Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten: a journey to the land of music. Musical entertainment in the form of a concert for children of middle and senior groups “Musical drops”

Entertainment consists of musical numbers which the children prepared for the spring holiday. Musical and didactic games were held throughout the school year. The hall is decorated with balloons, on the main wall there are paintings depicting musical instruments and multi-colored notes.

Required material:

Musical instruments: spoons, tambourines, maracas, bells, rumbas, metallophones; a cardboard image of a house with 5 windows, cards with musical instruments (5 cards), a tanager with musical instruments, 2 easels, a magic box.

Musical material: B. Smetana “New Year’s Orchestra”; “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Iordansky, Russian folk song “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, Latvian folk melody arr. J. Kepitisa.

Children enter the hall accompanied by calm music and sit on chairs.

(Musical instruments are laid out on tables near each group).

Musical director: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! Today's concert is dedicated to musical instruments! Each of us has a house in which we live, in which we feel comfortable and warm, animals also have their own houses, some have a hole, some have a hollow. Guys, where do you think musical sound lives?
Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.
Musical director: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And musical instruments begin to sound when musicians play them. A group of musicians who play together is called an orchestra. What orchestras do you know?
Children: Brass, folk, pop, symphonic.
Musical director: Well done, what is the name of the orchestra in which the performers are child musicians?
Children: Children's noise orchestra!
Musical director: Well done, our concert is opened by a children's noise orchestra senior group.

The 1st senior group performs “The Cheerful Orchestra” by composer B. Smetana.

Musical director: Guys, I have a magic box, what’s in it, let’s see (he opens the colorfully decorated box and takes out one riddle at a time), these are riddles from a music notebook.


Children: Drum!

2. They hit each other,
And they sing in response
And they shine like two pennies -

3. The instrument plays happily
He has bellows and keyboards.
If he plays even a little,
Everyone will recognize the instrument -... (accordion)

Musical director:

Maracas, maracas,
Make some noise for us now.
We will all dance
Play maracas!

1st middle group performs Russian folk song“In the garden or in the vegetable garden” on maracas

Musical director: I suggest playing with musical instruments.

Musical relay race. "Play the glockenspiel"

2 teams are participating. Metallophones are placed on 2 tables. Children run to the instrument, swipe the stick 2 times and run back.

Musical director:(rings a bell)

Ding-ding-ding, my bell
My melodious bell
Kolokoltsev chime
He is very cheerful.

2nd middle group performs “Latvian folk melody” with bells

Musical director: Guys, each person has his own individual voice, which distinguishes him from others, so each musical instrument has its own individual timbre, its own coloring.
Look, I have a fabulous musical house, in every window there lives a musician, and now we’ll try to guess what musical instrument he plays.

Musical game "Musical House"

Musical fragments on various musical instruments are played, children, having determined by ear which instrument is sounding, find its image among the cards and insert it into one of the windows of the house.

Musical director: Guys, I have a problem, someone cut the cards with musical instruments and I don’t understand how to put them back together. Will you help me?

Game "Assemble a tool"

2 easels, cards with musical instruments cut into 4 parts. 2 people go out and collect the tanager with musical instruments.

Musical director: Guys, let's imagine that we are real musicians and show how musicians play various musical instruments.

Plastic song – game “Musicians”

Musical director: Guys, I still have one more riddle in my box.

They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play a little too
On beautiful bright ones... (spoons)

Children of the 2nd senior group perform “Baynovskaya quadrille” arr. M. Jordansky.

Musical director: look what I see? These are some unusual musical instruments. Guys, can you tell us about them?

Presentation “Do-it-yourself musical instruments”

Children and their parents created various musical instruments with their own hands. Several children come out and talk about their instrument.

Musical director: Look at this musical instrument, how unusual it is (he approaches a guitar made of cardboard and picks it up), it seems like there’s something in it (opens it, and there’s a sweet prize for the children).

Now we have visited the world of musical instruments, tell me guys: are the instruments different? (Yes), are they all beautiful? (Yes)

Each musical instrument is special and has its own appearance and its unique timbre coloring!

You all performed wonderfully today, and I want to congratulate you all!
Children leave the hall to the music.

List of used literature:

1. Kaplunova I. “Our Merry Orchestra” from the series of the “Ladushki” program, St. Petersburg 2013.
2. Komissarova L.N., Kostina E.P. “Visual aids in the musical education of preschool children: a manual for educators and music directors” M.: Prosveshchenie 1986
3. Suvorova T. Rhythmic mosaic part 2, part 4 Toolkit for music directors, Moscow 2001.
4. Zheleznova E. “The locomotive is going, going, going.” Fun lessons for kids" No. 42 CD 2010.

State budgetary educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 1848

Subject : “Organization and maintenance of musical leisure and entertainment in preschool institution»

Musical director

Mordanova Yulia Alexandrovna



I. The meaning and content of entertainment

Entertainment using music (concerts, children's operas, musical dramatization games, puppet shows, fun competitions, quizzes, etc.) are an important means of deepening children's musical understanding and improving musical perception.

Thoughtful use of entertainment expands the sphere of pedagogical influence on the comprehensive development of preschool children and promotes the manifestation of positive personality traits.

Many entertainments are associated with various types of art: visual arts, music, literature, theater, cinema. Their content is reflected in specific themes taken from life (attitude to nature - “Autumn Signs”, love of native land- “Oh yes birch tree!”, careful attitude to toys - “Who is to blame?” etc.), revealing a direct connection with the educational and educational tasks of the kindergarten.

The saturation of entertainment with emotional and entertaining moments increases the interest and, consequently, the activity of children in everything that is offered to them during entertainment. Children's collective empathy forms the rudiments of their social feelings and relationships.

II. The Place of Music in Entertainment

Music in entertainment is used in different ways: in one case it constitutes the main content (musical games, concerts, children's operas, choreographic miniatures, round dances), in another it is used partially (performances, dramatization games, musical and literary compositions). But in all cases, it is necessary that expediency be observed in the use of music: either as a leading element that determines the basis of entertainment, or as a means that enriches and complements the content. Correctly finding the place of music in entertainment will help to accurately select musical works and thereby create the necessary mood, atmosphere and, therefore, more purposefully carry out a pedagogical impact on children.

New pieces of music should not be used frequently. Children's recognition of familiar melodies in situations that are somewhat unexpected for them or in an unusual environment causes an emotional uplift and helps to expand their musical understanding. Incorporating familiar songs, dances, and games learned earlier in class will bring them genuine pleasure and joy.

As a rule, in entertainment, music is either performed by adults (songs, instrumental pieces) or performed by children (songs, dances, games, etc.). In this case, it is important to take into account the principle of accessibility: in the first case - for its perception by children, in the second - for its execution by children. However, it should always be bright, imaginative music, with a simple, memorable melody, and a fairly expressive arrangement.

You can also use a recording. The solo, choral and orchestral sound of music performed by musicians and famous choirs contributes to the development of aesthetic perception of music. It can also be a separate musical fragment, representing a complete musical form.

It is advisable to include music on any sound-reproducing devices (tape recorders, electrophones) for the purpose of decorating theatrical performances, when creating a general musical or rhythmic background characteristic of certain types of entertainment.

III. Types and forms of entertainment

IN kindergarten A variety of entertainment is provided. Their types depend on the nature of children’s participation in them. On the one hand, this is entertainment, where children act as listeners or spectators; such entertainment is usually prepared and performed by adults. The script, as a rule, includes a more complex repertoire (this refers to performance, not the perception of it by children). The content is most often educational character(acquaintance with the work of a composer, writer, poet, with genre features of art, with various aspects of public and social life).

On the other hand, this is entertainment where children themselves are active participants and performers (of course, an adult supervises their activities). The repertoire should be accessible to the age capabilities of children, taking into account the level of their knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal of such entertainment is to activate and unite the creative expressions of children, reveal their initiative, cause an emotional upsurge and simply bring joy.

At the same time, there are also entertainment in which both adults and children actively participate. The content of these entertainments should be designed so that the activities of children and adults are logically combined.

Forms of entertainment can be extremely diverse and variable, since they depend not only on the goals and objectives set, but also on genre features the repertoire used, on its thematic focus and semantic richness. Compositions, concerts, performances, games, competitions, quizzes, carnival theatrical processions, etc. - all these are forms of entertainment created by the imagination of their organizers, a manifestation of their creative and pedagogical skills. However, there are some common points inherent in these entertainments. Let's look at some of them.

Concerts usually include various types (numbers) of activities: solo, ensemble, choral performance of songs, dances, artistic reading, playing musical instruments, performing small skits. But you can organize a concert using one of the activities, for example, a performance by a choir, an orchestra of children's instruments, etc. Concerts can be thematic and theatrical (i.e., colorfully decorated, costumed, using slides, recordings). Participation in concerts is available to older preschoolers. They perform, showing their skills to their comrades, children of other groups. At the same time, performing skills, initiative, and creative invention are manifested. Adults play a leading role in holding children's concerts. Educators draw up a program for the concert, taking into account children’s requests for participation in it, making sure that the sequence of alternating activities in the rooms and the load on its participants are observed.

1. Musical and literary compositions

Musical and literary compositions are created on the basis of a montage of artistic compositions of different genres, styles, rhythms and contents. literary works, intended for collective performance by their children or adults (their joint participation is also possible).

Music in a composition, on the one hand, helps to combine various literary texts into one whole independent work, on the other hand, it can act in it as an equal component with a predetermined emotional impact.

The dramaturgy of the composition requires rapidly developing action, which is achieved through a sharp, sometimes unexpected change of rhythms, the use of technical means of expression (light, noise, transparencies), laconic design details, and the conventions of their solution.

The composition is good for its mass appeal, allowing it to occupy almost everyone. But you should not make it overly drawn out and cumbersome; brevity always makes it easier for children to perceive and participate in it.

2. Musical and fun games

Musical games and fun games are a fun form of entertainment and can be enjoyed by children of all ages. The plot and imagery of these entertainments are organically combined with music.

Fun games with a touch of humor and entertainment, they are most often carried out with the youngest children. These are “Ladushki”, “The Horned Goat is Coming”, “The White-sided Magpie”, various options hide and seek, when the teacher is looking for children, or hides himself, etc. By combining music with playful activities, the teacher creates a relaxed environment for children.

Fun games help to gather and redirect children's attention, provide some relaxation, relieve fatigue and create an uplifting mood. For this purpose, they are conducted with middle and older preschoolers.

Various rhythmic chants and sentences with simultaneous clapping, stamping, and tapping are interesting for children and can be performed together with a teacher or independently. For example, the folk joke “Lambs” is performed using one sound. It is important to maintain the rhythm that accompanies the actions of children

Music gamesmore developed in content than fun games. In entertainment, they are most often theatricalized, supplemented with new moments compared to activities where they are usually learned with children. It is the elements of novelty that increase children’s interest in them, activate children’s performance and create an upbeat, joyful mood. These entertainments are not spectacular, since the children themselves are participants. Therefore, before starting, the teacher or music director must create a joyful, upbeat atmosphere and prepare for a possible surprise.

