Vanga's prediction about Buzova. Julia Wang predicted the future of Olga Buzova. Just facts about Buzova's future

The blonde is happy: her friends make original virtual gifts on Instagram; wards on the TNT project, dressed up as musketeers, presented posters depicting Olya and her husband Dmitry (viewers will see this mini-show aired on January 26); and Dmitry Tarasov himself made his other half cry with delight by showering her with flowers.

The TV presenter’s apartment is still in a New Year’s mood, so bouquets from her football player husband are arranged around the Christmas tree.

“and don’t be ashamed of you @tarasov23 made me cry on my birthday... I won’t stop telling you thank you, my dear”

And a mystical surprise was prepared for fans of Olga Buzova: Julia Wang, winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” season 15, spoke about the past, present and future of the beautiful blonde. True, most of the predictions began with the word “perhaps,” but perhaps there is some truth in them. So, what did the Daughter of the Morning Star and Supernyasha Julia tell about the birthday girl?..

It turns out that Olga Buzova had problems at school, and her relationships with her peers were very difficult. In the past, next to the TV presenter there was a certain man who was older than her. He was a tyrant and even beat Olenka. However, she also responded to him with aggression - this aggression was mutual in the couple. Olga took the breakup hard. Apparently, here Julia was referring to the relationship between Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov.

But in Buzova’s life there is a wealthy Mr. X who supports her in everything. In response, the blonde feels gratitude and tender love for him, but not as a “mega-male,” as Wang said, but simply as a human being... This man clings to Olya more than she clings to him, Julia revealed the secret.

And an unpleasant surprise: Julia Wang predicted to Olga Buzova that fate had prepared more than one marriage for her. Although Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov will have a child, it will be in three years. The birth of a baby is also associated with the family’s purchase of real estate, possibly abroad.

To believe or not to believe predictions is a personal matter for everyone. However, fans of the project have already criticized Julia’s story, saying that anyone who watches the reality show on the TNT channel could say the same thing: everyone knows about childhood, Tretyakov, Tarasov and business, summarize fans of “Dom-2” and Olga Buzova, wishing her happiness and success in her work. Let us join in the congratulations!

Julia Wang is one of the most controversial, shocking psychics of our time. Prophecies of the winner famous show about paranormal phenomena have long passed the test of time and close attention demanding public. Ever since the first issues of the Battle of Psychics, the girl’s bright appearance caused delight, and her inexplicable abilities caused shock.

The extraordinary Julia Wang predicted the future of a popular personality - Olga Buzova

Despite his formidable reputation, the words of the uncompromising psychic appealed to many domestic celebrities. People suffering from publicity and comprehensive coverage of every smallest detail of their personal lives have turned to Julia more than once.

Some asked for advice, others sought protection from external negative influence, the rest, like ordinary inhabitants, needed advice about their own future. Olga Buzova, today, is a popular person and you can hardly find a person who does not know all the needs of the family life of a star girl.

How does Wang herself feel about Buzova?

Psychic Wang speaks neither good nor bad about Buzova. As the daughter of the Spirit of Chaos herself states, the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be, always leads to positive changes. On New Year's Eve, details of Wang's unique prophecy about fate and its sudden turns for Olga Buzova leaked online.

In light of recent events, when scandals literally engulf the former participant and now co-host of a popular reality show, the psychic’s words take on a new meaning and sacred meaning. What does the future hold for the avid blonde, according to magician extraordinaire Wang?

Julia Wang's prediction for Olga Buzova

Before Julia Wang predicted Olga Buzova’s divorce from her husband, she talked about significant points former TV presenter. Things that may seem insignificant, according to the psychic, shaped exactly that Olga - a famous person, a woman in love with her own husband, a naive girl open to everything new.

Since my youth, future star the screen attracted the attention of men and boys. The long-legged beauty was hard to miss. Olga’s classmates openly disliked her, which led to frequent quarrels and even fights. It was this course of events that led to the girl’s conscious choice, with early childhood, underestimated, ambitious Olga dreamed of a man much older than her.

