Fortune telling on coffee grounds, letter g. Deciphering pictures from coffee grounds related to buildings. Shapes and lines

Fortune telling on coffee grounds- this is one of the most common and accessible methods of divination. From time immemorial, both poor and noble people resorted to it, and now professional fortune tellers are turning to this way of seeing the future. This method of divination is still one of the safest, and in past centuries, in the East, it was believed no less than the royal astrologers and priests.

How to guess correctly on coffee

For fortune telling on coffee grounds won't fit instant coffee, it must be boiled, preferably in a Turk, then the sediment will be really thick. There is no need to infuse the drink, immediately pour it into a cup and enjoy the aroma and every sip, do not forget that at this moment you need to think about the question that interests you.

But the most important thing is fortune telling on coffee grounds- correct interpretation and knowledge of the meanings of certain signs.

What do the letters on the coffee grounds mean?

Our alphabet consists of thirty-three letters, no wonder there are the same number of predictions, since each carries its own meaning. In the Cyrillic alphabet, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants, so, for convenience, we will talk about each group separately.

The meaning of vowels in fortune telling using coffee grounds.

Litera " A“carries the meaning of victory, so expect triumph in business.
Letter " E"appears among those who have a clear conscience, but if it appears " AND", then you should be careful; the letter warns you not to take rash actions, as they will lead to an unpleasant outcome. Litera " ABOUT" predicts that you will soon hit the road, and the meaning " U"will indicate a future squabble with loved ones.

Letter " E" foretells the loss or theft of things, " YU" speaks of a protracted illness, and the last letter of the alphabet, " I”, will tell you that life will soon get better.

Decoding consonants in fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Noticing the letter " B"Know that fate is in your hands, but" IN"bears the stamp of sadness and grief. Letter " G” appears to say that it is worth going to church and lighting a candle to St. George.

If at fortune telling on coffee grounds did you see " D", know that financial difficulties await you. " AND", which appears in a cup, speaks of a conspiracy, but " Z"symbolizes fun and pleasure. Litera " TO”, which appears on the coffee grounds, is in a hurry to buy a cross, since trials are lurking ahead. Letter " L"whispers about quick success in love and portends happiness in your personal life, and " M» indicates financial well-being. When detecting " N"prepare for the coming experiences, and having noticed" P“Take a closer look at your family and friends because someone is being insincere with you.

If the letter " R“You should think about your addiction to alcohol. Litera " WITH"will indicate future quarrels and there will be quite a few of them," T"will predict an acquaintance that will be very pleasant for you. " F", whose meaning when telling fortunes on coffee grounds is hope, and its neighbor " X" promises a quick marriage. Litera " H“bears the stamp of grief, as it speaks of the loss of a loved one. " Sh"appearing on the walls or bottom of the cup indicates that you are resolving a conflict with the person with whom you were arguing, and " b"predicts flirting and coquetry.

Appeared when telling fortunes on coffee grounds, a letter « Kommersant" foreshadows the imminent arrival of guests, so it is worth preparing for their meeting.

And it is almost impossible to describe all the signs, their meanings and interpretations, since a person’s imagination is limitless, and there is an endless variety of objects that surround him. Coffee grounds don’t even have to form into a sign or symbol; even the location of the speck can already say a lot, so if you prefer this species fortune telling, be patient and activate your imagination, especially since it is not only interesting, but also delicious.

One of the most common methods of divination is fortune telling using coffee grounds. In this way, they tried to find out the future back in the 18th century, and this method of fortune telling is no less popular today.

Fortune telling with coffee is convenient because you can perform the ritual at home, without turning to professional fortune tellers and soothsayers. You will need natural coffee, a Turk, a saucer and a cup.

How to guess correctly on coffee

Brew natural coffee in a Turk. Coarse and finely ground coffee in a 2/1 ratio is suitable for fortune telling. Sugar, milk, cinnamon and other additives should not be used in coffee intended for fortune telling. Pour the prepared drink into a porcelain cup, drink it, leaving a small amount of coffee at the bottom of the cup. Turn the cup upside down and pour the remainder onto the saucer. The grounds that remain in the cup are a suitable ingredient for fortune telling. Don't forget to think about your question while drinking your coffee.

Letter designations on coffee grounds

Each letter visible on the coffee grounds carries its own designation. This is a symbol that suggests what awaits the questioner in the future and answers his question. It is necessary to carefully examine the sediment in the cup and decipher each letter. For convenience, we divide the designations of the letters of the Russian alphabet into vowels and consonants.


A - you will win, get ready for triumph.

E – don’t worry, your conscience is clear.

And - do not take rash actions, be careful, otherwise failure will overtake you.

O – indicates a quick trip, business trip, journey.

U - quarrels and conflicts with loved ones are inevitable.

E – loss of money, theft. Be vigilant and keep a close eye on your belongings.

Yu is a protracted illness.

I - good luck awaits you soon, life will improve, and problems will be resolved safely.


B – the solution to the problem depends entirely on your actions and actions.

B – sadness, anxiety, tears.

G - reminds of spiritual development. Go to the Temple of God and light a candle to Saint George.

D – financial difficulties that will last quite a long time.

F - they are plotting against you, plotting intrigues, surrounding your life with gossip.

Z – fun, meeting guests, feast.

K - you need to go to the temple and buy an illuminated cross, it will help in solving your difficulties.

L – love and happiness in family life.

M – stability and well-being in financial matters.

N - worries and troubles await you regarding pressing issues.

P - someone from your close circle is not sincere with you, keep your ears open.

P – Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages will negatively affect your body.

S – quarrels and squabbles with loved ones or work colleagues, be more restrained.

T – pleasant acquaintance, new friends. For a free person - meeting a life partner.

F - hope for a favorable resolution of a complex issue.

X - get ready for the wedding, marriage is just around the corner.

C – pleasant meetings with friends, joint trips and travel.

H – loss of a loved one, grief, death in the family.

Ш, Ш – reconciliation with a person with whom you could not find a common language for a long time.

b – flirting with a person of the opposite sex, an affair at work is possible.

Kommersant - get ready to meet unexpected guests. The letter also portends receiving news from distant lands.

In addition to the letters of the Russian alphabet, when fortune telling on coffee grounds, you can see numbers, images of people and animals, geometric shapes and various objects. In one of the articles on our website, you can read the interpretation of these symbols and understand what they mean. It is impossible to create a description of all the symbols, so first of all, rely on your imagination, look at the location and number of characters, try to read the largest of them.

Fortune telling is considered one of the most popular ways to find out your future, and for good reason, because it allows you to accurately predict future events. However, this option is the most complex, since it includes details on which the accuracy of the prediction depends. Let's look at how to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, symbols, and what each of them means.

Not everyone can decipher images correctly. Due to a slight inaccuracy, fortune telling can take on a completely different interpretation. In each individual situation the outcome will be different. It all depends on the conditions in which they are guessing. Affects accuracy:

  • the purity of the water and the presence of various additives in it;
  • the country from which the coffee beans were brought;
  • degree of grinding of grains;
  • the material from which the vessel is made;
  • Atmosphere pressure;
  • the mood of the person who is telling fortunes;
  • thermal, radiation, noise background in the room.

For correct interpretation, it is necessary to take into account all of the above factors.

The surest way to do everything right is to rely on recommendations from the original source, but this is quite difficult, since Italians, Germans, French, and residents of the post-Soviet space all claim the authorship of this prediction.

The birthplace of the method is the country of origin of the coffee beans themselves - North and South America, and the parents are the Indian tribes that inhabited these lands. Much to our chagrin, the original rituals cannot be restored because they were destroyed in wars.

You can experiment and, having identified the basic information, apply it in practice, changing the conditions and further checking the reliability of what you see. It is important to comply with the following conditions:

  1. Coffee must be viscous and strong - this is the key to success.
  2. The bowl should be made of porcelain, light and preferably plain.
  3. Instant coffee will not work because it will not make a thick liquid, so the coffee must be ground.
  4. The best recipe for brewing a drink for the ritual is one that uses two coarsely ground tablespoons and a finely ground tablespoon per serving.
  5. The person who will ask the question drinks the drink.
  6. It’s better not to add sugar, but if it’s completely impossible without it, then you can add a little bit to sweeten it. Make sure it dissolves completely.
  7. Before starting the ritual, be sure to formulate the question precisely. If you jump from question to question while drinking, the grounds will not give a clear answer.
  8. When you finish the drink, make sure that about a tablespoon of thickness remains at the bottom.

Step by step

So, for this to work you need strong, coarse and finely ground coffee. Brew coffee: add a couple of coarse and one finely ground spoons, add a minimum of sugar (if necessary), and put on fire until ready. The drink should be poured into a plain, light-colored vessel without a pattern. Ideally it would be a white cup. We wait 5 minutes until the coffee cools down a little, and you can proceed to the main thing.

