Interpretation on the thick crown with dots. Bear: what does a bear mean in a dream and in fortune telling

In some cultures, the bear is a totem that has a connection with other world. The bear personifies the strength and power of its influence; it is more aggression than gentleness. Base instincts, conflicting emotions, harsh actions - all this characterizes the bear.

I dreamed about a bear - what does it mean?

A bear in a dream means struggle, obstacles, confrontation, and encounters with cruelty. This could be competition, intrigue, squabbles provoked by ill-wishers. If a bear is chasing you in a dream, it means that in the near future you may have conflicts at work or at home, depending on the environment that appeared in the dream. If you were bitten or injured by a bear in a dream, serious troubles await you, which will be artificially created and will bring major material costs and physical losses. Remember: if you saw a bear in a dream, you need to behave with restraint and caution, and under no circumstances succumb to the provocations and aggression of your opponents.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: bear

A bear on tea leaves can mean an internal struggle, mental anguish because you want to do one thing, but the environment and situation forces you to take completely different actions. By the way, such actions can ultimately lead to devastating consequences. As usual when analyzing the results of fortune telling on coffee grounds, the location of the symbol matters. A bear at the bottom of the cup means troubles and sudden changes that will provoke aggressive actions by your opponents. The bear at the edge of the cup symbolizes squabbles, obstacles in business, blockages that are imposed by ill-wishers united against you. A bear in the tea leaves is always outside interference in your personal life and work affairs. In addition, this may be an attempt to influence the subconscious in order to weaken your will and lead you to defeat.

Fortune telling on candle wax: bear

A bear on wax is a fierce struggle, open conflicts, disagreements, and overcoming difficult obstacles. The image of a bear that appeared at the beginning of fortune telling may symbolize the emergence of problems in solving social issues, betrayal of partners, aggressive actions of competitors or management towards you, destructive actions of enemies. The meaning of the same symbol at the end of fortune telling on wax tells about the sphere of personal life and confrontation with a partner. By the way, when a lonely girl tells fortunes on wax on appropriate days and wants to find out about her personal life, the bear can symbolize marriage with a man who will dominate the relationship. In general, in fortune-telling practices, a bear always warns of problems arising and encountering obstacles that you do not even expect. It is imperative to analyze the accompanying symbols in order to understand what to guard against and how to behave in a difficult situation.

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750 rub.

What means does a person not use in order to look at least half a step into his future? By the way, according to surveys, the services of fortune tellers, soothsayers and soothsayers are especially popular in times of economic crises and social upheaval. A person’s past is no less interesting. Only in this case we are not talking about youth or childhood, which we all remember very well, but about some past lives, in the existence of which enough people believe large number people.

Coffee isn't just for drinking

If coffee is just a tonic drink for you, then you don’t know half of its capabilities. In addition to the fact that with the help of a portion of aromatic espresso you can easily, and most importantly, very pleasantly wake up and get into the mood for work, you can use the grounds, grains, and powder for other actions. For example, the grounds that remain after brewing coffee are an excellent natural resource that can be used to cleanse the skin and restore it to its former elasticity and youth. You can create various crafts from coffee beans, such as paintings or topiaries (for example, trees of happiness and prosperity). And finally, with coffee grounds you can lift the veil and find out the immediate and distant prospects.

True, in order for coffee fortune telling to be truthful and correct, you will have to practice a little in your ability to interpret the signs left on the cup and saucer of aromatic espresso.

Step by step instructions

So, fortune telling on coffee is impossible without coffee itself. True, it should not be powder or grains. For proper divination, you need two types of coffee - fine and coarse grind. Moreover, when preparing an aromatic drink, 1 teaspoon of finely ground raw materials and two teaspoons of coarsely ground raw materials are placed in the vessel. It is this mixture that allows you to brew the ideal drink for prediction.