3. New toy

One form of entertainment can be joining a group new toy. Novelty, her visual appeal makes the child happy. The teacher acts with the toy, explains how to play with it, gives a description artistic image. In the hands of a passionate adult, a toy comes to life and becomes loved and desired by a child. A dance or song performed at the same time brings children closer to the toy and helps them use it in further independent games.

For example, the teacher shows the children a toy hare and reads a poem by Z. Petrova:

The bunny was made from plush

He has a big ears

And a special talent

This bunny is not arrogant,

This bunny is a musician!

At the same time, he strokes the hare, moves it along the floor (simulating jumping), then puts the toy down and sings the song “Hare” by S. Rustamov:

Gray hare, wait,

Don't leave me. .

The teacher accompanies the singing with actions: petting the hare, giving a carrot. After that, he invites the children to play with him. Everyone stands in a circle, puts carrots in front of them and dances to a cheerful tune. The teacher with the hare in a circle watches the dance, the hare knocks on the drum. When the music ends, the players quickly hide the carrots behind their backs so that the bunny does not have time to take them.

The game repeats itself. In conclusion, the teacher suggests collecting carrots, putting them in a basket, “giving” them to the bunny and inviting him to stay in the group.

This is fun for younger groups. You can play with a variety of toys (animals, dolls, cars), showing all kinds of actions with them. Skillfully selected music will make the toy more understandable and attractive to the child.

4. Dramatizations, dramatization games, puppet shows

Dramatizations, dramatization games, and puppet shows are the most common forms of entertainment in kindergartens. Children like to play out songs themselves, act out the actions of fairy tales, familiar literary subjects. The puppet theater turns into a real holiday for them. Puppet performances are most often prepared by adults or schoolchildren. Small scenes Children in the preparatory group for school can show the dolls for kids.

Children of junior and senior groups can participate in dramatization games. The age composition of the performers determines the degree of complexity of the repertoire. Teachers and the music director help the children master a particular role and coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants. For example, with children junior group It’s good to stage A. Filippenko’s song “Chickens” with children middle group- stage the song “In a Forest Glade” by B. Kravchenko. Older children can act out a simple fairy tale or dramatize a poem.

Music in dramatization games and plays sounds during the plot, when the characters sing, dance or simply listen to the playing of the violin, harmonica, flute, piano, harp, etc. Music is introduced with the aim of creating a certain mood, as musical accompaniment.

It should be remembered that music in performances should not sound constantly and be just decoration. This disrupts the perception of the content of the play, distracts the audience’s attention from the main action, and deprives the music of its functional significance.

For accompaniment, you can include in the performance works performed by piano, accordion, domra, as well as in recordings. Music that matches the content of entertainment and correctly characterizes the characters enriches the child’s ideas and helps develop his aesthetic senses.

5. Dance and opera miniatures

Dance and opera miniatures can also be used as entertainment. These are small solo-choral or choreographic theatrical scenes: the dance of the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio and Malvina, the opera “The Golden Egg” by I. Sats, the play sketch “Who is to Blame?” Yu. Chichkova and others.

In other entertainments, such as amusement rides and competitions, the music is episodic.

IV. Principles of Entertainment Scripting

A script is a detailed literary development of a particular type of spectacle. The script consistently sets out all the elements of the action that reveal the topic, gives a specific description of the performances, and provides methods that increase the activity of all participants. A scenario plan can also be attached to the scenario, which lists only the main points that make up the scenario and indicates those responsible. A list is prepared separately necessary equipment and attributes.

So, when developing a script, first of all, the theme and idea of ​​​​entertainment are determined, educational tasks and the purpose of its implementation.

The theme is usually set from the very beginning, and the audience must be led to the idea, as the general main conclusion, throughout the course of the action, developing the storyline so that it develops from event to event.

Before any performance begins, it is given short story or a short story about what event or phenomenon will now be shown.

  1. Each episode must be connected to the previous and subsequent ones.
  2. The action develops in an ascending line from weaker to emotionally strong episodes.
  3. Each episode must have an internal logic of construction and end before the next begins.

The idea of ​​the entire scenario is most concentrated in the climax. The finale (conclusion) should be a manifestation of the activity of all participants in the entertainment.

V. Planning entertainment

Various types of entertainment require advance planning in order to better organization working with children when conducting and preparing entertainment, as well as taking into account all educational work of the kindergarten.

The music director, together with the group teacher, first composes thematic plan for the quarter, then writes scenario plans for the month and, if necessary, develops more detailed scenarios individual species entertainment. If you use a ready-made script, you should indicate the source where the script was taken from. Overall plan per quarter is approved by the head or senior teacher of the kindergarten.

It should be remembered that entertainment is scheduled 1-2 times every 2 weeks in the afternoon. It is advisable to set a specific day for each age group. For display puppet theater, mass compositions, amateur concerts, you can combine 2-3 groups. This point should be reflected in the plan. It is also necessary to designate the location of the entertainment, indicating the basic principle of its design (if required by design).

Quarterly entertainment planning should be made taking into account the season of the year and significant events and dates of this period, taking into account educational tasks and the passage of the program repertoire. For example, planning entertainment for the first quarter of the school year (September, October, November) in a pre-school group may include the following types of entertainment:

  1. thematic concert “Autumn Signs” (instrumental, vocal music about nature performed by adults, children perform poems, songs about autumn);
  2. showing a filmstrip with musical accompaniment(organized by adults);
  3. music quiz (conducted by the music director together with teachers, works familiar to children are used);
  4. “Grandma Arina is visiting the children” (an evening of jokes and riddles; organized by adults);
  5. show puppet show(organizers and performers - adults);
  6. “Our fun concert” (the concert program is made up of children's musical and literary works at the preliminary request of the children; the organizers are educators; the presenters of the concert can be 2-3 children);
  7. cartoon screening (organized by adults);
  8. fun competitions, games, attractions (performed by adults with children, children can be assistants);
  9. musical game-dramatization (performers - children);
  10. humor evening (organized by adults).

Each type of entertainment has its own content, its own repertoire and corresponding educational tasks.

For example, planning for entertainment a musical dramatization game “Who is to blame?” (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by V. Viktorov), according to the content, the task is to instill in children a caring attitude towards their toys. The work is not programmatic, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of children and carry out individual preparatory work with them in advance.

VI. Non-traditional leisure and entertainment

Preparing and conducting non-traditional leisure and entertainment in kindergarten is an opportunity to actualize the creative potential of the teacher and the child. The organization of non-traditional leisure itself is distinguished not only by external, procedural means of activating creative activity, but also by the deep processes of addressing personal qualities child: independence, sociability, subjectivity, creativity.

During the preparation of non-traditional leisure, children and parents play an active role along with educators. They receive or choose certain tasks that need to be completed: choose a poem, learn a song or dance, make a crossword puzzle or quiz, cut, sew, glue costumes, masks, decorations, etc. However, preparation for leisure and entertainment does not end there - joint rehearsals are held, unlearning mass dances and songs.

The day of non-traditional leisure or entertainment must also be unusual; the psychological mood of children, parents, and teachers must correspond to the goals of the activity. The creativity and work that was expended on preparation should, of course, receive an adequate assessment of the audience and participants. And here the role of the presenter - the leader of the event - is very important. His culture, tact, ability to cheer up children, demonstrate pedagogical skills in difficult situations, charm - all this is the key to a successful lesson or holiday. When conducting them, the music director must be guided by the following principles:

  1. Maximum involvement of children in musical creative activities at events.
  2. The basis of children's emotional mood is “entertainment”, not “entertainment”.
  3. Development of children's communicative behavior, ensuring mutual understanding between all participants of the event, including guests and spectators.
  4. It is advisable to differentiate children by With inclinations and abilities.
  5. Constant positive assessment of the demonstrated results of children's creativity.
  6. The creative attitude of a music teacher towards conducting non-traditional activities and holidays.

VII. Reflection personal experience working with preschoolers

as part of the organization of leisure activities in preschool educational institutions

In the section of aesthetic education, cultural and leisure activities are a separate line. Her goal - creating conditions for development general culture child, his creative potential, individuality, his emotional (or inner) “I”.

The list of events includes:

  1. staging performances;
  2. theatrical and carnival activities;
  3. musical and literary compositions;
  4. educational musical and literary evenings;
  5. concerts;
  6. sports and music competitions;
  7. fun;
  8. tricks;
  9. gatherings together;
  10. folklore and folk improvisations.

All these types of work with children provide an opportunity to introduce children to artistic culture, aesthetic and emotional creativity, to make a child’s stay in kindergarten entertaining, interesting and educational.

Unlike holidays, during leisure hours we have the opportunity to provide a large layer of knowledge, skills, and abilities in a playful, entertaining way, taking children beyond the ordinary.

Leisure activities do not require such extensive and painstaking processing of material as happens at matinees. Children make contact more easily; they are not embarrassed by the great responsibility and emotional worries about their own performance. There is an opportunity to improvise, get into arguments, change roles, and try out different types of activities on your own. There is no formality, solemnity, or organization here.

1. How delightfully liberated the children are during the musical leisure activity “Paper Carnival”! The peculiarity of this entertainment is the extraordinary musical design - these are sounds made by ordinary household objects, and especially paper.

Musical dialogues between the inhabitants of the paper kingdom take place with the help of paper plumes, drums, rustling wrappers, cellophane ribbons and bags, rattles made from Kinder Surprises with different fillings: peas, buckwheat, pebbles.

In a fascinating fairy tale, each child can act as any subject with highest resolution Queen of the Paper Kingdom (program host).

The beauty of this event is the opportunity for all children to practice playing instruments (noise), to reveal themselves, to find what is closer to you and to express inner emotions in a positive form.

2. Interesting in form and content with younger preschoolers and entertainment - “Musical Chest”.

Children solve riddles, play musical toys, dress up in costumes, and meet heroes of Russian folk tales.

Fortunately, this age still easily believes in miracles and characters do not need to be prepared from teachers; younger children respond well to dolls, toys, and puppets.

But with older children, you have to prepare individual characters in secret from the whole group.

I am deeply convinced that children’s interest will be stable only when they can be surprised. Therefore, it is best to give the material in a playful, fairy-tale form. Involve active parents as characters for entertainment.

Evenings of entertainment with competitive elements between parents and children are very exciting.

This and bubble festival, and the parade of hats, and the mystery of the missing pie(birthday day),travel to the land of princes and princesses,KVN “In the Land of the Treble Clef”, “That’s How Big We Are!” (first meeting of newly arrived preschool children), etc.

And no matter how psychologists argue or scientists debate, I undertake to assert that a small souvenir from the holiday is another reason to please the child and support him.

