Why do you dream about a bear's head? Why do you dream and what do Bears mean? Animal attack in a dream

  • The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness. The image of a bear that appears in a dream may be caused by the following popular expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.” The first expression always comes to mind when real life we meet with a person who is thrifty to the point of greed, we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a careless person.
  • When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, you should not forget the following folk wisdom: “A disservice” and “Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.” Sometimes these are the ones famous expressions serve as a key to deciphering the dream.
  • Pretend to be dead in my sleep so that you are not eaten by a bear - a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, even the most difficult situations.
  • If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your friend’s dishonesty. You need to draw a conclusion from the situation that happened, following one simple folk wisdom: A friend is known in trouble.
  • Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you. If you managed to defeat the bear, then, thanks to your skill and intelligence, you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear has the upper hand over you, then in real life you will not be able to prevent the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.
  • Watching from afar a fight between a bear and another animal means that you will soon meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to prevent the implementation of your plans. You will have to use all your strength to defeat him.
  • Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.
  • Finding a bear's den in a dream means big trouble. You will face the cruelty of someone close to you.
  • Watching a bear suck its paw in a dream is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.
  • Seeing a bear with cubs in a dream - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair with them.
  • Sharing a bear's skin in a dream is a sign that you will soon become a participant in a dispute that will arise out of nowhere.

The image of a bear in various cultures is seen as a symbol of brute strength and power. It is often used in heraldry and symbolism. At the same time, in folklore, a bear is often a wise companion of the main positive character. But what does it mean to dream about a bear? Let's talk about this in the article.

The meaning of the image of a bear in a dream

The first interpretations of the image of a bear in a dream are attributed to the ancient Slavs. Our ancestors interpreted this symbol exclusively from the point of view of pagan beliefs and esotericism. It should be clarified that the esoteric rationale for dreams about a bear persisted until the middle of the 21st century and the development of psychiatry and psychology. At this time, the opinions of dream researchers were divided into an esoteric position and a psychoanalytic one.

However, both psychoanalysts and esotericists are of the opinion that a bear cannot just be a dream. Scientists consider this image as a reflection of recent emotions and fears experienced by a person, mystics - as a warning about things to come. To know for sure what the bear was about in your dream, you should take into account the features of the dream plot, namely:

  • Type and other characteristics of the dreamed animal;
  • Actions of a bear or cub in a dream;
  • Human actions in a dream.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the image of a bear in a dream for each of these points.

By appearance and other characteristics

The type of bear that you dreamed about has great value to decipher the dream. Thus:

  • If you dream polar bear (polar), Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets this as love towards the dreamer of a person close to him. However, according to Vanga’s dream book, such a dream means that you should expect deception from some people. The dream book also promises disappointment, the reason for which will be the unwillingness of the sleeper to accept reality as it is;
  • Brown bear or grizzly bear in a dream often means the appearance of an enemy in life, especially if the animal behaves aggressively. If A woman dreams of a brown bear, then its meaning in the dream book may have a dual meaning. This is a fairly common occurrence in a dream, which can mean not only an enemy, but also a courageous lover. If you dream of brown bear cubs relieving themselves in the dreamer’s house, this means that you should be wary of betrayal from people who seem harmless;
  • If you dreamed bear black, the dream foretells bad news. Perhaps a conspiracy is being prepared against the person who dreams about this, as a result of which he will lose his job and other privileges.

The condition, physical and behavioral characteristics of the animal are also of great importance:

  • Strong a beast in a dream has several meanings. It can personify your willpower or be a prototype of a powerful enemy. A full interpretation depends on the actions of the animal and the person in the dream;
  • Sick a bear or teddy bear means loss of strength, depression and the development of an emotional personality disorder (according to the Psychiatric Dream Book);
  • Wounded a beast in a dream speaks of your personal complexes and problems that you are afraid to tell a loved one about;
  • Killed in a dream, a bear, according to Freud’s dream book, means a significant difficulty in communicating with the opposite sex;
  • Wicked the bear symbolizes an enemy or a significant obstacle in your life path;
  • Affectionate or trained a bear cub in a dream means that you have literally tamed your enemies, and they are no longer afraid of you.