We select the dishes no less carefully than the raw materials. The ideal container in which magic ritual predictions for coffee can be made easily and without complications - this is a plain cup, preferably made of white or cream porcelain. The choice should be made in favor of a vessel with wide edges and perfectly smooth inner surface. That is, there should be no ribbing or patterns inside the vessel. The saucer should be just as perfectly smooth and as light as possible.

Before pouring a mixture of two types of coffee grinds into a container, it must be heated (using boiling water) and dried thoroughly. After the “magic” mixture is poured in, you can pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid. Most often, another saucer is used as a lid.

After the drink has infused (for a minute to a minute and a half), the lid is removed and the contents are given to a person who wants to know their future or get an answer to a specific question. You can drink the drink completely or limit it to a few sips, but the main thing is that there is no less and no more than a tablespoon of liquid left at the bottom of the mug. After this, the mug must be taken to left hand and having made a wish or a question, make three movements in a circle with the vessel (counterclockwise). This will allow the remaining coffee to be distributed along the walls of the cup and thus allow the magical ritual to begin.

After circular movements, the container with grounds should be sharply and quickly turned upside down and placed on a plate. After waiting half a minute for the liquid to drain, you can turn the mug over to its normal position and begin to study the dots, spots, figures and signs that have “formed” and are distributed along the walls of the dish.

The main task of coffee magic is not to brew a tasty drink and shake the liquid well, but to correctly interpret what you see. Moreover, figures, signs and symbols are interpreted not separately, but in the form big picture, taking into account location, dimensions, contour accuracy, etc.

Historical retreat

Coffee fortune telling has a long and complicated story. Initially, people used tea, or rather, tea leaves, for fortune telling. But after coffee beans were brought to Europe and coffee became available to most people, tea fortune telling lost its popularity to coffee magic. The Italians insist that it was they who invented coffee fortune telling. You can argue with this, or you can agree. After all, it was in Italy that the first machine for brewing aromatic espresso was developed.

For the first time, magic with the help of coffee, or rather, with the help of grounds, is mentioned in historical documents dating back to the 18th century.

Fortunately, for fortunetellers, the harsh and cruel Inquisition had already lost its influence and did not burn at the stake those who, through their carelessness or malicious intent, tried to penetrate God's plans. Although, there is still a belief that a very truthful and accurate prediction is possible only if the Evil One puts his hand to it.

Italian fortune tellers still, when starting a ritual, call on the help of dark forces, using secret spells known only to them and passed on from one fortune teller to another.

Well, if you consider that often fortune telling with coffee today is carried out not in the abandoned cells of a witch, but in a nicely furnished living room, in which there is no space dark forces, then you have to rely only on your own developed imagination and your ability to interpret signs and symbols.

We begin to interpret

Before you begin to interpret the signs that formed the remains of coffee, it would not be amiss to familiarize yourself with the theoretical side of the process. You can find information about where to start interpreting traces of grounds on the walls of a cup and on a saucer either in special books or online on special websites.

If you are interested in what should happen in the very near future, you should study in detail all the dots and dashes located in the upper right part of the circle.

Closer to the bottom of the mug there is information (encoded) about the distant future. In the lower left part there are bad predictions and to “read” them correctly, they use the bottom-up reading method.

If you want to find out what will leave your life in the near future, read the signs that are located from left to right. If you want to know what’s new in your life, pay attention to the symbols located from right to left.

What can we see?

In addition to various lines and dots, the thicket can form real patterns that may resemble:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • body parts;
  • animals;
  • various objects from our environment;
  • figures of other people, etc.

The difficulty of making predictions with coffee is not only to look at the picture correctly, but also to evaluate its scale. That is, all signs, spots, patterns must be interpreted holistically, and not separately. But to simplify the interpretation procedure, books on magic and divination describe in detail the interpretation of each sign, letter or number.

Interpreting elements of fauna and flora

Very often on the walls of the bowl we can see drawings that resemble a wide variety of animals or flowers and plants.

The uniqueness of the interpretation of animal images lies in the fact that it is “transferred” from real life. That is, if in ordinary life We associate a dog or a horse with friendship and devotion, then these symbols will have the same “light” interpretation in fortune telling.

