Movement of the planets in a year. Relationships during Mercury retrograde. Fortune telling with Tarot cards that may come in handy

2018 promises to be calmer than 2017. The oppressive Jupiter-Pluto square, which was a feature of 2017, will cease to operate; all changes, surprises, cataclysms, depression and oppression of free movement and drama will give way to new solutions to insoluble problems in politics, innovation and discoveries in science, we will all feel the fresh breath of time. One way or another, each of us will feel the breath of change.

In the middle, some are vague concepts and others are precise. Traditional astrology sees retrograde as an occasional weakness, changing the strength of the planet; certainly considered in time and election charts of astrology. Vedic astrology, on the contrary, attributes great power and strength to retrograde planets. Psychological astrology states, among other things, that the qualities represented by the planet are introverted, turned inward and more difficult to access, requiring special internal work in the sphere ruled by the planet throughout life.

The year will begin with a powerful stellum of planets in Capricorn. The Sun, Venus, Pluto, Saturn and Lilith together indicate a high-energy combination of power and the course of their interactions can seriously change the balance of power on the world stage. Here, the strength and conservatism of Saturn are combined with the soft diplomacy of Venus in tandem with the Sun with its will and enthusiasm to bring about a serious transformation of Pluto. In what manner this transformation will progress will depend on the following factors - as a rule, Saturn cuts off everything that has become obsolete, has no continuation, has exhausted itself and does not contribute to progress and movement. And Pluto destroys things and phenomena from the inside, transforming the object so that its next phenomenon has nothing to do with previous version. Thus, here is a direct indication of serious changes not only in the world, but also in individual destinies, depending on what the Capricorn field is responsible for in your horoscope. Also noteworthy is the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter in Scorpio - money, power, weapons will become the subject of struggle and triumph. Hidden and open trade wars between manufacturing giant countries are possible. The Pluto-Zeus square, which remains relevant in 2018, indicates a tough struggle in the field of leadership in creating know-how in science and technology and a tense international situation.

It is very difficult to say something truly new in astrology, a body of thousands of years of knowledge that has developed in parallel with the evolution and development of man, especially in the last 200 years, with the development of individual consciousness - remember, in the recent past, nobles could be individuals, and, of course, not the way we think about personality today, everything else was a deformed mass called the plebeians and in this context horoscopes were created only for kings, popes and very powerful figures, so I have no complaints in this article so as not to add anything new about Mars Retrograde, which has not yet been spoken of by the Great Ones who write and teach on this issue.

For most of the year, Jupiter will be in Scorpio and in November 2018 in Sagittarius. This will give great strength to the representatives of these signs, and will also increase the greed for investment, will open the cash flow prepared by the previous position of Jupiter in Libra, which formed promising connections between people, countries, and trading companies. Those who did not sleep in 2017 and worked hard will receive their rightful reward and increase their influence. Jupiter in Scorpio will oblige us to be more for each other than ourselves, we will feel like magicians of our destiny, the charm of Scorpio will strengthen the royalty of the planet, show its generosity, we will feel ourselves in expansion, we will feel cramped within the established framework and we will try ourselves in a new capacity . With the transition of Jupiter into Sagittarius, new horizons will open up for us, other cultures and countries will be attracted to us, and we will be drawn to travel. We will be visited by the knowledge that the whole universe is full of luck and all we need to do is to put effort into creating our happiness and go on a new journey.

Mars, Identification Ambassador. The first of the outer planets, Mars is considered the ambassador of the Triad of Identity: Sun, Mercury and Venus. Mars is the life force, the pure survival instinct that drives us to get out of bed in the morning and take action in the world. It is primitive, instinctive and internally connected to the body and felt in it. The connection between the Sun and Mars is one of the most important in the horoscope because the energy and action of Mars is instrumental so that the Sun can express itself. The Sun and Mars are two masculine figures that excel in astrology and in different ways point to the father archetype as the first masculine figure in the psyche of a boy or girl.

