What does it mean if you dream about a mermaid? A dream for a woman. Interpretations from famous dream books

Our dreams are sometimes in no way inferior to fantastic fairy tales, books and films, they can be so unreal and incredible. What you will never see in reality, you can easily see and experience in the world of dreams! Even such a fabulous creature as a mermaid.

A character from the world of myths, fantasies and fairy tales, who does not exist in reality. What do you associate it with? Surely, with something mysterious, fabulous and enigmatic. And what the dream book will say about this, and why the mermaid dreams, we can easily find out.

Such an image, of course, does not appear in dreams just like that, and indicates something important. It often does not point to future events, but rather to something inside you, to your characteristics, subconscious and behavior. To find out more precisely the meaning such an unusual and rare symbol, it is worth recalling any details from the dream. And there can be a lot of them:

  • Is she beautiful or scary?
  • One or many.
  • Swims in the water, sits on a stone, disappears in the waves.
  • Dead mermaid in a dream.
  • Catch her, catch her, or kill her.
  • Chat with her and get in touch.

After you remember your entire dream well, in all its details and details, the dream book will tell you why the mermaid is dreaming. Let's find out!

Only an image

Have you not had any contact with this fabulous creature, but only seen it from the outside? Remember how you imagined her, what she did, and then you will get an answer.

As the dream book explains, a mermaid is an image of your intuition and emotionality. Your inner element is very emotional, and this is your strength. Trust your intuition and “sixth sense”; you have a connection with the subtle worlds and a penchant for divination.

If the mermaid in a dream was amazingly beautiful and attracted the eye, this is a very specific indication. You dream about some person, spending whole days and nights dreaming about love. But this is just a ghost, a fantasy that will not come true just like that, by itself. And the main thing is that while you are busy with your fantasies, real love passes nearby and goes unnoticed by you.

If you dreamed of a mermaid round dance, games or dances, then you are a very creative and creative person. Now is a wonderful period for you when you can do what you love not only for your own pleasure, but also very fruitfully. Don’t be afraid to start doing what you have in mind, believe in yourself! Your creativity will be highly appreciated.

If your mermaid appeared and disappeared in a dream, be realistic. This is advice from higher powers. You are immersed in a world of dreams and illusions, and live in imaginary realities. This always leads to disappointment. All around you is beautiful and full of wonders real world, live in it!

A tailed nymph sitting on a sea stone speaks about the same thing. You live in illusions and chase ghostly images, and you lack solid ground under your feet. Turn your dreams into real plans, and act, don't fantasize!

If she smiled at you in a dream, lured you, laughed - expect a pleasant meeting. You will experience sympathy and at least interest in your new acquaintance. Don’t create illusions and try to evaluate the new person realistically and soberly. Perhaps the acquaintance will develop into something!

Why do you dream of a mermaid who scared you or was scary? This could also happen, everyone dreams about it. This is a warning - beware of intrigue, it can lead to pain and disappointment. Just be sincere, especially in personal relationships.

The dead mermaid is a symbol of growing up in a sense. It's time to move from the world of fantasy to the world of awareness and reality. Are you ready to become more mature spiritually, you got a big life experience, and your life changes for the better.

Contact with a mythical creature

The fabulous inhabitant of the seas could not just be seen from the outside. If you did something, talked to her, caught her or something else, the dream book will tell you the meaning.

Did you dream about a mermaid that you managed to catch? You treat love and opposite sex Not serious enough. For you these are just games, even a kind of hunting, and this is not very good. One day you will want something real and serious, so take it more seriously!

Maybe you yourself were this fabulous creature in a dream? This strange and unusual dream indicates your easy-going, playful nature. These are wonderful qualities, but only if they do not turn into frivolity.

As the dream book describes, the mermaid with whom you communicated in a dream is a symbol of your subtle intuition. You amazing abilities to foresight, a magnificent “sixth sense” that is worth knowing and respecting in yourself. Use your intuition, listen to your inner voice - these are your weapons that will always help.

Catching a mermaid and being unsuccessful is a symbol of fantasy. You are chasing something, catching some illusions, you have a rich and stormy inner world. But you shouldn’t forget about reality, live in the present. Happiness exists and is waiting for you real life, and not in the world of illusions.

If you killed her, don't be alarmed. This good sign! You will be able to overcome those qualities in yourself that hinder you and develop the best traits. Change, it is within your power, improve your soul, and you will become more harmonious and happier!

Such unusual, fabulous dreams are a reason to engage in introspection. Dreams hint to us that a happy and harmonious life is a consequence of working on ourselves, on improving our qualities. Remember this and be happy in reality!