When interpreting a dream in which bears appear, it is also important to take into account the size of the animal. Little bears often mean minor events or people who are weak and need protection. At the same time big bear is a symbol of a large-scale event or a powerful personality.

According to the actions of a bear in a dream

The actions of a bear in a dream are one of the keys to deciphering a dream. If the animal:

  • Chasing after unmarried girl in her dream, she should wait for a temperamental suitor to appear, and if she hides from him, the suitor will be rude and poorly mannered;
  • Chases or attacks a man this is a symbol of fear before marriage;
  • Dancing and entertaining the audience, the dream means that the dreamer will soon meet a romantic person. The second interpretation of such a plot (according to Tsvetkov’s dream book) is receiving a large loan;
  • Sucking paw- according to the Psychiatric Dream Book, you will be denied the help you need;
  • Becomes at full height the dream means that you are striving for a goal that scares and fascinates you at the same time;
  • Beckons the dreamer you will soon be offered another job;
  • Bites the dreamer according to Velesov’s dream book, a big win awaits a person in reality;
  • Empties Hidden enemies have appeared in your surroundings.

If you dreamed mother bear protecting her cubs a dream means the appearance of a serious and influential rival or even an enemy desperately defending his interests. If the bear is calm, and her cubs are walking next to the dreamer, this good sign for a person who dreams of a child. Soon his wish will come true.

According to a person's actions in a dream

The second key to deciphering a dream about a bear or cub is the actions of a person in relation to the animal. Thus:

  • Tease the animal in a dream means making an enemy in real life through one’s own fault. Be careful, you are playing with fire;
  • Kill the bear in a dream means that in real life you will be able to find a decent way out of an unfavorable situation;
  • Fear the bear or a bear cub in a dream for a woman it means that a rival has appeared in her life, and the dreamer is worried that she will seduce her loved one;
  • Hide from the beast in a dream it means in reality to get bogged down in an unpleasant and toxic relationship (according to the Romantic Dream Book);
  • Play dead seeing a mother bear with cubs is a sign that you are very resourceful, smart and able to cope with any situation;
  • Fight the bear in a dream means in reality facing blatant injustice. However, you will be able to defend your rights. If you defeat the beast, you can defeat your enemy in reality;
  • Hunt an animal according to Freud’s dream book, it means that you are trying to achieve the affection of a person indifferent to your feelings;
  • Eat bear meat according to Dream Interpretation XXI century means to appropriate the personal belongings of the enemy. Drinking the milk of a bear means a humiliating handout from an enemy;
  • Watch a bear fight means in reality to face a powerful enemy face to face;
  • Processing bear skin in a dream means to get involved in a futile dispute in reality, which will turn into a big conflict with friends.

The meaning of a dream in which the dreamer running away from the bear depends on the type of animal. If you're running away from polar bear, the dream book promises a positive period in the life of the sleeper. Although this dream is also interpreted differently, representing a warning of impending trouble. Therefore, you should be serious when solving life's issues.

Trying to escape from grizzly- to failures on the love front. Run away from black bear, is equivalent to trying to close your eyes to life problems. You shouldn’t shy away from their decision, you need to pull yourself together and try to fix everything before the situation gets worse.

Interpretation of the image according to different dream books

The interpretation of the image of a bear according to different dream books differs depending on which method of interpretation is preferred by its authors. Therefore, for the most effective interpretation of a dream, it is recommended to study both esoteric and psychoanalytic dictionaries of dream interpretation.

/ Dream book, dream about a bear.

Dreams often give us clues on what to do next. Dreaming about a bear is just such a case. This animal personifies the enemy who is preparing intrigues in reality. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted? Let's find out why a bear dreams.

