Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of Baba Yaga. Interpretation of the meanings of letters in fortune telling. The most common symbols and their interpretation

This type of fortune telling is one of the most popular. It originated a long time ago and is still used today. Even people who are not very knowledgeable in esotericism take on it.

Of great importance is the fact that you can carry out fortune telling on coffee grounds without leaving your home, over a morning cup of drink. You just need to prepare it correctly and strictly follow the directions.

The method is quite simple and does not take much time.

In order for the prediction to be as accurate as possible, all rules must be followed.

In order to accurately find out your fate, it is better to choose a special time of day that is conducive to the fulfillment of the prediction. An hour is suitable, which can be divided without remainder into three. That is, the most successful would be nine in the morning, twelve in the afternoon or three in the afternoon.

The drink must be prepared from grain. It is this type of sediment that gives the required amount of sediment, the location of which determines the prediction of fate. It must be boiled until completely cooked, and then, before trying your luck, you should hold it in your hands, concentrating on current situation things.

Before you start fortune telling by coffee grounds, you need to think carefully about what is visible in the resulting sediment pattern. The direction of your interest should be limited to one most important matter.

Take a white cup and saucer without a pattern. Leave the coffee for the grounds to settle, then drink.

With thoughts about their fate, they take the container with their left hand and mix the sediment three times, moving their hand in a circle as the hours progress. It is advisable to make the movement vigorously, so that the sediment splashes to the edge of the cup. It should leave a clear mark on the walls.

Then they turn it over and quickly pour the liquid onto the saucer, leaving it for seven seconds.

Interpretation of the resulting symbols

First, look at the pattern that appears on the sides of the cup. It foretells future events. What remains on the platter tells of the past. The coffee sediment, which is located in the center, tells about the distant state of affairs.

First, the resulting patterns are studied coffee grounds from the left edge to the right, then in the opposite direction and finally in the central part.

The correct interpretation of the symbols that appear is very important. First, the resulting strokes are examined.

Large horizontal line - no difficulties are expected.

The little one promises fulfillment of desires.

If the number of lines is increased, then their number is a good sign, foreshadowing longevity.

A slanted line warns that there is a real danger of developing some disease. A large number of them directly signals the complete collapse of the plan.

If the line takes the shape of an arc, then such a symbol indicates that an ill-wisher has appeared in the environment.

The zigzag suggests that in order to fulfill your plans you will have to look for roundabout ways.

The appearance of a cross means the destruction of a love affair.

The character of the resulting image also makes sense:

The most common drawings are:

Arched structure. It portends troubles that may relate to health or current affairs.

Butterfly. This symbol promises some unexpected event or possible threat.

The house foreshadows the emerging stability in financial affairs And sharp turn events to their successful resolution.

The fence speaks of possible obstacles in the implementation of plans and the failure of plans.

The ring speaks of the onset of stability in business.

The ship portends quick and great success.

The cat signals: one of the friends is planning betrayal.

The flame indicates that a person needs to learn to restrain himself.

The spider adds: to achieve a positive result of your plan, ingenuity and dexterity are required.

Jigsaw warns that family conflict will soon follow.

The violin says: a person has fallen into excessive narcissism, which it is advisable to stop quickly.

The owl warns in advance of upcoming difficult trials.

The sun promises gaining respect from others and a positive outcome of the plan.

In some cases, signs are visible that clearly follow the contours of some letters. Not all of them matter, but some are worth taking a closer look at.

In the coffee grounds, you can sometimes see certain numbers that also carry precise meaning.

A clearly visible zero indicates that fate favors the person.

What you need to pay special attention to

You shouldn’t guess on the coffee grounds every day, especially if you drink more than one cup of the drink per day. You can try to look into your destiny only in those cases when the state of affairs becomes unclear and it is necessary to know the further direction of destiny in order to act correctly.

It is worth taking a very close look at the location of the coffee grounds, realizing that the more of them there are, the more difficult life will be.

It is advisable to pay attention not only to individual figures, but also to their combination. The combination of patterns means a coherent story about upcoming events. Small icons must also be taken into account, but they are unlikely to have a significant impact on fate. As a rule, their appearance only allows us to more fully interpret the meaning of the figure closest to them.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

People know a lot of fortune telling; one of the most popular ways to find out what awaits you in the near future is coffee fortune telling. Its prevalence is largely due to its ease of implementation and reliable results. But the most important part in this procedure is to establish the correct designation of the figures that appeared on the coffee grounds during the fortune telling process.

If you want to seek advice on the future of your coffee drink, you should stock up on the following equipment:

  • porcelain cup of a single color;
  • ground coffee;
  • coffee pot.

Also, before you begin the fortune-telling procedure itself, you will need to sit quietly for a few minutes, stepping away for a moment from the whole world around you and mentally holding the question that is troubling you.

Pour ground coffee beans into a coffee pot or special pot and bring them to a boil. Then pour the resulting drink into a cup and, when the coffee has cooled a little, drink it. And then turn the coffee grounds over onto a plate. Then you take the cup in your hands, again concentrate on the topic of your question and turn the cup three times in a circle in a clockwise direction. Do this quite energetically.

Then you need to carefully study the resulting pattern. So the spots located on the walls of the cup will tell you about the near future, and the images on the bottom will tell you about past events. Next we will tell you how to correctly interpret the result.

Deciphering patterns on coffee grounds

People and body parts:

  • Eyes - changes will burst into your life.
  • Head - in your circle of friends there is a very positive guy who will have a good influence on your future.
  • Head in profile - you have very good protection.
  • Woman's head - get ready, love will come into your life soon.
  • Male head - portends separation from your loved one.
  • The head is turned upward - you have a powerful patron.
  • The head is turned down - you should be more careful, you are in danger.
  • Mouth - expect positive news, you will also receive support from your friends and family.
  • Two heads located in the center of the cup - you will soon get married.
  • Two profiles that a line intersects - such a pattern promises a quick quarrel with a dear person.
  • Many goals - if it’s hard for you now, don’t worry - help will soon come from loved ones.
  • Old lady - her appearance indicates a strong love affair and a happy married life.
  • Hand - something will cause you disappointment, you will part with your illusions.
  • Human and animal - in your circle of friends there is a person who is ready to provide you with care.

Animal world

  • Butterfly - they will write you a love letter.
  • Bull - beware of danger.
  • Camel - you will soon achieve material success.
  • Dove - you have a very good, sincere friend.
  • Raven - it is unlucky to see him.
  • The hare represents the rhinestone, the inability to correctly understand current events.
  • The snake is an insidious person who wishes you harm.
  • Cow - good luck protects you, you will soon become happy.
  • Cat - not so much auspicious symbol, to material losses, ruin.
  • Chicken - you will have to help a new person in your environment.
  • Swan - you will completely unexpectedly receive a large sum of money.
  • Leo - powerful friends, power.
  • Fox - you will encounter cunning, insincerity, lies.
  • Frog - seeing it means receiving good news.
  • Bear - be careful - you are in danger, but you can still protect yourself from it.
  • Ant - appears on the coffee grounds to troubles and fuss.
  • Fly - you will soon gain an inheritance and get rich.
  • Deer is a symbol of honesty, wisdom and openness.
  • Eagle - now you are forced to fight with someone, but you will certainly win this fight.
  • Spider - you will receive a pleasant present.
  • Rooster - promises good news, happy events.
  • Pisces - get ready for a pleasant trip and positive news.
  • Elephant - acts as a symbol of strength, portends material success.
  • Dog - you have a faithful companion.
  • Owl - a serious illness cannot be ruled out.
  • Tiger - aggression.
  • A lizard is a nice surprise, a surprise.

