So I drop sad words. Analysis of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded” Yesenin

S. A. Yesenin is a significant poet for Russia. In his poems, he reflected the Russian soul and glorified his native nature, depicted the eternal and at the same time simple, guided by his own heart, and not by opportunistic considerations. This poet masterfully painted landscapes, his language is distinguished by rare imagery.

His early work was filled with optimism and delicate colors, but in the 20s S.A. Yesenin was overcome by melancholy. This was connected not only with growing up and understanding that the years are passing, but also with problems in creativity, self-realization, and love. One of the critics of the Russian diaspora, S.P. Postnikov, in a review of several issues of Krasnaya Novi, highlighted Yesenin’s poems “as a real thing, as an authentic piece of art", wrote:

Now Yesenin is entering a new period. He was tired, apparently, of being naughty. And thought appeared in the poems, and at the same time the form of the poems became simpler. This is felt not only in the above poem.<выше цитировалась «Русь советская»>, but also in the poems “In the Motherland” and “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”. I don’t presume to say that Yesenin’s current mood is stable, but, in any case, it now exists and is an interesting period in the development of this talented poet.

In 1924, S.A. Yesenin wrote the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”, where he summed up the peculiar results of his creative path. A year later he committed suicide, so this verse can be considered a requiem.

The main theme of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded”

The main theme of the poem is the meaning of life, creative results. It is autobiographical, the poet, looking back, comes to the disappointing conclusions that the years have been wasted in vain, “everyone in the world is a wanderer,” “There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden, but it cannot warm anyone.” The lyrical hero, like a grove, has already “dissuaded with a cheerful language”; the fun was replaced by thoughtfulness, thoughts that everything passes and strives for eternity. S.A. Yesenin feels loneliness (“I stand alone in the naked plain”), but he does not regret anything and does not expect anything. However, there is a certain harmony in his soul, concluded in a close connection with nature, which is changeable and at the same time constant, the laws of which are wise and simple: he admires the surrounding nature and finds peace in this. S.A. Yesenin also touched on the topic of the poet and poetry: he says that his “sad words” can be “raked into one unnecessary lump,” but they will still remain for a long time.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: means of artistic expression

The poem is filled expressive means. These are epithets (“golden grove”, “birch, cheerful tongue”, “broad moon”, “lilac blossom of the soul”, “sweet tongue”), metaphors (“the fire of red rowan is burning”, “time, scattering with the wind, will rake them All"). Despite the sadness that permeates the entire poem, it is incredibly beautiful and imaginative, like all of S.A. Yesenin’s poetry.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: verse size

Written in iambic, using cross rhyme. The composition has a ring shape, the poem begins with the phrase “The golden grove dissuaded...” and also ends, these lines can be considered main idea a work emphasizing the sadness and hopelessness in the poet’s thoughts, which will soon lead him into a loop.

Why is it relevant?

S.A. Yesenin is a brilliant poet, his poems resonate in the souls of readers to this day; every person experiences the same period of summing up and bright sadness about the bygone days of youth. Therefore, a person of any gender, age, social status, having opened the volume of S.A. Yesenin, he will find something of his own. Isn't this the main reward for a creator?

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Sergei Yesenin gave poetry lovers many melodic, beautiful poems. Some of them were set to music and became romances. One of these poems is “The golden grove dissuaded me.” Analyzing this famous work and this is what our article will be devoted to.

History of creation

Yesenin was only 30 years old when he passed away. A year before his own death, in 1924, the poet wrote sad lyrical lines: “The golden grove dissuaded...” Analysis of the poem according to plan involves consideration of the history of its creation.

Oddly enough, the work can be called a spiritual testament. Young and full of strength, Yesenin reflects on the inexorability of time, the end life path, sums up.

The poem contains references to Lermontov’s “I go out alone on the road...”, which was written a few days before the infamous duel. In both cases, we see a lonely lyrical hero against the backdrop of picturesque nature. Both Lermontov and Yesenin foresee own death and refuse to regret anything in the past.


An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” by Yesenin allows us to talk about the closeness of his folk songs. According to canon, it begins with a descriptive part. Its semantic unity is emphasized by the continuous rhyme of even lines: “language” - “about no one” - “house” - “pond”. In this part, we are confronted with images of dying nature, falling leaves, flying cranes, and an abandoned house.

Then, as in a non-ritual song, the hero’s monologue follows. It also contains images of falling leaves and cranes. In both parts we see repeating motifs: “cheerful - cheerful”, “no regrets - no regrets”. Last words in various variations they occur five times in the poem and are key. The lyrical hero no longer feels his attachment to the world around him.