Mermaid in a dream- If a mermaid appeared to you in a dream, this means that you should be more careful in the near future.
If several dancing mermaids appear to you in a dream, it means that they are waiting for you love adventures which can bring disappointment.
If several mermaids are pulling you in different directions, it means that in your life now a difficult situation, which requires you to immediately weigh the pros and cons in order to make the right choice.
If you dreamed that you- mermaid, it means you need to devote more time to your boyfriend or husband, because for certain reasons he is dissatisfied with you.
If you see yourself next to mermaids in a dream, difficulties await you soon. You should especially be more attentive if in a dream a mermaid calls you to follow her.
If you dream of one mermaid- this may portend an imminent separation and worries about this.
Does a mermaid give you anything in a dream? This suggests that the nearest love story can attract huge losses, including financial ones.
The mermaid most often testifies to difficulties that are invisible at first glance, pitfalls and temptations, for which you will later have to pay. She predicts changes in her personal life and says that it is worth looking at your relationships with the opposite sex in a new way.
See a mermaid turn into a human- a good omen, because it predicts your success in love affairs and overcoming all obstacles.

The dream came true once 5 5

Mermaid in European tradition- half fish, half woman in a wonderful voice, face, luxurious hair and the most seductive manners. In Russia, mermaids have a normal build, without a fish tail, and can go ashore, sit on tree branches, luring passers-by with singing, jokes and promises of sexual pleasures.

A mermaid in a dream is a seductive symbol of danger, fatal passion, when you understand that nothing good will come from the entertainment, but still want to try your luck. Let's look at why a mermaid dreams according to dream books.

Basic values

  • Seeing a mermaid in a dream means being subjected to a strong temptation, perhaps a sensual temptation. There is a risk of forgetting everything that was dear to you and chasing your dreams. Unfortunately, happiness will be painful and short-lived. It will take a lot of effort to restore the previous well-being at least partially. Don't give in to temptation, find safer entertainment, go on a trip.
  • A mermaid splashing water is stupid but harmless gossip that you shouldn’t pay attention to.
  • Catch a mermaid with a fishing rod or a fishing net - you are playing with relationships and are confident in your irresistibility, you believe that at any moment you can settle down and have a boring family life, which any representative of the opposite sex will be happy about. But for now you want to frolic and have fun. At some point this may become a problem because your sincere feeling and affection will be answered with fleeting sympathy without the slightest intention to build serious relationship. The problem will be that you lack relevant experience.
  • If a mermaid in a dream does not manifest herself as a seductress, you can watch her. Such a dream means rare luck.
  • If in a dream you became a mermaid, perhaps in reality you behave frivolously and do not take into account the desires of other people, but at the same time you are upset if fans are not ready to give their whole lives for you without a trace at the first request. This seems selfish and disgusting to you.
  • A significant part of dreams with mermaids is associated with psychotropic substances. The shaky mermaid smile of a beautiful naked girl sweetly and enticingly beckons to destruction, promising unimaginable bliss. The image of a mermaid in a dream is especially characteristic of the poetic bohemians of the early last century, heavily addicted to methamphetamine, cocaine and morphine. Unbridled fun, orgies without the slightest restrictions and prohibitions, sudden mood swings - from sublime passions to frenzied anger, melancholy, suicide epidemics, mermaid dances and Dionysian nights are firmly associated with the images of beautiful underwater maidens with unfortunate fate. IN modern realities such sources of inspiration are impossible for the most objective reasons.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Freud's dream book interprets dreams in which naked mermaids sit on rocks and beckon to you as a sign of extreme debauchery. It seems like you don't miss a single skirt, it seems to you that any woman is a desirable prey and they all crave communication with you. You have learned to catch the slightest signs of sympathy and inflate passion. In fact, hectic searches and novels will not bring you happiness. Freud claims that the person who could become for you perfect couple, is in your immediate environment.
  • Medea's dream book sees a mermaid as a sign of lost or inaccessible love, romantic illusions. Following illusions will lead to severe disappointment when faced with reality.
  • The women's dream book says that a mermaid in a dream is a successful rival who takes your love away from mischief and selfish considerations. The dream book recommends preparing for a battle for love, but it is unlikely that you will be able to offer in a long-term relationship the same range of cares and affections as the fatal seductress in a short-term one. If a woman dreams of a newt – a man is a mermaid in Scandinavian traditions – then she should be seriously wary of the impeccably sincere passion of a beautiful young man. If you believe his wonderful eyes, you risk ruining your life. It is quite possible that the young man is not really very interested in women and is emotionally cold.

About lost love.

Round dance of mermaids- dreams, fantasies, premonitions of future love adventures.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a mermaid sitting on a stone- this suggests that in real life you tirelessly chase representatives of the opposite sex, turning it into a kind of game. This game is an attempt to find a person who would answer the idea you have created. ideal image. But you don't notice the one who's in this moment is next to you and loves you devotedly.

