Heron on coffee grounds interpretation. Predicting the future with coffee beans and a porcelain cup

Almost everyone has probably heard about fortune telling with coffee, but few know how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. The history of this method goes back to Italy in the 18th century. Despite the age of the ritual, the methodology for carrying it out has hardly changed. As before, to find out his fate, the fortuneteller will need a Turk, pure water, fire and coffee. The cup and saucer should be porcelain, preferably in light colors and without a pattern, so that the resulting figures can be more accurately examined and interpreted.

Initiates recommend brewing a fortune-telling drink at the rate of two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee and one spoon of finely ground coffee per cup. The mixture is poured with water, boiled in a Turk or coffee pot and poured into a mug, allowed to stand for about 3-5 minutes and drunk, leaving a little liquid at the bottom about the size of a tablespoon. Then, repeating to yourself the question of interest, actively rotate the cup clockwise three times and turn it over on the saucer. Having slowly counted to seven, you can begin to interpret the resulting figures on the coffee grounds.

An important role in the interpretation of figures is their location on the cup. Those that are closer to the edge mean the near future; the further to the bottom, the longer it will take for events clarified in the process of fortune telling. The area of ​​the pen symbolizes the one who is telling fortunes and what is happening to him now. Figures located from left to right should be read as approaching events, and those located from right to left as something that is already leaving or will soon disappear from the life of the fortuneteller. If the general background turns out to be too dark, then everything is unclear and not very positive in a person’s soul and thoughts, but if there are more light tones, then life ahead is joyful and happy.

When deciphering fortune telling, remember that full picture can be made by drawing an associative series of at least five figures. The meanings must be combined and then understood general meaning, which the figures on the coffee grounds wanted to convey. Some people see a fish, a dog or a bear on the walls of the cup, some can distinguish numbers or letters, and for some the figures are more reminiscent of people or houses. In any case, you can unravel any vision, no matter what area of ​​life it relates to.

How are people and body parts interpreted?

  • If eyes appear in the thicket, then life changes await the one who is telling fortunes.
  • The head points to a close friend young man, which has a beneficial effect on future fate.
  • The profile of the head symbolizes reliable protection.
  • A woman's head means love, and a man's head means separation in love for the one who tells fortunes.
  • If the head looks up, you have a strong and noble patron; if the head is turned down, expect danger.
  • Lips seen at the bottom of the cup predict good news, and at the top edge - support from friends.
  • Two heads enclosed in a circle mean an imminent wedding, faces facing each other - mutual love, and the heads, separated by a vertical line, big quarrel, betrayal by a partner, divorce and separation.
  • If the one who is guessing saw several heads among the figures, then from difficult situation Close people will help him get out.
  • An elderly woman in fortune telling represents a happy family life with a strong love connection.
  • The hand warns of disappointments and the destruction of illusions.
  • The heart, when told on coffee grounds, has several meanings. If it is beautiful and of the correct shape, then the fortuneteller is happy in love. The letters next to the figure may turn out to be the initials of the lover. The location of this pattern on the cup also matters. So, at the bottom of the cup it symbolizes the love of a lifetime, in the middle part - love in the present tense, and the heart at the rim assures that the fortuneteller will meet love in the near future. An irregularly shaped heart indicates health problems.
  • A person next to an animal shows that there is a caring friend very close to the one who is telling fortunes.

Who do the animals represent?

