How Oblomov ended up in the house of the widow Pshenitsyna. Vyborg side. Pshenitsyna. The role of this love drama. Oblomov in the fate of Agafya Matveevna


In the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov depicted two contrasting and completely different female images– Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna. And if Olga, from the very publication of the work, attracted critics with her active position, continuous self-development and inner beauty, then Agafya received unjustified condemnation from both her contemporaries and the writer’s descendants. However, the image of Pshenitsyna in Oblomov has no less depth than the image of Ilyinskaya, because according to the plot of the novel, it was with her that Ilya Ilyich found his long-awaited, albeit illusory, happiness.

The importance of Agafya in the system of characters in the novel is also indicated by the fact that the prototype of the heroine was Goncharov’s own mother, Avdotya Matveevna, who was just as kind, a believer, and with all her nature aimed at caring for the family. Pshenitsyna attracts with her truly Russian beauty: full elbows, curvaceous forms that could serve as a model for a painter or sculptor for a masterpiece, greyish-simple eyes and a bright blush on her full cheeks. She is like the ideal of a Russian peasant woman, straight out of artists’ paintings.

Peculiarities of the image of Agafya in “Oblomov”

The characterization of Pshenitsyna in the novel “Oblomov,” as well as the other characters, is ambiguous. On the one hand, the author portrays to readers a simple, uneducated woman whose interests are limited to housekeeping, cooking and communication with servants and food sellers. It’s as if she doesn’t have her own opinion, inner core and strong will - for Agafya, the opinion of her brother, and then Oblomov, replaces her own and she begins to live as a different person, completely devoting herself to him. To any question that concerned a sphere of life that was distant to her, the woman answered with a grin or silence - they were the accepted form for her, behind which Pshenitsyna covered up her ignorance and lack of education.

On the other hand, Agafya is portrayed by Goncharov as a kind of bright angel, protecting her lover from any adversity, grief and sorrow. Pshenitsyna is a wonderful housewife, a kind, modest, quiet and deeply religious woman, but not in the Christian, but in the truly Orthodox sense. For Agafya, the main happiness in life is Oblomov’s well-being, for which she continues to live, essentially sacrificing herself to another person, his ideals and ideas about happiness. But it is precisely this sacrifice and dedication of herself to another that is true happiness for the heroine, allowing her feminine nature to reveal itself and find the meaning of her life. It is noteworthy that of all the characters, only Pshenitsyna finds true, not illusory happiness, while neither Stolz with his calculations, nor Olga with her high demands on her lovers, nor the dreamy Oblomov find it or do not live it to the fullest. Goncharov seems to lead the reader to a paradox: smart, educated, successful people in society and career are inferior to a simple believing woman who lives with an all-encompassing feeling of love.

Is Pshenitsyna's love destructive?

The relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna becomes for the hero after the break with Olga a safe haven, finding peace, tranquility and that “Oblomov” happiness that he had dreamed of for many years. Agafya surrounded him with care and love, unquestioningly fulfilling all his wishes and ready to do anything for her husband. Her love was based not on friendship or respect for Oblomov, but on his complete adoration, almost deification. The woman loved him not for something (as was the case in her relationship with Olga, who loved only certain traits in Oblomov, not accepting others), but simply for the fact that she could be close to her husband and feel his gratitude for her care.

According to literary critics, the character of Pshenitsyna’s love can have different shades of definition depending on how the reader relates to Oblomov and what he sees the meaning of his life. If we consider Ilya Ilyich as a prototype of a true Russian person, that mythical “Emelya” who sits on the stove and waits for a breakthrough that can turn his life around, then, of course, Agafya’s love is a negative phenomenon in the hero’s life. The pacifying, pseudo-happy atmosphere of “Oblomovism” and inaction that reigns in Pshenitsyna’s house becomes the reason for the quick death of the hero, who refuses even to follow the doctor’s recommendations, plunging more and more into the illusory, beautiful world dreams and half-asleep. However, Oblomov can also be considered as a typical person, an ordinary person, to whom the aspirations and need to constantly develop, inherent in Stolz and Olga, are actually alien, but are close to the familiar family values, routine calm and well-being. In this case, Agafya is the very woman that Oblomov always dreamed of, and her love becomes a healing balm for the hero, exhausted after his relationship with Olga.


Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna in the novel “Oblomov” is the kindest and most Christian loving character. Despite her simplicity and lack of education, the woman is the bearer of an infinitely tender, all-encompassing feeling that does not require anything in return, which has become the main meaning of her life. At the end of the work, the author does not make final conclusions about the image of Agafya, but it is obvious that for Goncharov she is attractive and undeniably positive character, introduced into the novel to contrast with Oblomov, Stolz and Olga, who are constantly looking for something within themselves or in the world around them.

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Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was published in 1859, almost immediately exciting the writer’s contemporaries and interested critics in the complexity of the characters described and the ambiguity of the questions raised by the author. One of the leitmotifs of the novel is the theme of love, most clearly revealed through the image of the main character - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. The reader is introduced to the character at the very beginning of the work as a dreamy, apathetic, lazy person who does not want to do anything. And if it weren’t for the feeling that suddenly flared up for Olga Ilyinskaya, most likely nothing significant would have happened in the hero’s fate. Oblomov’s love for Olga in his life became the turning point when a person must choose: to move on or leave everything as it is. Ilya Ilyich was not ready to change, so their relationship ended in separation. But spontaneous feelings were replaced by a quiet, peaceful life in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna, which, nevertheless, led to early death Ilya Ilyich.

Oblomov’s two loves in Goncharov’s novel embodied two female images, two examples of the realization of feelings for to a loved one and two paths for the main character that had a tragic ending. Why was not a single woman able to pull Ilya Ilyich out of the swamp of “Oblomovism”? The answer lies in the characteristics of the characters of the heroines and life priorities Oblomov himself.

Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga and Oblomov’s feelings developed rapidly, almost from their first acquaintance the heroes felt attracted to each other: Ilya Ilyich was fascinated by Ilyinskaya’s harmony, intelligence and inner beauty, and the girl was attracted by the kindness, complaisance and tenderness of the man. And it would seem that the strong feelings that flared up between the characters could develop and become a help to a happy family life. However, differences in the characters' characters and different visions of the ideal life together led to the quick separation of Oblomov and Olga.

Ilya Ilyich saw in the girl the ideal of an “Oblomov” woman, capable of creating for him a calm home comfort, a life in which every day would be similar to the other, and that would be good - no shocks, misfortunes or worries. For Olga, this state of affairs was not only unacceptable, but also terrifying. The girl dreamed of changing Oblomov, eradicating all apathy and laziness in him, making him a bright, forward, active person. For Olga, the feelings themselves gradually faded into the background, while the leading role in the relationship became duty and the “highest” goal - to make Oblomov some semblance of her ideal. But Ilya Ilyich, perhaps due to his sensitivity, and perhaps because he was much older than the girl, was the first to understand that he could become a burden for her, a ballast that would pull her towards the hated “Oblomovism” and would not be able to give her that happiness which she dreams of.

The relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya was a spontaneous but fleeting feeling, as evidenced by the fact that they met in the spring and separated in late autumn. Their love was truly like a fragile lilac branch, which, having given the world its beauty, inevitably fades.

Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna

The relationship between Oblomov and Agafya Pshenitsyna had a completely different character than the stormy, bright, memorable love between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. For the hero, the care of the soft, quiet, kind and thrifty Agafya acted as a healing balm, helping to restore mental strength after the tragic break with Ilyinskaya. Gradually, without noticing it, Oblomov fell in love with Pshenitsyna, and the woman fell in love with Ilya Ilyich. Unlike Olga, Agafya did not try to idealize her husband, she adored him for who he was, she was even ready to pawn her own jewelry so that he would not need anything, would always be well-fed and surrounded by warmth and comfort.

The love of Agafya and Oblomov became the very reflection of the hero’s illusions and dreams, to which he devoted many years, lying on the sofa in his apartment. Peace and tranquility, bordering on personality degradation, complete detachment from the outside world and gradual dying, were the main life goal hero, that same Oblomov “paradise” without which he felt unfulfilled and unhappy, but which ultimately destroyed him.

Oblomov, Agafya and Olga: the intersection of three destinies

Olga and Agafya in the novel “Oblomov” - two contrasted by the author female characters. Ilyinskaya is the image of a modern, future-oriented, feminized girl who has her own personal opinion on everything, while Pshenitsyna is the embodiment of a truly Russian woman, a homemaker who obeys her husband in everything. For Olga, love was closely connected with a sense of duty, the obligation to change Oblomov, while Agafya adored Ilya Ilyich, without even thinking that she might not like anything about him.
Oblomov’s love for two important women in his life was also different. The hero felt a really strong feeling for Olga, completely enveloping him, which forced him to even temporarily abandon his usual, lazy way of life and begin to act. For Agafya, he had a completely different love - similar to a feeling of gratitude and respect, calm and not disturbing the soul, like their whole life together.

