Summary of a pop vocal lesson. Summary of a lesson in the children's vocal studio "Hello, music!"

G. Kostroma


Summary of a lesson in a vocal studio

Subject: "Hello, Music!"

Target: development cognitive interests child, the formation of an aesthetic, emotionally conscious attitude towards the world around him.

Tasks :


    development of musical hearing, memory,

    development of coordination between hearing and voice;

    introduction to basic properties musical sound(height, duration, strength –f– p);

    development of the skill of a conscious attitude towards music of various contents and nature.


    development of creative abilities;

    development of musical and artistic taste.


    nurturing love and interest in music;

    education of listening and singing culture.

Lesson type :


Form of work :




    tape recorder,

    phonogram of the song " Cheerful notes- fun days"

    sheet music,

    musical ladder,

    poster - epigraph with poems by V. Shlensky “Music lives in everything. Her world is magical!”

    "chest of discoveries"

    crown “Her Majesty the Sorceress - Music”.

    notes - signs with the names of children and teachers.

Musical material

    S. Sosnin, M. Sadovsky “Merry notes - fun days»

    G. Struve, N. Solovyova “New Year’s round dance”

    E. Tilicheeva, V. Viktorov “The steam locomotive is coming, going”

    O. Yudakhina, V. Tatarinov “Elephant and Violin”

    G. Struve, N. Solovyova “A friend is with us”

Technological map







1.1.Prepares children for work. Establishes emotional contact.

1.2. Interests in the upcoming work, invites you on a journey using musical material.

1.3. Performs a musical greeting.

They are listening.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Ask clarifying questions.

They perform a musical greeting.



1.1.Introduces the main part of the lesson using a musical game.

Draws attention to the emotionality of the performance.

Participate in a musical game.

Follow the teacher's advice.

1.2.Creates a problematic situation.

Solve a problem situation.

1.3.Organizes work on musical material on the topic of the lesson, using conversation, riddles, the technique of “drawing music”, singing songs.

Answer the teacher's questions,

solve riddles.

They perform songs.

Final part

5 min

1.1. The teacher thanks the children for their work.

1.2.Sums up the journey and opens the magic chest.

1.3.Gives the crown to the most active traveler.

1.4Gives the children a “gift” - a poem.

Consider the notes-symbols.

Answer questions.

Listen to the teacher.

Progress of the lesson

I Organizational stage

1.1. Establishing contact.

The soundtrack of the song “Merry Notes – Merry Days” plays (listening to verse 1).


How easily and mysteriously, simply and mysteriously music is born!

Everyone in the world has their own music.

The wind, trees and fields sing about happiness.

Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes louder, sometimes more tender

The skillful starling and the small stream sing.

Is the blooming garden making noise,

Is it going snow in winter,

The singing world is beautiful,

And you can sing with him!

Guys, do you like to sing?

(Children answer)


I think I can invite you with me to the world of music and magic, fantasy and fairy tales, creativity. We will take a trip to the “musical” country. This country, like any other, has its own native language - music. I will teach you to understand this language, I will be your assistant and “translator”.

Musical greeting “Hello” sounds in my performance.

I greeted you, and now I invite you guys to wish goodness and health to all those who are with us and whom we invite with us on our unusual journey.

(Children sing “Hello”)


I will be the leader - conductor (sings his name, patronymic - improvisation).

I will ask the entire crew to introduce themselves, also using musical language.

(Children sing their name , which is attached to each of them on a note just before the start of the lesson)

Guys, before you go on a trip, I would like to wish you courage, attentiveness, organization, sensitivity, and resourcefulness. And then, who knows, maybe miracles and surprises await us? First of all, let's listen.

What do you hear around you at this moment? What sounds?

(Children answer).

Yes, that’s right, different sounds surround us, both noise and music. From musical sounds - to the musical instruments that children know - enumeration. The closest and most delicate musical “instrument” that everyone has now is the voice. Singing voice and will be our main musical “instrument” on an unusual journey.

So, we are going to a magical musical land, but before leaving, I want to offer you the game “Musical Echo”. This game will teach us how not to get lost in musical world, using his closest “instrument” – his singing voice.


