Seeing a beautiful sunset in a dream. Sunset seen in a dream. Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Sleep helps us quickly absorb information large volumes If a person will soon have to go through an exam and the brain is exploding from the amount of new material, it is enough to go to bed. In a dream, all information will be reliably processed and assimilated, and an understanding will come of what was not assimilated in the waking state.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good sleep, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? The modern dream book opens the doors to amazing world dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates a person’s subconscious into the world of the unknown. By creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why do you dream about Sunset?

Sunset in a modern dream book

A dream about a sunset speaks of the successful completion of all your endeavors. Contemplating how the disk of the sun is hidden in the water surface - you will begin to look at the world in a completely different way, you will develop different criteria for assessing reality and current events. A crimson sunset warns you that there is some kind of threat to your health. If after sunset the sky becomes dull and dark, then you will be diagnosed with a serious illness that will take a very long time to treat. If the sun has set behind black clouds and not hidden behind the horizon, then your affairs are in a deplorable state, and the consequence will be an inevitable disaster. Contemplating a beautiful sunset - your affairs will be crowned with success. If during sunset the clouds part before the sun, then wonderful surprises await you, perhaps they will give you a luxurious gift. If you dreamed of the moon setting, then you will need to do some urgent work, which will take you the whole night to complete.

Sunset in Miller's dream book

Sunset dreams of serious changes in life. After such a dream, you need to follow your interests very strictly. If the sunset was clear, then joy and prosperity await you in all areas. A fiery red or crimson sunset indicates that the peak of your well-being has already passed; this must be taken into account when considering plans for the future. If during sunset the sky was gloomy and cloudy, then a time of failure awaits you, but it will end quickly

Sunset in Vanga's dream book

Contemplating the sunset in a dream means deep reflections about one’s lot. The time has come to seriously think about your principles, your attitude towards the people around you, whether you are following the right tactics and whether you are causing harm to your neighbors. Repent before God of all your trespasses in order to be cleansed of your sins. A fiery red sunset promises war. The whole world will be gripped by a terrible life-and-death struggle, in which many countries will be participants. Countless people will die. The war will end after the ruler becomes fair man, whom God himself will send.

Dreams that occur during REM sleep, especially early in the morning, is what the brain entertains itself with while the body continues to rest.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Sunset in a dream according to 26 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Sunset symbol from 26 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Sunset in a dream according to the dream book?

Watch the sunset- to parting with what is dear.

If the setting sun blinds your eyes- to a serious illness.

Children's dream book

Sunset - this dream accompanies the end of an era of your life. This period is very suitable for finishing things. Just don’t make plans for the future - they will change later anyway.

Idiomatic dream book

Sunset is the end.

Imperial dream book

Sunset state- anticipation, calm, confidence/uncertainty.

Sunset as a natural phenomenon- will be associated in a dream with compliance/inconsistency with natural rhythms in any season, but according to the predominant color and organ of perception, the dream is more significant in summer and winter (heart, spleen and kidneys: red, yellow and black colors).

Seeing a sunset in a dream with a pleasant feeling- a sign of a perhaps stormy and fruitful day/season. The continuation of events in reality is subject to the control of the dreamer.

Seeing the sunset with discomfort and fear- the past day/season has caused emotional, psychological and possibly physical damage. The situation threatens to get out of control during the day.

Fiery sunset to see/feeling of being absorbed by it- the heart is overflowing with pathogenic energy. Urgent medical advice is required.

A bloody sunset and fear rolling into darkness- pay attention to the kidneys. The dreamer's emotional behavior is completely inadequate and suicidal. You should be more restrained.

A sunset in a dream may not have a seasonal/situational meaning, but it can be a symbol of the outcome of life:

Seeing someone go into a clear sunset- a sign of a fruitful life with maximum realization, but also of its end.

Leaving into a bloody-dirty sunset- may symbolize unfaithful life path, violent death, serious illness.

Lunar dream book

Sunset - weakening vitality.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Sunset?