Why do you dream about a bear? The meaning of the dream will largely depend on the dreamer’s attitude towards this animal. As a rule, a bear embodies endurance, the desire to win, and fight for a place in the sun. Therefore, a dream with the presence of this beast often symbolizes rivalry. What else could such a dream promise? We will understand by looking into dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: seeing a bear in a dream

Gustav Miller did not deviate from the generally accepted interpretation and, when asked why bears are seen in dreams, answered that this is a sign of intense rivalry in various fields activities. Killing an animal in a dream means the dreamer will find a solution to a complex problem. When a girl dreams of a bear, this can be interpreted as the appearance of a dangerous rival in reality, or failure awaits the sleeping woman.

Why do bears dream about Vanga?

The clairvoyant Vanga interprets from a negative point of view what the bear is dreaming of. In her mind, this animal personifies anger and cruelty, so seeing it in a dream is not good. If a bear attacks the dreamer, then in reality he has enemies who can greatly annoy him. But killing an animal in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will take revenge on the enemy, but will pay for it.

Dreaming bear according to Loff's dream book

David Loff believes that the appearance of an adult bear in a dream is an indicator that the dreamer in life is disdainful of those who are weaker than him. If you dream of little bear cubs, then a person is confused and confused and does not know what to do in the situation that has happened. He will have to choose: either his own safety, or the well-being of his loved ones. Seeing a mother bear with cubs in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality the sleeper is not self-confident, childish and has no opinion of his own. He needs to learn to be more proactive and independent.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing bears in a dream

Uncle Freud foretold that anyone who hunts a bear in a dream will have to chase a person in reality who will not pay the slightest attention to him, but it should be noted that this will not bother the dreamer at all. If you dreamed that you had to run away from an animal, then in reality you will have to have sex in a place that is not at all suitable for this. However, this will bring great pleasure to the dreamer, because such dangerous experiments are very exciting. Why do you dream about fighting an animal? This is how, according to Freud, the unhealthy love of the sleeping person for his parents is manifested. Seeing a wounded or dead bear in a dream means problems in relationships with people of the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: a bear in a dream

The astrologer believes that in order to understand why bears dream, it is necessary to analyze the dream. What do you associate these animals with? Women, as a rule, see the bear as a prototype strong man. But for a man, this dream promises a struggle with himself, his strengths and weaknesses.

Tsvetkov's dream book: why do you dream about a bear?

In general, esotericist Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets dreams with the presence of bears as harbingers of new friends or romantic relationships. If you dream of a polar bear, and even on an ice floe, then you need to be careful not to fall into the clutches of scammers. But such animals in a dream can still indicate that in reality the dreamer is respected and loved.

Bear according to Hasse's dream book

To see this beast in a dream, according to Miss Hasse, means big win in some game. But if you fall into his clutches in a dream, there will be significant losses. Eating bear meat in a dream means the marriage of one of the family members.

Killing a bear in a dream means finding a way out of a difficult situation.

The skin of a polar bear is a good omen; you will successfully overcome difficulties and expose your enemies in a timely manner.

The polar bear predicts a lie, a great misfortune that will appear under the guise of good. Your enemies will pretend to be comrades, and while you remain in the dark, they will try to get rid of you.

If a woman dreams of a bear, she will have a formidable rival, but such a dream can also mean ordinary bad luck.


Bear - positive character many fairy tales. If he harms someone, it is not out of malice. But when meeting a bear in wildlife the person is in great danger. Despite its external sluggishness, the predator runs, swims and climbs trees very well. Sometimes this image can be seen in night dreams. The meaning of a dream depends on the actions taking place in it. Dream interpreters will help you solve it.

Some interpreters personify a bear in a dream with a powerful enemy, others - with an influential person who can help in difficult situation. Sometimes a dream about a clubfooted animal promises income.

