Dream of fighting a bear. Why do you dream of a bear according to the dream book - “Dream Book: the truthful interpreter of dreams by L. Moroz.” Why do bears dream about Vanga?

It is common for every person to dream. In most cases, they all foreshadow something, warn in the near future. So, if you are able to correctly interpret a dream, you can protect yourself from danger and receive an important hint for further life events.

When I was little, I I had a dream in which polar bear started eating my grandmother, and I just ran away. Then in this dream, relatives brought me some kind of gnawed piece of meat and said that this was all that was left of her.
I was really scared then. This was the moment when I really realized for the first time that my grandmother might die.
- Lisa

If a person dreams of an aggressive bear, then most likely it is a symbol of an enemy who does not pose too serious a danger. However, depending on the plot in which the bear is dreamed of, the meaning of the dream can be interpreted in completely different ways.

Who dreamed it?

A fairly large role in any dream is played by who dreamed it, because interpretations can differ significantly.

To an unmarried girl

If a young girl dreams of a predator who does not pose a danger, it means that she will soon meet her love and marriage awaits her. The man will be the personification of her ideal image about my husband.

To a man

If a representative of the stronger half of humanity sees a bear in a dream, it means at the moment He is in a psycho-emotional confrontation with oneself - positive and negative side. And it depends only on him what he chooses.

A bear's dream for a married man promises that he is surrounded by competitors. His intention is to become a leader in a difficult situation. Also, a brown animal can also promise a negative, insidious attitude of loved ones against it. It is worth avoiding disputes and not leading the situation to conflict.

Why does a married woman dream about a bear?

You need to be quite careful because maybe a rival will appear on the way who wants to take her husband away from the family. In any case, you should remember to pay enough attention to your husband so that he does not have someone else on the side.

Interpretation of popular dream books


Miller's dream book says that seeing a bear in a dream means becoming addicted to competitions to demonstrate one's strengths and skills, visually confirming one's leadership qualities. Forward to your dream, everything will be at the highest level!


Vanga’s interpretation of a dream with a bear symbolizes a different outcome. Here it symbolizes nothing more than anger, destruction, deceit. After a dream, you should be on alert in noisy companies, trying not to enter into conflict situations with others.


Freud's dream book suggests that a bear in a dream is a symbol of a great desire to achieve sympathy and reciprocity from a representative of the opposite sex. You should beware of your own uncompromising and assertiveness, because it doesn’t always lead to good. Removing pressure on a sympathetic object will make it more likely to achieve your goal.

Loff's Dream Book

It personifies the image of a bear as a personal hostility of the person who dreamed about it towards people who are weaker in spirit. Beware of your own arrogance, and, conversely, it’s worth softening up a little, becoming kinder, and not making hasty decisions on the physical condition of a person you don’t like.

Interpretation of a dream according to the plot

    If in a dream you saw large number bears, most likely in your upcoming life you will have a controversial situation. The important thing here is to take it as quickly as possible. the right decision, in which direction to make your choice - in favor of wealth and power or health and mutual understanding of loved ones.

  • See an animal in the house - you are controlled by excessive laziness, as a result - a reluctance to deal with household chores, works to create comfort.

  • Escape from a bear promises an impending conspiracy of ill-wishers against you. You should be wary of dubious deals and contracts.

    A dream in which you are a bear - enrichment at the expense of other people, victory over enemies. This is also a harbinger of an imminent wedding.

    A dream in which a bear catches up with a single guy means that he will soon say goodbye to his bachelor life. Consequently, the fear of tying the knot will dissipate. If a child dreams of running from a bear, it means he is at the stage of life experiences in reality, which will soon be resolved in a positive direction.

    A young girl is hiding from a bear in a dream, which means she will soon have to face unpleasant advances from an ill-mannered and tactless admirer. IN such a case It will be difficult for her to overcome unpleasant assertiveness on the part of a representative of the opposite sex, but in the end the conflict will be resolved in her favor.

    If a bear attacks the dreamer in a dream, the interpretation is very unpleasant - you will have to face a strong opponent, an enemy. Fall into the clutches beast of prey- suffer significant losses and expenses. The predator wounded the dreamer - a harbinger of troubles on the personal front.