Watching the sunset - beautifully and efficiently complete the work assigned to you.

New dream book 1918

Sunset is a big change.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Sunset?

Seeing a sunset in a dream- a harbinger of important life changes.

If the sunset is cloudless- joy and success in everything awaits you. A blood-red or crimson sunset indicates that your well-being has passed its peak and you should take this into account when making plans for the future.

Seeing the moon setting in a dream- portends that you will have to spend a sleepless night to complete urgent work.

Dream book of the future

Sunset is a change for the better.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Sunset is good news, bright life.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a sunset in a dream- complete some work, sum up.

If you see a sunset in a dream- this means that in reality you will have to reconsider your life principles.

If you dream of a crimson sunset- then trials, perhaps misfortunes, await you.

If you dream that the sun is falling into dark clouds- your state of affairs is in a deplorable state and everything could end in disaster.

If the sunset is beautiful, and in a dream you feel joy- this means that in reality all your affairs will be completed successfully.

If you see a sunset in a dream from Thursday to Friday- this indicates that fate will present you with an unexpected surprise.

If you dream of sunset from Friday to Saturday- then your decision is correct and will help resolve all problems safely.

Dream book for a bitch

Sunset watch it- big and happy changes in life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a very beautiful sunset in a dream and admiring it- for an outing into nature.

A crimson sunset promises you some unexpected change in life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a crimson sunset in a dream- to bad windy weather.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Sunset - for approaching old age.

A crimson sunset means quick death.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Sunset in a dream?

Seeing a sunset in a dream- portends important life changes.

If the sunset is clear in a cloudless sky- joy and success in everything await you.

Blood red or crimson sunset- indicates that your well-being has passed its peak and you should take this into account in relation to future plans and prospects.

If the sun sets in a cloudy or overcast sky- a streak of bad luck is coming for you, which, however, will soon pass.

Seeing a sunset instead of the sun in a dream- portends that you will have to give up hours of sleep in order to complete urgent work, using night time for this.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Sunset, setting sun- to the deceased.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Sunset - success in business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Sunset according to the dream book?

Sunset - successful completion of activity; calm, serene old age.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Sunset is a big change.

A colorful sunset portends peace in the family.

Sunset in the clouds - to the failure of your affairs, family troubles.

Schiller's Dream Book

Sunset is a big and happy change.

Gypsy dream book

A beautiful sunset speaks of reward for the work done.

Esoteric dream book

Sunset - improved health, successful treatment.

Erotic dream book

A dream in which you saw a sunset- speaks of coldness emanating from you or your partner, which will lead to the fact that your intimate life will fail, you will no longer receive the satisfaction, the sensations that were present in your relationship before.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Sunset according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a sunset - expect the imminent completion of some significant period in your life; most likely, some things at work will soon come to their final conclusion.

More interpretations

Dream about watching the sunset- soon you will have to say goodbye to someone who was very dear to you.

You see the sunset accompanied by some kind of trembling feeling- expect the logical completion of some life stage soon. If you watch him with trepidation in your soul and a little fear, the previous period in your life, which has already ended, left a wound in your soul, or caused you some kind of material damage.

If you saw him as fiery- the dream book says that your prosperity has ended and, given this fact, you need to think carefully about your future.

Video: Why do you dream about Sunset?


Did you dream about Sunset, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Sunset in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello. I dreamed that my mother and I were lying somewhere near the house, and in the distance, closer to me, there was a cemetery, and behind it the sunset, and through the cemetery it was shining so brightly into my eyes that it was impossible to look, and it was so bright white A light unusual for a sunset falls on me and hurts my eyes. Thank you.

    I'm in a house on the seashore, between the shore and the incredibly clean, clear water and me, a small busy street along which people walk, between them I try to see either the sunset or the dawn, very colorful, unrealistically many colors and very beautiful... something like a ship or something like that floated there, I wanted to take a picture in a dream this picture, he instantly floated away and I didn’t have time... but with unreal trepidation I watched this sunset/sunrise...

