The golden grove dissuaded the author. Analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” by S. A. Yesenin

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom’s soul.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can’t warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

Analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” by Yesenin

Towards the end of his life, motifs of sad reflections on the past years increasingly appear in Yesenin’s work. One of bright examples Such philosophical reflection is the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded,” written in 1924.

Yesenin’s favorite technique is appealing to images native nature. Centrally The poem in question is the “golden grove,” which the poet compares with his youth. The work as a whole is full of many vivid comparisons that create a sad picture. The author raises a deep question about the meaning human existence. He compares himself to a lonely wanderer, for whom life seems like a short stop on a long journey. The most valuable and vibrant period of life is a person’s youth, when he is still full of strength and aspirations. People don't value theirs at all. early years and waste them. Only life experience and the premonition of inexorable death make them stop and think about what they have achieved.

Yesenin does not regret the years he spent thoughtlessly. If there was an opportunity to start all over again, he would not change anything. Knowledge of the future and a strict analysis of one’s life would cancel out all the charm of youth, its wildness and naive delight. Youth is valuable because it gives a person the opportunity in his declining years to relive happy moments and remember actions that are no longer imaginable in adulthood.

The author understands the pattern of old age. This is an inevitable law of the universe, to which all living things are subject. The same processes occur in nature in autumn, but they do not lead to eternal death and oblivion (“the grass will not disappear from yellowness”). Yesenin is close to the idea of ​​an immortal soul. A person is mortal only physically, his soul continues to live in the memory of future generations. How long and lasting this existence will be depends on each person personally. The author compares his works to falling leaves. He critically evaluates his creative merits and claims that time can turn them “into one unnecessary lump,” which can be characterized by just one phrase - “the golden grove dissuaded.”

There is no gravestone epitaph on the grave of Sergei Yesenin. Friends and relatives rightly considered that best words The memory of the poet was told by himself in his rich creative heritage. Soul " national poet"has truly become immortal, she continues to live in wonderful works and in the grateful memory of admirers of his great talent.

“The golden grove dissuaded me” Sergei Yesenin

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain,
I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom’s soul.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he can’t warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if time, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language.

Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The golden grove dissuaded...”

Sergei Yesenin is one of the most talented poets of the first half of the 20th century. However, the author treated his work with a certain amount of sarcasm and distrust. Despite universal recognition, Yesenin felt very unhappy, yearning for his native village of Konstantinovo and literally suffocating in the bustle of Moscow. This explains his numerous psychological problems problems that the poet tried to solve with the help of alcohol. At the same time, Yesenin also understood that over the years he was not getting younger, and life experience, quite rich and not always positive, was reflected not only in his way of thinking, but also in his perception of the world around him.

However, in the early 20s, Yesenin still remains a romantic, although he believes less and less in universal human values. In his poems, sad notes creep in much more often, which indicate that the author, among the noisy city crowd, feels lonely and restless. Such works include the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded,” created in 1924. This is the period when the poet says goodbye to his youth and sums up some life results. Analyzing what he managed to achieve over ten years of creativity, Yesenin comes to disappointing conclusions, noting that he is still “full of thoughts about his cheerful youth,” but “I don’t regret anything in the past.”

The poet draws a parallel between himself and the golden autumn grove, which gradually sheds its luxurious attire in preparation for winter sleep. At all, For every natural phenomenon, Yesenin strives to select some analogues from his own life. Therefore, a flock of cranes flying south reminds him of a wanderer. And then the poet clarifies: “I stand alone in the middle of a naked plain,” thereby emphasizing that he is exactly the same wanderer who does not think about the past, but does not see a place for himself in the future.

“A red rowan fire is burning in the garden, but it cannot warm anyone” - with this figurative metaphor the poet wants to emphasize his own disappointment in love, which from an all-consuming feeling turns into fleeting hobbies. The poet is aware of the paradox of life, which lies in the fact that his many lovers are not able to understand Yesenin. Those women who succeed in this, in best case scenario can claim to be the poet's friends. Touching on the topic of love, the author admits that she was one of the muses for him, who changed her appearance too often. Therefore, the poet notes that now, when ardent feelings are left behind, having become the lot of serene youth, he is like a tree that “quietly drops its leaves.” In the same way, the author drops “sad words”, which, as he believes, are no longer needed by anyone.