In our kindergarten we have no problems with this issue. Sometimes parents prepare gifts (on their own initiative).

  1. At the end of the “Moidodyr” entertainment, the children received shaped soap.
  2. A box of funny soap bubbles was a reward for participation in the competition from Sharik-Losharik.
  3. After the hat parade, all participants received fashion coloring pages.

4. And entertainment according to the rules traffic ended with a three-color lollipop being awarded from the hands of a real policeman.

These are all thematic, game shows and theatrical entertainment associated with calendar dates (September 1 - Knowledge Day, April 1 - April Fool's Day) or musical events.

But there is special 2 leisure groups- moral and patriotic.They are closely interconnected with each other and repeat from year to year, but in different options and forms of implementation.

These are thematic entertainments that can be united under a common name:

  1. "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land."
  2. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children or spiritual values ​​of Russia.

If group 1 includes sports and musical entertainment on calendar dates significant for Russia:

  1. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  2. May 9 - Victory Day;
  3. Egory - Brave.

Then we can include in the 2nd group such leisure activities as:

  1. Maslenitsa;
  2. Christmas;
  3. Easter;
  4. Trinity.

This is a kind of flower garden of the spiritual foundations of our society.

Indeed, in our difficult times, even adults are confused under the pressure of hypocrisy, lies, hypocrisy and rudeness. How difficult small child to decide on spiritual values ​​when a stream of violence and blood overwhelms them from the television screen, and the statement: “For victory, all ways are good,” “beat the weak” have become life postulates.

How important it is to unobtrusively, competently, without offending the religious feelings of children of different faiths, to pave with them the path of life values ​​and behavioral norms commanded to us from above.

Children enjoy listening to Orthodox music, getting acquainted with icon painting, and perceiving biblical tenets, which in Russia are closely intertwined with folk rituals and customs.

At Christmas, everyone enjoys dressing up in costumes and singing carols.

At Easter they play games with Easter eggs and colored eggs.

On Trinity, they decorate a birch tree and dance in circles.

If you start work from the younger group, then to the older preschool age, children can quite consciously discuss topics of moral and legal (religious) direction.

But there is one very important condition for such leisure. It is advisable to spend them with parents in the form of gatherings and spiritual conversations.

You can’t get hung up on religious orientation either. People's experience also gives us material for interesting organization of such meetings.

The presence of fathers and grandfathers at festive leisure activities in honor of the Russian army is also required.

Open any collection of holidays and leisure activities, it’s amazing, but in it you will find how to spend Halloween and Valentine’s Day.

But it’s hard to find an interesting and entertaining way to spend Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The entertainment “Bogatyrskaya Outpost” is very interesting.

Using already developed musical material Having learned one thematic song and one dance with each group, having agreed with one of the parents who can “play” the Voivode, having organized dads to help their children, you can begin the selection for the voluntary squad of Defenders of the Fatherland.

New, educational material, slides, filmstrips, and the organization of exhibitions of the works of battle painters also fit well into the outline of the event.

For such leisure activities, it is better to unite children of 2 groups, close in age. The competitive spirit spurs the initiative of children and their parents. After such leisure time, children long remember that feeling of community, joy, pride in their family, friends, and loved ones. They learn to love their Motherland, realizing that they are part of the community of Russian people, and to be proud of their ancestors, the heroes of the Russian land.

This year we celebrated a big heroic date - 65th anniversary of victory over fascism. This theme ran throughout the entire school year.

Three large blocks of information and musical material:

  1. by February 23;
  2. for Cosmonautics Day;
  3. by May 9,

resulted in leisure activities for patriotic education, reinforcing the children’s impressions, visiting Victory Park, organizing thematic exhibitions “Your Defenders” (children’s) or “Glory to the Heroes and everlasting memory"(based on the works of great artists).

To sum up what has been said, I think that everyone will agree that children’s leisure activities help us, without straining children, to introduce them more deeply and widely to all aspects of the many-sided world, its values, diversity of forms and enchanting colors.

Entertainment in kindergarten is an important form of organizing children outside of class, helps create a joyful atmosphere, and contributes to the formation of positive emotions, expands the scope of their feelings, introduces them to collective experiences, develops initiative and creative invention. Organizing entertainment in kindergarten is an important pedagogical task.


  1. Music and entertainment in kindergarten. For children 5-7 years old / comp. N.A.Vetlugina, I.L.Dzerzhinskaya. - M.: Music, 1976
  2. Musical education of preschool children: A manual for students of pedagogical institutes, college students, music directors and kindergarten teachers / Ed. Radynova O.P. - M.: Education: VLADOS, 1994
  3. We love music. Festive entertainment for preschool children / comp. T.Babadzhan. Vol. 5. - M.: Music, 1989
  4. We're having fun: A manual for educators and music directors. - M.: education, 1973
  5. We have fun: Collection of materials on entertainment in kindergartens / comp. F.M. Orlova, E.N. Sokovnina. - M.: Education, 1965
  6. Entertainment and holiday surprises in kindergarten / comp. I.P.Rudchenko, S.M.Sholomovich. Vol. 1. - Kyiv: Musical Ukraine, 1975
  7. Rudchenko I.P., Sholomovich S.M. Entertainment and theatrical games in kindergarten. - Kyiv: Musical Ukraine, 1986
  8. Musical activities and entertainment in a preschool institution: A methodological guide for a teacher and music director of a preschool educational institution/ N.A.Moreva. - M.: Education, 2004
  9. Makshantseva E.D. Children's fun. - M., 1991
  10. Zimina A.N. Big round dance. - M., 1993
  11. Vetlugina N.A. Musical development child. - M., 1968
  12. Radynova D.P., Barysheva N.V., Panova Yu.V. Holidays and musical leisure in kindergarten. - M., 2008
  13. Vetlugina N.A. Methodology musical education in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1989
  14. Gorkova L.G., Obukhova L.A., Petelin A.S. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten - M.: VAKO, 2004
  15. Lgovskaya N.I. Organization and maintenance of musical and gaming leisure activities for children of senior preschool age. - M.: Iris Press, 2007


Autumn stompers visiting Petrushka

[Autumn holiday for the 2nd junior group]

[To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children enter the hall like a snake, line up facing the guests, with Autumn the adult with them]

Autumn: Hello, friends! There is beauty in our hall, it’s time to start the holiday!

[Everyone sits down on chairs]

Autumn: There's a house here,

Who is sleeping in that house?(knocking)

Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?

Who will open the doors for us?

[Parsley peeks out from behind the house, hides again, Autumn doesn’t notice him, this is repeated several times until the children point to Parsley, Autumn “finally” notices him. Music. Parsley runs out]

Autumn: Hello, mischievous Parsley,

A very bright toy!

Parsley : Hello children! Tanya and Petya!

Hello children, Everything in the world

Autumn: How naughty you are today

Cheerful and funny!

Parsley : Today there is a holiday in the yard - autumn has come!

Autumn: We'll quickly ask the kids to sing a song!

[The song “Leaves” is performed, children are sitting on chairs]

Parsley: Whole armfuls of leaves

On the path, on the grass,

I collected an autumn bouquet

For fun for the kids!

Autumn: If the leaves are flying,

This means leaf fall!

Come out, come out,

Yes, dance with the leaves!

[Dance with leaves “The breeze is blowing.” Collect leaves in a basket. The soundtrack of the rain sounds: “Let’s all run to hide!”]

Autumn: A drop fell from a cloud,

Autumn rain, prickly rain

It's drizzling lightly,

He's in a hurry to get the guys wet!

[Parsley quietly goes behind the screen during the game. The musical game "Sunshine and Rain" is played. Everyone sits down.]

[Screen. Music is coming. Mishka comes out]

Bear: Who can sing so loudly?

Who is disturbing my sound sleep?

Autumn: Look quickly, Mishka,

The kids came to visit us,

Don't growl and don't get angry,

Greet your guests soon!

Bear: Hello children, you woke me up.

Well, did you remember to bring some honey?

Autumn: Why, we remember that you have a sweet tooth!

Come on, get some food and eat a little!

Bear: Thanks, that's another matter! So be it, I give you permission to pick mushrooms in my forest! And it's time for me to sleep. Goodbye!

[Music, Mishka leaves.]

Autumn: Let's continue the celebration!

We will be welcoming new guests!

[Music, adult Fox appears]

Fox: Hello! I am a cheerful Fox!

I am beautiful to the whole world!

I was running past here

I heard your songs!

I want to play with you

Songs to sing and dance.

Come out bolder

I will clap you harder!

[The dance “Merry Children” is performed.]

Fox: Yes, you really are real dancers!

Autumn: Foxy, our kids also know poetry.

Fox: Is it true? I'll be happy to listen to them!

[Reading poetry.]

Fox: I really liked your poems, well done kids! Well, now I have to go, goodbye, kids!

[The fox runs away, wagging its tail.]

Autumn: And now, kids, let's play here now!

[Game "Who will assemble faster mushrooms?" Autumn scatters mushrooms of 2 types -they call two guys who can complete the task faster - move from the hoop to the basket]

Autumn: Where is our friend Parsley? We need to find him! Parsley, the prankster, where did he go?

Parsley: Yes, here I am, again with you!

Autumn: Well, it’s time for us to dance again, kids!

[The "Autumn Round Dance" is performed. Everyone sits down.]

Autumn: And who knows the riddles, guys? Who will wish for the guests?

[Children ask riddles]

Autumn: Well done kids, we had a lot of fun!

I'm glad that you children respect me,

We welcome you with dances, poems, and songs!

I picked autumn apples from my garden,

Take a treat from me, children!

And also - a loaf of bread, we invite everyone for tea!

Parsley: We say goodbye to everyone, see you again!

New Year's party

(preparatory group)

The Adventures of Hottabych

[Leader Metel enters the hall to the music, children run out behind her - a ceremonial entrance to the Christmas tree]

Blizzard : Hello, guests! Hello, New Year's holiday! Christmas tree and winter holiday! We invited all our friends to visit today! I came in the snowy winter, wrapped in birch and spruce. I’ll cover everything with a transparent blanket and weave a gimmick out of snowflakes. Well, guys, my name is... (blizzard)

Children: 1. Beautiful snowstorm,

Just look:

What kind of tree did he bring us?

Good Grandfather Frost.

How slender and majestic.

Look left, right.

2. We will sing, dance, have fun

And we'll dance around the Christmas tree.

Let our Christmas tree sparkle with lights,

Let's light all the lights up to the top.

[Round dance in front of the Christmas tree "Oh, winter!" At the end of the round dance, everyone stands around the Christmas tree.]

Blizzard : Let's say loudly: "One, two, three,

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn!

(the tree lights up the 2nd time)

Let's sing a song to our Christmas tree

And let's come closer to her.

Listen, the needles are shaking

In the shade of its thick branches.

[A song about a Christmas tree is performed. Everyone takes their seats.]

Blizzard: Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,

A magical dream for us, bring us a Christmas tree.

