Analysis of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded” Yesenin. Analysis of S. Yesenin’s poem “The golden grove dissuaded”

“The golden grove dissuaded me...” Yesenina S.A.

Man is part of nature: this truth is undeniable. No matter how much he proclaims himself the king of nature, he will still return to the earth, from where, from the dirt, he was created by God. This idea comes up quite often in philosophical works different poets. Sergei Yesenin was no exception. Exactly theme of addiction human life from the laws of nature reads in his famous poem "" (1924), which became a popular song.

Image of a golden grove, speaking language birches, is amazing in itself, but this work reveals especially subtly and soulfully the complex psychological state lyrical hero. Yesenin is characterized by the humanization of nature: it is like a concentration of human feelings. And best of all, the poet manages to convey the love of life.

Common in folk lyric poetry parallelism- comparison natural phenomena with the events of a person’s life - is also typical for this work. Hero image correlates with the image of a birch grove throughout the poem:

Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And at the end he emphasizes the parallelism with a vivid figurative expression: “The golden grove dissuaded me with a sweet tongue”.

By genre characteristics this poem can be considered elegy- a sad reflection on the meaning of human life, his true purpose on this earth. Undisguised sadness shines through in almost every line: grove "dissuaded", cranes, “as they fly by sadly, they no longer regret anyone”, and the hero himself "utters sad words", because he’s not sorry "nothing in the past".

All these words give the poem a leisurely intonation, allowing the reader not only to feel this state, but also to think about why he lives in this world, why is everyone in the world only a wanderer? In addition, the leisurely, melodious quality of this lyrical work (and it has long been set to music and is perceived as folk song), intensifies iambic pentameter and the use of onomatopoeia - alliteration: “A red rowan fire is burning in the garden”.

Despite the “sad” words, it becomes clear that this is the universal law of life: "everyone in the world is a wanderer". Thus, the philosophical plan of the poem is represented by thoughts about life. Why does the hero regret nothing about the past? Of course, he doesn't regret his years, "wasted in vain"(which is understandable), but it’s not a pity and "souls bloom lilac". This one is complex in every sense metaphor not only reveals the state of the hero’s soul, it is a kind of symbol of all the poetry of Sergei Yesenin.

The reminiscence from the poem by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “I go out alone on the road...” - line “I stand alone in the naked plain”. Both poems seem to express ways loneliness lyrical heroes: "one". The heroes strive for synthesis with the world - connection with the plain, desert and sky. It is these images that are repeated in both poems. It should be noted that the feeling of universality, the perception of oneself in the context of space were the main motives of Russian philosophical lyrics XIX-XX centuries.

The songfulness of this poem by Yesenin is emphasized with the help ring composition, while the first stanza “The golden grove dissuaded me with a cheerful birch tongue” partially repeated in the conclusion: a grove of gold
She answered with sweet language.

But this is not just a repetition - it is a kind of conclusion: the metaphorical likening to a birch tree, not revealed, but only indicated in the first stanza, receives its logical conclusion in the last stanza. Such a conclusion is not just figurative, it is aphoristic. In general, the entire poem is complete aphorisms: “Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer - he will pass by, come in and leave home again.”; “As a tree silently drops its leaves, so I drop sad words.”.

Poets quite often worry about the fate of their works. And if someone dreamed that he would come to the “communist far away”, and someone believed that “the people’s path would not grow” to him, then Yesenin rather pessimistically argued that “time, scattered by the wind, will rake them all into one unnecessary lump”. However, time has put everything in its place: the work of Sergei Yesenin is known and loved by more than one generation of Russian people.

The work of Sergei Yesenin is characterized by the presence of living nature, which personifies the actions, feelings and life of a person. In beautiful and vivid descriptions, the poet often implied his fate, his experiences and sorrows, and love. Although Yesenin’s life was short (after all, he lived only 30 years), it was very impressive. The poet led a rather wild lifestyle, was married three times, and had a weakness for women and alcohol. But he was a fighter and a merry fellow in spirit, who did not want to put up with surrounding reality. The poet was devoted to his people, his land, his relatives. Being far abroad, Yesenin was very worried; he felt the painful torment of the break with his homeland.

The poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” was written in 1924, a year before the poet’s death. It is testamentary in nature and filled with sadness. The poet foreshadowed his death and the closer he felt its presence, the more sad and pessimistic his poems sounded. At that time, he broke up with the famous dancer Isadora Duncan and married Sofya Tolstoy. But Yesenin did not feel any feelings of love for his last wife; this marriage was of convenience.

The main theme of the poem

In the work, the poet draws a line, makes an analysis of his life path. The author compares natural elements in the form of a grove and cranes with himself. He is the same wanderer on the road of life as everyone else. The poet feels loneliness, which is reflected in the work. He does not feel supported, love no longer lives in his heart. This is clearly expressed in the line about the “red rowan bonfire,” but this “bonfire” no longer warms the hero.