Love for Olga was a challenge for Oblomov, a kind of test, having passed which, even if the lovers had separated anyway, perhaps he could have changed, freed from the shackles of “Oblomovism” and begun to live a full life, active life. The hero did not want to change, did not want to give up his dreams and illusions, and that is why he remains with Pshenitsyna, even when Stolz offers to take him with him.


The main reason for Ilya Ilyich’s wallowing in “Oblomovism” and the gradual disintegration of him as a person lie not in Agafya’s excessive concern, but in the hero himself. Already at the beginning of the work, he does not behave like a person interested in the world around him, his soul has long lived in the world of dreams, and he himself does not even try to return to real life. Love, as a reviving feeling, should have awakened the hero, freed him from Oblomov’s half-asleep, however, it was already too late (remember the words of Olga, who said that he had long since died). Depicting Oblomov’s love for Olga, and then for Agafya, Goncharov provides the reader with a wide field for reflection on the nature and meaning of love in the life of every person, the importance of this feeling in the fate of the reader himself.

The presented material will be useful to 10th grade students before writing an essay on the topic “Love in the life of Oblomov.”

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The image of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna in Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” is usually considered secondary, however, if you think deeper, you begin to understand how important a role she plays in the work.

This woman enters Ilya Ilyich’s life quietly and unnoticed and becomes a good angel for him. Thanks to her, the hero felt happy, and even though this happiness was to some extent an illusion, last years Ilya Ilyich lived his life with Agafya well and well. To understand the intentions and aspirations of this simple but kind woman, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics.

Agafya Pshenitsyna - a widow with two children

From the pages of the novel we learn that Agafya Pshenitsyna remained a widow with two children - eight-year-old Vanya and six-year-old Masha. Her former husband was the collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn, for whom the woman did not have any special feelings.

Agafya is not very smart

Down-to-earth and dull Agafya Pshenitsyna is the complete opposite of Olga Ilyinskaya, who strives for self-development. All the woman’s interests boil down to feeding Oblomov and the rest of the household deliciously, and cleaning the house and yard clean. Agafya does not attend the theater, is not interested in art, the heroine’s mind is limited, she is unable to perceive what goes beyond the usual understanding: “...She listened stupidly, blinking her eyes evenly...” The woman answered any question concerning a sphere that was distant to her a smile or silence, behind which she tried to hide her lack of education and ignorance.
However, if this woman started talking about a familiar subject, even dullness disappeared.

A distinctive feature of Agafya is thriftiness.

And in the kitchen, where she feels like a fish in water, and in the garden, and in the house, this woman works tirelessly. Not a single undarned sock, always ironed and sewn clothes, skillfully ground and brewed coffee, excellent baked goods, delicious food, cleanly decorated rooms - all this characterizes Agafya Matveevna as an excellent, even brilliant, housewife.

When Ilya Oblomov appeared in her destiny, this woman began to live and work for his happiness and well-being, giving all of herself to the one she sincerely loved. It is noteworthy that Agafya cooks herself, although she has a cook, Anisya, who helps.

It seems like this woman never rests. In addition, she is a great neat person. “Agafya Matveevna is neatness itself!” - Oblomov speaks enthusiastically about her when talking with Andrei Stolts.

House of Agafya Pshenitsyna

In St. Petersburg, on the Vyborg side, there is an old house with a large vegetable garden, which belongs to Agafya Pshenitsyna. Here, despite the small rooms with low ceilings and old windows, perfect order always reigns. “Plain walnut chairs were huddled along the walls; under the mirror stood a card table; on the windows there were pots of eranya and marigolds crowded together, and four cages with siskins and canaries hanging…”

The furnishings in Agafya Pshenitsyna’s kitchen indicate that she is a real housewife. Here “there is everything that could be needed on the farm. In the kitchen there were large and small dishes, round and oval dishes, gravy boats, cups, piles of plates, cast iron, copper and clay pots. Agafya's pantry was full of various products. There was everything here - cheese, butter, meat, sugar, mushrooms, nuts, sour cream, eggs, and many other products.