About palaces, about forests and sleds,

About wizards and animals.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond!

Fairy tale, fairy tale, appear!

[Music plays, Snow Maiden comes out.]

Snow Maiden: Hello! I am the Snow Maiden, all the children have been friends with me for a long time,

I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter.

And snowflakes - the daughters of the blizzard - are my dear friends.

Blizzard: Who, Snow Maiden, made your white outfit?

Snow Maiden: I sewed a white winter snow dress for me.

Blizzard : Who, Snow Maiden, sang songs to you in winter?

Snow Maiden: Did the forest breeze sing me songs tenderly?

Blizzard: What do you, Snow Maiden, wish for us?

Snow Maiden: I wish joy to all my friends

(waves a silver twig)

One two Three! The magic ball is burning,

Invite us all into a fairy tale!

[The mirror ball lights up, the main light is dimmed. Oriental beauties come out to the music. Dance of oriental beauties.]

East Gorgeous : 1. We are oriental girls -

Shamakhan queens,

We all shine like the dawn

Incomparable beauty!

2. And as we speak,

Like a babbling river.

It is fair to say,

This miracle is so wonderful.

3. The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead - a star is burning.

Well, they themselves are majestic,

We perform like peahens!

[Bow and retire to their seats to the music. Change of background music. Eastern music, Hottabych comes out.]

Blizzard : Who are you, venerable old man?

Hottabych: Oh, who doesn't know the old man,

Who can do everything?

Of course, everyone is sure

The name of the old man is known -

Ha ha ha. Merry genie Hottabych!

I've never been here before.

Who are you, sir? (..)

What's going on here? (...)

Oh, the joy of my eyes,

Would you be so kind as to dance with the old man?

Blizzard: Of course, our dear guest, let’s dance our favorite dance “Winter Fun”

[The “Winter Fun” dance is performed in pairs.]

Hottabych: Ay, well done! Hey, we had fun! How can I thank you?

Blizzard: Dear Hottabych, you are a wizard, which means you can make Grandfather Frost come to us for the holiday as soon as possible!

Hottabych: I will gladly perform this for you, just tell me what this Santa Claus looks like! Who's brave?

Child: Without Santa Claus, snowflakes don't fly,

Without Santa Claus, the patterns don't shine.

Without Santa Claus, the Christmas trees don't light up.

And without Frost there is no fun for the guys.

Hottabych: A! Understood! He is a wizard and is friends with snowflakes and snowmen! He will be here now!

[Hottabych casts a spell: A-ap, shari-vari tibidoh... Music. An adult Snowman appears.]

Snowman: Hello! I am a cheerful Snowman,

The swift-footed postman,

I walked in the slush and frost,

Brought congratulations!

Happy New Year!

And here are my friends - the snowmen! Meet!

[Music. The Snowmen come out.]

Snowmen: 1. They rolled us out of the snow

Santa Claus.

Eyes like coals

And a carrot nose.

2. We love to work,

We are very friendly, we love to have fun,

Only until spring!

3. Guys, I am the Snowman,

I'm used to snow and cold,

You blinded me cleverly,

Instead of a nose - a carrot

4. And I have a bucket on my head -

It's not full of holes!

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

I'm cheerful, mischievous.

5. We are fighting guys,

All handsome men are daring.

We protect the yard together,

So that a thief doesn't get in.

Blizzard: Oh guys, our guest is Snowman! Hottabych, what have you done? After all, this is not Santa Claus!

Hottabych: Yes, there was a mistake.

Snowman: Are you not happy about Snowmen? Oh, I'm melting.

It's time, friends, for us to leave,

So that the floor doesn't get wet at all!


[The snowman and snowmen leave to the music.]

Hottabych : Oh, wisest ones, tell me something else about this Santa Claus!

Child: Night... Doesn't sleep, sits under the tree,

Santa Claus embroiders.

He took a needle from the Christmas tree,

Threaded the needle with light from the stars.

Pulls a thread through a crack in the curtains -

The entire window is already covered in patterns.

Hottabych: Got it, got it. He doesn't sleep, at night he sews, sews, sews...(casts a spell

[Music. The Dwarf appears. He sits on the stump and “sews up” the cap. The song "Motley Cap" by G. Struve is performed]

Dwarf: Hello! I am a cheerful Dwarf, your friend.

Everyone was sitting under the tree, sewing up

Your cap with a pine needle.

What was your name I heard

And I came to you for the holiday with my gnome friends!

[Music. The Dwarfs come out.]

Gnomes: 1. We are forest gnomes,

We live happily.

At the green Christmas tree

We dance and sing.

2. We knock with hammers,

We wish you all happiness.

And in friendly steps

We walk merrily.

3. At the party today

And we can't resist

At the New Year's tree

Everyone wants to dance!

4. The moon is shining, it is shining clear,

The light is not bright.

The gnomes came to visit

As a present.

5. We sing a cheerful song

Let's meet New Year.

We are the gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

We are a cheerful people.

6. We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes:

We always joke.

And we do not lose heart

Nowhere and never!

[Small dance moment of Gnomes with lanterns]

Blizzard: Dear Hottabych! Error again! This is a Dwarf, not Santa Claus!

Hottabych: Come on, gnomes, get ready,

Return to the dense forest!

[Music, the gnomes leave.]

Blizzard: Listen, Hottabych, pay attention to the hint for the last time!

Child: This is a very old grandfather

It is over a thousand years old!

He has so much goodness -

Just mountains of silver!

His outfit is in silver,

He will be glad to meet you

Hottabych: O wisest ones! Thank you, I understood everything, I’ll fix it now!

[Conjures. Music. The light turns off. Koschey the Immortal appears.]

Koschey: Night and day, day and night

I don't know about rest.

Over your wealth

I'm slowly wasting away,

And I'll look into the chest -

And I’ll gasp with happiness!

Hottabych: Hello, O Eldest of the Elders, why are you so angry?

Koschey: You don't even understand who I am? You'll be angry here. The magpie brought everyone an invitation on its tail, but they forgot about me? I'll ruin your holiday for this. So I’ll take the lights from the tree and steal them into my Koshcheevo kingdom and enchant them. Hey hey! Christmas tree lights are bright, hurry to me and dance for me, but don’t burn on the tree! One two Three!

[Music. The little fire girls run out.]

Lights: 1. We are bright lights

We dance from the heart.

Clap your hands

After all, we are so good!

2. Shiny, elegant,

Beautiful and okay.

Together we burn, sparkle,

We illuminate with beauty.

  1. Allow us, Grandfather Koschey

Have fun at the Christmas tree.

And here at the holiday now

Spin around a little.

[Dance of lights. At the end of the dance, the lights on the tree go out.]

Blizzard: Hottabych, dear, do something, help light the Christmas tree, who will help us now?

Hottabych: I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry

[Hottabych casts a spell. Solemn music. Koschey and the lights run away. Santa Claus appears]

Father Frost : Hello guys,

Hello, friends!

Through the forest, through the snowdrifts,

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday!

What an elegant kindergarten,

Nice to see all the guys

And for all the guests today

Have a New Year's Eve party!

I wish you a snowy winter

And so that the sled will roll you around,

So that you can play in the snow!

To snowstorms

They sang their songs to you,

So that they are not afraid of frost,

May you grow and harden!

Blizzard: Grandpa, hello, we're in trouble!

Santa Claus: What is it?

What's happened?

What suddenly happened?

Blizzard (+ children, story): Koschey stole all the lights from the Christmas tree, please help us.

Father Frost: Lights on the Christmas tree on holiday

Are they always on?

For a cheerful Frost

This grief is not a problem.

Well, let's say: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

(2 or 3 times depending on the situation)

Hottabych : What kind of real Santa Claus are you!?

Father Frost : And what is this your guest?

(everyone answers)

Blizzard (ironically):And a “big” wizard!

Father Frost : Well, nice to meet you, we’ll all have fun celebrating the New Year together!

Blizzard: Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

We all know you.

About you, Santa Claus,

Let's sing a song!

Father Frost : Get up quickly for the round dance,

Sing a song together.

[The round dance "Father Frost and felt boots" is performed, music by V. Shainsky]

Father Frost: Well done, you sing well!

Let's continue the celebration

Let's dance merrily!

I'll take a look now

Who is the most dexterous among you?

[Attraction “Who is most likely to play the tambourine” (children + parents)]

Father Frost : Well, guys, let's play

Are you with me

Now show me

Who has what talent?

Blizzard: You, Grandfather Frost, sit on a stump,

Yes, listen to New Year's poems!

Father Frost : Come on, come on, I love poetry. Who's ready to read poetry?

[Poetry reading]

Blizzard: You liked the poems, Grandfather. But I see that you have a gift bag with you, and there are prizes for the guys in it?

[Blizzard lifts a bag from under the Christmas tree]

Father Frost : Oh, Metelitsa, don’t touch anything there, otherwise you’ll get a terrible thing!

Blizzard : And indeed... some kind of rug...

Father Frost : This is a magic rug(shows to guests), do not believe? It looks ordinary, but as soon as you step on it, your feet start dancing on their own and can’t stop.

Blizzard: I don’t believe you, Santa Claus. Are you kidding again?

Father Frost : Hey, look, get up on the mat! (lays out the rug)

[Blizzard steps on the rug and begins to dance]

Blizzard: Oh, Grandfather, I don’t want to dance anymore, let the rug let me go!

Father Frost : Yes, I forgot the magic words!

Blizzard: Grandfather, give me your hand, get me out of here!

[Santa Claus offers his hand and finds himself on the carpet. Blizzard and Santa Claus are dancing together.]

Hottabych : What should we do now?

Father Frost : We need to remember one thing Magic word guys, help!

[Everyone prompts - “please!”]

Santa Claus and Blizzard: Rug, let us go, please!

[The music stops. Santa Claus and Blizzard run away from the mat]

Blizzard : Yes, what a thing, put your rug away Grandpa!

Father Frost : Oh, I'm tired old man, I should drink some water! Otherwise I'll melt!

[Blizzard hands over a mug of confetti]

Blizzard: Drink, Grandfather Frost, chill out!

Father Frost ("takes a sip"): Eh, good water! (drinks again) Would you like to have a drink too?(everyone answers "no")Well, I'll have to douse you!

("splashes" confetti at parents and children)

Father Frost: Now I’ll check what you know about Santa Claus.

I will ask questions, and you answer in unison!

  1. Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
  2. Do you like jokes and gags?
  3. Knows songs and riddles?
  4. Will he eat all your chocolates?
  5. Will he light the children's Christmas tree?
  6. Wearing shorts and a T-shirt?
  7. Doesn't his soul age?
  8. Will it warm us up outside? Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
  9. Does he drive a foreign car?
  10. Wears a cane and a hat?
  11. Sometimes he looks like his dad?

