How to rename VKontakte. How to remove the last name "VKontakte" and some other questions about the social network


You will not be able to register on the VKontakte website without indicating your last name right away. Therefore, first become a full member of the site, and then at the right time, if desired, make changes to your personal data. Or create a separate VKontakte page, for example, using fictitious data when registering or inventing an interesting nickname for yourself. By the way, this is also a good option to hide real name. After filling out the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields, click the “Register” button.

After this, you will need to follow a few more steps. Lead Additional information about yourself so that your classmates can find you on the site. Specifically, indicate the country of school, city of school, school, year of graduation and grade by filling in the appropriate lines.

At the next stage of registration - “Search for classmates” - in the drop-down window, enter the name of the educational institution where you studied, the country in which it is located, and the city, year of graduation, faculty and department. If you're in a hurry, you can safely skip the first two steps and complete them later at your convenience. To do this, you just need to change your personal data in the “Edit Page” section.

The third stage is the completion of registration, at which you need to indicate your country, where you live, and your number in the appropriate fields. mobile phone. Then click the "Get Code" button. In this case, be sure to indicate the real number. Thanks to it, you can restore access to your profile if it is hacked or your credentials are lost

Within a few seconds, an SMS message with a code will be sent to the specified phone number, enter it in a special field to confirm registration and click the “Send code” button to confirm registration, after which you will be redirected to the newly created page.

If you used fictitious data when registering your personal page, you can use them to communicate on the site or change them to “nameless”. To do this, on the main page, under the user’s personal photo, find the “Edit page” link. Click on it and go to the next page, where you can change all your personal data, including the sections “Basic Information”, “Contacts”, “Education”, “Career”, “ Life position" But you are going to remove the last name, so stay in the basic information menu and in the “Last name” item write “No last name”, “No last name”, “No data”, put “xxxxx” or something similar. Unfortunately, it is not possible to leave this field blank. So look for a more acceptable spelling of your last name.

There were many changes in contact in 2015. Both for the better and for the worse. This happened, as is known, after the complete redemption of VK shares by mailgroup. Changes in social network began to be introduced in all areas. We went over all fronts and, of course, did not forget about the personal data of users.

In short, the contact's management now seeks to force users to provide only their reliable data. Namely, first and last name. Today we will talk about how to bypass moderator checks on the authenticity of your name and how how to remove last name on VKontakte.

Order or freedom?

After all, the first and last name of users is one of the most important data, and if you give people the opportunity to create fictitious first and last names, then countless bots and advertising pages will appear, and VK will touch Instagram, where there are 3 bots for every living person.

On the other hand, such strict restrictions can scare away visitors, since one of the main charms of the Internet is freedom. What kind of freedom can there be when you are forbidden to choose any first and last name you like?

Method one

So, if for some reason you still want to remain incognito and delete your first and last name, then keep in mind that you will have this opportunity only once - during registration.

You can make yourself a first and last name that will not be displayed on any device. Not on a phone, not on a tablet, not on a computer. Nowhere!

To do this, when registering, enter the code in the Name field: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit()

Similar actions must be done in the “last name” field.

If you did everything correctly, then after registration your first and last name will be invisible to other users. You also cannot be found through search.

Method two

It's stupid to change the name on the page. To another one that has nothing to do with you. Let them search.

If you’ve done a little work with your year of birth, then your acquaintances will be looking for you for a long time... Oh, yes, don’t come across you yet in the groups of your university-technical school and others, which they may know about or guess! Well, don’t post your own real photos on your page, well, that’s also understandable.

If you just want to change your last name or first name, you can do this by going to settings => personal data, or “My page” and below, under the avatar, there will be a link “edit personal data”.

We even have a special article on our website on how to change your first name (and in your case, last name) on your VK page.

In Russia. It’s not surprising that users of such a huge project have various questions from time to time. Today we will look at how to remove the last name “VKontakte” and why it is necessary.


If you want to hide your first and last name on a social network, in general, to remain incognito, nothing will work on a profile that has been working for a long time. The short answer to the question of how to remove the last name “VKontakte” is this: this trick is available only once, when registering an account on the site.

So, let's create a new profile. When registering, fill out all the fields, just leave the first and last name fields blank. Without pressing any buttons, after filling out the information about the person itself, we insert a special script into the address bar: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit(). Click on the “Enter” button. From now on you are an anonymous user of the social network.

How to remove the last name "VKontakte" and replace it with a more original one?

It happens that you registered on VKontakte, then changed your mind, deciding to use a pseudonym instead of real data. But here's the problem: how to change the last name on VKontakte? It’s very simple, and in its place there can be an animal’s nickname, the title of a movie, anything.

How to delete a last name on VKontakte, replacing it with a new one: instructions

We go to our personal page on the social network, in the panel at the bottom left we find the line “My settings”, click on it. We go down a little lower and find the line called “Change name”. We also need a highlighted line “Edit page”, click on it. We make all changes and save them using the “Save” button, which is located at the bottom of the window.

Please note that changes are free and no votes are needed. You can also add any word between your first and last name (this will be your nickname).

You may have already heard that a nickname is a reflection of the state of mind, emotions, mood in this moment time, a description of your appearance, its features or characteristic features. There can be any reason for changing your first and last name. You can change the data according to your mood, and perhaps this is the first step towards dramatic changes in life that you have been waiting for a long time.

But don’t rush to rejoice, here it’s like any barrel of honey. The VKontakte company is gradually tightening the requirements for its clients (users), so if you change your personal data, your profile may be reviewed by site employees.

In this case, you will be asked to indicate the reason why you decided to make adjustments to the questionnaire. If this happens, we recommend writing the truth, probably then approval will be received faster.


We have just looked at how to remove the last name "VKontakte", and found out that the most in an effective way is to create a new account. However, the registration process can cause certain difficulties for novice users, so let’s take a closer look at it. Let's go to home page social network. Next, indicate your last name and first name (if “incognito” is not for you).

Click the “Register” button. The first step of creating an account is “Search for classmates.” Here you can indicate your school. You can skip this step if you do not want to provide data at this time. The next stage is “Searching for classmates.” Can you indicate your highest educational institution or skip a step. The last level is called “Complete registration”.

Here we just need to point out personal number phone, this is where you will receive an SMS message with a code (all absolutely free). After filling out the form, you must click the “Get code” button. That's it, the main part of registration is completed, then carefully follow all the instructions on the site.