    Hand feeding a brown animal in a dream - a very good omen. In reality, the dreamer will encounter a positive change in attitude towards himself from enemies and ill-wishers. Preliminary sabotage will turn into real help, useful patronage.

    Fighting a bear (attacking it) promises real life solving important problems using logic and ingenuity in order to avoid troubles that occur during a collision with the enemy. The manifestation of such qualities as patience in a dream indicates that the dreamer will succeed.

  • A fight with a bear in a dream promises the dreamer to make maximum efforts to fight his enemies. The main thing here is to remember the duplicity of the predator himself. On the one hand, he is big and dangerous, on the other hand, he is not very smart and nimble. This means that if you put in the effort to fight it, you should succeed.

  • A fight that ends in death bear (the dreamer kills him) - a big and resounding victory over the enemies. Depending on how difficult it was to do this, actions will take place in reality. This could be a success career ladder, which was very difficult - promotion, holding a high position. If the predator is wounded, but not completely killed, most likely the assignment or victory over the enemies will not last long. If, as a result of the struggle, the dreamer ends up with the head of a bear in his hands, this means that the enemy is defeated, but he has not calmed down, and a plan of revenge is brewing in him.

    Bear bite the event is somewhat unpleasant. Here, most likely, in the fight against ill-wishers, the dreamer will have to survive defeat over his enemies.

    In a dream, a bear sucks its paw - soon you will have to deal with the thrifty nature of people. It is also worth thinking about the degree of your greed, perhaps there is too much of it? Or someone very greedy will refuse to help you.

    Riding a bear in a dream means achieving complete harmony and success in life. Make friends with an animal - find good friend, a sincere person. For a young lady - the appearance of a new admirer.

    A bear in the circus arena - it looks like luck will accompany you in winning the lottery.

    Stroking and hugging a bear for a young girl means a quick marriage, for a woman it means a vicious relationship.

    If in a dream of a representative of the female part of the population a bear sits chained, it means that she will have a rival who will fight for her soul mate.

    A bear roars - ill-wishers will openly challenge you.

    Sitting on a tree - facing problems and troubles in real life.

Predator different in character and color

Small, big or even plush?

Seeing a kind animal in a dream, which in reality is not like that, means that you will soon have to face hypocrisy on the part of friends and close circle. It seems that someone, having received your trust, will want to use it shamelessly.

If the bear is a teddy bear, then on a subconscious level the dreamer strives for comfort, is tormented by worries about his life, the lack of comfort in the house.

I dreamed about it once the bear who broke the spear with which I hunted him, and knocked me to the ground. I think: “There is only one way out, push off with your back from the ground, and kick him in the chest with both legs.”
I woke up because I was FLIGHTING. In general, in a dream I pushed off with my back and kicked. As a result: I fell on the back of the bed, a huge bruise, and for 2 weeks tin soldier, unbending?
- Evgeniy

The dream in which many bears - mother bear with cubs- symbolizes one’s own inability to accept important decisions, real dependence on someone. Also, this is a signal to take a closer look at your surroundings in order to avoid trickery and betrayal from a person you unconditionally trusted.

If the dream appeared to a woman who has children, then this is a harbinger of an incorrect, too harsh upbringing, so it’s worth softening up a little.

A soft bear that is pleasant to the touch is a desire to return to childhood, to a time when decisions are made not by the child, but by adults. A toy animal is a harbinger of a major deception that will not be in favor of the dreamer.

To see a cute bear cub in a dream - perhaps in real life you do not understand what is next to you there is a person who puts you in danger, encourages risk, scam.

Seeing the skin of a bear or some other large animal in a dream means that success and wealth are approaching the dreamer. The dreamer will gain self-confidence to manage his life in order to achieve all the benefits. If during the period of sleep he is already in complete prosperity, this indicates the constancy and stability of this situation.

If you dream of a big bear, then most likely you will have to face a dangerous enemy.

Large size is a symbol of the enemy's power and strength. The larger the animal, the harder it will be to defeat it, applying more and more effort. Seeing a giant in a dream an animal in a cage is an omen of major material loss.

Here the size of the predator is directly proportional to the size of the upcoming losses. If a bear bends the cage in the hope of getting out of it, then the enemy is not asleep; you should be quite careful and vigilant of your surroundings.

