Financial horoscope for September Virgo

Virgo horoscope for September 2016. In September 2016, Virgos will really need headphones!!! And all because September 2016 for Virgos will be similar to the situation when you shout: “No! this is impossible! I will not survive in this cruel world! “Calm down, you just forgot your headphones at home.” So Virgos, get your headphones ready, update your playlist, don't go to social media, in short, do everything to protect yourself from this evil and cruel world.

Just don’t think that in September 2016 everything will be so bad for Virgos. It won't be bad, on the contrary, it will be good. But, your mood will be as if everything is bad (regardless of whether it’s bad or good). You know that mood when you want to leave the house and find yourself somewhere at sea, but instead you find yourself in line for kefir. This is approximately the mood Virgos will be in in September 2016. No, of course, those Virgos who can cheat and extend their summer into September will avoid this blues, but, unfortunately, not all Virgos will be able to afford this.

Virgos will be especially depressed in early September. You will want to spend more time alone, and even on the Internet, you will want to be alone. So long series or a thick book will be yours best friends in September 2016.

This period will last until September 22. After this, Virgos will become themselves again, that is, your usual sarcasm and desire to kill only in the morning, and not throughout the day, will return to you.

But, in fact, September 2016 will be an important month in the life of most Virgos. Firstly, from September 19 to 25, some stormy and active events await you. And secondly, from September 1 to September 3, you will have to make some choices. Perhaps it will simply be a choice between dry and semi-sweet, or perhaps a choice between friendship and money. So, in any case, the horoscope for September 2016 warns you to forget about sarcasm and “quote marks” when making decisions next month.

For September Virgos, it is better to celebrate your birthday among friends whom you will really be glad to see, and, importantly, who will really be glad to see you. You despise people who keep dogs for self-defense, because these people do not have the courage to bite passers-by personally. So why do you need people at your birthday party who don’t understand how to live in this harsh world?

Horoscope for September 2016 Virgo favorable days are 4, 7, 18, 21, 26 and 28.

Horoscope for September 2016 Virgounfavorable days- there is no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given assignments during the holidays, so take unfavorable days as “ control task before the holidays" or favorable days.

Horoscope for September 2016 Virgo career, work and business. Virgos, admit it, you yourself are infuriated and annoyed when you have already finished reading the book “Secrets successful businessmen", and you still have to go three stations, and then change to a minibus? Therefore, in September 2016, try to restrain yourself and not be the smartest cynic at work. On the contrary, try to be rational and reasonable in September 2016. Career horoscope for September 2016 Virgo indicates that next month you will have to participate in important decisions and planning at work. Perhaps you will be often invited to meetings, or perhaps you will simply be asked how to correctly lay a non-grooved board on damp joists. Therefore, the horoscope for September once again warns Virgos not to give advice on things you don’t understand, and not to quote from the book “Secrets of Successful Businessmen” when it comes to purchasing office supplies. Remember the story about the great Master. “Once a student asked the Master: “How long to wait for changes for the better?” What is the meaning of life and what is love? - How should I know? “I’m an ordinary turner, move away from the spindle,” answered the Master.” This is the kind of Master that Virgos need to be, well, at least in the first half of September. And although this will be really difficult for you, still try to be less “clever” at work so as not to invite trouble.

For Virgo leaders and Virgo businessmen, the horoscope indicates a high probability of involving you in new major projects or transactions. Try not to make quick decisions and postpone the most important decisions in the third ten days of September.

Virgo horoscope September 2016 Finance. Virgos You yourself know that if you don’t eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, don’t drink beer with fish, or champagne with ice cream, then your face becomes smaller, but sadder. You will have approximately the same situation with your finances in September 2016 – the more economical you are, the sadder it is. So September 2016 is exactly that very rare case when the horoscope advises you not to save.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Virgo. Horoscope for September 2016 Virgo Love. What do most Virgos think? People, God gave you alcohol and porn. Why are you talking about love? Moreover, the older Virgos become, the more cynical and louder these thoughts become in you. That is why the September horoscope advises married Virgos and Virgos in relationships to play the role of attentive and caring ones. If you feel really sick of playing the role of attentive and caring people, try paying them off with money. In September 2016, you will really be greatly bothered by relationships, household chores, and expenses for these same relationships and household chores. Moreover, Virgo women will be pestered even more than Virgo men. Therefore, in order not to lead the situation to tension, conflicts and finding out “who is right,” try to be less cynical in your personal life in September 2016. Yes, they say that somewhere there is a guy who left his girlfriend, but then he read sad poem on her page, realized how wrong he was, and returned to her. Moreover, they say that somewhere there is even the same girl who returned after writing on the fence “Katya, I’m an asshole, I was wrong.” But why arrange such cruel tests for yourself? You don’t believe in fairy tales and “happy endings”? No? Then we remove the cynicism and add care, attention or money to the relationship. And it's better all together.

