020, as well as its branches, is quite simple and therefore even small children will be able to do it. The drawing looks great if you decorate it with gouache. Rich colors and neat lines will make the image much more beautiful. Drawings also look great if you use felt-tip pens and colored pencils.

I also recommend watching a master class on drawing a spruce branch


Like these ones interesting options How to simply and beautifully draw a spruce branch with a New Year's toy for a poster or postcard you have for the upcoming New Year 2020. Beautiful work it turns out even if you just copy the image from New Year's cards. A little fantasy and imagination, and you will get a festive drawing that everyone will definitely like.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - watercolors or gouache;
  • - a spruce branch or a picture with its image;
  • - cake;
  • - a little cream;
  • - green and brown food colorings.


To do this, take a small sheet of paper. A5 format is quite suitable. You can draw a spruce branch on a landscape sheet, it all depends on what kind of composition you are going to create. The sheet can be placed in any way you like. If you want to write some text on it later, be sure to leave some space for it. If desired, the sheet can be tinted. New Year's also looks good on a black or dark blue background. In this case, it is better to make the sketch not simple, but white or pale green.

Consider a spruce branch. Small branches are located under acute angle to the main one. Closer to the edge they become thinner and shorter. If you mentally draw the central lines of each branch, it turns out that they intersect somewhere near the trunk, and diverge towards the outer part of the crown.

Draw a random, rather long line. This will be the main branch. It’s very good if it turns out a little uneven; living trees don’t have absolutely straight lines. Make a sketch with a thin pencil. Draw 2-3 shorter ones from the main line and diverging towards the ends.

Draw short sharp needles. If you have colored pencils on hand, draw the first line from the end of the main line so that the needle is at an acute angle. Like the lines of small branches, the needles spread out to the edges. It is better to draw them without lifting your hand, with narrow, long teeth. Having drawn the first line, immediately begin the next one in the opposite direction. A little short of reaching the branch, start the second needle. Try drawing zigzags with quick movements. Having finished the main branch, cover the smaller ones with needles. The strokes can be made shorter. After all the needles are ready, draw the branches with a brown pencil.

If you are painting with paints, paint over the brown branches first and let them dry. Start drawing needles in the same way, from that part of the main branch that is closer to the trunk. Draw each needle separately. Move your hand with the brush in the direction from the main branch so that the lines diverge at the end. Lead the second needle and the rest from the main branch.

To decorate the cake, mix some frosting with food coloring. Draw the lines with a thin stick. First fill a paper bag or culinary syringe with brown cream and draw lines. They will turn out a little convex. Use green cream to paint the needles in the same way as you did with paint, that is, each one separately.

Drawing lesson on the theme of winter and New Year. In this lesson I will tell and show how to draw a spruce branch in the snow with a New Year's toy in pencil step by step. The lesson is very easy, you should not have any difficulties. You can also do it in color, only if you draw with felt-tip pens or paints, you will have to leave space for the snow in advance, it is better to sketch out the drawing with a pencil with very, very light lines, for example, only where there will be snow and where the base of the Christmas tree is, and then decorate in color. In this matter, everyone has their own approach.

Let's begin. We draw the base of the spruce branch, i.e. this branch will consist of the main one and additional ones emanate from it. Then we begin to draw the needles in separate lines, first drawing on one side.

Then we draw on the other side of the branch. Look at the direction of the needles, they are located at a certain angle to the branch, and if the spruce branch also has a slope itself, then the direction of the needles will also therefore be different, not the same as, for example, that of the main branch. Then, to make the branch look more realistic, we draw additional lines, giving it fluffiness.

Now, in places where there is snow, we will go over the top of the spruce with an eraser. The location and quantity of snow can be any, and the height of the snow layer can also be any. Now trace the outline of the snow on the branch. That's the whole secret of drawing snow on a spruce branch.

And to make our New Year’s drawing, you need to draw, maybe not one, but several and different shapes. Our snow is rough, so very, very faintly put small lines and shade the edges of the snow barely noticeably. The drawing of a spruce branch with New Year's toys is ready. It was also possible to make it so that there was snow on the ball, it just occurred to me, it’s a pity it’s too late. If you want the same principle, you can do it.