The last, sixth stanza is a departure from the accepted canon. Yesenin uses the ring technique, repeating images, phrases and continuous rhymes from the initial stanza in the finale. The appeal to the intended listeners is striking: “say so,” giving the poem a similarity to a will. It is also impossible not to notice the replacement of the word “cheerful” with “cute”. The latter, in the context of the poem, sounds especially subtle and poignant.

Lyrical hero

An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” is unthinkable without a description of the subject of the statement. The lyrical hero is a man whose “cheerful youth” is behind him. He had wasted a lot of time over the years, but now, looking back, he doesn’t regret it. In philosophical reflections on life and death, there are notes of sadness, loneliness, and lack of demand. The poet compares his poems to an “unnecessary lump” swept away by the wind.

The color scheme is of great importance for understanding the internal state of the character. Past youth is associated with “lilac flowers.” Associations arise with spring, hope, freshness that have been lost. In the present, red and gold reign - the colors of fading autumn leaves.

Gold is a symbol not only of outgoing forces. It also expresses the lyrical hero’s admiration for the surrounding nature. But this color “flies away”, and a bright rowan fire remains. As in folk songs, this is a symbol of spiritual bitterness, as well as creative burning and pain.


Let's continue the analysis of the poem "The golden grove dissuaded." Yesenin briefly and succinctly draws pictures autumn landscape. It uses the technique of stepwise narrowing, characteristic of folklore. In the first part of the work we have a three-dimensional picture, including golden grove, flying cranes, an empty house, hemp over the pond, a moon in the darkened sky.

The images are then narrowed down to a symbolic “garden of the soul.” Past youth is associated with blooming lilacs, the present - with bitter rowan. At the same time, the semantic load of the images and the emotional intensity increase.

The last image is narrowed to the limit and puts an end to the poem. The lyrical hero identifies himself with a tree in the middle of a bare plain, from which the wind is tearing off the last leaves. The wind is a symbol of merciless time, before which people are powerless.

Artistic media

Let's look at them briefly. An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” shows that it is written in iambic. This gives the lines a special rhythm and charm. Yesenin uses epithets ("golden grove", "broad moon", "sad words"), metaphor ("mountain bonfire"), comparison, inversion. We will also find a lot of examples of personification (“the grove dissuaded”, “the hemp tree is dreaming”, “the cranes do not regret”).

Nature here is alive and feeling. In fact, the entire poem is built on the parallelism of the natural world and the inner experiences of man. We can observe how Yesenin uses the opposite technique of personification. The man becomes like a tree, disappears into the surrounding landscape, and loses the ability to speak by the end of the work. And it becomes part of a birch grove that is losing its foliage. Now only his descendants can speak for him, to whom he turns in the finale.

Main thought

The analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” allows us to understand its idea. Despite the bitterness, it is filled with love for native nature. The poet acutely feels his unity with the Universe, his dependence on the eternal laws, according to which everything in this world dies someday. A person is compared to a wanderer who came to this world for a while. And Yesenin is ready to submit to these laws without complaint.

His admiration for life and nature, boundless love for them are especially audible in the last lines. It is significant to replace the epithet “cheerful” with “cute.” This suggests that the lyrical hero is not an indifferent person, disillusioned with life, in whom all feelings are dead.

Analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” makes us think about the value of life. Despite the fact that the themes of death and sadness are heard in it, it is filled with light, colors and special melody.

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can’t warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
Yellowness will not make the grass disappear.
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

Read by N. Pershin

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895-1925)

