Summary of a drawing lesson (non-traditional technique). Drawing lesson notes

    Puzzle "Young Artist".

    Warm up.

    How many points are there in this circle?

    Let's raise our hands so many times.

    How many sticks to the point,

    We'll stand on our tiptoes that much.

    How many triangular Christmas trees?

    Let's do so many bends.

    How many circles do we have here?

    Let's do so many jumps!

    I show example work.

    You should finish drawing additional details to create an image of an object. For example, what do you associate a circle with? (Sun), a circle can also be part of something, for example the middle of a sunflower, etc. You can add a triangle to a rectangle and get a pencil, and so on with the rest of the shapes. The main condition for you will be that the pictures are not repeated on anyone, in other words, do not copy from your neighbor. Let's turn on our imagination and start creating!

    Music is playing

    I give medals (emblems).

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“Summary of a drawing lesson-game “Young Artists””

Lesson – game “Young Artist”

Prepared by: teacher additional education

Eremevtseva M.N.

Target: Arouse interest and emotional response to fine arts. Introduce the technique of unconventional drawing. Uniting the existing creative team (group).


Develop children's logical and creative thinking;

Develop attention to detail;

Develop imagination and creativity;

Cultivate neatness and mutual assistance;

Develop teamwork and group cohesion skills.

Invited: administration and teachers of CDT No. 2


Musical accompaniment, tasks on pieces of paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, paper for drawing and tasks, interactive whiteboard.

Progress of the event.

At the entrance. Guys, you must divide into two teams (pull out pieces of paper with the team number or color) and sit down according to the number (color).

Hello guys! Today we will play a game with you and check which of you is worthy of the title of young artist. We will complete several unusual and fun tasks with you.

Whoever passes through all the tests will receive the right to be called a young artist.

Guys, your first task is:

Name your team.


Now we will check how well you understand the attributes of an artist. Guess the riddles.

It can be very spicy

And he draws brightly and colorfully.

Slate from all sides

Surrounded by wood.

This is your reliable friend

And the artist - ... (pencil)

You with a simple pencil

Draw a school, a house,

And with a colored pencil

Color your leaf.

To fix everything later

Useful -... (eraser)

He will paint a picture

And Buratino will color it,

He will write an advertisement

And a congratulations card.

Draw posters master

Bright thin... (felt pen)

Let's get acquainted: I am paint,

I'm sitting in a round jar.

I will color a coloring book for you,

And also - pictures for the fairy tale

I'll draw it for the baby.

I'm brighter than a pencil

Very juicy... (gouache)

Furry squirrel hairs

I'll dip it lightly in gouache.

All pictures and crafts

I'll paint it very brightly.

I'll draw the sun and leaves

Soft silky... (brush)

I'm creating a new color

I look like a plank.

The paint that is not in the box

The artist can do it himself.

He mixes the colors cunningly

With the help of me - ... (palettes)

Will everything that we have guessed be useful to the artist? Of course, he can’t live without these attributes! And a real artist also needs attention. Let's check your attentiveness.

Find a pair!

On the board you see pictures in two columns. You need to find a pair for each picture. Whoever guesses the answer goes to the board and connects the pictures with a line. (In addition to clarity, instead of words on a magnetic board, children can be presented with printed pictures)







And also, guys, a real artist must have a good sense of space and choose the right colors ( Interactive whiteboard).

    In which picture is the brush longer than the pencil?

    In which picture is the ball the same size as the cube?

    In which picture is the tree lower than the house?

    What objects are colored incorrectly? Name their true color.

Puzzle "Young Artist".

Each team is given a puzzle. We need to collect it as quickly as possible!

Warm up.

How many points are there in this circle?

Let's raise our hands so many times.

How many sticks to the point,

We'll stand on our tiptoes that much.

How many triangular Christmas trees?

Let's do so many bends.

How many circles do we have here?

Let's do so many jumps!

Guys, we didn’t do all this by accident, we repeated geometric shapes, but they are not all here, what figures are missing? (oval, square, rectangle). Tell me, did you know that geometric shapes help us draw? Can any image be drawn using geometric shapes? Certainly.

In our classes, we have already encountered tasks where you were asked to draw an image in stages, for example, a cat, a hare, a bird, etc. using geometric figures. And now I suggest you come up with an image yourself using one or more geometric shapes, i.e. turn a geometric figure into an object.

Creative task"Turn a geometric figure into an object"

I show example work.