Saturn enters Capricorn in January - this is his home, his abode. This is the return of the sovereign from a long campaign-journey through other signs in order to again take his throne. In 2018 there will be no room for mistakes and frivolous decisions - there will be an immediate reckoning for this. Those who will win are those who will be pragmatic and judicious, putting emotions aside, planning their lives, and those who have already made this a rule in the past will receive everything they dreamed of. Saturn is the only planet that tests a person for a long time for decades, but if it gives, it gives a lot, and its gifts cannot be compared with any other planet. Law and order will come first, tightening legislative framework, responsibility will not be to the liking of irresponsible and asocial people. This will be a kind of trial when everyone will be asked what they spent the previous years on.

Mars, especially, as a representative of the heroic figure that everyone small child sees in the father, but the Sun and Mars also symbolize the hero in each of us, fighting specific battles symbolized by the sign and house in which they fall in the horoscope, as well as the aspects they create with each other and with other planets.

The battle between the king and his ambassador. The retrogradation cycle will then be a battle between the ambassador, Mars, and its King, the Sun. This battle, observed through the retrogradation function on natal chart, often manifests in people as a feeling that their energy and heroic spirit have been stolen or suppressed. They have to dig deep to find their sense of individual excellence and often find themselves lost in the task, says Erin Sullivan.

Uranus, which was in Aries in 2018, will move into stable Taurus in mid-May - and this can serve as a destabilizing factor in the world. Uranus is electronics, Taurus is money and wealth. The conclusion immediately suggests itself about the conquest of the world by electronic money, bitcoins, which will completely change the idea of ​​the nature of money.

Typically, the father is considered a thief who stole this energy and, in fact, there is a distance between biological person and father, who forcibly seek and approve. Obviously, a biological father is not necessarily an executioner, or cold and distant in purpose, much less a father would “knowingly” steal the life force of a son or daughter. It often happens that the father himself has problems with Mars, his willpower and sense of strength. "Your own will may have been subjugated or undermined by circumstances that the child constellates as a type of fado that must somehow be claimed," Sullivan points out.

Everything that we consider to belong to us will suddenly explode with a revolution in fashion, in art, new figures will enter the arena, completely new trends will appear, new means of communication will appear, revolutions will occur in banking systems. This will be very dramatic for many people and countries, but it cannot be avoided.

At the same time, let us recall that the Second World War began precisely during the entry of Uranus into Taurus with Jupiter in Scorpio, one country profits at the expense of others and begins an invasion, a revolution in other countries.

With the opposition of the Sun and Mars, there is a tendency to project Mars above others. There is a strong desire for self-expression, but someone else's willpower seems to satisfy this desire. You may feel like someone is trying to stop you from being authentic. It seems that your desire to be yourself is in opposition to the other person's desire to be themselves. The person feels that others challenge him or provoke quarrels in order to justify his expression of one's own will and strength. The conflict may be with one of the parents, often with the father.

Neptune remains in Pisces in 2018, but in June it will go retrograde and this will lead us to illusions and easily succumb to self-deception and pipe dreams. In addition, Neptune in retrograde will bring back old forgotten dreams into our lives, if one of the family members who left us in the past returns, money will be spent for other purposes, the temptation to invest in unprofitable projects and enterprises will be great, there will be a conflict between desires and needs, the world will be flooded with all sorts of false prophets, magicians and sorcerers, broadcasting about the end of the world.

As stated above, the oppositions are a complete lug plate. On the symbolic plane, as on the real plane, there is a battle of wills. Sullivan reminds us that the absent or present father is the projected image of the hero, and he is the dominant figure during the period when the ego is most vulnerable in its development, from three to seven years. Gradually, if all goes well, the child, then the teenager, will learn to internalize the hero figure and learn to see him as part of himself. But the author emphasizes that the transmutation of other heroes into the heroic self can be achieved even by people with retrograde Mars in the natal chart.

