When you have a true dream. Big dream book online. Getting water from a well in a dream

Look into the future. to find out your destiny - these questions interest every person. On Christmas week you can make a prophetic dream that will reveal the secrets of fate and tell you the right direction in life. There are also special rituals for making prophetic dreams. However prophetic dreams can come without rituals. When do prophetic dreams occur by day of the week? Let's consider this question.

Do prophetic dreams always come true, and how to determine the nature of the dream? It is believed that during a night's rest the soul can fly away to other world, and return after waking up. It is at these moments that a person dreams. If the soul has not flown far from the body, you dream of ordinary scenes related to daytime problems. If the soul has flown far away, a prophetic dream comes.

Scientists can neither confirm nor refute this statement. Psychologists study dreams, but the research results are more like guesswork. Esotericists do not make guesses, but simply interpret the scenes they see according to the images that came in a dream.

True and false visions

Prophetic dreams are true and false. A true dream is always filled with a special meaning, the pictures come bright and memorable. Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is fulfilled exactly. It is characteristic that a true prophetic vision cannot be “drained” or prevented in any way: the dream will come true exactly.

False visions are always confusing, devoid of meaning and specificity. Usually these dreams are scary, so after waking up you just need to talk about the flowing water you saw. The ritual is simple to perform: you need to open the tap in the bathroom and tell the flow of water everything, then ask the water to take the words with it.

When prophetic dreams come

Such visions often happen during the holy week when the border between worlds becomes thin. These days, deceased relatives may appear in dreams to predict events in life.

A prophetic dream may occur for any church holiday. By folk beliefs“holiday dreams” always come true before noon. Prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month. Dreams are also prophetic on Friday night- they come true.

Friday dreams

Dreams on Friday night are marked with a special meaning. There are 12 Good Fridays a year that bring dreams from heaven:

  1. in the first week of Lent;
  2. before the Annunciation;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of Ascension;
  5. on the eve of Trinity Week;
  6. before the birth of John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  8. before the Assumption of the Virgin Mary;
  9. before Archangel Michael;
  10. before the day of Kozma and Demian;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before Epiphany.

Each of these named Fridays brings special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Also, prophetic dreams can appear on certain days of the week - our ancient ancestors noticed this.

  1. on Monday dreams are empty;
  2. Empty dreams come on Tuesday;
  3. dreams may come true on Wednesday;
  4. Empty dreams come on Thursday;
  5. I have prophetic dreams on Friday;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - may come true before noon.

Monday is ruled by the Moon, the influence of which is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be taken seriously. However, it is on Monday that you can perform a special ritual for a prophetic dream by asking a question of interest.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. On this day you can get a hint to change your destiny.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. At this time, disturbing dreams may come that call for control. emotional sphere: This is exactly what you lack in life.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. At this time, you can attach significance to dreams associated with professional activity. Other dreams are considered empty.

Friday is ruled by Venus. At this time, prophetic dreams about fate and personal relationships come. On Friday night you can see a prediction about a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. This harsh planet is associated with fatal signs of fate. Dreams do not exactly come true, but they can give a hint - what to expect in the future, bad or good?

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. If you dream of a disturbing plot at this time, take it as a warning against unwanted actions.

Times of Day

The time of day at which the dream occurs is important. Usually day dreams do not mean anything: they reflect the vanity of the mind and everyday worries.

Evening sleep, like midnight, can also be empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get to other worlds.

The correct meaning is a dream I had in the morning. It is at this time that we see prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

This question worries many dreamers. How, on what grounds can this be done? It is important to understand that a prophetic dream can come on any day of the week on the eve of a fateful event. These are dreams-messages that do not depend on the time of day or day of the week. You can distinguish this vision from simple dreams:

  • the dream will be vivid and memorable, will evoke strong emotions;
  • the vision picture will have a clear storyline with a beginning and an end;
  • the dream will bring specific information in the form of numbers, written or spoken words;
  • the sleep will be short, not tiresomely endless.

The dream will be so vivid and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to interpret a prophetic dream

Images from a prophetic dream may correspond to images from the interpretation of dream books. For example, a rat will mean an enemy, and a bat and a spider will mean an unkind prediction.