Julia Wang is famous not only for her special approach to choosing an image, but also for her deep understanding of everyone she touches with her own soul. Analyzing Buzova’s past, the psychic insists that the troubles in childhood and adolescence were not in vain. Olga Buzova was not just looking for a man, she was looking for protection, a rear behind which she could be just a woman, a little narrow-minded and downright funny.

Just facts about Buzova's future

The words that Julia Wang says about Olga Buzova are not aggressive or angry. They are like a statement of an ordinary fact from the past. The TV presenter, accustomed to building her personal life first on a project and then in full view of millions of football fans, evokes a completely opposite reaction. Dislike for Olga, which even pop stars do not hide, from the outside may seem unfounded and even feigned.

Julia Wang said that Olga Buzova is destined for an eternal crossroads

Based on Julia’s words, the famous blonde was born under the influence of several luminaries at once, and in life, Olga is destined for an eternal crossroads. Including in personal relationships, as confirmation of the magician’s words.

Julia Wang insists that any experience Olga experienced was not accidental. The girl’s first serious romance, even before joining the reality show, ended very badly, and the relationship between the couple could not be called carefree. The man, much older and richer than Olga, was a real tyrant, a despot and took into account the opinion of his young lover in exceptional cases.

Having failed in her personal life, Olga, according to Julia, realized her own feminine energy, which must be protected. From now on, the carefree girl did not allow people around, even those closest to her, to dictate what she should be like or what she should do professionally.

Relationship between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

ABOUT ex-lovers Buzova herself responds with genuine tenderness and warmth. According to the presenter, she does not intend to hold a grudge against people with whom she had close relationships. On the one hand, thanks to this position, the famous blonde managed to overcome more than one crisis in her personal life.

Before meeting Dmitry Tarasov, a popular football player, Olga rarely took her chosen ones to elite. Relationship with wealthy men remained purely personal and hidden from prying eyes. Julia Wang, who has a keen sense of people's true intentions, fully supports the TV presenter in conscious secrecy. Before the start of the affair with Dmitry, former member reality show in which young people build love, she slyly laughed it off when asked about her future husband’s vision.

There were rumors about Olga's upcoming wedding, first with one tycoon, then with another oligarch, but in reality, the words remained just words. Meeting with rising star football, according to the TV presenter herself, shook the entire inner world a dreamy, not fully matured girl.

She, having experienced the disappointment and betrayal of her former loved ones, has long despaired of building her own family. Having met Tarasov, Olga again felt that forgotten feeling - to be loved, and not that invented well-known fidgety girl, only the real, not always self-confident girl Olya, who was disliked by her peers.

Karmic debt cannot be ignored

Julia Wang insists that the karmic debt of past lives will one way or another overtake a person in the present time. According to the winner of the show about people with supernatural powers, Olga is paying bills created in the past.

And before you find true love, the TV presenter will have to endure many shocks and frightening changes. Julia's prophecy affects not only the personal, but also the professional life of the TV presenter. Thus, a magician who draws strength from Black Magic foretells:

  • long-term contract as a reality TV presenter;
  • development of new own business;
  • creative success.

Julia Wang speaks of Buzova as a person prone to dramatic changes regarding the direction of work. So, based on the psychic’s predictions, the presenter has excellent prospects in cinema or on stage. Paying tribute to Olga, it is worth mentioning that the girl has two successful work in the field of music.

Olga Buzova is slowly but surely achieving her goals

Despite the obstacles, Buzova is slowly but confidently moving towards her goals. It is this kind of perseverance that Wang mentions several times, because only thanks to her innate perseverance and unbroken faith in a better future, the famous blonde always achieves what she wants.

Prediction of divorce between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

A celebrity couple who are always in the public eye. Lovely messages on social networks about holidays together, luxurious gifts from your husband and constant evidence of his care. Fans of the TV presenter tirelessly followed the life of the couple, studying in the smallest detail any changes in the relationship of the spouses. The idea that lovers wanted to divorce seemed simply incredible and stupid.