  • A butterfly for someone who tells fortunes means receiving a love message.
  • The bull warns of danger. But if the bull is standing on a hill, then the fortuneteller’s financial situation will soon improve; a bull in the lowland reports that health problems are definitely not worth expecting.
  • Camel symbolizes financial prosperity, success and wealth.
  • Raven - not so much good sign. It foretells misfortune at home.
  • The Dove says that among your loved ones there is a pure person with a kind soul.
  • The dragon is a controversial symbol. If an animal shows a grin, then it is bad sign, a benevolent character brings good luck. Sometimes this figure is interpreted as an influential patron who nurtures tender feelings. In addition, the dragon indicates the fulfillment of desires, the birth of a child, or the successful completion of an important serious matter.
  • The hare, by analogy with the animal itself, carries cowardice, the inability to navigate a situation and correctly predict its outcome.
  • The snake denotes a deceitful friend next to someone who tells fortunes, an ill-wisher, deceit and evil.
  • The cow indicates approaching happiness and good luck,
  • and the cat is on big problems with money.
  • The chicken means that the person performing fortune telling will soon meet a person who needs his help.
  • Swan - to unexpected receipt of money.
  • Leo promises power, authority and nobility,
  • and the fox is cunning and deceit.
  • The frog will bring good news, luck and success to the one who tells fortunes.
  • A bear can be interpreted as a danger that can be easily avoided. Sometimes this animal can be a sign of a hard life, unwise decisions and problems. The bear also hints that there is a reason why a person who tells fortunes cannot find contact with people and constantly argues.
  • The figure of an ant symbolizes troubles, vanity, anxiety and worry.
  • The fly promises the one who tells fortunes an inheritance and improved financial well-being.
  • Deer represents wisdom and honesty.
  • Eagle - a well-deserved victory in the fight.
  • A spider in the coffee grounds means a surprise or an unexpected pleasant gesture.
  • A rooster on the lower edge of the cup indicates a person in close circle who is plotting intrigues.
  • Fish promises good news and a pleasant journey. The figure at the bottom of the cup says that soon there will be people who can teach a lot, in the middle - the fortuneteller himself is able to teach others, the fish at the top edge - moving forward with the help of his knowledge and capabilities. Small fish predict invitations to visit.
  • The elephant symbolizes power, authority and wealth.
  • The dog at the bottom of the cup symbolizes the excellent friendly qualities of the fortuneteller, the silhouette in the middle part of the wall promises teamwork, and near the rim - the help of a friend. A running dog brings good news.
  • An owl is not a good sign. It symbolizes a long, serious illness and death.
  • The tiger speaks of anger
  • and the figure of a lizard is about an unexpected event and surprise.

What do flowers and trees say?

  • If someone who is guessing sees an oak tree in the coffee grounds, it means a well-deserved resounding victory.
  • Seeing a willow tree means sadness and tears.
  • Clover promises that all troubles and problems will go away.
  • The bush predicts an unsuccessful completion of the case,
  • and the forest is a mistake made in choosing a partner or life path.
  • A lily at the bottom of a cup signifies a quarrel, and on the wall - a sign of devoted love and strong friendship.
  • The rose also symbolizes great love, marriage proposal, wedding,
  • violet is the same, but with a rich chosen one.
  • Chrysanthemum foretells late love.

Objects and things matter too

Often you can guess some objects in the thicket.

  • A car means a trip or a journey, and a wheel by itself means an adventure.
  • Diamond - mutual happy love.
  • The angel will bring unexpected good news or event to the one who is guessing,
  • fork - wealth and even luxury.
  • A coffin next to the bed indicates a serious long-term illness, and with a cross - death
  • The door symbolizes success in a completed task,
  • home - a prosperous family life.
  • The dagger warns of enemies, losses and anger.
  • The key is a good sign; it brings success in any enterprise.
  • The ring, as you might guess, promises a profitable engagement, wedding, love.
  • A knife warns against loss and damage, while scissors, on the contrary, speak of luck and prosperity.
  • Shoes mean danger.
  • Weapons on coffee grounds will bring a quarrel and loud scandal with possible rupture.
  • The noose predicts major troubles or death,
  • glove - the return of an old love.
  • A horseshoe, as in life, promises happiness and success,
  • dishes - an unexpected meeting.
  • A candle-shaped figure means dreams and daydreams.
  • Chair - height according to career ladder and success in money.
  • The flag warns of rash actions.
  • A bright anchor is a good sign. A blurry drawing means temporary problems in your personal life.

Numbers and letters mean a lot

Sometimes during fortune telling you can see numbers or letters in a cup.

  • 1 means that the one who tells fortunes is loved.
  • 2 brings failures, troubles and illness.
  • 3 says that the transaction will be completed with success and profit.
  • 4 also promises good luck and success.
  • 5 protects from empty talk, gossip and slander,
  • 6 will make you happy with your wedding.
  • 7 means mutual love and happiness in family life.
  • 8, sneaked into coffee fortune telling, will upset you with a quarrel with loved ones.
  • 9 promises acquaintance.
  • Numbers from 10 to 100 symbolize success, and from 101 onwards - long life.

Letters can not only represent the initials of lovers, but also indicate certain actions.

  • And it looks like victory,
  • B carries power,
  • B - misfortune,
  • G asks to light a candle to Saint George,
  • D promises to spend money.
  • E feels remorse,
  • K hints at buying a cross,
  • N - for worries.
  • P warns about deception,
  • X appears to the one who tells fortunes for marriage,
  • I am for change for the better.