However, Yesenin cannot simply throw away fame and universal recognition, so he assumes that even after own death his work will be interesting to people. Therefore, the last quatrain of this work can be regarded as the poet’s testament. Foreseeing that his poems will one day become the property of Russian literature, and time will “rake them into an unnecessary lump,” Yesenin asks for himself as a funeral epitaph: “Say this... that the golden grove dissuaded with a sweet tongue.”

By the way, at the grave of Yesenin, who died a year after creating the poem “Golden Autumn Dissuaded” and was buried at Vagankovskoe cemetery in Moscow, there are no epitaphs at all. This is explained by the fact that the poet’s friends and relatives thought that Sergei Yesenin said everything in his poems, and this is quite enough for him to be recognized after his death as the “golden-haired genius” of Russian literature.

Given lyrical work was written in 1924, that is, shortly before tragic death poet. Sergei Yesenin is a prominent figure in Russian literature. His poems are original, filled with love for living nature, and touch on some historical events. By the time the poem is created, the poet is already experiencing colossal melancholy and disappointment in life. He does not make new plans, but takes stock of his life. Even if it was not long, it was memorable (as we remember, Yesenin lived only 30 years). An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” will be useful to students of philological faculties and interesting to connoisseurs of real poetry. Dedicated to those who are not indifferent to art.

A little background

How strange and amazing that a person, being at a fairly young age, could write this farewell letter in verse, addressed to himself. Sergei Yesenin seems to have a presentiment of his imminent death: he mentally analyzes his actions in advance, searches for the meaning of what is happening, and sums up the results. Such sentiments are most often characteristic of those who are at the end of their After parting with Isadora Duncan, the poet was probably left completely without support, and even last marriage with Sophia Tolstoy could not make him happy. This man did not find satisfaction in himself, was not satisfied with his real life, stopped noticing its value and significance.

Yesenin’s written “The golden grove dissuaded” will help to understand the state of the lyrical hero and track his emotional experiences. Feelings are of enormous importance. This lyrical work is very strongly connected in meaning to another poem - “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry,” written several years earlier.

Poem composition

This lyrical work consists of six separate stanzas. The general tone of the poem leads to sad thoughts, makes you think about many serious things: the meaning of life, is true joy possible, what is the purpose of man? The plot develops against the backdrop of all-consuming melancholy: lyrical hero lives with memories of lost youth. Perhaps he simply regrets that he was unable to preserve his almost childish spontaneity and was too carried away by the enchanting deception of life? It is impossible to analyze the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” according to plan. Each of us has our own understanding of the essence and meaning of this work; here we should rely on our individuality.

The state of the lyrical hero

What happens to him cannot help but frighten and mislead. The lyrical hero speaks about himself as if he will soon leave this world, as if he no longer exists. He is both confident and confused. The lyrical hero is at the end of his journey and does not know what to strive for in the future. This is a terrible state when you are young, but there is no strength or desire to do anything, to realize your cherished aspirations. The lyrical hero of Sergei Yesenin lost his dream. The general mood of the poem is calm indifference and indifference. I don’t feel sorry for the past, the present, the years wasted in vain, but this is only because there is nothing else to strive for. The once wide road suddenly became a narrow path and gradually came to a dead end.

One can understand the state of the lyrical hero as a farewell to youth. He rethinks the years he has lived, realizes his mistakes, and mentally notes victories and defeats. Analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The golden grove dissuaded” can be classified as one of the most mysterious and enigmatic works of the poet. We again and again turn to long-familiar lines in order to feel our involvement in the work of the great poet.

Symbols and their meanings

In this poem special attention attention should be paid to images; behind them lie important details necessary for a holistic understanding and building the overall picture.

"Birch funny language" denotes the easy life that the lyrical hero previously led. That is, I didn’t have to think about the meaning of life, about the fact that someday everything will come to its logical conclusion and I will have to pay for my own mistakes.

The theme of “cranes” deserves special attention. Their sad flight sounds like a hysterical song, to which They are simultaneously part of the present and the past, which inevitably recedes. Cranes are closely connected with the poet’s youth, his wonderful impulses and hopes.

An analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” shows how deep and significant was the artist who lost himself.