When asked when things might fall apart, Julia Wang answered without hesitation. Studying the prophecies of a psychic who is having a conversation with other world, you can see the exact prescription - a divorce between Buzova and Tarasov is inevitable. The shocking prediction amazed both fans of the couple and stars who know the relationship of their lovers from the inside (all of their “wrong side”). The wives of football players, as a separate group of close-knit people, are still perplexed to this day as to what could have caused the discord in an ideal union and how did Julia Wang find out about the impending collapse of family life?

Publicity, as a by-product of any popularity, became a reward and an equal punishment for Olga. The psychic warns the TV presenter against excessive frankness, because, according to Julia, it is “life for show” that will become the main cause of discord in the Buzov-Taras family. Wang is unshakable in the future that awaits Olga. A shocking lifestyle, which men in less public professions are tired of, cannot be beneficial.

In recent interviews, the TV presenter’s mother bitterly admitted that her beloved daughter neglected her life and home because of her own career. Wang's foresight confirms this. A man, as Julia says, no matter who a woman sees him, remains a man. A successful football player with a failed first marriage behind him, at first happily played along with his mischievous wife. How long did Dmitry's compliance last?

The future of Olga Buzova through the eyes of Julia Wang

The scandal that grew around the discord in a popular couple has turned over all the dirty laundry ideal family in front of an astonished audience. Against the backdrop of fresh news, Julia Wang's prediction has gained a second life. Using simple arithmetic, the couple’s fans agreed that what the psychic said happened exactly before the predicted date of the breakup. When the passions surrounding the breakup subsided, Olga’s fans recalled the second part of the prophecy. According to Julia, serious, not always easy, changes await the bright, original girl.

According to Julia Wang, Olga Buzova will soon find warm love

For Olga, such a companion will turn out to be a real fortress, hiding in which the host’s broken heart will little by little come back to life. Warm, conscious love is what Julia Wang promises the restless blonde. Olga Buzova, like any woman, ultimately wants simple happiness. Realization next to a man who will always support not only in word, but also in deed.

Julia Wang calls Dmitry a passed stage and a kind of retribution for old sins. Time will tell whether Olga Buzova will learn from her past mistakes. Both skeptics and fans of the TV presenter agree on one thing; the coming year will certainly be remembered for a sharp change not only in the girl’s images. Olga, a dual nature by nature, knows how to amaze, knows how to surprise and love like no one else.

Predictions about personal

The last part of the predictions concerns the most sensitive topic for a TV presenter. Divorce is like a bolt from the blue, just a preceding event before Olga’s pregnancy. There were rumors among the couple’s close circle that Tarasov, in his second marriage, was looking not only for quiet home comfort, but also planned to procreate. The couple, who lived under the same roof for many years, never had a child.

Julia claims that the souls of future children, having chosen a suitable parent, are waiting for the right moment, and therefore what did not happen is also a fortunate event. Wang is silent about who the father of the TV presenter’s child will be and makes a rare footnote for a psychic on the word “possibly.” Talking about the divorce of a popular couple is akin to great courage, because Julia was not afraid of anger famous people and their fans.

The prophecies of Julia, or as the girl calls herself, the Spirit of Chaos, are not always clear or obvious, but, as time shows, their reliability is difficult to explain using logic. Statements of a brave psychic about famous people instantly spread across the Internet. What's so remarkable about Julia's words? This is her directness, sincerity and accuracy. Wang doesn't try to please anyone, become a favorite, or gain fame at someone else's expense.

As Julia says, she shows the truth as she sees it. Prophecies about the future of Olga Buzova are not given full picture of the future. They serve as a hint that the TV presenter can use or easily ignore.

Love is like the most strong energy in the world, sooner or later, even a desperate, but faithful heart finds. Therefore, Julia Wang looks to the future with hope, and it is with this advice that she completes all the predictions of the future for Olga Buzova. After all, the girl who, contrary to all expectations, has always followed her dream, will find it only through her own unshakable faith.

