How old is Ira Pinchuk from House 2. The mothers of the reality show participants believe that the girl will not find love in the Perimeter. In their opinion, Ira Pinchuk should leave the site and try to find a wealthy man who will not humiliate her

Irina was born in 1995 in the Bryansk region. Her family was of average income, but the girl’s parents Inna and Sergei did not refuse her anything. At school P inchuk actively participated in skits, played in KVN and for 4 years went to theater Club. A cherished dream The girls had an acting career.

From the age of 13, Irina gradually tried to earn money herself: she delivered newspapers, sold clothes at the local market, and from the age of 18 she worked as a sales consultant. Having failed to realize himself creatively, Pinchuk “just for show” Graduated from the Technological Institute with a degree in Commodity Research and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods.

Deciding to radically change her life and get away from the surrounding dullness and routine, in the summer of 2016, Pinchuk packed her things and went to Dom-2.

Irina Pinchuk in the show Dom-2

In your questionnaire, which everyone who wants to get on the TV set fills out, Irina Pinchuk wrote that “she needs a guy for perversion” and said that she really wants to find a man “just like wow” and marry him. On September 7, 2016, the brunette became a participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2. Island of love ". Pinchuk, in the company of 12 girls, flew to the Seychelles to fight for the heart of avid bachelors - Ivan Barzikov and Alexander Zadoynov.

Irina was unlucky at first on Love Island: according to the results audience voting she was assigned to a maid. However, a week later Ira and Ivan Barzikov declared themselves a couple, and in last days the day before the guy went on a date with her. However, Ivan continued to behave freely with the rest of the young ladies. Ira was upset by the behavior of her chosen one and spent several evenings sorting things out with him.

After the party on Love Island, flirting began between Pinchuk and Zadoinov, and the very next day they declared themselves a couple and went on a date. For Barzikov, this came as a real shock, because he did not expect such a betrayal from his friend, so he attacked him with his fists. However, very soon Irina returned to Barzikov, tearfully asking Ivan to give their relationship a second chance. The young man forgave the cheater, and the couple reunited. They even managed to reach the finals and win a million for their wedding.

Irina Pinchuk explained this back and forth between the two guys on social networks: “There was no mutual understanding in the relationship with Vanya... All these provocations, and his behavior in general, misled me. The final point was after a quarrel in the dressing room, I was scared and very angry with Vanya. AT THAT moment it seemed to me that that was it! I can’t build a relationship with a person like him, not only on the project, but also outside the perimeter. At that moment, Sasha was nearby, who calmed him down, lifted his spirits, and also took offense at Vanya. In general, it all ended with us kissing... Sasha began to defend me in front of the team, defended me, with him I felt like a little baby who was under the protection of a real man, we tried a relationship with him, but it lasted literally a couple of days. This time was enough for me to understand who I want to see next to me... I missed Vanya wildly.”

After returning to the clearing of “House-2”, it turned out that the guy really had not forgiven Irina for betraying him, he began to criticize the girl and make all sorts of claims against her. Pinchuk, on her knees, asked him for forgiveness for his unworthy behavior and invited Ivan to forget everything and start a relationship with him for the third time. clean slate, but Barzikov was adamant.

At the end of June 2018, 24-year-old Irina Pinchuk returned to the project. Roman Gritsenko corresponded with the luxurious brunette for several weeks, then invited her to a reality show. According to Roman, Ira is the first girl who was able to interest him in the project. However long relationship Things didn’t work out between Irina and Roman.

After separating from his wife, he began to build a relationship with Pinchuk. But this relationship cannot be called cloudless, despite the fact that in February 2019 Valery and Irina arrived in Odessa, where Blumenkranz introduced the girl to his parents. Soon after this trip, the couple quarreled. Irina left Blumenkranz, but remained on the project, succumbing to the persuasion of Vlad Kadoni.

Irina Pinchuk. Personal life

At the beginning of December 2016, news appeared on the official website of the TV set that Irina Pinchuk was no longer a participant in Dom-2. The reason for leaving was an affair with Voronezh “Fakel” football player Dmitry Tikhim. The young man wrote messages to Irina on Instagram for a long time, and the girl, in order to escape from painful thoughts after the breakup, agreed to a meeting with the 24-year-old athlete. They spent New Year 2017 as a couple in Goa. It is known that Dima took Irina to Voronezh, where the girl settled in his apartment.