Father Frost("takes a sip"):Well, have fun at your New Year's holiday! And everything is fine: the Christmas tree is on fire, the fairy tale ended well. It's time for me! The guys are waiting for me in other cities and kindergartens!

(getting ready to leave)

No, how can I leave such wonderful friends, get into the circle quickly, because the best friend in the world is the New Year's circle.

[The final round dance “Lights up the Christmas tree” or “Goodbye, Santa Claus!” is performed. Everyone sits down.]

Father Frost: Well, friends, the time has come,

Where's my gift bag?(searches)

Winter: Yes, it’s not visible anywhere!

Father Frost: How so? Isn’t it behind the Christmas tree?(No)Isn’t it behind the chair?(No)

Winter(finds behind the tree): Yes, here he is, Grandfather!

Father Frost: I’m old, I always forget where I put the gifts! Here they are

(unties, says something, looks in... throws out trash)

Wow! Affairs!(children's reaction)

I'll put the trash in the bag again,

I'll tie it tightly

I will touch the bag with a magic staff,

I’ll smile slyly at the beautiful Christmas tree!

I'll stomp four times

And then I’ll clap four,

Tara-bars, ta-ra-ra!

Let's open it, that's it!

All heroes: Hooray!

[Gift distribution]

Father Frost: It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday!

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

Once again the music calls for a farewell round dance!

  1. [The song “Lights up the Christmas tree” is performed. Everyone sit down

Father Frost: Happy New Year to everyone, I wish you happiness and joy. Goodbye, friends, it’s time for me to rush to a fairy tale!

Winter: The hour is coming, the hour of parting, let the tree live in memory. Let's say to each other: "Goodbye!, see you again in the New Year!"

[Everyone takes pictures, leaves, the holiday is over, the children leave the hall in an orderly manner]

Spring fairy tale for mothers

(senior group)

The roles are played by adults:

  1. Presenter
  2. Kikimora
  3. Spring

The roles are played by children:

  1. Freckle
  2. Magpies
  3. Hedgehog
  4. Bunny
  5. bear
  6. Fox

[Children enter the hall, stand freely, the Presenter is with them]

Presenter: Hello everyone who came to this room. How many guests our holiday gathered here! We are glad to see you again with us. What have the children prepared for you?

Child: We will try to surprise you,

Don't play around and don't be naughty.

Presenter: And why?

Child:Yes, there is no secret here.

After all, the holiday of all women and mothers is coming!

This day only happens once a year!

Children: 1. Let the sun shine tenderly,

Let the birds sing today.

About the most wonderful thing in the world -

I'm talking about my mother.

2. Our dear mothers,

We declare without embellishment.

This holiday is the most

Wonderful for us.

3. We are the mothers of our kind smiles

IN huge bouquet Let's collect.

For you, dear, beloved,

We'll sing a song today!

[A song about mom is sung]

Presenter:Congratulations on the sunny holiday,

We wish you happiness and health.

Grandmothers and mothers, thank you for your affection.

On this spring holiday we give you a fairy tale.

[Sounds funny music. The girl Freckles is running.]

Freckle:Hi all! Here I am!

Didn't you recognize me?

I am a spring Freckle,

I am Freckle-hemp!

All the guys know me and love me for my beauty.

I appear in front of the kids in the spring!

Presenter:It's good that you came. We are pleased with this, but, Freckles, where is Spring?

Freckle: Got lost somewhere. The snow has been lying in the forest for a long time, the sun shines little. Who knows where she is? Where has Spring gone?

Presenter:Magpies, White-sided Magpies are flying here.


Magpies: 1. We are Magpies, We are Magpies, we fly far,

We all know the news.

2. A rumor spread through the forest,

Why is Spring sleeping in the hut?

[They fly away to the music.]

Freckle: I’ll go into the dense forest,

I’ll find where Spring lives.

[Music. Freckle runs across the hall.]

Presenter: Here the Hedgehog is running towards you,

He puffs his song.

[Music. The hedgehog is running. Stops next to Freckles and dances.]

Hedgehog:Hello, dear Freckles.

My ears are frozen.

Together you and I will go

And we will find Spring in the forest.

[Music. Hedgehog and Freckle hold hands and walk along the path.]

Presenter:On the spring meadow

Zainka is jumping and jumping.

[Music. Bunny runs.]

Bunny: My paws are cold,

It's hard for Zainka to jump.

How much longer, guys?

Waiting for the sun and Spring?

Freckle: Come with us, Zainka,

Together we will find Spring.

[Music. Everyone is running happily, jumping around the hall in the character of their character.]

Presenter: Here Fox is running, trembling all over from the cold.

[Music. Fox is running.]

Fox: Come out, sunshine, quickly,

Warm up the little fox!

Dry my red fur

I will be the most beautiful of all!

Freckle: Come with us, Foxy,

Together we will find Spring.

[Everyone walks happily to the music.]

Presenter:Here in green pants

Mishka crawled out of the den.

[The bear runs to the music. Song "About Mishka".]

Bear:Who's walking here?

Stomping loudly, disturbing

Is Sonya Bear sleeping sweetly?

Freckle: Misha, it’s time to get up.

Wake up quickly

Go for Spring.

Bear:Okay, so be it, I'll go

With you I will find Spring.

[The polka dance “Kiss” is performed in pairs, dance rhythm No. 1 by Suvorova T.I.

Everyone approaches Spring’s house: the characters who participated in the scene earlier, the rest of the children take their places.]

Presenter: Look, little animals:

There, in the middle of nowhere, there is a hut.

Red Spring lives in it.

It's time for us to knock.


Freckle: Spring sleeps and does not hear.

What should I do to get out?

Beautiful Spring is upon us

And woke up from sleep?

Fox: And I know how to be here,

How can we awaken Spring?

We need to play music

Miracle keys to press!

[Walks up to the electronic piano and makes unusual sounds.]

Spring (from the house): I wake up, I wake up!

I'm rising, I'm rising!

But I won’t come to you for anything,

Until I wash my face!

Presenter: Hedgehog, Teddy Bear, Bunny,

Run, help.

You go to the stream,

Bring some water.

And you, Foxy, hurry up

And bring a towel.

[The animals carry water in buckets and a towel to the house.]

Spring (from the house): I won't go out for anything

Until I paint my face.

Presenter: Sunshine, sunshine, shine brighter,

Give us your rays, sunshine!

[Music. Spring comes out from behind the house.]

Spring:Hello guys. Here I am, Spring!

She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the sun, hot, radiant.

And it walks across the sky, across the clear sky.

Are you guys happy to see me? Are you happy or not?

I want to hear, children, your answer.

Children: Yes!

Spring:The people around are terribly happy

Today there will be a masquerade!

Faces glow joyfully

We'll all have fun!

They took the instrument into their hands -

Let's play loudly together!

[Orchestra of noise instruments + we invite mothers.

Everyone sits down.]

Spring: Oh, how bright it immediately became!

Everything in the area sparkled!

I'm glad that you were all waiting for Spring,

I'm glad they found me.

After all, today is mothers' day

Our loved ones and grandmothers!

Child: I'll tell you guys, and it's no secret,

There is no better person in the whole world than my grandmother.

We are friends with her, we are always together

And we never strain, and we sing songs!

Spring: We continue the holiday,

We read poems to mothers!

[Reading poetry.]

Spring: Oh, guys, hush, hush,

I think I hear something!

[Music. Kikimora runs into the hall.]

Kikimora: Phew, I've finally arrived,

Finally found you!

Wow! There are a lot of people in the hall!

I know you were all waiting for me!


Spring: What kind of miracle is this?

Sorry, where are you from?

I'm looking at you for some reason

but I never know!

Kikimora: Well, I'll fix it,

And now I’ll introduce myself!

1. I am the forest Kikimora,

I love scaring everyone!

But don't be afraid of me, kids,

I won't offend you! Wow!

2. I dressed up today

I came to your party for the holiday!

I dance and laugh

I want to play with you! Wow!

Spring: You, Kikimora, are right!

It's time to play!



[Calling a child]


Child: Let the sun shine brightly,

Let him smile at us

We brought gifts

For our dear mothers.

We made them ourselves

We want to surprise you

And in this bright hall

Give with love!

[Sings ditties while dancing.]

1. I am the forest Kikimora,

I love scaring everyone!

But don't be afraid of me, kids,

I won't offend you! Wow!

2. I dressed up today

I came to your party for the holiday!

I dance and laugh

I want to play with you! Wow!

Spring: You, Kikimora, are right!

It's time to play!

[Attractions are held: “Get to the candy” (children), “Swaddle the baby.”]

Kikimora: Oh, well done! We played great! No wonder I was in a hurry to see you!

Spring: Kikimora, do you know that on this holiday everyone, all women want to give gifts, tender and warm words? And so all the guys tried to express their love in different ways.

[Calling a child]

Child: Many songs have been sung about mommy.

We are warmed by kindness, like the sun,

We just want it again and again

Please your mother with a new song.

[The song “Mama” is performed. Everyone stands in a semicircle.]

Child: Let the sun shine brightly,

Let him smile at us

We brought gifts

For our dear mothers.

We made them ourselves

We want to surprise you

And in this bright hall

Give with love!

[Vesna brings out a tray with gifts, shows and says that we will “congratulate you in the group.”]

Summer has come to us again!

(musical and theatrical leisure)

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Music. Grandfather appears, walks with his head down, without looking at the children, and sits down in front of them. Balalaika in hands.

Grandfather:Balalaika, tryn, yes tryn,

It's boring if you're alone.

If only someone would come

That would be good!

Eh! It’s so boring, there’s no one, summer has already begun a long time ago, and there’s no one to play or have fun with.

(Raises his head, sees the children and gets scared, hiding behind a chair)

Oh, who is this? Why are there so many children? Why are you here, children?

(Children answer)

Grandfather:Oh, how great! Can I stay with you? What will you do on the holiday?

Children:Play, sing, have fun!

Grandfather:Will you read poems about summer? I really love poetry.

Children: 1. We celebrate the summer holiday,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2. We celebrate the summer holiday,

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

Sun, sun, shine brighter,

The holiday will be more fun!

(+ other poems - children of different groups, who prepared which ones)

Grandfather:Will you please me with a song?

A song about friendship and a good mood is sung

Grandfather: Well done, great song. They pleased the old man. So be it, I will amuse you too. I suggest you play the game.

"If you like it, then do it..."

Grandfather: And now I have a riddle for you: You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue.

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you - ... (sun)

Child:The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun looks from the sky,

And so pure, kind, radiant,

If we could get him,

We would kiss him.

Grandfather (takes out colored ribbons): Look, guys, what colors did these ribbons paint in summer?! Green, like... Red, like... Blue, like... Yellow, like... (hands out to children). Let's dance with them, guys!

Free dance improvisation with colored ribbons

Music. Shapoklyak appears

Shapoklyak: Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! Do you recognize me, who I am?