We slowly drink, thinking about an exciting question. In this case, you need to leave a tablespoon of grounds in the cup. Now comes the fun part:

  1. We take the vessel with our left hand and make circular movements clockwise, slightly shaking the contents.
  2. Now, moving away from us, we place the bowl on the saucer, with one edge placing it on the edge of the saucer, and the other on its bottom. So the grounds flow down, forming images on the walls of the container.
  3. All you have to do is wait just a couple of minutes, turn the cup over again with your left hand - and you can interpret the patterns.

Arrangement of drawings

First of all, you should pay attention to the location of the pictures. The closer to the center the images are located, the further in the future the events will occur. But the pictures formed on the saucer symbolize the past.

You need to look at the drawings in this order: first we look from left to right, then from right to left, then at the bottom, and lastly we look from the edge of the wall to the center.

There are patterns that allow you to more accurately interpret the signals:

  1. Its influence on life depends on the size of the sign: the larger it is, the greater the influence.
  2. An image located close to the edge of the dish will come true within a month.
  3. Pictures located closer to the bottom come true within a year.
  4. The signs located right next to the handle of the vessel symbolize the present time.
  5. The darker the patterns, the more problems a person has.
  6. Accordingly, the brighter the picture, the easier a person’s life.

Let's move on directly to decoding the images.


A long straight line warns that life is wasted.
Oblique contour is a possible disease.
A few crooked strokes mean failure in business.
Many broken contours are a complication of the financial situation.
Short and long straight lines are happiness in life.
The line in the middle of the cup is an interesting ride.
A large number of straight strokes means longevity.
Straight bending - a possible illness or adventure.
A crooked line - be careful, there is an enemy around!
Many crooked lines - many enemies.
Wave - travel.
The contours intersect - the heart will probably be broken.


0 – congratulations, you are under the reliable protection of your guardian angel;
1 – they think about you;
2 – the possibility of the appearance of many diseases;
3 – the concluded deal will be profitable;
4 – don’t build castles in the air;
5 – people will gossip about you;
6 – problems in your close circle are likely;
7 – family happiness;
8 – quarrel with a loved one;
9 – a connection with a stranger is soon possible;
10 – happy life;
101 – longevity.


A - you will emerge victorious from this situation;
B – expansion of powers;
B - beware of possible grief;
G - you cannot do without the help of higher powers;
D – financial difficulties;
E - you are not to blame for anything;
F – gossip is spreading about you;
Z - you will enjoy life;
And – carefully consider the possible consequences;
K - difficult tests await you, get ready for them;
L - love will come into life;
M – material wealth is ensured;
N – alarming news;
O – travel;
P - those around you are insincere;
R – feast;
C – dispute;
T – unfamiliar people in the environment;
U - quarrel;
F – don’t lose hope;
X – quick wedding;
C – career;
H – loss of a loved one;
Ш – reconciliation;
b – flirting;
Kommersant – unexpected guests;
E – theft of property;
Yu – serious illness;
I am an improvement in all areas.

Human figures

In fortune telling on coffee grounds, outlines of human figures or body parts are often encountered:

A rose between two persons means marriage.
The line between two persons is divorce/separation from a loved one.
Two faces enclosed in a circle - a marriage proposal.
A head without a body - you have a faithful friend.
Head in profile - you have a guardian angel.
A little head looking down means danger awaits you.
Head looking up - help from the defender.
Female - you will soon meet your chosen one.
Male - separation.
2 or more goals - you are surrounded by real friends.
The girl is in love.
An older woman has a happy family life.
The guy is a separation issue.
Grandma is a hot passion.
Fisherman - a long-term relationship with a loved one.
A man with wings is the protection of a guardian angel, a quick solution to problems.
Angel - good news.
Damn - a rash act.
Hand - disappointment.
Mouth - efforts will bear fruit.
A person and an animal are troubles.

Pay special attention to the heart, eyes and lips.


The heart should be looked at as a signal for love pleasures and attention from the opposite sex.

There may be a lot of emotional distress. Very quickly you will meet a person whose communication will change your worldview and old foundations. In addition, there are a couple more interpretations of the picture:

  • a heart pierced by an arrow warns of betrayal of a loved one, breaking of a long relationship with him, quarrels, resolution of plans and defeat in the fight;
  • inverted heart - being in the world of illusions, you should return from the imaginary world to reality.


Eyes in this context signal observation and curiosity.

Pay special attention to business offers from partners. Depending on what is seen in the thicket, the decoding will be as follows:

  • Drooping corners of the eyes, sadness in them - depression, loneliness. Beware of bad news. You will likely be robbed of the opportunity to showcase your talents and skills.
  • If a triangle is located close to the eye, rest assured that, despite the obstacles, any test will end well. Expect positive changes in life
  • Large and beautiful eyes mean a surge of strength and powerful protection.
  • On the contrary, bulging eyes warn of betrayal, complicating relationships, manifestations of suspiciousness and cowardice.
  • Narrow eyes like those of an Asian recommend remaining calm and balanced. It is better not to talk about your plans for the future, and reveal your secrets to people as little as possible.


Lips are considered a sign of stability. Much depends on their location:

  • location in the center - stability of the financial situation;
  • location at the bottom of the container - meet good man, to whom you can safely entrust affairs;
  • lips located near the field - romantic adventures, happy wedding;
  • open lips - surprise on the part of people watching your activities;
  • next to the lips of the face - one of the most important adventures in life will happen in the future.


The Dragon

The dragon symbolizes climbing the career ladder and improving the quality of life, but in order to accurately understand the meaning of the signal, you should compare it with other symbols.


Favorable sign. If you found it, it means:

  • stable financial position;
  • contentment;
  • security;
  • additional source of income;
  • cash prizes.
  • big fish means big deal;
  • a large number of small fish indicates a quick ceremonial event.


The wolf means danger emanating from gossip and intrigue, as well as:

  • greed;
  • envy;
  • robbery.

2 or more wolves, or an animal howling at the moon indicates the threat of blackmail. If there are bars near him - a warning about false accusations and imprisonment.


The lucky ones who come across a camel should prepare:

  • show strength of character and calmness;
  • to overcome difficulties;
  • reaching heights.

And this is also a sure sign of traveling around the world. If the camel had a burden on its back, change your place of residence.


Beware, there are ill-wishers among your friends! But this animal with a cub hints that there may be a desire to take care of its closest people. You may even have to make sacrifices for your loved ones.


Squirrel is cunning and intelligence, which are present in the character traits of the fortuneteller. A rodent among the branches speaks of a reward for your ingenuity and ingenuity.


The sign cannot be interpreted separately; it must be compared with other figures. Here are the most common cases:

  • A monkey hanging on a tree - dissatisfaction with life, awareness of how little has been done. There may be misunderstandings with your significant other, whims and resentments that will only increase discord.
  • A monkey in tandem with a rooster - society will laugh at the action.
  • Monkey with bars - you drive yourself into a cage, creating difficulties and illnesses for yourself. It also foreshadows skepticism and suspiciousness.


A good symbol that tells about satisfaction with intellectual and spiritual work, monetary bonuses, and also about sporting achievements. In addition, there are several more meanings of the picture seen:

  • Rider - mastering another profession, unexpected news, travel and successful marriage.
  • A horse and a straight outline next to it - longevity, a healthy lifestyle.
  • Horse and rat tandem - beware of conflicts and quarrels, pay attention to your health. Accidents are possible.


Those who see an elephant will receive recognition, rewards for long hard work, and a long, happy life.


If the bird is singing, then prosperity and prosperity will soon come to life, but if it is in flight, there will be troubles. Depending on the bird itself, the meaning will be different:

  • Owl - wisdom and independence. Not the most favorable signal for sick people - the illness will be severe and long-lasting, and death is likely.
  • Duck - wedding. The duck guarantees a good, faithful husband.
  • Swan has a dual meaning: financial takeoff or a calm, carefree life.


There will be changes and good friends. There will be an opportunity to prove yourself; the trade you start will be very profitable. bear head, surrounded by jagged strokes, strongly recommends paying attention to your health. But if there is a ring near the bear, then a soul mate will appear who is in a good financial position.

A bear paired with a straight line means you will go abroad for work. And if there are several contours near the animal, the plan will be defeated.


To see a deer means to be generous, open to the world, wise and sincere with your loved ones.


You have secret enemies, and you may suffer losses due to the incompetence of relatives. Pay attention to the images next to:

  • triangle next to the mouse - lost expensive thing there will be;
  • mouse with zero - handle jewelry carefully so as not to lose it;
  • mouse inside the contour of the face - beware of scandals and squabbles;
  • a mouse being in the middle of the dishes means sudden financial difficulties.


Small cash incentives, good luck at work. Since in mythology whales were conductors between worlds, in fortune telling by coffee grounds they speak of a possible trip, a long journey.


The image of a crocodile asks you to be careful in your relationships with management and customers, and especially if there is a human figure or the initials of an unreliable comrade next to it. A crocodile at the top of the container portends making a wrong decision.