Pay attention! If, in a fight with an animal in a dream, it defeats you, then in reality it will not be possible to overcome the enemy for a long time; you should be more attentive and careful.

If the dreamer watches a fight between a bear and any animal, it means that in the near future you will have to face a fairly strong enemy who is trying to disrupt your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.

Seeing a wounded animal in a dream means suffering humiliation, loss of one’s own honor due to the gossip of envious people.

An unusual discovery of a bear's den in a dream - it seems that major troubles, harshness and reprisals against you from a person who was trusted are impending.

White, brown or black?

Seeing a black bear in a dream is a bad omen. The dreamer will have to face a serious illness in the near future. This is a serious signal to start conducting healthy image life, a reason to listen to your health. This could also mean an attempt on the dreamer's life.

Dreaming of a bear with a brown coloration ambiguous meaning.

If a brown animal appears to a young girl who is not yet married, then this is a sign that she will have to fail in love.

This could even mean the appearance of a beautiful rival. If a man dreams of a brown bear, then this is a prediction of the formation of some kind of obstacle on the way to his goal.

What does it mean if you dream of a polar bear? White The predator in the plot is a symbol of good luck, happiness, marriage, love.

Dream about a bear and other animals

If a bear appeared in a dream, then this bad sign. So you have strong enemy, containing both dexterity and courage with incredible power and influence.

The bear is a tough, powerful, influential enemy.

Bear s - the enemy is characterized by dexterity, cunning, toughness and destructiveness.

The bear is a tough and aggressive enemy, but since the dog is a friend of man, most likely in the fight against an ill-wisher, the friend will not leave you in trouble.

Based on the above interpretations, the conclusion suggests itself that in most cases, dreams of a bear are not good. Most often, this indicates enemies and ill-wishers around the dreamer. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider your behavior and take a closer look at the people around you.

However, you should remain optimistic in any case! Perhaps the dream is warning you of an impending danger that must and can be avoided!

/ Dream book, dream about a bear.

Dreams often give us clues on what to do next. Dreaming about a bear is just such a case. This animal personifies the enemy who is preparing intrigues in reality. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted? Let's find out why a bear dreams.

Why do you dream about a bear? The meaning of the dream will largely depend on the dreamer’s attitude towards this animal. As a rule, a bear embodies endurance, the desire to win, and fight for a place in the sun. Therefore, a dream with the presence of this beast often symbolizes rivalry. What else could such a dream promise? We will understand by looking into dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: seeing a bear in a dream

Gustav Miller did not deviate from the generally accepted interpretation and, when asked why bears are seen in dreams, answered that this is a sign of intense rivalry in various fields activities. Killing an animal in a dream means the dreamer will find a solution to a complex problem. When a girl dreams of a bear, this can be interpreted as the appearance of a dangerous rival in reality, or failure awaits the sleeping woman.

Why do bears dream about Vanga?

The clairvoyant Vanga interprets from a negative point of view what the bear is dreaming of. In her mind, this animal personifies anger and cruelty, so seeing it in a dream is not good. If a bear attacks the dreamer, then in reality he has enemies who can greatly annoy him. But killing an animal in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will take revenge on the enemy, but will pay for it.

Dreaming bear according to Loff's dream book

David Loff believes that the appearance of an adult bear in a dream is an indicator that the dreamer in life is disdainful of those who are weaker than him. If you dream of little bear cubs, then a person is confused and confused and does not know what to do in the situation that has happened. He will have to choose: either his own safety, or the well-being of his loved ones. Seeing a mother bear with cubs in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality the sleeper is not self-confident, childish and has no opinion of his own. He needs to learn to be more proactive and independent.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing bears in a dream

Uncle Freud foretold that anyone who hunts a bear in a dream will have to chase a person in reality who will not pay the slightest attention to him, but it should be noted that this will not bother the dreamer at all. If you dreamed that you had to run away from an animal, then in reality you will have to have sex in a place that is not at all suitable for this. However, this will bring great pleasure to the dreamer, because such dangerous experiments are very exciting. Why do you dream about fighting an animal? This is how, according to Freud, the unhealthy love of the sleeping person for his parents is manifested. Seeing a wounded or dead bear in a dream means problems in relationships with people of the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: a bear in a dream

The astrologer believes that in order to understand why bears dream, it is necessary to analyze the dream. What do you associate these animals with? Women, as a rule, see the bear as a prototype strong man. But for a man, this dream promises a struggle with himself, his strengths and weaknesses.