    I was visiting some apartment, but the owner wasn’t there (she had gone somewhere)…… I think I was at a friend’s house… I tried on black shoes with a clasp (I saw my feet in them with the clasp fastened) and admired them... the room I was in was cozy and one window looked out onto the street... there was a sunset outside the window... I was spinning around, admiring my legs and accidentally looked out the window... there I saw railway With sharp turn and a mother walking along the rails with her son... I was distracted for a couple of seconds and saw that she felt bad. She first fell, and then barely got out of the rail area…. my little son was nearby and tried to help. then, I turned away for a couple more seconds, looking at my feet and saw an even worse picture: next to the railway and a sharp turn there was a cliff…. the boy rushed there and it was clear that mommy screamed, but since she had not yet recovered from the fainting attack, she was unable to help... in a split second, a crane that had been standing in this hole for a long time rises sharply (it turns out that there was once some kind of construction going on there, but it was abandoned) and the boy, having climbed up on it, falls into the hole, and the crane, in turn, lowers... horror was visible on mommy’s face... and then I woke up

    The sunset was very fast, but very beautiful. The sun was huge and red. The glow remained for a long time before I woke up. Before this, I swam with people very close to me in the lake. Before waking up, I realized that it was a dream.

    I was traveling on a train and at first there was a sunset in the window, so beautiful and warm, then the train stopped near a lake in which several passengers went to swim, it turned out that it washes away negativity and everything bad, I also swam in it... some old woman lived near the lake. from whom I asked for water, and she said that her water was bad, that she would give me something to drink, something else, and she brought me a little moloa in a glass, but thick like sour cream, I drank it, and brought her candy in gratitude, and she when she took the sweets, she began to whisper something and wave her hand, as if reading something, like a conspiracy, but it seemed like in a good way she was so grateful for the candy...that's what it means, huh?

    I dreamed that I was standing on the seashore, the waves were rolling one on top of the other, small and calm, the water was clean and pleasant and there was a beautiful sunset, I admired it so much, it was bright almost red and my soul felt so warm and cozy

    I stood with my back to the sunset, but at the same time I saw it very well. I also saw against the background of the sunset a man in a military uniform who was holding a machine gun in his hands, stood with his head held high, and proudly held the machine gun. When I turned to face the sunset and to the military man, everything has disappeared.

    I watched from the balcony what was happening around me and noticed the sunset, more beautiful than ever. The red sun, I had never seen it so big, it was setting over the water, at that moment only half. But I was in a hurry somewhere, so I didn’t manage to look for a long time. I found myself by the road, trying to get on the bus, but for some reason I couldn’t (I saw myself from above at the stop, as if my body was on the asphalt, and my soul was watching over it)

    Hello, Tatyana! Today I had a very unpleasant dream. At first, my friends and I were driving in a car that resembled an ordinary minibus, but after some time the roof seemed to disappear and I saw a beautiful sunset, so real and colorful, that it was as if I was in reality, I don’t know, but this sunset I remember it so much, he was so beautiful that I can’t put it into words. But the trouble itself was that I simply turned my head to the right, my loved one was sitting next to me (well, not quite next to me, but a couple of seats away) and he was holding the hand of a girl I knew, a friend in general (in general real life he doesn’t know her, which is what I thought to myself and even asked the question “how can this be?” “) then he began to kiss her, but he had a look of either an evil grin like: “look, look, I’ll show you,” or, on the contrary, remorse. I woke up with some kind of stone in my soul and at the same time relief. I will be very glad if you help me interpret this dream, because it haunts me.

    My family and I went to nature... we went to look at the area... in the evening we returned to the camp, but the car was not there. After searching for it a little, we were convinced that it was not there and began to look for another way... we saw big lake and in the water there was a path made of sand, we followed it... I’m very afraid of water and after walking a little I saw a sword fish in the water and I started to panic, I went back with my dad, and my mom and sister went forward... me and dad got there to the shore and went to sleep, the next morning I woke up with my sister, but she
    it didn't look like...

