Bad predictions for Taurus this year. Zodiac sign Taurus Year of the Rooster

It is worth stopping to traumatize yourself with past grievances, because 2017 will open up many other prospects for them. Captivated by new things, a representative of this sign will be able to forever let go of those who have not meant anything in his life for a long time.
2017 is a good time to improve relationships with your loved ones. Business Taurus more than once I could forget about joint family holidays, so important to his family. It’s worth trying, at least for a moment, to forget about pressing matters and remember those who are really glad to see you.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus man

In the first half of the Year of the Rooster, Taurus men will often question any beliefs of other people. Courageous representatives of this sign will more than once try to impose their opinion on others, because, as they believe, their point of view is the most objective and appropriate in a particular situation.
The firmness in the character of Taurus can ultimately bring them success. Think about all your brilliant ideas that you couldn’t implement for a long time. Perhaps now is the time to tell about them, if not to the whole world, then at least to your superiors. The stars say that the careers of representatives of this sign will improve over time.
There is no need to remember past relationships, this is another page that has been passed. Remember those who are now waiting and loving you. Don't waste your time.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus woman

It may seem to many representatives of this sign that the world has lost its colors, and that carefree and cheerful times are already in the distant past. The horoscope advises Taurus to find some interesting activity for themselves that they could not devote to before. Special attention, due to his employment. This could be handicrafts, yoga, or even a hike or another type of recreation. Having rested a little from all the hustle and bustle, Taurus will again be cheerful and gain the desire to change the whole world for the better.
You should not allow unreliable individuals to appear in your environment. Observant Taurus will be able to notice such people immediately. They will not fill your life with harmony, but, most likely, will only waste the time and energy of representatives of this sign.
The second half of the Year of the Rooster will bring unexpected joy or success to Taurus women. You should not allow such news to turn the heads of vulnerable representatives of this sign, because it is worth remembering that you need to look at any situation soberly.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

Taurus should remember that, first of all, you need to treat yourself with respect, then those around you will not allow themselves to show any kind of negativity towards you or reproach you for something. Don’t be afraid to dot the i’s and dot the i’s that have no future. There is no need for Taurus to be an extra burden right now.
The horoscope does not advise Taurus to start holiday romances, not so much because they promise them to be short-lived, but because of the possibility of major financial deception.
Discreet Taurus very rarely can open their soul to anyone, except for really loved one. The stars say that around the second half of the Year of the Rooster they will have the opportunity to meet their betrothed. The main thing is not to miss this chance. Trust, friendliness and loyalty - these qualities, as the stars say, will not allow Taurus to pass by their chosen one.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Taurus

2017 is not the best best time for Taurus in terms of financial stability. Unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided either. The stars say this is not the time to panic. It's time to pull yourself together and distribute your finances.
In the first half of the Year of the Rooster, you should avoid spending money on things that Taurus can already do without. Refuse expensive things, trips or other expenses that, according to Taurus, could undermine his financial condition.
Closer to the autumn of 2017, the situation for Taurus will improve. This time can be described as the most stable in the Year of the Rooster. Now is the time to implement your plans for improvement. financial condition. Perhaps right now, representatives of the sign.

Date of birth: from 21.04 to 21.05

Horoscope 2017 Taurus woman
Female zodiac horoscope for Taurus for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Taurus, woman

Horoscope 2017 Taurus woman

In 2017, Taurus women should get rid of such qualities as conservatism and slowness. Then the owner of the year, the Rooster, will become a generous patron and provide a unique opportunity for self-realization. But we need to hurry! You have so much to do - improve your life, stabilize financial income, take care of loved ones, reconsider your outlook on life.


To make a profit, women of this sign will have to work hard all year. Forget about any unnecessary acquisitions! You need to concentrate on the most essential purchases. For impeccable work, fate will smile on you. 2017 will be a particularly successful year in terms of careers for women working in the fields of education and healthcare.


To fill family life harmony, do not be shy to show tenderness and care. But we are not talking about template things. The expression “veal tenderness” fits perfectly here. So go ahead! The spouse will highly appreciate this attitude and reciprocate, and the children will delight you in all respects.


This year you will be able to meet your soulmate. And those who have a loved one will receive a marriage proposal from him. But Taurus ladies are prone to careful analysis. This also applies to choosing a partner. They approach the issue of marriage very responsibly - they think for a long time, weigh everything, look closely, “sniff”. Astrologers warn that due to this tendency and excessive suspicion, your partner may not wait for a positive answer and “disappear over the horizon.” Don't think too long, otherwise you will miss your happiness.