Watch how coffee fortune telling is done in this video.


  • Oak - indicates victory.
  • Willow - portends depression with tears.
  • Clover - believe me: very soon there will be no trace of your problems.
  • Bush - the business you have taken on will soon end in failure.
  • Forest - you have chosen the wrong path in life or your partner.
  • Lily - if it is located along the walls, it promises stability in relationships, and if at the bottom - conflicts.
  • – get ready to put on your wedding dress.
  • Violet - you will marry a rich man.
  • Chrysanthemum - love will come to you in adulthood.


  • A car promises pleasant trips and travels.
  • - you will have a mutual feeling.
  • Angel - get good news, someone will make you happy.
  • Fork - indicates material well-being, luxury.
  • The coffin does not portend happy events.
  • The coffin and the cross are death.
  • A coffin and a bed - someone will soon become seriously ill.
  • Door - you will be successful in all your new ventures.
  • Home - you will find marital happiness.
  • Dagger - you have enemies, aggression towards you.
  • The key is that you can safely take on any new endeavors - they will end in success.
  • The wheel is an interesting adventure.
  • The ring is for the wedding.
  • Hammer - you will make decisions at random, but everything will end well.
  • Knife - you will face loss, damage, you will have to sacrifice yourself.
  • Scissors - promise prosperity.
  • Shoes - beware of danger.
  • A weapon means serious quarrels and scandals.
  • Folder - things will end in success.
  • The loop is a very unfavorable symbol; it predicts bad events and death.
  • Glove - an old love will return to your life.
  • Horseshoe - to luck and success.
  • Dishes - unexpectedly meet an old friend.
  • Candle - to dreams.
  • Chair - money, good career.
  • Flag - warns of possible danger, act thoughtfully.
  • The hat is a sign of success and glory.
  • An anchor is a symbol of good luck, happiness, success with a clear picture and problems in the love sphere with a blurry picture.


  • Arc - the appearance of an insidious enemy.
  • Star - you will get rid of what bothers you.
  • Square - you will not need anything.
  • The cross is bad news (if it is solid) and a successful married life if it has clear contours and is white inside.
  • Circle - you easily make new acquaintances.
  • Oval - promises a quick wedding, marriage.
  • Dots with dashes - happy events and success are coming.
  • Triangle - you will be unexpectedly lucky (if it is closed), the appearance of a patron in your life (if it is closed).
  • Dashes - change jobs.
  • Quadrangle - you will be lucky in the love sphere.


  • One - they love you.
  • Two - to failure, unfavorable events.
  • Three - to successful transactions, financial profit.
  • Four is success.
  • Five - to empty talk, gossip.
  • Six - you will get married soon.
  • Seven is a mutual feeling.
  • Eight - quarrel with a loved one.
  • Nine - new acquaintances.
  • Ten and one hundred - to luck and success.
  • 101 and more – to longevity.

Knowing how to correctly tell fortunes with coffee, you can lift the veil of the future a little and find out what fate has prepared for you in the near future. The main thing is to sincerely believe in it and adhere to all the rules described above.

Almost everyone has heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds, and some have tried at least once in their lives to use such a tasty and safe way to determine their immediate future. TO this method You can be skeptical, but if you correctly interpret the symbols when fortune telling on coffee grounds, the result will pleasantly surprise you. The history of this ritual goes back a long way - in many countries over the past seven centuries, they either actively applied the method in practice or banned it.

In our country, they began to determine the future by the pattern on the thicket from the time of Peter the Great. To this day, people who find themselves in difficult life situation, they rush to resort to this method, deciphering the pattern on the thicket themselves, or with the help of specialists in this field.

The prediction will come true if you follow the basic rules and study the specifics of deciphering objects and figures that appear in the cup.

The history of fortune telling on coffee grounds

Coffee appeared in Russia during the time of Tsar Alexander Mikhailovich, to whom a doctor prescribed the drink as a medicine. However, coffee gained its popularity during the reign of Peter the Great, who was impressed by many things during his travels throughout Europe.

The tsar literally forced the boyars, who tasted the drink like boiled soot, to drink coffee and not slander the worthy product. Over time, coffee shops began to open, and the drink was served at receptions and social events.

  • Empress Catherine the Great drank coffee every day, and it was so strong that 4 cups of the drink required a whole pound, that is, 400 grams of beans. From the sediment in her coffee pot, the footmen brewed another portion of coffee for themselves.
  • The empress's love for science and education is also known. She considered fortune tellers, interpreters, healers and parapsychologists to be smart and enlightened people, and encouraged their activities.
  • During her reign, various reference books were published for the interpretation of predictions. Court fortune tellers increasingly began to use the empress's favorite drink to read the future.

Soon coffee began to be consumed not only by members of the nobility, but gradually it became available to all residents of the country. That's when it began to gain popularity new way fortune telling - using traces of grounds remaining on the dishes. Fortune tellers were called coffee girls and were often invited to social functions to entertain guests with predictions of the future.

However, among common people the method of fortune telling with coffee was still a big mystery.

  1. Firstly, for a long time coffee was simply an unaffordable luxury for the population of villages, and secondly, village rituals had, rather, practical significance: to charm a cow into a good milk yield, to drive away a disease, to make a talisman.
  2. In addition, they were hardly able to master the scheme of symbol interpretation and remember their meaning. The attitude towards this type of fortune telling among the common people was very skeptical.

It was then that they began to use the expression “fortune-telling from coffee grounds,” when they meant forecasts built from scratch, unsubstantiated predictions.

Coffee prophecies: examples from history

Due to the fact that fortune telling on coffee grounds appeared several centuries ago and was quite widespread, legends and facts about famous predictions have also been preserved.

Paul I

There is a legend that one day a gypsy woman came to the palace of the Russian emperor and asked to report to the sovereign about her arrival. She said that she could predict to Paul I how long he would rule the country. Out of curiosity, the emperor agreed, and then the fortune teller asked him to drink coffee, and then began to read his fate in a cup of grounds. She predicted to the ruler that he would remain on the throne for another 3 years, and then his life would end.

The Emperor became angry and ordered the gypsy woman to be thrown into prison. Then he returned her and ordered her to repeat the ritual again. The fortune teller turned to the coffee signs three more times, but the answer did not change. Paul's order remained unchanged; the gypsy was returned to prison.

They forgot about her for a while, but when an heir was about to appear in the reigning family, the ruler again called the fortune teller, inviting her to tell fortunes again, report the result of the birth, and name the gender of the child. The gypsy answered unmistakably, and when her prediction came true, the emperor set her free, rewarding her with a large sum of money.

Paul I, after the prediction, actually ruled for another 3 years, and then was killed.

A friend of the poet once suggested that he look into the then famous fortuneteller in St. Petersburg, Charlotte Kirghoff.