If a wolf, crow or snake causes us unpleasant emotions in reality, then their appearance on the walls of the cup will have the same negative connotations.

The pig, which, on the one hand, is associated with the dirty, animal, and on the other hand, is considered useful, has a dual meaning: both as a symbol in magic and as a real character.

If on inside The circles clearly show a buffalo - this means that a person needs to be prepared for some kind of trials and suffering. But the butterfly not only pleases the eye in life, but also in fortune telling predicts receiving good news, or rather, a love letter. How more butterfly- the happier and more pleasant the news will be, the longer and more romantic the message will be.

Fortune Teller's Quick Guide

  • fish symbolizes receiving good news;
  • elephant - says that wealth and power await you. In principle, this is not surprising, because in real life the elephant is also associated with power and strength, self-confidence and one’s capabilities. By the way, the elephant is not only the largest and strongest animal, but also very kind. That is, you will probably use your power and strength only for good purposes, and the raised trunk of an elephant indicates that wealth, power and glory are already on the threshold of your home, so get ready;
  • A crocodile is rare in our area, but it is quite capable of “appearing” on the walls of a cup. They say that a crocodile attacks unexpectedly and silently, and the victim does not even have time to understand anything. Considering this specific behavior of the animal, if a crocodile is visible on the walls of the mug, get ready for surprises. But whether they will be pleasant or not will be determined by the symbols located nearby;
  • the bear, on the cup, as in life, warns of danger. But just as in the forest you can avoid meeting a “clubfooted” one, so a bear made of coffee grounds symbolizes a danger that you can avoid if you do right choice. So, if a bear is adjacent to a symbol similar to an eagle, then the danger will pass, and victory will be yours. But if a bear stands next to a snake, expect trouble, and very big ones;
  • the wolf is also not the most good sign, especially in the vicinity of a fox or cat;
  • The cat in life, like the dog, became a true friend and faithful comrade. But the cat on the walls of the mug warns of possible ruin and failure in business. If you dream of a cat, then to interpret such a dream, the animal’s color, age, and behavior are taken into account. Moreover, depending on whether it is a kitten or an adult cat, the interpretation of the dream changes dramatically. Whereas a cat made from coffee grounds clearly symbolizes poverty and deprivation of something;
  • the turtle is a symbol of patience and wisdom, as is the deer;
  • a deer means that you are surrounded by noble people smart people, thanks to which you can achieve personal growth;
  • the giraffe warns that you are a little confused about your dreams and real goals, and that it’s time to reconsider your attitude towards life;
  • the hedgehog at the bottom of the vessel speaks of your boundless kindness and willingness to help everyone in need. Another thing is that not everyone craves your participation, so you should stop in your desire to save the world and pay more attention to yourself;
  • lynx, tiger and leopard warn of the machinations of ill-wishers, and it is up to you to take note of this or continue to blindly trust your surroundings;
  • If you see an ostrich next to a lynx or other wild cat, you should think about your behavior and stop hiding your head in the sand. After all, even coffee slurry suggests that you have the potential not only to defeat your ill-wishers, but also to get significantly ahead, leaving your enemies alone with their machinations and envy;
  • the monkey warns of unrest that will not cause you too much honest people from your environment. Beware of flatterers and sycophants, and do not have your head in the clouds. People, of course, are good by nature, but not all of them and not always.

Despite the fact that a whale is a fish, at least for a person far from the science of the inhabitants of the deep sea, it means something completely different from its small counterpart. The whale at the bottom of the cup is a symbol that your life has succeeded in all respects, including social status, financial situation, harmony in love, etc. By the way, in addition to good news, fish can also predict bright and very interesting trip.

What will the artiodactyls talk about?

We should also pay attention to such animals as bull, goat, camel and elk.

The elk is not only the most mysterious figure, but also the most rarely seen. If you see a moose on your cup, consider yourself lucky, as it symbolizes freedom, independence and dignity - that is, everything that modern man can only dream.