Shapoklyak:I didn't catch the bus here. I see some kind of kindergarten. Let me, I think I’ll go in and see what the kids are doing. What do you have here?

Children: Summer holiday!

Shapoklyak: Yes?! I also really love holidays. What do they do with them?

(children's answers)

Shapoklyak: Are they playing? How I love to play! I know such wonderful games. For example, smear glue on a bench, and when someone sits on it - what fun! Good game?

Children: No!

Shapoklyak:Then another: a man is walking down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on top of him. Great?

Children: No!

Grandfather:Listen, Shapoklyak, you should get out of here! What games do you teach children?

Shapoklyak: Everything, everything, everything. I won't do it again. Grandfather, can you help me? Here in the store I saw very tasty candies, go and buy them.

Grandfather: You forgot to say something.

Shapoklyak: Oh please.

Grandfather:Okay, I'll go, but don't teach your children anything bad. And you guys, tell me later.


Shapoklyak:Well, he's finally gone! I invite this boy to play a game with me. I was walking down the street and lost my wallet!

(Drops a wallet tied on a string to the floor.)

Boy, help me, pick up your wallet, please.

(the child bends down for the wallet, and the wallet “runs away”)

You can't, boy!

(invites another child)

Grandfather (appearing): You deceived me, Shapoklyak. There are no candies in the store. What did she teach you here? Good?

(children tell)

Oh, you shameless granny, what did you teach the kids?

(shoos Shapoklyak away)

We will continue the celebration. I want to tell you a new riddle!

No sun and no rain

Not a single nail

And they built it in no time

Celestial Gate (rainbow)

What are the colors of the rainbow?

(children's answers)

Well done, you know everything. I want to give you the prepared treat

(looks around)

Oops, something strange. All the treats have disappeared somewhere! This is probably the tricks of Shapoklyak! Well, never mind, we will call the red summer for help and one thing will definitely help us! Come on, let's clap quickly, let's call summer soon!

Applause. Music. Summer enters with a basket of flowers

Summer: Hello guys!

Grandfather: Here it is - the long-awaited summer. What have you, summer, brought us?

Summer: I have good weather, birdsong, warmth and water, bright sun, I didn’t forget to bring flowers!

Grandfather: Well, then we will be happy to dance with you with the flowers that you brought!

Dance with flowers

Grandfather: The guys read poetry to you! They will sing songs!

Summer: I’ll be happy to listen!

Reading poetry, performing a song.

Grandfather:But the only problem is that our treat is missing, Shapoklyak stole it! What should we do?

Summer: I know how to make Shapoklyak return the treat, but for this I need the guys’ help. Can you stomp your feet? (...) How about buzzing like airplanes? (...) Growl like wild animals? (...) Now listen to me carefully!

Shapoklyak, give up! You're surrounded. An army of brave soldiers came with me. Can you hear them coming?

(children stomp)

Our planes are flying in the sky. Can you hear their hum?

(children humming)

And scary, angry tigers hid in the bushes, and they’re roaring!

(children growl)

Shapoklyak:Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

(runs out)

Pick up your treat. I will never come to you again!

(runs away)

Grandfather:Well, we've welcomed Summer, it's dressed in greenery. Summer has come to us again, it's very good!

Distribution of treats. There's a song about summer

Grandfather: Goodbye, guys!

Summer: Have a nice summer holiday! See you again!

The end of the holiday

School graduation

[Music. The presenter - teacher enters the hall]


The hall cannot accommodate today

All the assembled guests.

Let's see you off to school today

We are from kindergarten!

Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers are rushing in the morning.

We solemnly welcome them

Applause, friends!

[Pop march music. children enter in pairs, the leader announces them!]

The most perky...!

The most charming...!

The most agile...!

The most hardworking...!

The most athletic...!

The most attentive...!

[Couples stand freely throughout the hall]

Children read:

1. We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

But somehow he came right away.

And the lilac blossomed for everyone,

Never before has it bloomed!

2. Bouquets, music, poetry

And the room is bright with smiles!

For the first time we are graduates,

But here is the last ball!

3. Our garden is sad today...

And we are sad, just a little.

The day of farewell has come,

And a long journey awaits us!

4. How the adults tried

So that the garden becomes loved,

So that we all smile,

And no one here was bored.

[Song “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten!”]

5. More than once we will remember how we played,

And how many things there were here!

How to draw in the evenings

And the forest, and the mother, and the stream!

6. We will remember the group and toys,

And the bedrooms are tender comfort,

How to forget friends, girlfriends,

With whom we lived here for so many years!

7. Let the passing of the years not be a problem.

Let mothers bring new babies.

We know: you will always meet them

Radiant and kind eyes.

Presenter: Still, on this holiday we cannot be bored,

Let's all get together in pairs and let's dance the polka!

[Polka "Well, goodbye"]

[Music. Two children enter]


1. Tell us, dear parents,

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers,

Uncles and aunts, do you love

Your kids.

2. Do you know what happens

When are mothers and fathers too affectionate with their children?

They don't wake them up early in the morning,

Do they cherish them and dove them?

Now we will tell you about it!

[Music. Children perform in the scene “Petya goes to school” (having changed clothes in advance)]

1. Today is Petrusha’s holiday:

Our Petrusha is a first grader!

2. He is walking down the street,

Surprising all the people.

Only... Petya is not alone.

Who is for Petya? Let's see!

Together:Adults and children are watching, and behind Petya - the train is coming!

[Music. The characters move around the hall in their character, facing the guests.]

1 child:Who is in a hurry for Petenka?

Mother: Mommy!

2nd child:Who is running after Petenka?

Dad: Daddy!

1 child: Who is hobbling after Petya?


2nd child:Who groans, but catches up?


1 child: Tell us why you clung to him?

2 child: Is Petya the locomotive who brought the trailers?

Mother:Who will button the shirt?


Dad:Who will carry the briefcase?


Grandmother:Who will butter the bun?

All: Myself!

Grandfather:Who will tie the shoes?

All: Myself!

Mother:But he's still small!

Dad: But he’s still weak!

Grandmother:He's so pampered!

Grandfather:He's so painful!

Mother:Have pity on him, my first-grader!

Dad:I took time off from work to take care of his worries!

Grandmother: My grandson is getting thin - I’ll give him a pie!

Grandfather:If you miss class, I'll tie his shoelace!

1. This is just nonsense

No good.

2. We'll take him away from you,

Come on, Petrusha, to class!

[Music. Petya proudly goes “to school”, stands next to the leading children-authors]

1 child:Soon Petya will be there for you

Answer everything: “I myself!”

2nd child:Who knows the story?

He wound it around his mustache.

Together: Don't be alike, children,

Look at Petya like that!

[Music. The characters go back to their places]

Presenter:Guys, do you know what you need to do to avoid becoming as pampered and painful as this Petya?


Children (in the center of the hall):

1. To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

We are used to doing

Exercise in the morning!

2. During physical education in kindergarten

We've pumped up our muscles.

I'll go to school athletic

Not that. what was in the beginning!

3. We found out what in the world

Many countries, forests, seas,

And that we are not just children -

Children of their Motherland.

[Dance with flowers "Russia - My Motherland" is performed]

4. We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around make noise,

So that the skies are blue,

So that the beautiful river is reflected in them.

5. Guys of all nations

They live as a family alone,

In great and free

To your native country!

[Song about the homeland. Everyone sits down.]

Presenter: Something in the hall became quiet:

Who's knocking at the door?

I'll see, I'll see,

Could it be Barmaley himself?

[Music. Barmaley appears]

Barmaley: My name is "Barmaley"

Fear strikes children.

All the kids were scared!

What, are you boys hiding?

And the girls trembled

They even fainted.

And then: “We have grown up. We are strong,

We are adults!" - Well, the students are obnoxious!

Do you want to go to school?

But we just ate a little porridge!

Look at me!

I'm getting slimmer every day!

Studying at school is simply boring.

You need my science!

Presenter: Why are you, formidable Barmaley,

Will you teach little children?

Barmaley: First, I’ll teach you how to be cunning,

Always tell lies

And secondly, girls - wonder,

Boys are great at fighting!

And, most importantly, in a short time

I will teach children to skip classes!

To deceive your grandmother, mother, brother,

Also, forget your pencil cases and books!

Presenter: Wait, Barmaley, just give you free rein.

Is this really what they teach in school?

Listen to the poems and wrap your head around them,

Go to school with the kids!

[Reading poems about school]

Barmaley:Everything is clear and understandable to me,

Heading back to Africa!

There I will sit at the desk.

The teachers' work was not in vain,

Your knowledge about the school is excellent!


[Music. Barmaley runs away.]

Presenter:Let's continue the celebration

Let's dance again!

[Dance at the discretion of the music director]

Presenter:And now we will rest,

Doors for new guests

Let's open it quickly!

[Music. Pinocchio and Dunno run in]

Pinocchio: Hello friends! And here I am, cheerful Pinocchio!

Dunno: Hello! And I'm going to school too! You recognized me? Yes, that's right, I am Dunno! Where did you go, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio:And you can guess!

Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning?

(All: student)

That's right, I am now a student and will go to school.

The desks are waiting for me, firstly,

Lessons are waiting, friends are waiting,

The smartest person

I will be at our school!

Presenter:What a great fellow you are, Pinocchio, for going to school. You will be smart and prudent!

Dunno:I have a riddle for you too!

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked,

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important!

What is this?

(satchel, briefcase)

That's right, you guessed it! But the problem is, I won’t be able to put everything I need at school on my own.

Presenter:And we will be happy to teach you! Really, guys?

[Children's answers]

[Attraction "Pack your bag for school"]

Dunno: Thank you guys! I remember everything, it’s time for us to return to our fairy tales! Goodbye!


[Music. Pinocchio and Dunno run to their places]

Presenter:Yes, our boys grew up imperceptibly

And we learned a lot of new things:

They danced, sang and read poetry!

And how they sometimes drew!

Please come out

Show us the master class!

[Music. Children come out to the easel.]


1. I’ll draw a toy

She must have ears...

2. Where are the eyes, nose, mouth?... (draw)

3. Flower on the tummy!...

4. The beast is somehow too discreet,

I'll draw stripes!..

5. How can he walk without paws?

He will fall without legs!..

6. Oh, what beauty,

All that's missing is the tail!..

Together: We tried, we weren’t lazy

And we learned something!

Educator: Well, dear guys, we are quite calm about you, you are ready for school! Now comes the moment of farewell, but we, friends, will not be sad; Kindergarten will remain in your life forever, as family of origin! To you, our dears, the final word!

[Children stand in a semicircle]

1. Today is a bright and sad day.

Today we say goodbye to kindergarten.

The school opens its door to us.

Farewell, our kindergarten, there is no need to be sad.

2. Other children will come here,

To leave again when the time comes.

And you will still live in our garden

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.

3. We say thank you today

To all those who showed concern.

Firstly, to your teachers.

Your job is not easy, but necessary!