Children are given sheets of paper depicting different geometric shapes.

You should finish drawing additional details to create an image of an object. For example, what do you associate a circle with? (Sun), a circle can also be part of something, for example the middle of a sunflower, etc. You can add a triangle to a rectangle and get a pencil, and so on with the rest of the shapes. The main condition for you will be that the pictures are not repeated on anyone, in other words, do not copy from your neighbor. Let's turn on our imagination and start creating!

Music is playing

Song of Masha and the Bear “Oil Painting”

Summary of the lesson. Awarding medals (emblems)

Well done guys, you all completed the tasks, now you know how to quickly build an image and turn a geometric figure into an object. Your imagination, attentiveness and ingenuity helped you with this. You have coped with all the tests, learned a lot, remembered, learned how interesting it is to work in a team and therefore now you can rightfully be called young artists.

I give medals (emblems).

Target: teach children to draw animals using the poking method. Practice painting with a brush in different ways, strengthen color perception. Expand children's knowledge about animals, enrich children's vocabulary. Continue learning to answer questions. Fix the preposition “under”.
Develop attention, memory, thinking through didactic game“Collect a picture”, guessing riddles through the telling of previously studied poems. Fix counting within five, the ability to compare two groups of objects, the name of geometric shapes (semicircle, oval, triangle).
Develop fine motor skills(working with a brush), general mathematics through physical minutes, creating game situations.
Arouse interest in the activity.
Cultivate love for animals, accuracy in work, perseverance.
Demo material:
easel, magnetic board, materials for showing the sequence of work (two brushes with soft and hard bristles), children's crafts (mushrooms and apples), paper flowers for the meadow, a painting of a birch tree, two toy trees.
Landscape sheet, pencil, gouache, napkin, 2 brushes, jar of water, cut-out pictures.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting hedgehogs, learning poems, making crafts: mushrooms and apples, reading stories by E. Charushin “Hedgehog” and Y. Dmitrieva “Hedgehog”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Close your eyes.
I will read a poem to you, and you imagine everything you hear about; beautiful, quiet music will also help you with this.

What is a meadow?
A carpet of grass all around.
Decorative corollas of flowers,
Voiced grasshoppers,
Playful moths
The beetles are leisurely,
With sweet honey bees,
Quail song.
Have you imagined this beauty? Open your eyes: here it is a meadow - in front of you (multi-colored paper flowers are laid out on the carpet)
Oh, what is this? (there are envelopes under the flowers), take one at a time. I wonder what's there?

2. Main part:
Children look into the envelopes and find cut-out pictures in them. I suggest collecting cut pictures to make a whole image.
But first I’ll ask a riddle.

He lives in a dense forest,
He himself is round and prickly.
Guess. Who is this?
Well, of course it is... .(hedgehog)

So your cut-out pictures show a hedgehog. Children work with pictures.
Educator: This means who should come to visit us: Hedgehogs. But somehow they are late.
Let's look for them in the clearing. We didn't find any hedgehogs. But we saw a Christmas tree and a wild apple tree. What is this?
Children: Mushrooms.
Educator: Where are the mushrooms?
Children: Under the Christmas tree.
Educator: Where are the apples?
Children: Under the apple tree.
Educator: Count how many mushrooms (five)
How many apples? (five)
How can you tell about the number of mushrooms and apples?
Children: Equally.
Educator: So there was a treat for the hedgehogs, but no hedgehogs themselves. Where can I get them? Let's draw?!

Story and demonstration of the method of work, sequence of execution.
A sample is displayed.
The sample is examined by the children and they clarify the names of the hedgehog’s body parts (torso, head, nose, eyes, paws, needles), and the color is specified.
I show that the hedgehog should be drawn large, in the middle of the sheet. I specify the geometric shapes that will be used when drawing: semicircle, ovals, triangle.
I show you how to paint the face and paws (soft bristle brush).
I focus on how to paint correctly using the poking method (with a brush with hard, short bristles). I invite children to draw a hedgehog in the air with their finger, while pronouncing the names of body parts.
Independent work children:
Works with a simple pencil.
Physical education minute.
Under a huge pine tree
In a clearing in the forest,
A pile of leaves where it lies,
The hedgehog runs with its hedgehogs.
We'll look around everything,
Let's sit on the stumps.
And then we’ll all dance together,
Let's anoint our hands like this,
They waved, circled,
And they hurried home.