Your natural ability to get to the bottom of the truth will come in very handy in 2017. Thanks to this, you will be able to make profitable investments and establish business partnerships. Moreover, the choice will be ideal. New contacts will be very useful, which will bring considerable profit. Investing money in real estate will be especially successful.


The main danger that may await Taurus women in 2017 is a reluctance to admit and solve health problems. For them, illness is a sign of weakness, which is why many ladies wait until the last minute to visit a medical facility. Do not persist; if you feel the slightest discomfort, consult a doctor. The best day to visit a doctor is Friday. When visiting a doctor, stars recommend choosing clothes in white and/or blue.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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Love will come unexpectedly and stay with you for a whole year. Take a step towards your Destiny. Good Venus will be supported by generous Jupiter, and the road of your life will be smooth and bright.

In the summer you may be pierced by Cupid's arrow. If there are unfinished matters left at this point, they will remain unfinished for a long time. Only at the end of autumn will you hastily take on projects and try to make up for lost time.

Born from April 21 to April 30

You will want a holiday, fireworks of feelings and renewal. But now what you already have is more reliable. The effort, money, and time invested are not as important as the mutual understanding achieved. You will understand this in the fall.

So don’t rush to destroy something, although Pluto will provoke you. Remember, “a bad peace is better than a good quarrel.”

Born from May 1 to May 10

Try to penetrate to the very essence of the issue, focus not only on experience, but also on your inner instinct. will take a lot of energy. Saturn encourages you not to take risks in material matters and to be wary of new acquaintances.

You will want to communicate more. At the end of summer and mid-autumn, there is a high chance of finding like-minded people.

Born from May 11 to May 20

You are on the threshold of another stage of your life. New plans and hopes will appear.

At the end of spring you will be able to start new project and, if this is relevant to you, a new relationship. It is very important to pre-set all the dots and complete the unfinished work. This applies to affairs, work, feelings.

In the fall, until mid-October, it will be easier to do practical things.

Forecast for men

The Taurus man will rush towards adventure, gain new experience and try his luck in a risky business.

Things will come first, even though there will be very little time left. Winter and spring will fly by in an instant. Additional responsibilities will be added to the usual activities. You will have to take risks, surpass your previous achievements and merits.

Summer is a time of miracles. Something that you have already foreseen for a long time will happen. But, oddly enough, you will not be ready for this. Anxiety will only add drive, and you will easily decide to make changes.

At the very beginning of autumn you will take another risk, and very successfully. Victory will inspire you, and you will overcome a number of difficulties in one breath in mid-November. And meet the end of the year in in a great mood.

Born from April 21 to April 30

Opportunities are one thing, reality is completely different. In order not to waste time on empty things, try to collect more information.

In January, you may misunderstand your interlocutor, draw the wrong conclusion and make a mistake.

At the end of spring, on the contrary, you will feel the right direction and make the right decision.

In the fall it would be good to retrain or gain new knowledge. At the end of the year, a new business awaits you.

Born from May 1 to May 10

The spirit of an adventurer will suddenly awaken in you. Contrary to common sense and the beliefs of others, perform an unusual act.

The consequences will not be quite what you expected. But new doors will open before you, and you will be able to go completely. What still seems unrealistic can come true. You just have to try.

Born from May 11 to May 20

Most of the winter will be spent in work troubles. There will be a lot of energy in spring, but during this period you tend to waste energy on impossible projects. Have time to stop in time and analyze the situation.

At the beginning of summer, Venus will be in your sign, this will make you more calculating. You will evaluate any proposals from the point of view of personal benefit.

Forecast for Taurus born in the year...

✓ Rats

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Events are out of your control. Don’t get lost, be able to pull yourself together and soberly assess the situation. In the middle of the year, an amazing surprise awaits you, and you will feel that life is beautiful and amazing.

✓ Dragon

1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Time to consolidate the achieved heights. Everything will develop harmoniously - and your personal life will meet your expectations. Only when traveling are misunderstandings possible. Don't go far from home.

✓ Monkeys

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

You, like a battery, can be charged with energy. Everything around you sparkles, shines, and you don’t know which way to run, what to grab onto in order to get everything done. Focus, otherwise everything will be a year will pass wasted.

✓ Bull

1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You feel omnipotent: hopes are justified, plans are carried out. Don't turn your nose up, look at your feet. Otherwise, at the beginning of autumn you may fall into a trap. Do what you set out to do and make a profit.

✓ Snakes

1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Personal life is full of surprises, but in work everything goes as planned. Observe more, develop your instincts. At the decisive moment, make a sharp leap forward, even if it means taking risks. You will win.