The horoscope for September 2016 advises lonely Virgos to take care of themselves and their mood when meeting new people. You yourself know that communicating with you in the first month of dating is somewhat reminiscent of trying to lure a badger out of its hole. And September 2016 will not be very favorable for making new acquaintances. And yet, there will be “attempts to lure you out of your hole,” so give people and Fate at least some chances!

In the end, the horoscope for September 2016 Virgo reminds you of the old worldly wisdom - they say that if you put a sink to your ear, you can hear the security guard of a plumbing store approaching you. So in September 2016, Virgos need to try (maybe even learn) to listen to others, and not to themselves. Therefore, put your ears to sinks, to telephones, to the chests of your loved ones and try to hear!

And have a good September 2016!

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September 2016 will be one of the most successful months of the year for those born under the sign of Virgo. Thanks to a coincidence of circumstances, people of this sign will be able to achieve a lot. They will be able to realize all their plans. They will be able to implement projects that they have been working on for a long time. At the end of the month they will experience tremendous success. You need to seize the moment to achieve what you want.

This month, the stars advise you to set your priorities correctly by reconsidering your life views. Listen to your inner voice. He will tell you how to do the right thing. At the beginning of autumn it is useful to engage in self-development. It is possible that you will be able to discover a new talent in yourself.

Representatives of the earth element will be successful in professional activity. People will be especially lucky creative professions. Thanks to new productive ideas, they will move several steps forward.

Luck will smile on private entrepreneurs too. The first month of autumn is favorable for investing in your own business. By laying a solid financial foundation, you can get high profits in the future. Don't be afraid to take risks, but refrain from making hasty promises. Be careful when communicating with partners. Virgos will not face financial problems in September. But it is better to refuse unplanned expensive projects. Try to save more.

For representatives of the sign who are not married, September will be an interesting and exciting month. They will have fun at parties with friends and colleagues. Fateful acquaintances await them, thanks to which they will have a reliable friend who will help in difficult times. life situation. Some representatives of this sign will truly fall in love this month.

A difficult period awaits family representatives of the sign. Their relationship will be at risk. Your spouse will not approve of you being too involved in your work. Try to find time for your loved ones. Surprise your loved one with a romantic dinner. He will definitely appreciate your surprise, your relationship will become harmonious again.

Virgos should not have any special problems with health. The period is favorable for sports. Until the rainy season begins, you can play sports outside. Such activities will be not only useful, but also enjoyable. They will make you feel better. You will become calmer and will be able to get to work with renewed vigor.

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Inga Polonskaya.

The horoscope for September 2016 does not foretell any special surprises for Virgos. You will continue to implement projects started a month earlier. Moreover, your enthusiasm will grow day by day, and along with it, your self-confidence will increase. It is not surprising that you will be able to accomplish a lot, and you will be just two steps away from complete victory.

A striking calm will reign in Virgo's personal life in September. If you are just planning to start new novel, worthy applicants are unlikely to appear near you at the beginning of this fall. However, you will not worry about this, since everything free time you will be deprived of parties with close friends, as well as stormy social activities. If you have created a couple with someone in the recent past, September will once again confirm that this decision was not a major mistake. Your newfound passion will do everything to ensure that you enjoy every minute of your time together. In a word, you will be in seventh heaven with happiness and the realization that your personal life has finally improved. If you have been in a marital status for quite some time and are already quite tired of the monotonous life of marriage, September will make you take a fresh look at your marriage partner. When you go to an event with your significant other, you will be surprised how much attention you get strangers your chosen one calls. You will also, as if from the outside, look at your marriage partner, and you will be forced to admit that this person is truly magnificent.

Virgos will pay little attention to promoting their career in September. Much more than yours social status or prestige, you will not be interested enough high level your income. You will stop waiting for your bosses to finally increase your salary. Having cast aside all doubts, you will start an independent business project (and without quitting your job). In September, the fruits of your efforts are unlikely to be visible, but if you do not deviate from your intended path, you are guaranteed financial success. If you have mastered the field of entrepreneurship for quite some time, at the beginning of autumn you will be pleased to see that there is an upward trend in your income. Of course, for now your capital will be significantly less than that of Rockefeller, but if you continue to diligently conquer the business space, the figure in your account will begin to dynamically change upward.

September will not please or surprise Virgos in matters of health. If you have had a chronic illness in the past, at the beginning of autumn you will again have to resort to a medicinal course of treatment. This will be your only problem in September, and therefore we can safely say that your health will be at a good level.