Fortune telling on coffee beans does not require special preparation. It is only important to have imagination and correctly make associations between the dropped figures.

The bird symbol, as a rule, has a positive meaning and concerns global changes in life. Many cultures and spiritual practices have bird totems. Traditionally, the bird symbol means the transformation of all internal and external processes, which symbolizes the end of one period and the beginning of a new one.

The image of a bird in fortune telling on coffee grounds

A bird in fortune telling on coffee grounds indicates that changes will soon occur in your life. If the question concerns the financial sphere, then the bird symbol symbolizes career, increased fees, recognition of your ideas by colleagues and management. If you see cups with coffee grounds a flock of birds means that you will soon receive fame, in addition, success awaits you in new endeavors. The symbol of a bird at the bottom of the cup means that issues related to property will be resolved. It is possible to move to a more comfortable place or have a profitable business trip.

In general, a bird that appears during fortune telling on coffee grounds means the resolution of difficulties and the beginning of a new successful period in life. The symbol of a bird in combination with a ring or heart can mean marriage and a meeting with a fateful partner. And seeing a bird with one wing means that your illusions will be destroyed and a constructive process will begin that will change social status. If you see the outline of an owl, it means that you will soon have a wise and experienced mentor who will invest in your talent.

The meaning of the bird symbol in wax divination

The symbol of a bird in wax fortune telling means that you will be able to overcome all obstacles and adversities thanks to the patronage Higher Powers. If a lonely girl sees a bird during fortune telling with wax, it means that there will soon be a wedding and a change of residence. A bird on wax can be a symbol of the mother and the dominance of female energy, so listen to the advice and instructions that a representative of the older generation in your family will give you. If a bird appears at the very end during a wax fortune telling, it means that all previous symbols and events associated with them will fade into the background, and after a difficult and intense struggle with life’s trials, you will receive a reward and a good result. A bird on wax is associated with travel and a change of residence, so you should not be afraid of change. If the bird became the first symbol during wax fortune telling, then serious changes await you and you will struggle with unforeseen circumstances in order to achieve an important goal. You shouldn’t stray from the true path and doubt your abilities, you need to show diligence and perseverance, because the path to glory is not the easiest.

What does it mean to see a bird in a dream?

Seeing a bird in a dream means that global changes and important fateful events await you. And if you fly on a bird in a dream, it means that your dreams and new plans will come true without hindrance thanks to lucky coincidence circumstances. If a bird lands on your shoulder in a dream, then you will have a mentor who will help you achieve the desired result. A black bird seen in a dream means that soon your secret enemies and ill-wishers will unite against you and will oppose you. Seeing a bird sitting on a tree or in the garden means that you will have a harmonious relationship with your partners, which will lead to a stable and sustainable marriage.

If in your dream a bird knocks on the window or flies into the room, then soon you can expect news from relatives and various troubles that will lead to significant material waste.

If your dream has a negative connotation, you experience unpleasant sensations and see intense and scary scenes, then the appearance of a bird means that you will have unexpected difficulties and major losses.

In general, a bird is a symbol that is associated with the ancestors and deep roots of your family. As a rule, she acts as a mentor or teacher. If you have creative profession, and you dreamed of a bird, it means that many doors will open for you in the near future, and your creativity will receive recognition and dissemination. So, the symbol of a bird in various fortune-telling practices brings rapid changes to your life. It is worth showing courage and determination so that fortune smiles on you. Remember that the strength of your family has powerful protection and support, no matter what obstacles you encounter. The bird brings us signs of Fate and indicates the direction of the true path of life and personal destiny.

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This aphorism belongs to the ancient Greek writer Lucian of Samosata. There is, of course, some truth in these words, but man is such an interesting creature who always strives to look into the future. Most often just for the sake of curiosity.

So why not find out your destiny by?

For fortune telling, you need to prepare real ground coffee and pour it into a white or light cup. Before you start drinking it, formulate a question or make a wish. Then drink the coffee, leaving some liquid at the bottom. Take the cup to left hand and, focusing on your question or desire, shake the grounds in a circular motion three times. Women need to do this counterclock-wise, and for men - clockwise. The sediment should be distributed along the walls. Now cover the cup with a saucer, turn it upside down and let it sit for a few minutes.

You can start the fortune telling itself. Now take a look inside. Here are some tips for interpreting figures:

1. The most important symbols are located near the handle attachment point, less important ones are on the opposite side of the cup.