Tsvetkov's dream book: why do you dream about a bear?

In general, esotericist Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets dreams with the presence of bears as harbingers of new friends or romantic relationships. If you dream of a polar bear, and even on an ice floe, then you need to be careful not to fall into the clutches of scammers. But such animals in a dream can still indicate that in reality the dreamer is respected and loved.

Bear according to Hasse's dream book

To see this beast in a dream, according to Miss Hasse, means big win in some game. But if you fall into his clutches in a dream, there will be significant losses. Eating bear meat in a dream means the marriage of one of the family members.

Killing a bear in a dream means finding a way out of a difficult situation.

The skin of a polar bear is a good omen; you will successfully overcome difficulties and expose your enemies in a timely manner.

The polar bear predicts a lie, a great misfortune that will appear under the guise of good. Your enemies will pretend to be comrades, and while you remain in the dark, they will try to get rid of you.

If a woman dreams of a bear, she will have a formidable rival, but such a dream can also mean ordinary bad luck.

The meaning of the dream Bear in a modern dream book

A bear is attacking - a strong enemy wants to destroy you. But if your actions are wise and judicious, you can avoid danger. Running bear - a dream foretells minor troubles that you can easily cope with. A bear that calls you to follow him, leads you somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., probably your team will change, and they will try to “lure” you to another job. You can only agree if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other one will not suit you.

Interpretation of the dream Bear in Miller's dream book

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters. Killing a bear portends a way out of a difficult situation. A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival or some kind of misfortune.

Bear according to Freud's dream book

Hunting a bear in a dream means you are seeking the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away. Running away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments can be quite interesting, although not safe. Fighting a bear in a dream means you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream means you are experiencing painful difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which are difficult for you to overcome on your own. Try to find someone who will treat you with understanding and who can allay your fears.

Dream Bear in Vanga's dream book

A bear in a dream represents cruelty, deceit and malice. If a bear attacks you in a dream, it means that you will soon meet a person who will respond to your kindness with evil, and for a long time you will be wary and prejudiced towards others. In a dream, kill a bear - such a dream suggests that you are ready to respond to evil with revenge and cruelty, but such an embittered state will soon pass, and you will be ashamed of your thoughts. Hearing the roar of a bear - you will receive a warning about the danger that threatens you, thanks to which you will avoid trouble, but do not forget about gratitude, otherwise next time there will be misadventures.

The meaning of the dream Bear in Hasse's dream book

Seeing him is a win in the game; fall into his clutches - you will suffer big losses; to see someone dancing - you will receive a big loan; eating bear meat - a wedding in the family; bear hunting - avoid danger; polar bear - you are loved.

Bear according to L. Morozova's dream book

If you dreamed of a bear, it means winning the game; attacking bear - you have an evil enemy; falling into the paws of a bear in a dream means big losses ahead; dancing bear - get a loan; eating bear meat in a dream means a wedding in the family; hunt a bear - avoid trouble; if you dreamed of a dead bear, the enemy will move away from you.

Interpretation of the dream Bear in the esoteric dream book

The dream predicts that you will strengthen your household. He was aggressive, he attacked - everyday problems interest you too much, you, as they say, row for yourself. Seeing a bear with cubs is a sign of prosperity, an addition to the household.

Bear in the English dream book

If you dreamed of a bear, serious troubles may befall you. Some domineering and powerful enemy can cause you significant harm. If you go on a journey, then its goal will be safely achieved, although severe trials are possible along the way. If you shot a bear, it means you will defeat an opponent who will be powerful and dangerous.

according to Freud's dream book

Hunting a bear in a dream means you are seeking the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. You often behave too aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away. Running away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments can be quite interesting, although not safe. Fighting a bear in a dream means you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream means you are experiencing painful difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which are difficult for you to overcome on your own. Try to find someone who will treat you with understanding and who can allay your fears.