Yesenin was born into a peasant family. From 1904 to 1912 he studied at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School and at the Spas-Klepikovsky School. During this time, he wrote more than 30 poems and compiled a handwritten collection “Sick Thoughts” (1912), which he tried to publish in Ryazan. Russian village, nature middle zone Russia, oral folk art, and most importantly - Russian classic literature had a strong influence on the formation of the young poet and guided his natural talent. Yesenin himself different time called different sources, which fed his creativity: songs, ditties, fairy tales, spiritual poems, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, poetry of Lermontov, Koltsov, Nikitin and Nadson. Later he was influenced by Blok, Klyuev, Bely, Gogol, Pushkin.
From Yesenin's letters of 1911 - 1913 emerges Difficult life poet. All this was reflected in the poetic world of his lyrics from 1910 to 1913, when he wrote more than 60 poems and poems. The most significant works of Yesenin, which brought him fame as one of best poets, created in the 1920s.
Like everyone great poet Yesenin is not a thoughtless singer of his feelings and experiences, but a poet and philosopher. Like all poetry, his lyrics are philosophical. Philosophical lyrics- these are poems in which the poet talks about eternal problems human existence, conducts a poetic dialogue with man, nature, earth, and the Universe. An example of the complete interpenetration of nature and man is the poem “Green Hairstyle” (1918). One develops in two planes: the birch tree - the girl. The reader will never know who this poem is about - a birch tree or a girl. Because the person here is likened to a tree - the beauty of the Russian forest, and she is like a person. The birch tree in Russian poetry is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and youth; she is bright and chaste.
The poetry of nature and the mythology of the ancient Slavs permeate such poems of 1918 as “The Silver Road...”, “Songs, songs, what are you shouting about?”, “I left home...”, “The golden foliage began to spin...”, etc.
Yesenin's poetry of the last, most tragic years (1922 - 1925) is marked by a desire for a harmonious worldview. Most often, in the lyrics one can feel a deep understanding of oneself and the Universe (“I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...”, “The golden grove dissuaded...”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, etc.)
The poem of values ​​in Yesenin's poetry is one and indivisible; everything in it is interconnected, everything forms a single picture of the “beloved homeland” in all the variety of its shades. This is the highest ideal of the poet.
Having passed away at the age of 30, Yesenin left us a wonderful poetic legacy, and as long as the earth lives, Yesenin the poet is destined to live with us and “sing with all his being in the poet the sixth part of the earth with the short name “Rus”.

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can’t warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
Yellowness will not make the grass disappear.
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

Read by V. Aksenov

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895-1925)
Yesenin was born into a peasant family. From 1904 to 1912 he studied at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School and at the Spas-Klepikovsky School. During this time, he wrote more than 30 poems and compiled a handwritten collection “Sick Thoughts” (1912), which he tried to publish in Ryazan. The Russian village, the nature of central Russia, oral folk art, and most importantly, Russian classical literature had a strong influence on the formation of the young poet and guided his natural talent. Yesenin himself at different times named different sources that fed his work: songs, ditties, fairy tales, spiritual poems, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the poetry of Lermontov, Koltsov, Nikitin and Nadson. Later he was influenced by Blok, Klyuev, Bely, Gogol, Pushkin.
From Yesenin's letters from 1911 to 1913, the complex life of the poet emerges. All this was reflected in the poetic world of his lyrics from 1910 to 1913, when he wrote more than 60 poems and poems. Yesenin's most significant works, which brought him fame as one of the best poets, were created in the 1920s.
Like any great poet, Yesenin is not a thoughtless singer of his feelings and experiences, but a poet and philosopher. Like all poetry, his lyrics are philosophical. Philosophical lyrics are poems in which the poet talks about the eternal problems of human existence, conducts a poetic dialogue with man, nature, earth, and the Universe. An example of the complete interpenetration of nature and man is the poem “Green Hairstyle” (1918). One develops in two planes: the birch tree - the girl. The reader will never know who this poem is about - a birch tree or a girl. Because the person here is likened to a tree - the beauty of the Russian forest, and she is like a person. The birch tree in Russian poetry is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and youth; she is bright and chaste.
The poetry of nature and the mythology of the ancient Slavs permeate such poems of 1918 as “Silver Road...”, “Songs, songs, what are you shouting about?”, “I left my home...”, “Golden leaves swirled...” etc.
Yesenin's poetry of the last, most tragic years (1922 - 1925) is marked by a desire for a harmonious worldview. Most often, in the lyrics one can feel a deep understanding of oneself and the Universe (“I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...”, “The golden grove dissuaded...”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, etc.)
The poem of values ​​in Yesenin's poetry is one and indivisible; everything in it is interconnected, everything forms a single picture of the “beloved homeland” in all the variety of its shades. This is the highest ideal of the poet.
Having passed away at the age of 30, Yesenin left us a wonderful poetic legacy, and as long as the earth lives, Yesenin the poet is destined to live with us and “sing with all his being in the poet the sixth part of the earth with the short name “Rus”.

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain
I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom of my soul.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he doesn't warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language. The golden grove
Birch, cheerful language
And cranes flying sadly,
I do not regret more about anyone.

Whom I? After all, everyone in the world wanderer -
Pass, go down again and leave the house.
Of all the dreams gone Konoplyannikov
With a wide month over a blue pond.

Stand alone among the plain naked
A crane carries away the wind,
I am full of thoughts about gay youth,
But nothing in the past I"m not sorry.

Do not drink me years wasted in vain
Don't drink me soul purple flowers.
In the garden, fire burns red rowan,
But no one he cherishes.

Do not get burnt rowan brush
Not disappear from yellowing grass,
As the tree drops quietly leaves,
So I drop my sad words.

And if the wind outwards
Sgrebet them all in one unnecessary com...
Say so... that golden grove
Dissuaded sweet language.