Dear readers! We invite you to read the novel “Oblomov” by I. Goncharov

Four of all the rooms are occupied by Oblomov, who moved into the house; Agafya and her children live in the two non-dress ones, and the hostess’s brother, the official Mukhoyarov, lives at the top of the house.

Agafya and Oblomov

When Ilya Ilyich Oblomov appeared in Agafya Matveevna’s life, it flowed in a different direction. Joint farming brought these heroes closer together. Pshenitsyna now has someone for whom she can live, giving away her abilities and skills and enjoying reciprocal gratitude. “Everything in Pshenitsyna’s house breathed such abundance and completeness of economy, which had never happened before, when Agafya Matveevna lived in the same house with her brother.” “Before she saw it as a duty, now it has become her pleasure. She began to live in her own full and varied way,” the author characterizes the heroine from this side.

When Ilya Ilyich fell ill, Agafya, without taking her eyes off him, sat by his bed at night, and then ran to church, hastening to order a prayer service to remember his health. The woman became nervous and irritable, which was not observed in her before.

But as soon as Oblomov began to recover, “she gained weight again, again her household began to run briskly, cheerfully, cheerfully, with a little original touch.” A simple-minded woman, Agafya did not even know that she fell in love with Oblomov, she was not aware of her feelings, she simply lived for this person dear to her heart. And she was happy. The relationship between Agafya and Ilya Ilyich, developing, gradually grew into marriage. Oblomov married Pshenitsyna, and the couple had a son together, Andryusha. Life flowed peacefully and quietly, like Oblomov, but suddenly trouble came knocking on their cozy home.

Agafya after Oblomov's death

Unfortunately, the happiness of Agafya and Ilya did not last long. Oblomov died, and Pshenitsyna’s life seemed to stop. The inconsolable widow constantly cried and prayed in the church. The author describes this period of time as follows: “...There she is, in a dark dress, with a black woolen scarf around her neck, walking from the room to the kitchen like a shadow, still opening and closing cabinets, sewing, ironing lace, but quietly, without energy, speaks as if reluctantly, in a quiet voice...” The only joy for the woman was her son Andryusha, but she also gave him to the care of Stolz, because such was the will of her late husband.

The heroine of the novel was sure that she did the right thing, because she believed that youngest son there is no place among the rabble, because he is a “little baron.” “He’s so white, like a liquid,” Agafya admired. What about adult children? Maybe they became a consolation for the unhappy mother? But no. The son and daughter each went their own way in life: Vanya graduated from the “science course” and entered the service, and Masha married the caretaker of a state-owned house.

Dear readers! We propose to analyze in I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

After Oblomov’s death, unfortunate Agafya lived in the same house with Anisya and Zakhar for six months, overcome with grief. She realized that “the sun shone in her and darkened again.” And only when, arriving at the Stolts, she saw her son, she burst into bitter tears, and Olga, imbued with the pain of the poor woman, cried with her. Unhappy Agafya, who experienced what love is, but lost dear person forever. Alas, it happens, sometimes fate teaches bitter lessons. But you still have to live, despite everything.

After some time, Oblomov meets another woman who loves him with selfless, sacrificial love, and takes all care of him - this is the widow Agafya Matveevna. What role does she play in Oblomov’s life? Remembering her image, we can say with confidence that she is the living embodiment of his ideal. She attracts Oblomov with her continuous activity. She has some kind of Russian beauty. Agafya Matveevna, unlike Olga, does not shine with a special mind and does not know how to sing “Casta Diva” so wonderfully, but, having fallen in love

Oblomov once, she is ready to give him her whole life. Agafya Matveevna much easier than Olga, but only with this woman does Oblomov find his human happiness. In the house on the Vyborg side, Agafya Matveevna takes on all the household chores of Ilya Ilyich. For Ilya Ilyich, this was the fulfillment of his dream. He begins to live the way he likes: lying on the sofa, eating, drinking, sleeping has become much more pleasant and convenient than always “spinning” in the service, like Sudbinsky, than writing accusatory articles, like Penkin. His life flowed calmly, without external worries and worries.

“It’s as if an invisible hand planted it, like a precious plant, in the shade from the heat, under a shelter from the rain, and is caring for and nurturing it.”

In essence, we can say that the house on the Vyborg side is the same Oblomovka. And Agafya Matveevna is the same Zakhar.