The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Julia Wang, spoke about the fate of one of the most famous TV presenters Russia Olga Buzova.

The host of the scandalous reality show “Dom-2” Olga Buzova is a controversial figure in the world of Russian television. She has a sea of ​​fans, and perhaps just as many haters. According to Julia Wang, Buzova had a difficult childhood, but this moment she is happy.

Julia Wang did not see Olga Buzova married to football player Dmitry Tarasov strong love, especially from Buzova. The clairvoyant noted that her husband loves her more than she loves her. Olga herself has feelings of tenderness, gratitude and respect for her husband.

One of the sore topics in Olga Buzova’s life is the birth of a child. According to the presenter, she and her husband have the same blood type, but the Rh factors are different. For this reason, difficulties arose with conception. There are rumors that Buzova and Tarasov have been planning to have a child for a long time and for this the necessary preparation and treatment are coming. Julia Wang said in her interview that the presenter will have a child, and that neither treatment nor IVF will be required for this.

In addition, Olga Buzova will soon have success in her career and business. Julia Wang saw that the presenter would actively develop as a businesswoman (she now has her own jewelry stores throughout Russia), and in the near future she would also want to develop as an actress and writer. Buzova will work as the host of “House-2” for at least another five years.

See the full version of Julia Wang's prediction for Olga Buzova

We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.01.2015 09:30

The TNT channel is preparing a big surprise for TV viewers. The most outrageous participant in the Battle of...

The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, Julia Wang, having visited the editorial office of the reality show “Dom-2”, made predictions for the highest-rated participants...

In January 2015, popular TV presenter Olga Buzova celebrated her next birthday. On the same day, Olga and her fans received an unexpected mystical gift. One of the popular entertainment television channels (TNT) aired an interview with the famous clairvoyant and fortuneteller, the mysterious Julia Wang. In it, with the help of Tarot cards, she tried to tell the possible fate of the participants and presenters of the House 2 project. But the predictions that caused a strong reaction from the audience concerned the presenter Olga Buzova.

In her interview, Julia Wang spoke about Olga Buzova

What did Julia Wang talk about?

In her interview, Julia Wang spoke about Olga Buzova, her present and future.

  1. According to the psychic, Olya had problems with her peers at school.
  2. There were conflicts with many; they could not find a common language.
  3. Wang also said that in Buzova’s life there was a man with whom she had a difficult, nervous relationship.

Regarding the future of the TV presenter, Julia said that Olga will continue to work as the host of the popular show (House 2) for the next few years. She will also create and successfully develop her own business.

In her current relationship with her husband, talented football player Dmitry Tarasov, Wang saw love and mutual understanding. But, more from Tarasov’s side. But still, despite the wonderful and mutual relationship that the psychic saw, Julia Wang predicted Olga Buzova a divorce from her husband.

Fans of Olga Buzova criticized Wang’s prophecy, saying that there is a lot of different information about the presenter on the Internet, calling Julia a swindler.

Olga Buzova's reaction to predictions

In one interview given for a popular magazine (, Olga Buzova was asked to comment on Julia Wang’s sensational prediction regarding her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. Buzova reacted to this prophecy very calmly, saying that she did not believe in it. She never believed in various predictions and never turned to psychics for help. Olga believes that no psychic can know everything that happens between spouses and how they take care of their relationship. Buzova emphasized that she is making every effort to ensure that there is harmony and ideal relationship with my spouse.

Fans had already forgotten what Wang predicted about Buzova, but in the fall of 2016, her fans began to notice something strange in the behavior of the spouses. People noticed that their relationship was no longer the same loving friend people's friend.

Julia Wang predicted Buzova's divorce from Dmitry Tarasov

Divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

In November 2016, despite requests from fans and parents of the spouses to keep the family together, Olga Buzova said she was going to divorce her husband. And just before the New Year, on December 30, 2016, the couple officially divorced.

Their divorce was accompanied by various scandalous details.