If you do not find an explanation for the plot you saw in the interpreter, rely on your intuition. The determining factor in deciphering a dream will be your inner feeling: as a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion for true vision will be the correspondence of what is seen to reality. If in a dream you are running away from an unknown monster, and wings and a tail suddenly grow on you, feel free to classify the dream as fantasy. In prophetic visions real, not fictitious images come.

Competent interpretation of dreams and visions plays a huge role in our lives. If you know how to listen to what a dream shows you, then you can easily learn to look into the future, because... Every sleep and dream has its own interpretation and meaning.

The events and pictures that we see in dreams began to interest people a long time ago. However, correctly interpreting a dream and revealing the meaning of the dream is a very difficult task, and in this article we

We’ll tell you how even an unprepared person can do this with a high probability of a correct interpretation

The dream world bears very little resemblance to the reality around us. Already in the third century AD, Greece had its own dream interpreter, with the help of which they revealed the meanings of dream events to those who came to the priests

It is very interesting that you may not even give due confidence to the interpretation of dreams and dreams, however, we strongly recommend that you analyze one of the situations in your dream and look at the world differently. Perhaps you will see something that you did not notice without looking into the dream interpretation of dreams and dreams

Interpretation of dreams. Miller's Dream Book

The most accurate interpretation dreams is the dream book of Gustav Miller. Psychologist from America who lived at the end of the 19th century. The dream book created by him has the most a large number of interpretations from all dream books created once.

What is surprising is not only the scale and meticulousness of every detail, but also the quality. Miller's dream book makes it clear that dreams are encoded information that comes from the past or future. But how we perceive it and whether we will do it at all depends only on us!

You can download Miller's dream book here Sonnik_millera

Vanga's dream book was created by the fortuneteller herself from Bulgaria, who was known throughout the world. She practically did not reveal her dreams to those around her, but what she predicted soon came true.

Vanga's style of writing a dream book and interpreting dreams can be slightly confusing. However, if you learn to understand what Vanga offers, you will reveal an incredible world of knowledge in which the fortuneteller herself easily navigated.

Download the dream book here Sonnik

The creation of this book was very challenging task, however, it was executed and executed very well. The Bulgarian psychologist Bedros Stoyanov became of great importance for the dream book.

1) In the book you will find a clear explanation of images and symbols based on Vanga’s sayings

4) We find moments that can play a role in the dreamer’s future

5) We prescribe, we precisely prescribe, a plan of action that is necessary to prepare for the future

6) We implement. It is necessary to approach this very carefully and act en masse

Ancient Muslim culture makes it clear that only those dreams of Muslims who are deeply devoted to their own culture can become prophetic dreams

The legend says that only Muslims will be able to escape on the last day from irreversible punishment and this is inevitable. They will be able to see how they will do this in their dreams. This is why the Muslim people greatly value and honor the sacraments of dreams.

Download Islamic dream book here Islamsky_sonnik_Tolkovanie_snov_po_Svyaschennomu

Interpretation of dreams prophetic dreams

If you have noticed that your dreams are somehow connected with current events in the future, then we can safely assume that you have a predisposition to clairvoyance.

Prophetic dreams are dreams that tell about what will happen in reality. Of course, not every dream comes true and many dreams are only dreamed because a person is fixated on a certain moment. For example, nightmares at night.

It is very important to distinguish a prophetic dream from a dream that reflects the game of your subconscious. It is important to understand your dreams and distinguish prophetic dreams from ordinary ones.

Download the book and figure out how to use intuition with prophetic dreams Veschy_son_ili_intuitsia

I have a dream, what should I do?

Click to watch a video about what to do if you have a dream. How to interpret it correctly.

Regardless of whether you dreamed good dream or not, no need to panic. Ill-considered actions have never left anyone happy. Therefore, first try to figure out what type it is. this dream and what it might actually mean. Because for example, even dead man can be explained by completely different factors. Remember this and approach the interpretation of dreams with a cool head

There are several dream books in this article. The same dream book of Vanga or Miller. I’m also posting a few more dream books so that you can choose exactly what reflects your outlook on life and your essence

The meaning of dreams in human life

What is sleep? If we consider it purely physiologically, then this is simply rest for the physical body. Numerous experiments have been and are being carried out by various researchers. And everyone comes to this area human life with your goals. In dreams, we not only relax. We get in touch with ourselves and receive answers to questions that concern us or warnings about what can be corrected in our life, how best to get out of a confusing situation.