She told Pushkin:

  • conversation about service
  • money,
  • two links, one to the south, the other to the north.
  • And in the 37th year of her life she said to beware of the white head, the white horse and white man. And, looking into his friend’s cup, she said that he had very little time left to live, no more than two days.

Both left the fortune teller with mixed feelings, and the very next day it became known that in the morning his friend was killed in the barracks by one of the soldiers.

  1. The first prediction about money came true almost immediately. On the same day, he received an envelope with a letter from a friend at the Tsar’s Lyceum, who repaid an old debt.
  2. Conversations about service also did not take long to arise; General Orlov invited the poet to join his guards regiment.
  3. Below are two links. First, Pushkin was sent to Kishinev, to the south. Afterwards, head north, near Pskov.

Alexander Sergeevich never forgot about the words of the seer. After her words regarding exile, fame and money came true, he began to avoid fair-haired people and was in every possible way wary of not only light color hair, but even mentions of a white head or a white horse in a person’s surname.

There are many biographical moments from Pushkin's life that confirm his caution towards blondes. However, when between the poet and Dantes, a blond man with long hair, a conflict arose, Pushkin seemed to have forgotten all his caution, and met death in a duel at the Black River, in the 37th year of his life.

Napoleon received his prediction in his youth, when he was still an artillery officer, it sounded like this:

“You will be crowned, you will receive all the benefits, fame and wealth, but by the fortieth year you will forget that your wife was sent to you by higher powers and leave her. This is where the beginning of the end will come for you. You will die alone and in pain, everyone will turn away from you.”

It's hard to say how I reacted future emperor to the words of the seer, however, as we know, the prediction came true, and everything happened exactly as it was said.

Another curious fact: the same fortuneteller, having deciphered the message in the thick of it, predicted the general’s widow, Josephine de Beauharnais, to marry a man who would make her empress, but in this marriage both spouses would be unhappy, and it would all end in divorce. And soon after that she will die.

Josephine took these words as a mockery, because she was a widow with two children. However, a year later she married Napoleon, who at that time was a general. After 3 years he becomes first consul, and after another 5, in the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris, he and Josephine were crowned.

The fortuneteller Lenormand, the seer herself, becomes an important person in the life of the empress, and one day, while fortune-telling, she reports that the Russians will defeat the French, and that Napoleon himself will face shame, exile and a difficult death. Josephine, after hesitating, told her husband about everything, at which he became angry and called the fortune teller a charlatan. However, this prophecy was destined to come true.

It is difficult to judge the veracity of these stories. However, their existence cannot be denied either, because after time, they are still remembered and talked about.

Fortune telling procedure using coffee grounds

Despite the widespread use of fortune telling, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere.

  1. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out.
  2. You will also need porcelain cup and a saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings or inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are also not suitable for the procedure.
  3. Coffee should be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. The “oriental” recipe is ideal.

You can buy the finest grind coffee and brew it with boiling water directly in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to experience the beauty of the process, to feel in touch with many people from different generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, you have time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there.” It is necessary to mentally turn to higher powers that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that you are not distracted by anything.

  • Pour the coffee into a cup and, when it has cooled a little, drink slowly, savoring every sip, while continuing to concentrate on your questions. You shouldn’t drink all the liquid completely, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
  • Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not spill, but it should reach almost to the edges.
  • Then quickly turn the cup over onto the saucer. In this case, one of its edges should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup stands at an angle.
  • Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
    Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. All that remains is to read it.

Which coffee to choose

Natural coffee (two thirds of the composition is coarse and one third fine). The best option for carrying out the ritual is a mixture of three tablespoons of coffee per liter of water. The sediment from the bottom will tell about the future coffee cup.

The ritual of those distant times is very similar to the one that modern fortune tellers perform today, and its basic principles have hardly changed. It's quite simple. For a successful ceremony fortune telling on coffee grounds, you need to pour the ground beans into the coffee pot. Then, adding water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

What kind of utensils are needed for fortune telling using coffee grounds?

In order to carry out the ritual correctly and follow all the details exactly, you need:

Porcelain coffee cup. It is better if it is monochromatic and light, and its inner walls must be completely smooth and white.

Fortune telling technique using coffee grounds

  1. Before the ceremony begins, you need to concentrate as much as possible, try to clearly and clearly imagine what you are interested in and what you would like to receive by performing, future, which is possible, and pictures of the past, with which the most vivid experiences are associated.
  2. Freshly brewed coffee should be poured into a cup and the drink should be allowed to sit for a few minutes. After this, offer a drink to a person who wants to know the fate and secrets of the future. And he should drain the cup almost completely, leaving only a little, in a volume approximately equal to a tablespoon, with liquid and grounds at the bottom.
  3. Coffee fortune telling The fortuneteller will now continue. He should thoroughly shake and stir the remaining contents, once again focusing on the main purpose of the prediction. Here you need to make three circular movements, always clockwise, distributing the coffee grounds along the walls so that the contents of the cup reach the edges.
  4. Next, turn the cup over and place it on the saucer, and mentally count to seven. Focus on the images is the most important thing in the ritual. And the ancients believed in the deep meaning of the connection that arises at this moment between the fortuneteller and higher powers. And if the predictor did everything somehow, then they believed that such a seer should not be trusted.

Previously, during fortune telling, various magic spells, but modern fortune tellers have simplified this ritual a little, but this does not mean that fancy coffee drawings cannot provide answers to the questions of curious questioners.

How to correctly interpret the arrangement of figures

After everything has been followed exactly necessary requirements, and the actions are performed correctly, you should carefully examine the patterns and stains formed on the walls of the cup, which are of great importance.

Coffee fortune telling gives figures, which can be clear, but also subtle. And the clearer the images, the greater significance they can have for the fate of the questioner.

For correct interpretation signs are important not only the meaning, but also the location of the figures. And the images can be depicted both at the bottom of the cup, and from right to left and from bottom to top, telling about passing events in the life of the questioner. And those going clockwise, as well as down from the top edge, talk about what is included in a person’s life.

For ease of understanding coffee grounds patterns, you need to take the cup by hand. And then the right-sided drawings will tell about the past, and the left-sided ones will tell about the future.

The symbols located at the very top rim speak of events that should be expected, but the lower the patterns go, the more distant the past they show. The spots near the handle of the cup tell about the fortuneteller, and on the opposite side they tell about other people.

  1. Events of the present or near future.
  2. Distant future events.
  3. Obstacles and failures.
  4. Personality characteristics of the fortuneteller.
  5. That which will pass away or move away and become less significant.
  6. Something that will occupy your thoughts and become part of your life.

Interpretation of symbols

The direction of the images is taken into account, which goes from the handle clockwise.

  • If symbols denoting certain phenomena are directed toward the handle (an animal with its head, a knife with its blade), this means that they should enter a person’s life.
  • If they are directed away from the handle, possible changes will pass by.
  • The closer the symbols are to the pen, the more personal they are. This is a story of events related to family and everyday life.
  • Signs close to the opposite side are associated with less significant, distant spheres.
  • Signs by left side pens talk about upcoming affairs that will be a continuation of the vicissitudes of the past years. The symbols on the right are the future, which is not directly related to the past.
  • Invisible hour lines are laid from the rim of the cup to its bottom, which indicate certain periods of life.
  • Placing the symbol near the rim means that the event will occur within a month or a month and a half; spots in the middle zone - to the fulfillment of what was predicted after 2-4 months; at the very bottom - what awaits you at the end of your life's journey.