The most popular drawing for fortune telling. Dolphin foretells the help of a friend, trips and travels, friendly support. When you see a dolphin, know that the situation is under control.

Other animals

The following animal designations should be highlighted separately:

  • A butterfly is the influence of a person somewhat younger in age. Butterfly at the top - events that bring happiness. Butterfly with dots - life is wasted.
  • Bull - danger awaits. The bull at the bottom of the bowl is the treatment of illness. The bull is at the top of the cup - you are completely healthy.
  • Raven - grief in the house.
  • Dove - there is a kind person next to you.
  • Hedgehog - take a closer look: one of your friends is using you for their own purposes.
  • The crane is synonymous with longevity, strength and endurance.
  • Hare - fear.
  • A zebra is not a very good signal: difficulties in finding a common language with people, or you have created an idol for yourself that you are trying to be like.
  • Snake - take a closer look, there is an enemy near you.
  • A goat is a danger posed by enemies.
  • Cow - good luck.
  • Cat - financial decline, poverty.
  • Chicken - helping a stranger.
  • Leo – power and might.
  • Fox - there is only deception around.
  • Frog - good news; unexpected guests; depression. A frog near the cage - the disease will be cured.
  • Fly - expect a financial takeoff.
  • An ant is an unnecessary fuss.
  • Deer - wisdom and honesty.
  • Eagle - victory after a long struggle.
  • Rooster head down - positive changes. Rooster - welcome news or wedding. Rooster at the top - news about a dear person. A rooster at the bottom of the vessel means a conspiracy is being prepared against you.
  • The spider is a surprise.
  • A dog is a friend.
  • Owl is a very serious disease.
  • Tiger – strong anger.
  • A lizard is an unexpected occurrence.

Trees and plants

The meaning of the symbols when telling fortunes on coffee grounds also depends on whether there are any plants in the picture. The interpretation and characteristics of plants are below.


A young, strong tree with rich foliage and powerful roots predicts excellent health, energy and prosperity. It often comes across people with a creative type of thinking who know how to achieve recognition in the social sphere. But if the tree’s branches are drooping, powerlessness, difficulties and illnesses will come into life for a long time. When the branches are dry and without leaves, relatives will experience failure and trouble.

A broken plant trunk speaks of losses, and a broken one - that you should not start a business, as it will fail completely.

Depending on the type of interpretation, they may be as follows:

  1. Oak - a surge of strength, relief from a protracted illness.
  2. Spruce - found among long-livers, means accumulated life experience.
  3. Willow - melancholy, tears, depression.
  4. Bush - deterioration in business, troubles that will fall out of the blue, obstacles.
  5. Forest - you are going the wrong way.
  6. Only leaves - support from strangers or unfamiliar people, success in business.
  7. Walnut tree - people take your opinion into account and make it a priority.
  8. Apple tree - bright and rich impressions.

The interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds is associated with the place where the symbol itself is located:

  • a tree located at the bottom of the container indicates strong resistance to difficulties that prevent you from achieving your goal;
  • the figure of a tree on the walls of the dishes draws attention to the affairs within the family, its interests.


Mushrooms in fortune telling on coffee grounds can have two meanings at once: these are either monetary rewards or victories that will come unexpectedly, or a warning that sooner or later you will have to pay in full for your actions.


IN general characteristics- these are love interests for single people, and the warmth of a family hearth for those who have found their soul mate.

Bouquet - enhancing the meaning of the drawings next to them.

Here are some interpretations of the most common images:

  • dark flowers at the top of the cup - you will soon meet your destiny;
  • a flower in the middle of the bowl - a happy old age is guaranteed: family and friends are guaranteed to brighten up the remaining days, providing warmth and comfort;
  • at the bottom of the vessel - an outing into nature, feasting and fun;
  • side by side with face plants - fall in love with a new friend;
  • flowers in tandem with animals - an addition to the family;
  • flowers are fragrant near the road - people are in a hurry to visit, whom they did not expect to see in the near future;
  • rose - wedding, engagement;
  • violet - a rich wedding;
  • chrysanthemum - keep faith in sincere feelings despite difficulties and troubles.

Shapes and lines

St. Andrew's Cross - in the future, seal your union with marriage.
Star - a difficult problem will find a solution.
A vicious circle - your views and the views of your friends diverge.
An open circle is an interesting acquaintance.
Arc - a traitor hid among friends.
Oblique lines are a dangerous situation.
The cross is bad news.
Black cross, white inside - happiness in the sphere of family and relationships.
Broken lines - difficult financial situation.
Zigzags - rest, otherwise you will be exhausted.
The circuit is interrupted - you will suffer losses.
Triangle - you will achieve recognition in all areas.
The triangle is intermittent - a wise person will help.
Dots mean good luck in all endeavors.
Strokes are good luck.
Quadrangle - love.
Dashes - a takeoff in your career.


There is a house at the top of the mountain - feel free to start new projects.
Building next to the circle - buy new housing.
A full-fledged house with a roof and windows is family happiness.
There is a cross on the window - a fire is possible.
Window - thieves will break into the house.


Let's look at the decoding of the remaining words:


The arch is a gift.
Diamond - happy love.
Harp - family harmony.


Baggage is a journey.
Bank - friendly help.
Drum - quick success.
Shoe - clear outlines mean that you are loved by friends and neighbors; blurry picture - your environment doesn’t like you. A torn shoe is a shame.
Tambourine - unstable relationships with the opposite sex. The tambourine at the bottom of the dish is non-reciprocal love. The tambourine at the top of the container is a new novel. The tambourine in the middle is a whirlwind romance.
Bottle - beware of diseases.
A bouquet of flowers is happiness.


Vase - quick profit. A vase standing upright is a person’s generosity. A tilted vase means monetary losses.
A wreath means success in all matters.
Bicycle - continue on the chosen path, it will lead to success.
Broom - change.
Rope - deterioration in financial terms. A rope connected to something means poor health.
Libra - subpoena.
Paddle - effort wasted.
Hair - under no circumstances give away other people's secrets.
Kite - fulfillment of desires.
Balloon - moving.
Question mark - doubts.
Vulcan - the emergence of personal problems and passions around them.
Horsewoman - meeting a woman who will bring trouble and discord.
The horseman is the patronage of an influential person.


Nail - unfair treatment towards you.
Nesting is a job involving children or pets.
A garland is someone's wedding.
The head of the dog is loyalty to the other half.
Head with one eye - promises made will not be realized.
Mountain - the desire to stay on top; unclear outlines - think about how best to achieve your goals; clear drawing - achieving goals; several mountains - achieving several goals at once.
Rake - things are in order, but you need to adjust the rhythm of life. Rake at the bottom of the vessel - you will soon reap the fruits of your activity. A rake at the top of the dish is a big profit. Rake in the middle of the container - the result of the action is worth the effort.
The coffin is the arrival of sadness and grief in the family. A coffin standing next to the bed is a serious illness.
Mushrooms are a new addition to the family.
Pear - prosperity and comfort in the family.


The door is success in a new business.
Tree - with effort, success will be achieved.
Paper money - receiving a large amount of money.
Money in coins is smaller money, but the more coins there are, the more money there will be.
Airship - a wish will come true if you approach it creatively. Complete tasks on time to make your wishes come true faster.
Road - there will be a trip soon.
Oak - long-awaited victory, triumph.


Women's handbag - buy a lottery ticket and win big.
A woman with flowers means your friend is sincere with you.
A woman with a tulip - danger comes from her friend.
A woman with a rose - your significant other will have someone on the side.
A woman with a stick means the husband meets another woman, which can lead to many problems in the family.
Acorn - love for nature and relaxation in it.


A fence means a certain constraint in actions and planning for the future.
Castle - a strong character suppresses the people around him.
Keyhole - there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal.
A star with five points - you will achieve your goal, but it will not bring joy; with six ends - a dream come true; with seven ends - grief; with eight ends - an unexpected event.

Umbrella - support will be required.
Snake - gossip weaving around.


Cabbage - refrain from jealous feelings, otherwise they will lead to difficulties.
Square - isolation, restriction in something, even restriction of freedom.
Dagger - hot temper; your enemies are making insidious plans against you.
The key is that in order for new opportunities to open up, you need to soberly assess the situation.
The book is an open book: legal disputes, closed: difficulty in finding.
A bell means important news, two bells means you will laugh a lot.
Ring - independent decision-making, completion of what was started, engagement; two rings - dreams will come true.
Comet - expect guests from afar.
Ship - victory is near.
The crown is a big victory, likely to receive a good inheritance from a close relative.
Cat - among your friends there is a traitor who makes up gossip behind your back.
Bed - neatly folded - great intelligence; unkempt - sluggishness.
Jug - good health.


Ladder - advancement in business.
Lines - a shift in running processes.
Boat - no matter how difficult it is, everything will be resolved for the better.
Shovel - hard work will be rewarded.
The moon - if full - then love; new Moon— new goals; old moon - loss of strength, despair. The moon surrounded by dots means marriage, marry of convenience.