Many popular dream books see this image as a threat:

  • Azara is an unrestrained and rude enemy;
  • English - to troubles and difficult trials;
  • Vangi - to communicate with the insidious and an evil person, if an animal attacks you, be prepared to meet people who can harm you;
  • eastern - you may be disappointed by wishful thinking;
  • for lovers - the appearance of a dangerous rival or rival;
  • for the whole family - if the predator showed hostility, beware strong enemy who wants to destroy you; a running bear in a dream promises minor problems that you can easily solve;
  • for a bitch - you have serious opponents; if in your night dreams you killed an animal, you will find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima - the dream is a warning, you risk making a dangerous enemy, your rude and tactless behavior is to blame, be careful, do not respond negatively to someone else’s aggression, then you can avoid many problems;
  • David Loff is the personification of a rude and ill-mannered person or a symbol of a wise mentor;
  • idiomatic - you will feel clumsy and slow, and you may also be rendered a “disservice”;
  • Miller - a clash with a serious opponent;
  • from A to Z - a new acquaintance will soon show his worst side, his behavior will cause disappointment;
  • Russian folk - evil, rudeness and cruelty, quarrels with loved ones;
  • family - a rival will appear;
  • Slavic - you have a cruel enemy;
  • modern - to a fierce struggle for a place in the sun;
  • universal - you need to slow down and wait for the right moment to take decisive action, now is not the best time to do anything, think about everything carefully in order to make the right decision;
  • Fedorovskaya - competitors are weaving intrigues behind their backs, so be careful;
  • Shereminskaya - a dream informs businessmen about the emergence of a powerful competitor, so they should be on alert.

According to Freud, a bear in a dream symbolizes intercourse. If a woman dreams that a clubfoot is attacking her, deep down in her soul she dreams of meeting an ardent and temperamental lover. This image warns a man that his many love affairs will end sooner or later negative consequences.

Sometimes a bear seen in a dream marks the appearance of a lazy owner in the house

Positive interpretations of a dream with a bear:

  • XXI century, Ukrainian and Hasse - to win;
  • American - power and strength;
  • Denise Lynn - a period of reflection and peace begins, after which spiritual rebirth will come;
  • Martyna Zadeki - to make a profit;
  • signs - to the appearance of a patron, success and wealth;
  • Chinese - birth of a descendant;
  • small Velesov - for a meeting with an important person;
  • mythological - you will be given help and support;
  • Peter Leyman - comes in life new stage, now is the time to relax and gain strength;
  • Pechora healer- an intimate friend will appear;
  • Russian - for a meeting with a future spouse, sometimes for a wedding;
  • Wanderer - to advantageous offer and getting to know interesting person who will become your close friend in the future;
  • Tsvetkova - the appearance of a groom or a faithful friend;
  • gypsy - great potential is hidden in you, reveal it and you will achieve a lot;
  • esoteric - it’s time to take care of economic issues and improve everyday life.

By lunar dream book, the bear symbolizes a friend. The interpretation depends on the events occurring in the dream. If the animal was peaceful, the friend will lend a helping hand in a difficult situation. The hostility of a predator foreshadows a quarrel.

Predator in women's and men's dreams

Dreams about a bear tell a man that he will soon have to fight for the position of leader. If the plot was pleasant, you will find a true friend. If not, beware of a strong and unscrupulous competitor. The image of a bear in men's dreams symbolizes a strong-willed female person, whom the dreamer is a little afraid of. This could be a boss, mother-in-law, mother, or even a beloved spouse.

The meaning of a predator in women's dreams:

  • For a girl, a dream about a bear foreshadows the appearance of a reliable and self-confident admirer; it is with such a man that you can cast your destiny;
  • married woman the image warns that she has a rival who dreams of destroying family happiness, but night dreams about a bear cub promise pregnancy;
  • to the expectant mother a dream involving this animal says that feminine nature and maternal instinct are awakening in her soul.

Did your child dream about a bear? The dreamer needs to be more careful when choosing friends. Not all people are as nice as they seem at first glance.