  1. As it turned out, one of the reasons for the spoiled relationship and divorce between the spouses is Dmitry’s betrayal with the winner of a beauty contest. And also the fact that Olga was at the center of a scandal.
  2. Her phone was hacked by hackers and posted on the Internet for everyone to see. intimate correspondence, allegedly with Dmitry Nagiyev.
  3. Her intimate photographs and videos also appeared on the Internet.

Was Julia Wang right?

A year ago, Julia Wang predicted Buzova’s imminent divorce from her husband. Fans immediately remembered this prophecy and wondered: did Julia Wang really predict the truth about Buzova and everything she says will come true?

This can only be said for sure by following life and its prophecies.


A striking personality on television is Olga Buzova. This is a spectacular woman who has the image of a stupid blonde with a loud, defiant laugh. It's funny, but no matter how stupid she may seem on the screens, young people are crazy about her. They adopt her image, gestures, laughter, image and buy clothes of the same style as Olga's. The jewelry store founded by Olya is also very popular.

An interesting fact is that Olga Buzova is actually not such a fool. She graduated from Moscow State University with honors, speaks three languages. The fact that she, the only one of all the “tenants” of House-2, was able to make it to the presenter already speaks about her originality.

they say that her energy has certain punchy features and arrogance. In addition, it has a fairly flexible system of principles, which can include arranged marriage and running a show that regresses the nation.

Julia Wang about the host of the House

The famous witch Julia Wang made a prediction for Buzova for the decade ahead. She said that Buzova would soon become a mother, and she would not need outside intervention for this (it is known that Olya and her husband have been unsuccessfully planning a child for several years). I also noticed that there is no special love in the marriage of Olga and Dmitry, and that the husband loves his wife more than she loves him.

Julia Wang also predicted the development of a celebrity as a businesswoman, and also promised fame in her writing career and acting. Olga Buzova will not last more than five years as a TV presenter on the show “Dom-2”.

The TV star herself was not impressed by such data. She stated that this prediction, which was the first in her life, was quite standard. Julia disappointed her with mediocre comments, as well as unceremonious accusations of a marriage of convenience. Olga Buzova also noted that she had previously been rooting for Wang and was worried because she was impressed by the “cold gaze and bright appearance” of the soothsayer.

Family life of Olga Buzova

My family life Olya does not hide, unlike other stars. She posts everything that happens in her life - from breakfast and trying on a dress to a flight to Bali - on Buzova’s Instagram.

Buzova's husband is quite famous person, football player. They have been together for three years. It is believed that Olya took her husband away from the family where he already had children. Whether this is true or not, Dmitry Tarasov really abandoned his wife and child, and soon married Olga Buzova.

With an active and active TV presenter, their joint finances began to grow - either they would buy a car for 7 million, or they would buy a house the size of a square kilometer.

Psychics about her family life say that, no matter how Olya advertises every scandal on the Internet, in fact the couple lives quite peacefully, and their quarrels are fake in order to stir up interest among fans. As they say, any PR has no smell. Buzova’s husband is very dependent on his wife, both spiritually and financially—their couple is too tied together by their shared fame. Olya, after a difficult childhood, dreams of comfort, an apartment, children and is ready to live with the right person without waiting for great love. However, love often goes where it sees peace, harmony and respect, so we wish the family happiness.

Buzova is pregnant or not

By putting your personal life on display, you cannot avoid constant discussion. This summer, Olga’s fans suspected that Buzova is pregnant. They discussed her outfits for a long time, and also clung to the photo in which Buzova was holding the baby, the daughter of her friends.

The star family made several statements about this. Dmitry Tarasov admitted that he has long been ready to become a father, well Olga Buzova about children She said that she would hide the pregnancy until the last moment. Psychics say that this family will have children soon, in a few years. A child will be born in the year of the dog, and will be provided for financially and will not be deprived of the attention of his parents, who will dote on him, because he will become their joy. For some time, Buzova will combine a television project and a child, but will soon leave the screens and start writing her book. The boy will become an athlete, but he will not succeed due to injury, so he will switch to the cultural sphere, where he will achieve great success.