Lighthouse - troubles will be foreseen and eliminated in advance.
Hammer - you are prone to cruelty, but thanks to it you will be able to overcome obstacles.
Bridge - luck will slip out of your hands only one step before victory.
Ant - the path to victory passes through perseverance and effort.
The ball is a wish fulfillment.


Knife - long-term friendships will be broken.
Scissors - strong quarrel, separation from loved ones.


Fire - hasty conclusions and impulsive decisions will not work to your advantage.
Necklace - rest assured, your friends will support you; torn necklace - you will break up with your significant other.
The circle is a good result of the work done.


Palm tree - honors, recognition.
Parachute - a dangerous situation will be resolved.
Feather - choose main task, and focus on solving it.
Saw - a stranger will interfere with family harmony.
A pistol is a health hazard.
The letter is bad news. There are dots around the letter - business agendas.


Fork in the road - it's time to choose the road to take.
Gun - family harmony is threatened by ill-wishers.
Mermaid - temptations, be careful.
A glass is a generous feast.


Candle - make an effort in your studies.
Network - beware of pitfalls.
Skeleton - problems with health, money.
Violin - selfish tendencies.
The sun is many positive emotions, joy, power.
Table - a feast, a gathering of relatives at the festive table.
Arrow - disturbing news.
Chair - the situation will go up.


Ax - obstacles.
Dot - several: monetary incentive, one - strengthening the value of the symbol nearby.
A triangle with its apex up means victory, and a triangle with its apex down – defeat.


The flag is a hidden enemy.


Teapot - spout up: great luck, spout down: conflicts in the family.
Person - to receive guests or give a gift.
Suitcase - a quick decision, a trip.


Hat - competitors will appear, defeat.
Brush - minor troubles are temporary.


The egg is a symbol of prosperity and brotherhood.
Anchor - successful progress of business.

Bottom line

The interpretation of the results can only predict the likely development of events, but what comes of it depends entirely on you.

With the help of such a ritual you can really predict future events. Take it seriously. Think carefully about your actions, because they determine where life will turn.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a ritual that allows you to find out a person’s future using one of the most common and popular drinks. Various symbols and the signs have very different meanings, and their interpretation will differ radically. So, say, a dragon, a heart, a circle, a fish - each of these symbols has its own meaning, unique and talking about the future.


A – (letter) – trouble, problem, trouble;

Diamond - happiness in love;

Angel - protection and help from a stranger;

Arch – receiving a gift or winning the lottery;


B – (letter) – power, potential, greatness;

A butterfly is a person who influences the fortuneteller;

Drum - fortune telling on coffee grounds portends success;

Tambourine - problems and instability in relationships;

Buffalo - suffering, grief;

Bottle - a warning, possible problems;


B – (letter) – trouble;

Bucket - success at work, in business;

Wreath - luck and honor;

Broom - change, good news;

Rope - warning, caution;

Paddle - you will not get anything in return, even if you try;

Libra – litigation of a judicial nature;

Fork - tines up - rich life, tines down - not best value, problems and troubles;

Wolf - suffering a serious illness;

Hair - secrets, secrets around you;

Question mark – doubts, questions;

Raven - misfortune;

Vulcan - passions, jealousy;


G – (letter) luck;

Nail - your gift of persuasion will help you;

Eye – charm, attractiveness;

Eyes - changes, accomplishments;

Head – memories, thoughts, reflections;

Dove is a pure soul;

Mountain - achievements, victories;

Rake - happiness in the home, well-being;

Coffin - sadness, melancholy;

Mushroom – weight gain, height;

Pear - prosperity and wealth;

Lips - love, kisses, reciprocity;


D – (letter) financial difficulties;

Door - success in business;

Girl - love, joy;

Wood – inner strength, power;

House - reliability, confidence in a new day, if the house is strong, if frail - not the best interpretation, problems with money;

Road - news;

Dragon - happiness and luck, fire dragon - victory in everything; dead dragon - slander, understatement;

Oak - triumph, strength, victory;

Duga is a traitor, an unfaithful friend;


E – (letter) sincerity;

Hedgehog - a warning against danger;


F (letter) – clarifying problems in the family, between loved ones;

Toad - a quick wedding in fortune telling on coffee grounds;

The acorn is a good start;

Crane - longevity, health;


Z – (letter) affairs at home, chores;

Castle - your problem is stubbornness;

Star - wishes will soon come true;

Snake - the decision made will bring benefits;


And - (letter) disclosure of a secret or mystery;

Willow - sadness for home or a loved one;


K - (letter) devote time to church and faith;

Drops - good luck with money;

Cabbage - difficulties that will soon be resolved;

Cards - new acquaintances;

Swing - parting with a lover;

Square - a happy and rich life;

Dagger - enemy, foe, adversary;

Whale - some profit;

Clover - happiness and luck;

The key is news that will cause trouble;

The book is an early guest;

Wheel - change;

A ring - whole for a wedding, broken - for separation;

Spear - you will need protection;

Rocker - disappointment in friends;

A bone - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - means that you are a strong person;

Cat - not the best meaning, poverty, ruin, deception;

Circle - changes in normal life;

Jug - good health, longevity;


L - (letter) new feelings;

Lamp – strengthening intuition;

Swallow - a journey that you will remember;

Swan – random money;

Leo - you will be lucky;

Forest – difficulties;

Stairs - good luck at work;

Lemon - you are consumed by envy;

Fox - good sign, promising good luck;

Leaves – good health;

A horse is the road to a happy future;

Moon – good changes;

Frog – happiness, kindness, family;


M - (letter) ups and downs;

Lighthouse - leadership;

Medal - discovery, achievement;

Mill - fortune telling on coffee grounds promises you success;

Lightning - the influence of outsiders is very strong;

Bridge - discoveries, new paths, good news;

Ant - anxiety, troubles;

Fly - wealth, inheritance, winnings;

Ball – luck and success;


N - (letter) anxiety;

Insect - caution will help you;

Knife – loss, losses, sacrifices;

Scissors - moving;


O - (letter) loneliness, devastation;

Cloud - dreams will not come true;

Fire - a meeting with a relative, a dragon on fire - a solution to a problem;

Necklace - fortune telling on coffee grounds foretells the help of a relative;

Window - theft, loss;

Nut - change of place of residence;

Weapons - scandal, fight, quarrel;

Island - loneliness;

Glasses - there may be a danger that will be difficult for you to cope with;


P - (letter) deception, insincerity;

Peacock - deceptiveness of illusions;

Palm tree - prosperity and happiness await you;

Fern - success accompanies you;

Sail - a quick visit from a good friend;

Spider – financial success;

Spider web - fortune telling on coffee grounds foretells victory over all enemies;

Feather - intelligence that the fortuneteller knows how to use;

Rooster - family well-being;

The loop is an unfavorable sign;

Saw - problems and troubles;

Pyramid - your dreams will not come true;

A pistol is a danger that will be resolved safely;

A letter is business news from a partner, boss or employee;

Dress - you will soon become popular;

Gift - you are loved and will be happy;

Horseshoe - good luck in a business that you will soon start;

Pillow - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - laziness that bothers you;

Crescent moon - empty hopes, illusions;

Dishes - tears, grievances;

Bird - pleasant news at work;

Bee - good news, others will take your opinion into account;

Spot - misfortune;


R - (letter) a quick holiday;

Rainbow - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - something good that awaits you very soon;

Fork - making the right decision;

Cancer – loss of strength, depression;

The shell - or shell - is an excellent symbol for creative people, talking about the rise;

Child – troubles associated with children;

Hand – feelings;

Belt - your prospects are very vague;

Rhombus - happiness in love;

Hand - palm - for good luck, back - for problems;

Mermaid - caution and foresight are your best assistants;

Fish - good news, a gift, a trip, something new in fortune telling on coffee grounds;

Ryumka is an extraordinary personality;


C - (letter) talent, creativity;

Fireworks - a gift of fate, a lottery win, a find;

Airplane - frivolity and frivolity;

Candle - great sign, speaking about the insight of the fortuneteller;

Pig - your wishes will soon come true;

Heart - happiness in love, if the heart is even and beautiful, parting, if the heart is torn;

Skeleton - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - health problems, poverty;

Elephant - you need a friend’s help most now;

A dog is a faithful assistant in work;

Owl - severe illness, death is possible;

The Sun is a sign of leadership;

Spiral - new discoveries, achievements, good interpretation;

Old woman - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - strong love;

The table is a mess and confusion in the soul and thoughts;

Arrow - you yourself know the answer to your question;

Chair - promotion, luck;

Steps - of all the symbols, this one speaks of luck at work;

Chest - letter, news;


T - (letter) difficult choice;

Plate - gentleness with others will help avoid conflict;

Tiger - internal strength will help you achieve your goal;

Cake - wish fulfillment;

The cane is a liar next to you;


U - (letter) changes in personal life;

Knot - calmness and restraint will help you, among all the symbols it is a warning;

Snail - new opportunities, discoveries, prospects;


F - (letter) not the most pleasant guests;

The flag is a haste that will lead nowhere;


X - (letter) marriage;


C - (letter) change, violation of plans;

Flower - a favorable interpretation, your wish will come true, flowers are symbols of a quick marriage;


Ch - (letter) minor losses;

Cup - help and support for a loved one;

Person – guests, relatives, holiday;

Suitcase - gift, surprise;

Turtle - new achievements;

Dashes - a change in the type of activity in fortune telling on coffee grounds;


Ш - (letter) health problems, depressive moods;

Hat - popularity, glory;


Ш - (letter) some debts and shortages;

Brush – disappearance of all problems;


Yu - (letter) excitement;

Yula – shopping for unnecessary things;


I - (letter) everything will get better soon;

Apple – creative upsurge;

Egg - money issues, eggs - symbols of profit;

Anchor is an excellent interpretation, a sign of good luck;

Hawk - in fortune telling on coffee grounds - bad news associated with dangers;

Lizard - important things ahead;

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a ritual that allows you to find out the future of the person performing the ritual. Depending on what happened at the bottom of the cup, each symbol will have its own meaning. Dragon, lips, heart, horse – there are many options. Correct interpretation and faith in the effectiveness of the ritual are important.