But if the signs near the bottom are unclear or are interpreted in two ways, then predicting the time of such events is a thankless task. In general, very vague symbols that vaguely resemble something in outline are considered last.

At the same time, there are clots of coffee, in which you can easily guess:

  1. figures of people
  2. animals,
  3. geometric designs and letters indicate pressing issues.

The exception is the abundant thicket at the very bottom. Even if it is framed in clear images, its accumulation is a bad sign. However, the bottom covered with coffee residues may also be the result of improper brewing of the product or little experience in preparing the mixture.

The size of the symbols reflects the significance of events, the degree of their influence on fate as a whole.

  1. Large signs determine the basis of the entire prediction, its dominant line.
  2. Medium-sized images and small spots are not interpreted separately, but they have a connection with large ones.
  3. If there are two or three of the latter, then the one surrounded by clearer additional symbols is considered dominant.

Therefore, the importance of miniature spots should not be diminished. Often it is the dots near a vague three-dimensional symbol that make it possible to reveal the meaning of the second one.

As you gain experience, a quick glance is enough to determine who has to guess.

  • The darling of fate is easy to identify by seeing a huge number of positive symbols. Even obstacles in the form of betrayal, spending money and other troubles are insignificant and fleeting for such lucky ones.
  • A chronic loser is guessed by a chain of symbols directed in an “unlucky” sequence.

For example, before the symbol denoting marriage there is a sign of loss, which excludes an imminent wedding. Or symbol career growth looks impressive, but is surrounded by lines indicating the failure of all plans. However, fate is merciful to most people; it gives joy, only occasionally interspersed with difficulties.

Fortune telling is not only the determination of events destined for a person. Predictions can be used to stop being a performer who blindly trusted the will of heaven. The risk of getting sick, in particular, can be minimized by taking care of your health. And the likelihood of problems during a business trip can be eliminated by simply refusing a business trip.

Examples of interpretation

It is impossible to interpret an isolated symbol; it is endowed with meaning only depending on those adjacent to it on the time line.

So, full moon formed by coffee grounds - for an imminent wedding. However, if there is a balloon nearby, then the marriage will probably be followed by a move. The larger the ball, the further you have to go. At the same time, the proximity of the number “5” is an indicator that there will be a lot of gossip around the wedding.

A spot shaped like a suitcase predicts travel. But if a semblance of a person has formed nearby (a point with several lines - conventional torso, arms, legs), then guests are expected from afar. The closer the person is to the handle, the more likely it is that a relative will come.

A branch (a long line with adjacent short ones) symbolizes betrayal. If this image is complemented by clouds, then betrayal will certainly lead to depression. The glove visible next is a sign that from depressive state will result in the awakening of old feelings.

Cat and mouse

The outlines of these two domestic animals are often seen at the bottom of the cup by the person performing the ritual. Typically, such drawings do not bode well if you notice them during fortune telling on coffee grounds.


Cat- a symbol of cunning, poverty and dirt. If it is closer to the top of the cup, it means that you have enemies who dominate you and lead you into a blind corner. Therefore, you need to carefully analyze the actions of people from your environment and stop such connections. Do not get involved in major disputes, do not argue or provoke scandals. If the cat is located at the bottom of the dish, expect a serious disagreement with your loved ones. If an animal is near a tree, there will be theft or imprisonment, with a person or person - you will find new opponents at work.

Mouse is also bad sign. First of all, the animal warns of losses that your loved ones may inflict on you. Carefully observe other figures when doing fortune telling on coffee grounds.


Mouse next to the circle - carefully monitor your jewelry and valuables that you may lose; if it is near the triangle, you can return the missing item or restore the damaged one; an animal conveniently located in the middle of the dishes - material difficulties and financial losses.

As for chiropteran rodents, they are more favorable to those who conduct fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: a bat is a sign of friendship and longevity. Often its outlines promise a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will help in life and become an ally.

The animal can also warn about deceitful comrades, conspiracies, intrigues and gossip emanating from them.

Other animals

First of all, let's talk about the dog, horse and pig. These animals come into contact with humans more often than others, help him in hard work and even feed him.

Dog- this is a friend. If you saw exactly this in the leftover coffee, higher powers warn about events related to your comrades.

  • For example, if an animal is in the middle of a cup, you will make friends with influential person. He will offer you a profitable, interesting business, which will invariably lead to success and prosperity.
  • A dog at the bottom of the dishes - friends will solve your problems, an animal surrounded by clouds - there is a traitor among your loved ones, near the outline of a face - do not neglect the advice, they are quite practical and useful.
  • A frightened animal with disheveled fur - a meeting with comrades from childhood and adolescence.

If you decide to do fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of the picture pigs, which you get in this case, will be negative. This animal is a symbol of lack of freedom, dependence on circumstances and other people.

  1. If the pig is at the top of the dish, you are feeding and supporting a parasite,
  2. If the animal is below, you live at someone else’s expense.
  3. A road running near an animal means spreading unfair rumors about you. Be careful, someone is trying to ruin your reputation.

But a horse seen in the coffee mass promises good luck. If it is at the bottom of the container, a prosperous old age awaits you; in the middle - wealth and a successful union. An ox obtained during fortune telling means happiness, a hare - indecision and cowardice, a goat - travel and adventure, a cow - acquaintance with a pleasant person of the opposite sex, a fox - loss, a bear - danger, and a deer - intelligence.

Overseas guests

They are also often obtained during fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Interpretation: elephant is a sign of abundance and power. You are an important person, respected and powerful.

If an animal has a raised trunk, luxury and money will fall on your head unexpectedly, but will certainly be the result of your diligence and hard work. Typically, the result obtained during the ritual often depends on how correctly and competently the fortune-telling on the coffee grounds was carried out. The interpretation of “elephant” is unambiguous: it invariably means only prosperity and success.

But the interpretation lion changes depending on its location and posture. This animal is usually interpreted as a symbol of dignity, arrogance and pride.

  • If he is angry, with an open mouth and a raised tail, love torments and experiences await you;
  • dark animal - meeting with influential authority figures;
  • with stripes on the head and body - connections with the underworld, troubles, disputes;
  • near another animal - danger, collapse of a dream.

Camel- Very good sign. It means kindness, a cheerful and prosperous life.

  1. The animal located in the middle of the cup promises the favor of fortune,
  2. next to the tree is wealth,
  3. near the heart - dreaminess and naivety,
  4. in the company of clouds - a decent condition.

If there are stars around the camel, this means a quick and successful addition to the family. The baby will be smart and successful.

If you see a tiger in your coffee, fate asks you to think about your emotions. Learn to control and manage them.

Amphibians and insects

If during the ritual you notice a figure of something scary and poisonous on the dishes, such as a scorpion or a spider, do not be alarmed.

This does not always promise an unhappy future. True, the statement does not apply to the snake, the outlines of which speak exclusively of trouble. Be on the lookout if a figurine of this animal appears when you are doing fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Z meya- the personification of insincerity and lies, treacherous relationships and intrigues.

  • The reptile at the top of the cup predicts the gloating of enemies from the pain inflicted on you,
  • In the center - expect victory over a long-time enemy.
  • If the viper is torn into pieces, you should pay close attention to your health to avoid lingering illnesses.