A night vision in which a white bear floated on an ice floe warns that you may be deceived or robbed

Description of the dreamed bear

When interpreting a dream, it also matters what color the bear was:

  • white - changes for the better, joyful events and pleasant surprises await you, but only if the predator was peaceful, the bear attacked - in real life, intrigues are woven behind your back, be prepared for gossip and attacks from ill-wishers;
  • brown - beware of deception and betrayal; the beast was unfriendly - you will have an enemy or a strong rival, get ready for the fact that you will have to make a lot of effort to defend your interests; good sign there is a dream in which a brown bear performed in a circus arena, the image promises a good profit;
  • black - k serious illness if you are in lately If you don’t feel well, consult a doctor and get all the necessary tests; After such a dream, a girl should take a closer look at her chosen one, there is a risk of linking her fate with an unworthy person; the beast growled menacingly at you - you are hot-tempered and unrestrained, because of this, many problems arise in life;
  • red - beware of deceit.

Seeing a panda in a dream is a good sign. Both at work and in relationships with your loved one, everything turns out the most in the best possible way. A cranking bear in a dream means that you will begin to experience a bad streak, troubles will begin to fall as if from a cornucopia.

If in a dream you felt fear at the sight of a predator, in reality you consider your desires shameful

Big or small

The larger the predator was in the dream, the more serious the troubles will be in reality. If you dreamed of a huge and unfriendly bear, you have a serious enemy. Such a vision may also speak of accumulated internal aggression, which will soon spill out, and then it will not be good for those around you.

The bear was one of the symbols associated with greek goddess Artemis. She was often depicted next to this predator, and the priestesses of the goddess of hunting and wisdom were called “bears.”

If the bear from your night dreams was small in size, people are gossiping about you. You may also be criticized close person. Try to calmly respond to his words so as not to provoke an unnecessary conflict.

Interpretation of dreams about a bear, mother bear or cub

According to David Loff, a dream in which an adult predator was present indicates that deep down you have contempt for people. Especially to those who are lower in rank than you. If in the dream there were two animals that did not show any aggression, you will have strong patrons. Did you dream about a bear and a she-bear? You will soon receive important news.

In ancient Slavic legends, the bear was portrayed as the king of animals, the owner of the forest. Therefore, this predator was often associated with power and might.

To see bear cubs walking in a forest clearing in the kingdom of Morpheus means confusion. You have to risk your own happiness for the people you care about. If you stroked a baby in a dream, a loved one will trust you with their secret, but keeping the secret will not be easy. A dream about a mother bear with cubs signifies the awakening of the parental instinct. The image hints to single men and unmarried young ladies that it is time to start a family. Family prophesies the birth of an offspring.

The bear family seen in a dream is a subconscious projection of the dreamer's family. Remember how an adult bear behaved towards the mother bear and cubs. Perhaps he was hostile or indifferent? After seriously analyzing the plot of the night vision, you can learn a lot of new things about yourself and your loved ones. For girls and single guys, the dream will help them figure out what is the cause of their conflicts with their parents, and for families it will indicate mistakes in relationships with their household.

Seeing a bear's den in a dream means difficulties

Good, evil or tame

If the predator was belligerent, growling and baring its fangs, get ready for serious trouble. There are several reasons for their occurrence. This can be either the machinations of ill-wishers or the inability to control oneself. Your soul is filled with negative emotions that are bursting to the surface. It is necessary to overcome anger and learn to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Was the bear you dreamed about kind and affectionate? The interpretation is favorable, exact value depends on the gender and age of the dreamer:

  • For a man, such a dream promises success in business and profit;
  • for a girl - a successful marriage;
  • for a woman - career advancement.

If you dreamed of a tame bear, you will soon meet a compliant and responsive person who will provide a good service.