Sensitivity to astral influences will become more acute, prophetic dreams will become the norm. The health of the lymphatic system, water-salt metabolism and fingers is vulnerable.

Pluto remains in Capricorn in 2018 and is also retrograde from April to September. Pluto is the ruler of oil and diamond kings, billionaires, the patron and guardian of rescuers, resuscitators, and people working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Pluto will not have a conjunction with Saturn this year, and we still have a whole year before this menacing conjunction. Pluto in Capricorn is able to change established reality from the inside.

At some point, this super-powerful figure must stop being a controlling force in a person's life, and she finally understands that the battle is actually an internal battle.

Melanie Reinhart says the same thing. If one is born with the Sun rather than Mars retrograde, applying it to a future conjunction, one of the great themes in life will be the completion of something, perhaps an internal task or struggle, so it is often the case that energy, person. Or maybe sometimes it explodes violently. Life force Mars is associated with family conflicts or perhaps fighting a battle of difficulties and hardships or physical or even mental difficulties.

With his arrival in the sign of Capricorn, Pluto transforms it, reinforcing the deep themes of destruction and creation. A new vision of the value of an elderly person will come, the subject of aging in medicine will receive a new vision, breakthroughs will be made in the cultivation of artificial organs, new technologies in the treatment of teeth and bones.

There may be a sharp rise in careers, figures of transformers, people with out-of-the-box thinking, new hidden billionaires and rulers will enter our lives. Many people will try to perpetuate themselves on social media, and everything that has become obsolete will be destroyed. Great luck, receiving an inheritance, unexpected investments will fall on those who earned their well-being through their labor, who, despite failures and defeats, got up from their knees and moved on, devoting themselves entirely to their favorite business. Luck will turn its face to those who are ready for transformation.

They may still get confused in fighting other people's battles or feel aggressive environment imposed on them. It has long been known that abusers often become abusers later. This is a kind of overcompensation.

This brings us to another possible manifestation with the retrospective, passive aggressiveness of Mars. This is a dead end, not only internal, but external and the feeling of exhaled anger is more than obvious, retrogradation provides a method of controlling others through subtle manipulation, rather than direct command.

Horoscope compiled

In astrology, Mercury is associated with thinking and logic, communication and entrepreneurial abilities, commercial activities, trade, contracts, scientific work and documents, as well as magic, fortune telling, health, trickery.

Competition, Resentment and Envy. Open competition, an unmistakable feature of a well-dressed Mars, is disguised as a lack of interest or, worse, jealousy, envy, resentment and rivalry - a dynamic that began there with the father. Of course, we feel these dark feelings all the time and it is natural, inherent in human nature, “to be an expression of the natural desire to be first.” But powerful Mars is able to recognize its limits; knows to know when to pursue a goal or give up when he realizes it's a lost cause.

Mercury in Roman mythology was the messenger of the gods. He brought people's requests to them and, being enterprising and cunning, did not miss the opportunity to use these contacts for his own benefit.

Retrograde movement weakens the manifestations of the planets, their influences seem to be altered and confused. Thus, in all areas with which Mercury is associated, changes or surprises occur during periods of its retrograde movement.

And you can do it with grace.

The closer to the exact opposition, the more acute problems arise. The pre-presidential period is most characterized by constant tension; you must always be on alert; and the period after the exact aspect will be a little easier, since the subject may be faster than the problem is actually internal, since this aspect is divisive. Already in progressions, if Mars changes direction, it means a large point of mutation in life. The three years when Mars is stationary and then remains direct are marked by a strong outpouring of repressed energy and conflicts become more intense than ever.

In the loop at Mercury retrograde

All planets rotate around the Sun in one direction, but for an observer from Earth there are periods when the planets seem to move in the opposite direction. In fact, the planets do not change the direction of their movement - this is only an apparent effect. Imagine driving around the ring. When we overtake another car, it moves away relative to us and seems to be moving backwards, although everyone is driving in the same direction. All planets, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, have periods of retrograde motion.