The main theme of the poem is the withering of nature, which personifies the life of the poet. He says goodbye to the people through these lines. If everything in nature is cyclical, then humans do not have such a feature. The poet does not regret anything in his life: neither about wasted days, nor about the mistakes of his youth, nor about the feeling of falling in love, which he had to experience more than once. At the end of his life, Yesenin was practically left alone, as evidenced by the line where the hero stands naked in the middle of the plain. The poet remained misunderstood by many friends who turned away from him. He had problems with existing power structures that dictated what a poet could write about.

There is a note in the work where the author hints that his work will be forgotten years later. This is stated in the last lines, where time “rakes the words into an unnecessary lump” national poet and “thrown away by the wind.” Here the author means his poems. Sergei Yesenin has been criticized by the authorities more than once. He suffered persecution by the Soviet authorities, so he was disappointed in people, in life values ​​and in the new government that had come, which seemed to him at the dawn of youth something light.

Structural analysis of the poem

In his work “The Golden Grove Dissuaded,” the author uses the close interweaving of images of nature with human feelings. The poet often uses the principle of parallelism when writing his masterpieces, which is visible here. In the image of a grove, the poet tries to show the main character. This poem is considered to be an elegy - a philosophical discussion about the existence of man, about his mission on earth. There are metaphors and epithets here that create great color and individuality of the poem. Yesenin used the principle of inversion to emphasize the emotionality and triumph of the poem.

The work is written in iambic pentameter. The rhyme is cross. It is very melodic and rhythmic, which is why it is known as folk song. A ring composition can be traced when the first lines are repeated with precision at the end of the poem.

Yesenin is a master of speaking the language of nature; his poems are very lyrical, overflowing with emotions. Despite the poet’s worries that his name will be forgotten after some time, we still read his works today. They evoke the same feelings with which the author addressed us when writing almost a hundred years ago.

S. A. Yesenin is a significant poet for Russia. In his poems, he reflected the Russian soul and glorified his native nature, depicted the eternal and at the same time simple, guided by his own heart, and not by opportunistic considerations. This poet masterfully painted landscapes, his language is distinguished by rare imagery.

His early work was filled with optimism and delicate colors, but in the 20s S.A. Yesenin was overcome by melancholy. This was associated not only with growing up and understanding that the years are passing, but also with problems in creativity, self-realization, and love. One of the critics of the Russian diaspora, S.P. Postnikov, in a review of several issues of Krasnaya Novi, highlighted Yesenin’s poems “as a real thing, as an authentic work of art", wrote:

Now Yesenin is entering a new period. He was tired, apparently, of being naughty. And thought appeared in the poems, and at the same time the form of the poems became simpler. This is felt not only in the above poem.<выше цитировалась «Русь советская»>, but also in the poems “In the Motherland” and “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”. I don’t presume to say that Yesenin’s current mood is stable, but, in any case, it now exists and is an interesting period in the development of this talented poet.

In 1924, S.A. Yesenin wrote the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded”, where he summed up the peculiar results of his creative path. A year later he committed suicide, so this verse can be considered a requiem.

The main theme of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded”

The main theme of the poem is the meaning of life, creative results. It is autobiographical, the poet, looking back, comes to the disappointing conclusions that the years have been wasted in vain, “everyone in the world is a wanderer,” “There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden, but it cannot warm anyone.” The lyrical hero, like a grove, has already “dissuaded with a cheerful language”; the fun was replaced by thoughtfulness, thoughts that everything passes and strives for eternity. S.A. Yesenin feels loneliness (“I stand alone in the naked plain”), but he does not regret anything and does not expect anything. However, there is a certain harmony in his soul, concluded in a close connection with nature, which is changeable and at the same time constant, the laws of which are wise and simple: he admires the surrounding nature and finds peace in this. S.A. Yesenin also touched on the topic of the poet and poetry: he says that his “sad words” can be “raked into one unnecessary lump,” but they will still remain for a long time.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: means of artistic expression

The poem is filled expressive means. These are epithets (“golden grove”, “birch”, funny language”, “broad moon”, “lilac blossom of the soul”, “sweet tongue”), metaphors (“the red rowan bonfire is burning”, “time, scattered by the wind, will rake them all”). Despite the sadness that permeates the entire poem, it is incredibly beautiful and imaginative, like all of S.A. Yesenin’s poetry.

“The golden grove dissuaded”: verse size

Written in iambic, using cross rhyme. The composition has a ring shape, the poem begins with the phrase “The golden grove dissuaded...” and also ends, these lines can be considered main idea a work emphasizing the sadness and hopelessness in the poet’s thoughts, which will soon lead him into a loop.

Why is it relevant?