If you dreamed about catching a mermaid- this means that your relationship with the opposite sex has developed into a hunt. The more sexual victories you have, the more you want to win new hearts. This kind of consumerism will eventually lead to satiety. You harm yourself by wasting your time on trifles. Don't you think it's time to think about your behavior and settle down?

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Mermaid- a soulless and cold rival will appear on your way, and family happiness will no longer exist.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Mermaids- beware of women.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Mermaid- beware of women.

General dream book

Seeing a mermaid in a dream- to an unpleasant guest.

If you dreamed that you were a mermaid- you have to go to visit a person who will not be too happy about your visit.

In a dream you had a love date with a mermaid- you will quarrel with your beloved (beloved).

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Mermaid- this can be a sign of a magical and spiritual connection with the sea, with your emotions and with the depths of your own subconscious. Do you have lovers you can only dream about?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

The appearance of a mermaid in dreams- can portend fulfillment of desires and inexplicable luck.

However, a man often dreams about the appearance of a charming mermaid.- promises the appearance in his life of a beautiful and charming, but vicious woman, whose love can destroy his life.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If you dream of a mermaid- the dream serves as a harbinger of fleeting joy, which will be replaced by sadness. The dream also warns that you are wasting a lot of time.

See a mermaid sitting on a stone- you tirelessly chase after representatives of the opposite sex, trying to find among them at least something similar to the ideal you invented, not noticing the one who has loved you for a long time and devotedly.

Catch a mermaid in the net- your relationships with the opposite sex are of a hunting nature and are of sporting interest to you. How more wins on your account, the more you want to win new hearts. A consumerist attitude towards the feelings of other people can lead to satiety, so with such behavior, first of all, you harm yourself by wasting your time on trifles. It's time to think about it and settle down.

A woman sees herself as a mermaid- you behave extremely frivolously and imprudently, flirting with everyone. Although your appearance attracts the eyes of all men, this does not mean that you should pay attention to everyone. A large number of fans causes your loved one to have attacks of jealousy, which is why you get angry with him. But his behavior is very easy to understand and forgive: he wants you to belong only to him and no one else, because every man is an owner by nature. To reassure him, so as not to lose his trust, give him as much tenderness and affection as possible, behave sincerely and openly. Then your loved one will once again be convinced that he made the right choice.

Italian dream book

Mermaid- feminine charm and attractiveness, but without penetration, not barking the possibility of deep, sincere erotic contact.

Mythological dream book

Mermaids (water spirit in the form beautiful girls or ugly old women with flowing hair and fish tails Slavic mythology) - It is believed that suicides, drowned women, and strangled women turn into mermaids.

They hate women, seduce and destroy men- mean a dangerous temptation; the possibility of a mental crisis (with suicidal thoughts).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mermaid- femininity without penetration, romantic attraction.

Rusal week, following Trinity, goes back to the cults of the dead, plants and water- a transitional image from life to death.

Like all chimerical images- represents marginality.

Modern universal dream book

Mermaid- a symbol of desire. In a dream, do you want to get everything at once? Do you long to be seduced, but only in your imagination? Or do you want to tell lies in the hope that people will believe you? The dream could mean that there is something in your life that you really want, but to get it, you need to have a lot of faith.

Dream book of a gypsy

Mermaid- high expectations will be replaced by strong disappointment.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Mermaids, they attract you, tease you, splash around, rest on the rocks- your romantic fantasies, easily destroyed illusions / anxiety / a new acquaintance that is dangerous for you.

See round dances of mermaids- creativity of your imagination, creative impulses, fantasies.

Esoteric dream book

See the mermaid- you need to spend more time in nature, especially near water. Your body lacks moisture and natural elements.

Make contact with a mermaid- penetrate into the subtle world of the elements. You can achieve success in herbal medicine and bioenergy.

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

As you know, in a dream we can see the most different images- both real and mythical. If we can still somehow try to interpret objects familiar to us, then here fairy creatures usually raise a lot of questions in people. Today we invite you to find out why mermaids dream. To decipher the meaning of this vision, we will resort to the help of the most complete and popular dream books of our time.

Why do mermaids dream, according to the founder of psychoanalysis? Freud is sure: if you dreamed of an undine sitting on a stone, then in reality you probably tirelessly chase members of the opposite sex, considering it a kind of game and fun. Moreover, the purpose of this behavior is to find a person who would correspond to the image of an ideal partner you have imagined. However, you may not notice that there is someone next to you who loves you devotedly. Why does a man dream about a mermaid? If a representative of the stronger half of humanity managed to catch this fairy-tale creature in me, then, probably, his relationship with the opposite sex in real life cannot be called anything other than hunting. Are you striving for more sexual victories that only fuel the desire to win new hearts. Please note that the consumer attitude towards ladies will sooner or later be replaced by satiety. In addition, you are seriously harming yourself by wasting your time on trifles. Perhaps it's time to pause and reflect on your life?