✓ Rooster

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

A dream is worth pursuing. Despite the obstacles, confidently move towards your goal. Be prepared to fight for your ideals, defend your opinions and go against your loved ones. This will be a year of struggle for you.

✓ Tiger

1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The one next to you wants to throw you off course. Think for yourself, don’t consult anyone. Powerful will tell you Right way. This year is not suitable for financial transactions and major acquisitions.

✓ Horses

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Be careful, you may be drawn into a dubious business. Be especially careful about unusual offers. Let everything remain as it was this year. It may be a little boring, but it guarantees peace of mind.

✓ Dogs

1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

No matter how much you increase your momentum, you won’t be able to keep up with everyone. The pace of life is slowing down this year. But there will be a feeling of serenity and bliss. Free yourself from stereotypes and just enjoy.

✓ Rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Your views and even taste preferences will change and appear. The year will turn out well, but it’s still not worth taking unnecessary risks. Be consistent, then even minor troubles will not arise.

✓ Sheep-goats

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

You will be at the epicenter of events. Whatever happens, do not lose your sense of common sense. And don't give in to general sentiments. Work hard, and at the end of the year your financial situation will improve significantly.

✓ Pigs

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Finally, you can relax and not worry about business. But in personal relationships, conflicts are likely, and your character is to blame. If you want to keep the peace, bite your tongue and don't judge anyone. It will be easier for you.

Children's horoscope

It is almost impossible to come to an agreement with a child; there is no point in putting pressure. At the beginning of spring, he may have some minor problems, and he will come to you for help.

Hang in there, there will be changes mid-summer. In the fall, your authority will increase, and the child will turn to you more and more often.

Everyone had to go through a lot of difficulties while they were leaving. But don’t worry, because the horoscope for 2017 promises Taurus a solution to all the problems that have accumulated during this time, already at the beginning of the year. Now is the time to understand what you want from life - perhaps you are not in the right place at all. will help Taurus discover their talents and achieve their goals in almost all areas.


Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus man

In spring and early summer, Taurus will have influential patrons. Do not be afraid to use their favor (within reason, of course) - these people will help you achieve many goals.

Family and relationships

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Love horoscope-2017 is very interesting for Taurus. After all, from the first weeks you will find yourself in the center of attention of the opposite sex. First of all, girls are attracted to your sentimentality and childishness, but do not allow them to constantly treat you like a child - otherwise, after a while, you will feel that your oxygen is being “cut off.”

Family Taurus people are also in for temptation: perhaps an old acquaintance or a pretty colleague will start flirting with you. However, the horoscope in 2017 categorically does not advise Taurus to have affairs on the side: most likely, your spouse will never be able to forgive you. To revive faded feelings, it is better to go on an exotic trip together or acquire a common hobby.



The main qualities that will help Taurus get a long-awaited promotion in 2017 are hard work and commitment to strict adherence to the rules. You are a real find for any boss. Don't be surprised when the real fight begins for you. However, when choosing from a variety of offers, Taurus must decide what is the priority: immediate profit or gradual career growth.

The 2017 horoscope for the Fire Rooster advises Taurus to pay as much attention as possible to expanding business connections. Try to get close to “useful” people and take a closer look at your competitors - among them there are already several guys who are ready to defect to you.


Financial horoscope For 2017, Taurus is advised to first of all completely pay off all debts. Until you do this, you will repel positive energy from yourself, and money will not come to you. But those Taurus who succeed will be able to receive a rather attractive offer already in August-September. You will be able to improve your financial situation and buy what you have long dreamed of.


Nature of Siberia

2017 will be a real year of sports for Taurus. You are too relaxed - which means it’s time to catch up! Don’t chase fashion trends and don’t try to turn yourself into a cool “jock” from the cover of glossy magazines. It is important to choose an activity that will bring you pleasure: it could be cycling, swimming or yoga.

Stress poses a particular danger - both at work and at home. Try to take the first step yourself towards learning how to resolve all issues through conversations, rather than endless shouting and mutual accusations.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus woman

Prepare for the fact that life will begin to change dramatically from the first weeks. Perhaps some events will upset you, but don’t worry: they are all like steps that will sooner or later lead you to where you need to go.

Family and relationships

The love horoscope for 2017 for the Taurus woman recommends evaluating yourself from the outside: your temper and excessive emotionality lead to numerous quarrels. Learn to discuss everything important questions with the other half: perhaps your partner simply does not understand what exactly and why you are not satisfied.