Work with brushes and gouache (during work, the teacher observes, advises, helps).
For those who have already finished their work, the teacher offers to take one apple and one mushroom each and treat their hedgehogs.

Analysis of children's works:
On a magnetic board - birch. Children themselves determine the name of the tree (trunk white - birch).
Then they bring their hedgehogs and use magnets to attach them under the birch tree.
Educator: What beautiful hedgehogs!
Let's remember the poem?
(children read together)
Under the birch tree, on the hill
The old hedgehog made a hole,
And under the tree they lie
Five little ones are eating.

Indeed, our hedgehogs are as if they were alive. Well done! You are good at drawing! The lesson is over!

teacher of MBOU Astrakhan "NSHDS No. 97"

Astrakhan, Russia

Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

To consolidate the knowledge that a tree is a living object that breathes, eats, grows; If you are not careful, trees can die.

Develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination of children.

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Maintain interest in learning in various ways images of reality.

Equipment: sheets of paper, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, containers with water, stamps of 2 sizes (cut out in the shape of leaves), green ink in a tray.

Material: riddles about trees, illustrations of trees in different times year, pictures depicting fairy trees.

Progress of a drawing lesson in the senior group:

V. - Children, please listen to the riddle and try to guess it:

It will cheer you up in the spring,

It will cool in summer,

In the fall it will feed

And in winter it will warm you up.

V. - Why do you think the riddle says that a tree makes us happy in the spring?

(After a long winter, thin delicate leaves and flowers appear on the trees - this makes us happy).

V. - Why does the tree get cold in the summer? (In hot weather, everyone enjoys relaxing in the cool shade of trees).

V. - What does it mean that a tree will feed us in the fall? (Apples, plums, pears, nuts - all these are the fruits of trees that both people and animals feast on).

How can a tree keep you warm in winter? (Old diseased trees are cut down for firewood, while squirrels, birds, beetles and other insects hibernate on young and healthy trees).

You see how much information one small folk riddle contains. And listen to another riddle:

Riddle about the tree

What is this miracle at the window:

Many arms, but one leg?

V. - Think, one leg is on a tree, what is that? (Trunk). And what is called hands? (Branches)

V. - That's right, children. In fairy tales and cartoons, we can often see trees using their branches as hands. This is because trees are living.

They breathe (after all, all plants need air), feed (they absorb nutrients from the ground), grow, sometimes even get sick and die. In winter, trees sleep, and in spring they wake up, and then tender leaves appear on the branches.

V. - The winter this year was not very severe, but the trees were still sleeping. Spring will come soon, the trees will bloom with bright leaves. In the meantime, such leaves will grow in our drawings.

Look, what do you see in this picture?

Yes, it shows a tree and a hand in pencil. Are these images similar to each other? (The hand is like the trunk and branches of a tree). I think if I paint over the hand drawing brown paint and add green leaves, you can get a wonderful young tree. We will print the leaves with the stamps that I have prepared for you. Please note they come in two sizes. Closer to the branches we print large leaves, and further, at the edge of the crown - small ones. (The help is accompanied by a partial display.

Independent work of children

Children do test printing on drafts. Then, they begin to work independently.)

Let's hang your work in a corner of nature and admire how good it is spring forest we created with our own hands!

Preschool group

Subject: Drawing

Topic: World of colors

Software tasks:

Introduce children to the purpose of a pencil, brush, paper;

Cultivate a desire to draw;

Teach how to hold a brush correctly, use a palette, pick up paint, touch the surface of a sheet with a brush;

Material: paints, brushes, palettes, paper .

Progress of the lesson

    Your brush without fear

She dips in paints

Then painted with a brush

In the album he leads through the pages (Brush)

When ancient man began to draw, he, of course, did not have any tools. He carved figures with a stone ax and painted with clay and stone. At first, the instrument was one’s own fingers, then a stick, a bunch of grass. The invention of the brush was most likely inspired by a bird feather. And today some folk craftsmen use it for painting. goose feather. When the “grandmother” of today’s brush appeared, she was inconspicuous in appearance. A bunch of horsehair tied to a stick was used for drawing. However, it was already a brush.

2 .If you hone it,

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

The words “pencil” come from the Turkic “kara” - black and “tash” - stone. In the old days there were no pencils like today. Schoolchildren wrote with chalk or lead, artists drew with a silver stick. It was placed in a leather tube, and when it was washed, the skin on the tube was cut off and the stick was sharpened.