Chapter 1. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Fortune telling on coffee grounds has been known in Europe since the 18th century. and still serves as one of the favorite predictive arts. The vast majority of “coffee fortune tellers” are women, and their clientele also mostly consists of women and girls. Men usually do not take this fortune telling seriously. Perhaps the reason for this is the specific language of fortune telling, which was formed in a female environment and poorly reflects those objects and phenomena that are interesting to men.

This is how Italian and French fortune tellers tell fortunes.

They leave the grounds in the coffee pot after the coffee and try to drain all the liquid from it so that the grounds are a completely dense mass. They leave her in this state for at least an hour.

Any grounds, fresh or old, are suitable for fortune-telling, as long as they are almost dry, when the fortune-tellers want to do the experiment. Prepare a white earthenware plate, without stains, completely wiped and dried over the fire, if the weather is damp. Stir the mixture with a spoon and carefully pour it onto a plate so that there is no more than half of the plate. They begin to shake the plate in all directions for a minute, then pour everything that is on its surface into another vessel.

When all the water is drained, only particles of the thicket will remain, arranged in a very diverse manner and making up a countless number of hieroglyphic signs. Of course, when these signs are very confused or the grounds are very dense, or, finally, the plate does not have a smooth surface, then the fortune tellers add a little water to the grounds, heat it up and begin to guess again.

When the grounds are poured onto a plate with all the prescribed precautions, they begin to disassemble and explain the signs and figures that originate from it.

To get the best results when telling fortunes with coffee grounds, you need to prepare a mixture of two types of grinding coffee - coarse and fine. Place 2 tbsp in a cup. l. coarse coffee and 1 tsp. thin. Cups should be without patterns, with a wide edge. You will also need a saucer. The cup needs to be warmed with boiling water and then dried quickly. Put coffee in it in the specified amount. Place the cup on a saucer so as not to stain the table or tablecloth. Pour boiling water over the coffee, close the lid and let it brew for a little over a minute. Then the person being told a fortune must drink this coffee or at least take a few sips. Then he pours out the unfinished coffee, leaving no more than 1 tbsp in the cup. l. liquids. When you have done all this, you need to take the cup in your left hand, make a wish and make three circular movements counterclockwise with the cup so that the grounds are distributed along its walls. Then quickly turn the cup upside down and place it on the saucer - let the liquid drain. Next, take the cup and place it on the saucer with the rim up. You will see that the coffee grounds form on the walls of the cup those same figures, dots and lines, the meaning of which you will have to reveal.

The saucer shows the past, the cup shows the present and future.

Fortune telling will be successful only if the fortuneteller is favorably disposed towards the person for whom he is telling fortunes.

The fortuneteller must not forget for a second that he wishes the person well.

The signs on the outside of the cup speak, as a rule, about external, purely material signs of the near future, the situation on the bottom speaks about something purely personal, about what is in a person’s soul.

The signs for a saucer and a cup are interpreted the same way.

The cup needs to be turned over the way you want, and not in some special way.

In what order should you look into the cup?

1. First of all, look along the edge of the cup away from the bottom to the center.

2. Horizontal lines from left to right.

3. Horizontal lines from right to left.

4. Bottom and center.

1. Suppose that in the cup on the left, in the direction of the horizontal line, there is a person on whom a dot is visible. He is in the garden, there is a butterfly on his head - this means that this person is the owner of the cup, who will receive a love letter from his beloved and will soon meet him. If violets are visible around a person, it means that, despite her poverty, she is marrying a rich man (marrying a rich woman). If there are ants around a person, then these are people with small souls who cause trouble to everyone. If with right side someone is standing, then it’s a friend, and if it’s on the left, it’s an enemy. The sediment at the bottom of the cup shows the person's heart. If the sediment is thick and swollen upward, this person is experiencing grief; if the bottom of the cup is open, then grief is far from it.

2. If small dots are visible in the cup, this is money, and the more dots, the more money. If you notice a small chick or something like a butterfly in the cup, then you will receive a letter. If the bird is closer to your heart, then you will receive a letter from a friend or stranger informing you about some kind of work, and if it is far from your heart, you will receive news from afar. If there is a face in a cup, shadows, then the largest of the faces is the face of the owner of the cup, and the rest are either friends or enemies. If the shadow is black and close to the heart, it means an enemy, but if white lines are visible on the invisible shadow, then someone will do good to you. If there are white lines on two shadows, then it means you have two good friends. If you see a line upward from your heart, it is curved and there are black spots on it, then you will come somewhere, despite the obstacles, you will reach your goal. If there is sediment at the bottom of the glass in the center and there is a bulge the size of a pea on it, this is due to illness. If the bulge is black, then it is death. If you see the shadow of a mountain in a glass, it means that you are loved for your intelligence, or you will receive a promotion. If there are black shadows around the house, then your condition is dangerous; wealth will not soon visit your home.

And now a little more about those symbols that can be imprinted on coffee grounds.

The meaning of the symbols seen

The head of a man without a body is a young man who properly influences your destiny.

Face in profile - reliable protection.

Two faces in a circle - marriage awaits you soon.

A face in a circle means someone has strong feelings for you.

Two faces separated by a line means your partner will cheat on you.

A man's head in a crown - you will receive help from influential people.

Success awaits you in the circle where you communicate. Favorable resolution of the intended goals.

A man's head with a beard and mustache in the center of the cup - wealth in the house, profitable acquaintances, entertainment.

A woman’s head with a high hairstyle is a desire to show her “I”. One of your friends will do you a pleasant favor: help you with money, introduce you to the right people.

A head with long hair is a long road.

A drooping head is a serious illness.

A head with protruding ears - you are in doubt, but you must make a decision, fate will help you with this.

Two heads turned towards each other - you are loved and you have a reciprocal feeling for this person; a flower between two heads - a happy marriage.

A face with a long nose - your lifestyle will interest some envious person.

A face with a humped nose - be attentive and careful in some life situations.

A person with a damaged nose - be careful. There may be financial costs.

A person with an animal - someone wants to give you a helping hand.

The young man is headed for divorce.

An old woman is a reliable love affair.

Angel - quick healing. You are under the protection of higher powers.

Mother of God is a favorable sign, expect happy times.

The disadvantaged and weak will find protection in you both materially and spiritually.

Horseman - unexpected news, news, meeting, receiving long-awaited news.

A horseman holding a rod in his hand - illnesses will bypass you, a surge of fresh strength awaits you.

A horseman with a sword is a dangerous undertaking: people around you will try to interfere with you, unreliable friends will try to trip you up, but your desire to emerge victorious will help you succeed.

A horseman with a gun - quarrels, discord. For the military - promotion in rank.

A horseman with a flag means a successful career, a wonderful future.

The devil - various troubles, illnesses, fate tests you, betrayal.

A girl is a declaration of love, sincere passion.

A female figure in a crown sitting in a chair means a change for the better, profit, bargain purchases.

A woman in a black headscarf - funeral of loved ones, tears. There is a quarrel between two human figures.

A woman holding a vessel in her hand means promotion, lucrative contracts.

A woman holding a rod in her hands means you are gaining a reliable friend.

The priestess is a symbol of the feminine principle. Guardian of family happiness.

Intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, internal energy that attracts people, the ability to influence and control them. Achievements at work.

A priestess holding a bright moon in her hand is a symbol of motherhood.

Priestess on a dark background holding a dark moon: for young women - difficult childbirth; for older women - illness. For men - troubles with relatives.

Court lady - intrigues, struggle for primacy.

A female statue with a wreath on her head - peace, freedom, salvation.

A man in prison means imprisonment in a government house, but friends and influential people will help him find freedom.

A man wearing a robe represents justice. If you are categorical in your statements, then your actions will be appreciated. Excellent career growth and material well-being await you. You will be in contact with a wealthy partner. A good lawyer will help you in matters related to the law.