The better our consciousness is structured, the clearer we receive answers to the questions that concern us. In a dream, he learns new things. Throughout the existence of mankind, certain knowledge has accumulated in the interpretation of what we see in dreams. Numerous dream books have been compiled. But this is a purely individual process. And everyone should have their own records of dreams. In a dream, you can continue your life, recover, or die. Sleep is very important and healthy sleep it's priceless. Remember this

We often dream. It often happens that we simply do not remember what we dreamed. But when the dream is very vivid and looks believable, it becomes interesting what it could mean. Usually, people dream about what they think and experience in their Everyday life. But the possibility of seeing a prophetic dream exists; such dreams, as a rule, later come true.

According to ancient legends, they are sent to a person to warn him of impending danger or impending troubles. However, not everyone can see prophetic dreams and they appear extremely rarely.

What are prophetic dreams?

A prophetic dream can be literal or symbolic.

  1. A literal prophetic dream shows in small details what will happen in the near future.
  2. A symbolic prophetic dream presents us with the future with the help of various characters requiring interpretation. To decipher such a dream, you should look into the dream book and compare everything.

It is important to know that a prophetic dream will come true only if it is dreamed on a certain day of the week, because each day has its own patron among the planets. It has long been believed that the most true dreams come to us on Monday night, as well as from Thursday to Friday. But the dreams you had on Thursday should not be believed.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

There is a belief that you can have a prophetic dream in certain days weeks. So, in fact, you can only find out if you keep a notebook in which to write down your dreams. Over time, the recordings can be analyzed and compared with reality.

  1. Monday. On this day we have dreams that may come true only in a few months or even years.
  2. Tuesday. Often dreams seen on Tuesday are considered empty, but sometimes they come true. If on this day you had a very vivid dream, then it may come true in ten days.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams that occurred on Wednesday must be taken seriously, because they have been considered prophetic since ancient times. They will come true very soon. The dreams of Wednesday do not conceal any mysteries, so there is no need to specifically decipher them.
  4. Thursday. The dreams we see on Thursday are mostly considered empty, but can sometimes come true within three days.
  5. Friday. Many people consider Friday dreams to be prophetic. In most cases, they come true in the next 7-10 days. Always take your Friday dreams seriously; if you dreamed of something bad, then you still have the opportunity to change the course of events and protect yourself from harm.
  6. Saturday. Dreams seen on this day rarely come true. Most often these are empty dreams that do not carry any valuable information.
  7. Sunday. Sunday dreams can come true before lunch; if this did not happen, then the dream was empty.

Prophetic dreams according to the dates of the month

According to solar calendar, prophetic dreams can occur on the following dates of the month:

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28.

If you had a dream on the 30th, be sure to remember it, because there is a high probability that it will come true.

Dreams seen on the 31st will come true only if they were about love.

Prophetic dreams according to the lunar calendar

You can find out whether a dream will come true by looking at the lunar calendar:

  1. During the waning moon the events shown in the dream will not come true. If you had a disturbing dream, you should not worry that trouble will happen; such dreams usually show us unnecessary things that are better to get rid of.
  2. When the moon is waxing are dreams that should soon come true. They show what changes will happen in life. During this period of time, dreams are mostly prophetic.
  3. On the full moon in dreams is something to which a person reacts very emotionally. All dreams during this period will be vivid and memorable.
  4. New moon- this is the time of rebirth. Dreams at this time prepare us for a new stage in life. In such dreams, everything that a person’s thoughts are often addressed to appears.

Prophetic dreams seen before the full moon should come true in the near future. For dreams that occur after the full moon to come true, you will have to wait quite a long time. The time it takes for a dream to come true is different for each person.

Some manage to induce a prophetic dream. To do this you need to select lunar calendar the most favorable day, tune in mentally, relax as much as possible before a night's rest and focus mentally on what you want to learn about in a dream. If you do everything correctly, then the dream you see will be prophetic and will certainly come true in the future.

Video: What do prophetic dreams warn about?

Of course, first of all, everyone is interested in what directly concerns us. Most dreams are subjective, i.e. they concern you personally and your attitude towards what is happening to you. Most likely, especially if there is no practice, you will turn to the “Dream Book”, which gives general interpretations symbols of dreams, but when interpreting a dream great importance has your individual assessment of symbolism and your horoscope.