The song "New Year's Round Dance" is used as a chanting exercise.

(The teacher sings the first word - the children “echo” it).

This is how the whole song is sung.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the exact copying of my performance (active word, emotionality, etc.)

II. Main stage

Disclosure of the topic. Creating a problem situation


What is the difference in the execution of the word “round dance” (I sing; 1 time the melody moves up the steps; 2 times – it moves in place). Lead children to understand the direction of movement of the melody.

Guys! You are simply born musicians! Without noticing it, you discovered the main thingproperty of musical sound - hisheight!

The sound changes its pitch. It turns out that this can not only be heard, but also seen. I suggest you play with mein the game “Understand me! I perform the song “A steam locomotive is traveling” showing the movement of each sound along the ladder. You should come to the conclusion that the melody “steps” up and down the steps - in place.

Guys, what does a train need to make it move?

(Children : steam, fuel)

It turns out that in order to sing, we also need to breathe. The old masters also said that “the art of singing is the art of inhalation and exhalation.”

(We try to “hand” with the children to inhale - hold - exhale).

You have learned to breathe correctly, let's take a ride on a train together.

We perform together the song “A steam locomotive is coming” (the teacher shows movement along the stairs and breathing like a train).

Working on musical material


How far have we gone from the city? It seems that someone is meeting us in the forest. And who? Mystery!

You can always find her in the forest.

Let's go for a walk and meet.

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress!

What is this?

That's right, it's a Christmas tree!

The song “Yolka” immediately sounds.

The second time, the teacher asks the children to sing the chorus together. It turns out that music can not only be seen, but also “drawn”!

Exercise “Drawing music.”

Let's take magic brushes in our hands and try to “draw” all the sounds of the song in the air.

Why are some sounds long and others short?

They are reaching out different times. This property of musical sound is calledduration.

Guys, I don’t know about you, but this music just makes me want to dance in a circle.

(They perform a song, holding hands with movements)

When moving in a circle, pay attention tophrases in the chorus.

“Magical music” bewitched us, made us move, and the song turned intosong and dance.

It’s a pity that he wasn’t with us in the round dance forest dwellers. Guys, what language do you think the inhabitants of this magical magical land speak?

( Children answer: Musically)

Let's listen to the song “The Elephant and the Violin” (performed). I am sure that you understand what this music told us about, what mood it creates. This music is drawn-out, calm, melodious, affectionate, melodic, waltz-like. The song turned into a waltz dance song. Once again he performs the song with movements.

Guys, is it possible to sing this song abruptly?

(Children: No, just slowly and smoothly -legato . (perform).

How nice it is to travel with guys who understand the language of music, are very attentive, active and friendly! I just want to sing a song about friendship now. Will you help me? I will pass it on to you musical words, like a magic ball, don’t lose it!

(They perform the song “A friend is with us”)

What is the character of this music?

(Children answer: Joyful, cheerful; the music is ringing, energetic, comfortable to walk - marching)

Thismarch song . Let's try to sing the song again, changing the volume -sound power. I will sing loudly -f, and you, like an echo, are quiet - p.

(after each answer, performance of songs, encourages children).

We didn't even notice how quickly time flew by. Why?

(Children answer).

IV. Final stage


In our joyful journey, which is coming to an end, you were very attentive, musical, active and made a lot of discoveries. I think you deserve a pleasant surprise. There is a chest in front of us. What's there?(Opens chest)

Yes, these are our discoveries! Takes out the notes-symbols one by one:

Today we learned that:

    sounds are noise and musical;

    remembered musical instruments;

    learned about the properties of musical sound (pitch, duration, strength);

    got acquainted with singing breathing;

    learned what “legato” means (playing smoothly, connecting sounds);

    remembered the genres of music - song, dance, march and

    learned that they can make friends and become a song-dance, a song-march.

I think you have learned to listen and understand the musical language. They performed songs that they had never heard before, showing their best student qualities. Therefore, Her Majesty the “Sorceress-Music” gives you the most precious thing she has - her crown. And the right to receive this crown is given to the most active, the most diligent, the most attentive, the most courageous, in general, the very best!