Expect that throughout the year your relatives will pester you with their advice - frankly, not very good. Learn to take it with humor and not spoil your relationship with dear people out of a desire to prove something. Just do as your heart tells you.

Single Taurus girls should pay attention great attention image change: new hairstyle and a stylish wardrobe will give you self-confidence, and at the end of the year will help you attract the attention of an interesting gentleman.


Female advisor

The horoscope for 2017 for those born under the sign of Taurus promises many new opportunities in terms of work and business. Your innate ability to get to the bottom of the truth will help you achieve success. You will be the first to see a serious flaw in a solution. The main thing is not to miss this moment and explain your position to your superiors. Such foresight and ability to analyze will certainly be rewarded.

Get ready for a lot of work. The horoscope for Taurus women for 2017 advises you to be extremely attentive to even small assignments, since one of them will most likely attract special attention from management. This period will be especially successful for those who work in the fields of medicine and education.



It’s worth thinking about investing in real estate - it’s practically a win-win, even in times of crisis. remember, that Fire Rooster doesn’t like wastefulness - and therefore it’s worth giving up the next “well, very cool” boots in favor of more serious, large purchases. It is better to close all loans at the beginning of the year so that you do not have to urgently resolve them later.


the main problem A problem that Taurus women will have to solve in 2017 is the habit of “putting off until the last minute” a visit to the doctor. Don't want to stand in lines? Find a good one private clinic and a doctor you can truly trust. This is really important, because a seemingly insignificant ailment can hide much more serious illnesses. By the way, the best day to visit a doctor in 2017 is Friday.

Horoscope for 2017 for Taurus-Roosters


Don't worry that the Rooster will see you as a rival. On the contrary, he is extremely supportive of everyone under his care. You will feel a huge surge of energy and will be able to do what you have been planning for a long time.

The horoscope for 2017 for Taurus-Roosters advises to cast aside doubts and try yourself in something new. Perhaps over time this hobby will begin to bring you much more more income than regular work.

Everything will be so good in the relationship that you will inevitably start looking for a catch. But the main thing is to learn to listen to your other half and be more attentive to her desires.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Taurus

IN 2017 Pluto transits the zodiac sign Capricorn. This influence of Pluto will allow Taurus engage in self-realization, increase your authority, improve your financial situation. This applies especially to socially active Taurus and those who are in power or have influence on a large number of of people. Typical Taurus people are responsible, persistent, stubborn, and Pluto is in 2017 will make them even more resilient and bring good opportunities.

2017 in the career of Taurus- This is a continuation of the line outlined in the previous year. U Taurus Opportunities for expanding business activity will open up. Possible options for improvement and strengthening financial success. IN 2017 many problems representatives of the sign Taurus will be settled, which will lead to a general change in worldview. If Taurus conceived some large-scale project, then 2017 the best time to start and implement it. Increased performance, enthusiasm, tide vitality, splash original ideas(which originated back in 2016) will lead to concrete, real positive results. February 2017The best time for Taurus to develop their career: In just a few days, Taurus will be able to make as much progress as in months of hard work. March and April 2017- favorable time for Taurus financially. Caution Taurus must be observed in June 2017.

It is likely that in 2017 for Taurus Relations with management will not be very stable, so it is possible to search for new options for activity. However, it would be more successful in this regard second half of 2017 when any actions and projects will help improve the situation Taurus.

IN 2017 personal life of Taurus will be connected mainly by home, family, relationships with relatives. Taurus you will have to restore relationships and reconcile quarreling relatives; there is likely to be some alienation in the family, especially in mid-summer 2017, tense relationships with parents. Rearrangements and renovations are likely in the house; circumstances will force Taurus to do a lot on his own. At the same time, the placement of the planets promises Taurus the receipt of an inheritance, a dowry, or profits from risky enterprises.

In the first half of 2017 in Taurus There are so many things to do and responsibilities that they can fall into a state of despondency. This one Taurus This should not be allowed under any circumstances - it is better to spend your energy on putting your personal space in order and think through a list of things that need to be done first. If these conditions are strictly observed, Taurus will have two excellent opportunities to significantly improve their affairs - on the one hand, to resolve the issue of inheritance, and on the other, to make good money on real estate transactions.

In 2017, many Taurus will have the opportunity to make changes on the personal front.. IN April and November 2017 patron Venus will bring Taurus good luck in love and a happy accident, which, if managed correctly, will change your personal life in better side. Late July – early August 2017 a profitable marriage is possible, and in December 2017 Taurus It is categorically not recommended to get involved in a secret romance - everything will quickly and unsuccessfully be revealed for Taurus and result in loss of money and a tarnished reputation.