Frog– sign mutual love, good news and success. Lizard is also a good omen that promises surprise and great things. Scorpio is always an enemy waiting for you around the corner, and also monetary losses and failed connections. Turtle makes it clear that the caution you took was not unnecessary. You managed to avoid problems, so keep up the good work. Regarding crocodile, then he promises a successful business, sensitivity and excessive sentimentality.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds and interpretation of signs is an entertaining pastime; your mood is especially lifted when the outlines of insects appear, because they always bring happiness. A bee promises profitable cooperation, a fly promises countless treasures, an ant promises successful business deals, a butterfly promises fresh impressions and the joy of communication, and a spider promises an unexpected gift.


A sign of a positive and good future is the rooster. It is often obtained by those people who often perform the ritual of fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: the rooster embodies family idyll, harmony, complete agreement. Often this is new news.

  1. If the bird sits on a hill, you will soon enter into a marriage;
  2. Standing near the road - expect a loss from an influential person; surrounded by trees - help from a stranger.
  3. If the rooster's beak is open, this is a sign of good news.
  4. A bird turned upside down promises a change in your situation for the better.

The duckling has always been considered a good symbol. He also signaled the defenselessness and vulnerability of the person who received his image during fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation: duck in the middle of the cup - take care of your soulmate, your actions may break his or her heart; next to a person - you have a reliable friend; near another bird - beware of unwanted proximity.

Our ancestors also considered the images of a dove and a swan to be good signs. The first promised fidelity and stability in relationships, the second promised unexpected financial income and confidence in the future.

  • As for the swan, they also paid attention to the color of the graceful bird.
  • If it is too dark, avoid nervous breakdowns,
  • Light - get it good position in society.
  • Two birds intertwined with their necks mean great, unbreakable love.

The crow has always been the embodiment of trouble and disorder. The chicken foreshadowed stupidity and material damage. The eagle promised unexpected news, and the owl - death or serious illness.

Fantastic creatures

Any ritual is always shrouded in mysticism: absorbing this mysterious and slightly fabulous atmosphere, we often imagine unreal images, we see dragons, mermaids, elves. Of course, this also happens during fortune telling on coffee grounds.


  1. The dragon is a symbol of unexpected circumstances, new encounters that can change your life.
  2. It can also portend worries and doubts, especially in financial matters.
  3. It's better to avoid complicated commercial scams.
  4. Pay attention to every little detail in order to correctly carry out the ritual of fortune telling on coffee grounds (interpretation).
  5. The dragon is a mythical creature, so its location on the dishes affects the essence of the prediction. Sometimes it promises separation from a loved one.
  6. In other cases, it promises the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of dreams.

Instead, the mermaid look should be a red light for you. You should immediately stop, think, rethink the situation if you saw it while doing fortune telling on coffee grounds.

  • Interpretation: mermaid - instability and uncertainty, the danger of seduction, temptation and deception.
  • Be careful in love and commercial matters, trust only yourself and finally take off your rose-colored glasses.

It is interesting that often the fortuneteller sees only the tail, without the body and head. In this case, the symbol is called a fish, and it has a completely different meaning. The main thing is to distinguish it from a mermaid: therefore, look carefully when doing fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Interpretation: fish - complete well-being.

  1. If it is at the top of the cup, wait important events, below - earn authority and respect in society. The meaning of the symbol changes greatly if the number of characters changes, so correctly decipher the fortune telling on coffee grounds - interpretation.
  2. A fish, for example, if it is not alone, but is in a school, is a good sign. You will have a one in a thousand chance to make huge profits and improve your well-being.


A cozy home, a funny key, an ominous coffin... Their outlines can also often be seen on the walls of dishes during the ritual of fortune telling on coffee grounds. Interpretation:

  • Key– your dreams will soon come true, you will receive everything to finally achieve your goal. The symbol also prophesies career advancement and creative growth. You might even write a piece of genius.
  • Ring- a sign of engagement or even marriage. If it is cracked or broken, beware of quarrels with your significant other. Such disagreements at this stage of the relationship will provoke separation.
  • Wheel– get ready to discover unprecedented countries. You have exciting adventures and intricate routes ahead of you. It's time to leave your home and plunge headlong into travel.
  • House, on the contrary, it suggests that you need to calm down and get your head together. This is a symbol of stability and constancy, coziness and comfort. Put things in order in your relationships, start a family, and then all problems will be solved on their own.
  • Hammer– you need to make a decision urgently.
  • Dagger– unexpected losses. You trust people too much.
  • Angel- wait for consolation. Ahead of you good news, peace and quiet.
  • Coffin– illnesses, mental suffering, troubles.
  • Door- you are on on the right track. Don't be afraid to make decisions and move forward.

There are a lot of objects in our life. To interpret what happened to you, you should look through a special book where each thing and its meaning are described in detail.


When carrying out fortune telling on coffee grounds, the interpretation of symbols is best done in small company, where everyone, in their own way, creatively deciphers the resulting outlines on the cup. And together with friends, this process is much more fun: first, a pleasant ceremony of savoring coffee, then laughter, noise and hubbub while analyzing pictures. At the same time, people often lose different elements environment, which also have their own meanings.

  • So, clover is a sign that your confused life will soon stabilize. The black streak will be far behind you, and you will be able to enjoy success. Single people will definitely meet their betrothed.
  • If only clover leaves form on the dishes, expect complete, impeccable happiness,
  • flower - popularity and fame will overtake you.

The bush says that you have a dream, an idea, a goal. But your plan is not destined to come true, so don’t waste your energy and money in vain. If there are thorns on the bush, you will be deluded for a long time; if there are flowers, you will lose everything on the way to your dream. Bare branches - experiences, losses, suffering. You may realize that your best years are gone forever.

Willow is a warning about separation, defeat, fall. For men, the sign promises troubles and difficulties, problems with the law. Willow branch - to life problems that will cleanse your soul. If the tree is located near a river, pay attention to your health and take care of yourself.

Oak always means a winner. You will be the first, despite the machinations behind your back. They say you walked over corpses. Let it go! After all, you became a leader, and that was the goal. True, during this competition I happened to lose valuable qualities of character, forget about what humanity, flexibility, and kindness are. You have become impenetrable to all feelings, even to love and friendship.

Oak is a warning: remember that strength and determination are good only in situations that do not affect the interests of people close to you.

Other figures

People who have not yet found their match always dream of seeing a heart at the bottom of the cup. After all, it promises a beginning romantic relationships, which may develop into serious feelings. Believe that it will be so. Just to get started, take the simplest step towards love: do fortune-telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of symbols.

Heart, which forms on the wall of the dish during the ritual, will tell you that you have already found your soul mate. You just don’t notice her, perceive her as a friend. Take a close look at your surroundings and eliminate this error. If the sign is at the bottom of the cup, you will very quickly find your chosen one. Don't give up on your dreams.

Star means liberation from painful people, events, and affairs. Finally, you will take a deep breath, throw off the yoke, and take a break from the current difficult situation. A big star is a sign of great happiness, a six-pointed one is a hint that it’s time to go on vacation or at least take a day off.