Seeing a bear in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The resurrection is symbolized by the appearance in the spring from its winter den with a bear cub, new life, and therefore initiation and rituals associated with the transition. IN heroic myths bear - solar symbol. In flood myths, he turns into a lunar one, associated with the moon goddesses Diana and Artemis. It is the emblem of the Kingdom of Persia and Russia. Alchemical meaning: nigredo from primordial matter. In the American Indian tradition it means supernatural strength, endurance, strength, tornado. Among the Celts it belongs to the lunar forces; attribute of the goddess Bern. For the Chinese, it represents strength and courage. In Christianity it means evil, the devil, cruelty, greed, carnal appetite. Bear cubs were believed to be born shapeless and were thus seen as a symbol of the transformative, regenerative power of Christianity over the pagans. It is the emblem of Saints Blandina, Gall, Florentin, and Maximus. David's fight with the bear symbolizes the conflict between Christ and the devil. Among the Greeks, the bear is dedicated to the lunar goddesses Artemis and Diana, and also serves as an attribute of Atalanta and Euphemia. The girls who took part in the rites of Artemis were called “bears” and wore yellow robes imitating bear skin. Diana turned Callisto into a bear. For the Japanese, the bear symbolized goodwill, courage and strength. Among the Ainu, the bear is a cultural hero and divine messenger. Among the Teutons it is dedicated to Thor. The bear Atla personifies the feminine principle, and the bear Atli represents the masculine principle. For a shaman, a bear is a messenger of forest spirits.

I dreamed about a bear

according to Miller's dream book

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters. Killing a bear portends a way out of a difficult situation. A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival or some kind of misfortune.

Why do you dream about a bear?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

friendship, groom; winning; dancing - big credit; eating bear meat - a wedding in the family; polar bear - love for the sleeping person; pursues - for a wedding, matchmaking.

Expert answers


I dreamed that a small brown bear cub ended up in our house and they asked me to keep an eye on it so that it didn’t shit anywhere in the corner. I see that he is about to go to the toilet and I grab the first one I come across. It turns out to be a crystal flower vase. I slip it under the little bear, and he fills it with heaps of his poop. I even got my hand dirty. What is this for? (Nick Virge)

In our imagination, a bear, as a rule, is associated not with a dangerous and cunning predator, but with a stupid hero of cartoons and fairy tales, or with a harmless zoo resident who happily eats candies and cookies thrown to him by people. But what does this animal mean if we saw it in a dream? We suggest you find out this by turning to the most famous and popular dream books for interpretation.

Why do bears dream?: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets the clubfooted predator as a symbol of insurmountable rivalry and competition in various areas of our lives. Killing a bear portends a successful resolution difficult situation. If a young woman dreams of a bear, then she will face failure or the appearance of a dangerous and cunning rival.

Why do bears dream?: Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of a bear hunt, then in real life you are trying with all your might to gain the favor of a person who pays absolutely no attention to you. Try to avoid obvious persistence and aggressiveness in your actions, otherwise you will completely scare away the object of your adoration. If you are trying to escape from this predator, then you will have to have sex in some place that is not at all intended for this. In doing so, you will experience great pleasure, but you will risk your own safety and good name. A wounded or killed bear represents your complexes that prevent you from communicating with the opposite sex.

Why do bears dream?: Ancient French dream book

A dreamed bear symbolizes a dangerous and dexterous enemy, possessing wealth and power. If you are attacked by this predator, then you will have to flee from some kind of persecution, but, contrary to fears, everything will end well.

Why do bears dream?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream about a clubfooted predator predicts that one of the people close to you will soon show their worst side. An encounter with a bear in the forest indicates the need to be wary of committing rash acts that you will greatly regret in the future. If you dream of bears performing in a circus arena, then you will win a lottery or play for money. A bear imprisoned in a cage portends financial losses as a result of an unsuccessful transaction or an unprofitable investment. If a girl dreams of a polar bear in a zoo, then she will be matched by a rich and worthy man, who, however, will be very unattractive and unpleasant in appearance. A teddy toy bear warns you of the possibility of deception, to which you will easily succumb with haste that is completely uncharacteristic of you. Hunting a bear symbolizes the danger that threatens you. Why do you dream of a house with bears? Similar dream portends a tense relationship with someone close and dear to you. Killing a bear means successfully solving existing problems. Bear fat symbolizes unexpected arrival cash. If you dream that you are eating bear meat, then you will soon be invited to a wedding or other big celebration with close friends. If you drink bear milk, then you are in danger, which will be almost impossible to avoid.