Reinhart says this can be a very disruptive period at first as the person is not used to dealing with energy and suddenly they may come into contact with old and visceral anger, have memories of forgotten facts and delve into a lot of confusion in the outside world , because it is very difficult to determine who the enemy really is.

Eventually, this leads to a phase of renewed energy, new projects, and one feels empowered, in control of oneself, without having to step on other people's toes to be noticed.

Do you know this beautiful Sun-Mars Trine?

Before becoming retrograde, Mercury “enters the loop” and alternately goes through the degrees of its reversal into direct and retrograde motion. The figure shows two Mercury loops in 2014. The period between the planet's entry and exit from the loop lasts longer than the retrograde movement. Approximately in the middle of the interval of retrograde movement, an internal conjunction of Mercury with the Sun occurs: the Sun, Mercury and Earth find themselves on the same line (Mercury between the Sun and Earth), and a new cycle of Mercury begins.

But it's not just Mars retrograde that can cause problems. In the case of Sun-Mars, trines can also be misleading. All other superior planets are in trine when retrograde, and although this does not happen with Mars, it is important to note that if a trine is applied, Mars will most likely be retrograde in minor progression. In fact, energy can flow between the Sun and Mars gracefully and easily, but how easy is it for a person to express confidence and aggression? Usually there is a short circuit between the internal knowledge of one's own superiority and its concrete manifestation.

Mercury loops in 2014 in the signs Libra-Scorpio and the sign Aquarius

Periods of retrograde movement of planets are conducive to reconsidering the issues and problems that the planet is associated with. During the retrograde movement of Mercury, attention and energy are aimed at rethinking our position and available information, revising connections. An almost irresistible desire for change may arise, but for its successful implementation it is necessary to remember that our ability to critically evaluate what is happening is decreasing, and everything that inspires us at this time is just a temporary step to the next level of existence. For this reason Mercury retrograde is unfavorable for starting important projects, designed for the long term, but very good for getting rid of old, outdated and unjustifiable ideas, as well as for analysis inner world and getting rid of negative and unpromising attitudes.

The aspect can manifest itself as unrealistic fantasies about great achievements, a kind of megalomania. According to the progression, Mars will be retrograde between the ages of 14 and 20 and this year will be very important. The opposition between the Sun and Mars will challenge the "ease" of the natal trine, causing the person to seek inner strength and self-affirmation.

When the opposition itself arises, everything becomes truly “hot” inside, and the year is marked by a rebellion towards life or a previously chosen path. And during periods when the planet is retrograde, as it is now, the number of clients looking for it increases. Of particular note is the struggle with the father, who is usually no longer just a father, but a Father, because in the human biological father one really sees the Archetypal Father, usually a transvestite in the colors of the Scary or Tyrant Father, the Superpowered Father or the abuser who consciously or unconsciously suppresses the expression of individuality son or daughter.

When Mercury moves retrograde

Periods of Mercury retrograde occur three times a year and last on average about three weeks.

At this time, the Earth “overtakes” Mercury, its movement becomes retrograde, and our thinking, logic, and common sense weaken before spontaneous or hasty actions. During periods of Mercury retrograde, all brilliant ideas and undertakings are temporary and cease to be relevant or of further interest to us as soon as Mercury becomes direct again.

Mercury retrograde in 2013:

  • from February 23 to March 17, 2013
    Mercury loop
    – from February 9 to April 6, 2013,
    – March 04, 2013;
  • from June 26 to July 20, 2013
    Mercury loop
    – from June 10 to August 4, 2013,
    Mercury conjunction with the Sun– July 09, 2013;
  • from October 21 to November 10
    Mercury loop
    – from October 1 to November 27, 2013,
    Mercury conjunction with the Sun– November 02, 2013.