Cross- a sign of bad events when it is dark, and a harbinger of a family idyll if it is light. Arc - a warning about a traitor, an envious person, square - promises stability and a smooth flow of affairs. If you see numbers, consider all possible combinations of them. Most likely, they add up to a date that will become a turning point in your life.

Line: broken line - for travel, straight line - for good events. If two curves intersect, instability, collapse of plans, loss of a loved one awaits you. If you see a dotted line, difficulties and troubles will fall on your head. You may become seriously ill.

Circle- sign good relations with employees and family members. You are an excellent conversationalist, sensitive and flexible. You know how to listen, and people appreciate this in you. You find a common language with almost everyone.

So that you do not fall out of this, remember: when conducting the ritual of fortune telling on coffee grounds, we perceive the interpretation of the resulting symbols as a prediction of very close events. But sometimes signs are a warning about the distant future. Therefore, if the ritual promised you wealth, but you still didn’t get big jackpot, take your time. Know that everything will definitely come true, the main thing is to believe and want it very much.

Numbers and letters

  • One - relax, you are loved.
  • Two - get ready, failure, an unpleasant event awaits. Illness cannot be ruled out.
  • Three - you are lucky in finance, a successful deal and profit are possible.
  • Four - fortune has turned its face, luck, success.
  • Five - don’t believe empty talk, more gossip, rancor. Five means rumors
  • Schesterka - you can hear Mendelssohn's march, a wedding. Hence marriage, marriage. Number six for marriage
  • Number seven - reciprocity is a rare travel companion, but you are lucky. There is harmony and peace in the family. Happiness.
  • Number eight - be more tolerant of your loved ones. A disagreement is possible.
  • Number nine - a new one wouldn't hurt soulful person, acquaintance.
  • The meaning of the number 10 is your lucky star, good luck and success.

Letter characters

A– You will win in business;

B– You will be empowered;

IN- the arrival of grief;

G- you need to light a candle to St. George;

D– problems with finances;

E– conscience will remain clear;

AND– conspiracies are woven around;

Z– life will be full of entertainment and pleasure;

AND– after rash actions, consequences are possible;

TO– before the upcoming tests you should buy a cross;

L- there will be love and great happiness;

M- life will pass in abundance;

N- you will have to worry;

ABOUT- you have to go on a trip;

P– beware of insincerity;

R– Do you prefer booze?

WITH- there will be an argument;

T– there will be a lot of acquaintances;

U- you will quarrel;

F– hope must remain;

X- a wedding is coming soon;

C– soon your career will begin to grow;

H– a loved one will pass away;

Sh- after a quarrel there will be peace;

b– you will have to flirt;

Kommersant– you should expect guests;

E- things will disappear;

Yu– the disease will be unsuccessful;

I- everything will get better in life.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is a popular and widespread method of fortune telling, which is carried out at home. Any person can guess with coffee grounds; just follow all the recommendations carefully.

We will give the exact and full description the most common symbols when reading coffee grounds.


  • Straight long line- your life will pass uselessly and carelessly.
  • Oblique line- disease.
  • Oblique lines- planned things will end sadly.
  • Many broken lines- problems with financial status.
  • Lots of straight lines- health and longevity.
  • A straight line bends- adventures and illness.
  • Very crooked line— there is a hidden enemy who is better off not getting caught.
  • wavy line- a long unpredictable journey.
  • Many crooked lines, a line crossed by others- heart wounds.
  • There is one line at the bottom of the bowl- to a great trip.


  • 0 - you were born under a lucky star.
  • 1 - someone loves you.
  • 2 - trouble awaits you.
  • 3 - a successful outcome.
  • 4 - don't rely on good outcome events.
  • 5 - gossip.
  • 6 - unexpected problems.
  • 7 - happiness in the home.
  • 8 - quarrel with a loved one.
  • 9 - an unforeseen useful acquaintance in the future.
  • 10 - long and happy life.
  • 101 - happy life in health and strength.


  • A- victory is expected.
  • B- the power is in your hands.
  • IN- grief.
  • G- put the candles on St. George (people turn to George with requests for protection from evil, for good luck in the hunt, for the harvest and offspring of livestock, for healing from illnesses, for childbearing).
  • D- financial problems.
  • E- your conscience is clear.
  • AND- a conspiracy against you is possible.
  • Z- entertainment and pleasure in life.
  • AND- thoughtless actions with bad consequences.
  • TO- buy a cross, there will be trials.
  • L- you will be lucky in love, you will find happiness.
  • M- monetary wealth.
  • N- anxiety state.
  • ABOUT— travel is expected.
  • P- insincerity.
  • R— prepare the liver for the feast.
  • WITH- disputes.
  • T- acquaintance.
  • U- quarrels are coming.
  • F- you cannot influence the future, hope for a favorable outcome.
  • X- wedding in the near future.
  • C- career growth.
  • H- loss of a loved one.
  • Sh- make peace.
  • b- flirting.
  • Kommersant- guests.
  • E- missing things.
  • Yu- an unfortunate illness.
  • I- life will get better.


Figures of people and humanoid creatures

  • Angel, generally a winged humanoid figure- you are too passive, rely too much on others. You need to take the initiative yourself. For those who do not suffer from a lack of initiative, a warning to check yourself: are you not too susceptible to the most primitive nationalism?
  • Eye- be very careful. There are things going on behind your back that can cause serious harm.
  • Head in profile- you are protected.
  • Woman's head- Love.
  • Man's head- problems with your loved one.
  • Human head- there is a good friend who takes care of you.
  • Head looking up- someone wants to help you.
  • Two faces in a circle- marriage.
  • Two faces with a flower in the middle- marriage and happiness are close.
  • Two faces that are separated by a line- to divorce.
  • Two people facing each other- love is mutual.
  • Girl- to great love.
  • Girl (Woman): pay attention to the accompanying figures, if they are favorable, then this is a good symbol, meaning female support, if they are negative - the meaning female image when fortune telling, negative: rival, gossip.
  • Clown— the symbol of coffee grounds conveys that sadness and joy are different sides of the same coin.
  • Face- a symbol of friendship, love, intimacy and trust. You know how and want to help your loved ones, that’s why they treat you with love.
  • Bride- in fortune telling to serious changes.
  • Boy- to separation.
  • Mermaid- do not be tempted by ephemeral goals, they will not bring you what you want.
  • Knight- a noble and courteous man.
  • Human— you will give gifts or receive guests.
  • Crap- you are arguing with fate.