2. The figures to the left of the handle (in the “away” position) have a negative meaning, and to the right - a positive one.

3. If the figure is looking towards the handle, then it directly affects your life, if in the opposite direction - indirectly, indirectly.

4. The symbols at the top rim of the cup speak of the present, and those closer to the bottom speak of the distant future.

5. The figures at the bottom of the cup indicate events that will happen no earlier than in a year.

6. Coffee in a cup shows the future, and coffee in a saucer shows the past.

Look at the shapes V next direction - from the edge of the cup to the center of the bottom, then horizontally from left to right, then from right to left, bottom and middle, and then you can turn to the saucer. Interpret the symbols collectively, that is, you don’t need to look at individual figures, try to look at the picture as a whole. You must record the story of your life by building a series of associations.

Here are the most common symbols (there is no point in listing all the figures, since each person himself must complete and edit them in the context of his life).

1. Human figures

If you saw head of a man without a body, then this means that you have a young friend who has a beneficial influence on your destiny. If she looks up, then this is a strong defender; If down- A little danger awaits you. If you saw one face in a circle, it means someone loves you.

Two faces looking at each other they say that you love and are loved. If two faces are in a circle- expect marriage soon. If faces are separated by a line, then this means divorce or adultery.

Eyes portend changes in life. MouthGood friends or good news. Hand- disappointment.

If you notice a figure girls- it means tender love. If you saw young guy - separation. A old woman speaks of strong and reliable love.

2. Animal figures

Butterfly indicates that you will receive a love letter. Pigeon symbolizes an innocent and honest soul. If you saw crow, expect misfortune in the house. Swan talks about unexpected money. Eagle portends victory after a stubborn struggle.

Wealth and inheritance are associated with fly. Spider- with an unexpected gift.

A sign of happiness, good luck and great love brings frog. Fish Seems like good news or travel. Lizard declares surprise.

Bull talks about profit or good health. Camel portends wealth. Hare- cowardice. Cow- happiness. a lion declares nobility. Bear speaks of a danger that you can eliminate.

If you found out chicken, which means you have to provide a service to a stranger.Duckling speaks of fidelity. Rooster associated with family well-being.

Cat means that poverty awaits you. Dog symbolizes a faithful friend.

3. Plant figures

If you saw in a cup trees, then these are your obstacles on the way. Bush- failure in business. Forest- error on life path, A dense forest- unexpected quarrels with loved ones.

Oak speaks of victory over the enemy, willow- about sadness. He will tell you about the solution to his problems clover.

Lily symbolizes friendship. Rose- engagement or wedding. Violet- marriage to a rich man.

4. Shapes of objects

If you saw automobile, which means expect roads and travel. Bike speaks of a difficult journey. Wheel- about adventure.

Diamond will tell about happy love. Ring- about an engagement or wedding. If you see angel, then good news awaits you. Star means freedom.

Little house speaks of need. Lock- about trouble. Tower- a very good sign. Window portends theft. Gates- return of a friend, arrival of guests. Key- all doors are open to you.

Cross white- happy family life, black cross- sad news.

5. Lines

Straight line indicates a happy and carefree life. Lots of straight lines- for health and longevity. Broken straight line or zigzag portends an adventure.

Arched or curved line- you have an ill-wisher. Lots of crooked lines- you are surrounded by enemies.

Straight line intersected by curves- problems in personal life. X shaped cross- marriage.

Quadrangle or square- the best sign. Your life will be happy, your financial situation will be stable. Expect success and profit.

Oval talks about marriage. Triangle- about luck. Circle- pleasant environment, complete mutual understanding.

Small dots means money three dots- longevity. Dashes talking about changing jobs. Oval mounds- about luck in business.

6. Numbers

0 - you were born under a lucky star, 1 - they love you, 2 - failure, 3 - a good deal, 4 - hope for luck, 5 - gossip, 6 - marriage, 7 - family happiness, 8 - argument, 9 -acquaintance, 10 - luck.

7. Letters

A- victory, B- power, IN- misfortune, D- loss, E- remorse, N- anxiety, P- deception, WITH- acquaintance, YU- anxiety, I- change for the better.

For each person, symbols and their interpretation sound different. Try it on yourself, pass what you see through your world. After all, for one person the picture will be seen in one light, for another - accordingly, in another. Yours should be subjective and concern you personally. The main thing is to look at the emerging figures holistically.

Happy fortune telling!