Oxen - for the sake of your rise in some activity, you will commit treason, sacrifice a close friend.

The threatening figure of a warrior is a painful ego. Discord, quarrels.

Sage - you are able to introduce new original ideas, your extraordinary abilities will help you achieve success and establish profitable contacts. Your intellectual abilities will soon pay off:

success in trading is possible.

Sage on a dark background - value your talents, don’t be arrogant.

A man in a dark mask - news of a serious illness loved one.

A person with long arms has a practical attitude towards life. A strong position in society awaits you.

A person with short arms - money is earned dishonestly, a lazy attitude to life, an idle lifestyle.

Body parts

Mouth – innocence, efficiency; on the walls of the cup are true friends; in the middle is the good news.

Hand - failure, disappointment.

Eyes – change in life. Be vigilant in business relationships, be careful when making decisions, think everything through carefully.

Sad eyes - melancholy, despondency. Bad news. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate your abilities.

Big eyes – harmonious distribution of energy.

Elongated eyes - you skillfully hide your feelings from other people.

Stork - harmony in the family, good luck. Success and profitable acquisitions.

The image at the bottom of the cup is the birth of a child.

Stork on the roof of a house - moving, buying an apartment.

Stork in the nest - success at work.

Raven is trouble in the house.

Crow - melancholy, illness, disappointment.

A crow sitting on a tree without leaves means long-term illnesses of loved ones.

A crow with outstretched wings means someone is slandering you.

Sparrow - profitable deals, concentration of the mind. A happy solution to many problems.

Dove - agreement, harmony, successful choice of marriage partner. Two cooing doves - marriage, peace and tranquility in the family.

Goose - good news from loved ones.

A goose with outstretched wings is a nice gift.

A flock of geese means failure to fulfill your desires, accompanied by losses, but in the near future the situation will change for the better.

Drozd – interesting meetings, tempting offers. New acquaintances.

Woodpecker - perseverance, soul-searching. Career growth.

A woodpecker hollowing out a hollow signifies persistence in achieving one’s goals.

Crane - the parameters of your destiny are excellent: you will live to a ripe old age, but at the same time you will be lonely at heart.

Canary - love relationship on the side; at the edge of the cup - soon you will have a lover; at the bottom of the cup - your loved one is in melancholy.

Chicken - providing assistance to a stranger. Pleasant chores associated with home comfort.

The swallow is a messenger of good luck, peace and understanding in the family. Fulfillment of all your hopes.

Swan - pleasant twists of fate: good luck in business, love relationships.

Eagle - after a difficult and persistent struggle, victory in everything that concerns both health and spiritual, intellectual, material spheres. At the bottom of the cup is achieving prosperity without any outside help.

Peacock – wealth, luxurious life, vanity. Peacock with an open tail - buying an apartment; if there is a ring next to the peacock, it means a successful marriage. At the bottom of the cup is vanity, ostentatious arrogance, which is fraught with the fact that you will soon be disappointed.

A parrot is a sign that does not say anything good: quarrels, scandals, discord.

Rooster - prosperity, good news. Rooster on the hill - marriage.

A rooster at the top of the cup means unexpected news.

A rooster at the bottom of the cup means intrigues from your environment.

A rooster upside down is an unexpected turn for the better.

Owl - you need to take precautions, since at the moment you may experience failure in any business you start.

An owl at the bottom of a cup means need, illness. At the edge of the cup - betrayal in love.

Duck – increase in profit; duckling - your spouse will prove his devotion to you.

Heron - your well-being depends on yourself.


Butterfly - the serenity of life. A sign in the center of the cup - be alert, do not indulge in excessive fun, a butterfly at the edge of the cup - an indication of pleasure, you will be received with due attention everywhere if you are sincere. A butterfly marked with dots predicts your pretentiousness, which can lead to various kinds of problems.

Ant - your ingenuity, hard work, practicality; anthill - good and reliable friends are next to you.

Fly - enormous wealth, receiving an inheritance.

Wasp - people from your environment want to humiliate you, slander you.

Beetle - disease, distress.

Spider – resourcefulness of mind, secrecy.

A spider in a clean place - thanks to your erudition and natural sense of tact, you will achieve the favor of people. At the bottom of the cup - do not take the advice of a flatterer, ask for the advice of your good friend. On the handle of the cup - someone is weaving a net around you.

Scorpio – struggle, contradiction. Don’t be upset, pull yourself together, as this is a temporary period followed by a streak of good fortune.

A dark scorpion next to a tree means discord with relatives.

Bee - hard work, thrift.

A bee on the handle of a cup is an expectation of pleasant, erudite people; at the bottom of the cup - a lot of work, disorder, domestic strife. At the edge of the cup - relaxation in the company of good friends.


When guessing by the figure of an animal, one must take into account the qualities inherent in this animal.

Squirrel – resourcefulness, desire for superiority over others. A squirrel on a tree is a manifestation of your creative abilities. Nice reward.

Ox – income in material terms, meeting a partner.

An angry bull - quarrels, strife, misunderstanding on the part of the partner. Bull on top - high paying job. Below - good health.

Wolf - be careful because they want to rob you. There are very greedy and envious people around you with whom you have business relationships.

Camel - you will achieve certain success thanks to endurance and endurance. Exciting trips to different countries.

Dragon - changes in life, career growth, high rise in emotional and living standards.

Hare - cowardice, timidity, myopia, melancholy. The hare is in a clean place - you must support your interlocutor, as he is too modest.

A sign at the bottom of the cup means your good friend needs help.

Kangaroo - they want to use your name for personal gain. Kangaroo with a baby - helping your children, self-sacrifice for loved ones.

Goat - you will be incredibly lucky, don’t miss your chance; a harbinger of joyful events; happy marriage. A goat surrounded by small curved lines is a disappointment in love; may gain notoriety, a serious battle with opponents awaits.

The cat portends failure, expect bad news; failure in business. If you can see a cat at rest next to the handle at the edge of the cup, your fate will give you good luck more than once if you overcome enormous obstacles. Your false friend is doing everything to harm you. You will have enemies who will do anything to tarnish your reputation.

Crocodile - you are in danger of being deceived by your closest friends. You are facing troubles that you will stubbornly fight, trying to get out of them on your own, and you will succeed.

The rabbit means a happy turn in everyday circumstances. You will be more satisfied with your income than before. A sign of fidelity in love for both married and single people.

The rat promises deception and resentment, embitterment, shame, guilt. A sign of violence, a harbinger of illness.

A rat near a man in a robe - you will overcome difficulties and avoid other people's interference, you will recognize the intentions of your enemies; you have to fight with a disastrous result for your enemies.

Leo - positive volitional impulses, the patronage of an important person, your knowledge and high business qualities will help you gain favorable attention and respect in society.

A lion with his head held high in the middle of the cup - you are controlled by unknown forces. You will become a winner in any business you undertake; A happy life without failures and worries awaits you.

Leopard is a sign that foreshadows your success; enemies who seek to hinder you will fail; difficulties in business and love - if the leopard is indicated by dots.

The horse is a wonderful sign. It promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people; great wealth; success with fans or admirers.

Fox - cunning, intrigue, deceit; you will engage in dubious matters.

Fox for the entire length of the cup - you can expose a fake friend.

A fox surrounded by human figures or faces - beware of treachery on the part of friends; you are stronger than your opponents.

Elk - a happy life in which your deepest desires will come true; a free life without hassle.

The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of matters.

Bear below - portends winning a game or lottery; way out of a difficult situation.

The bear at the top is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person; to dangerous connections; If you repent of a stupid act committed out of stubbornness, you will suffer great losses.

A monkey in the center of the cup - you should be afraid that a hypocritical person will treat you dishonestly; someone's treachery can hurt you if you are not careful; Beware of the revenge of insincere people who will only seek to advance their own cause to the detriment of your interests. Success in love, quick marriage.

Deer - you will gain a true friend; help from friends in a difficult situation, a successful marriage, successful completion of affairs, you will gain reliable protection, a pure and true feeling.

Donkey - a huge job awaits you, coupled with great patience: it will end successfully for you; successful course of your affairs; Perhaps you will get rid of debts and be able to get rich.

At the edge of the cup there are interesting trips and the acquisition of new knowledge.

In the middle of the cup - you will have a prosperous life, full of prosperity and love.

At the bottom of the cup - soon you will have to mobilize your courage to defend the honor of your good name.

Elephant - your position in life will be strengthened, and you will accept with dignity more than one gift of fate; true prosperity in all respects;

public acceptance.

A dog is good luck and true friends; well-being in business; solid condition;

happiness in love; you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult situation. A few dots in the shape of a dog's head are a good and reliable friend.


Snake - you will be powerless against your enemies, you are threatened by illness.

A snake coiled in a ring - you will succumb to anger, and your enemies will harm your work.

Several snakes - you will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation; you will not be able to move - someone will try to infringe on your rights.