Figures of animals and other living creatures

  • Butterfly- for a woman - a warning: stop abusing your power over men, don’t play with them, you will be rewarded for everything in this life. For a man - advice not to get involved with “femme fatales”.
  • Bull- danger awaits you.
  • Camel- to financial success.
  • Crow- grief.
  • Pigeon- you have a good person.
  • Goose- an important arrogant person.
  • Dolphin- friend, help in any matter.
  • Dinosaur- the help that you will provide to someone in terms of education and spiritual development in general.
  • Dragon- a wise enemy, a strong rival. If you are guessing at a situation, then for its success, first of all, you will have to overcome yourself.
  • Unicorn- a symbol of incredible and unexpected incidents.
  • Hedgehog (Hedgehog)- interpreted as necessary protection and caution.
  • Giraffe- foresight will help in a protracted matter.
  • Bug- they talk about you (whether good or bad depends on neighboring signs).
  • Hare- you are in vain to fear failure. If the hare is located next to the wolf, then you are in real danger.
  • Snake- you have an ill-wisher who is quite cunning and dexterous.
  • Kangaroo- someone needs your care.
  • Whale- the need for a strong patron, a reliable partner, generally an indication of the (temporary) weakness of your position.
  • Goat- and that says it all. This unworthy man is plotting against you.
  • Horse (Horse)- the appearance of a sweetheart in your life. If you are reading tea leaves for an event, you will have to work a lot, but the result will be ambiguous.
  • Cat (Kitten)- Appearances can be deceiving. There is an enemy lurking in your surroundings.
  • Cat- treachery, betrayal on the part of those from whom this, it would seem, could not be expected. It is unlikely that this will be avoided; it is better to take measures to reduce the possible consequences.
  • Crab- someone’s interference in your personal affairs, friends or family trying to impose their opinion on you. You need to believe in yourself more, stand up decisions made and not to be influenced by others. Fortune telling advises you to actively fight for your idea - it’s worth it.
  • Crocodile- dangers and troubles.
  • Rabbit- a symbol of defenselessness.
  • Rat- a sneaky attacker.
  • Chicken- a caring woman, kind, but not particularly intelligent.
  • Swan- a favorable symbol that promises a strong family, a faithful soul mate.
  • Lion- prophesies a strong protector invested with power.
  • Fox- a cunning person “with his own mind.”
  • Elk- a strong opponent.
  • Frog- you are surrounded by gossips and vile rumors.
  • Bear- a strong and worthy opponent; interpretation in combination with a ring, wreath and other wedding symbols in coffee grounds means the groom.
  • Jellyfish“You have something to hide,” this figure says. But those who know many secrets risk a lot. Maybe it's better to give up secrets and live in peace - at least for a while?
  • Mouse- not a good woman, beware of trouble from her.
  • Insects- troubles, worries, but short-term. A bee or ant is painstaking work, a cockroach or dragonfly is minor troubles, etc. What to do, such is life.
  • Rhinoceros- significant misadventures, treacherous partner.
  • Monkey- false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
  • Deer- to betrayal of a loved one (beloved).
  • Eagle- a way out of current difficulties with honor.
  • Octopus- the presence of a constant energy “vampire” in your environment. Most often it turns out to be some older lady, relative, neighbor or colleague.
  • Peacock- narcissism, beauty. They envy you.
  • Panther- female enemy. A symbol of terrible danger.
  • Pegasus: fortune telling advice on coffee grounds- rely on your own instincts, and you will achieve even more than you expected.
  • Rooster- big news.
  • Penguin- an official person.
  • Parrot- do not believe what is said in confidence.
  • Bird (Bird, Chick)- you will hear unusual news.
  • Bee: work, perseverance and high goals. Stay true to yourself in any situation - and you will achieve not only your goal, but much more - success will exceed your wildest expectations.
  • Cancer- you'll have to go back and do it all over again.
  • Fish- to an addition to the family (not necessarily birth, it could be the arrival of relatives and the like).
  • Pig- ingratitude and rudeness.
  • Scorpion- an insidious enemy.
  • Elephant- you have enormous power(military leader, banker, scientist) - be prudent and use it for the benefit of people, otherwise it will harm you too.
  • Dog: help from a friend. Interpretation of a dog baring its teeth at you- quarrel with a friend.
  • Owl- a symbol of wisdom.
  • Ostrich- your problems are far-fetched.
  • Tiger- terrible enemy, beware!
  • Seal- your lack of initiative will not lead to good.
  • Snail- it's time to become more sociable and open.
  • Duck- luck in love.
  • Chick- a little joy, a gift.
  • Gull- sad news.
  • Worm (small snake)- warns against frivolity, invites you to think about the current situation and your relationships with other people.
  • Turtle- a symbol of wisdom and eternity. Everything that can happen is already written on the shell of the great cosmic turtle, and therefore - what's the rush? Do not think about what cannot be, said Parmenides; what cannot be, will not be. Think only about the possible.
  • Lizard- minor troubles, attacks from ill-wishers.