You should always remember that dream books usually contain only generalized interpretations of images that may not correspond to your personal perception, character, zodiac sign and your national, racial or religious affiliation. Each nation has its own egregor, from which a representative of a particular group will receive all the information about the future.

In accordance with the definition given by D. Andreev in the book “Rose of the World,” an egregor is a subtle-material formation consisting of many mental matters, including those produced by humanity, accumulating over large groups: peoples, nations, states, etc.

The science of dream interpretation is largely based on folk traditions, customs and signs that are reflected in the amazing culture of our language, history and faith.

Dreams and dream interpretations reflect both the creative process - how a person “creates his life” - and the very personality of a person - his place and the result of his activity in this process. Of course, dreams and what happens in them can only have a literal meaning, in which there is nothing hidden, and such literalness most often applies to ordinary, not prophetic dreams.

Ordinary dreams are often a reflection of our thoughts about daytime events and concerns associated with them. But most prophetic dreams are almost always filled with allegorical meaning, which is the essence of all folk, traditional dream books and the art of dream interpretation itself. In allegorical dreams, a landscape can represent a person, and a house or buildings can represent our relationship with someone. Such prophetic dreams, where everything is presented in the form of metaphorical symbols, have a great impact on a person and his future life.

An important step interpretation of dreams is their situational assessment. In a dream, a person often performs ordinary actions and uses objects, the use of which does not contradict reality. So, for example, if you are engaged in water tourism and in a dream you swim across torrent on a good kayak, then most likely your dream does not carry an allegorical meaning.

But if for this purpose you resort to other means that are not accepted in your tourist practice, for example, you want to cross with the help of a horse, a log or a trough (there are many options!), then you should pay most attention to this dream close attention. To begin with, you can look into the dream book to find out the meaning of the dreamed “black” or the object in which you need to wash clothes, and only then build connections between the content of the dream and the given interpretation.

Another example: if you realized that the time has come to start a family, and at the same time you have never been diving, and you dream that you are looking for pearls at the bottom of the sea, then most likely you will have to dive very “deeply” to find yours. a soul mate that will truly become the most significant jewel in your life.

In addition, each image or symbol should be considered comprehensively, assessing the entire plot of the dream in which it appeared. Even the most experienced dream interpreter sometimes fails to determine the real meaning of certain symbols of a particular dream for the simple reason that dreams are a purely individual phenomenon. And here the most important thing is what each person has about the connections with our life of the images and actions seen in a dream, what are our conscious attitudes, complexes, fantasies, well-being, etc.

Some modern oneiromancers have long recommended interpreting dreams using the method of free association. This method allows, using arbitrary explanations of the “plots” of dreams we have recorded, to pull messages from the depths of the subconscious that can become truly prophetic for you.

What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do amazing fantasy images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor masters of esotericism have given an indisputable and unambiguous answer to these questions. And although attitudes to the issue change over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of a person’s life.

In ancient times, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the family, gods or ancestors, in this way mysterious forces communicate with those living today. Local sages, sorcerers and shamans had to decipher these messages. When did primitive beliefs change over time? religious systems, the interpretation of dreams became the task of priests of various cults. At that time, night visions were taken more than seriously. As is known, in Ancient Greece Even special temples were built where visitors came to sleep if they needed to see a prophetic dream, and clergymen helped with the interpretation. The first dream book that has come down to us also appeared there - a five-volume book written by Artemidorus of Daldian.

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times:
“Wherever there is night, there comes sleep”

In the era of Christianity, dreams continued to be treated with great reverence. They looked for a secret meaning in them, trying to figure out what clues they gave higher power. And this is not surprising: even the Bible describes prophetic dreams.

At a later time, with the development of science, attitudes towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, discarding everything strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams are a storehouse of information about personality, valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity scientific approach, has not faded away. The services of magicians and fortune tellers, seers and dream interpreters have always been in demand, although they were not cheap.

So, in what worlds does the soul wander while you are quietly snoring in your bed, what experience does it gain from these wanderings and what can what it sees mean? If all these questions concern you, if you are worried about a strange dream, if you want to know what it is for, our online dream book will become an excellent interpretive consultant. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free of charge.

Famous dream book Miller, interpretations from the legendary soothsayer Vanga, apt author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loff, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - you will find all this with us. To make the interpretation of dreams as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

The combined dream book of various authors presented on the site will help you find the most Full description every event or object seen in a dream.