Instagram of Rita Agibalova. Margarita Agibalova and her pages on social networks

Rita is known to users as one of the popular participants in the Dom-2 project. She came to the show after her older sister, and at that time she was 17 years old. Viewers of Rita Agibalova, whose Instagram is no less vibrant, will remember her frequent scandals and numerous romances with other users. The girl’s name is inextricably linked with her mother, who came to the project and began to actively intervene in her daughter’s life. Information about this can be found by visiting the show's official website.

On famous project the participant met Kuzin, he very soon became her future husband, and about a year later the couple had Mitya. It was to help raise and care for him that the girl’s mother came to the project.

If you carefully study the official website and Instagram page, it becomes clear that the mother’s stay on the project was the main reason for the young family’s divorce. The girl went through the divorce quite difficult, and it took her a long time to come to her senses.

All this has always been reflected on the pages of the social network, which is still ongoing. If you follow the recent Instagram photos that Margarita Agibalova posts on Instagram for viewing on at the moment, you can understand how successfully she combines studying, finding a new lover, and raising a wonderful son.

Margarita Agibalova Marceau Instagram official website

Despite the fairly correct and positive photos, more and more different unpleasant rumors are being built around Rita. Many users and ill-wishers accuse her of depravity and frivolity. On this basis, Rita from time to time declares that she will delete her profiles on the social network. At one time, the girl made her threats come true, that is, she deleted her account for about two months.

Rita, unlike her mother, uses a social network profile like the majority modern girls. New photos with the following information about this famous person, How Margarita Agibalova Marceau :

  1. Standard selfie.
  2. Photos of loved ones.
  3. Images happening nearby.
  4. Some dishes that Margo prepares herself or eats in restaurants.
  5. Advertising photos are posted.

Everything is usual and standard, nothing special. Ordinary life an ordinary young woman who spends her time caring for a child and caring for herself. It is clear that a fairly warm relationship remains between mother and daughter. This is evidenced by numerous family photos big family.

Official Instagram account of Margarita Agibalova

The girl's page is a classic gallery of a young mother. Here, almost every second publication is a photograph of her son. The images are interspersed with the results of mouth-watering culinary experiments, petfold cat, numerous selfies and lift looks that Margo Agibalova makes on Instagram.

There is information intended for ill-wishers. The header of the page states that those who like to write insults and dirty words are advised to kill themselves against the wall.

Margarita Agibalova Instagram new photos

According to latest news and a recent photo on the social network Instagram, the owner of the account has a fairly successful relationship with the entrepreneur. He and Rita’s son have a fairly warm relationship, as evidenced by the numerous photos presented on his profile page.


Having studied the page of this famous person on Instagram, it becomes clear that she loves to take pictures and immediately post the images on the page. The owner of this profile clearly prefers her Instagram account on the social network VK. There, the show participant has a lot of fakes that use photos from Rita Agibalova’s Instagram, and you should be careful not to subscribe to scammers.


Instagram profile - @margarita_marceux

Margarita Agibalova on Instagram, on her page, talks about life after participating in television project House 2. During her participation in it, the girl gained popularity; for many fans of reality shows, convinced of the staging of events, she is distinguished by sincerity in her behavior.

The project introduced Margarita and Evgeny Kuzin, they were able to create a married couple. They became idols for many TV viewers, they had a wonderful son. The relationship between Margarita and Evgeny did not last long, but what happened next?

What interests Margarita fans?

Margarita Agibalova on Instagram and social networks, page in Contact:, on YouTube:, becoming a popular TV star talks about interesting events of your life. Subscribers are also interested in the girl’s biography, how did she become famous?

Margot was born in 1990 in Moscow, where the family moved from Kazakhstan. Rita is not the only child of the Agibalovs’ father and mother, she has a brother (younger than her) and an older sister, she also participated in the House 2 project. The girl graduated from school and received an education in the financial sector (specialty in finance and credit), Rita received her higher education after television show, at the time of filming the reality show she was only 18 years old.

Television success Margot

Margarita Agibalova, Instagram official website:, the number of subscribers to the girl’s publications will soon be about 1 million. She took part in the TV show after the host family was invited to the program, at which time her older sister Olga was already on the project. Rita liked her, which became the reason for the jealous relationship between the sisters. After waiting until the girl turned 18, she was invited to the project, but the relationship between this couple did not work out.

She began a real television romance with Evgeny Kuzin, margarita_marceux (Margot), which resulted in the girl’s pregnancy and subsequent wedding. Later, their union fell apart, this is the reason for the external intervention of the mother-in-law and Eugene himself. When a girl, after breaking up with her husband, did not find something worthy of attention on the project young man, she left him.