(The crown is given to the one who was the most active, attentive, resourceful, and musical).

And in gratitude for your work, your efforts, I want to give you these poetic lines as a farewell gift:

Do we know that 2x2,

As always, four.

Only without magic

The world will be boring...

Listen, the whole world sings:

Rustle, whistle and chirp!

Music lives in everything.

Her world is magical!


    Kabalevsky D.B. “How to tell children about music?” – M., 2005.

    “Music and Poetry” Author-comp. E.N. Domrina. – M., 1999.

    Kholopova V.N. “Music as an art form” Textbook. allowance. – St. Petersburg, 2000

MBOU DO House children's creativity

Vocal lesson notes

for children 1 year of study

Prepared by:

Mets Tatyana Valentinovna

Additional education teacher


Novy Urengoy


Topic: “Working on singing breathing, developing a sense of rhythm.”

Target: Formation of singing skills using vocals.


1.Develop singing breathing, a sense of support.

2.To form students’ metrorhythmic skills and consolidate

them with the help of exercises;

3.Develop ear for music, develop purity of intonation;

4. To develop cultural skills in song performance.


Piano, music center.

Didactic material:

Cards with exercises, emoticons.

Form: group lesson

Progress of the lesson:

Opening remarks:

Hello guys. Today we will continue to work on singing breathing, talk about the pulse in music, rhythm, and work on the rhythmic pattern in the song “Thank You Mom.”

Singing installation - the position that the singer must take before starting to sing: a relaxed but taut position of the body with straightened back and shoulders, straight free position of the head, stable support on both legs, free hands.


1.Facial massage, frown, relax, raise, smile. 2.Twists and rotations of the head

3. Shoulder rotation

4. Exercise “Puppets” (to relieve tension)

Breathing exercises:

1. Calm inhalation - calm exhalation (smell a flower)

2.Short silent inhale - long exhale (inflate the balloon)

3. Short, silent inhalation - while exhaling long, we pronounce any sound, exhale evenly, without shocks.

4.Short silent inhalation - on a long exhalation, a clear, active count to 10 (we gradually increase the count)

5. Short silent inhalation - as you exhale we make a short sound s-s-s-s.

6.Short silent inhalation - exhale at 3 points: 1 - palm, 2 - at a distance of 1 meter, 3 - as far as possible.

7. Game “Who takes longer?” (buzzes like a bee, rings like a mosquito).

Articulation: Constantly monitor children’s performance of vocal and articulatory exercises so that children acquire the skill of correctly performing this or that exercise.


2. Injections

3.Pinocchio's smile

4. Active articulation during pronunciation sounds E-U-A-U

5.Jaw drop

6. Clicking the tongue in a certain rhythmic pattern (Big horse (forte) - small horse (piano).

Vocal exercises: Repeat the exercise repeatedly to master skills, transposing it up and down by semitones or modifying the task (legato -staccato, soft attack - hard sound attack, piano - forte).

To achieve unified, harmonious singing in a group, the child learns to hear not only his own voice in the ensemble, but also the voices of other children. Very effective techniques for developing skills ensemble and formation: singing “in a chain”, “songs - echo”, playing “stream”, “singing to oneself”, singing with a closed ear.

1. We hum, building a unison, the game “Bees”.

2.Ma - ma, pa - pa - I (ma-me-mi-mo-mu) - on one sound and on one breath, building unison.

3. “Motor” - reproduce “Br-r-r-r-r” with your lips on two adjacent sounds.

4. “Le-li-le-li-le” sing the syllables according to the notes “do-re-mi-re-do” at a slow tempo, and “do-re-mi-fa-sol-fa-mi-re- to" at a fast pace.

5. “The bunny is walking in the garden, in the garden” (alternating legato and staccato).

6. “Chickens and Cuckoos”, singing the syllables Ko-ko-ko and ku-ku-ku according to the staccato triad (high position, accurate intonation, formation of a vowel, expansion of the range).

7. “In the forest” Au-Au - singing the interval of fifths (hard, soft attack of sound, accurate intonation, formation of a vowel, expansion of the range).