3 . Huddle in a narrow house

Multi-colored kids.

Just release it into the wild

Where was the emptiness

Look, there's beauty there! (Colored pencils)

Colored pigments are used to make pencils.

Multicolored sisters

Bored without water.

They're looking at you

They really want to draw. (Paints)

A long time ago, thousands and thousands of years ago, when people lived on earth primitive people, someone once picked up clay and noticed that it leaves a greasy mark on the surface and you can draw with it. The first artists on earth made many rock carvings using this material. Having discovered that clay and some plants give color different colors, ancient warriors began to paint themselves with war paint on their faces and bodies. Later, women began to use plant substances as cosmetic coloring agents.

Watercolors are paints that dissolve in water. They are transparent.

4. Physical training

5.Technological information.

    Explain to children the basic rules of working with a brush:

A) Do not leave the brush in the water

B) After work, wash the brush

6. Independent work

If desired, children are divided into subgroups (one works with a pencil, the other with paints) and draw “SUMMER”

7. Summary of the lesson


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables (color, shape, place of growth).

2. Develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials, attention, memory, logical thinking.

3. Foster hard work, positive attitude to nature and the desire to take care of it.

Equipment: brushes, simple pencils, oilcloths, napkins, paints (gouache), palette, jars of water, sheets of paper, basket, vegetables (zucchini, cucumber, onion, garlic, carrots, tomato, cabbage, potatoes), ICT.

Preliminary work: observing the growth of vegetables in the garden, harvesting, looking at and comparing pictures with real vegetables, solving riddles, watching an excerpt from the cartoon “Chipolino” (ICT).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: “Guys, they sent us a letter. But who it came from is not clear. Maybe we can read it?”

Children: “Come on!”

Educator: “Oh, guys, in the letter someone asks for help, it says that he was bewitched by a forest witch. In order to break the witchcraft, you need to solve the riddle!”

Riddle about the bunny:

He loves to chew carrots

He eats cabbage very cleverly,

He jumps here and there,

Through fields and forests

Grey, white and oblique

Who, tell me, is he?

Teacher: “Guys, do you hear anything?”

Children: yes, it's music.

A bunny appears to the music, he carries a large basket, he is having a hard time, the children help him. Bunny thanks the guys for guessing the riddle and thereby breaking his spell.

Children: “Bunny, why did the witch bewitch you?”

Bunny: “Because she doesn’t like good deeds, but I wanted to do a good deed, I wanted to help my mother while she was at work.”

Educator: “Guys, look what the bunny has in the basket?”

Children: "Vegetables."

Educator: “What kind of vegetables are these?” (children list). “Where did the bunny get them?”

Children: “In the garden.”

Educator: “How do these vegetables grow?”

Children: “On the bushes, in the ground.”

Educator: “Which of these vegetables grows on a tree?”

Children: “None. Only fruits and berries grow on trees!”

Educator: “That’s so!”

Educator: “Guys, what color and shape are these vegetables?”

Children: “Round, oval, red, yellow, green, orange, white, gray, brown.”

Teacher: “Yes.”

Teacher: “Bunny, why do you need these vegetables?”

Bunny: “I wanted to cook something, but I don’t know what!”

Educator: “Guys, what can you cook?”

Children: "Shchi."

Educator: “What exactly are we going to put in the cabbage soup?”

Children: “onions, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots.”

Educator: “Yes, we will also put the zucchini and cucumber that we have.”

Children: “No, we don’t need zucchini and cucumber, they don’t put them in cabbage soup!”

Teacher: “Yes, they don’t. Bunny, have you realized that you don’t need to put it in the cabbage soup?

Bunny: “Got it! Oh, I’ll forget by the time I get home!”

Teacher: “Guys, what can we do with you so that the bunny doesn’t forget anything?”

Children: “We can draw all the vegetables that will need to be put in the cabbage soup. The bunny will come home, look at our drawings and remember everything.”

Educator: “Yes, you are right! Guys, choose any vegetables that you would like to draw yourself.”


Lesson summary:

Educator: “Guys, you did a good job, your vegetables turned out beautiful and bright.”

Educator: “Guys, tell me what we did with you today?”

Children: “We helped the bunny: we solved the riddle, named and drew all the vegetables, and told us what we could cook from them.”

Educator: “What else can you call what we did?”

Children: “We did a good deed!”