4. What to say about the garden:

It was good to live here!

We were greeted like home

Summer, autumn, winter.

5. These walls have made us friends,

They gave me joy and warmth.

We actually thought

We are so lucky with the garden!

6. We speak from our hearts

Our manager:

"Believe me, there is no kinder person than you,

And there is no more beautiful garden!"

7. I began to speak beautifully

Who could teach me this?

My speech therapist is a word wizard,

I especially thank him!

8. We are our educators

We consider the second one to be mother.

We were with you sometimes

9. You washed the walls and floors,

Toys and dishes.

I am my good nanny

I will never forget!

10. For vitamins and Mantoux,

And abrased the bandage,

Say "thank you" to the nurse

For kindness and affection.

11. I'm afraid there are not enough words in the world,

We will remember and love you,

Giving their hearts to children

Those who gave us a start in life!

12. We say goodbye to the garden

Let's sing a friendly song.

Never, nowhere, guys,

We won't forget about him!

[Song "Parting Song"]

Presenter:Now it's time to congratulate our dear and beloved kindergarten employees!

[Children present flowers to teachers and staff and sit down]

Presenter:And now the most solemn moment has arrived. Guys, you will now receive your first diplomas - kindergarten graduate diplomas. The floor is given to the manager (director).......

[Congratulations, awards, gratitude, words from parents]

Presenter: Our gala evening has come to an end! Let's see off our graduates, yesterday's preschoolers! Have a nice trip! Goodbye!

[Music. Children leave the hall in an orderly manner]

The holiday is over

We bring to your attention a scenario for organizing leisure time in kindergarten. This activity will introduce children to works of world musical classics, help them understand the mood conveyed through music, and promote the development of imagination and creative thinking.

The development of the imagination of preschool children is very important, since it is during this period that the ability to creatively approach problem solving, look for analogies in related or even opposing fields of knowledge, and reveal one’s own inner world various artistic means. Classes like these will help you with this.

Leading: Hello guys. The Sorceress Music came to visit us. She knows how to make various magical transformations and knows many fairy tales.

Children sit on chairs.

Sorceress Music: I have a magic bell. It has a very beautiful, clear ringing that will transport us to different musical stories.

Leading: What will be the first story?

Sorceress Music: And the first musical history happened more than a hundred years ago. At this time there lived a wonderful Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who composed a lot of music for children. He has a collection of children's music called "Children's Album". This album contains a lot of music about the lives of children, their fun and games. The girls enjoyed listening to the music “Doll Disease”, “New Doll”, and the boys loved listening to “March of the Wooden Soldiers”. The children really enjoyed listening to the “German Song”.

Leading: The music is very cheerful, playful and danceable. The children, listening to this music, just wanted to move. I like her very much. Let's listen to "The German Song" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The “German Song” sounds, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Leading: Did you guys like the music? Did you want to dance?

Sorceress Music: I even have beautiful ribbons for this dance. I’ll give them to you now, and we’ll dance it together.

Children perform a free dance with ribbons.

Leading: Guys, sit down on the chairs. The Sorceress Music will tell you another musical story.

Sorceress Music: Once upon a time there lived a little girl, they affectionately called her Lizochek. She was so small that she could fit on a dandelion, made herself elegant clothes from mosquito wings, ordered a phaeton carriage from eggshells and went to the ball. Listen to a song about her.

I show the children an illustration.

“Children's Song” sounds, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, lyrics by K. Aksakov.

Sorceress Music: And this musical story will feature the music of another Russian composer, Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev.

Leading: He wrote music for the ballets "Cinderella" and "Stone Flower", and a lot of music for children.

Sorceress Music:(rings the bell) One day the girl Masha was left alone in the room. She took from the vase without permission chocolate candy and ate it. But then she remembered that she did it without asking, she felt ashamed and repented.

Leading: We will now listen to music called “Repentance”.


Leading: The girl asked her grandmother for forgiveness. And to console her granddaughter, Grandmother told her a fairy tale. Sorceress, what can you do to please our guys?

Sorceress Music: Guys, I brought you a musical one. We will watch a cartoon and listen to how the voices of birds, ducks, and grandfather’s steps are conveyed in music.

View a fragment of a cartoon.

Leading: Guys, did you like the fairy tale? And what happened next, you will find out when you finish listening to this fairy tale in the group. Sorceress, you told us so much interesting stories. And the guys and I want to tell you our musical fairy tale “Two Bells”.

Sorceress Music: I have been to many Kindergartens, and usually they expect fairy tales and magic from me. I will be happy to listen to your musical fairy tale.

"Waltz-Joke" sounds, music by D. D. Shostakovich. Children play children's musical instruments.

Sorceress Music: You guys made me so happy. How musical you are and how you played together. Did you like my music stories?

Leading: What music did you like the most? What would you like to listen to again?

Performed musical composition at the request of the children.

Leading: Thank you, Sorceress Music. The guys and I will be glad to see you again.

Children say goodbye to the character.

Yulia Mordanova
Organization and maintenance of musical leisure and entertainment in the preschool department of the educational institution

VI. Non-traditional leisure and entertainment

Preparation and conduct of non-traditional leisure and entertainment in kindergarten is an opportunity to actualize the creative potential of the teacher and the child. Herself organization of non-traditional leisure differs not only in external, procedural means of activating creative activity, but also in the deep processes of addressing personal qualities baby: independence, sociability, subjectivity, creativity.

During the preparation of the non-traditional leisure Children and parents play an active role along with educators. They receive or select certain tasks that are necessary execute: choose a poem, learn a song or dance, make a crossword puzzle or quiz, cut, sew, glue costumes, masks, decorations, etc. However, preparation for the event leisure and entertainment It doesn’t end there - joint rehearsals are held, mass dances and songs are learned.

Day of the non-traditional leisure or entertainment must also be unusual, the psychological mood of children, parents, and teachers must correspond to the goals of the lesson. The creativity and work that was expended on preparation should, of course, receive an adequate assessment of the audience and participants. And here the role of the presenter - the leader of the event - is very important. His culture, tact, ability to cheer up children, demonstrate pedagogical skills in difficult situations, charm - all this is the key to a successful lesson or holiday. When they are carried out musical the manager must be guided by the following principles:

1. Maximum involvement of children in musical creative activities at events.

2. The basis of a child’s emotional mood is "entertainment", but not « entertainment» .

3. Development communicative behavior of children, ensuring mutual understanding between all participants of the event, including guests and spectators.

4. It is advisable to differentiate children according to their inclinations and abilities.

5. Constant positive assessment of the demonstrated results of children's creativity.

6. Creative attitude musical teacher to conduct non-traditional activities and holidays.

VII. Reflection of personal experience with preschoolers

within organization of leisure activities in educational institutions

In the aesthetic education section separate the line stands culturally - leisure activities. Its goal is to create conditions for development the child’s general culture, his creative potential, individuality, his emotional (or internal) "I".

The list of events includes myself:

staging performances;

theatrical and carnival activities;

musically-literary compositions;

educational musical and literary evenings;


sports- music competitions;

gatherings together;

folklore and folk improvisations.

All these types of work with children provide an opportunity to introduce children to artistic culture, aesthetic and emotional creativity, and make a child’s stay in kindergarten entertaining, interesting and educational.

Unlike holidays, leisure hours, we have the opportunity to provide a large layer of knowledge, skills, and abilities in a playful, entertaining way, taking children beyond the ordinary.

Leisure do not require such a large and painstaking practice of material, as happens at matinees. Children make contact more easily; they are not embarrassed by the great responsibility and emotional worries about their own performance. There is an opportunity to improvise, get into arguments, change roles, and try out different types of activities on your own. There is no formality, solemnity, well-organized.

1. How delightfully liberated children are musical leisure"Paper Carnival"! The peculiarity of this entertainment is extraordinary musical decorations are sounds made by ordinary household objects, and especially paper.

Musical dialogues between the inhabitants of the paper kingdom take place with the help of paper plumes, drums, rustling wrappers, cellophane ribbons and bags, rattles from kinder surprises with different fillers: peas, buckwheat, pebbles.

In a fascinating fairy tale, each child can act as any subject with the highest permission of the Queen of the Paper Kingdom (presenter).

The whole beauty of this event is the opportunity for all children to practice playing instruments (noise), to reveal themselves, to find what is closer to you and to express inner emotions in a positive form.

2. Interesting in shape and content with younger preschoolers and entertainment -« Musical chest» .

Children guess riddles, play musical toys, dress up in costumes, meet with heroes of Russian folk tales.

Fortunately, this age still easily believes in miracles and characters do not need to be prepared from teachers; younger children respond well to dolls, toys, and puppets.

But with older children you have to cook individual characters in secret from the entire group.

I am deeply convinced that children’s interest will be stable only when they can be surprised, so it is best to present the material in a playful, fairy-tale form. Attract for entertainment as characters of active parents.

The evenings are very exciting entertainment with competitive elements parents - children.

This is a holiday of soap bubbles, and a parade of hats, and the mystery of the missing pie (birthday day, a trip to the land of princes and princesses, KVN "In the Land of the Treble Clef", “That’s how big we are!” (first meeting of new arrivals preschoolers) etc.

And no matter how psychologists argue or scientists debate, I undertake to assert that a small souvenir from the holiday is another reason to please the child and support him.

1. At the end entertainment"Moidodyr" children received shaped soap.

2. A box of funny soap bubbles was a reward for participation in the competition from Sharik-Losharik.

3. After the hat parade, all participants received fashion coloring pages.

4. A entertainment According to traffic rules, it ended with the awarding of reflective keychains from the hands of a real police inspector.

These are all themed, game shows and theatrical entertainment, associated with calendar dates (September 1 - Knowledge Day, April 1 - April Fool's Day) and other events.

But there are 2 special groups leisure- moral and patriotic. They are closely interconnected with each other and are repeated from year to year, but in different versions and forms of implementation.

These are themed entertainment, which can be united by common name:

1. "Bogatyrs of the Russian Land".

2. Spiritual and moral education preschoolers or spiritual values ​​of Russia.

If group 1 includes sports musical entertainment according to calendar dates significant for Russia:


Cosmonautics Day;

Children Protection Day;

Russian Independence Day

Then to the 2nd group we can include such leisure, How:



This is a kind of flower garden of the spiritual foundations of our society.

Indeed, in our difficult times, even adults are confused under the pressure of hypocrisy, lies, hypocrisy and rudeness. How difficult it is for a small child to decide on spiritual values ​​when a stream of violence and blood overwhelms them from the television screen, and statement: “All ways are good to win”, "beat the weak"- became life postulates.

How important it is to unobtrusively, competently, without offending the religious feelings of children of different faiths, to pave with them the path of life values ​​and behavioral norms commanded to us from above.

Children enjoy listening to Orthodox music, get acquainted with icon painting, perceive biblical postulates, which in Russia are closely intertwined with folk rituals and customs.