Rhythm exercises, rhythm games

When we listen to music, there is always a desire to clap our hands or stomp our feet to the beat of the music. At the same time, a certain counting takes place within us - we count out equal parts (sing a song, exercise, tongue twister, count or clap).

1. Clap “ONE - two-three-four, ONE - two-three-four”

At the same time, “RAZ” accounts for the emphasis. This accent is called the strong beat! The remaining shares are weak! Their alternation forms musical meter- a certain “pulse” piece of music. So, meter- this is the alternation of strong and weak beats over time.

2. Stomp your foot in the count “One-two-three-four”, and at the same time clap your hands on “One”.

3. The claps “One-two-three-four” are performed by 1 row of children, the claps “One” - by 2 rows.

Now I’ll perform the song with clapping, listen, what will you notice? (claps of different lengths)

That's right, this combination of long and short sounds in a certain order is called rhythm, a rhythmic pattern. Each melody has its own rhythmic pattern.

4. Game “Recognize the song by the rhythm” (“A bunny walks through the garden, through the garden”, “We lived with a grandmother, 2 cheerful geese”, “A locomotive-bug”)

5. Game "Echo" (repeat a simple rhythmic pattern)

6. Game “Catch the Cotton”

Working on diction:

1. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field

2. We ran across the banks.

3.Singing syllables « Bra-bra-bri-bro-bru", "vra-vra-vra-vra-vru",

Sing tongue twisters from a slow tempo to a fast tempo, finish at a slow tempo, from an active whisper to a confident, clear sound.

Work on the piece:

Pin text:

1.pronouncing the text to the rhythm of the song quietly or in a whisper.

2. silent active articulation during mental singing based on external sound.

Work on quality of execution:

1.singing with an echo, when the teacher sings a phrase and then the children repeat it.

2.singing complex elements with words or vocalizations.

3.singing phrases.

4 singing to the soundtrack + and –

Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn in class today?

(Today we worked on singing breathing, learned to listen to each other, sing in unison, got acquainted with new concepts: meter and rhythm, and paid a lot of attention to rhythmic exercises.)

When you hear any music, try to hear and feel its pulse and rhythmic pattern. And you can express your mood and impressions of the lesson with an emoticon.

The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Comprehensive notes

Summary of an open development lesson
singing skills on the topic “Combination of intonation
expressiveness with purity and correctness of speech in singing"
for pre-school children

Target: formation of correct and clear singing diction.


  1. Learn to sing meaningfully and artistically expressively, purely intoning the melody.
  2. Continue to develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, expand the pitch range.
  3. To foster an interest in singing in children.

Methodological support:

Didactic aids: music staff sewn from fabric, beaded notes different colors (7 pieces), a box with pieces of foil.

Audio equipment: stereo system, disc with a recording of P. Grager’s music “Country Gardens”.

Motivation: music director asks the children to help him collect the scattered note beads (motive of personal interest).

Lesson plan:

  1. Children's entrance to the hall. Musical greeting “Good afternoon”, music by K. Andreas.
  2. Working on breathing. Exercises “Cold Wind”, “Warming Hands”, “Palms” with musical accompaniment.
  3. Articulation gymnastics: “window”, “monkeys”, “sweetie”, “clock”, “horses” (“Country Gardens”, music by P. Grager).
  4. Vocal intonation exercises: “locomotive” - lip vibration, “engine roars” - “r” (do-re-mi-fa-sol). The exercises are transposed up and down in semitones.
  5. Vocal patter “Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm”, music. T. Zebryak. Singing at different tempos (Lento, Moderato, Allegro, Precto).
  6. Song "Spider", m. d. folklore.
  7. Popevochka "Firefly" d.f.
  8. “The cat stole a ball”, b. n. To.
  9. Learning the song “How Sad”, music. S. Sosnina.
  10. Performance of the song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!”, music. E. Sokolova.


Children enter the hall.

Musical greeting "Good afternoon", music. K. Andreas.

The music director invites the children to come to the table, on it is a staff with beaded notes.

M.R.: Guys, look!

On magic strings

The beads are hanging.

Not ordinary beads -

They all sound.

Nice necklace -

It's musical.

I have it in store for you!

These bead notes make up different songs. I’ll sing this song to you.