Mercury retrograde in 2014:

  • from February 7 to February 28, 2014
    Mercury loop- from January 23 to March 21;
    - February 16, 2014;
  • from June 7 to July 1, 2014
    Mercury loop- from May 23 to July 16,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- June 20, 2014;
  • from 04 to 25 October 2014
    Mercury loop- from September 14 to November 10,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- October 17, 2014

Mercury retrograde in 2015:

  • from January 21 to February 11, 2015
    Mercury loop- from January 06 to March 04,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- January 30, 2015;
  • from May 19 to June 11, 2015
    Mercury loop- from May 4 to June 27,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- May 30, 2015;
  • from September 17 to October 09, 2015
    Mercury loop- from August 28 to October 24,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- September 30, 2015.

Mercury retrograde in 2016:

  • from January 5 to January 25, 2016
    Mercury loop- from December 20, 2015 to February 15, 2016;
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- January 14, 2016;
  • from April 28 to May 22, 2016
    Mercury loop- from April 15 to June 08,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- May 09, 2016;
  • from August 30 to September 22, 2016
    Mercury loop- from August 10 to October 7,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- September 10, 2016
  • from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017
    Mercury loop- from December 2, 2016 to January 28, 2017,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- December 28, 2016

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

  • from April 09 to May 03, 2017
    Mercury loop- from March 27 to May 21,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- April 20, 2017;
  • from August 13 to September 05, 2017
    Mercury loop- from July 25 to September 19, 2017,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- August 26, 2017;
  • from 03 to 23 December 2017
    Mercury loop- from November 15, 2017 to January 11, 2018,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- December 13, 2017

Mercury retrograde in 2018:

  • from March 23 to April 15, 2018
    Mercury loop- from March 9 to May 3, 2018,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- April 01, 2018;
  • from July 26 to August 19, 2018
    Mercury loop- from July 8 to September 2, 2018,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- August 09, 2018;
  • from November 17 to December 06, 2018
    Mercury loop- from October 29 to December 25, 2018,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- November 27, 2018

Mercury retrograde in 2019:

  • from 05 to 28 March 2019
    Mercury loop- from February 20 to April 17, 2019,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- March 15, 2019;
  • from July 7 to August 1, 2019
    Mercury loop- from June 20 to August 15, 2019,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- July 21, 2019;
  • from October 31 to November 20, 2019
    Mercury loop- from October 12 to December 08, 2019,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- November 11, 2019

Mercury retrograde in 2020:

  • from February 17 to March 10 of the year
    Mercury loop- from February 3 to March 30, 2020,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- February 26, 2020;
  • from June 18 to July 12, 2020
    Mercury loop- from June 02 to July 26, 2020,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- July 01, 2020;
  • from October 14 to November 03, 2020
    Mercury loop- from September 23 to November 20, 2020,
    Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun- October 25, 2020

What does retrograde Mercury bring to us?

When Mercury is retrograde it is unfavorable:

1) arrange important documents : mortgage, inheritance, international passport, purchase of real estate or vehicles, enter into contracts, take out a loan, etc. In addition to simple errors in registration or typos, property registered as ownership at this time will be difficult to hold in your hands, and it will have to be resold or re-registered, the international passport may not be useful, and the loan may not be able to be used to the fullest extent for its intended purpose;

2) get a permanent job. Retrograde Mercury “provokes” omissions, intentional or unintentional distortion of information, so in the course of work something will become clear, which is why they usually don’t stay in one place for a long time: either due to the characteristics of the place of work, or due to the personality of the employee;

3) meet and get married. Like everything designed for permanence, marriage is incompatible with the period of Mercury retrograde: vows made by the newlyweds cannot be fulfilled (regardless of whether the marriage was concluded in the registry office or in the church). Dating that took place during Mercury retrograde usually does not last long. Sometimes, if Mercury has already entered the loop, but has not yet become retrograde, people can communicate for decades, but such relationships develop in waves (either recession or revival) and almost never lead to marriage;