At Christmas, everyone enjoys dressing up in costumes and singing carols.

At Easter they play games with Easter eggs and colored eggs.

On Trinity Sunday they praise the birch tree and dance in circles.

If you start work from the younger group, then to the older preschool age, children can quite consciously discuss topics of moral and legal (religious) directions.

But there is one very important condition for such leisure. It is advisable to spend them with parents in the form of gatherings and spiritual conversations.

People's experience also gives us material for interesting organizing such meetings.

The presence of fathers and grandfathers at the holidays is also required. leisure time in honor of the Russian army, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

New educational material, slides, films, presentations, etc. fit well into the framework of such events. organization exhibitions of works by artists and children themselves, as well as adults.

The competitive spirit spurs the initiative of children and their parents. After such leisure Children remember for a long time that feeling of community, joy, pride in their family, friends, and loved ones. They learn to love their Motherland, realizing that they are part of the community of Russian people, and to be proud of their ancestors, the heroes of the Russian land.

To sum up what has been said, I think everyone will agree, leisure Children's activities help us, without straining children, to introduce them more deeply and widely to all aspects of the many-sided world, its values, diversity of forms and enchanting colors.

Entertainment in kindergarten are an important form organizing children outside of class, help create a joyful atmosphere, contribute to the formation of positive emotions in children, expand the scope of their feelings, introduce them to collective experiences, develop initiative, creative invention. Entertainment organization in kindergarten is an important pedagogical task.

Musical-themed leisure activities for older and older children preparatory groups kindergarten called: "Matryoshka Fun"

Description of material: The scenario for this event will be interesting music directors, educators, parents, additional education teachers working in the field of music.

Target: Introducing children to Russian folk and modern games and toys; creating a cheerful, joyful mood.

Cultivate interest in different games and toys;
Formation of cultural behavior skills.
Cultivate attention, speed of reaction, endurance.

Develop rhythmic hearing;
Promote further development of skills dance moves, the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in dance.

Teach children to coordinate movement with words;
Learn to hear and accurately convey in motion the beginning and ending of the sound of musical phrases;
Introduce children to different tunings depending on changes in the character and rhythmic pattern of the music.
Teach children to perform the movements of the spring step and polka step.

Educational areas:"Cognition", "Music", "Communication".

Material: Russians folk toys various crafts (Bogorodskaya, Dymkovskaya), as well as toys made from straw and fabric; nesting dolls, various in design; diamonds; checkboxes; “broken mirror” for the attraction; music Center; audio recordings for dance compositions; book with riddles.

Preliminary work: learning musical-rhythmic movements for dance compositions, word games, finger games and musical-didactic games.

Leisure activities:

Children run into the hall and, dividing into two ranks, stand at the side walls facing each other.

Child(1 rank) We were in a hurry, in a hurry,
It's time to start the games.

Child(2 ranks) Tell me where you were,
What did you do this morning?

Child(1 rank) We woke up early, early,
Together with the golden dawn.
We ran to the clearing,
We looked into the dense forest.

Child(2 lines) Tell me how you walked,
And what did you play there?

Child(1 line) We all walked in the yard
And they collected glass:
Different, different,
Blue, red.

Child: Take some glass,
Look through them.
Multi-colored rays
Everything sparkles before us.

Dance: "Game of Colors" B. Savelyev. (g\z)
Children sit on chairs.

Ved: Guys, today we are celebrating not a simple holiday, but a day that you probably love very much - this is the day of your favorite dolls. After all, each of you has your favorite dolls or some other toys and you like to play with them.
Today two nesting dolls are due to come to visit us: Masha and Dasha. Hey... it's probably them. (a teacher dressed as a matryoshka enters)

Masha: Hello guys, my name is Masha. I came to visit you. Didn't my friend Dasha come here? She should be here by now. I'll go get her. (leaves)
Dasha enters.

Dasha: Hello guys! My name is Dasha! Did my friend Masha come here? (yes) well, I'll run after her. (leaves)
Masha enters.

Masha: I searched and searched for my girlfriend, but I couldn’t find her. If she comes here, you call me louder, and I’ll come running. (leaves)
Dasha enters.

Dasha: Did Masha come? (Yes) let's call her. (children call. Masha enters. Girlfriends hug and say hello)

Masha: We are funny nesting dolls
Amazing people
From big to the smallest
The whole family will be included in one.

Dasha: We are masters of round dances
Cheerful drivers.
Well, what a Russian holiday
Maybe without nesting dolls.

Masha: You guys get up,
Get into pairs together
Let's dance the polka now,
It will be fun with us.

Pair dance:"Cheerful Children" lit.nar.chalk
(collection “Music and Movement.” (Exercises, games and dances for children 5-6 years old) Author: S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 167)

Masha: We didn’t come alone,
They brought various toys with them.

Dasha: (demonstrates Russian folk toys)
In Russia, dolls have always been treated with respect. It was believed that a doll made by hand would bring happiness to the house. Dolls were made from rags, threads, yarn, straw, clay, and wood.

Masha: And I’ll tell you about other wooden dolls. What do you guys think, which Russian dolls are the most popular in the world? Of course, this is a matryoshka doll. (shows different nesting dolls) A Russian master came up with the idea of ​​​​making several dolls different sizes, which would be inserted into one another. Children immediately fell in love with this doll. It resembles surprise boxes. You open one, and there is another in it, and so on ad infinitum. The new wooden doll was named Motya, and affectionately called Matryosha. This is how our Russian nesting doll was born.

Dasha: And we came for a reason, but to have fun, amuse, and play with you.
Masha: I will be the first to play with the guys.
Dasha: no, I'm first.
Masha: Let's count.
Our Dasha got up early,
I counted all the dolls:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two Arinkas on a feather bed,
Two Tanyas on the pillow,
And Parsley in a cap
On an oak chest.

Dasha: I'm the first to play. In the old days, boys and girls gathered in one hut for gatherings. The girls spun yarn, sang songs, danced in circles, and, of course, played with the boys. So you and I will play one of these games, called “Rucheek”.

Game: "Stream"

Masha: Russian entertainment is very good,
Adults and kids love them.
Connecting a word with a movement
We play a game with words.

Playing with the word: “Little lambs are cool” and “Vanya is simplicity.”
Children stand in a circle, one after another, elbows bent in front of the chest, fingers clenched into fists. In the middle, “Vanya” sits on a chair.

Little lambs, little lambs: - walking in a simple circle in a circle.
hands joined in front of the chest,
sway like horns from side to side.
They walked through the forests - they move in a circle, performing a stomping step.
We wandered through the mountains.
They played the violin - they pretend to play the violin, turning around
face in a circle.
Vanya was amused. – a playful bow to “Vanya”, with arms raised
to the sides.
Vanya, Vanya simplicity - narrow the circle to Vanya.
I bought a horse without a tail - they expand it.
Sat backwards - grab the bridle, 3 springs and jump
with your back turned in a circle.
And I went to the garden. – 4 “plates” in palms with a spring.
“Vanya” catches up with the offenders.

Dasha: And now we will rest,
We'll read poems about toys to everyone.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Masha: We played Russian folk games, and now many new games have appeared.
I suggest you play new games,
Dexterity, show your attention.

Child: We play cleverly with the flag,
We never get tired.
Even if we lose -
We don't fight, we don't cry.

Game: “Take the flag” arr. N. Metlova.
(collection “Music and Movement” (Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old) Author: S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 165)

Baba Yaga enters very sad. (music “Separation, you are separation”)

Dasha: Baba Yaga, why are you so sad? Look how many guys there are, play with them.

Baba Yaga: I can’t play, I’m in great sadness. Kashchei the Immortal gave me two rejuvenating mirrors for my birthday. Look at them and you will look 200 years younger. But I dropped them and broke them, and now I can’t pick up the pieces.

Dasha: Baba Yaga, don’t worry, the guys will help you collect the fragments.

Attraction: “Assemble a mirror”
(two sheets of silver cardboard are cut into 4 parts. Two children are called. Their task is to assemble the pieces of cardboard so that they form a rectangle.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, thank you killer whales, you made my grandmother happy. I even wanted to dance. I have a favorite dance, I’ll teach you how to dance it now.

Dance "Grandma-Ezhka" music T. Morozova. (g\z)

Baba Yaga: Well done, you dance well. Can you solve riddles? Then listen.
1. They beat him with a hand and a stick,
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
Because he's inflated. (ball)

2. I push her in a stroller,
I never offend you.
I dress up and love
Baby - my daughter. (doll)

3. Plush paws,
Plush belly,
Red-haired and mustachioed
My favorite cat)

4. The girlfriends are different heights,
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy. (matryoshka)

Masha: Baba Yaga, you asked the guys riddles, but I want to tell you a riddle. Can you handle it?
"It rings like a rattle,
He's a fun toy.
He makes us happy when he dances,
It’s not a bell, but it rings” (tambourine)
Baba Yaga cannot guess, the children help her.

Masha: And the guys know the game with a tambourine, play with them.

Game: “Who will hit the tambourine the fastest?” music L. Schwartz.
(collection “Music and Movement” (Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old) Author: S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, p. 163)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a interesting game. I’ll run into the forest to Leshy and Kikimora and show him.
Masha: Baba Yaga, you don’t have a tambourine. Here you go, play for your health.
Baba Yaga: Thank you. (gets ready to leave) Oh, I completely forgot. A magpie found a book on a tree stump in the forest and brought it to me. I looked - it was a children's book. So I'm giving it to you guys. Goodbye. (leaves)

Dasha: (takes the book and leafs through it) Guys, this is a book with finger games. What kind of games are these?
Children: And we will show you.

Game: “Between soft spruce paws”
Children sit on their knees on the floor.

Between the soft spruce paws, they stroke the knees with their palms.
Rain drip, drip, drip. - “shake water off palms”
Where the twig has long since dried up, they raise both hands up
Moss, moss, moss grew. - clench and unclench their fists.
Where the leaf sticks to the leaf, they lower their hands down
A mushroom has grown, a mushroom, a mushroom - they clench and unclench their fists.
Who found it, friends? - with the right hand bend the fingers of the left along
queues starting from the little finger.
It's me, me, me! - shown three times thumb left
hands, clenching all other fingers into a fist.

Game: "On the floor"

On the floor in eight pairs - on stressed syllables, demonstratives are connected,
The flies danced, the middle, ring and little fingers of both hands
(alternately) with thumbs.
They saw a mosquito... - unclench their fingers, relax their hands.
They fainted. – with a sharp movement they lower their hands.

Dasha: Very good games, and most importantly – useful.

Masha: Children, look at the toys,
They sit decorously in a row.
Bored, sad,
They want to dance.

"Dance with Toys" sl. and music M. Kachurbina (“Bear with a Doll”)

Dasha: So the fun is over,
It's time for us to part.
Take care of your toys
Don't break them, don't tear them.

Masha: Have fun, don't be bored,
Remember us often.