Figures of objects and everything else

  • Drum- rumors, gossip about you, especially in relation to personal matters, so be careful.
  • Hippopotamus: This animal promises affection and love. But you shouldn’t delude yourself too much and wait for a fantastic manifestation of feelings - after all, it’s not for nothing that hippos are thick-skinned animals.
  • Squirrel- To achieve your plans you will have to work hard.
  • Fan- difficulties in the service, friction in the team, possible reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise.
  • Oar: the business you have chosen is very important and necessary, even if now you doubt it. So continue - the results will convince you that you made the right choice.
  • Grape- a symbol of love and friendship, good luck and prosperity.
  • Wolf- Beware of ill-wishers. If during fortune telling a grinning wolf's muzzle appears, then its interpretation means that the fight against the enemy will be serious.
  • Mountain: obstacles on the way to the goal. You see the figure of a man on the hill- overcoming all difficulties and achieving dizzying heights.
  • Rake, comb, harrow and other toothed objects- the need to restore order in your affairs, perhaps establishing a daily routine, revising your lifestyle.
  • Mushroom- “cloudness of mind”, the danger of addiction to any doping, illness in general, or simply illusions.
  • Tree: broadcasts about the state of health, look what it is like- frail and sick or lush and branchy?
  • House- the symbol has a complex interpretation. Strong, nice house means well-being, reliability, especially in business, you can start new things. Poorly drawn walls mean trouble at home is possible. If the house has a crooked roof, problems will arise with the neighbors. Home is the place where you feel good, where you are at home... The figures closest to it belong to your family. Ahead lies luck, success, family happiness.
  • Road- journey. The interpretation of its success and results depends on the meaning of neighboring symbols.
  • Elka (Spruce)- you are being used for the benefit of others.
  • Lock- They are hiding something from you.
  • Germ (embryo)- you will “bear” your plans for quite a long time.
  • Star- a sign of prosperity and well-being. All endeavors will now have great success.
  • Mirror- coffee grounds predict the opportunity to change an unfavorable situation for the better.
  • Kalach (a figure resembling a lying letter “B”)— unexpected delay or movement along the wrong path.
  • Key to the lock- you will finally reveal the secret that has been weighing you down for a long time.
  • Bell- news, most likely from afar. A straight, symmetrical bell means good news, a crooked or chipped bell means bad news. Several bells - alarm, possible danger.
  • Ring- harmony, luck; broken ring - failure, disappointment, breakup.
  • Comet- unexpected guests from afar, perhaps from abroad.
  • Ship (Sailboat, Sails, Boat)- wish fulfillment, long journey.
  • Basket: the end of some period of life. Another work is completed, the plot is exhausted. But there is no need to calm down, much less despair - a new period is beginning, even more interesting than before.
  • Crown- to fame and fortune.
  • Cross- ill health, heavy burden.
  • Wings- you will be inspired, an incredible idea.
  • tree leaf- many envy you, intrigue is possible. So be careful.
  • Shovel- work by the sweat of your brow, most likely to help others out, and not for your own benefit.
  • Moon (Crescent)- despondency and melancholy, completion of a task that will not bring joy.
  • Mask in coffee fortune telling- mysteries and secrets.
  • Hammer: yes, of course, you have enough strength, and you don’t have enough willpower, but still, before you act, think— is it worth crushing a mountain when you can go around it?
  • Bridgethe best way out from your situation - a compromise. By standing your ground, you will end up winning less. Build a bridge! If there are two or more bridges, this indicates anxiety and self-doubt. A bridge that is crooked, broken or destroyed can mean illness.
  • Anvil- a stable, strong position achieved by conscientious work. The only thing that can threaten him is the game. Don't play gambling, especially with people you don’t know well.
  • Leg- road; the outcome is judged by whether she is shod or barefoot. A foot without shoes does not promise any special pleasures. Interpretation of a foot in a boot - financial achievements at the end of the road.
  • Nose- a sign of heightened intuition, the sixth sense will not let you down.
  • Vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.)- trouble because of someone else's envy or jealousy - perhaps because of your own. Just in case, moderate your temperament.
  • Fire- remember the saying “Too good is not good.” Be moderate in your desires and actions.
  • Glasses- it looks like you are making a mistake, but you don’t dare admit it to yourself. Glasses mean “a tendency to deny signals about deviation from the right path,” as Antonio Meneghetti writes (Meneghetti A. Dictionary of Images. L., 1991). We need to look at things more broadly!
  • Stump- the symbol speaks of the reliability, solidity of the business you have planned, making the right choice partner.
  • Pistol, machine gun, cannon, etc.: danger, threat, although more psychological than physical- they want to use you for their own purposes.
  • Dress- new acquisitions, pleasant purchases.
  • Utensils (jug, cup, spoon, etc.)- close to the handle - peace, order in the house, far from the handle or at the bottom - family quarrel.
  • Rocket, projectile, torpedo- to achieve your goal, you will need a significant effort, a jerk, an “attack”. Act boldly!
  • Sink- problems in relationships with the opposite sex. However, the problems are temporary, and they arose through no fault of yours, so don’t be upset, but wait a while. Everything will work out on its own.
  • Horn- abundance, profit; work in any foundation or for a foundation. As a rule, this symbol indicates the stability of the situation.
  • Rose: the interpretation is clear- They have tender feelings for you.
  • Hand: unexpected help or vice versa— a request for help (pay attention to the meanings of adjacent symbols).
  • Airplane- fortune telling warns - you dream a lot, start implementing your plans.
  • Boot- achievements, protection from pain. Points away from the handle - resignation; torn - defeat.
  • Candle- you will have hope.
  • Heart: symbol of love. Broken heart in coffee grounds- unrequited feelings.
  • Track- the event that occurred will become significant in your destiny.
  • Snowman- a cruel person.
  • Sun- fortune telling promises happiness.
  • Arrow- an unexpected catch.
  • Axe- the danger of conflict due to someone’s harshness, perhaps yours; may also mean a threat of physical attack. So be careful!
  • Triangle- top to the edge of the cup - success, completion of the work started, top to the bottom - success is postponed. Don't worry, everything has its time.
  • Smoking pipe- well-being, long life. Hold on chosen course- and you will be fine.
  • Shoes- for dancing, celebration and fun.
  • Geometric shapes made from coffee grounds: circle - victory, oval - slow success, square - obstacles, rectangle - delays and obstacles, triangle - unexpected benefit, trapezoid - many obstacles in achieving the goal.
  • Flag - military affairs- marriage to a military man, call to the military registration and enlistment office, trip to a combat area; for the military - participation in hostilities, transfer to another place, another rank. On the bottom may mean injury.
  • Fruits (banana, pear, apple)- profit, gain, fee, increase in income.
  • Flowers- they noticed you, they miss you.
  • Kettle- the interpretation says - wait for guests.
  • Watch- you have little time left to fulfill what you want.
  • Scull- a symbol of the frailty of existence, the end of the old and the beginning of the new.
  • Quadrangle (square)- peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
  • Cap, hat- success (“it’s in the bag”). However, if the hat has holes or is on the bottom, success is doubtful.
  • Ball, ball or cannonball- your situation is stable, things are in order, the main thing is to keep it up! Don't stop halfway, keep moving towards your goal, and success is guaranteed.
  • Pants: fork in the path, crossroads. “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse...” Choose, like that knight from the fairy tale, the most dangerous path - and ride boldly - fate helps the brave.
  • Apple- a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar a figure is to a real apple, the better its meaning. A crooked, chipped, shapeless apple can mean that a temptation awaits you, which is better not to succumb to.
  • Eggancient symbol hidden, unmanifest. It can mean fears, apprehensions about something, a period of heightened reaction to the environment. But it can also simply symbolize the beginning of something new, a renewal of personality, or the birth of a child.
  • Anchor- something is holding you back from getting closer to your goal.

When fortune telling on coffee grounds, letters are unique symbols, each of which has its own interpretation. Let's consider what they can tell the fortuneteller.

Signs from the alphabet in the coffee grounds tell the fortuneteller that people from the past may appear in life. A letter can have a direct meaning, pointing to a specific person (his name, surname or a symbolic word associated with him). This interpretation applies if the letters are on the side opposite the pen.

If the silhouette is formed at the bottom of a coffee cup, then this indicates further events that will be associated with this person. These include:

  • there is a profitable acquaintance ahead;
  • a new novel, communication with a friend;
  • disappointment in loved ones;
  • betrayal by a colleague;
  • other events.

The letters on the coffee grounds also say that it is very important to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, but you should not completely forget about communicating with friends and family, as it brings endless pleasure. If difficulties arise, then you should not keep everything to yourself; your loved ones will help you solve your problems.

Any symbol of the alphabet during fortune telling on coffee grounds indicates that the time has come to listen to yourself, your deepest desires and urgent needs.

Detailed interpretation of letters

When fortune telling on coffee grounds, letters have an individual interpretation, so let’s look at each of them separately:

N - the business started will be reliable. And also N indicates:

  • new hobby;
  • insincerity of a loved one;
  • successful completion of started tasks;
  • pleasant praise from management in the form of financial reward.

O - promises a successful acquaintance with an influential person, a quick marriage, and a rapid improvement in the quality of life. True, there is a negative meaning - disappointment in relatives or close friends.

P - beware of insincerity. If P appears at the bottom of the cup, then it is necessary to interpret how there will be an opportunity to find out about the partner’s real intentions.

P - craving for alcoholic beverages.

T - meeting an influential person who will help you achieve success.

F - a lot of fantasies.

X - marriage or marriage.

C - sensuality will appear.

H - beware, as a dubious situation will arise.

Ш - the position will be stable.

Sh - special circumstances will appear.

b - pleasant flirting.

Kommersant - unexpected guests.

N - the occurrence of neurological diseases.

E - be careful, as important things may go missing.

Yu - there will be moments that will greatly upset you.

I - life will improve as unexpected successes and financial independence arise. The letter I is a very successful sign in this regard.

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks may also appear in the cup, which will have their own meanings:

  1. Exclamation mark "!" is a warning symbol that indicates the infidelity of a loved one.
  2. Dot "." - answer to difficult question will be found.
  3. Question mark "?" - doubts about something. Neighboring silhouettes will help you get an answer and dispel doubts.
  4. Comma "," - you are in the middle of the chosen path.