4) shop. In general, of course, everyday purchases (groceries, necessary things for the home) are quite acceptable, but with larger and more serious purchases (equipment, clothing, tools, etc.) unpleasant surprises are possible (especially during periods) - for example, new clothes ceases to be necessary, or a defect is discovered in it. Delivery of an order from an online store during Mercury retrograde may be greatly delayed, as well as delays in sending mail, communication errors, etc.;

5) start building a house or renovating. The period of Mercury retrograde is unfavorable for everything long-term and fundamental, so even simple repairs run the risk of being delayed and turning into long-term construction with alterations. The same applies to construction (from a country house to a residential high-rise building or an industrial building): it will not be possible to avoid alterations later, and this will not only cost additional time, but also money;

6) go on trips, especially distant or important ones. Often when traveling during Mercury retrograde you have to change plans, something doesn’t go as expected. If possible, it is better to schedule a business trip or vacation trip at a time when Mercury is moving direct;

7) start studying something. The period of Mercury retrograde can push you to explore foreign language, the art of cutting, studying web design, astrology, etc. - usually the craving for some new knowledge is felt quite strongly at this time. However, if there is no guarantee that you will master a new area very quickly, it is better to postpone the start of classes during the direct movement of Mercury, otherwise there is a risk of regularly returning to abandoned classes for a short time, but still remaining a dropout. It is also undesirable to start working out in the gym: not only is there a risk of abandoning them soon, but you also need to be careful with physical activity, since periods of retrograde Mercury affect the condition nervous system– it is believed that the conduction of nerve impulses deteriorates, so there may be a lack of coordination of movements, which can lead to injury. Retrograde Mercury may not have a very good effect on memory, causing insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Mercury retrograde period is favorable:

1) to correct errors in documents. Often, errors in papers are discovered just during the period of Mercury retrograde, or there is a need to make some changes to the documents.” retroactively” precisely at this time;

2) searching for lost items, including restoring previous connections. It is good to look for lost small personal items (documents, keys, notes, business cards, etc.) during the period of Mercury retrograde (however, the search venture has the least chance of success during about a week before and after the date of Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun, when he is “burned”). At the same time, old acquaintances with whom you have not seen or communicated for several months may get in touch. The search for information (about a future job, for example, or in the scientific field) should also be successful;

3) devices for seasonal or temporary work, including part-time work. The period of Mercury retrograde is suitable for implementing short-term plans, and if you are thinking about the possibilities of additional income, at this time it is quite possible to agree to a temporary part-time job. Or, if you have your own store, conduct an audit and start selling the remaining stock from the warehouse;

4) search for thieves and scammers. The period of Mercury retrograde often provokes overly enterprising individuals who are prone to getting rich quickly using dubious methods and organizing various scams. At such times, scammers become more active in the most different directions, therefore, you need not only to carefully monitor your wallet, documents, keys and other property in crowded places (transport, a store, etc.), but also, in principle, to be more vigilant. On the other hand, during the period of Mercury retrograde, criminals are exposed more often: “sleight of hand” fails them and they make mistakes more often, which makes it easier to expose them;

5) completing tasks that have been postponed for a long time. During Mercury retrograde, interest in an issue or topic that was discussed or planned some time ago may awaken. For example, finally finding and hanging a picture on the wall, or replacing a faulty switch, or repairing a lock, making a spare key, etc. In everything that has already been outlined before Mercury’s transition to retrograde motion and that can be done quickly, the time has come to put an end to it.

Like other planets, Mercury, during its retrograde motion, directs our attention to rethinking the current situation, finding solutions to some troubling problems, and preparing the ground for the future path. After the end of the retrograde movement, it will be possible to begin to implement the plans, although some adjustments will be necessary. If you immediately direct your thirst for change and energy towards specific things, then after Mercury moves to direct movement you will have to correct mistakes. Still, even the Messenger of the Gods needs a vacation.

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Fortune telling with Tarot cards that may come in handy