S.A. Yesenin is a brilliant poet, his poems resonate in the souls of readers to this day; every person experiences the same period of summing up and bright sadness about the bygone days of youth. Therefore, a person of any gender, age, social status, having opened the volume of S.A. Yesenin, he will find something of his own. Isn't this the main reward for a creator?

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Beautiful and varied. His works are revelations, intimate conversations with the reader, which are most often filled with emotion and musicality. One of such poems by Yesenin is the work The Golden Grove Dissuaded.

Analysis of the poem

Verse The grove dissuaded golden author he writes at a turning point in his life, when you increasingly ask questions of existence and think about the rapid flow of life. The writer begins with a description of the fading nature, where the cranes are flying away, and the grove has already been dissuaded and is preparing for winter. The picture he saw made the lyrical hero think about the past days and how fleeting time is. Where everyone comes into this world, lives, makes some contribution, and later dies. This cycle is inevitable, and if nature is reborn every year, then man leaves forever. The only thing is that his soul can be eternal.

Reading the author's work, we see how lonely the hero is. He stands alone in the plain and watches the cranes fly away. Some notes of sadness can be heard in his words. He thinks about the cheerful youth that has passed and the days gone by, which the writer does not regret, despite the fact that part of his life was wasted in vain. However, the poet does not regret these years. He lived as he wanted, he experienced the feeling of love more than once. But by the end of his life the poet’s soul remained lonely. That's why he drops sad words, like trees drop their leaves. Indeed, creativity recent years the poet's life is sad, where the results of life are summed up. As Yesenin writes, he is not sure that his poems will be interesting in the future. He assumes that time will sweep all his creativity into an unnecessary lump. That is, the writer thinks that his work will be forgotten over the years. But this did not happen. Yesenin's work, as a reminder of his life and feelings, is a legacy that is still being studied by readers.

Russian poetry of the twentieth century gave the world many brilliant names. And in this diversity of great poets and writers, the work of Sergei Yesenin occupies one of the first places. He sought - as far as possible to do this with the help of verse - to instill in a person faith in the light, to reveal for him the joy of earthly existence.
Gorky wrote about this poet: “...Sergei Yesenin is not so much a person as an organ created by nature exclusively for poetry, to express the inexhaustible “sadness of the fields,” love for all living things in the world and mercy, which, more than anything else, is traced by man.”

It was the ability to feel those around him, his love for all living things that largely shaped Yesenin’s worldview and his attitude towards life in general. It should be noted that Yesenin’s internal evolution is very clearly visible in his lyrics.

Thus, the poem “The golden grove dissuaded” is one of the works written in the critical years of the poet’s life. In it, Yesenin again addresses the question of the meaning of human life and the transience of time.

The peculiarity of this poem is, in my opinion, a strong connection, a comparison of human life and the natural world. Given lyrical work begins with a landscape sketch:

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Before us the picture of fading autumn comes to life, everything around is subordinated to some kind of sadness and melancholy. This state of nature makes the lyrical hero think about the past days:

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -

He will pass, come in and leave the house again.

In my opinion, these lines are in some sense thesis. The author talks about what is the law for all living things, including humans.

The lyrical hero's memories of the past years are very ambiguous. On the one hand, he is not sorry for what happened:

I stand alone among the naked plain,

And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,

I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,

But I don’t regret anything about the past.

On the other hand, notes of sadness are present in the intonation of the poem, and the lyrical hero himself says:

So I drop sad words.

Despite the fact that the poem is a monologue, nevertheless, in it the lyrical hero addresses an invisible interlocutor:

And if time, scattered by the wind,

He will shovel them all into one unnecessary lump,

Say this... that the grove is golden

She answered in small words.

In my opinion, special role epithets play in the poem, which create the mood of both the surrounding world and state of mind hero. Despite the fact that autumn, which emerges in the reader’s imagination, is dreary and cold, Yesenin endows this time of year with bright epithets. They testify to the love of the lyrical hero for native nature: golden grove, red rowan, wide moon, blue pond.

There are many metaphors in the poem. For example, “a fire of red rowan is burning in the garden.” With its help, an amazing image of a rowan tree, red as a fire, is created. The lyrical hero associates youth with spring, as evidenced by the metaphorical epithet “do not pity the soul of the lilac blossom.”

Yesenin's hero is inextricably linked with the natural world:

Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

This poem is deeply psychological, since the author addresses a problem that, in my opinion, almost every person thinks about. The work wears philosophical character. In addition, many poets have addressed the topic of understanding life, so we should talk about the programmatic nature of this work.

“The golden grove dissuaded” was written by amphibrachium, which gives the poem melody. The musicality of the work is also given by the predominance of sonorous sounds R, L, M, N, Y. It is no coincidence that music was subsequently written for this work. As for the syntax, complex sentences predominate here, parts of which are complicated by participles and participial phrases. All this helps to immerse the reader in the world of the lyrical hero, his attitude and worldview.

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