    I was in the house with my friend Yulia and through the window I saw a pink sunset. We ran out into the street, there mom was cleaning fish, and dad was photographing a neighbor in a photo of a pink sunset. I took her phone from Yulia and started taking pictures of this pink sunset. Later, the boys drove past us, they were going to the pond, and I then began to photograph the sunset, but the trees prevented me from taking a beautiful picture of this miracle of nature, but I didn’t give up, I took pictures

    Tatyana, good afternoon. Thanks in advance!
    Dream: I’m driving along a wide, flat road (while driving), the passenger is an acquaintance, but not a close one, a woman older than me. And ahead is a huge disk of the sun. It’s very beautiful, the color is warm, red, but I understand that it’s a sunset. The road goes up a little. I understand that the Sun is setting and, it seems, should blind my eyes, but this does not happen. I admired him, felt both joy and admiration. Then I find myself with this woman on a narrow bridge over a stormy river. The bridge is covered with snow, the river is covered in ice along the edges. I'm afraid, but the woman grabs my hand and runs across the bridge, dragging me along with her. At the very end there is a crowd of people, a “queue”. Then it became calm again, beautiful, warm. I want to take a picture of this bridge, but it’s no longer there. Just a crowd of people and I standing on a high bank and looking up - there balloon high, high, and a plane takes off nearby. Immediately the entire crowd disappeared, but the feeling remained that people flew away on this plane, but for some reason left their children behind. Except me. I stayed there and my youngest daughter was returned to me.

    An unusually beautiful sunset, I’ve been dreaming about it for the second time. Both times I was in picturesque places and saw the incredible beauty of the sun. Every time I try to take a photo, but something prevents me.

    Hello)) I dreamed of a sea with gorgeous waves and a sunset. All this was in red shades, and for some reason I decided to myself in a dream that this was the red sea. I stood and enjoyed the scenery. I felt calm, I really liked the picture from the dream.

    I'm going up the mountain with a guy I don't know and there's a very big dark red ball, as if the sun is setting and when I climbed to the very top, everything seemed to disappear and the sun had already set very quickly, but in the dream I did not feel anxiety, but on the contrary, I felt pleasant, it was very beautiful...

    At first, my boyfriend and I stood and looked at the balls that would blow up in the wind and burst, they gave them to me and I didn’t mind, then he and I sat on a bench, holding hands, and looked at the sunset, I was so happy , and then it started to rain, it didn’t hit us, it poured everywhere but didn’t hit us, and soon it hit us too and we ran away

    Today I had a dream that I was approaching the seashore, and a Voice was telling me, “the sea is the color of honey.” I saw a calm seashore and a beautiful sunset. I rushed into the water, swam directly in my clothes, the water was clean, but a little cool. But it was still very nice. Two other people I didn’t know went into the water with me, but they didn’t bother me. I saw this dream twice a night, last time I saw it before I woke up.

    I dreamed about the husband we were divorcing, as if I had killed him and his mistress, then we found ourselves on the shore, sunset, everything was very beautiful. Confusion, then it turned out that she killed not him, but our son, my husband is screaming at me...

    I'm in a room with a lot of bats, but they don't do anything to me. I caught one with a rag. The time was 12 noon. I looked at the window - it was dark there, I was very surprised. I looked out the window and saw how the orange sun quickly set below the horizon...

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Sunset mean in a dream?

Sunset - You saw a sunset, speaks of coldness emanating from you or your partner, which will lead to the fact that your intimate life will fail, you will no longer receive the satisfaction, the sensations that were present in your relationship before. Sunset - Big change. Sunset – Successful completion of an activity; calm, serene old age. Sunset - Big change. Sunset - Improved health, successful treatment.

Seeing a crimson sunset means imminent death. Sunset is a big happy change. Sunset - Success in business. Sunset - Weakening of vitality, this is what is meant by your dream. Sunset is a big happy change. Sunset, setting sun - To the deceased. Sunset - a favorable period of life is coming to an end, get ready for innovations and possible difficulties. Sunset - big and happy changes.