Former participant of “House-2” Irina Pinchuk became one of the few who left the project for the sake of love outside the perimeter. Many participants do not advertise it, but in addition to their “domovo” relationships, they also have relationships outside the television set.

Ira could not give up her principles and, in order not to lie to herself and not mislead other people, she left the TV show. The young lady made scandals, threw tantrums, made wrong decisions, but did not play on camera.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the scandalous reality show was born on February 11, 1995, in the tiny town of Unecha (Bryansk region). Since childhood, mother Inna and father Evgeniy surrounded their beloved daughter with attention and care. From the star’s biography it is known that Ira’s family had average income. But, despite this, they tried not to deny the girl anything. Her parents raised the good-natured Ira exclusively with “carrots”; there was never a “stick” in her life.

At school, the cheerful brunette did not miss the opportunity to express herself. The girl took part in skits, played in KVN and went to a theater club for 4 years. The young lady's cherished dream was an acting career.

The problem was that it was always difficult for the restless charmer to sit for a long time at books and scrupulously read the text. Having failed to enter the desired university, Ira did not have to choose.

Future star"Dom-2" graduated from the Technological Institute with a degree in Commodity Research and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods. By the way, Pinchuk herself has repeatedly stated that she received her education “for show” and does not intend to connect her life with merchandising.

In general, the ex-participant was not afraid of working with youth strived for financial independence. Yes, with early age(13 years old) the girl delivers newspapers, sells clothes at the local market, and since the age of 18 she has been working as a sales consultant. But soon the dullness and routine that enveloped Irina became the cause of nervous breakdowns. Deciding to radically change his life, Pinchuk packs his things and leaves for Dom-2.

"House 2"

In the questionnaire that everyone who wants to get on the TV show fills out, Ira wrote that she was looking for a man “for perversion.” Such a statement could not go unnoticed, and on September 7, 2016, the bright brunette became a participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2: Island of Love.” Pinchuk, in the company of 12 girls, flew to the Seychelles to fight for the hearts of avid bachelors - and. A modest girl with pretty features and a charming smile immediately becomes the favorite of both suitors.

Initially, Ira gave preference to Ivan Barzikov. But accustomed to female attention the guy was in no hurry to burden himself with a serious relationship, flirting with all the brides in turn. Pinchuk, not accustomed to the status of “one of”, after a noisy party, in revenge for the womanizer, declared herself a couple with Alexander Zadoynov.

No matter how hard the young lady tries, you can’t order your heart. A couple of days later, the fatal beauty realized that, being next to Alexander, her thoughts were completely occupied with Ivan. The young lady broke up with Zadoinov and began tearfully begging Ivan to give their relationship a second chance. The young man forgave the cheater, and the couple reunited.

Viewers who had been following the project for a long time knew that the jealous Ivan would never forget the betrayal, and with every quarrel Pinchuk would remember her “mistake.” Despite the distrust of the couple, the young people managed to reach the finals and win a million for the wedding.

After the island, the guys returned to the clearing. As it turned out, the guy really did not forgive Irina for betraying him, and the resentment that was destroying him from the inside burst out every day in a flurry of criticism and claims. As TV viewers expected, the tandem of Barzikov and Pinchuk broke up.

Before leaving, the girl, on her knees, asked the macho man of the project for forgiveness for her unworthy behavior. She suggested that Ivan forget everything and start building a relationship from scratch for the 3rd time, but the guy was adamant and remained true to his decision.

Personal life

At the beginning of December 2016, news appeared on the official website of the project that the favorite of TV viewers, Irina Pinchuk, was no longer a participant in the TV show. The reason for leaving was an affair with Voronezh “Fakel” football player Dmitry Tikhim.

The young people met at the moment when Ivan Barzikov put an end to his relationship with the girl. Irina was in a decadent mood and, trying to escape from painful thoughts, agreed to a meeting with a 24-year-old guy who had been writing to her in Direct (Instagram) for a long time.