M. r. takes “notes” - they fall on the table.

M.R.: Oh! The beads scattered right on the table. .

And there will probably be no more music.

Help me collect the music sheet beads?!

Children's answers.

M.R.: But in order for the bead notes to “sing”, you need to perform certain exercises. A little effort will improve your breathing.

Breathing exercises.

Feel the cold on your palms.

Like a magician - frost

I put patterns on the windows.

Exercise “Cold Wind”.

We'll warm up a little

Warm your palms.

Exercise “Warming your hands.”

Here's a palm, here's a fist.

Can you do this?

Exercise “Palms”.

And now, be quiet, let your tongue dance.

Articulation gymnastics.

“Window”, “monkeys”, “sweetie”, “clock”, “horses”.

Vocal intonation exercises.

A cheerful little train takes us on a journey.

“Steam locomotive” - lip vibration.

It’s like a dog engine growls: “Stop,” it says.

“The engine growls” - vibration of the sound “R”.

The trumpet sounds (phonogram).

M.R.: The trumpeters are sounding the alarm - everyone is coming to the rescue.

Slowly, without fear, the turtle sings to us.

T. Zebryak “Thirty-three trumpeters” - at Lento tempo.

A little faster - a bug, a spider-bug.

T. Zebryak “Thirty-three trumpeters” - at Moderato tempo.

I heard the alarm and the moth.

T. Zebryak “Thirty-three trumpeters” - in Allegro tempo.

The most hasty is the ant, even faster.

T. Zebryak “Thirty-three trumpeters” - at Precto tempo.

After the tongue twister is performed, a sound is heard.

M.R.: This one bead wants to return to its house.

M. r. attaches one bead to the staff.

M.R.: And here in front of us (children guess the song based on the melody) The spider weaves its web.

The song “Spider” - singing with the work of the hands (strike of the third finger on the fifth) at a slow pace.

Another sound sounds - the children guess: “How much?”

The bead is attached to the staff.

M.R.: There is a riddle hidden in my fist:

Its light is not bright, but in the night it is like a gift.

It will become a little brighter this night on earth.

An amazing bug that gives us light. (firefly).

Let's imagine how fireflies flash and go out in the dark.

M.R. throws the pieces of foil up, they fall to the floor.

M.R.: Choose a firefly for yourself and ask him to light his flashlight again.

Singing the song “Firefly” d.f. in different keys.

Two sounds are heard - the children guess.

Two beads return to the house.

M.R.: The bead rolled alone and turned into a ball.

In this fairy tale there is a cunning cat. Who will sing us a song?

Working on the song “The cat stole a ball.”

There is one sound. Another bead is attached.

M.R. performs the intro to the song “How sad!” - children guess.

Working on the song “How sad!”

  1. Pronouncing the text to the rhythm of the music in a whisper.
  2. From bar 17 - singing at a slow tempo.
  3. Work on intonation from bar 29.
  4. Execution from the very beginning.

Two sounds are heard - the children guess, the beads are attached to the staff.

M.R.: And now we have a song. That's what it is!

Seven notes sound - this is the beginning of the song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!”

Performing the song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!” (with soloists).

M.R.: Now all the beads have returned home.

It's hard for us to sing and dance without music

We put the beads in a music book.

All my friends are happy about the wonderful music again

And we can’t lose those beads anymore.

M.R.: I would like to know how you yourself evaluate your work. Whoever thinks that he has done a good job, let him sing “A”, and whoever thinks that not everything is working out yet – “O”.

Children evaluate their work. They sing “Goodbye!” and leave the hall.

Musical lesson on vocal and choral work in the preparatory school group “Musical Necklace”

- Create a joyful, friendly atmosphere that contributes to the child’s successful entry into the world of vocal art.
- Learn to sing meaningfully and expressively, purely intoning the melody of the song;
- Develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, expand the singing range of children;
- Form clear, clear singing diction;
- Cultivate children's interest in singing.