Frog - your love will be rejected.

Big dark frog - you should take care of your own health, otherwise it will make your loved ones suffer. A croaking frog predicts a quick trip to your friends, but this trip will not bring you joy.

A frog on top - you will make acquaintance with a pleasant person.

Near the road - a random but very profitable acquisition.

Near the cage - unfortunately, which you will overcome thanks to the kindness and help of friends.

Lizard - invulnerability or resourcefulness of your enemies; you will be able to return luck, but at a heavy price; you will need to muster all the will and determination to survive this test.

Turtles - an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work.

Sea inhabitants

Sharks are formidable, terrible enemies, inevitable failures that will plunge you into the abyss of despair.

Omar - great help that rich friends will provide you; you will take extremely high position in society, and many people will be under your control.

Fish - fate will generously reward you; happy marriage; an extraordinary surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.

Large fish - prosperity and joy await you; you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Trees and shrubs

Tree - all your plans and dreams will come true, quick promotion; you will receive a sign of future success and glory.

A tree with branches hanging down - be careful when handling money, otherwise things will end badly.

A tree without leaves, dry - great experiences await you due to the illness or death of a loved one.

Broken tree - your efforts to complete the work you started will not be crowned with success, you may lose your job or be greatly humiliated.

Oak promises prosperity, perseverance and strength of character, longevity, courage and courage, fulfillment of plans in business and love.

Spruce - family happiness; bring joy to others; the onset of very important and joyful events for you.

Willow promises a sad journey, but true friends will console you in your grief;

Beware of new acquaintances.

Bush - your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap; illness and sadness, mental suffering, longing for a loved one.

The forest foreshadows deep sadness for the bright days that are irretrievably gone;

you will not be able to cope with a task that at first glance seemed simple; portends ruin, need and a search for work.

Leaves - joy and successful implementation of plans; your business will go uphill and begin to generate more and more income.

Walnut tree - a quick win, you will find a significant amount of money;

successful entrepreneurship and favorable in love.

Apple tree - the time will come for your hopes to come true; move forward boldly; you will have good luck in love.

A rose is a sign of shared and happy love, a wedding, joyful experiences.

A wreath of roses is a sign of peace and love, the fulfillment of hopes.

The tulip is a symbol of love and married life; a handsome but frivolous person loves you.

Violet - a happy love affair; to happiness and wealth.

Chrysanthemum - belated love, loss.

Lines, circles

A straight line, short and long - happiness.

Many straight lines - health and longevity.

An interrupted straight or zigzag line is an adventure and illness.

The long straight line is yours life will pass careless and useless.

Arched or curved line – yes evil enemy, which you need to beware of.

Many crooked lines - surrounded by enemies who do you harm.

Wavy lines are a long journey, the duration of which depends on the length of the lines.

An oblique line is a disease.

Many oblique lines - your affairs are bad.

Many broken lines mean a difficult financial situation.

The line is crossed by broken lines, crooked lines - difficulties and heart wounds, difficulties and sadness for your loved one.

There is a separate line in the middle of the bottom of the cup - a close, good journey.

A small dot and dash are a good omen.

The line is short - the place of work is changing.

Circles – small children, education.

Dark circle - serious illness, troubles.

Many circles connected to each other - the birth of a child, a large family.

Geometric figures

The right triangle is unexpected luck.

Broken triangle - there are no dangers.

Two touching triangles - your position is unstable.

Three intersecting triangles - love luck.

Oval hill - get married or get married.

Many oval mounds mean good luck in your affairs.

Quadrangle - luck, success in love.

A square is the best sign. Your life will be happy and financially secure, quick profit is possible.

1 – someone loves you.

2 – illness and failure.

3 – trade deal.

4 – you still hope.

5 – conversations, gossip.

6 – wedding, but there will be problems.

7 – family happiness.

8 – quarrel with a loved one.

9 – new acquaintance.

0 – you were born under a lucky star.

100 – happy life, you will live long.

Letters, signs

A - you will have a victory.

B – power is in your hands.

B – you are in grief.

G – put the candles on St. George.

D – no money.

E - conscience does not give you peace.

N - you will worry.

P – insincerity.

R – like to drink.

D – acquaintance.

X - get married.

K - get yourself a cross.

Yu – bad old age.

I - life will get better.


A car is on the road, a sign of successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Angels are a consolation; you will be pleased with good news from your friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

The harp warns you against being too gullible, especially in love.

Watermelon - early pregnancy, failures in business, worries and troubles.

Lampshade – difficult situation, despondency and depression.

A tower with a dome - you will achieve a lot in life, success, stability.

Drum - helping a friend, smooth, friendly relationships, a sign of good luck and prosperity.

The dish is all the opportunities to implement your plans, success in any company.

Beads - you will find a patron or a person who will treat you with boundless respect.

Log - to family troubles and quarrels; for the upcoming long-term arrangement of your home.

Tambourine - to intrigue with a new acquaintance, major quarrel with friends and family because of your intemperance and violent temper.

Vase - many pleasant events await you in your family life; all the torments and joys of forbidden love.

A wreath is a sign of future opportunities for enrichment and glory, a long-awaited and happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Libra - a sense of justice will soften your temper, and your affairs will go uphill.

Pitchfork is a struggle for a better life, which will require enormous efforts from you, both physical and mental.

Vulcan - violent disputes await you, which will damage your reputation.

Newspaper - deception will be revealed in your affairs, and your reputation will be tarnished. A favorable opportunity to travel abroad and make friends there.

Nails - quarrels and grief await you; victory over a rival in love.

Coffin - unsuccessful marriage, remorse for actions.

A coffin with a cross means bereavement and early departure of a dear relative.

Thermometer – family troubles, dissatisfaction with one’s job, illness.

Headdress - you will be famous and lucky, you will give up your property to others.

Sofa – You Should Beware envious people. You will achieve a strong financial position and be able to afford to make large acquisitions.

Yard – loneliness, great financial difficulties, turning to friends for help.

Firewood is a sign of the unsatisfactory state of your affairs and a quarrel with your beloved being.

The door is happiness and the environment of kindred souls, a warning about possible difficulties that you will encounter while trying to put your affairs in order.

Palace - your business prospects will soon expand, and you will accept your new position with dignity.

Money - fortunately, boundless prospects and unclouded joys;

practicality and frugality.

Blackberry - evil approaching you, failures and losses, life complications.

Christmas tree is a very joyful event.

Bishop - moral suffering and mental anguish associated with the inability to properly restore order in one’s affairs.

Toad - your views will be severely condemned, you will become the culprit in the death of your friend.

Lark - sign high goal, having achieved which you will get rid of selfishness and be able to develop good, attractive spiritual qualities.

Railway - your affairs will require increased attention from you, as someone will want to interfere with you and seize the initiative in a difficult situation.

Foal - good times are coming, you will take a worthy and honorable place in your environment.

The crane is a sign of disappointment, a harbinger of unusual events.

Fence - successful completion of an important task, active creative activity and prosperity.

Factory - to worries and problems at work.

Hall - get support at work, achieve wealth, you will be forced to carry out a very difficult task, but you will be rewarded a hundredfold for your hard work.

Curtain - you will learn the secret; to complications and lack of money.

Dawn - grandiose changes; good news, prosperity, generous gifts.

Mirror - to change, marriage, for married people - to betrayal, quarrel.

A needle is a warning, someone can prick you painfully, separation from a loved one, lonely old age full of hardships.

A toy means sadness, boredom, disappointment in life, meaningless hobbies.

Hut - to prosperity in business and peace in the family, long trip.

An icon is a consolation in God or admiration for some person.

Source – a prosperous and calm life; you will emerge unsullied from a dirty story that could undermine your reputation.

Cavalryman - you are too proud of yourself and sometimes undeservedly consider yourself more worthy than those around you, you envy the successes of “worthless” people.

Kadka - suffering and insults inflicted by loved ones; disappointments, illness.

The wicket is a happy but fragile marriage; surprise; you will have to face difficulties.

Bricklayer - you will be accused of committing an unseemly act, but you will be able to justify yourself.

Pencil – improving your skills and expanding your knowledge.

The picture is the need for choice, decision-making, success in business.

Cards – financial, material situation, luck, romantic relationships, meeting interesting and famous people.

Pan - you will get entangled in gossip and lies; pointless argument; to numerous troubles.

A hearse is the death of a loved one. Unrequited love will incur significant expenses.

Swing - you will experience strong feelings for someone, worry about relatives.

The boiler is a new purpose, small income from work done conscientiously.

Fortress is a warning against rash actions, because of which you can fall out of favor with people who are favorable to you.

The cross is a sign of reliable protection from the misfortunes and troubles that threaten you, into which your enemies may involve you.

Bed - unjustified hopes for marriage and love relationships.

Circle – fulfillment of desires, inner satisfaction.

Lace – fidelity in love and improvement of one’s position in society.

Doll - you can become a victim of a scam in love or you yourself can deceive someone’s expectations.