Seeing a Sunset, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Sunset - This dream accompanies the end of an era of your life. This period is very suitable for finishing things. Just don’t make plans for the future - they will change later anyway, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about. Sunset - Seeing a sunset in a dream means completing some work, summing up the results. You see a sunset, which means that in reality you will have to reconsider your life principles. If you dream of a crimson sunset, then trials and misfortunes await you.

Why do you dream that the sun is sinking into dark clouds? It means that your situation is in a deplorable state and everything could end in disaster. If the sunset is beautiful and you feel joy in a dream, it means that in reality all your affairs will be completed successfully. If you see a sunset in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that fate will bring you an unexpected surprise. If you dream of a sunset from Friday to Saturday, then your decision is correct and will help to safely resolve all problems.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Sunset

Sunset - You saw a sunset in a dream, you admire it - a very favorable dream; you are a person who knows what he wants from life and knows how to achieve his goal; you will achieve what you want and find satisfaction; Pleasant changes await you.

You dream of a bright red or crimson sunset - you will feel ashamed of some of your recent actions; you thought that you had already forgotten how to blush, but no; you've simply become more experienced and are able to avoid awkward ambiguous situations for the most part.

You come on a date at sunset - you are playful towards a person who has serious feelings towards you; you will flirt, and that person will take everything at face value. Sunset - Watching the sunset In spring, seeing a sunset means hopes for which there is no particular reason; in the summer - to a pleasant surprise; in the fall - to malaise; in winter - to troubles, losses, illnesses.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Sunset mean, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a red sunset - Weakening of vitality, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about. Sunset - Towards the coming old age.

In the summer, why did you dream of a crimson sunset - bad windy weather.

In the fall, why did you dream of a crimson sunset? A crimson sunset predicts some unexpected change in your life. In a dream, seeing a very beautiful sunset and admiring it means going out into nature.

In winter, why dream of a crimson sunset indicating a change in weather.

In general, seeing a sunset in a dream means the completion of some business.

If you see a sunset in a dream, this indicates that you will be able to successfully complete your affairs, which will bring you success. If in a dream you see the sun setting into the water, then this is an indication that you will soon reconsider your life principles.

But if you dream of a crimson sunset, then this is a warning that you will get sick. If the sunset gives way to a dark sky, then the illness will be severe and long-lasting.

When during sleep you see the sun with rays emanating from it, this indicates that in reality some surprise awaits you or you will be presented with a gift.

If you see a sunset from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this indicates some unseemly act by one of your neighbors. Sunset in a dream from Thursday to Friday indicates that you cannot forget about the past and often regret the past days. If you dream of sunset from Friday to Saturday, then you will not have the opportunity to realize your plans soon.

By the way, famous poet, who lived in the 1st century. n. e., the creator of the famous “Satyricon” Petronius, believed in prophecies and dreams. One day he had a dream that he saw a huge city, which was illuminated by the setting sun. The sun sinks lower and the city plunges into darkness. And crowds of horned creatures emerge from the darkness. “Woe to the Great City! - the poet exclaimed, waking up, - he will soon plunge into darkness. Rome fell increasingly into decline, suffering under the rule of emperors.

Another time in a dream, Petronius saw himself sitting on a veranda, illuminated by the setting sun. He drank wine and watched the sun sink towards the horizon and fall into the bloody river. Waking up, Petronius said that his life had come to an end and he needed to make the necessary orders. A few days later, Petronius received an order from Emperor Nero to kill himself. Petronius died by cutting his wrists.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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Many people have seen a sunset in a dream. Admiring the sunset in a dream is a sign of a sublime and refined nature; you constantly strive for beauty, for the beautiful, looking for new impressions even in the mundane.

If you dream of a sunset, almost certainly in everyday life you also prefer to look at the sky rather than at the dirt under your feet. Often in dreams people see unusual sunsets - many suns, a sunset of the Moon, Saturns with rings, multi-colored sunsets. Unusual phenomena usually precede unusual events in life.