A dream in which you wrapped yourself in a bearskin indicates an unwillingness to live by generally accepted rules

Clarification of dreams with a kind bear

A dream in which a girl strokes the king of the forest foreshadows her marriage or love affair. It is important to be careful in choosing a partner so that in the future you do not have to bitterly regret wasted time. For a man, such dreams indicate that his actions are often thoughtless and risky.

When interpreting, it is important to take into account your actions with the kind bear:

  • hugging or playing with him is a sign of carelessness, which can backfire;
  • feed - you can turn rivals into allies, this will be beneficial in the future; the dream also reports that all your endeavors will be successful, you will achieve what you want with a minimum of effort;
  • riding a horse is a good omen, dizzying success awaits you, go for it, you will succeed;
  • tame - great potential is hidden in you, you are following the right path, soon you will definitely be lucky;
  • save - you will be able to carry out what you have planned for a long time, peace and harmony will reign in your soul.

A vision of a sleeping bear warns that you are not ready for dramatic changes. Before deciding to take any action, you should think everything over thoroughly.

If you caught a clubfooted predator in your night vision, you can overcome your own fear

...and aggressive

A hostile predator is dangerous not only in real life. Dreams with his participation also do not bode well. To decipher the vision in more detail, remember what the beast did:

  • was chasing you - you are torn between the desire to do something and the fear that you won’t succeed; For a girl, such a vision can signal the appearance of a rude and poorly mannered boyfriend, and for a guy - about fear of marriage;
  • knocked on the door of the house - you have committed some kind of offense and are afraid that your relatives will find out about the event;
  • bitten - pressure and hostility will not help in achieving your goal, you need to be careful, then everything will work out; sometimes a dream predicts spending money or a quarrel with a close friend;
  • tried to eat - beware of the trap set for you.

If you fought a bear in the kingdom of Morpheus, a fight with an immoral enemy awaits you ahead. Victory in a fight means that in reality you will gain the upper hand. Killing a predator in a dream is a harbinger of changes for the better. You will find a way out of a difficult situation and defeat a serious enemy. If in a dream, before your eyes, a loved one gets into a fight with an animal, in reality a lot of problems will fall on him.

Did you run away from a wild beast in your night dreams? You are trying to take control of your life. If you managed to escape, in reality everything will work out for you. Hiding from a clubfoot - an arrogant and unprincipled type has appeared among your acquaintances, meeting whom you are trying to avoid. If in a night vision the king of the forest could not find you, and you remained safe and sound, soon the unpleasant person will stop bothering you, and you will be able to breathe easy.

Dreaming about a dead bear portends depression and loss vital energy

Toy bear in night visions

Dream about teddy bear may mean fear of adult life and dependence on someone close. According to other interpretations, the dreamer lacks care and warmth.

The Slavs had strong amulet in the shape of a bear paw. They believed that the talisman could protect against evil forces.

Dreaming about an animal figurine indicates gullibility, due to which you may be deceived. Receiving such a souvenir as a gift is a sign that a strong patron will appear.

Location of the bear from the dream

Sometimes you may dream that a club-footed guest has entered the house. If he behaved well and did not cause any harm to you or your property, expect positive changes, as well as rewards for your hard work. If the beast destroyed everything in its path, attacked you or your household, you will get into a lot of problems because of its inappropriate behavior. Seeing a dead animal in your home means giving up something important. You will have to give up your desires for the sake of dear person, but it will not bring joy.

Seeing a bear at the edge of the forest in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign of trials and temptations that you will encounter in the near future. It will be difficult to understand yourself and understand what you really want. If bear cubs were playing happily at the edge of the forest in a dream, fail an important task that will be entrusted to you. It will all be due to inattention and inability to prioritize.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus the bearskin was on the floor, you are deceiving yourself, living in vain illusions

Meanings for other animal locations:

  • on the tree - a symbol of an old conflict, stop avoiding the problem, better find a compromise - and then everything will work out;
  • in a cramped cage - to monetary losses;
  • in the spacious enclosure of the zoo - an interesting acquaintance awaits you;
  • on the chain - a serious competitor will appear, but he will not harm you.