“The trusty eye of the housewife looked after the fish so that, God forbid, it would not be overcooked; the greens in the salad were the freshest. The dust has been swept away from the mirror and chairs. The room was always clean with a fresh morning smell.”

What could make the master fall in love with a simple woman, the widow of a college assessor, who knew nothing but how to make the life of her loved one very comfortable? It seems to me that after Ilya Ilyich broke up with Olga Ilyinskaya, Ilya Oblomov’s heart was broken. But it would be unfair to say that Oblomov died for all noble and great purposes, burying himself alive on the Vyborg side. Everything seemed to be overgrown, flooded, covered with the patina of time in it. Only one thing remained untouched in Ilya, pure and clear, as it had been for many years. This miracle was Oblomov’s soul, not dusty and transparent, like a crystal vessel, inside of which living water. Love in Oblomov’s life was both tragic and beautiful. The tragedy lies in his break with Olga Ilyinskaya, which led him to internal experiences. And she is beautiful because he finally found happiness with Agafya Matveevna, but his happiness lies in peace and humility. As a result of their love, little Andryushka is born, whom Stolz takes into his upbringing, and, probably, will make him the “future” Stolz, directing all his strength to mechanical labor, which Oblomov was so afraid of.


1. Circumstances of acquaintance

2.Development of relationships



After reconciliation with Olga, Oblomov decided not to move to new apartment. But the things had already been transported, so he had to go and negotiate with the owners himself. Ilya Ilyich met with Agafya Pshenitsyna. Oblomov did not notice at all the extreme limitations of the owner of the apartment. The only thing that caught his eye was the calm and kind expression on her face. In passing, Ilya Ilyich noted that the farm was being run properly. Subconsciously, Oblomov was already returning to his dear Oblomovka.

Ilya Ilyich gradually got used to Agafya. Outside the house, he met Olga, walked with her, and went to the theater. Oblomov really loved the girl, but was extremely tired of such a life. Returning home, he immediately felt peace and tranquility. He had nothing to worry about or worry about. Like the old village servants, Agafya surrounded the master with constant care and attention.

The owner of the apartment was flattered by the presence of the master. Her former life with her callous and rude husband seemed bad dream compared to the current one. Agafya did not even think about the possibility of love for Oblomov. She considered herself immeasurably lower in terms of education and development. Her actual attitude towards Ilya Ilyich resembled a dog's devotion. Agafya considered it her sacred duty to prepare a delicious dinner, wash and repair Oblomov’s clothes.

Gradually Oblomov sank more and more into a state of sleep. There was no need to have long conversations with Agafya. smart conversations, strain your mind. Ilya Ilyich could lie for hours, watching the efforts of the hostess. He was pleased that all of Agafya’s concerns were directed towards him. Oblomov recalled that in the best years of his childhood he was constantly surrounded by the same silent servants.

Even before the final break with Olga, Ilya Ilyich began to show increased attention to Agafya. He increasingly admired the whiteness of her skin, her leisurely and smooth movements. Agafya did not resist Oblomov’s advances, but treated them with amazing indifference and animal submissiveness. Ilya Ilyich needed only this. Instead of violent manifestations of feelings and suffering, he found long-awaited quiet happiness.

Having parted with Olga and recovered from his illness, Oblomov could no longer imagine life without Agafya. Thanks to her efforts, Ilya Ilyich did not lack anything. These relationships did not escape the eyes of Ivan Matveevich. Feeling guilty, Oblomov signed all the papers without reading them. The enslaving debt to Ivan Matveevich led to Oblomov running out of money. But caring Agafya tried with all her might to rectify the situation. She asked her brother for a loan and pawned jewelry.

Selfless love for Ilya Ilyich gave her the strength to create the appearance of well-being. It was only thanks to Agafya that Oblomov endured this difficult period painlessly. After Stolz's intervention, the money problems were resolved. Ilya Ilyich again lived on a grand scale, completely relying on Agafya in economic matters. After the birth of his son, Oblomov forever became attached to the apartment and its owner. He had finally found his ideal in life. Even in the city, Ilya Ilyich created a small piece of Oblomovka, in which all his dreams of a quiet family life came true.

Ilya Ilyich and Agafya - perfect couple in the novel "Oblomov". Love for Olga was Oblomov’s mistake. Ilya Ilyich needed a simple, practical woman who would treat him with boundless respect and respect.