During the conversation, it turned out that the football player was leaving on vacation in a couple of days, and Pinchuk herself was flying to the Seychelles at the same time. Soon, Irina is given another day off so that the young lady can thoroughly prepare for the islands.

Young people meet again. Dima reports that there was a mix-up with the tickets and he is not flying anywhere. To the beauty's disappointment, her tickets were in perfect order. In the genre of the best melodramas, 10 hours before departure, the rated participant informs the organizers that she is leaving the project, and the newly formed couple is celebrating the New Year 2017 in India, in Goa.

Today it is known that Dima took Irina to Voronezh, where after the project the girl settled in his apartment.

Irina Pinchuk now

Last night Irina Pinchuk went live to chat with her subscribers. It was late, many on the set went to the side, and Pinchuk live there were about a thousand spectators. The girl was shocked by her popularity and immediately made a request to those who love her - she needs support.

The guys don’t believe that Irina has “live” subscribers on social networks. Pinchuk hasn’t even been on House 2 for a year, and she has more of them than the main stars of the reality show Alexandra Cherno, Ilya Yabbarov, Alexey Kupin, Maya Dontsova. The girl herself cannot explain how this happened, and her envious colleagues cannot believe that she. And to prove she was right, Irina asked her subscribers to help her.

Pinchuk needs a new phone!

One of these days the girl will publish a post under which her subscribers will have to make themselves known. Ira doesn’t ask to write odes of praise; a dot or an emoticon is enough to make it immediately clear that the account is active. She, of course, does not expect that all 409,000 will respond, but she really hopes that she will be able to prove that she is right.

By the way, Pinchuk has an old phone model and her friend suggested asking her subscribers for more money, at least 100 rubles each, thereby they can prove their activity... Ira is trying for them, taking pictures of her beloved, posting videos in stories. Is it more pleasant to look at a higher quality picture?

Before joining the television set, the spectacular brunette lived in Bryansk and worked as a sales consultant, but since childhood she dreamed of fame: she played in KVN and studied in a theater studio.

Small hometown did not allow her to realize her creative ambitions, and in 2016 Irina went to the casting of “Dom-2”.

The girl ended up in the Seychelles and for a long time could not decide which of the avid bachelors - Alexander Zadoynov or Ivan Barzikov - she wanted to be with. Irina made her choice in favor of Ivan and won a million rubles with him for the wedding, but the marriage did not take place.

The ex-tenant started Instagram and kept fans up to date with her life, filming videos and answering questions.

Unfortunately, a year later the affair with the athlete ended, and Pinchuk returned to Dom-2 to try her luck a second time.

Irina Pinchuk before and after plastic surgery

After leaving the television project, Irina lost weight sharply, and along with the 8 kilograms, her attractive shape disappeared.

The brunette did not accept this situation and had mammoplasty. She carefully chose a plastic surgeon and was very pleased with the result of her breast augmentation. In March 2018, Irina showed a fan new image, posting hot photos on Instagram. Followers positively assessed the changes and noted that the bust is very natural and sexy.

In the photo of Irina Pinchuk before and after plastic surgery, you can see how her clothing style has changed: now she prefers outfits with a deep neckline.

After her second appearance on the project, participants and viewers noticed how prettier and fresher Ira became during her absence. Perhaps, in order to shine on the screen, she received “beauty injections” and underwent a course of mesotherapy.

Some fans believe that the star's plump, well-defined, evenly contoured lips are the result of fillers. But a comparison of the photos shows that the suspicions are unfounded.

Personal life of Irina Pinchuk

Returning to the project in the summer of 2018, Irina began to build a relationship with Roman Gritsenko, who had been paying attention to Olga Buzova for a long time.

The young man can’t decide on his feelings and brings both girls to tears. Because of this, Pinchuk was thinking about leaving the reality show again, but for now she decided to refrain from making hasty decisions.

The show participant continued to improve her appearance. She had her upper lip waxed to get rid of the frizz that was causing her to get ridiculed.

The girl changed her hairstyle and turned her straight black hair into cool curls. According to fans, the experiment was unsuccessful and spoiled the quality of the hair.

Although Pinchuk values ​​the attention and love of subscribers and viewers, when it comes to her appearance, she doesn’t listen to anyone and sticks to her own style.