Lesson plan.
1. Children’s entrance to the hall
2. Musical greeting
3. Breathing exercises.
4. Articulation gymnastics.
5. Tongue twisters.
6. Vocal - intonation exercises.
7. Learning a song
8. Music game
9. Farewell “Goodbye, music”

Progress of the lesson

Children's entrance to the hall.
Musical greeting.
We shake hands with each other, and with a smile, “Hello!” we eat.
Good afternoon Good afternoon We are not too lazy to study - 2 rubles.
The music director invites the children to come to the table, on it is a staff with beaded notes.
M.R.: Guys, look!
On magic strings
The magnets are hanging.
Not ordinary magnets -
They all sound.
Nice necklace -
It's musical.
I have it in store for you!
These magnetic notes make up different songs. I’ll sing this song to you.

M. r. takes “notes” - they fall on the table.

M.R.: Oh! The beads scattered.
And there will probably be no more music.
Help me collect sheet music magnets?
Let's collect magnetic notes and put them in a music box, maybe we'll succeed music box to put all the notes back together again?
M.R.: But in order for the magnetic notes to “sing”, you need to perform certain exercises.
Let's stand in a circle
A little effort will improve your breathing.
Breathing exercises.
Let's take the “Snowflakes” and blow on them, let them fly and delight us with their beauty.
Blowing on a snowflake while holding a thread
« Goldfish»
Lives in a fabulous music country“Goldfish”, the fish surfaced (inhaled), DIVES (exhale while tilting), and again emerges and dives.

"Cloud and Rain"
Spring will come soon, the snow will melt, it will rain
A cloud flew in (inhale), and it began to rain (exhale, tapping the nostrils M-N)

After performing the breathing exercises, a sound is heard.
M. r. attaches a note to the staff.

And now, be quiet, let your tongue dance.
Articulation gymnastics.
Here is the tongue exercise: (Children perform movements according to the text of the game).
The tongue turned
Right, left. on the side. Children stroking their cheeks with their tongues -
We open our mouth, right and left
We chatter our tongues, perform the “Chatterer” exercise
And now, friends, no joke,
Use your tongue to clean your teeth. Swipe the tongue several times
Let's smile at all our friends, upper teeth, then lower teeth
You can't sing without a smile. Smile, lips stretched wide

After performing articulatory gymnastics, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one note wants to return to its house.
M. r. attaches a note to the staff.

Speaking tongue twisters is not an easy task.
We will say it beautifully, clearly and skillfully.

Tongue twisters.
Written by a mouse in a hole
Until the morning tongue twisters
It turned out exactly forty
He has a tongue twister.

After the tongue twister is performed, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one bead wants to return to its house.
M. r. attaches one bead to the staff.
If you want to sing loudly
Don't sit down like a bear
Press your feet to the floor harder,
Straighten your back quickly.
Arms and shoulders are all free.
Singing is pleasant and comfortable.

Vocal - intonation exercises.
“Snowflakes and white fluffs are falling
Put your palm up and wait a little."

“1,2,3,4,5, Go out for a walk quickly
We'll go down the icy hill
We'll ride in a crowd"

“They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear’s paw,
I still won’t leave him, because he’s good.”

“The giraffe grows tallest, it reaches the sky”

“The elephant is as big as a house, go around it,
And you will see that it is not easy to climb onto a house of such height"

After performing vocal and intonation exercises, a sound is heard.
M.R.: This one bead wants to return to its house.

The song comes to visit us
And it brings joy to us all.

Video of the song “Gingerbread House”
Learning a song
1. Read the lyrics to the rhythm of the song
2. Singing 1 verse of the song
3. Learn the verse of the song.
4. Sing 1 verse and chorus.

After the song is played, a sound is heard.
M.R.: These beads want to return to their house.
M. r. attaches five beads to the staff.

Music game
"Heel, toe"

After the game is played, a sound is heard.
M.R. These beads want to return to their house.
M. r. attaches five beads to the staff.

M.R.: So all the beads have returned home.

It's hard for us to sing and dance without music
We put the beads in a music book.
All my friends are happy about the wonderful music again
And we can’t lose those beads anymore.

M.R.: Thank you guys for coming to me, making me happy, and what did you remember and what did you like?
I was very pleased swami, and I want to convey to you from the gnomes of their gingerbread house a ringing candy cockerel.

Going out to the music.