Seeing a bear from afar in the kingdom of Morpheus is a surprise.

Hunting dreams about a bear

Seeing a trace left by a predator in a dream is a good omen. For a girl, the vision promises a rich and generous admirer, for a man - a surge of strength and energy.

Bear hunting in night dreams signifies the desire to gain the favor of your boss or the reciprocity of the person you like. You should be careful; pressure and rudeness will only aggravate the situation.

A vision in which bears were fishing promises a meeting with a strong opponent

Did you dream about a bear's paw? Make a profit. Dreams in which the head of a predator was present can be interpreted in two ways. For some they promise victory over their enemies, for others they warn about a lack of determination and lack of initiative.

The bear is also present in ancient Scandinavian myths. Often the image of this animal was taken by the god Odin, and berserkers (fearless warriors) were dressed in bearskin.

A skin or stuffed animal obtained in night vision portends an improvement in your financial situation. Eating bear meat means a wedding, and drinking milk means fear and humiliation.

Night dreams about bears foreshadow various events. If the vision caused fear, be prepared for trouble. Positive dreams usually do not portend evil. Try to understand the hint that your subconscious gave you in order to be fully prepared.

What can you not see in your dreams! Often the heroes of our dreams are ourselves, and minor roles performed by other people, whether we know them or not. But it happens that some animal comes to take the place of a person. It can be real or fictitious, be able to talk or do some other things: for example, attack us. But don’t worry: that’s why it’s a dream, just to surprise, scare and warn against real dangers in life. Do you want to know what to expect if you dreamed of a bear? Then read on.

A bear in a dream is a “big” success

A large animal must mean some grandiose, major event. That's how it is. This is the only explanation different dream books differently. Let's study their interpretations. One of the pleasant explanations for dreaming about a bear is that a good win awaits you in gambling. It is also favorable to hunt and, even more so, to kill him. This means that you will be able to get out of a difficult situation. life situation, cope with obstacles, find a way out of a dead end. As a result, a bear skin laid out near your work chair promises career success and improved financial status.

What does the color of the bear tell you?

The color of the animal also matters. If you dreamed of a polar bear, then this is a signal of your excessive gullibility: it is easy to deceive you, so be careful. Although some dream books say the opposite. For example, if a woman dreamed of polar bears, then she is surrounded by affection and love. In this sense, a lot depends on the subconscious, images that have taken root since childhood. When you dream of a brown animal, higher value has not the color, but its behavior. So try to remember the details.

How does the bear behave in your dream?

What was the plot of your dream? If you dreamed of a bear dancing or performing in a circus, you can get a large loan from a bank or win at a casino. And if the animal drowns, then there is a possibility of suffering heavy losses. The situation when you fall into the clutches of an animal also speaks about losses. Perhaps in a dream you know for sure that you are eating bear meat: this is a sign of an imminent wedding in the family or a profitable deal.

Bear for women and men

In some dream books, the fact that you dreamed about a bear is explained in terms of gender. For a woman, this is either a boyfriend, with good fortune and status, or a rival who is about to take your partner away. It all depends on the perception of the animal in a dream: is it a female or a male. For men, the bear is the embodiment of a strong rival, perhaps a competitor in business or love. It is worth paying attention to whether there are stronger and stronger people in your environment. influential people, which can create problems in business, as well as relationships with a woman. A bear located in a raspberry patch is a manifestation of the desire to make love with someone else’s partner.

And if there are its cubs next to the animal, then sexual relations can bring problems.

Listen to your feelings

These are the meanings of dreams in which one of the main characters is a bear. It is always something important and big: be it success, gain, loss, deal or relationship with the opposite sex. When assessing and trying to explain why you dreamed of a bear, remember your associations with this animal, your childhood ideas. Perhaps for you it represents something pleasant, joyful, or, conversely, it embodies some old fears or danger.