Your mood during sleep and your own impressionability matter. If you like what is happening in your dream, this is a good dream, with good value. If a dream worries you, it makes sense to be alarmed in real life. The sunset sky is of fundamental importance to human health.

Basic dream meanings

  • Seeing a sunset means completing a job that has been successfully started. It's time for a well-deserved rest, you can relax a little.
  • Night people may often dream of the moon setting instead of the sun. If you see craters in the setting sun, this is the moon, not the sun. Such a dream usually means that you have to work at night.
  • A beautiful sunset means you are calm and satisfied with the work done. A beautiful sunset symbolizes peace in the family, happiness, and good health. Don’t rush to make new plans - everything will change a hundred times and change your mind. Indulge in your dreams. Even the most unrealistic and impossible. Sunset can also become a turning point, a place where paths diverge. It may well turn out that your most cherished dreams fundamentally do not coincide with no less cherished dreams loved ones. Don't be afraid to discover this fact. Better take note.
  • An unnaturally red, crimson sunset may portend a storm. Sunset in thunderclouds, if you feel danger - to scandals, failures, the need to seriously reconsider life values. Perhaps you are dreaming of a divorce or separation from near and dear people.
  • Sunset, if you see the disk of the luminary slowly going beyond the horizon, may mean difficult moral problems that you will have to solve in the near future. It is quite possible to reconsider values, reassess the meaning of life, change place of residence. The obvious solution is not always the right one. Try not to give in to emotions, take time to think. Especially if you are in a hurry. The more they try to force you to hurry, the more likely it is that they are trying to persuade you to make the wrong decision. Slow down and slow down - you will win. When breaking up with a loved one, maintain a friendly relationship, and he or she will certainly return to you with all the results of their wanderings. Most likely, this will happen when you find new happiness and meaning, and have absolutely no need to return to the past.
  • You see someone walking off into the sunset. Indeed, milestones have changed in your life. It's time for someone to leave your company and retire. If you yourself go into the sunset, you have a journey and new discoveries ahead of you.
  • Amazing colors in the sky, green, burgundy, yellow stripes - perhaps health problems await you. The dream signals problems that may be hidden. Small floaters before the eyes at sunset - colds and infectious diseases. Unnaturally large sun - stomach problems. Striped sky - possible problems with the liver and pancreas. Clouds may indicate bowel health. For example, bloody rain at sunset usually does not mean a global cataclysm, but just an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. It’s also unpleasant, but it’s a little easier to avoid problems.

Why do you dream about sunset according to dream books?

  • Freud's dream book views sunset as a powerful sexual symbol. According to ancient legends, the Sun descends into the sea to calmly indulge in fiery passion in the approaching darkness. It is likely that a bright and strong love experience awaits you.
  • A gloomy stormy sunset means possible jealousy, unhappy love. It is quite possible that your heartfelt secrets and passions will be revealed. Everything you do now will be misinterpreted.
  • Miller's dream book interprets sunset as the general state of human health. If you generally like the picture, it leaves a pleasant feeling, it takes your breath away - everything is fine with you, you will overcome your illness and get better.
  • If sunset inexplicably transforms into dawn, there will be no long-awaited respite and rethinking. You will immediately have to get involved in a new endeavor and work as hard as you can. Rest later. You can't leave the game now.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book promises exciting journey, opening new horizons.
  • If the sunset causes fear and self-doubt, you are afraid of inevitable changes. You may need time to get used to something new. Start getting used to it right now.
  • The Chinese dream book considers a sunset in a dream to be a sign of weakness, doubt, and uncertainty. Don't start new things until you finish what you've already started.

Plus, at the end of the day there is more time to contemplate the sky. No matter what the sunset is - stormy or even whitish northern, try to get your pleasure from admiring the majestic spectacle. Problems that seem insoluble to you actually mean nothing and will be solved on their own. Gain strength and patience for new achievements.