Margarita's new chosen one

New photos on the Instagram page show the relationship between Pavel Marceau (he participated a little in the TV show) and Rita. At the time of the beginning of mutual sympathy, the girl had a son, Dmitry. A true intellectual, with an education, Margot liked him immediately because he was the opposite ex-boyfriends girls.

The result of courting Rita was an offer to create a family union, after which there was a beautiful wedding. Pavel and Margarita had a daughter, she was given the name Bella. Pavel Marceau adopted Dmitry, a boy from Rita’s first marriage, and became an example for him in life.

The newlyweds lived in Moscow for a long time, then moved to Cyprus. From there, Rita publishes almost every day, uploads latest photos about their life situations. She writes posts that are interesting to fans. In them, she shares her plans for the future and how she plays sports.

What's new with Rita Marceau?

Margarita Agibalova wrote on Instagram that relations with her first husband became smooth, Evgeniy began to communicate with his son (he had not previously taken part in his life), and helps him financially. But Margarita Marceau is not only a girl from a TV show, she has own business, she owns a brand boutique.

One of the most famous television projects in Russia - “Dom-2” - was often attended by creative, interesting and extraordinary personalities who remained in the memory of the audience for a long time. These include Pavel Marceau, whose biography will be presented below. The guy appeared in Perimeter on May 25, 2012.

Pavel Marceau: biography

It is known that the young man was born on April 19, 1983 in Moscow. His family can be called wealthy. He remembers very little from his childhood in his homeland, because when he was 8 years old, his parents decided to move to London. Pasha grew up there. It is not surprising that he considers this city his homeland, although he speaks excellent Russian and often visits Russia.


Pavel Marceau also received a diploma in economics in England. He works in finance, but does not have a permanent job. However, this does not bother him at all. Pavel’s work is related to stock exchanges, so he can pick up a laptop anywhere in the world and start earning money. Neither he nor his family experience financial difficulties, they live in complete prosperity, and the only thing Pasha lacked for complete happiness was love and a faithful girl by his side. This is precisely why he went to Dom-2.


With his appearance on the project, Pavel Marceau, whose photo immediately appeared on the official website of the show, attracted many girls. Even Pasha, who had just broken up with him, was fascinated by him and admitted that his grandmother sent him to the project because she really wanted her grandson to marry a Russian girl. As it turned out, his parents also reacted positively to the guy’s desire to come to the show and even expressed their preferences to him. But at the first, Pavel Marceau still did not reveal all his secrets.

Naturally, the arrival of a young successful man excited almost everyone. women's team. Oksana Ryaska and Snezhana Kambur became especially active. By the way, the guy felt real sympathy for the latter. The girls noted that it was very interesting to communicate with him, because he traveled and read a lot, so he could tell huge amount amazing stories. Many participants liked his slight accent and slight hesitations in trying to pick up the right word. But not a single beautiful girl on the project was able to win the heart of the “London dandy,” although Ekaterina Kolesnichenko tried to hook him on her hook. It should be noted that he almost never had conflicts, did not gather conspiracies, but simply enjoyed every day on the television project. And he left Dom-2 voluntarily, saying that he was offered an excellent job.

For 2 months on the show, he never managed to meet his love, so he plunged headlong into work. He was offered to be an announcer at Euro 2012. For some time he lived in Japan. This country, as Pavel Marceau himself said, is very close to him in spirit. He also visited China.

Relationship with Rita Agibalova

We met where both were invited. Immediately after meeting, they found a topic for a warm, almost friendly conversation. They were both connected by Dom-2. Time flew by very quickly, and the guys decided to meet after the party. Such dates began to happen more and more often, and relationships began between the young people.

Meeting the parents

One day Rita invited her chosen one to a house located in Pavlovsky Posad. The girl wanted to introduce Pasha to her parents and son Mitya, who was born in a marriage with Pavel Marceau and almost immediately liked the family, especially Irina Alexandrovna. Mitya and Pasha communicate well, the boy even started calling him dad.

But Zhenya Kuzin not only does not pay child support, but also does not see his son. Rita herself spoke about this on social networks. The young people traveled a lot around the world, and visited London, where Rita met Pasha’s parents. His mother, Elina Goryunova, did not react very well to her son’s choice at first, but did not interfere with their relationship.

Soon the guys began to live together. At first they lived in family home Agibalovs. Despite being next door to Irina Alexandrovna, who loves to control the lives of her daughters, the couple felt quite comfortable. The House members only found out about their relationship at Rita’s birthday party, where she appeared with her loved one. They did not hide their feelings and emotions, and the girl said that in a year she would marry him. Irina Aleksandrovna helped the children equip their apartment in the capital by inviting the “Repair School”. Often there were messages online that the couple had separated, but they were not confirmed. And young people, despite all their ill-wishers, are absolutely happy.