Kitchen - well-being in the family and material wealth.

Labyrinth - to solve a confusing problem by tracing the sequence of events, to find the cause of failure.

Shop - scandals and family squabbles; Trying to organize your own business in the future will bring you nothing but losses.

The lamp symbolizes controlled light, which can bring both joy and trouble. The light bulb represents the one who controls the situation.

Tape - a wide variety of entertainment and pleasure.

Ladder – development of your mind and intuition; engage in self-contemplation;

finding your place in life; satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love.

Ruler - troubles and worries; quarrel with neighbors; Take out the accumulated irritation on your loved one.

Shovel - mourning; and sadness; losing something dear to you, adultery.

Skiing is an unexpected joy, uncertainty in a love relationship.

Mask - you will experience distrust of others, hide your feelings. Let yourself go to all kinds of troubles, you will indulge in destructive pleasures.

Oil – good luck, success in love; you are ready to do good deeds; in difficult times, true friends will not leave you.

A mattress means family happiness and comfort in the home, peace and well-being; you decide to build or purchase your own home.

Furniture - life in abundance, but with anxiety and troubles.

Medal - you will receive the patronage of an influential person, you will receive great honor and recognition of your merits.

Broom - someone is taking advantage of you; argument; conflicts.

The sword is to achieve power, quarrel with friends.

Monastery - peace, protection; you love a person who is unaware of your feelings.

Museum - victories or defeats; A hypocritical and deceitful person will try to influence you.

The ball is an unstable situation; a gain will be replaced by a loss.

Pump – headache and general weakness; to the failed meeting.

Thread - to lose some part of yourself; confusion; argument; taking a long time to complete a difficult task.

Stretcher - receiving an inheritance, your affairs will turn for the better.

Socks - you need to gather your thoughts to start taking action.

The obelisk is a call to live exemplary lives, to follow wise advice; your love affair will not last long.

Shoes are a call to accept someone’s point of view, success, additional profit.

Fence - you will have a chance to take the place you deserve, a warning about possible loss property.

Clothing is a serious problem; goal achievement; success.

Blanket - need for protection; lack of self-confidence, you will have to answer for your own negligence.

Window – search for opportunities; Soon you will receive an invitation to a house where you have long wanted to go.

Order - you will achieve significant honors and high recognition of your merits.

Glasses - the need to take a closer look at your friends.

The package is a pleasant surprise: the one who is delayed by business and whom you have been waiting for so long will finally return.

Coat - other people’s mistakes will cause your failures; You will become a victim of your own stubbornness.

Steamboat - expect a holiday full of pleasant surprises.

Gloves are a harbinger of good luck in business, if only you show reasonable frugality and caution.

Stove - temporary disappointments; worries about children.

Saw - unpleasant incidents and failure in business.

Buttons - disappointment, loss and illness.

Bubble - troubles in business.

Spot - beware of big trouble, be careful.

Rocket - an unexpected and rapid rise; successful matchmaking;

an unexpected meeting with a wonderful person.

Revolver - quarrel with a loved one, separation.

Belt - meeting with a stranger who will destroy your well-being.

Shirt - disease; dishonor both in official affairs and in love.

A backpack is a great pleasure that you will experience outside the circle of your friends and normal communication.

Napkin - fun entertainment, in which you have to take center stage.

An airplane is a favorable conclusion to business transactions.

Priest - restless days, humiliation and sorrow.

Network - you will have to make a lot of effort to free yourself from the harmful influence of bad people.

Bench – latent distrust of one’s debtors.

The violin means harmony in the house, things will go better than before.

The wall is the achievement of what you want, victory over your enemies.

Statue - your wishes will not come true; retribution awaits for old sins.

Plate - others will take advantage of the results of your efforts, you will be disappointed in life.

Telephone - you will overcome all difficulties; fleeting acquaintance.

Fabric – experiences; obstacles; failures; change your plans, change your lifestyle.

An ax is a misfortune in business and disagreement in the family, a troublesome matter.

Prison - restriction in life, isolation, exposure to danger, possibility of getting sick.

Jewelry - you will achieve patronage and wealth; Success and good luck in business await you.

A flag is someone’s call for help; instability, you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Lantern - grief, lack of purpose, happy marriage, an influential patron will help you find a job.

Piano – happy marriage, satisfaction of passion; to a change of profession.

Photography – better keep your secrets; a fleeting love interest.

Temple - prosperity, you will gain useful acquaintances, repentance for sins.

Refrigerator - be careful, it is a threat to your health.

Crystal – impending depression.

Chains are slander and treacherous plans of your envious people; the burden of worries and responsibility can fall on your shoulders.

Circus is a frivolous attitude towards life; missed opportunities.

Clock - stagnation in life; being rejected by family; to change.

The cup is joy; the beginning of a new period of life.

Attic - to be a prisoner of your thoughts; disappointment; failure in business; a sign of unrequited love.

Hut - you will gain freedom and get rid of small but troublesome tasks around the house.

Chess - someone is setting nets against you. Scheming behind your back.

Closet - you will get confused in your relationships. Disappointment in life; you will meet a person who stubbornly keeps his secret.

School - feeling nostalgic for a bygone time; your plans have not yet been decided.

A hat is a profitable enterprise, honor and fame.

Tongs - nostalgia for the past, meeting old friends.

Brush is a disease; Get an interesting and well-paid job.

Skirt - deep feelings associated with the loss of a lover.

Yula - you will fall under the influence of a certain person, and no one else will be able to change your opinion or convince you except him.

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds and other girls' fortune telling There are almost as many ways to tell fortunes on coffee grounds as there are people who tell fortunes using this method. The interpretation of the drawings is also different in many cases. Let's consider one of the common methods of this fortune-telling, which will bring you closer

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds You can tell fortunes on coffee grounds at any time of the day or night, all year round. This method of fortune telling is not a Russian or even a common Slavic invention, but is borrowed from other cultures, like coffee itself, the grounds of which are the main material for

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Fortune telling on tea leaves In order to correctly read the sign that is made up of tea leaves, take a simple shaped cup. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup in your left hand and shake the tea, making three sharp turns with the cup clockwise. Turn over

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Chapter 5. Fortune telling from books In difficult moments of life, it is common for a person to grab hold of a book he has read and re-read and try to find in it answers to tormenting questions. If most fortune-telling came to us from the depths of centuries, then fortune-telling from a book appeared relatively

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Chapter 7. Fortune telling from drawings Fortune telling from drawings is a very exciting way of divination. Having decided to use this method, it is not enough to write the name of the item on pieces of paper, you need drawings. Let them be primitive, but it is desirable that they be created by yourself

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Chapter 2. Fortune telling by bones People used bones for gambling since ancient times. Fortune telling has a deep antiquity. We already see numerous types of it among various monuments of Egypt, Greece, Chaldea, Ancient Rome and other countries. In Ancient Egypt, ancient

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Chapter 3. Fortune telling by coins I gave Neptune a coin - Neptune, not Charon yet - Do immortals also play heads and tails? Tatyana (Tanda) LugovskayaBefore we begin fortune telling on coins, we would like to give you recommendations and rules, the observance of which will determine

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Chapter 5. Fortune telling by cereals Alfitomancy is a collection of fortune telling, or rather, a whole section of fortune telling using cereals. We invite you to consider the most popular and famous of them. Fortune telling No. 1 There is an interesting fortune telling, which has a huge

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Chapter 2. Fortune telling by tea In the Middle Ages, there were many ways to predict the future, including this one: they poured molten lead, wax or other melting materials, which, when solidified, took on a wide variety of shapes, and then interpreted the resulting figures.

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Fortune telling for Epiphany. Fortune telling by ring in water Fortune telling is done at midnight, with candles lit. For this fortune telling, you need to take a glass with a flat bottom, without drawings, pour clean water into it and lower it into the glass wedding ring. Then look straight into the water

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5. Fortune telling on coffee grounds Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of prediction. Pour ground coffee into a coffee pot, add water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Before you start fortune telling, you need to concentrate and clearly

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous methods of prediction. There is practically no person who has not heard or read about him. But few managed to find out their fate, destined by the symbols in a coffee cup. Italians

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224. Fortune telling on tea leaves In order to correctly read the sign that is made up of tea leaves, take a simple-shaped cup. The liquid should only cover the bottom. Take the cup in your left hand and shake the tea, making three sharp turns with the cup clockwise.

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Fortune telling using coffee grounds In wealthy homes, fortune telling was also done using black coffee. The cup with coffee grounds was covered with a saucer and turned over. Afterwards, the saucer was placed on the table and water was poured. The cup was immersed three times, upside down, with the “magic” phrase: “Loyalty, friendship and harmony.”

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds In a cezve or small saucepan you need to pour 3 teaspoons of ground coffee, pour in water and boil. After removing from the heat, let it brew, placing the cezve on a saucer with salt. Then you need to carefully drain the coffee so as not to stir the grounds, add to it 200 ml