"Golden Grove"

Symbolizes the spiritual wealth of the lyrical hero, his desire to understand the world. Every tree has its own roots, and every person has an individual history. Perhaps, comparing himself to a grove, the poet speaks of commitment to the Russian people, connection with national consciousness, traditions and customs. Why does Yesenin choose this particular metaphor? Perhaps this image was close to him due to the fact that few people understood it during his lifetime. In addition, there is a similarity with the poet’s blond hair (“golden” color). He himself was the whole Universe, which lived according to its own laws. Unable to adapt to circumstances, he very soon made serious enemies in the form of security officers. The analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” can be briefly presented as a revelation that has no end.

"Rowan Fire"

It personifies the lofty dreams and aspirations of the lyrical hero. The poem mentions that this fire is burning, but can no longer warm anyone. Why did this happen? Is the soul slowly dying? Most likely, here Yesenin is talking about the coming indifference and slow oblivion of the heart.

The flame of freedom gradually fades away in him, he becomes calmer, more reasonable, loses the desire and ability to act recklessly, as before. A person can exist as long as his dreams and aspirations are alive. And the lyrical hero wants nothing but peace. An analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” reveals the deepest tragedy of the poet, who has lost his taste for life.

Eternal Wanderer

Among other things, it is mentioned that each of us comes into this world as a lonely wanderer and must leave it at his own time. Sergei Yesenin's traveler is inextricably linked with his own life. The poet seems to have a presentiment of the inevitability and proximity of death. The Wanderer symbolizes the theme of searching for the meaning of life.

Sergei Yesenin especially keenly sought an answer to this question in recent years. There is nothing worse for a poet than to feel useless, useless and rejected by society. An analysis of Yesenin’s poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” briefly highlights the general drama of the situation.

The meaning of existence

Many searched, but did not find their own destiny, their unique path. The fact is that not everyone had the strength and perseverance to follow it to the end. Sergei Yesenin “burned out” much earlier. He left a mark on history - his beautiful poetic creations, but his life ended suddenly.

Analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” shows how short a person’s life can be if it is not supported by high aspirations, if one wastes oneself so recklessly. The loss of one’s own personality was associated with disappointments and loneliness, which, like a snowball, gradually grew and consumed the soul.

What does Yesenin write about?

Of course, about myself. About the moments of joy and bitter disappointment experienced, about your own victories and defeats. Who knows why he was left alone at the end of his life, why he suffered from deep depression? Analysis of the poem “The golden grove dissuaded” leads the reader to deep thoughts that may be useful. Each of us wants to live our lives as fully and meaningfully as possible. And for this you need to learn to appreciate every moment, any of its manifestations.

The poet writes about his ruined life, about the impossibility of returning to the past and correcting past mistakes. An analysis of Sergei Yesenin’s poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” contains wise thoughts, which may be useful to genuine intellectuals. The poet’s work and he himself are alive in his immortal lines.

The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language,
And the cranes, sadly flying,
They don’t regret anyone anymore.

Whom should I feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer -
He will pass, come in and leave the house again.
The hemp plant dreams of all those who have passed away
With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance,
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth,
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

I don't feel sorry for the years wasted in vain
I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom of my soul.
There is a fire of red rowan burning in the garden,
But he doesn't warm anyone.

Rowan berry brushes will not get burned,
The yellowness will not make the grass disappear,
Like a tree silently shedding its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And if, scattered by the wind,
He'll shovel them all into one unnecessary lump...
Say this... that the grove is golden
She answered with sweet language. The golden grove
Birch, cheerful language
And cranes flying sadly,
I do not regret more about anyone.

Whom I? After all, everyone in the world wanderer -
Pass, go down again and leave the house.
Of all the dreams gone Konoplyannikov
With a wide month over a blue pond.

Stand alone among the plain naked
A crane carries away the wind,
I am full of thoughts about gay youth,
But nothing in the past I"m not sorry.

Do not drink me years wasted in vain
Don't drink me soul purple flowers.
In the garden, fire burns red rowan,
But no one he cherishes.

Do not get burnt rowan brush
Not disappear from yellowing grass,
As the tree drops quietly leaves,
So I drop my sad words.

And if the wind outwards
Sgrebet them all in one unnecessary com...
Say so... that golden grove
Dissuaded sweet language.