September 2016 is favorable for the Virgo zodiac sign, but it is very restless and fussy. In addition to a large amount of work, you will also have to work hard to find a balance between work and personal life.

Work, career, business

In September 2016, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will complete an important project and may be preparing for a reward. However, not everyone is ready to recognize your merits; some of your partners are still fooling you. However, strength and luck are on your side, so your opponents will be left hanging. And yet, carefully check the documents, support them with facts and take your time, there is no rush. If we are talking about real estate or other large property, then the fight will end only next month or a little later. But you will certainly get what you want, and now is a difficult, but very important period for you.


Financial positions in September 2016 for the Virgo zodiac sign are stable with a clear trend towards improvement. You can even say that this month you rise to a new financial level, much stronger than the previous one.

Love, family

Family life in September 2016 is still hectic for representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign; one of the family members gives you a lot of anxiety. Not everything works out with your marriage partner either; perhaps there has been no proper sincerity in the relationship for a long time and it is unlikely to be achieved. The situation will clear up on its own - and this truth can be very painful. Of course, this only applies to couples who have a long-standing burden of various problems. And lovers will most likely bypass these misfortunes. Their relationships are smooth and harmonious, and if there are any problems, they concern parents, relatives or older family members. But in the end, these misunderstandings will also be completely surmountable.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Virgos warns that it is time for representatives of this zodiac sign to finally become brave and enterprising. You've hidden in your shell enough. Enough. There was no reason for your hysterics, fears and doubts before. And now there is even less of it.

Of course, this is not at all accessible to you, Virgo, but believe me: no one and nothing threatens you. Just try it.

September 2016 may turn out to be so successful for this zodiac sign that you can take a risk and try your hand at creativity. Just don’t quit halfway (as you like to do!). Feel free to rush to realize all your daring dreams and crazy desires. It’s only to you that they seem “impudent” and “crazy.”

At the beginning of the month, September 1-3, Virgos should be alone. Only in this way will they be able to understand what they want, dream, desire, and strive for. Only alone with herself can (and will) Virgo make plans.

However, due to Mercury retrograde (September 1-22), Virgo will be overcome by only doubts. The very next day (September 23) the fog will clear, and a clear picture will appear of what Virgo wants and a list of actions that should be carried out.

Please note that you are building a plan for at least 6 months and for at least six months it will manage you.

Horoscope for Virgo - men for September 2016

In September 2016, a Virgo man may be overwhelmed by feelings, passion, and everyday comfort. His business acumen will improve to mutual satisfaction (yours and his). 4.10, September 24, warn the Virgo man against any risks associated with finances: no speculation, no fraud. gambling. Types of additional earnings will emerge, but not earlier than September 19.

Horoscope for Virgo women for September 2016

The Virgo woman in September 2016 is not too concerned about the house. There will be splashes in the form of some rare dish. But nothing more. But the romantic side is fine. Only if the satellite initiates it.

Finance horoscope for Virgos for September 2016

According to the financial horoscope for September 2016, Virgos would do well to keep their career ambitions under a huge barn lock. Nothing will work out for you.

The whole month will be quite busy. But only at the end of September will Virgo receive her compensation.

Promotion by career ladder in September 2016 is more than doubtful. Virgo, you should be in second/third roles. By the end of September 2016, Virgo will be a complete winner.

When communicating with clients, Virgo should not try to convince them of anything. Just outline your proposal to them and tell them about its advantages, without forgetting about the disadvantages. This will be enough, and the less effort you put in, the sooner they will be interested in your option.

From a financial point of view, September 2016 is very successful for Virgos. And, unexpectedly, you will receive a series of payments. From the most unusual places.

Career horoscope for Virgos for September 2016

From September 1 to September 22, the career side of Virgo's life will be ruled by Mercury retrograde. Virgos are completely and completely fixated on work and work matters. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be full of doubts about whether everything is right, whether this is how it should be done. Representatives of the sign can count on financial assistance on September 10, 21, 23 and 30. On September 26, Virgos will receive an unexpected proposal from their partner. Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Virgo: September 23, 25, 30.

Love horoscope for Virgos for September 2016

The personal life of Virgos in September 2016 will be ruled by Venus.

September 16-18, under no circumstances let financial problems (debt repayment, etc.) interfere with your playful mood.

But on September 6, 14, 15 and 24 you may be drawn to frank conversations with your exes. This can take you very far. Be careful!

Health horoscope for Virgos for September 2016

The horoscope for September 2016 says that it is necessary to avoid any (emotional, mental and psychological) stress on September 12, 13, 16, 18.

You spend too much nervous energy at work. Then bring your troubles home. Both your health and your loved ones suffer. Emotions are your enemy in September 2016, remember this.