A goat in a coffee spell warns of upcoming travels, adventures and wanderings that will bring profit. If the goat is dark in color, then this is another confirmation of the favorable situation around you. Well, if a goat stands near a tree, expect a pleasant experience, or rather a very pleasant one. a large sum money that will fall on you from nowhere.

A camel is a symbol of not just a rich, but also a cheerful and carefree life. Regardless of the size of the camel and where it is located, its meaning is the same - Lady Fortune is finally ready to turn her face to you. So don't miss your chance.

The Ox predicts a wonderful, cloudless future. If the bull has light contours, your work will be appreciated and paid accordingly. If the bull is located at the bottom of the mug, you will get rid of all diseases and even chronic ailments. The main thing is not to confuse a bull with a buffalo, since the latter predicts suffering and sadness.

Everything needs moderation

By the same principle as the interpretation of drawings depicting animals, letters, numbers and other signs are interpreted. But you should not perceive fortune telling on coffee grounds as some kind of final verdict of fate that cannot be appealed.

In fact, any fortune telling is just a way to get directions on where to go or where not to go. In any case, the choice remains with the person. After all, as the sages said, “the stars control our destinies, and wise people control the stars.”.

But just as you shouldn’t approach fortune telling with coffee grounds or any other type of prediction with manic seriousness, you shouldn’t perceive these processes as entertainment. Although, for a long time winter evenings aristocrats and nobility of past eras played such games for fun.

One can argue for a long time about the veracity of predictions using coffee grounds, but one thing can be said with confidence, coffee fortune telling is not only one of the most interesting, but also the most enjoyable and delicious, since in the process you can enjoy an amazing and aromatic drink prepared according to a magical recipe .

Since ancient times, bears have been treated with more than respect. For everyone, the Bear is a symbol of mighty strength and undeniable superiority, the personification of endurance and vitality. If in a dream you saw a bear or a mother bear with a bear cub, many dream books confirm that this is a favorable sign.

Touched this symbol and . In various fortune telling, a bear foreshadows either an unfavorable situation or, on the contrary, events that contribute to successful outcome business

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - bear symbol

The bear is a powerful animal with a difficult character. If this sign appears, then you can hardly call it luck. However, fortune telling on coffee grounds warns that everything bad that happens in your life is your fault. Try to change, learn to treat people kindly. And even if your life is in danger, everything is in your hands! A bear is able to stand up for itself - this is what fortune telling on coffee grounds says.

Bear symbol - fortune telling on Lenormand cards

The root meanings of the bear symbol are guru, strength, power, glory, greatness.

Interpretation of the Lenormand Bear card in combination with other cards in fortune telling for the future:

A bear next to a personal card means strength and powerful inner potential; the bear portends success.

A bear surrounded by bad cards is a warning: there are envious people and slanderers around you. Be careful, jealousy and envy lead to deception. The bear's strength makes it dangerous, so keep your secrets to yourself and don't irritate your enemies.

In fortune telling, the Bear is a symbol of Russia!

A bear to someone is clumsy, good-natured and lazy. His incredible strength and power seem to be dormant for the time being. But don’t hurt the bear’s pride and pride - he can instantly become fast, hostile and furious!

It’s not for nothing that smart people advised various aggressors not to try to overcome and enslave Russia. This always ended badly for the attacking side. For Russians, the bear is a symbol of rebirth and new life, a wise master of the dense northern forests. His name is respectful - Master!

Fortune telling Bear is a symbol of the Progenitor

The cult of the bear is one of the oldest on the planet. The symbolism of the bear is interpreted as the Ancestor, the Ancestral Elder, the Patron Spirit of the brave and successful hunter. To this day, the king of the northern forests, the bear, appears on the coats of arms of many Russian and European cities.

Fortune telling from a dream book - if you dreamed of a bear

The bear dream is a symbol of the healing power of the Earth. in a dream it promises growth to a person vitality. Some dream books explain the appearance of a bear in a dream as a herald of unexpected luck, winnings, and financial prosperity.