Nobody expected them to get married! Everything was done in secret: only the closest ones were present at the ceremony: Pasha and Rita’s parents, sister Olga and her husband and little Mitya. As it turned out, Margarita got married while pregnant, and already at an advanced age. Her beautiful snow-white dress only emphasized her rounded shape.

Very soon she will give birth to a beautiful daughter to her beloved husband Pasha, and Mitya will have a long-awaited sister. Rumors have already appeared online that Rita gave birth, but she denied them, attaching a photo with her baby bump as proof.

Many did not believe in this couple, but they proved everyone wrong. Let this pure love lives with the children until the very end of their lives, and happiness will forever remain in the house. After all, the most important thing is that they are together!

Margarita Agibalova (on Instagram – margarita_marceux) – former member show Dom2. The girl was born on August 22, 1990 in Pavlovsky Posad. Higher education received in Moscow, she chose a completely relevant specialty: finance and loans. She has an older sister, Olga.

She is currently married to Pavel Marceau, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Bella. This is her second marriage. Before Pavel, she was married to Evgeny Kuzin, with whom she gave birth to a son, Mitya. Now the family is vacationing in Cyprus. They are waiting until the building in which the apartment was purchased is completed and they can come back to Moscow. Before this, the couple lived with Agibalova’s mother, Irina.


Margarita came to Dom2 after her sister. Margarita had just turned 18 on the project. In fact, not only the sisters, but also their mother participated in the show. She tried to help the girls and take care of them.

The very first was Agibalova’s affair with Andrei Cherkasov, but they often quarreled and quickly broke up. But she did not stay alone for long; Evgeny Kuzin began to court her. The girl became pregnant from him, and in December 2009 they had a magnificent wedding. The newlyweds lived together with the child and Margarita’s mother. The girl was faced with many difficulties at once: caring for her first child, the complex, self-centered nature of her husband and the constant interference of her mother, from which the situation only worsened. They quarreled constantly. She wrote in her blog that at some point she and Evgeniy reconciled, but in the end, they divorced in 2011, but the girl did not leave the project.

She dated several men until her mother saw Pavel Marceau at the project. She immediately noticed the young man and brought him together with her daughter. The choice turned out to be successful, the young people fell in love with each other and were happy. They got married in 2014 and welcomed Bella soon after. The girl often appears in official Instagram Rita Agibalova from House 2.


Margarita Marco Agibalova’s Instagram contains many photographs and videos with her children and husband. It is clear that the family is friendly and that they love spending time together. Since now married couple in Cyprus, many videos and photos tell about life on vacation. There are quite ordinary ones (for example, the exercises that a girl does), and there are very funny ones (for example, how an ice cream seller teases children).

From photos on Instagram it can be seen that the girl keeps herself in shape. She has an excellent figure despite two children. Rita Marceau Agibalova constantly posts new photos on Instagram, and on our website you can watch all the updates for free. We take photos only from Margarita Agibalova’s real Instagram.

The young beauty from the Agibalov family could not escape her fate. After her older sister took part in the Dom-2 project, Margarita was looking forward to coming of age, so she could also plunge headlong into a series of romantics and be in front of television cameras. Having waited until she turns 18, Agibalova Jr. immediately becomes a participant in the project and begins to build a relationship with Andrei Cherkasov, with whom she developed a liking “beyond the perimeter.”

But the romance did not take place, and the beautiful Margot enthusiastically switched to other participants. The most serious “suitor” turned out to be Evgeny Kuzin, who quickly turned the young girl’s head and proposed marriage. A more mundane explanation for such haste was soon found - Margarita was expecting a child.

Rita Agibalova, like many of her colleagues, uses Instagram to communicate with fans. After Agibalova Jr. decided to stay on the project after the birth of her child, it was like another drop that added fuel to the fire of interest in the project. Of course! Now it has become interesting how to build relationships not just as a couple, but as a married couple.

However, the marriage did not work out. Margarita soon filed for divorce, accusing her husband of all sins. Well, building a family under the guns of cameras is brave act, but hardly initially correct for those who long for their family.

Now Margarita Agibalova, whose Instagram photos are replete with family photos with her son, is trying to find family happiness again. But already in alliance with Pavel Marceau. Rita met the young man, of course, on the project. And she already managed to give birth to a daughter, Bella, from him.

Rita Marceau (Agibalova) on Instagram

The photo on Instagram of Rita Agibalova is an interesting sight. Rita became even prettier after the birth of her second child. Latest photos just captured this important event: the appearance of the baby, a bunch of gifts that the young parents received, Agibalova herself with her daughter in her arms and other “charms” associated with the appearance of a child in the family.

What is not on the page are photographs of her husband. According to the girl, he does not like popularity, but she is always ready to meet.

Given her busyness with her child, Margarita Agibalova devotes little time to her blog. But new photos invariably receive comments, and the number of Rita’s regular subscribers is more than one hundred thousand.