If a representative of the fairer sex dreams that she is a mermaid, then in reality her behavior may be characterized by extreme frivolity and imprudence. Most likely, you are used to flirting and flirting with all the men around you. At the same time, remember that such behavior can hurt and cause feelings of jealousy in your lover, which sooner or later will negatively affect your relationship.

Children's dream book

Why do children dream about mermaids? The interpretation of this vision comes down to the following: you are terribly impatient to find out some secret from a friend. However, this should not be done, since you will not be able to keep the secret, which will lead to a quarrel with your friend.

ABC of dream interpretation

Why do you dream about a mermaid in a dream, according to the compilers of this collection? These mythical creatures symbolize lost love and romantic illusions. They can serve as a warning about possible pitfalls in a relationship with a loved one. If you dreamed of a mermaid, then in reality you will be overcome by longing for an irretrievably lost love. If you dreamed of a whole round dance of undines, then you are floating in fantasies and looking forward to future love adventures.

Akulina's Dream Book

Let's find out why mermaids dream about water, in accordance with this collection of interpretations. So, this source considers such an image as a harbinger of an imminent journey to the sea. If a mermaid gives you some kind of gift, then you will have a chance in life that you should try not to miss.

Esoteric dream book

A mermaid in a dream is a reflection of the sleeper’s need to spend more time in nature, near the water. Perhaps your body lacks moisture and some vitamins. If you dreamed that you came into contact with this fabulous creature, then you can achieve success in bioenergy and herbal medicine.

Magic dream book

A vision in which a mermaid appears can symbolize strong pressure and influence from the outside. Perhaps in reality you will have to sacrifice something in the interests of another person. Why does a girl dream about a mermaid? Such a vision can symbolize various temptations, jealousy and rancor. If a young man sees a charming undine rocking on the waves, then he runs the risk of encountering evil charm in reality. If in a dream a man saw many mermaids in the water, then he should avoid female company for some time in real life.

Mythological dream book

The compilers of this collection remind us that, according to beliefs and legends, suicides and drowned women turn into mermaids. Often the cause of their death is unhappy love. Therefore, it is believed that these fairy-tale creatures are jealous beautiful women and they hate representatives of the stronger half of humanity, trying to lure them into their nets and drag them to the bottom. Thus, the appearance of an undine in a dream can promise a dangerous temptation. Also, such a vision can be a harbinger of a mental crisis and a nervous breakdown, which is sometimes accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Why does a woman dream of a mermaid, according to information from this collection? The appearance of this mythological creature in a dream is seen as a harbinger of inexplicable good luck and the fulfillment of cherished desires. But for representatives of the stronger sex, the interpretation of sleep will be different. Thus, the compilers of the collection believe that the mermaid foreshadows the appearance in a man’s life of a charmingly beautiful, but at the same time vicious woman, love for whom can bring him a lot of problems and will end very badly.

Dream book for the whole family

This collection offers interpretations of visions for both women and men, as well as children. Let’s first find out what a dream in which a mermaid appears promises for the fair sex. So, if an undine smiled at you in a vision, then soon you will very unexpectedly meet an old friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time. A dream in which a mermaid splashed you with water suggests that no one will pay attention to the gossip spread about you by ill-wishers. special attention, and your rival will eventually leave you alone and retreat. If you dreamed about a mermaid from Thursday to Friday, then you will experience a surge of much-needed strength and energy. Such a vision on the night from Friday to Saturday promises that your knowledge will be in demand among people.

As for the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the mermaid does not bode well for them. Thus, men risk meeting a femme fatale on their way who can ruin their lives.

For children, a dream about a mermaid warns them of the need to keep their mouths shut if they have been entrusted with some secret.

Universal dream book

Let's find out why mermaids dream, according to the compilers of this collection of interpretations. Thus, this source considers the undine as a symbol of desire. Perhaps you want to get everything at once. Or you want to be seduced, but only in your imagination. Perhaps you tell people stories and embellish your life, hoping that everyone around you will believe you. In a word, there is probably something that you really want to achieve. However, there is no way to do this. But the dream book assures you that you need to continue to believe that everything will work out. Only in this case will you be able to achieve what you want.

A collection of tips received in a dream

Each dream book interprets visions differently. However, most sources agree that mermaids are often a very dangerous symbol. IN to a greater extent this is true for representatives of the stronger sex. Thus, many dream books consider the image of a mermaid in a dream as a dangerous temptation that awaits you in real life. Most likely it will be charming, but dangerous woman. Meeting her will most likely be fatal for you. Therefore, gather your will and think a hundred times before plunging headlong into a love pool.